AVS Publication Catalogue

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Vaidyaratnam P.S.Varier’s
Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal
Malappuram Dist., Kerala. Pin-676 503
Publication Catalogue
Published by:
Department of Publications
Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal
Malappuram Dist., Kerala - 676 503

Phone: 0483 - 2742225/2746665

E-mail: publications@aryavaidyasala.com
Web site: www.aryavaidyasala.com

Layout & Typesetting:

Department of Publications
Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal

Geethanjali Offset Prints, Kozhikode
Vaidyaratnam P.S. Varier
CD’s 54
This is a period of increasing relevance of Ayurveda in public health.
Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal has played a major role in imparting
Ayurvedic knowledge to the society in a proper manner. From 1903,
twenty-three consecutive issues of Dhanvantari, the first medical
magazine published from here, also aimed to spread knowledge.
Moreover, Aryavaidyan, a peer revieved quarterly medical journal is
also being published for more than three decades.
Vaidyaratnam P.S. Varier had recognized the importance of
publications in medical promotion, since the inception of Arya Vaidya
Sala itself. He published books named Medicine Catalogue and
Chikitsasamgraham and popularized the Ayurvedic system of
treatment. Following the footsteps of Vaidyaratnam, Dr. P.K. Warrier
started a publication division for Arya Vaidya Sala in 1987. Dr. N.V.
Krishnankutty Warrier was in charge of this department.
This is a catalogue, containing short descriptions regarding the
discussion papers in the Ayurvedic Seminars conducted by Arya
Vaidya Sala since 1964, books based on Ayurvedic history, medicinal
plants, popular Ayurveda, treatment of diseases, Svastha Vritta,
Panchakarma, etc. These books are useful for medical students,
teachers as well as practitioners. Apart from these, there is also a
short description of book published in Kathakali literary genre. This
initiative will definitely help in spreading the knowledge of Ayurveda
which is flourishing day by day, in the current world scenario.

Kottakkal Dr. P.M. Varier

05.10.2022 Managing Trustee & Chief Physician
6 Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal


1. Bbp¿th-ZN
- c
- n{Xw
tUm. F≥.-hn.- IrjvW≥Ip´n hmcn-b¿
t]Pv: 568 hne: 330
Bbp¿thZ D¬∏-Øn, hnIm-kw, Bbp¿thZ B[n-Im-cn-I-{K-Ÿ-
߃, Bbp¿thZw Ime-L-´-ß-fn-eq-sS, kwln-X-I-fpsS cN-\m-
Im-ew, {]mNo-\-Nn-In-’m-k-{º-Zm-b-ß-fpsS kmZriyw, bh-\-
ssh-Zyw, Bbp¿th-Zh - n-Zym`-ym-kw, B[p-\n-II- m-ew, tIc-fØ- nse
Bbp¿thZw F∂n-h-sb-°p-dn-®p≈ Hcp ]T-\-{K-Ÿ-am-Wn-Xv.
Bbp¿th-ZN - c
- n-{XsØ imkv{Xo-ba - mbn tcJ-s∏-Sp-Øn-bn-cn-°p∂p

2. History of Ayurveda
Dr. N.V. Krishnankutty Varier
Pages: 369 Price: 200
This title describes the Origin of Ayurveda, classical texts in Ayurveda,
Ayurveda through the ages, Gods and Sages, different versions.
Contents in Carakasamhita, Susruta samhita, contents of
Kasyapasamhita, detailed study of Samhitas and Ayurveda in the
Bhudhist era. Eminent historian Prof. M.G.S. Narayanan has added
value to this book by providing an introduction “what distinguishes
this work from the works of other Indian scholars on medical history
is the effort to pursue a scientific course with a mind freed from all
superstition. His mature scholarship in social history as well as
Ayurveda seems to have enabled Varier to take this bold stand.” An
extensive study on the different stages of development of Indian
health care system from its early beginning to the present day.

3. tIm´-bv°¬ skan-\m-dns‚ Aº-Xp-h¿j-߃

]›m-Ø-ehpw ]cn-Wm-ahpw
tUm. hnt\mZv Ipam¿ Fw.-hn.
t]Pv: 76 hne: 100
A[o-Xn, t_m[w, BN-cW- w, {]Nm-cWw F∂n-hb - n¬ Ah-bpsS
ZuXyw Gs‰-Sp-Øp-sIm-≠mWv Bcy-ssh-Zy-im-eb - n¬ 1964 apX¬
Bbp¿thZ skan-\m¿ kwL-Sn-∏n-®p-hc
- p-∂X
- .v alm-ssh-Zy-∑m-cpsS
km∂n-≤yw-sIm≠pw alm-{]-Xn-`-I-fpsS [njWmssNX\yw
Publication Catalogue 7

sIm≠pw Bbp¿th-Z-im-kv{Xcw-KØv {it≤-b-ambn amdn-bn-´p≠v

Cu skan-\m¿. 2013 ¬ AºXv h¿jw ]q¿Øn-bm-bn. Ign™
Ac-\q-‰m≠v Ime-ambn sIm√w-tXmdpw \S∂ skan-\m¿ N¿®-Ifpw
- ß- fpw A\p-_‘- c- N
- \
- I
- fpw Dƒ°m-g®
v t- bmsS hni-
I-e\w sNøp-I-bmWv {KŸ-Im-c≥.


1. Some Important Medicinal Plants of the Western Ghats

Dr. P.K. Warrier, Prof. V.P.K. Nambiar, Ganapathi
Pages: 398 Price: 1000
This book is the output of the International Development Research
centre (IDRC)sponsored research project implemented between 1993
and March 1999 by AryaVaidyaSala.Twenty species of medicinal
plants growing predominantly in the Westernghats of Southern India
were selected for an in-depth study. These species were selected
because of the high demand for them.Information of distribution,parts
of plants extensively used in medicines. The results of intensive
pharmacognostic study are provided to serve as a reference material
for checking adulteration.

2. Indian Medicinal Plants a Compendium of 500 Species

(5 Volumes)
Pages: Vol.1: 420, Vol.2: 416, Vol.3: 423, Vol.4: 444, Vol.5: 592
Price: 2000 x 5
Indian Medicinal Plants, based on treatise prepared by S. Raghunatha
Iyer, a scholar of both Sanskrit and Ayurveda, aims to make an
authoritative contribution to the field. The original work which drew
on classical texts, as well as current research has been updated by
scholars associated with Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal. This unique
compendium published by Orient Blackswan offers profiles of 500
key species with detailed taxonomic information. The main texts
present properties and uses in a format which cites ancient verse
texts and ethnobotanical sources. This rare work in five volumes
should be of special interest to practitioners of Ayurveda, alternative
medicines, students of Ayurveda, the research community and
8 Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal

industry associated with medical botany, pharmacologists,

sociologists and medical herbalists. Dr.P.K.Warrier, Prof. V.P.K.
Nambiar, and Dr. C. Ramankutty undertook a thorough review of
the work of Raghunatha Iyer.

3. Huj-[-k-ky-Irjn Hcp am¿K-tcJ

tUm. Cµnc _me-N-{µ≥
t]Pv: 48 hne: 40
hn]-W\- k
- m-[y-Xb- p≈ ]Xn-\©v Huj-[k - k
- y-ßf - psS Irjn-co-
Xn-Iƒ, hnf-sh-Sp-∏v, {]mY-an-Ik
- w-kvI - c
- Ww F∂n-hs - b-∏‰
- n-bp≈
hnh-c-ß-f-S-ßnb Hcp ssI∏p-kvX-I-am-Wn-Xv. IqSmsX ho´p-ap-‰-
Øp≈ Ccp-]s - Øm∂v Huj-[s - ®-Sn-Iƒ D]-tbm-Kn-®p≈ NnIn-’-
Ifpw Dƒs∏-Sp-Øn-bn-´p-≠v.

4. Huj-[-km-c-hn-Nmcw
t]Pv: 244 hne: 300
B-tcm-Ky-kw-c-£-W-Øn-\v \-Ωp-sS Np-‰p-]m-Sp-ap-≈ sN-Sn-I-fpsS
Hu-j-[-Kp-Ww im-kv-{Xo-b-am-bn D-]-tbm-K-s∏-Sp-Øp-∂ co-Xn-Iƒ
hn-i-Z-am-bn ]p-kv-X-I-Øn¬ tc-J-s∏-Sp-Øn-bn-´p≠v. sN-Sn-I-fp-sS
- n-hc
- Ww, cm-kL- S- I
- ß
- ƒ, c-km-Zn-Kp-W߃, Kp-WI
- ¿-Ωß
- ƒ
F-∂n-hbpw C-Xn¬ hm-bn-°mw.

5. Bbp¿a-ln-a ˛ Bbp-cm-tcmKyw Huj-[k

- k
- y-ßf
- n-eqsS
t]Pv: 238 hne: 125
Huj-[k - k- y-Ir-jn-sbbpw Ah D]-tbm-Kn-®p≈ NnIn-’I - s
- fbpw
\m´-dn-hp-Is- fbpw _‘n-∏n-®p-sIm≠v tImgn-t°mSv BIm-ih - m-Wn-
\n-e-bhpw tIm´-bv°¬ Bcy-ssh-Zy-im-ebpw kwbp-‡-ambn
kwL-Sn-∏n® {]`m-jW - ]
- c
- º
- c
- b
- psS {KŸ-cq-]a
- m-Wv.
Bbp¿a-lna, Huj-[-k-ky-Zu¿e`yw, Huj-[-k-ky-Ir-jn-co-Xn-
Iƒ, ssPh-Ir-jn, kkyuj[ Kth-jWw F∂p XpS-ßnb hnj-
b-߃ hni-Za
- mbn {KŸ-Øn-ep-≠v.

6. Medicinal Plants of Arya Vaidya Sala Herb Garden

Dr. Udayan P.S. & Dr. Indira Balachandran
Pages: 529 Price:300
This title providing detailed information on the 1025 medicinal plant
Publication Catalogue 9

species in different languages, places where they grow naturally,

parts used in medicine, important uses etc. This book lists the medicinal
plants alphabetically by their Latin names. English, Hindi, Malayalam
and Sanskrit names of plants are included.

7. Pharmacognostic Standards of Ayurvedic Bark drugs

Dr. A.B. Remashree, Dr. K.K.Vijayan, Dr. Indira Balachandran
Pages: 183 Price: 700
This publication is the outcome of a project funded by NMPB on
developing pharmacognostic standards of important twenty bark
drugs used in Ayurveda. This treatise shall serve as a handbook on
identification of medicinal plants (Barks) that can be adopted by any
laboratory with minimum expenditure and expertise.

8. Madakadravyangal (Narcotics)
Dr. P. Pushpangadan & Dr. S. Rajasekharan
Pages: 68 Price: 50
Madakadravyas were prepared and used mainly for medicinal
purposes in ancient times. A narcotic is a substance that relieves
pain and induces sleep. In this article Dr. P. Pushpangadan and
Dr. S. Rajasekharan describes the madakadravyas from the ancient
period to present era in a chronological manner and have critically
discussed its merits and demerits pharmacologically as well as

9. kkyu-j[
- ]
- c
- n-Nbw
t]Pv: 56 hne: 60
kky-]c - n-Nbw F∂m¬ kky-߃ I≠m¬ Xncn-®d - n-bp-I, Ah-
bpsS ck-Kp-Wh - o-cy-hn-]m-I{- ]-`m-hß
- ƒ, P∑-tZ-iw, Hmtcm-∂n\pw
hcp∂ t`Zw, Ah-bpsS hyXym-kw, {Kmlymw-iw, ]cym-b-߃,
imkv{X-Im-c-∑m¿ \n¿t±-in-°p∂ Huj[w Xs∂-bmtWm \man-
t∏mƒ D]-tbm-Kn-°p-∂X - v, `mjm-hy-Xymkw F∂p XpS-ßnb Imcy-
߃ a\- n-em-°pI F∂p-≈-XmWv. 1979 ¬ Bbp¿thZ skan-
\m-dn-t\m-S\- p-_‘
- n®v kkyu-j[ - ß
- sf th¿Xn-cn-®d- n-bm-\p≈ hnj-
bsØ Bkv]Z- a - m-°n-bp≈ N¿®m-{]-_‘ - ß- f
- mWo {KŸ-Øns‚
D≈-S° - w.
10 Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal

10. Saarngadhara’s Vrkshaayurveda The ancient indian

Plant Science (Text with commentaries in Malayalam &
Pages: 136 Price: 250
“Ayurveda, the ancient indigenous system of healing upholds a
supreme vision encompassing the entire living beings including the
universal flora and fauna. This paved way to the evolution and
emergence of a systematised knowledge baseVrkshaayurveda -
Ayurveda for plant kingdom. Relevance of Vrkshaayurveda resurged
in the background of sustainable agriculture. This book
‘Vrkshaayurveda', is a part of encyclopedic work (dealing with
several subjects) by Saarngadhara which is known as Saarngadhara-


1. Lectures on Ayurveda
Pages: 224 Price: 200
This book is a collection of articles on various aspects of Ayurveda,by
renowned scholars.In 1964,Arya Vaidya Sala started conducting
annual seminars on the Founder’s day. The proceedings were
published regularly. Commemorative lectures came to be conducted
every year from 1985.The papers contained in this volume, except
the first are the texts of lectures delivered on such occasions. They
are presented in a single volume so that the readers get an opportunity
to acquaint themselves with the perspective of different authors on
subjects of topical interest.

2. Tridosha Theory
Dr. V.V. Subrahmanya Sastri
Pages: 279 Price: 500
The foundation of Ayurveda is Tridosha Siddhantha. In this book
Dr.Subramanya Sastri scientifically explains the physiology of human
body through the principles of Vata, pitta and kapha keeping in
view some of the processes as explained by modern science without
detriment to the main concept postulated in Ayurveda. The author
was deputy director and research officer under CCRAS.
Publication Catalogue 11

3. Impotency
Dr. K. Srikumar
Pages: 112 Price: 100
Impotency is a complaint commonly encountered in ten to thirty
percent of adults. We think that this is a timely publication in view of
the modern social circumstances where people are put to several
stress conditions resulting in sex related ailments. Our scriptures
advice us to enjoy life in all its essence. Our tradition dose not consider
sex as taboo. The whole section of Vajeekarana deals with methods
of rejuvenation. This title discusses male reproductive system,
diagnosis of erectile dysfunction, Diagnosis of impotence,
classification of impotence and management in detail.

4. Diagnostic Methods of Ayurveda

Dr. K. Srikumar
Pages: 160 Price: 160
In ancient times physicians framed diagnostic methods using the
tools available at that time. Most of them were subjective. Today
one requires objective parameters to understand the disease and its
pathology. The various diagnostic methods mentioned in this book
are dasavidha rogipariksha, rogapariksha, examination of
dosas,methods of interrogation, system wise examination of the
ojas,various interrogatory methods, qualities of a royal physician,
nidanapanchakas, trividhapariksha, sadvidhapariksha, astavidha
pariksha and nadipariksha.
The discussion at the end gives a comprehensive view of the contents.
Proper chart presentations and diagrams provide an insight to the
readers and make this text more informative.

5. Rasavaiseshika
(Text with commentary)
Vaidyabhushanam K. Raghavan Tirumulpad
Pages: 228 Price: 200
Rasavaisheshika is a treatise, which deals with the subject of
Dravyagunavijnanam. How the dravyas take shape and how the
properties affect body are scientifically and rationally explained in
Rasavaisheshika. This book is a commentary on the work
Rasavaisheshika of Bhudhist Nagarjunaa may belong to a period
prior to the samhitas.
12 Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal

6. Avaranam
Dr. Abhilash M. & Dr. Lakshmi
Pages: 74 Price: 80
The subject avarana,gives a first impression that,it is only meant for
a theoretical debate among the great scholars of Ayurveda. Whether
it is having much clinical applicability or not, is worth discussing.
There are many clinical experiences regarding avarana. Avarana is
caused by an obstruction to the physical, chemical , mechanical and
physiological atributes of vata. The authors discussed in detail various
aspects of avarana, with their clinical implications.

7. Bbp¿th-Zw- B-[p-\n-I]
- c
- n-t{]£yw
Bcy-ssh-Zy≥ F≥.-hn. IrjvW≥Ip´n -hm-cn-b¿
t]Pv: 470 hne: 300
Bbp¿th-ZØ- ns‚ ka-{K-Z¿i-\w, NnIn-’m-XØ
- z-߃, NnIn’m
\p-`h߃, {KŸ-Im-c≥ CS-s]´ hy‡n-Iƒ, kw`h-߃ F∂nh
Gh-scbpw BI¿jn°pw hn[w tcJ-s∏-Sp-Øn-bn-cn-°p-∂p.

