GB Cleric Madness
GB Cleric Madness
GB Cleric Madness
is divorced from reality, where Visions of Insanity
unimaginable beings gnaw beyond time
and space. Clerics who see beyond the veil 1st-level Madness feature
urge those who will listen to acknowledge When you fail an Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma
their scrambled dreams. One must saving throw, as a reaction, you can allow your
embrace inscrutable lurkings of reality to maddening thoughts to rise to the surface.
learn what the frightening unknown can teach.
Bonus Cantrip You choose to succeed on the saving throw and instead
must deal with maddening visions in its place. Roll a d4
1st-level Madness feature at the start of your next turn and refer to the Visions of
You gain the vicious mockery if you don’t already know Insanity table below to determine your behavior.
it. This cantrip doesn’t count against the number of Visions of Insanity Table
cleric cantrips you know. When you cast vicious
mockery, instead of insulting the target you babble d4 Behavior
incoherently or speak of ancient gods beyond the veil of 1 Your visions overwhelm you. You must use all of your
You gain domain spells at the cleric levels listed in the 3 Your visions are somewhat distracting. You can’t take
Madness Domain Spells table. reactions and your movement speed is halved until the
beginning of your next turn.
4 You suffer mild hallucinations and can act and move
Madness Domain Spells
Cleric Level Spells
1st dissonant whispers, hideous laughter Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until
3rd crown of madness, detect thoughts you finish a short or long rest.
5th hunger of hadar, sending
7th evard’s black tentacles, summon aberration
9th dream, rary’s telepathic bond