Jimaging 04 00052
Jimaging 04 00052
Jimaging 04 00052
Contribution of Remote Sensing on Crop Models:
A Review
Dimitrios A. Kasampalis 1 ID , Thomas K. Alexandridis 1, * ID , Chetan Deva 2 ,
Andrew Challinor 2 ID , Dimitrios Moshou 1 and Georgios Zalidis 1
1 Department of Hydraulics, Soil Science and Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture,
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 54124 Thessaloniki, Greece; dkasampa@agro.auth.gr (D.A.K.);
dmoshou@agro.auth.gr (D.M.); zalidis@agro.auth.gr (G.Z.)
2 Institute for Climate and Atmospheric Science, School of Earth and Environment, The University of Leeds,
Leeds LS2 9JT, UK; eecd@leeds.ac.uk (C.D.); a.j.challinor@leeds.ac.uk (A.C.)
* Correspondence: thalex@agro.auth.gr; Tel.: +30-2310-991777
Received: 31 December 2017; Accepted: 20 March 2018; Published: 23 March 2018
Abstract: Crop growth models simulate the relationship between plants and the environment to
predict the expected yield for applications such as crop management and agronomic decision making,
as well as to study the potential impacts of climate change on food security. A major limitation of
crop growth models is the lack of spatial information on the actual conditions of each field or region.
Remote sensing can provide the missing spatial information required by crop models for improved
yield prediction. This paper reviews the most recent information about remote sensing data and
their contribution to crop growth models. It reviews the main types, applications, limitations and
advantages of remote sensing data and crop models. It examines the main methods by which remote
sensing data and crop growth models can be combined. As the spatial resolution of most remote
sensing data varies from sub-meter to 1 km, the issue of selecting the appropriate scale is examined in
conjunction with their temporal resolution. The expected future trends are discussed, considering the
new and planned remote sensing platforms, emergent applications of crop models and their expected
improvement to incorporate automatically the increasingly available remotely sensed products.
Keywords: crop models; earth observation; fusion; yield prediction; crop yield; vegetation indices;
spatio-temporal scale
and environmental conditions differ from the location for which they were developed [16]. In addition,
they may not be able to simulate the response of crop yield to future climates where other drivers
are likely to change in ways that have not been observed in the past. For example, if management
practices are adapted to cope with new climates in ways that have not been observed previously,
statistical models will not be able to capture the integrated yield response of changes in both climate
and production methods [16].
Dynamic models, sometimes called process-based models, simulate the progression of the crop
through time using differential equations to describe crop development [13]. These equations are rooted
in a process-based understanding of crop development. Within this conceptual umbrella, models employ
functions which approximate the mechanistic plant and soil processes being simulated for a given time
step [17]. These models include a larger number of input parameters and require more input data than
empirical models [15]. Process-based models often require physiological data from field experiments to
parameterise the model [17]. A major advantage of dynamic models vs. statistical models, is that they can
be used by policy-makers to explore alternative futures under a range of future climates and management
practices. They can also be used to estimate yield responses to changes in climate and management
practices in regions where no previous simulations have been conducted [18].
Agricultural systems operate at several spatial and temporal scales. For example, they can be
analysed at field, farm, regional or global scales [19] and over hours, days or whole seasons. Moving
between scales requires scaling biophysical processes such as growth and yield as well as farm
management practices [19] such as irrigation and fertilizer application. Dynamic process-based models
can be classified by the scale of analysis for which they were designed. Broadly speaking, they fall
into two main categories: field scale models, which aim to comprehensively simulate plant functions
and less complex regional scale models, which often incorporate a mixture of canopy processes and
broader scale crop-climate relationships [20]. ORYZA2000 is a good example of a field scale model [21],
while the General Large Area Model (GLAM) is a good example of a regional scale model [22].
A list of common crop models is displayed in Table 1.
Table 1. Cont.
productivity. Crop models integrate different components and can be used as tools to understand
genotype and environment interactions. These studies are essential to reduce the time required to test
new varieties.