8. t`j-PI
- ev]w
t]Pv: 208 hne: 125
t`j-P-Iev]w F∂ ]Zw sIm≠v kzc-kw, I¬°w, Ijm-bw,
telw, ssXew, LrXw XpS-ßnb hnhn[ Huj-[-I-ev]-\-I-sf-
bmWv Dt±-in-°p-∂X - .v Huj-[\ - n¿Ωm-WØ - n-ep≈ Imen-Ia - mb ]cn-
- ƒ, kkyu-j[ - k
- w-`c- W
- w, cku-j[ - ß
- ƒ, ss`j-Py-I-
ev]-\m{KŸ-߃ XpS-ßnb hnj-b-ß-fm-bn-cp∂p 1986˛se
Bbp¿th-Zs - k-an-\m-dn-t\m-S\- p-_‘ - n®v N¿®-sN-øs - ∏-´h
- . Huj-[-
\n¿Ωm-W-ta-Je A`n-ap-Jo-I-cn-°p∂ hnhn-[-{]-iv\-ßfpw {KŸ-
Øn¬ N¿®-sN-øs - ∏-Sp-∂p-≠v.

9. Baw Hcp XpS¿]-T\w

t]Pv: 168 hne: 100
- m-Xp-°f- psS \n¿Ωm-Wm-cw-`Ø
- n¬ cq]-s∏-Sp∂ ckw Dujvam-
hns‚ Ipd-hvsIm≠v icn-bm-hÆw ]Nn-°msX Bam-ib - Ø
- n-encn-
°p-∂-Xns\ Baw F∂p ]d-bp-∂p. A]-Iz-amb Ahÿ tcmK-
- a- m-Ip-∂p. CX-ci- m-kv{X-ßf- n¬ BasØ kw_-‘n-®p≈
Publication Catalogue 13

kao-]-\-߃, Ba-tZm-j-Nn-In’ F∂n-h-sb√mw N¿®-sN-øp∂

{]_-‘ß - f
- mWo {KŸw. 2005˛se Bbp¿th-Zs
- k-an-\m-dnse N¿®-
I-fpsS kam-lm-ca
- m-Wo-{K-Ÿw.

10. Rasabhediyam
Dr. Praveen Balakrishnan
Pages: 112 Price: 120
Rasabhediyam is a chapter that is described in Astangasangraha and
Ashtangahridaya which deal with karma of various tastes.
Commentators Indu and Arunadtta explain that such a chapter termed
Rasabhediya was described separately to elaborate the various aspects
of rasa, as it is one of the major components of pharmacodynamics
of a drug. There are other factors for pharmacodynamics of a drug
namely guna,virya,vipaka and karma. Rasbhediya was described in
samhita to explains the nature, formation, classification and action
of the rasa or in other terms pharmacodynamics of drug based on

11. ck-ssh-ti-jnIw
(aq-ehpw hymJym-\-hpw)
sshZy-`q-jWw sI. cmL-h≥ Xncp-ap¬∏mSv
t]Pv: 264 hne: 260
Bbp¿thZ Huj-[ß - f- n¬ tNcp∂ {Zhy-ßf - psS KpW-ßs - f-°p-
dn-®mWv ck-ssh-ti-jn-IØ - n¬ {]Xn-]m-Zn-°p-∂X- v. _u≤m-Nm-cy-
\mb `Z¥\mKm¿÷p-\s‚ ck-ssh-ti-jnIw F∂ IrXn°v
sshZy-`q-jWw cmL-h≥ Xncp-ap¬∏mSv cNn® ae-bm-fh - y-mJym-\-
am-Wn-Xv. Bbp¿thZ hnZym¿∞n-Iƒ°pw A[ym-]I - ¿°pw {]tbm-
P-\s- ∏-Sp∂ Hcp {KŸ-am-Wn-Xv.

12. Agni: The Ayurvedic Concept and Application

Dr. Praveen Balakrishnan
Pages: 159 Price: 200
Agni is modified tejomahabhuta and hence all the gunakarma of
tejomahabhuta will be present for agni. Ayurveda acharyas have
borrowed the concept of agni from darasanas. No function in the
body can undergo without the presence of agni. Proper understanding
of the concept and its application is very much required for success
14 Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal

of treatment. This title provides a clear picture of Agni. Agni in human

body performs five different types of activities through the variants
Pacaka, ranjaka, bhrajaka, alocaka and sadhaka.

13. Doshabhediyam Redefined

Dr. Sreelaksmi & Dr. Midhu Parvathy
Pages: 112 Price: 120
Doshabhediyam of Acharya Vagbhata deals with fundamental
doctrines of Ayurveda. The correlation of these principles to a
particular structural entity in the body has its own limitations. But as
researchers we should always have that inquisitiveness to see beyond
and read in between the verses to suck the nectar in true sense.

14. {XntZm-j-kn-≤m¥w
t]Pv: 220 hne: 200
1976˛se Bbp¿thZ skan-\m-dn¬ Ah-X-cn-∏n® {]_-‘hpw
1977˛se ÿm]-I-Zn-\-tØm-S-\p-_-‘n®v \S-Ønb Bbp¿thZ
{]_-‘a - ’
- c
- Ø
- n¬ kΩm\w t\Snb {]_-‘hpw.
Bbp¿th-ZØ - ns‚ Z¿i-\a - mWv {XntZm-jk
- n-≤m-¥w. tcmK-e£- -
W-߃ Huj-[-{]-tbm-K-߃, NnIn-’m-{I-a-߃ F∂nh Cu -
kn-≤m-¥sØ B{i-bn-®n-cn-°p-∂p. Bbp¿thZ-Øns‚ ASn-ÿm-
\-amb {XntZm-j-kn-≤m-¥-sØ-°p-dn-®p≈ {]uV-{]-_-‘-߃
hnZym¿∞n-Iƒ°pw NnIn-’I - ∑
- m¿°pw D]-Ic- n-°p-∂h
- b
- m-Wv.

15. The Theoretic Frame Work of Srotorodham and its

Clinical Applications
Dr. Praveen Balakrishnan
Pages: 76 Price: 100
The word srotas denotes space for moving and rodha means
obstruction to the function of vayu. This title gives the basics of
srotas and treatment principles of srotorodha.

16. X{¥-bp-‡n-hn-Nmcw
tUm. ]n.-sI. \mcm-b-W-i-¿Ω, tUm. ]n. DÆn-Ir-jvW≥
t]Pv: 457 hne: 500
Hcp {KŸw cNn-°p-tºmƒ {]Xn-]m-Zn-°p∂ hnj-b-ß-fpsS icn-
bmb A¿∞w a\- n-em-°m≥ A≤ym-]-Icpw hnZym¿∞n-Ifpw
Publication Catalogue 15

X{¥-_‘ - n-Xa
- mb \nb-aß
- ƒ Adn-™n-cn-°W - w. Nc-I≥, kp{ip-
X≥, hmKv`-S≥ XpS-ßnb BNm-cy-∑m¿ Xß-fpsS {KŸ-ß-fn¬
X{¥-bp-‡n-Isf hnh-cn-°p-∂p-≠v. aqe-{K-Ÿ-ß-fnse hcn-Iƒ
hymJym-\n-°p-tºmƒ ]men-t°≠ \nb-aß - s
- f-°p-dn-®p≈ Adnhv
e`n-°p-∂Xv X{¥-bp-‡n-If - n¬ \n∂m-W.v X{¥-bp-‡n-Is - f-°p-dn®v
hnh-cn-°p∂ Cu _rlZv{KŸw hnZym¿∞n-Iƒ°pw A[ym-]-I-
∑m¿°pw Kth-jI - ¿°pw Hcp-t]mse {]tbm-P\ - {- ]-Za
- m-Wv.

17. The Principles of Roganutpadaniyam –

Their Application to Preventive Medicine
Dr. Praveen Balakrishnan
Pages: 104 Price: 120
Roganutpadaniyam chapter of Ashtangahridayam elucidates the
methods to prevent diseases of sarira, manas and atma. This title
discuss the concept of health and preservation of in total, we can
read the modalities for prevention of all types of diseases.

18. Clinical Application of Dosha Assessment

Pages: 80 Price: 100
Understanding prakriti is essential in identifying health and illness in
a person. A deep knowledge regarding features of sama avastha and
visama avastha is mandatory. When dosha analysis is scientifically
done during each steps of decision making as well as treatment,
cikitsa becomes more target oriented, less time consuming, cost
effective, It also makes the clinical experience presentable to a
scientific world


1. Raktapitta And Its Treatment

Dr. M. Abhilash
Pages: 95 Price: 100
Raktapitta is a disease characterized by raktadushti and pittakopa.
Its seriousness is increased when we consider the functions of blood
in modern perspective. Raktadhatu is next only to rasadhatu is the
order of dhatuparinama. The disease is closely related to raktadhatu
16 Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal

which is responsible for the most important function of the body

ie.jeevanakarma. The treatment of raktapitta becomes more effective
if we understand the exact relationship between rakta and pitta. This
title provides essential information regarding the causes, diagnosis
and management of raktapitta.

2. Endometriosis
Dr. P.K. Ushakumari & Dr. G. Nagabhushanam
Pages: 143 Price: 100
Endometriosis is defined as the deposition of the endometrial tissue
at abnormal sites in the body instead of where it should normally be
positioned. It is characterized by the formation of endometrium like
cells on the ectopic parts of the body other than in the uterus. The
site can be overies, parts of viscera, appendix or even remote places
like lungs and brain. As per the influence of hormonal stimulation, it
acts as bleeding spots, just like the endometrium causing a variety of
symptoms. It is also of the main causes of infertility. This volume is
an attempt to explore the efficacy of ayurvedic treatment for

3. Hepatopathy
Dr. Gopalini Ajay G. & Dr. Bhushan A. Sarmandal
Pages: 221 Price:125
Hepatopathy is the term used to denote a group of disorders associated
with liver. All the functions of liver are very much related to healthy
life. This title contains general modern investigations in hepatopathy,
acute hepatitis, auto immune hepatitis, alcoholic liver diseases, portal
hypertension, liver cirrhosis, toxic and drug induced hepatitis, parasitic
and other cysts of liver, hepatic abscesses, ayurvedic concept and
treatment of jaundice, ayurvedic concept of hepatic tumours,
ayurvedic research drugs in hepatopathy etc. The authors have made
a successful attempt to correlate the available references to liver
disorders in ayurvedic literature to modern concepts.

4. Obesity
Dr. Ajay Gopalani G. & Dr. Bhushan Sarmandal
Pages: 142 Price:180
Obesity is a condition which affects the functioning of the various
body systems. This title focuses on ayurvedic aspects of medodhatu
Publication Catalogue 17

and sthaulya in detail along with other relevant knowledge of lipids,

fats and disease, investigation and management of obesity. Diseases
connected to obesity such as hypertension, diabetes, coronary artery
disease, osteoarthritis, infertility, impotency, anxiety, depression etc.
are also dealt in detail. This book illustrates the various aspects of
obesity, its etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features and management.

5. Parkinsonism
Pages: 68 Price: 70
This volume includes the seminar papers of annual seminar of 2006.
Parkinson’s disease is a chronic, progressive degenerative disorder
of the central nervous system. The process of degeneration is
regarded as a physiological phenomenon in old age. This title includes
the essays of Dr. K. Rajagopalan, Dr. K. Murali, Dr. K.G. Ravindran,
Dr. Prakash Mangalasseri and Dr. S. Ram Manohar. Ayurvedic
approach on Parkisonism is discussed in detail. The causative factors,
pathology, treatment procedures, clinical experiences are well

6. Visarpam Concept and Approach

Dr. Bhushan A. Sarmandal
Pages: 120 Price: 100
The skin is the outermost covering of body tissue which protects
internal organs from the environment. It reflects internal changes
and reacts in the environment. Usually it adapts easily and returns to
a normal stage. Sometimes it fails to do so and skin disorders appear.
Affliction of this disease confines one to a place or rather restricts
one’s movements because of the embarrassing situation or
circumstances they are in. Visarpa is one such disease that calls for
immediate attention. The general etiology, pathogenesis, clinical
features, diagnosis, management of visarpa, kshataja visarpa, modern
concept of visarpa, prevention of visarpa etc. are discussed in detail
in this title.

7. Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Pages: 56 Price: 60
Irritable bowel syndrome can be defined as a combination of
abdominal pain or discomfort and altered bowel movement. This
volume includes the seminar papers of 2007. The authors are Dr. K.
18 Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal

Vinayachandran Nair, Dr. S. Gopakumar, Dr. N. Jaya and Dr. N.K.

Muhammad Iqbal. Ayurvedic perspective and modern approach on
IBS is discussed in detail. The clinical research on IBS also explained.

8. Be-Øq¿a-Wn-{]-hmfw F∂ sshZy-{KŸw
t]Pv: 184 hne: 200
Be-Øq¿ aWn-{]-hmfw F∂ sshZy-{K-Ÿs - Ø-°p-dn-®p≈ G‰hpw
]g-b] - c
- m-a¿iw ]Xn-\memw \q‰m-≠ns‚ A¥y-Øn-ep-≠mb eoem-
Xn-eIwí F∂ aWn-{]-hmf e£W{KŸ-Øn-emWv. D≈q-cns‚
km-ln-Xy-N-cn-{X-Ønepw Cu {KŸw ]cm-a¿in-®n-´p-≠v. hne-s∏´
At\Iw Huj[-tbm-K-߃ Dƒs°m-≈p∂ Cu {KŸw sshZy-
∑m¿°pw hnZym¿∞n-Iƒ°pw kmam\y hmb-\-°m¿°pw IqSn
klm-b-I-am-Ip∂ kºq¿Æ hymJym-\-tØmSpw ]T-\-tØmSpw

9. ssewKnI hn⁄m\w
tUm. KncnPm cmwIp-am¿
t]Pv: 103 hne: 80
ssewKn-I-X-bpsS Ncn-{X-]-c-amb ]›m-Ø-ew, {]mNo-\-kw-kv
Im-cw, `mc-Xo-bt- h-Zk
- w-kvImcw, Xm{¥n-II
- m-ew, sshin-IX
- {¥w
F∂o hnj-b-ß-fn-eqsS Ah-X-cn-∏n-°p∂p. A{_m-“-Ncyw,
kv{Xo]p-cp-j-enw-K-t`-Zw, ssewKn-I-hn-j-b-ß-fn¬ at\m-hn-Im-c-
߃°p≈ ÿm\w, ip¢m¿Ø-h-tZm-j-߃, NnIn’ F∂n-h-
sb√mw hnh-cn-°p∂p≠v {KŸØn¬

10. hmX-tcmKw
t]Pv: 124 hne: 100
hmX-tcm-K-ß-sf-°p-dn®v 1966˛¬ \S∂ Bbp¿th-Z-sk-an-\m-dnse
{]_-‘ß - f
- psS kamlmc-amWv Cu {KŸw. km[mcW I≠p-h-
cp∂ hmX-tcm-Kß- f
- psS e£-Wß - ƒ, NnIn’ F∂n-hb
- mWv {]Xn-

11. cmP-b£
- vamhv
Bcy-ssh-Zy≥ ]n.-hn. cmL-h-hm-cn-b¿
t]Pv: 79 hne: 50
- m-cW
- ß
- ƒ, k{ºm-]X
v n, e£-Wß
- ƒ, NnIn’ F∂n-
Publication Catalogue 19

h-sb-°p-dn-®p≈ Cu ]T-\{- KŸw sshZy-hn-Zym¿∞n-Iƒ°pw NnIn-

’-I∑ - m¿°pw D]-Im-c{]Zam-Wv.

12. {]talw
t]Pv: 114 hne: 80
{]ta-lt- cm-KI- m-cW
- ß- ƒ, tcmK-\n¿Æ-bw, NnIn-’, Kth-jW - w,
Xmc-X-ay-]-T\w F∂o hnj-b-ßsf A[n-I-cn®v 1965˛¬ \S∂
Bbp¿th-Zs - k-an-\m-dnse N¿®m-{]-_‘
- ß
- f- psS kam-lm-ca
- mWv
Cu {KŸw.

