Rao 1999
Rao 1999
Rao 1999
Design, analysis and technology for the integrity enhancement of damaged or underdesigned structures continues to be an engineering
challenge. Bonded composite patch repairs to metallic structures is receiving increased attention in the recent years. It offers various
advantages over rivetted doubler, particularly for airframe repairs. This paper presents an experimental investigation of residual strength
and fatigue crack-growth life of an edge-cracked aluminium specimen repaired using glass epoxy composite patch. The investigation begins
with the evaluation of three different surface treatments from bond strength viewpoint. A simple thumb rule formula is employed to estimate
the patch size. Cracked and repaired specimens are tested under static and fatigue loading. The patch appears to restore the original strength
of the undamaged specimen and enhance the fatigue crack growth life by an order of magnitude. q 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights
Keywords: Fatigue life assessment
factor of safety.
MinW patch Lpatch su;patch ; Wpatch Lpatch tu;adhesive
Table 1
Bond strength evaluation for various surface treatments
Surface treatment Surface roughness Ra (mm) Bond strength (MPa) of five specimens and their average
Table 4
Residual strength of notched and repaired specimens
(500–33 570). Thus the total maximum life extension band of 1.5 mm width along the crack indicating small
achievable by the combination of stop hole and a patch debonding regions. The region obviously carries very
is about 100 (500–48 000). All this is clear from Table 5. high shear stress as the bond transfers loads primarily at
One of the reasons for the scatter in the fatigue life of the ends.
repaired specimens is probably due to the difference in the
adhesive thickness. The increase in the fatigue life is
however small since glass/epoxy with a relatively lower 5. Strength tests on fatigue specimens
Young’s modulus offering lesser restraint on crack opening.
A stiffer patch material would reduce crack tip stress inten- Residual strength tests were done on specimens sub-
sity factor much more than a softer material leading to a jected to fatigue loading to evaluate loss of repair
larger increase in the crack growth life, up to 1000 times strength with usage. Five specimens were loaded to
[10,11]. failure after 14 000, 33 000 and 43 100 cycles each
As suggested by Baker [7], the tested specimens were (Table 6 and Fig. 5). The results obtained are: after
subjected to thermal stripping of the patch. Most of 14 000 cycles, the specimens failed away from the patch
the area under the patch was found to be shining without indicating adequate residual strength of the patch. At
any traces of oxidation discoloration, except for a narrow this stage and subsequent to this, the strength of the
Table 5
Residual life of notched and repaired specimens for a=W 0:5
Table 6
Residual strength loss due to fatigue cycling
patch degraded as expected. The failure probably pre- by the adequate recovery of static strength and reasonable
cipitates with debonding of the patch first followed by increase in the fatigue life, considering that it is a rather less
the ligament tear. The scatter in the fatigue crack growth stiff glass epoxy patch.
life can be once again attributed to variations in adhesive The selected surface treatment method (electric disc
thickness. sander) as against the chemical method (PAA), which is
the most sought after one, appears to be a good choice.
This method of surface treatment has tremendous impetus
6. Concluding remarks for site repair.
The reduction in the residual strength of the repaired
The technique of assessing the size of the patch in a specimens with fatigue cycles has been reasonable and as
simple manner has been robust enough, which is revealed expected.
V.V. Rao et al. / Composites: Part B 30 (1999) 621–627 627
Acknowledgements composite patch repair. Proc Ninth Int Conf Fracture 1997;ICF-
[5] Baker AA, Jones R, editors. Bonded patch repair of aircraft structures
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of the Aerospace Engineering IISc, Bangalore and their help nents—practical and basic concepts. Composites 1987;18:293–308.
in fatigue testing. [7] Reinhart TJ. Surface treatments for bonded repairs of metallic compo-
nents. In: Baker AA, Jones R, editors. Bonded patch repair of aircraft
structures, Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff, 1988.
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