1. Site
• Latitude and longitude, elevation
• Average annual temperature
• Slope and aspect
2. Weather
• Daily global solar radiation, maximum and minimum temperatures, precipitation
3. Soils
• Soil type
• Soil depth, root growth factor, bulk density
• Organic carbon, pH, soil nitrogen
4. Initial conditions
• Previous crop, root nodule amounts
• Water, ammonium and nitrates by soil layer
5. Management
• Cultivar name and type, planting date, depth and method, row spacing and direction, plant population,
irrigation and water management (dates, methods and amounts)
• Fertilizer (inorganic) and inoculant applications
• Residue (organic fertilizer) applications (material, depth of incorporation, amount and
nutrient concentrations)
• Chemical (e.g., pesticide) applications (material, amount)
• Tillage
• Harvest schedule
Published research should be transparent about how it was conducted, results and conclusions
reached, and the data used. These data in most cases came from different sources and were used by
different scientists, often through interdisciplinary collaboration [48]. During these collaborations,
data interchange is inevitable, and due to the importance of the issues at stake to solve problems, make
decisions and affect lives, it is ethical for scientists to allow others to examine and use their data [48].
Data standards are used to provide, promote and share any kind of data by enabling transparency
and understanding of information sharing. Use of data standards is a means to achieve good
data quality and transferability across research programs. One of the most extensive efforts to use
data standards in agricultural science was the International Consortium for Agricultural Systems
Applications (ICASA) and one of its predecessors the IBSNAT, which since 1983 started to develop
data standards for documenting experiments. In their work White et al. [48] provide an overview of
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ICASA version 2.0 standards and describe in detail how the variables must be organised and provide
emphasis on standardising vocabularies and clarifying relations among variables.
improved over the last decade, this development has led to new advances in agricultural applications,
such as yield prediction by processing biophysical quantities from remote sensing data, as well as
high-throughput plant phenotyping with proximal sensors [63–65]. Yield forecasts used to be based
on samples from farms, i.e., field work and written enquiries. Considering large-scale forecasts on
regional, national or international scales, processing all these data is a costly and time-consuming
task [31]. Hence the need for a fast, objective and standardised method to estimate yield, turned the
attention of scientists to the possibilities of crop growth models and remote sensing.
The near parallel development of remote sensing and crop growth models has driven some
scientists to recognise the usefulness of remote sensing in crop management, which lead to the
development of combined applications [66]. Low-resolution remote sensing data have been broadly
used in crop yield forecasting and monitoring. High temporal frequency combined with broad
spatial coverage and low cost, has made these data a preferred choice for national and regional scale
applications. Since the beginning, many scientists have used the available satellite data to retrieve
canopy state variables over large areas. Among them, LAI is being monitored frequently across various
scales and resolutions, and together with actual evapotranspiration and soil moisture estimations
from thermal satellite images [67,68], they have been used with crop models. Remote sensing data are
mostly used to determine light interception (e.g., LAI or fAPAR), and provide the spatial information
of the actual growth status of the crop. Most of the studies examine the assimilation of LAI as a variable
for crop yield estimation but there are other factors affecting crop development, such as water stress,
nutrient supply and pests [32]. Neiring et al. [69] assimilated remotely sensed LAI and soil moisture
into DSSAT-CERES model and their results showed that in order to combine remote sensing data
with crop models for estimating yield at single-season time scales, it will be necessary to modify our
interpretation of crop development. They suggest the investigation of methods and other ancillary
data for correlating leaf development with grain development directly. LAI and Evapotranspiration
(ET) express two important crop processes, LAI simulates crop canopy development, which affect light
interception and photosynthesis and ET reflects the available water to support crop growth. Improving
the simulation of these variables is essential for accurate crop yield estimations [32]. Furthermore, these
variables could be used to spatially calibrate the model by locally estimating the missing information
in model parameters [70].