13. Ae¿Pn
t]Pv: 79 hne: 60
1987˛se Bbp¿th-Zs - k-an-\m-dn-t\m-S\
- p-_‘
- n®v Ah-Xc
- n-∏n® {]_-
‘-ß-fpsS kam-lm-c-amWv Cu {KŸw. hnhn-[-Xcw tcmKm-Wp-
°ƒ, tcmKm-Wp-Ph
- n-jw, cmk-{Z-hy-߃, Nne-Xcw amwkym-iw-߃,
Huj-[-߃ F∂n-h-bm¬ ico-c-Øn-ep-≠m-Ip∂ {]Xn-{]-h¿Ø-
\-ß-fmWv Ae¿Pn. Xz°n-ep-≠m-Ip∂ sNmdn-®n¬, ho°w,
Nph-∏v, XpΩ¬ F∂n-ßs\ e£-W-߃ hcpw. Ae¿Pn-sb-°p-
dn-®p≈ imkv{Xob]-T\ - ß
- f - mWv Cu {KŸw.

14. Udavartam
Dr. Radha Agarwal
Pages: 120 Price: 180
Udavarta which originates from the word ‘ut’ indicates gati and the
term ‘vartula’ indicates its whirlpool movement all along its course.
Vegadharana’ makes, one understand easily the urdhvagati, but the
main concept lies in knowing the urdhvagati of vayu due to
viprakrishtakaranas. It is very difficult to diagnose udavarta as it is a
syndrome. This title provides detailed study of Udavarta, its
complications and treatments.

15. Scleroderma
Dr. Bhushan A. Sarmandal
Pages: 128 Price: 100
Scleroderma is a chronic connective tissue disease generally classified
as one of the autoimmune rheumatic disease. Hardening of the skin
is one of the most visible manifestations of the disease. Scleroderma
20 Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal

affects the connective tissues which surrounds the join, blood vessels
and internal organs beneath the affected area of skin. This title includes
diagnostic methods, treatments, ayurvedic approach, prevention of

16. Autism
Pages: 132 Price: 100
Autism is a complex genetic and neurological disorder. The disease
is a challenge to health, education and social development. This title
contains the seminar papers of 2009. Current trends in the science
of neurology with particular reference to child care was addressed
in the volume by Dr. M. Sambasivan. Early detection and management
of Autism well explained by Dr. P.A. Suresh, Childhood autism an
Ayurvedic Perspective by Dr. S.K. Ramachandran and the clinical
experiences of Autism by Dr. T.P. Udayakumari are the other contents
of this volume.

17. Bbp-jvIm-aobw
Bcy-ssh-Zy≥ Fkv. hmcn-b¿
t]Pv: 294 hne: 200
Bcy-ssh-Zy-imem No^v ^nkn-jy-\m-bn-cp∂ {io. Fkv. hmcn-b-
cpsS hn⁄m-\{- ]-Za - mb Nne NnIn-’m-\p`-hß- ƒ, NnIn-’m-{I-a-
߃, Bbp¿th-Zk - w-_‘ - n-bmb s]mXp-hn-jb- ß
- s
- f-°p-dn-®p≈
{]_-‘-߃, sshZy-cXv\w ]n.-F-kv. hmcn-b¿, Bcy-ssh-Zy≥
]n.-hn. cma-hm-cn-b¿, sshZy-aTw henb \mcm-bW- ≥ \ºq-Xncn F∂n-
h-sc-°p-dn-®p≈ BZ-ck - a
v c
- W
- I
- ƒ F∂n-hb
- mWv Cu {KŸ-Øns‚
D≈-S° - w.

18. Sex Education

Dr. V.V. Subramania Sastry
Pages: 194 Price: 120
The erotic passion is present in every creature. Ayurveda states that
righteousness, wealth, affection and good repute are dependent on
begetting a son. This book discusses various aspects of sex in a
scientific manner. Proper sex education includes the anatomy and
physiology of the sexual and other erotic organs, marriage, sex act,
orgasm, problems encountered in sex act, diseases that affect the
sex act and family planning methods.
Publication Catalogue 21

19. Gridhrasi (Sciatica) And Associated Conditions

Dr. G. Purushothamacharyulu & Dr. Arundhathi Purushotham
Pages: 182 Price: 120
Gridhrasi is a condition where dysfunction of sciatic nerve
characterized by stiffness, pain, radiating down the posterior border
of the thigh. Ayurveda advocates specific way of management of
Ghridhrasi with highly efficacious methods with safe and easily
available drugs. The adoption of swastavritta with special reference
to abhyanga and appropriate postures, asanas and exercises can help
preventing the disease. Authors are senior physicians with rich clinical

20. Vatarakta And Its Treatment

Dr. V.V. Subramania Sastri
Pages: 73 Price: 50
Vatarakta is a disease of the joints caused by the vitiation of vata and
rakta, the causative factor being multiple. This volume contains the
patho physiology, signs and symptoms, differential diagnosis and
treatment of Vatasonita.

21. Glossary of Clinical Symptoms in Ayurveda

Dr. E. Surendran
Pages: 460 Price: 400
This title is a compilation of classical scientific writings on the signs
and symptoms of both health and disease. These are arranged
according to the constituents of body and mind. The contents of
this book also includes Angapratyangapariksha, Dhatuupadhatu
pariksa, Malapariksa, Aharasaktipariksa, Vyayamasaktipariksa, Indriya
pariksa, Satvapariksa and Vegapravartanam.

22. am\-kn-I-tcm-K-߃
Bcy-ssh-Zy≥ ]n.-hn. cmL-h-hm-cn-b¿
t]Pv: 148 hne: 100
Bflm-hv, a\- v, C{µn-bß
- ƒ, C{µn-bm¿∞-߃ Ch-bpsS k∂n-
I¿jw sIm≠mWv kmam- \ y- ⁄ m- t \m- Z bw D≠m- h p- ∂ - X v .
a\- ns‚ KpW-I¿Ω-ß-fn¬ hcp∂ hyXn-bm-\sØ at\m-tcm-K-
ambn IW-°m-°mw. at\m-tcm-K-Im-c-W-߃, e£-W-߃,
NnIn’ F∂n-hs - b-°p-dn®v khn-kvXcw {]Xn-]m-Zn-°p∂ {KŸw.
22 Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal

23. alm-tcm-K-߃
t]Pv: 50 hne: 60
Bbp¿th-Z-Øn¬ F´v tcmK-ß-sf-bmWv alm-tcm-K-ß-fmbn ]d-
bp-∂-Xv. hmX-hym-[n, Aivacn, IpjvTw, {]ta-lw, atlm-Z-cw,
`K-µ-cw, A¿i-kv, {KlWn F∂n-h-bm-W-h. 1968˛¬ \S∂ alm-
tcm-K-ß-sf-°p-dn-®p≈ N¿®m{]_-‘-ß-fpsS kam-lm-c-amWo

24. tcmK-hn-⁄m-\hpw NnIn-’bpw

t]Pv: 224 hne: 100
F√m sshZy-im-k{v X-ßfpw e£y-am-°p-∂Xv Btcm-Ky-]q¿Æ-amb
Pohn-Xa- mWv. tcmKm-Wp-kw-{I-aWw sIm≠pw ico-cØ - n-ep≈ hmX,
]nØ, I^-ßf - psS G‰-°p-d®
- n-ep-IƒsIm≠pw tcmK-ßf - p-≠m-Ip-
∂p. NnIn-’I - \v tcmKnsb Btcm-Ky-hm-\m-°m≥ tcmK-Nn-In’m
hn⁄m\w AXym-h-iy-am-Wv. 1985˛¬ \S∂ Bbp¿thZ skan-
\m-dn-t\m-S-\p-_-‘n®v Ah-X-cn-∏n® N¿®m-{]-_-‘-ß-fmWv Cu
]pkvXI - Ø
- ns‚ D≈-S° - w.

25. Pravahika (Amoebiasis)

Dr. G. Purushothamacharyulu & Dr. Arundhathi Purushotham
Pages: 184 Price: 120
The proper formation and excretion of feces is an indication of healthy
body. Pravahika is characterized by defecation of small quantity of
feces containing blood and mucus. The passing of feces repeatedly
or in excessive quantity along with the dhatus of the body or in an
immature form accompanied with pain, strain, tenesmus etc. are
considered as abnormal. This title describes the aetiology,
pathogenesis, clinical features, treatment and research work of

26. Inter Vertebral Disc Prolapse (IVDP)

Pages: 100 Price: 100
This title consist of Ayurvedic seminar papers of 2004. The authors
are Dr. M.J. George, Dr. E.G. Mohankumar, Dr. C. Sureshkumar
and Yogacharya Vijayaraghavan. This volume gives a clear clinical
picture of inter vertebral disc prolapse and its management. The
anatomical and pathological aspects are described in detail. The yogic
way of management of disc problems is also discussed in detail.
Publication Catalogue 23

27. An Update on Cancer

Pages: 54 Price: 60
Ayurvedic medicines certainly improve the quality of life of the cancer
patients. In this title, integrating different systems of treatment in
healthcare: A public policy perspective was addressed by
Dr. V. Ramankutty. This volume contains the seminar papers of 2010.
The authors included Dr. E. Narayanankuttyvarier, Dr. M. Kesavan,
Dr. Sanjeevvasudevan and Dr. K.M. Madhu. Recent advances in the
management of cancer, Ayurvedic approach in Cancer, Palliative care
are discussed in detail.

28. IpjvTt- cm-Khpw NnIn-’bpw

sshZy-`q-jWw sI. cmL-h≥Xn-cp-ap-ev]mSv
t]Pv: 95 hne: 100
XzIv tcmK-ß-fpsS Imc-W-߃, k{ºm-]vXn, NnIn’ F∂n-h-
sb-°p-dn-®p≈ B[n-ImcnI ]T-\{- K-Ÿa - m-Wn-X.v IpjvTt- cm-KØ
- n¬
ckm-b\- {- ]-tbm-KØ
- ns‚ {]m[m\yw IqSo {]mthinI-hn-[n- {]-Im-
c-ap≈ ckm-b-\-hn[n A\p-_-‘-ambn tN¿Øn-´p-≈Xv {KŸ-
Øns‚ khntijX-bm-Wv. sshZy-hn-Zym¿∞n-Iƒ°pw NnIn-’-
I-∑m¿°pw {]tbm-P\ - {- ]-Za
- mb {KŸw.

29. Bkvfl (X-a-I-izm-kw)

t]Pv: 83 hne: 100
1974˛¬ \S∂ Bbp¿th-Z-sk-an-\m-dnse N¿®m-{]-_-‘-ß-fmWv
Cu {KŸ-Øns‚ D≈-S°
- w. izmk-tcm-KN- n-In-’b
- psS Imc-Wß
- ƒ,
e£-W-߃, NnIn’ F∂n-h-bpsS hni-Z-amb ]T-\-ß-fmWv
- v.

30. tkmdn-bm-knkv
t]Pv: 151 hne: 100
{Ia-c-ln-X-amb `£-W-co-Xn, cmk-h-kvXp-°-fpsS AanX D]-
tbm-Kw, am\-kn-Im-kzmÿyw F∂n-ßs\ \nc-h[n Imc-W-߃
sIm≠v Xz°nepw XzIvk-‘n-I-fnepw sNmdn-®n¬, I´n-Iq-Snb
iev°-߃ F∂n-h-bp-≠m-Ip-∂-XmWv tkmdn-bm-kn-kv. 1988˛se
Bbp¿thZ skan-\m-dn-t\m-S\
- p-_‘
- n®v Ah-Xc
- n-∏n® N¿®m {]_-
‘-ß-fmWv Cu {KŸ-Øn-ep-≈-Xv. tcmK-Im-c-W-߃, e£-
W߃, NnIn’ F∂nh tcJ-s∏-Sp-Øn-bn-cn-°p-∂p.
24 Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal

31. ckm-b-\-hm-Po-I-cW NnIn-’-Iƒ

sshZy-`q-jWw sI. cmL-h≥ Xncp-ap-ev]mSv
t]Pv: 118 hne: 70
ckm-b-\-Nn-In-’-sIm≠v Btcm-Ky-]q¿Æ-amb Zo¿Lm-bp- v,
buh-\w, [mc-Wm-i‡ - n, HmP- n-s‚bpw kzc-Øn-s‚bpw ]pjvSn,
ico-c-Øn-s‚bpw C{µn-b-ßfpsSbpw Icp-Øv, hmIvkm-a¿∞yw,
hrj-X, Im¥n F∂nh D≠m-Ip-∂p. Bbp¿thZw apgp-h≥Xs∂
- n¬ ckm-b\- a
- m-W.v tXP- ns\ ]pjvSn-s∏-Sp-Øp∂ NnIn-
’-Iƒ, Ahm-Pnsb hmPn-bm-°p∂ NnIn-’m-hn-[n-Iƒ F∂n-h-
bmWv hmPo-I-c-W-Nn-In-’-bn¬ {]Xn-]m-Zn-°p-∂-Xv. ckm-b-\-hm-
Po-Ic- W NnIn-’s
- b-°p-dn-®p≈ ]T-\{- K-Ÿa- m-Wn-Xv.

33. A¿_p-Zhpw NnIn-’bpw

t]Pv: 58 hne: 80
A¿_p-Z-tcm-K-sØ-°p-dn®v 1972˛¬ \S∂ Bbp¿th-Z- sk-an-\m-
dnse {]_-‘-ß-fmWv Cu {KŸ-Ønse D≈-S-°w. A¿_p-Z-
tcm-K-Nn-In-’-bn¬ Bbp¿th-Z-Øns‚ ]¶n-s\-°p-dn®v hy‡-
am-°p∂ {]_-‘k - a
- m-lm-ca
- m-Wn-Xv.

34. hr°-tcm-Kß
- ƒ
tUm. sI. cmP-tKm-]m-e≥
t]Pv: 104 hne: 100
P∑-\m-bp-≠m-Ip∂ sshI-ey-ß-sf-s°m≠pw Nne tcmK-ß-sf-
s°m≠pw hr°-tcm-K-ß-fp-≠m-Imw. B[p-\n-I- ImeL-´-Øn¬
hr°-kw-_-‘n-I-fmb tcmK-߃ IqSn-h-cp-∂p-≠v. 1989˛se
Bbp¿thZ skan-\m-dn-t\m-S\
- p-_‘
- n®v Ah-Xc
- n-∏n® N¿®m-{]-_-
‘-am-Wn-Xv. tcmK-e-£-W-߃, NnIn’ F∂n-h-bpsS ]T-\-ß-
fmWv {KŸ-Øn-ep-≈X - v.

35. ]mWvUp-tcmKw (Anemia)

t]Pv: 111 hne: 70
1973˛¬ \S∂ Bbp¿thZ skan-\m-dnse N¿®m-{]-_‘ - ß
- f- mWv
Cu ]pkvXI - Ø
- n-ep-≈Xv. ico-cØ
- n¬ c‡-£bw aqew hnf-dnb
\ndw, £oWw, InX-∏v, sNhn-sIm-´n-bS- °¬ F∂nh A\p`-hs - ∏-
´m¬ ]mWvUp-tcm-K-ambn IW-°m-°m-hp-∂-Xm-Wv. hnf¿®-bpsS
Imc-W-߃, e£-W-߃, NnIn’ F∂n-h-bpsS hni-Z-amb
]T-\ß- f
- mWv {KŸ-Øn¬.
Publication Catalogue 25

36. Liver Disorders

Pages: 63 Price: 80
This volume contains the seminar papers of 2012. Modern
perspective of liver disorders, ayurvedic concept of hepatitis, Liver
Cirrhosis and Hepatocellular carcinoma are discussed in detail in this
title. The authors are Dr. Philip Augustine, Dr. M.R.Vasudevan
Namboodiri, Dr. N. Subhashbabu and Dr. B. Dinesh.

