Dimension of School
Bottlenecks Lags
Governance and
Learning Environment
Short descriptions of BLICs:
Bottlenecks – actions or reasons that impede effective school operations.
Ex. Simultaneous submission of reports required by the CO, RO, and SDO which the principal subsequently requires from th
Ex. Teachers cannot provide quality service to produce desired learning outcomes.
Issues – situations or matters that do not directly affect the learners but adversely affect the effective school operations.
Ex. Misunderstanding of issuances such as DepEd Orders, Regional, and Divisional Memoranda.
Issues Concerns
principal subsequently requires from the teachers.
Department of Education
Taytay Rizal
Dimension of School
Bottlenecks Lags
Governance and
Learning Environment
Short descriptions of BLICs:
Bottlenecks – actions or reasons that impede effective school operations.
Ex. Simultaneous submission of reports required by the CO, RO, and SDO which the principal subsequently requires from th
Ex. Teachers cannot provide quality service to produce desired learning outcomes.
Issues – situations or matters that do not directly affect the learners but adversely affect the effective school operations.
Ex. Misunderstanding of issuances such as DepEd Orders, Regional, and Divisional Memoranda.
Issues Concerns
principal subsequently requires from the teachers.
Department of Education
Taytay Rizal
Dimension of School
Bottlenecks Lags
Governance and
Learning Environment
Short descriptions of BLICs:
Bottlenecks – actions or reasons that impede effective school operations.
Ex. Simultaneous submission of reports required by the CO, RO, and SDO which the principal subsequently requires from th
Ex. Teachers cannot provide quality service to produce desired learning outcomes.
Issues – situations or matters that do not directly affect the learners but adversely affect the effective school operations.
Ex. Misunderstanding of issuances such as DepEd Orders, Regional, and Divisional Memoranda.
Issues Concerns
principal subsequently requires from the teachers.
Direction: Pursuant to R.M. No. 558 s. 2022, in order to facilitate the provision of technical assistance to your respective SDOs, please
Dimension of School
Overlapping of reports which sometimes entails the same
Leadership data
Finance and Resource Raising support from the community stakeholders and
Management and other organizations.
Sudden decongestion of curriculum that affects
Curriculum and Instruction instruction due to pandemic.
Classrooms that supports the need of learners in terms of
Learning Environment physical and learning goals
Ex. Simultaneous submission of reports required by the CO, RO, and SDO which the principal subsequently requires from the teacher
Ex. Teachers cannot provide quality service to produce desired learning outcomes.
Issues – situations or matters that do not directly affect the learners but adversely affect the effective school operations.
Ex. Misunderstanding of issuances such as DepEd Orders, Regional, and Divisional Memoranda.
technical assistance to your respective SDOs, please fill out the BLICs columns related to Dimension of School Operations.
Lags Issues
Submission of data needed Inaccurate data
Filling out needed teachers and classrooms Teachers performance and pupils desirable learning
Curriculum gaps Quality modules that are properly checked and validated
by the concern validators/educators
Support mechanisms for teachers and Characteristics and attitudes of learner and activities that
learners supports learners needs
nal Memoranda.
chool Operations.
Accurate data that is needed for strategic planning
Dimension of School
Bottlenecks Lags Issues Concerns
Governance and
Learning Environment
Ex. Simultaneous submission of reports required by the CO, RO, and SDO which the principal subsequently requires from the teachers.
Ex. Teachers cannot provide quality service to produce desired learning outcomes.
Issues – situations or matters that do not directly affect the learners but adversely affect the effective school operations.
Ex. Misunderstanding of issuances such as DepEd Orders, Regional, and Divisional Memoranda.
Dimension of School
Bottlenecks Lags Issues Concerns
Governance and
Learning Environment
Ex. Simultaneous submission of reports required by the CO, RO, and SDO which the principal subsequently requires from the teachers.
Lags – gaps that retard the attainment of effective school operations.
Ex. Teachers cannot provide quality service to produce desired learning outcomes.
Issues – situations or matters that do not directly affect the learners but adversely affect the effective school operations.
Ex. Misunderstanding of issuances such as DepEd Orders, Regional, and Divisional Memoranda.
Dimension of School
Bottlenecks Lags Issues Concerns
Governance and
Learning Environment
Ex. Teachers cannot provide quality service to produce desired learning outcomes.
Issues – situations or matters that do not directly affect the learners but adversely affect the effective school operations.
Ex. Misunderstanding of issuances such as DepEd Orders, Regional, and Divisional Memoranda.
Dimension of School
Bottlenecks Lags
Poor collaborative effort from the external stakeholders in order to effectively implement schoo
Governance and
Learning Environment
Short descriptions of BLICs:
Bottlenecks – actions or reasons that impede effective school operations.