Hyperspectral remote sensing data, offer more spectral information and thus improved estimation
of a wide range of plant biophysical properties [66]. Some studies have assimilated satellite
hyperspectral data with crop models to estimate the potential yield or crop growth. For example,
PROMET model (PROcess of Radiation Mass and Energy Transfer) was enhanced with CHRIS
(Compact High Resolution Spectrometer) PROBA I satellite hyperspectral images to estimate spatial
heterogeneity of winter wheat yield, in two fields in Germany [71]. The results showed an increase
of accuracy of yield estimation by 20% which was attributed to the fields’ spatial heterogeneity that
was described with the hyperspectral satellite images. Mariotto et al. [72], compared hyperspectral
data (Hyperion EO-1 satellite, field spectrometer) and multispectral reflectance data (Landsat, IRS,
IKONOS, Quickbird) to estimate yield of various annual crops using empirical models. The results
showed that hyperspectral models explained about 25% greater variability than multispectral models.
At the plant level, proximal hyperspectral imaging and field spectroscopy has been used extensively to
estimate plant biophysical properties and as phenotyping tool in agricultural research [73–75]. In an
effort to assimilate these data to crop models, Li et al. [76] used two assimilation variables (LAI and
canopy nitrogen accumulation, CNA) derived from a field spectrometer, in DSSAT-CERES crop model
to improve yield prediction of winter wheat in an area in Beijing China. The results showed that both
variables were accurately estimated with spectral indices and the integration of two state variables in
the model was more robust than single variable integration.
The recent developments in technology resulted in the advanced use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
(UAVs) in agriculture. The UAVs used in agriculture combined with lightweight and low-cost remote
sensing sensors, are providing low-cost, timely and high spatial resolution data. But due to the small
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size of these devices and the limited battery capabilities, they are mostly used in precision farming
applications to provide the within farm variability of factors influencing crop growth. Their operational
use of small UAVs in regional scale is questioned [77], thus medium-altitude long-endurance (MALE)
UAVs have been developed [78,79]. Several studies have examined the use of UAVs to obtain crop
status, health and to provide effective support to crop management in general [80–82]. For example,
Yao et al. [83] used UAVs to estimate LAI under varying growing conditions and different growing
stages in order to provide technical support for nitrogen fertilization. In another study Vega et al. [84]
examine the capability of the unmanned aerial vehicles to acquire multitemporal images during the
growing season of sunflower in Spain at different temporal resolutions to estimate NDVI. The results
of the study showed that linear regression between NDVI and grain yield were significant. Miniature
hyperspectral sensors are becoming lighter and smaller and more suitable to be loaded on UAV
platforms for earth observation applications in agriculture and forestry [82]. However, their usability
is still limited due to high costs of associated with data acquisition and processing complexity.
In addition to raw satellite images, there are products available for a wide range of biophysical
parameters that can be monitored operationally with remote sensing [85]. These products are generated
regularly with automated algorithms based on image composites, which is a method for filling in gaps
due to cloud cover. For instance, the available products for LAI include those from Terra MODIS that
is composited every 8 days and has 1 km resolution, with an accuracy of 0.69 (m2 /m2 ) [86], and the
product GEOV01 derived from the SPOT-VEGETATION sensor, which is available every 10 days with
1 km spatial resolution worldwide with a reported RMSE of 0.5 (m2 /m2 ) [87].
Vegetation indices are easily computed and thus widely used canopy state parameters. NDVI
(Normalised Difference Vegetation Index) is one of the most commonly used since the 70s. Numerous
studies have used NDVI to analyse crop growth [88–90] and to estimate crop yield [88,91–94]. In the
majority of these studies, the core strategy is to use linear regression models to predict the yield
based on remotely sensed indices obtained during the growing season [90,95], as well as to use VIs to
calibrate the model by estimating input model parameters, such as LAI [70].