37. Gulmam
Dr. P.M. Madhu & Dr. Anjali Sivaram
Pages: 90 Price: 100
Gulma is a clinical condition mainly due to vaigunya of apana and
samana in which abdominal bulging is the cardinal feature. This title
is an attempt to study the diagnostic as well as treatment aspects of
the disease gulma. Gulma is such an entity of disorder in which
indistinctiveness is the cardinal feature. Both the authors could
evaluate the ayurvedic materials on Gulmam a therapeutic useful

38. lrt{Zm-Khpw NnIn-’bpw

sshZy-`q-jWw sI. cmL-h≥ Xncp-ap¬∏mSv
t]Pv: 101 hne: 100
Bbp¿th-ZN - n-In’m kn≤m-¥a- \
- p-kc - n®v lrt{Zm-Ka
- p-≠m-Im-\p≈
Imc-Wß - ƒ, e£-Wß - ƒ, NnIn-’, ]Yy-{I-aß - ƒ F∂nh hni-
Z-ambn hnh-cn-°p∂ {KŸw. NnIn-’I - ≥am¿°v {]tbm-P\ - s
- ∏-Sp∂
coXn-bn-emWv Cu ]pkvXIw cNn-®n-cn-°p-∂Xv.

39. Ima-ebpw A\p-_‘

- t- cm-Kß
- fpw
t]Pv: 120 hne: 100
Imen-I-ambn hfsc {]k-‡n-bp≈ Hcp tcmK-amWv Ima-e. aen-
- n-°s - ∏´ sh≈w, Blmcw F∂n-hb - m¬ a™-∏nØw IqSp-
X-embn I≠p-h-cp-∂p-≠v. ImaebpsS tcmK-Im-c-W-߃, e£-
W-߃, NnIn-’, A\p-_‘ - t- cm-Kß
- ƒ F∂n-hs - b-°p-dn®v {KŸ-
Øn¬ hnkvX-cn®v {]Xn-]m-Zn-°p-∂p-≠v. 1990˛¬ Imae-tcm-KsØ
Bkv]-Z-am°n \S-Ønb N¿®m-{]-_‘-ß-fmWv Cu {KŸ-Øn-
ep-≈X - v.
26 Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal

40. c‡-kΩ
- ¿±hpw NnIn-’bpw
t]Pv: 144 hne: 140
c‡-kΩ - ¿±-Øn¬ tcmKsØ A√ tcmKn-sb-bmWv NnIn-’n-t°-
≠-Xv. tcmKm-cw`Øn¬Øs∂ Is≠-Øn-bm¬ Bbp¿th-Z-Nn-In-
’-sIm≠v c‡-kΩ - ¿±sØ \nb-{¥n-°m-\p≈ hgn-Iƒ Nq´n-°m-
´p-∂-Xv {KŸ-Øns‚ {]tXy-I-X-bm-Wv. 1971˛¬ \S∂ skan-\m-
dnse N¿®m-{]_‘-ßf - m-Wn-Xv.

41. Contemporary Infectious Fevers

Pages: 91 Price: 100
This title contains newly emerging, reemerging and antibiotic
resistance pathogens in the scenario of an accelerated globalization.
The rapid changes in the environment is the main reason for severe
epidemic fevers. This book contains papers presented at the 50th
Ayurveda seminar on ‘Contemporary infectious fevers’ held at
Kottakkal on 2013. Public health challenges and solutions were
discussed by Dr. T. Jayakrishnan. This volume includes the essays
of Dr. Eswarasarma, Dr. K. Srikumar and Dr. Rajahariprasad.

42. hmX-tim-WnXw
t]Pv: 47 hne: 50
hmX-tim-WnX NnIn-’-bn¬ Bbp¿th-Z-Øns‚ auen-I-kn-≤m-
¥-ßtfbpw B[n-Im-cnI {KŸ-ß-sfbpw ]cn-K-Wn-t°-≠-Xns‚
{]m[m\yw hy‡-am-°p∂ {KŸw. Bbp¿thZ hnZym¿∞n-Iƒ°pw
NnIn-’-I≥am¿°pw hfsc {]tbm-P-\-{]-Z-amb NnIn-’m-\p-`-h-
߃ {KŸ-Øn-ep-≠v.

43. tIc-fob hnj-Nn-In’

Ah-W-∏-dºv atl-iz-c≥ \ºq-Xn-cn-∏mSv
t]Pv: 184 hne: 200
hnj-Nn-In-’m-cw-KØv hnZ-K[
v \
- m-bn-cp∂ Ah-W∏
- d
- ºv atl-iz-c≥
\ºq-Xn-cn-∏mSv cNn® {KŸw. k¿∏hnj-Nn-In-’, a‰v hnj
NnIn-’Iƒ, Nne NnIn-’m-\p-`-h-߃ F∂n-h-bmWv Cu {KŸ-
Øns‚ D≈-S-°w. hnj-Nn-In-’-bnse tIc-fo-b-]m-c-º-cy-Øns‚
t{ImUo-I-cWw IqSn-bm-Wv, Cu ]pkvX-Iw.
Publication Catalogue 27

44. AK-ZX
- {¥w
t]Pv: 180 hne: 200
1977˛¬ AK-Z-X-{¥sØ A[n-I-cn®v \S-Ønb Bbp¿th-Z-sk-an-
\m-dnse {]_-‘-ß-fmWv Cu {KŸ-Øn¬. Bbp¿th-Z-Ønse
hnj-Nn-In-’m XXzhpw {]tbm-Khpw hni-Z-am-°p∂ {]_-‘-ß-
fpsS kam-lm-ca
- m-Wn-Xv.

45. A]-kvam-chpw NnIn-’bpw

sshZy-`q-jWw sI. cmL-h≥ Xncp-ap-ev]m-Sv
t]Pv: 120 hne: 100
D∑m-Zhpw A]-kvam-chpw XΩn-ep≈ hyXym-kw, A]-kvam-ct- cm-K-
- ƒ, k{ºm-]X v n, tcmKw hcp-∂X
- n-\p-ap-ºp≈ e£-Wß - ƒ,
tcmK-e-£-W-߃, NnIn-’m-hn-[n-Iƒ, B[p-\n-I-co-Xn-bn¬ Cu
tcmK-sØ-°p-dn-®p≈ Adn-hp-Iƒ F∂n-hs - b√mw B[n-Im-cn-Ia- mbn
tcJ-s∏-Sp-Øn-bn-´p≈ {KŸw. sshZy-hn-Zym¿∞n-Iƒ°pw NnIn-’-
I-∑m¿°pw {]tbm-P\ - {- ]-Za
- mb {KŸw.

46. A¿»kpw NnIn-’bpw

t]Pv: 55 hne: 60
AjvS-a-tlm-tcm-K-ß-fn¬ Dƒs∏-Sp∂ A¿i- ns‚ tcmK-Im-c-W-
߃, ]q¿∆-cq-]-߃, e£-W-߃, NnIn-’, ]Yyw F∂n-h-sb-
°p-dn®v {]Xn-]m-Zn-°p∂ Cu {KŸw Cu hnj-bØ
- n¬ Gh¿°pw
am¿K-\n¿t±-iI- a
- m-Wv.

47. Diabetes And Treatment

Dr. V.V. Subramania Sastri
Pages: 60 Price: 80
Diabetes mellitus is a chronic and debilitating disease. This volume
includes etiology, pathogenesis, signs and symptoms and treatment
of diabetes. Authors stress the role of ayurveda in the total
management of diabetes.
28 Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal

48. Diseases During Pregnancy & Various Aspects of its

Dr. B. Syamala
Pages: 168 Price: 160
Although pregnancy is not a disease but a normal function of the
body, there is no doubt a pregnant woman is exposed to various
risks that are peculiar to pregnancy. Moreover, the diseases to which
all women are liable are often increased gravity when associated
with the pregnancy state. Maternal adaptations to pregnancy, antenatal
care, minor discomforts of pregnancy, principles of management of
pregnant women, major types of diseases during pregnancy, diseases
affecting the foetus are discussed in detail by Dr. B. Shyamala in this
volume. This book may help in treating the common ailments
occurring during pregnancy highlighting further research works and
progress in the subject.

49. Bbp¿th-ZØ
- nse Pzc-Nn-In’ ˛ ]p\x-]T
- \
- Ø
- ns‚
1995˛se Bbp¿thZ skan-\m-dn¬ Ah-X-cn-∏n® {]_-‘-߃
t]Pv: 124 hne:100
kwln-X-I-fn¬ hfsc {][m-\y-tØmsS hnh-cn-°p∂ Hcp tcmK-
amWv Pzcw. Pzc-tcm-K-NnIn’ B[p-\n-I-bp-K-Øn¬ {]k-‡hpw
{]mtbm-Kn-I-hp-am-I-W-sa-¶n¬ F{Xbpw thKw tcmK-\n¿Wbw
\S-Øm\pw tcmK-ap-‡n- h-cp-Øm\pw km[n-°-Ww. B[p-\n-I-hn-
⁄m-\Ø - ns‚ klm-bt- Øm-Sp-IqSn Pzc-Nn-In-’m-ka - o-]\
- ß
- f
- n-ep-
≠m-th≠ am‰-߃ N¿®-sNø-s∏-Sp-∂p≠v Cu {KŸ-Øn¬.
1995˛¬ \S-Ønb Bbp¿th-Zs - k-an-\m-dnse N¿®m-{]-_‘-ßf - m-

50. Karna - Nasa - Mukha Rogangal

Dr. G. Purushothamacharyulu & Dr. Arundhathi Purushotham
Pages: 251 Price: 260
Ear, Nose and mouth are the main portal entries of the body situated
in the head, which is the most vital part of the body. These three
organs are the seats of hearing, smelling and tasting and are exposed
to many disorders if appropriate preventive measures are not adopted.
In Ayurveda plenty of drugs are available to manage these disorders
which include snehana, svedana, vamana, virechana, sirovirechana,
Publication Catalogue 29

dhumapana, kabalagraha, gandusha etc. Modern aids like head mirror,

speculae, auriscope, laryngoscope etc. can help in understanding
the diseases well and to implement ayurvedic therapies more
appropriately. The authors here attempted to interpret the recent
observations of modern medicine in ENT and epidemiological studies
of scientists wherever feasible to substantiate the concepts of

51. Nme-IX
- {- ¥o-P\
- y-tcm-Kß
- ƒ
t]Pv: 119 hne: 100
ico-cØ- n-ep≈ t{kmX- p-If - psS XS- hpw [mXp-£b - hpw hmX-
- ƒ _m[n-°m≥ Imc-Wa - m-W.v tamt´m¿ \yqtdm¨ Unkokv
\ho-\c - oXym \n¿W-bn-°s - ∏-´n-´p≈ Hcp hmX-hym-[n-bm-W.v 1992˛se
Bbp¿th-Zs - k-an-\m-dn¬ Nme-IX - {- ¥o-P\
- y-tcm-Kß
- sf A[n-Ic - n®v
\S-Ønb N¿®m-{]-_‘ - ß- f- mWv {KŸ-Øn-ep-≈X - v.

52. Garbhavakrantiyam and Changing Trends in

Prescription Patterns
This tittle consists of seminar paper of 2014
Pages: 124 Price: 100
This volume contains two subjects Garbhavakrantiyam and changing
trends in prescription patterns. In garbhavakrantiyam the foetal origin
of adult disease and maternal nutrition, Ayurvedic modalities of
prenatal care and the importance of post natal care are discussed in
detail. A physician’s perspective on rasaushadhies and the importance
of Arishtasavas in clinical practice are the subjects detailed in second

53. Aivac
- nbpw NnIn-’bpw
tUm. Fkv.B¿. hmcn-b¿
t]Pv: 64 hne: 60
alm-tcm-K-ß-fpsS KW-Øn¬ Dƒs∏-Sp∂ Hcp tcmK-amWv
Aiva-cn. aq{X-X-S w D≠m-hp-∂-Xn-\m¬ aq{Xm-Lm-X-tØm-S-\p-
_‘n®mWv Bbp¿th-Z{- K-Ÿß - f
- n¬ Aivac
- n-tcm-KsØ tcJ-s∏-
- .v tcmK-Im-cW
- ß
- ƒ, e£-Wß - ƒ, NnIn-’, Blm-
c-hn-lm-c-߃, B[p\n-I-co-Xn-bn-ep≈ Aiva-cn-tcmK hnh-cWw
F∂n-hs - b-°p-dn®v khn-kvXcw {]Xn-]m-Zn-°p∂ {KŸ-am-Wn-Xv.
30 Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal

54. Iuam-c`
- rXyw
t]Pv: 88 hne: 100
1978˛¬ Iuam-c-`r-XysØ Bkv]-Z-am°n \S-Ønb Bbp¿th-Z-
sk-an-\m-dnse {]_-‘ß- f
- psS kam-lm-ca
- mWv Cu {KŸw. Ip´n-
Iƒ°p-≠m-Ip∂ tcmK-߃, tcmK-{]-Xn-tcm-[i - ‡n \ne-\n¿Ø¬,
tcmK-ia- \ NnIn’ F∂n-hbv°v {]m[m\yw \¬Ip∂hbmWv Cu
{]_-‘ß - ƒ.

55. a¿Ω-Nn-In’ Bbp¿th-ZØ

- n¬
t]Pv: 86 hne: 100
- n-emsI 107 a¿Ω-ßf - p-≠.v a¿Ω-Nn-In-’sb Bkv]Z- a - m°n
1983˛¬ \S-Ønb Bbp¿th-Z- sk-an-\m-dnse {]_-‘ß - f - mWv Cu
{KŸØn¬ kam-lc - n-®n-´p-≈Xv. ico-cØ - ns‚ Nne {]tXy-Iÿ - m-
\-ß-fn¬ hnti-jn®p ssNX\yw tI{µo-I-cn-°-s∏-´n-cn-°p-∂p-
sh∂pw AhnsS apdn-th-‰m¬ ac-Wtam ac-Wk - Z- r-iZ- px-Jtam A\p-
`-hn°pw F∂-XmWv Bbp¿th-Z h - o-£Ww.

56. Pakshaghatam (Hemiplegia)

Dr. G. Purushothamacharyulu & Dr. Arundhathi Purushotham
Pages: 160 Price: 160
Vata is the prime dosa among the three controlling factors of the
body. Incidence of Pakshaghata or Hemiplegia is observed in
proportion to the increasing age which confirms vataprakopa of old
age. The incidence of significant dhamanipratichaya is also associated
with pakshaghata. Disorders of mastishka, hridaya and vasti,
raktasammarda, madhumeha and smoking constitute the important
risk factors of Pakshaghata. Appropriate management in acute stage
is very important to save life of the patient and to prevent disabilities.
Snehapana, abhyanga, svedana, virechana, vasti, sirovasti,
sastikapindasveda be adopted in a personalised approach.

57. ]cn-Wm-a-iqe (Peptic Ulcer)

t]Pv: 51 hne: 60
s]]v‰nIv Aƒk¿ tcmK-sØ-°p-dn®v 1969˛¬ \S∂ Bbp¿th-Z-
sk-an-\m-dnse N¿®m-{]_‘-ßf - psS kam-lm-cw. ]cn-Wm-ai
- q-e,
A∂-{Z-hi - qe F∂n-hb- psS Imc-Wß - ƒ, e£-Wß - ƒ, NnIn-’,
Kth-jWw F∂nh Cu {KŸ-Øn-epƒs∏-Sp-Øn-bn-´p-≠v.
Publication Catalogue 31

58. iey-X{¥w
sshZy`q-jWw sI. cmL-h≥ Xn-cp-ap-ev∏mSv
t]Pv: 132 hne: 140
Bbp¿th-Z-Ønse AjvSmw-K-ß-fn¬ {]m[m-\y-ap≈ Hcp hn`m-K-
amWv iey-X-{¥w. ikv{X-{Inb sNtø-≠-tcm-K-߃, iey-X-{¥-
Øns‚ {]mam-Wn-Ihpw {]mtbm-Kn-I-hp-amb \ne, Kth-j-W-]-co-
£W kw`m-h\ - I
- ƒ F∂n-hs- b-°p-dn-®p≈ ]T-\{- K-Ÿa
- m-Wn-Xv.

59. tim^-hpw N
- n-In-’bpw
t]Pv: 84 hne: 100
km[m-c-W-bn¬ Ihn™ tXmXn¬ ico-c-Øn¬ {Zhmwiw sI´n-
\n¬°p-∂X - ns\ tim^w F∂p ]d-bp-∂p. 1970˛¬ \S∂ Bbp¿
th-Z-sk-an-\m-dnse {]_-‘-ß-fpsS kam-lm-c-amWv Cu {KŸw.
tim^-tcm-KI - m-cW
- ß
- ƒ, e£-Wß- ƒ, NnIn’, B[p-\n-Ic- o-Xn-
bn¬ Cu tcmKsØ Fßs\ ImWp∂p Fs∂√mw {KŸ-Øn¬
hni-Za- m-°p-∂p-≠v.