Ex. Simultaneous submission of reports required by the CO, RO, and SDO which the principal subsequently requires from th
Ex. Teachers cannot provide quality service to produce desired learning outcomes.
Issues – situations or matters that do not directly affect the learners but adversely affect the effective school operations.
Ex. Misunderstanding of issuances such as DepEd Orders, Regional, and Divisional Memoranda.
Issues Concerns
s in order to effectively implement school's projects and activities.
principal subsequently requires from the teachers.
Department of Education
Taytay Rizal
Dimension of School
Bottlenecks Lags Issues Concerns
Governance and
Learning Environment
Ex. Simultaneous submission of reports required by the CO, RO, and SDO which the principal subsequently requires from the teachers.
Ex. Teachers cannot provide quality service to produce desired learning outcomes.
Issues – situations or matters that do not directly affect the learners but adversely affect the effective school operations.
Ex. Misunderstanding of issuances such as DepEd Orders, Regional, and Divisional Memoranda.
Direction: Pursuant to R.M. No. 558 s. 2022, in order to facilitate the provision of technical assistance to your respective SDOs, please
columns related to Dimension of School Operations.
Dimension of School
Bottlenecks Lags
Frequent submission of Innovation and upskilling of
different reports needed by the teachers and students.
Leadership SDO which the principal
eventually requires from the
Capacities in various areas,
Governance and The impact of students’ socio- particularly information
Accountability economic status on their systems,
performance is stronger
Design and implement an
Human Resources and Team Enhancing a school’s intervention policy
Development productivity and improving its development and planning for
overall performance educational policy
Purchasing the required
Finance and Resource teaching and learning
Management and materials, building and Participation of concerned
Mobilization improvement of bodies or school personnel
infrastructures. involve in the budget planning.
Majority of learners have poor To keep up with the learning
comprehension. demands of the 21st century
Curriculum and Instruction
Ex. Simultaneous submission of reports required by the CO, RO, and SDO which the principal subsequently requires from the teacher
Ex. Teachers cannot provide quality service to produce desired learning outcomes.
Issues – situations or matters that do not directly affect the learners but adversely affect the effective school operations.
Ex. Misunderstanding of issuances such as DepEd Orders, Regional, and Divisional Memoranda.
nical assistance to your respective SDOs, please fill out the BLICs
Issues Concerns
Learners are complaining Teachers who are competent
of lack of resources for enough to do the work in
digital engagement. various cases
Department of Education
Taytay Rizal
Dimension of School
Bottlenecks Lags
Governance and
Learning Environment
Short descriptions of BLICs:
Bottlenecks – actions or reasons that impede effective school operations.
Ex. Simultaneous submission of reports required by the CO, RO, and SDO which the principal subsequently requires from th
Ex. Teachers cannot provide quality service to produce desired learning outcomes.
Issues – situations or matters that do not directly affect the learners but adversely affect the effective school operations.
Ex. Misunderstanding of issuances such as DepEd Orders, Regional, and Divisional Memoranda.
Issues Concerns
principal subsequently requires from the teachers.
Department of Education
Taytay Rizal
Dimension of School
Bottlenecks Lags Issues Concerns
(BBEMNHS) Vague guidelines ( BBEMNHS) conflict in some (BBEMNHS)In regards to (BBEMNHS)specific guidelines
Governance and content of CO orders and memo school rules and manuals Gender responsive order pertaining to gender responsive
Accountability that hindered to effective compliance learner
Human Resources and Team
Ex. Simultaneous submission of reports required by the CO, RO, and SDO which the principal subsequently requires from the teachers.
Issues – situations or matters that do not directly affect the learners but adversely affect the effective school operations.
Ex. Misunderstanding of issuances such as DepEd Orders, Regional, and Divisional Memoranda.
Department of Education
Taytay Rizal
Direction: Pursuant to R.M. No. 558 s. 2022, in order to facilitate the provision of technical assistance to your respective SDOs, please fill out the BLICs columns related to Dimension of School Operations.
Dimension of School
Bottlenecks Lags Issues Concerns
Time pressure deadline of reports Submission of Report on time Inaccurate data
Governance and
Learning Environment
Ex. Simultaneous submission of reports required by the CO, RO, and SDO which the principal subsequently requires from the teachers.
Ex. Teachers cannot provide quality service to produce desired learning outcomes.
Issues – situations or matters that do not directly affect the learners but adversely affect the effective school operations.
Ex. Misunderstanding of issuances such as DepEd Orders, Regional, and Divisional Memoranda.