60. The Role and Scope of Psychic Factor in Ayurvedic

Dr. Sureshbabu
Pages: 96 Price: 100
The role of psychic factor in disease production was identified
ayurveda much earlier. The nature of psychosomatic mechanism
with special reference to manasika and saririka dosas is discussed in
detail. The scope of psychic factor is so widened that a group of
new illnesses known as psychosomatic or stress related are diseases
emerged. Ayurvedic approach towards these problem are promotion
of satvaguna over the rajo, tamo dosa through measures like
acararasayanam, sativikaahara, sadvartta and rasayanachikitsa.
Diversion of mind from the stressors factors through various means
like meditation, dhyanam, yoga and other relaxation methods called
satvavajayachikitsa. Administration of curative medicines, vasti,
virechana to cure psychosomatic diseases is known as
yuktivyapatsrayachikitsa. This has been discussed in greater depth
covering samana, sodhana, rasayana drugs in this work.
32 Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal

61. DZ-chpw NnIn-’bpw

Bcy-ssh-Zy≥ ]n.-hn. cmL-h-hm-cn-b¿
t]Pv: 116 hne: 120
A·n-amµyw F√m tcmK-߃°pw Imc-Wa - m-Wv. {]tXy-In®v DZ-c-
tcm-Kß- ƒ°v. AjvSa- lm-tcm-Kß
- f
- n¬ Dƒs∏-Sp∂ atlm-Zc tcmK-
Im-cW- ß- ƒ, k{ºm-]vXn, e£-Wß - ƒ, NnIn’ F∂nh sshZy-
hn-Zym¿∞n-Iƒ°pw NnIn-’-I-∑m¿°pw {]tbm-P-\-s∏Spw hn[w
hnh-cn-°p∂ {KŸ-am-Wn-Xv.

62. Renal Diseases

Pages: 104 Price: 120
This volume contains the seminar papers of 2015. The scope of
ayurvedic principles and practices in managing renal diseases was
addressed by Dr. Sreenivasa Acharya. This title includes the approach
of Ayurveda in renal diseases, modern treatments followed in kidney
related disorders and ayurvedic clinical experiences in renal
complaints. Other authors are Dr. Ramadas Pisharody, Dr. K. Murali
and Dr. C.D. Sahadevan.

63. t\{X-tcm-Kß
- fpw NnIn-’bpw
t]Pv: 172 hne: 200
aq∂p `mK-ßf - n-embn {Iao-Ic
- n-®n-cn-°p∂ Cu {KŸ-Øn¬ Atcm-
Km-h-ÿ-bnse t\{Xw, t\{X-tcm-K-\n-Zm-\w, ]co-£m-{I-aw, t\{X-
- n-In’ F∂n-hs - b-°p-dn®v hnkvXc- n®v {]Zn-]m-Zn-®n-cn-°p-∂p.
t\{X-kw-c-£-W-Øn\pw t\{X-tcm-K-{]-Xn-tcm-[-Øn\pw kzoI-cn-
t°≠ am¿§-߃ {KŸ-Øn-ep-≠v. Bbp¿th-Z-{K-Ÿ-ß-fn¬
{]tXyIw kw⁄ \¬In hnh-cn-®n-´n-√m-ØXpw F∂m¬ C∂v
Hcp t\{X-tcm-K-Nn-In-’-I\v [mcm-f-ambn ssIImcyw sNtø-≠n-
h-cp-∂-Xp-amb Nne km[m-c-W-tcm-Km-h-ÿ-I-sf-°p-dn-®p≈ hnh-
cWw A\p-_-‘-ambn tN¿Øn-´p-≠v. t\{X-tcm-K-ß-fpsS B[p-
\nI Xmc-X-ay-]-T\w {KŸ-Øns‚ khn-ti-j-X-bm-Wv. {]ikvX
t\{X-tcm-KN- n-In-’I- b
- mb tUm. ]n.-sI. im¥-Ip-am-cn°v 1982 se
Bbp¿thZ {]_-‘-a-’-c-Øn¬ kΩm-\m¿l-amb {]_-‘-am-
Publication Catalogue 33

64. {]Ir-Xn-˛tbmK˛NnIn-’-Iƒ Bbp¿th-Z-Øn¬

t]Pv: 76 hne: 100
1982˛¬ Bbp¿thZ skan-\m-dn-t\m-S-\p-_-‘n®p \S∂ N¿®bm
Wn-Xv.tcmKw hcm-Xn-cn-°m≥ klm-bn-°p-∂-Xn¬ {]IrXn NnIn-
’, tbmK-Nn-In’ F∂n-hb - °
v p≈ {]m[m\yw {]kn-≤a - m-Wt- √m.
Btcm-Ky-ap≈ kaq-lsØ krjvSn-°m≥ Bbp¿th-ZN - n-In-’t- bm-
sSm∏w {]IrXn tbmK-Nn-In-’I - ƒ ka-\z-bn-∏n-°p-∂Xv \√-XmWv
F∂v Cu {KŸw hy‡-am-°p-∂p.

65. «o]Zw
t]Pv: 60 hne: 80
1980˛¬ Bbp¿thZ skan-\m-dn-t\m-S-\p-_-‘n®p \S∂ N¿®bm
Wn-Xv. «o]-Z-tcmK \nZm-\w, k{ºm-]vXn, e£-W-߃, NnIn’
F∂n-hs - b-°p-dn®v {]Xn-]m-Zn-°p∂ {KŸw. tcmK-{]-Xn-tcm-[\
- S- ]
- -
- n¬ B[p-\n-IN - n-In-’m-co-Xn-bpsS kao-]\w {]tXyIw ]cm-

66. Cardiac Ailments

Pages: 92 Price: 120
This volume includes the seminar papers of 2016. According to
Dr. M.S. Valiathan research carried out in ayurvedic biology in the
last decade has shown evidence of scientific basis of dosaprakriti
and the mechanistic basis of the action of rasayana and panchakarma.
This volume contains Clinical experiences in cardiac diseases shared
by VaidyamadhamV.M. Rishikumaran Namboodiri and Dr. A.K.
Manaojkumar. The importance of medicinal herbs in cardiac
protection is written by Dr. P.Y. Ansari. Shri Thaigi Subhash described
the role of yoga in cardiac care. And the contemporary medical
treatment alone is not sufficient in managing many cardiac ailments
by Dr. M. Vijayakumar.

66. A¬jn-a¿tcmKw
tUm. A\n¬Ipam¿
t]Pv: 80 hne: 80
2001˛se Bbp¿thZ skan-\m-dn-t\m-S-\p-_-‘n®v \S∂ A¬jn-
- Ø-°p-dn-®p≈ {]_-‘ß - f
- mWv Cu {KŸ-Ønse D≈-
34 Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal

S-°w. kvarXn-\m-ia- mWv A¬jn-a¿tcm-KØ

- ns‚ {][m-\e
- £
- W
- w.
Cu tcmK-Øn-\p≈ Bbp¿thZ {]Xn-hn-[n-Iƒ CXn¬ \n¿t±-in-

67. Mayopathy - An Ayurvedic Perspective

Dr. Abhilash. M
Pages: 83 Price: 80
Myopathy is mainly a disease involving impairment in dhatu metabolism
due to various factors. The disease can also be congenital. The
modern science considered the disease as a disorder. Studies have
been carried out classifying the disease based on etiology and clinical
features. With respect to Ayurveda view of the error in dhatu
metabolism, srothorodha, agni and various causes which has been
studied in relation to this disorder. The title gives a discussion on
mamsadhatu as well as modern evaluation and Ayurvedic approach
on myopathy.

68. at\m-tcm-KN
- n-In’
t]Pv: 156 hne: 160
Xmfw-sX-‰nb a\- ns\ im¥-am-°m-\p≈ D]m-[n-Iƒ Bbp¿th-
Z-Øn-ep-≠.v kpJw, ZpxJw apX-em-bh - b- psS Adn-hp-≠m-°n-Øc
- p∂
Hcp C{µnb-amWv a\- v. CjvSa - p-≈h - sb kzoI-cn®pw A\n-jvSa - m-
b-hsb Hgn-hm-°p-∂Xpw a\- m-Wv. ⁄mt\m-Xv]Øn a\- ns‚
t{ijvT-amb I¿Ω-am-Wv. 1993˛se Bbp¿th-Z-sk-an-\m-dn¬
N¿® sNø-s∏´ {]_-‘a - m-Wn-Xv.

69. Thyroid Disorders

Pages: 103 Price: 120
Thyroid problems are more prevalent nowadays than before. This
title contains the seminar papers of 2017. Modern approaches in
thyroid disorders by Dr. T.D. Unnikrishnan Kartha, ayurvedic
approach by Dr. Vishnu Namboodiri, Dr. P.R. Ramesh and the
importance of Ballatakakshiram in Hypothyridism by Dr. A.K.
Manojkumar, are the contents of this book.
Publication Catalogue 35

70. Fs‚ Ip´n Fs‚ A`n-am\w

tUm. cmtPjv F≥., tUm. \Pva-tamƒ sI.
t]Pv: 84 hne: 100
Ip´n-I-fpsS kwkm-cw, ]T-\w, Bi-b-hn-\n-a-b-ti-jn, s]cp-am‰w
XpS-ßn-b-hsb _m[n-°p∂ Hcp Ah-ÿ-bmWv Hm´n-kw. tIm´-
bv°¬ Bbp¿th-Z-tIm-tf-Pn¬ \-S∂ F^-IvSo-hvs\kv Hm^v
F]mc‚¬ FPyp-t°-j≥ t{]mKmw Hm¨ Bbp¿th-ZnIv sse^v
ssì C≥ Hm´nkw kvs]Iv{Sw Untkm¿tUgvkv F∂ Kth-j-
W-]-≤-Xn-bpsS `mK-ambn Xøm-dm-°nb {KŸ-am-Wn-Xv. Hm´n-k
-_m-[n-X-cmb Ip´n-I-fpsS c£n-Xm-°ƒ°v Hcp klm-b-lkvXw
\o´p-Ib- m-Wn-hn-sS.

71. Post Covid Syndrome

Pages: 64 Price: 150
This title describes the scientific information and clinical management
of Post COVID Syndrome. Ayurveda can play a vital role in managing
the pandemic, with a multidimensional approach that includes
prophylactic and rehabilitative measures.

72. Clinical Application of Rasaayana in Modern Times

Pages: 84 Price: 200
Currently, global health sector and economy are significantly
disadvantaged due to ascending incidence of genetic, metabolic, and
infectious disorders. Though much advancement has been made in
innovative scientific tools that detail human physiology, diagnostics,
and pathological states, the remedy is seldom formulated. Rasaayana
is one of its kinds in terms of being an all-inclusive multifaceted
discipline that stresses preventive and therapeutic strategies which
involve appropriate use of herbs-mineral formulations, dietetics,
lifestyle, and social decorum advocacies that aims at holistic and
humanistic care.
36 Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal


(Gjym-s\-‰n¬ Bbp-cm-tcmKykuJyw F∂ ]cn-]m-Sn-bn¬ kwt{]-jWw sNbvX-
Xns‚ hn]p-eo-Ir-X-cq]w)

1. Pohn-XN
- cy
t]Pv: 51 hne: 60
Bbp- n-s\-∏-‰n-bp≈ Adn-hmWv Bbp¿th-Zw. Btcm-Ky-]q¿Æ-
amb Pohn-X-Øn\v Zn\-Ncy, Blm-cw, \n{Z, hymbmaw F∂n-h-
bv°p≈ {][m-\y-sØ-°p-dn®v imkv{Xo-b-ambn tcJ-s∏-Sp-Øn-bn-
´p≈ {KŸ-am-Wn-Xv.

2. lrt{ZmKw
t]Pv: 46 hne: 30
- w-_‘ - a- mb tcmK-ßf
- n¬ Bbp¿th-ZN
- n-In’ Fßs\
- s
- ∏-SpØmw F∂v hnh-cn-°p∂ Hcp eLp-{K-Ÿa- m-Wn-Xv.

3. {]talw
t]Pv: 43 hne: 40
IrXy-amb Bbp¿th-ZN - n-In-’b
- n-eqsS {]ta-lt- cm-KsØ \nb-{¥n-
°m-hp-∂-Xm-Wv. {]talw hcm-Xn-cn-°m\pw h∂-h¿°v ioen-°m-
\p-ap≈ Zn\-N-cy, Blm-cw, Huj[w F∂n-h-sb-°p-dn®v Adnhp
\¬Ip∂ {KŸ-am-Wn-Xv.

4. c‡kΩ¿±w
t]Pv: 51 hne: 40
c‡m-Xn-a¿±w D≠m-bm¬ akvXnjvI c‡-{km-hw, ]£m-Lm-Xw,
lrt{Zm-Kw, hr°-tcm-Kß
- ƒ F∂nh D≠m-Im-\p≈ km[yX IqSp-
X-em-W.v c‡m-Xn-a¿±w hcm-Xn-cn-°m≥ kzoI-cn-t°≠ Pohn-Xs
- si-
en, Blm-cw, Huj-[-߃ F∂n-h-sb-°p-dn®v Adn-hp-\¬Ip∂

5. A¿ikv
t]Pv: 31 hne: 40
- y-hÿ
- b
- psS {]h¿Ø\w icn-bm-b- co-Xn-bn-em-°m≥ klm-
bn-°p∂ Blm-cw, Huj[w F∂n-h-bmWv A¿i- n¬ D]tbm-
Publication Catalogue 37

Kn-°m-dp-≈-Xv. A¿i- p-≠m-Im-\p≈ Imc-W-߃, NnIn-’,

Blmcw F∂n-hs - b-°p-dn®v hnh-cn-°p∂ ]pkvXI
- a
- m-Wn-Xv.

6. B¿Ø-hhpw A\p-_‘
- {- ]-iv\ß
- fpw
t]Pv: 51 hne: 60
B¿Ø-h-Im-e-Øp-≠m-Ip∂ Btcm-Ky-{]-iv\-߃ Hgn-hm-°m≥
ioen-t°≠ Zn\-Nc - y, Blm-cw, Huj[w F∂n-hs - b-°p-dn®v Adn-
bm≥ klm-bn-°p∂ Hcp ]pkvX-I-am-Wn-Xv. B¿Ø-h-Im-esØ
Bfl- h n- i zm- k - t ØmsS kzoI- c n- ° m- \ p≈ am\- k n- I m- h ÿ
s]¨Ip´n-Iƒ°v hf¿Øn-sb-Sp-°m≥ Cu {KŸw D]-Ic - n-°pw.

7. K¿`n-Wo-Nc
- ybpw {]k-hi
- p-{iq-jbpw
t]Pv: 59 hne: 60
Bbp¿thZw \n¿t±-in-°p∂ K¿`n-Wo-N-cybv°v C∂pw {]k-‡n-
bp-≠.v K¿`nWn Ign-t°≠ Blm-cß - ƒ, NnIn-’m-hn-[n-Iƒ F∂n-
h-sb-°p-dn-®p≈ Adn-hp-\¬Ip∂ {KŸw. BtcmKy-ap≈ Ip™p
P\n-°m≥ K¿`nWn Blm-ch - n-lm-cß- f
- n¬ {]tXyIw {i≤sImSp-
t°-≠X - m-W.v {]k-ht- ijw D]-tbm-Kn-°m-hp∂ Bbp¿thZ Huj-
[-߃ Cu {KŸ-Øn-ep-≠v.

8. inip-]-cn-]m-e\w
t]Pv: 53 hne: 60
- n-ip-°f
- psS Btc-mKy-c£
- m-{I-aw, ico-ch
- f
- ¿®, ]cn-Nc
- -
Ww, Blm-cw, tcmK-NnIn’ F∂nh {]Xn-]m-Zn-°p∂ {KŸ-am-

9. _me-tcm-Kß
- ƒ
t]Pv: 67 hne: 30
]{¥-≠p-hb p-h-sc-bmWv _meyw. hf¿®-bpsS Cu Ime-L-´-
Øn¬ Ip´n-Iƒ°v tcmK-߃ _m[n-°m-Xn-cn-°m≥ kzoI-cn-t°≠
am¿K-ßsf°pdn-®p≈ {KŸ-am-Wn-X.v km[mcW Ip´n-If
- n¬ I≠p-
h-cm-dp≈ tcmK-߃, NnIn-’I
- ƒ F∂n-hbpw Cu ]pkvXI - Ø
- n-
38 Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal

10. \Sp-th-Z\
t]Pv: 39 hne: 30
km[m-cW F√m-h¿°pw D≠m-Ip∂ Hcp tcmKamWv \Sp-th-Z-\.
\s´-√n-\p-≠m-Ip∂ kΩ¿±w, Aÿn-£b - w, c‡-°p-dhv F∂n-h-
bm-sems° \Sp-th-Z\ hcm-dp-≠v. Cu tcmK-Øn¬ sNøm-hp∂
NnIn-’-Iƒ Fs¥m-s°-bmWv F∂-dn-bm≥ Cu {KŸw klm-

11. tIc-fo-bN
- n-In-’I
- fpw ]©¿Ω-ßfpw
t]Pv: 53 hne: 30
]ngn-®n¬, [mc, Dgn-®n¬, Xe-s]m-Xn-®n¬, Ce-°n-gn, \h-c-°n-gn,
s]mSn-°ngn XpS-ßn-b-h-bmWv tIc-fo-b-Nn-In-’m-co-Xn-Iƒ. ha-
\w, hntc-N\
- w, hkvXn, \kyw, c‡-tam£w F∂n-hb - mWv ]©-
I¿Ω-߃. ]©-I¿Ωhpw tIc-fo-bN - n-In-’I
- fpw c≠v hyXykvX
- f - mWv F∂v hy‡-am-°p-∂p-≠v.

12. A¿_pZw
t]Pv: 38 hne: 30
A¿_p-Zt- cm-KØ- n¬ Bbp¿th-ZN - n-In’ {]tbm-P\ - s- ∏-Sp-Øp-∂-
Xn-s\-°p-dn-®p≈ {KŸ-am-Wn-Xv. Pohn-XK - p-W\ - n-eh
- mcw sa®-s∏-Sp-
Øm\pw tcm-K{- ]-Xn-tcm-[Ø - n\pw klm-bI - a- m-Ip-∂h - n-[Ø
- n-ep≈
Bbp¿th-Z- Nn-In-’I - s
- f-°p-dn®v Adnhp \¬Ip-∂p≠v Cu {KŸw.

13. k‘n-hmXw
t]Pv: 51 hne: 30
k‘n-I-fn¬ thZ-\, \ocv, Nph-∏v\n-dw, NqSv F∂n-h-bmWv k‘n-
hm-Xt- cm-Ke
- £
- W
- ß- ƒ. Bcw-`L-´Ø - n¬Øs∂ Xncn-®d - n-bm\pw
sNtø≠ NnIn-’I - s- f-°p-dn®pw Cu ]pkvXIw Adn-hp-\¬Ip∂p.

14. Ae¿Pn
t]Pv: 49 hne: 40
tcmK-{]-Xn-tcm-[-i‡n Ipd-™-h-cn-emWv Ae¿Pn tcmK-e-£-W-
ß-fmb XpΩ¬, Npa, izmkw-ap-´,v ]\n, sXmen-bn-ep-≠m-Ip∂ Nph-
∏v, sNmdn-®n¬ F∂nh A\p`h-s∏-Sm-dp-≈Xv. Ae¿Pn t- cm-KI - m-c-
W-߃, NnIn’ F∂nh CXn¬ hmbn-°mw.
Publication Catalogue 39

15. t\{X-tcm-K-߃
t]Pv: hne: 60
t\{X-kw-c-£-Ww, t\{X-tcm-K-߃, t\{X-tcmK NnIn’ F∂n-
h-bmWv Cu {KŸ-Ønse {]Xn-]mZyw.

16. ssewKn-I{- ]-iv\ß

- ƒ
t]Pv: 63 hne: 30
imco-cn-Itam am\-kn-Itam Bb Imc-Wß
- ƒ sIm≠v ssewKn-I-
{]-iv\-ß-fp-≠m-Imw. AXn-\p≈ Bbp¿th-Z-]-cn-lm-c-am¿K-߃
\n¿t±-in-°p∂ Hcp {KŸ-am-Wn-Xv.

17. am\-kn-I-{]-iv\-߃
t]Pv: 47 hne: 30
ico- c - a - \ - pIsf H∂mbn ImWp∂ ka- { K- h o- £ - W - a mWv
Bbp¿th-Z-Øn-\p-≈-Xv. am\-knI-tcm-K-Im-c-W-߃, NnIn’
F∂nh eLp-]p-kvXI - w.

18. kvarXn-£-bhpw \n{Zm\m-ihpw

t]Pv: 39 hne: 40
Hm¿Ω-°p-d-hn\pw Dd-°-°p-d-hn-\p-ap-≠m-Ip∂ Imc-W-߃,
NnIn’ F∂n-hb - mWv Cu {KŸ-Ønse D≈-S° - w.

19. ckm-b\w
t]Pv: 44 hne: 10
ico-c_- ew h¿≤n-∏n®v tcmK-{]-Xn-tcm-[i
- ‡n \ne\n¿Øm≥ ckm-
b-\N- n-In’ {]tbm-P\
- s
- ∏-Sp-Øp-∂p. Btcm-Ky-]q¿Æ-amb Zo¿Lm-
bp- v, buh-\w, _ew, ico-c-ku-µ-cyw, kzc-ip-≤n, Hm¿Ω-i-‡n,
_p≤n-i‡n F∂n-hbv°v ckm-b-\u-j-[-߃ D]-tbm-Kn-°mw.
ckmb\-Nn-In-’psS {]m[m-\y-sØ-°p-dn®v Cu ]pkvXIw {]Xn-

20. kuµ-cy-kw-c£
- Ww
t]Pv: 43 hne: 60
ico-c-{]-Ir-Xn, Blm-cw, hymbm-aw, Pohn-X-co-Xn, kuµ-cy-h¿≤-
I-ß-fmb {Zhy-߃ F∂n-h-sb√mw kuµ-cy-kwc-£-W-Øns\
40 Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal

kzm[o-\n-°p∂ LS-Iß - f- m-W.v ico-ck

- u-µcyw \ne-\n¿Øm-\p≈
am¿K-ßs- f-°p-dn-®p-≈X- mWv Cu {KŸw.


1. ]©-I¿Ω-Nn-In-’m-km-c-kw-{Klw
tUm. sI. cmP-tKm-]m-e≥
t]Pv: 352 hne: 600
ico-c-Øn-s‚bpw a\- n-s‚bpw amen-\y-߃ \o°n kzmÿyw
ssIh-cn-°p-∂X- n\v Ahew_n-°m-hp∂ NnIn-’m-am¿K-amWv ]©-
I¿Ωw. Bbp¿thZ B[n-Im-cn-I-{K-Ÿ-ß-fn¬ ]©-I¿Ω-ß-sf-
∏‰n {]Xn-]m-Zn-®n-´p≈ Imcy-߃ IrXy-ambn Cu {KŸ-Øn¬
A\p-`h- k
- º
- ∂
- \ - mb BNm-cy≥ Ipdn-®n-cn-°p∂p.
2. Snehasvedangal
2008 Seminar Papers
Pages: 92 Price: 60
Purvakarmas are the preparatory procedures required to be
undertaken before pancakarma therapy. This title contains the seminar
papers of 2008. The principles and procedure of Snehanam (the
usage of medicated ghrita or oil) and Svedanam (Sudation therapy)
is discussed in detail. These two procedures are done before
Panchakarma. The mode of action of these two procedures and its
various modalities are well explained by the authors Dr. L. Mahadevan
and Dr. G. Shyamakrishnan.

3. Vasti Concept and Current Procedural Modalities

Dr. Radha Agarwal
Pages: 160 Price: 140
This title discusses the classification of Vasti, its mode of action etc.
Action of vasti is not limited to nabhi pradesa, Kati, parsva and kuksi.
Potency of the vasti drugs spreads all over the body and easily comes
out along with the churned purisha and dosa. The term vasti denotes
niruha and anuvasana both as they do elimination of purisa and dosa.
Publication Catalogue 41

4. ]©-I¿Ωw
sshZy-`q-jWw sI. cmL-h≥ Xncp-ap-ev]m-Sv, Bcy-ssh-Zy≥ F≥.-hn.sI.
- m-cn-b¿
t]Pv: 167 hne: 160
tcmK-Nn-In-’-bn¬ ]©-I¿Ω-Nn-In-’-I-fmb ha-\w, hntc-N-\w,
kvt\l-h-kvXn, Ijm-b-h-kvXn, \kyw F∂n-h-bpsS {]m[m-\y-
sØbpw bp‡n-sbbpw hnh-cn-°p∂ {KŸw. tcmK-\n¿Æ-bØ - nepw
NnIn-’-bnepw B[p-\nIimkv{Xw Ht´sd ]ptcm-KXn ssIh-cn-
®n-´p≠v. `uXn-I-km-l-N-cy-ß-fn-ep-≠mb am‰w a\p-jys‚ ico-c-
_-e-sØbpw _m[n-®n-´p-≠v. ]©-I¿Ω-Øns‚ XØz-ß-sfbpw
Bh-iym-\p-jTv t- b-Xbpw km[q-Ic- n-°p-Ibpw ÿm]n-°p-Ib
- p-amWv
C∏-d™ am‰-߃ sNøp-∂X - v.

5. Relevance of Purifacatory Treatment in Degenerative

Dr. G. Purushothamacharyulu & Dr. Arundhathi Purushotham
Pages: 152 Price: 160
The morbidities are related to or caused by degeneration are termed
as degenerative diseases. These conditions are described in detail in
this book along with ayurvedic views and brief principles of therapies
with special reference to samsodhana treatment. The vastikarma,
virechana and rasayana therapies are regarded as very effective
therapeutic measures in the treatment of degenerative measures.

6. c‡-tam£w
tUm. ]n.-Fw. a[p
t]Pv: 136 hne: 200
c‡-tam-£N - n-In-’s
- Im≠v am‰m≥ km[n-°p∂ tcmK-ßf - n¬ Cu
{Inbm-{Iaw Fßs\ sNømw F∂v hni-Z-am-°p∂ Hcp {KŸ-am-
Wn-Xv. 1998 se Bbp¿thZ {]_-‘-a-’-c-Øn¬ kΩm-\m¿l-
amb {]_‘w. c‡-tam-£N - n-In-’s - Im≠v hmX-c‡ - w, hnN¿®n-
I, hnk¿∏w XpS-ßnb tcmK-߃°v t`Zw In´nb Ht´sd A\p-`-
h-߃ \ap°p ap∂n-ep-≠.v hnhn[ c‡-tam-£h - n-[n-Is
- f-°p-dn®pw
Ah {]tbm-Kn-t°≠ tcmKm-hÿ - I - s
- f-∏‰- nbpw Nn{X-kl - nXw {]Xn-
]m-Zn-°p∂ ]cn-jvIc - n® c≠m-asØ ]Xn-∏m-Wn-Xv.
42 Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal


1. Blm-cw, BtcmKyw
t]Pv: 176 hne: 160
tUm. ]n.-sI. hmcn-bc
- psS \h-Xn-bm-tLm-jß - f - psS `mK-ambn 2011
Pqsse 10 \v Blm-cw, BtcmKyw F∂ hnj-bsØ A[n-I-cn®v
\S-Ønb skan-\m-dn¬ Ah-Xc - n-∏n® {]_-‘ß - ƒ. Blm-cs - Ø-
°p-dn-®p≈ Bbp¿th-ZI - m-gN
v ∏
- m-S,v tIc-fo-bB
- l - m-cw, tcmKm-hÿ - -
bnse Blm-cw, hncp-≤m-lm-cw, {]ta-l-tcm-Kn-°p≈ Blm-cw,
Blm-chpw B[p-\n-Ik - m-t¶XnI-hn-Zybpw Nne ]cn-t{]-£y-߃,
Blm-c-Øns‚ A¿∞-imkv{Xw F∂o hnj-b-ßsf A[n-I-cn-
®p≈ teJ-\ß - f
- mWo {KŸ-Øns‚ D≈-S° - w.

2. ae-bm-fn-bpsS Blm-ci
- o-eß
- ƒ Bbp¿th-Zk
- a
- o-]\w
tUm. AarX Fw.-F-kv, tUm. Zriy-Zmkv hn.
t]Pv: 124 hne: 250
ae-bm-fn-bpsS `£y-hn-`h-߃ Bbp¿th-Zi - m-k{v X-Øns‚ ImgvN-
∏m-Sn¬ hni-Ie - \w sNøp∂ {KŸw. Blm-csØ ck-Kp-Wh - o-cy-
hn-]m-II - ¿Ω-ßf - psS ASn-ÿm-\Ø- n¬ BZy-]I - p-Xn-bn¬ hni-Zo-
I-cn-®n-cn-°p-∂p. c≠mw-]-Ip-Xn-bn¬ km[m-cW ImWp∂ tcmK-
ßfpw Ah-bn¬ ]men-t°≠ ]Yym-]Y - y-ßfpw hnh-cn-®n-cn-°p-∂p.

3. Blm-c-hn-[n-Iƒ kzÿm-h-ÿ-bnepw tcmKm-h-ÿ-bnepw

t]Pv: 112 hne:140
1984˛¬ Bbp¿thZ skan-\m-dn-t\m-S-\p-_-‘n®p \S∂ N¿®m
{]_‘w. Btcm-Ky-kw-c£ - W- Ø- n\pw tcmK-{]-Xn-tcm-[t- ijn \ne-
\n¿Øm\pw Blm-c-Im-cy-ß-fn¬ {]tXyIw {i≤n-t°-≠-Xp≠v.
tcmK-an-√m-Ø-h¿°v Fs¥√mw Blm-c-߃ Ign°mw, Blm-c-
Øns‚ t]mj-Imwiw F∂n-h-sb√mw imkv{Xo-b-ambn hnh-cn-®n-
cn-°p-∂p. hnhn[ tcmKm-hÿ- I
- f
- n¬ D]-tbm-Kn-°m-hp∂ Blm-c-
ß-sf-°p-dn®v tcJ-s∏-Sp-Øn-bn-´p≈ Hcp ]pkvXI - a- m-Wn-Xv.

4. Svasthavrittam
Dr. V.V.S. Sastry
Pages:168 Price: 160
Svastavrittam is a subject, which deals with the mode of leading life
by a healthy man for its maintenance. Ayurveda is the knowledge of
Publication Catalogue 43

the science of “Ayu”. The comprehensive definition of the word

Ayu as postulated by Caraka is Sarirendriya satvatmasamyoga ie, a
coordinated state of sarira, indriyas, manas and atma and therefore
implies life . To maintain the healthy state, various adoptive measures
regarding the ahara, vihara and carya for everyday and erca season
have been laid down in Ayurveda. Such adoptive methods/measures
are clearly illustrated by the senior author.


1. NnIn-’m-kw-{Klw
sshZy-cXv\w ]n.-F-kv. hmcn-b¿
t]Pv: 332 hne: 200
Bbp¿thZ B[n-Im-cn-I{- K-Ÿß - f - n¬ AS-ßn-bXpw [mcmfw {]Nm-
c-Øn-ep-≈-h-bp-amb F√m Huj-[-ß-fp-sSbpw {]Im-c-t`Z-߃,
Ahm-¥c - h
- n-`m-Kß
- ƒ, ^e-{ip-Xn, am{X, D]tbmK-{I-aw, ]Yym-Nmcw
F∂nh hnh-cn-°p∂ {KŸw. km[mcW I≠p-h-cp∂ tcmK-ß-
fpsS NnIn’ tcJ-s∏-Sp-Øn-bn-´p-≠v. ]©-I¿Ω-߃, D]-I¿Ω-
߃, [mc, ]ngn-®n¬, Rh-c-°ngn apX-em-b-h-sb-°p-dn®v hnkvX-
cn®v {]Xn-]m-Zn-®n-´p-≠v.

2. Cikitsasamgraham (English)
Vaidyaratnam P.S.Varier
Pages: 271 Price: 200
Cikitsasangraham describes common ayurvedic formulations
prescribed by physicians authenticated by classical text books.
Medicine dosage, methods of usage and dietary restrictions are also
included. This book also describes the pathogenesis, symptoms and
other details of common ailments and prescribes the treatments for
them. Besides there is a detailed description of Panchakarmas. Detailed
description of Dhara, Pizhicil and Navarakkizhi are also included.

3. Cikitsasamgraham (Hindi)
Vaidyaratnam P.S.Varier
Pages: 300 Price: 200
44 Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal

4. Therapeutic Index of Classical, P&P and New

Generation Formulations of Araya Vaidya Sala.
Pages: 351 Price: 400
This volume includes the therapeutic index of Classical formulations,
P&P formulations and new generation formulatons of Arya Vaidya
Sala. It gives the ingredient and quantity details, indication, dose
factor and textual reference of formulations representing major
categories like Arishta, Bhasma, Ghrita, Gulika, Kashaya, Leha,
Rasakriya and Taila. It is our hope that this volume will be found
useful as regular reference manual by the Ayurvedic physicians
across the country.

5. Medicine Catalogue (Malayalam)

Pages: 92 Price: 80
Bbp¿thZ B[n-Im-cnI {KŸ-ßf - n-ep≈ Bcy-ssh-Zy-ime \n¿Ωn-
°p∂ Huj-[ß - sf ]cn-Nb- s
- ∏-Sp-Øp∂ saUn-kn≥ Im‰-tem-Km-
Wn-Xv. Bbp¿th-ZnIv s{]mss{]-‰dn saUn-kn≥, ]pXnb Dev]-∂-
߃ F∂n-hs - b-°p-dn-®p≈ kmam-\y-hn-hc - ß
- fpw Dƒs°m-≈n-®n-

6. Medicine Catalogue (English)

Pages: 108 Price: 80
This catalogue includes the information about Classical formulations,
P&P formulations and new generation medicines.

7. Medicine Catalogue (Hindi)

Pages: 76 Price: 40


1. sshZy-cX
- v\Ø
- ns‚ Ub-dn-bn-eqsS
kn.-F. hmcn-b¿
t]Pv: 258 hne: 120
sshZy-cXv\w ]n.-F-kv. hmcn-b¿ 1927 apX¬ 1944 hsc Fgp-Xnb
Ub-dn-bnse {]k-‡-`mK-ß-fmWv Cu {KŸ-Øn-ep-≈-Xv. alm-
∑m-cpsS Ub-dn-°p-dn-∏p-Iƒ Ah¿ Pohn® Ime-L-´-sØ-bmWv
Publication Catalogue 45

tcJ-s∏-Sp-Øp-∂-Xv. Ncn{X-tc-J-I-fmbn Ah amdp-∂p. At±-l-

Øns‚ PohnX-sØbpw {]h¿Ø-\s - Øbpw ASp-Ød- n-bm≥ klm-
bn-°p∂ hnh-cß- ƒ Dƒs∏-Sp-Øn-bn-´p-≈X - mWv Cu {KŸw.

2. The Rediscovery of Ayurveda

Dr. M.R. Raghavavarier
Pages: 121 Price: 295
This is the story of one man, Vaidyaratnam P.S.Varier, and how the
institution he founded in 1902, the Arya Vaidya Sala at Kottakkal, has
adapted this ancient tradition to needs of twenty first centuary.

3. sshZy-cXv\w ]n.-F-kv. hmcn-b¿

kn.F. hmcn-b¿
t]Pv: 291 hne:100
alm-∑m-cpsS PohnXw F°m-e-tØbpw amXr-I-I-fmWv tIm´-
bv°¬ Bcy-ssh-Zy-ime ÿm]I-\mb ]n.-Fk - .v hmcn-bc
- psS Poh-
-N-cn-{X-amWv sshZy-cXv\w ]n.-F-kv. hmcn-b¿ F∂ Cu {KŸw.
Bbp¿thZ \thm-∞m\ \mb-I≥, \n]p-W\ - mb `nj-Kz-c≥, Bcy-
sshZy-ime ÿm]-I≥, Bbp¿th-Z-]m-T-im-e-bpsS ÿm]-I≥,
[\z-¥cn amkn-Ib - psS ]{Xm-[n-]¿, {]K-Zv`\
- mb {KŸ-Im-c≥, ae-
bmf\mS-I-th-Zn-bpsS kap-≤m-c-I≥, ]n.-F-kv.hn. \mSy-kwLw
ÿm]-I≥, [¿Ω-X¬]-c\pw a\p-jy-kvt\-ln-bp-amb BXp-ct- k-
h-I≥ F∂o \ne-If - n-se√mw hy‡n-ap-{Z-]X- n-∏n® alms‚ Pohn-
X-I-Y-bmWv Cu {KŸw.

4. Ashtangasariram
Vaidyaratnam P.S. Varier
Pages: 520 Price: 548
A harmonious blend of Ayurvedic Sarira and Western anatomy,
retaining the identity of classical wisdom. This book is divided into
eight chapters, contains Garbhavakrantiya, anga vibhaga, asthi
vibhaga, sandhi vibhaga, pesi vibhaga, nadi vibhaga, angakarma
vibhaga and tandranadi vibhaga. This book was first published in
46 Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal

4. Brihacchariram (Part I &II)

Vaidyaratnam P.S.Varier
Pages: Part.1: 224, Part.2: 155 Price: 750
Brihacchariram is a concise text book of human anatomy written in
Sanskrit with commentary and illustrations. It is the result of a scholarly
approach, combining eastern and western wisdom thus providing a
holistic approach to medical science. The first part covers
embryology and histology providing a detailed account of the brain,
the nervous system and different tissues. The second part deals
with osteology where we get elaborate description of bones and
allied structures with clear illustrations. The first volume was
published 1942 during the golden jubilee celebrations of Arya Vaidya
Sala and the second volume was published in 1969, during the birth
centenary celebrations of the author.


1. ]mZ-ap-{Z-Iƒ
tUm. ]n.-sI. hmcn-b-cpsS Xnc-s™-SpØ {]_-‘-ßfpw {]`m-j-W-
t]Pv: 523 hne: 240
_lp-ap-J-amWv tUm. ]n.-sI. hmcn-b-cpsS {]h¿Ø\ aWvU-ew.
hy‡n-Iƒ, A\p-kva-c-W-߃, Z¿i-\w, hnh-c-Ww, ka-ky-Iƒ,
kao-]\- ß- ƒ, {]iv\ß - ƒ, {]Xn-hn-[n-Iƒ, kky߃, acp-∂p-Iƒ,
Ah-Xm-cn-Im-]-T-\-߃, {]Io¿Æw F∂o Fgp-hn-`m-K-ß-fn-embn
A]q¿h-ssh-Zys‚ hy‡n-ap{Z ]Xn-™n-´p≈ {]_-‘ß - fpw {]`m-
j-W-ß-fp-amWv ]mZ-ap-{Z-Iƒ F∂ Cu {KŸw. kaq-l-Øns‚
hnhn[ taJ-eI - f
- n-ep-≈h- c
- p-am-bp≈ At±-lØ - ns‚ ASp∏w hy‡-
am-°p∂ teJ-\-ßfpw {]`m-j-W-ßfpw hmb-\-°msc BI¿jn-
°p-∂-h-bm-Wv. Zo¿LZ¿in-bmb sshZy-cXv\w ]n.-F-kv. hmcn-b-
cpsS ]mZ-ap-{Z-Iƒ ]n≥Xp-Sc - p-Ib
- mWv ]n≥-Km-an-bmb tUm. ]n.-sI.
hmcn-bc- pw.

2. kvarXn]¿hw
tUm. ]n.-sI. hmcn-b¿
t]Pv: 516 hne: 600
Bcy-ssh-Zy-im-e-bpsS kmc-Ynbpw {]kn≤ Bbp¿th-Z-Nn-In-’-
I-\p-ambncp∂ tUm. ]n.-sI. hmcn-bc
- psS Bfl-IY
- b
- mWv kvarXn-
Publication Catalogue 47

]¿hw. Ime-Øns‚ kv]µ-\ß - t- f-‰p-hm-ßnb a\ mbn-cp∂p At±-

l-Øn-t‚-Xv. Ign™ c≠p-Z-i-I-ß-fn¬ A¥¿tZ-io-b-k-aq-l-
Øn\v Bbp¿thZ-tØmSv B`n-ap-Jy-ap-≠m-bX - n\v {io. ]n.-sI. hmcn-
b¿ henb ]¶v hln-®n-´p≠v. aq∂p `mK-ßf - n-sem-Xp-°n-bn-cn-°p∂
Cu Hm¿Ω-I-fn¬ tIm´-bv°¬ F∂ tZi-Øns‚ IY-bp-≠v.
Bbp¿th-ZØ - ns‚ hf¿®-bpsS IY-bp-ap-≠v. H∏w Hcp \q‰m-≠n¬
\mSn-\p-≠mb DW¿hns‚ IY-bp-ap-≠v. tIcf kmlnXy A°m-
Zan Ahm¿Uv, sNdp-ImSv ]pc-kvImcw F∂nh t\Snb IrXn.

3. Vision, Wisdom, Healing Clinical Experiences of Dr.

P.K. Warrier
Pages: 224 Price: 400
This collection consists of a few of the rare clinical experiences of
Dr. P.K. Warrier. The data for the present anthology are selected
from hundreds of case sheets on the basis of complexity, enormity
and rarity of the ailments. They are offered in a particular format in
order that they could address the interests and needs of our target
audience including the students and practitioners of Ayurveda. The
cases included in this volume clearly into three separate sections,
namely, Vyadhimargam, Kriyamargam and Pathyamargam. The
articles are arranged here accordingly.

4. Dr. P.K. Warrier - The Compassionate Healer

Pages: 128 Price: 125
The celebration of the 90th birthday of Dr. P.K. Warrier was a major
mile stone in the long history of Arya Vaidya Sala. This book brought
out during the yearlong Navati celebrations by Arya Vaidya Sala.
This book is dedicated to the healing touch of one of the true leaders
beyond comparison and comprehension. Here we can see the clear
picture of highly satisfied experience of patients. This brief volume
is a compilation of gratitude and love towards Dr. Warrier penned by
a few of his patients.

5. P.K. Warrier - Ever with Love

Dr. K. Muraleedharan
Pages: 114 Price: 100
This book is anthology of elegantly written articles that picture the
profile of Dr. P.K. Warrier. It includes clinical experiences, newly
48 Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal

emerging diseases, and strategies of ayurvedic treatments etc. along

with reminiscences of the author’s acquaintance with great
philanthropist of our times.

6. The Canto of Memories

Dr. P.K. Warrier
Pages: 415 Price: 400
These reminiscences of luminary of our time recount the story of
rural village that became the nerve center of Ayurveda and the history
of growth of indigenous medical system in modern times, along
with the eventful account of awakening of a country to the light of
independence during the last century. They also bring with them the
experiences of life of an ordinary citizen hailing from an upcountry
village who grew to the status of a world citizen. This book is
translation of Smritiparvam, autobiography of Dr. P.K.Warrier, by
Sudha Varier.


1. A Life of Healing: A biography Of Vaidyaratnam P.S.

Gita Krishnankutty
Pages: 263 Price: 395
P.S. Varier founded the Arya Vaidya Sala in 1902 one of the first
centers that sold readymade Ayurvedic medicines. His activities were
not confined to the medical field. As a good physician, scholar, poet,
dramatist, musician, entrepreneur and philantothropist, his efforts
embraced the entire realm of our cultural life. This title reconstructs
the history of this extra ordinary man and the institutions he established
and nurtured.


1. Bbp¿th-Z]
- T
- \
- ß
- ƒ Ah-tem-I\
- ß
- ƒ
Bcy-ssh-Zy≥. ]n.-B¿. hmcn-b¿
t]Pv: 267 hne: 120
sshhn-≤y-am¿∂ Bbp¿th-Z] - T
- \
- ß
- fpw Ah-tem-I\
- ß
- f- p-amWv
tUm. ]n.-B¿. hmcn-b¿ cNn® Cu {KŸ-Øns‚ D≈-S° - w. s]mXp-
Publication Catalogue 49

P-\ß- ƒ°pw Bbp¿th-Zh - n-Zym¿∞n-Iƒ°pw NnIn-’I

- ∑
- m¿°pw
Hcp-t]mse {]tbm-P\
- s
- ∏-Sp∂ Hcp {KŸ-am-Wn-Xv.

2. Bbp¿thZw ˛ B-tcm-Ky-am¿Kw
tImgn-t°mSv BIm-i-hm-Wn-\n-e-b-Øn-s‚bpw tIm´-bv°¬ Bcy-ssh-
Zy-im-e-bp-sSbpw Hcp kwbp‡ {]kn-≤o-I-cWw
t]Pv: 236 hne: 200
Bbp¿th-Z- D¬∏-Øn, Bbp¿thZw C∂se, C∂v, \msf,
Bbp¿th-ZØ- ns‚ F´w-Kß
- ƒ, Bbp¿thZ ASn-ÿm-\X
- X
- z-߃,
tim[-\w, ia-\w, ]©-I¿Ωw, Dgn-®n¬, ]Yyw,
Blm-cw, tIc-fo-b-Nn-In-’, a¿Ω-hn-⁄m-\w, hnj-Nn-In-’,
Bbp¿th-ZØ - nse hnti-j⁄ - m-\k
- º
- m-Z\w, ckm-b\- Nn-In-’,
K¿`o-Wn-N-cy, {]k-h-m\-¥-c-Nn-In-’, inip-]-cn-]m-e\w, kky,
arK, ]£n NnIn-’-Iƒ Bbp¿th-Z-Øn¬, Bbp¿th-Z-Nn-In-’-
bn¬ {Zhy-Øn-\p≈ ]¶v, Huj-[\ - n¿ΩmW {]iv\ß - ƒ, {]Xn-hn-
[n-Iƒ, Akw-kvIrX Huj-[-{Z-hy-ß-fpsS e`y-X, kw`-c-Ww,
Bbp¿th-Z- K-th-jW- w, Bbp¿th-Z- hn-Zym-`ymkw,
{]kn-≤o-IcW-߃, Bbp¿-thZ Huj-[-I-ev]-\-I-fpsS Imen-I-
]-cn-jvIm-c-߃, kkyuj[-Irjn {]iv\-߃ {]Xn-hn-[n-Iƒ,
Bbp¿th-Z-Nn-In’ B[p-\nI Ime-L-´-Ønse km[y-X-I-fpw
]cn-an-Xn-Ifpw F∂o sshhn≤y hnj-b-ß-sf-°p-dn-®p≈ teJ-\-
߃ tImgn-t°mSv BIm-i-hm-Wn-\n-ebw tIm´-bv°¬ Bcy
- sh-Zy-im-eb
- psS kl-Ic - W-tØmsS {]t£-]Ww sNbvXn-cp∂p.
B ]mT-]-c-º-c-bpsS {KŸ-cq-]-am-Wn-Xv. tIm´-bv°¬ Bcy-ssh-
Zy-im-eb- nse tUmIv‰¿am-cmWv Cu Bbp¿th-Z] - m-T]
- c
- º
- c Xøm-
dm-°n-bn-´p-≈-Xv. s]mXp-P-\-߃°v Bbp¿th-Z-Øn-ep≈ Adnhv
]I¿∂p-sIm-Sp-°p-∂h - b
- m-Wn-sXm-s°.

3. Indian Health Care Tradition - A Contemporary View

Pages: 164 Price: 120
This title comprises essays like global perspective on Ayurveda,the
need of mainstreaming traditional health care system,different types
of diseases in ancient India, future of ayurvedic drug sector,status
of ayurvedic education in India and abroad, future scope of herbal
medicines,the current trends in new health care products,Vaghbhata’s
Uniqueness, by various authors.
50 Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal

4. Ayurveda in Transition
Pages: 264 Price: 200
This title is an anthology of essays dedicated to the memory of
Aryavaidyan S.Varier. This book includes essays of Vaidyabhushanam
K. Raghavantirumulpad, Dr. Ashok D.B. Vaidya, Dr. K. Rajagopalan,
Dr. K.P. Muralidharan, Dr. M. Sambasivan, Dr. M.S. Valithan,
Dr. M.D. Nair, Dr. D.B. Anantha Narayana, Dr. M.J. Nanjan,
Dr. Ranjit Roy Choudhury, Dr. M.S. Baghel, Dr. Y. Niranjan,
Dr. M.S. Thirunavukkarasu, Dr. T.S. Muraleedharan, Dr. K.
Madhavankutty, Dr. P.R. Krishnakumar, Vaidyamadham Cheriya
Narayanan Namboodiri, Dr. K.G. Paulose, Dr. M.R. Raghavavarier,
Jalaja Sinha, Dr. C.R. Agnives, Dr. Rajiv Kr. Sharma, Dr. Sunil Dutt,
Dr.S.Rajasekharan,Dr.P.G. Latha, Dr. Anand Chaudhary, Dr.
Sureshkumar and Dr. G.S. Raju, on different topics.

5. Ayurveda in 21st Century

Pages: 80 Price: 80
This tittles consists of seminar paper of 2011
Ayurveda needs to be validated on modern scientific research
methodology taking care not to compromise with its basic tenets
and philosophy. This volume includes Ayurveda research an overview
by Dr. Ramesh Babu Devalla, Clinical research in Ayurveda: Current
status and future prospects By Dr. P. Ram Manohar, Current trends
in Ayurvedic clinical Practice an Overview by Dr. P.M. Varier, Dr.
K. Muraleedharan and and Dr. Preeven .M.Varier, Rasayanatherapy
of Ayurveda- a contemporary scientific View by K. Suryamoorthy
and K.P. Guruprasad and The resource base of medicinal plants -
An over view on some issues of supply by Dr. Haridasan & Dr. S.N.
Venugoplan Nair.

6. NnIn’m kao-]\w ]mT-߃, A]-]m-T-߃

B-cy-ssh-Zy≥ ]n. am[-hn-°p´n
t]Pv: 230 hne: 150
Bbp¿th-Zk - n-≤m-¥ß
- ƒ
- Ime-Øn-\\ - p-kc
- n-®p≈ XymPy-{Km-ly-
hn-th-N\- t- ØmsS Ah-Xc - n-∏n-°p-Ib
- mWv Bcy-ssh-Zy≥ ]n. am[-
hn-°p-´n. Bbp¿thZw ]Tn® hnZym¿∞n-Iƒ°v D]-cn-]T - \
- Ø- n\pw
D]-cn-Nn-¥bv°pw AXy-¥m-t]-£n-Xa - mb Hcp ]mT-]p-kvXI - a
- mWo
Publication Catalogue 51

7. Hm¿Ω-bpsS kpK‘w
]n. cmL-h-hm-cn-b¿
t]Pv: 212 hne: 160
Bcy-ssh-Zy-ime {SÃvt_m¿Uv AwKhpw No^v I¨kƒ´‚p-amb
{io. ]n. cmL-h-hm-cn-b-cpsS Zo¿L-Im-esØ A\p-`h-߃ tcJ-
s∏-Sp-Øn-bn-´p≈ {KŸ-am-Wn-Xv. Ggp Zi-Iß- ƒ°-∏p-dsØ tIm´-
bv°¬, A∂sØ BtLm-j-߃, hnZym-`ymkcoXn XpS-ßnb
]eXpw C∂p-≈h - c
- n¬ IuXp-Ia - p-W¿Øpw.

8. {]XnjvT
am-[-hn-°p-´n sI. hm-cnb¿
t]Pv: 212 hne: 310
k-am-Z-c-Wo-b\mb tIm-´-bv-°¬ Bcy-ssh-Zyim-e ap≥-am-t\-Pnw-
Kv {S-kv-‰n tUm. ]n.sI. hm-cn-b-cp-sS k-l-[¿-Ωn-Wnbm-b {ioa-Xn
am-[h- n-°p-´n sI. hm-cn-b¿
- , A-t±-lØ
- ns‚ j-jvTn-]q¿-Øn D-]l - m-
c-am-bn k-a¿-∏n-® X-s‚ {]-Y-a I-hn-Xm-k-am-lm-c-Øn-s‚ hn-]p-eo-
I-cn-® ]-Xn-∏m-WnXv. tUm. ]n.sI. hm-cn-b¿ A-\p-kv-a-c-W-]p-kv-X-
Im-he - n-bn-se B-Zy-{K-Ÿam-b C-Xv F-gp]-Xv I-hn-XI
- f
- p-sSbpw ]T-
\-ßf - p-sSbpw k-am-lm-ca- mWv.

9. Ayurveda - The Expanding Frontiers

(An Anthology of Essays by Experts to mark the 150th Birth
Anniversary of Vaidyaratnam P.S. Varier)
Pages: 400 Price: 1700
This title comprises essays like global perspective on Ayurveda,the
need of mainstreaming traditional health care system,different types
of diseases in ancient India, future of ayurvedic drug sector,status
of ayurvedic education in India and abroad, future scope of herbal
medicines,the current trends in new health care products,Vaghbhata’s
Uniqueness, by various authors.
52 Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal

1. `K-hXv tIim-Zn-]mZw
sshZy-cXv\w ]n.-F-kv. hmcn-b¿
t]Pv: 16 hne: 15
sshZy-cXv\w ]n.-F-kv. hmcn-b¿ cNn® hnjvWp-`-K-hms‚ tIim-
- ¿Æ\mkvtXm{X-am-Wn-X.v `‡nbpw kuµ-cyhpw Xpfp-ºp∂
kvXpXn-Iƒ. `K-hms\ D]m-kn-°m≥ \nXy-]m-cm-bW
- Ø - n\v sNm√m-
hp∂ kvtXm{X-߃.

2. kl-{k-\m-a-kvtXm{X `mjyw
Fkv. cLp-\m-Y Aø¿
t]Pv: 148 hne: 20
alm-hn-jvWp-hns‚ kl-{k-\m-aß- tfmtcm-∂n\pw t«mI-cq-]Ø
- n-
ep≈ hymJym-\-amWv Cu {KŸw. [\z-¥-cn-bpsS tIim-Zn-]m-Z-
h¿Æ-\bpw A\p-_-‘-am-bn-´p-≠v. Bcy-ssh-Zy-ime ^mIv‰dn
amt\-P¿, dnk¿®v Hm^o-k¿, kvs]j¬ Hm^o-k¿, {_m©v amt\-
P¿ F∂o Npa-X-e-Iƒ hln-®n-cp∂ Bcy-ssh-Zy≥ Fkv. cLp-
\mY Aø¿ cNn® {KŸw.


1. IY-Ifn: If-cnbpw Acßpw

tIm´-bv°¬ IrjvW≥Ip-´n-\m-b¿
t]Pv: 328 hne: 320
IY-I-fn-bpsS AWn-b-d-bn-tebv°pw A`ym-k-Øn-tebv°pw Ac-
ßn-tebv°pw Hcp-t]mse klr-Zb- c
- psS {i≤- £-Wn-°p∂ {KŸw.
Zo¿L-Imew \mSykwLw Bim-\m-bn-cp∂ {io IrjvW≥Ip-´n-
- psS A\p-`h
- ß
- f
- psS k©-ba - mWv "IY-Ifn If-cnbpw Ac-

2. Aø-∏N
- c
- n-Xhpw kºq¿Æ-cm-am-bW
- hpw (B-´°
- Y
- I
- ƒ)
kn.-F. hmcn-b¿
t]Pv:103 hne:15
Imcp-Wyaq¿Øn-bmb [¿Ω-im-kvXm-hns‚ ]mh-\-N-cn-X-am-Wv
Aø-∏N- c
- nXw B´-°Y
- b
- nse CXn-hr-Øw. Ah-Xmcw apX¬ i_-
Publication Catalogue 53

cn-Kn-cn-bn¬ k∂n-[m\w sNøp-∂-Xp-h-sc-bp≈ NcnXw ]Xn-aq∂v

cwK-ßf - n-embn CXn¬ Bhn-jv°c
- n-®n-cn-°p-∂p.
kºq¿Æ-cm-am-bWw B´-°-Y-bn¬ Ccp-]-Ø©v cwK-ß-fn-eqsS
{io kn.-F. hmcn-b¿ cmam-bW IY-bnse {][m-\-k-µ¿`-߃
Zriyh¬°-cn-°p∂p. Hscm‰ cm{Xn-sIm≠v cmam-bW
- I
- Y apgp-h≥
Ac-ßn¬ {]Z¿in-∏n-°p∂ hn[-amWv cN-\.

3. hnizm-an-{X≥ (B-´-°-Y)
am[-hn-°p´n sI. hmcn-b¿
t]Pv: 31 hne: 12
IY-I-fn-bpsS kt¶-X-ß-fn¬ Dd-®p-\n-∂p-sIm-≠p≈ HºXv cwK-
ß-fp≈ B´-°Ym Imhy-amWv {ioaXn am[-hn-°p´n hmcn-b-cpsS
hnizm-an-{X≥ B´-°-Y. £m{X-ho-cyhpw a\x-i-‡nbpw XI¿∂
hnizm-an-{Xs‚ IY A\m-bm-ka- mbn hmbn-®d
- n-bm\pw cwKØv Ah-
X-cn-∏n®p ImWm\pw ]‰p-∂X- m-Wv.

4. Ipam-c-kw-`hw (B-´-°-Y)
am[-hn-°p´n sI. hmcn-b¿
t]Pv: 29 hne: 25
]n.-Fk- v.h
- n. \mSy-kwLw \nc-h[n thZn-If
- n¬ Ah-Xc
- n-∏n®v A\p-
tam-Z-\-߃ G‰p-hm-ßnb B´-°-Ym-Im-hyw. alm-Ihn Imfn-Zm-
ks‚ Ipam- c - k w- ` - h sØ Ah- e w- _ n®v kza- t \m- [ ¿Ωw
{]tbm-Kn®v {ioaXn am[-hn-°p´n sI. hmcn-b¿ cNn® IY-If - n-km-

5. {]Àm-Z-N-cnXw/koXm-]-cn-XymKw (B-´-°-Y-Iƒ)
kn.- F. hmcn-b¿
t]Pv: 60 hne: 20
sshZy-cXv\w ]n.-Fk - v. hmcn-b¿ cNn® {]Àm-ZN
- c
- nXw kwKo-X\
- m-
S-I-Øns‚ CXn-hrØw ASn-ÿm-\-am°n {io kn.-F. hmcn-b¿
cNn® B´-°Ym Imhy-amWv {]Àm-Z-N-cn-Xw. alm-hn-jvWp-hns‚
Zzmc-]m-e-I-∑m-cmb Pb-hn-P-b-∑msc k\-Im-Zn-Iƒ i]n-°p-∂-Xp-
ap-X¬ \c-knw-lm-hX - mcw hsc-bp≈ IY.
K¿`n-Wn-bmb koXsb P\m-]-hmZw ImcWw {iocm-a≥ Im´n¬
Dt]-£n-°p∂ timI-ck
- {- ]-[m-\a
- mb B´-°Y
- m-Im-hy-amWv koXm-
54 Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal

6. \f-Nc
- nXw
t]Pv: 360 hne: 160
{io DÆm-bn-hm-cn-b-cpsS \f-N-cnXw B´-°-Ybv°v {io tZi-aw-K-
eØv cma-hm-cn-b¿ \¬Inb Zo]n-Im-hym-Jym-\-amWo {KŸw.
bp‡n-]S- p-X, kzX-{¥-Nn-¥, HuNn-Xy-Zo-£, kuµ-cy-t_m-[w, Ihn-
lr-Z-b-⁄m\w F∂nhbmWv At±-l-Øns‚ hymJym-\-Øns‚

7. ]n.-F-kv. hmcn-bcpw kwKo-X-\m-S-I-ßfpw

t]Pv: 174 hne: 70
ae-bm-f-Ø-\n-a-bp≈ \mS-I-th-Zn°v cq]w \¬Im-\mWv ]n.-F-kv.-
hn. \mS-I-°-º\n Bcw-`n-®-t∏mƒ sshZy-cXv\w ]n.-F-kv. hmcn-
b¿ {ian-®-Xv. kwKoX \mS-I-N-cn-{X-Øn¬ ]n.-F-kv. hmcn-b-cpsS
kw`m-h-\-Iƒ hne-bn-cpØn Dƒ°m-gvN-bp≈ teJ-\-ß-fpsS

1. Authentic Ayurveda - The Kottakkal Way * Interactive CD-ROM
on Ayurveda and Kottakkal Arya Vaidya Sala. Price :50
2. The Will and Vision - A Centennial Film* Written and Directed
by Sri M.T. Vasudevan Nair DVD Price:75, CD Price: 50
(30minutes), CD Price: 50 (70minutes)
3. The Founder* -Documentary on Vaidyaratnam P.S. Varier Written
and Directed by Sri M.T. Vasudevan Nair CD Price: 50
4. The Living Legend of Ayurveda* -Documentary on Dr. P.K.
Warrier Written and Directed by Sri M.T. Vasudevan Nair CD
Price: 50
5. P.S.V. Natyasangham*- Documentary on P.S.V. Natyasangham,
the Kathakali troupe of Arya Vaidya Sala. Written and Directed
by Sri M.T. Vasudevan Nair CD Price: 50
6. Sampoornadhanvantari Contains the full text of papers in the
First Malayalam Health Magazine Dhanwantari published regularly
Publication Catalogue 55

for 23 years from 1903 to 1926 (274 issues). The Papers can
be read through Acrobat Reader. DVD Price:100
7. Bhagavadkesadipadam Devotional verses on Vishnu written by
Vaidyaratnam P.S. Varier
Audio CD Price: 30
8. Prahladacharitam* Drama songs written by Vaidyaratnam P.S.
Varier, Music by Sri K. Raghavan. Audio CD Price: 30

For details please contact

Department of Publications
Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal
Malappuram Dist., Kerala - 676 503
Phone: 0483 2742225, 2746665
E-mail: publications@aryavaidyasala.com
Web: www.aryavaidyasala.com
Link: https://shop.aryavaidyasala.com/publications.html
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56 Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal


1 Adoor 691 523 St. George Hospital Building, 04734 220440
Adoor, Pathanamthitta 04734 220446
2 Ahmedabad 380 061 Plot-1, Vardhaman Nagar,
Opp. C.P. Nagar, Bhuyangdeve 079 27489450
3 Aluva 683 101 Lourdhe Centre 0484 2623549
4 Bangalore 560 011 14/1, Marudeva Enclave,
Jayanagar 2nd Block 080 26572956, 7
5 Chennai No. 57, Nungambakkam High Road 044 28251246, 47
6 Coimbatore 641 012 320, Dr. Rajendraprasad Road,
(100 Ft. Road),Tatabad 0422 2491594
7 Ernakulam 682 016 M.G. Road 0484 2375674
8 Indore 452 001 No-G-1, Juhi Plaza, 128
Kanchan Bagh 0731 2513335/2513336
9 Kannur 670 001 Pillayarkoil Road 0497-2761164
10 Kolkata 700 029 Bajrang Byamgar, 033 24630661
199, Sarat Bose Road 033 24630734
11 Kottakkal 676 503 Malappuram Road 0483 2743380
12 Kottayam 686 004 Polichirackal Mansions Unit 1 0481 2304817
CMS College Road 2562396
13 Kozhikode 673 002 Kallai Road 0495 2302666
14 Madurai 625 001 Vanitha Beehive, No. 114, 0452 2623123
Vakkil New St. Simmakkal
15 Mangalore 575 001 Hampankatta, Balmatta Road 0824 2443140/41
16 Mumbai Kerala Bhavan, 16/A, 022-24016879, 24015195
Matunga (East) - 400 019
17 Mysore 570 005 Near Law Courts, Chamarajapuram 0821 2331062/63
18 New Delhi 110 049 E-76, South Extension, Part I 011 24621790
19 Palakkad 678 012 Vadakanthara 0491 2502404
20 Palakkad 678 014 T.B. Road 0491 2527084
21 Secunderabad 500 003 Opp. Manju Cinema, Sarojinidevi Road 040 27722224/26
22 Thiruvananthapuram 695 001 Statue Junction 0471 2463439
23 Thiruvananthapuram 695 582 Ilangathil Plaza, T.C.-1/6033(2) 0471 2413439
(Kazhakoottam) Vettu Road, NH-66
24 Thrissur Parayil Lane, M.G. Road 0487 2380950
25 Tirur 676 101 Station Road 0494 2422231
26 Vijayawada 520 002 Gudavallivari Street , Governorpet 0866 2578864/865
1 Kottakkal Malappuram Dist 0483 2742216
2 Kanjikode Palakkad Dist. 0491 2566094
3 Nanjangud Mysore, Karnataka 08221 226636
1 Kottakkal 676 503 Malappuram Dist. 0483 2808000
2 Delhi 110 092 Karkardooma 011 22376534-37
3 Kochi 682 021 Thrikkakkara, Kochi 0484 2554000
4 Charitable Hospital 676503 Malappuram Dist. 0483 2806600

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