In some locations, optical sensors cannot be used, due to the persistent cloud coverage, or to the
limits of their capabilities to provide information of the lower levels of canopy [96]. Synthetic Aperture
Radar (SAR), has some advantages for monitoring crop status, when compared with optical sensors
because these sensors are not affected by atmospheric conditions, can acquire data either day or night
and of course due to fact that SAR sensors can penetrate crop canopies [96]. Additionally, Near-infrared
reflectance is not sensitive to LAI and biomass of some crops such as winter wheat at medium to high
canopy cover, and most of the vegetation indices demonstrate saturation phenomenon, nevertheless
LAI and biomass at medium to high canopy cover could be estimated from remote sensing radar data
which have stronger penetration capabilities [97,98]. Many studies have successfully demonstrated
that SAR data can be used to monitor crop parameters. In a recent study conducted by Maki et al. [99]
they used LAI derived from SAR images of COSMO-Sky-Med satellite and integrate it in a crop model
(SIMRIW) to successfully estimate rice yield at regional scale.
review on data assimilation of remote sensing and crop models showing the potential to improve
estimation accuracy of canopy variables, soil properties and yield have been conducted by Jin et al. [77].
Clevers et al. [29] used a semi-empirical approach (CLAIR model) for estimating LAI of a wheat
field, in southern France using both ground-based and SPOT data. In this method, a weighted
difference vegetation index (WDVI) was derived as a weighted difference between the measured
NIR and red reflectance assuming that the ratio of NIR and red reflectance of bare soil is constant.
Then, WDVI was used for estimating LAI. The results showed that remote sensing data proved to be
a valuable tool for model run-time calibration, and thus improved regional estimates of crop yield,
providing an essential tool for policymakers and trade.
Maas [100] described four alternative techniques for incorporating remote sensing data in crop
growth models. Crop growth models consist of three parts, state variables, driving variables and
parameters. The simplest way proposed, was to use remote sensing to evaluate one or more driving
variables. Another way was to update a state variable of the model which was derived from remote
sensing. The other ways were to re-initialise and/or re-calibrate the model, which were also called
assimilation approaches, where remote sensing was used directly to re-calibrate the model.
Data assimilation fails to acknowledge errors observed on modelled values. Thus, a new
assimilation strategy was developed to minimise the difference between observation and simulation
by adapting either the vague model parameters, the initial conditions or the model state variables.
Ensemble Kalman filter is a frequently used algorithm that relies on the assumption that the posterior
density of every time step is a Gaussian distribution parameterised by a mean and a covariance [102].
Figure 1. Relation of spatial, temporal and spectral resolution of satellite images [106].
At regional scale applications for monitoring crop growth and yield encounter some complications.
One of them is the difficulty in obtaining data for crop parameters and management practices, it is also
hard to validate modelling results, and additionally it can be difficult to simulate changes in crop yield
forecasting caused by extreme weather conditions [102].
3.4. Limitations and Advantages of Using Remote Sensing Data with Crop Models
It should be clarified that crop models are not expected to provide spatial information per se; they
might however use input spatial information to operate. Thus, a significant advantage provided by
using remote sensing data with crop models is the addition of the spatial information, often absent
from non-dimensional models [29,70,107,108]. Remote sensing data can provide spatial information,
and as a result, it can be used for expanding their coverage in two-dimensional space [70]. This spatial
information is very important for several applications including site-specific agriculture and food
security that faces one of the most difficult challenges to monitor and provide reliable crop yield
information, both temporally and spatially consistent [29,109]. Furthermore, monitoring crops and
providing yield predictions at varying scales, before harvest time, is important for decision making in
applications such as trading, logistics and insurance.
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Basso et al. [110] used remote sensing data assimilated with crop modelling to identify spatial
patterns of crop growth variability in soybean. The results combining remote sensing data and the
CROPGRO-Soybean model showed that it was able to identify management zones and to predict
the yield across the field, providing a potential use in site specific agriculture. In the same context
Guo et al. [111] used simulation zone partitioning using soil nutrient indices and remotely sensed
spatial characteristics of wheat growth. The aim of their study was to accurately predict wheat growth
parameters and yield spatially by partitioning a large area into smaller zones that have relatively
similar crop growth characteristics and environment. The crop model was run on partitioning clusters,
reducing the number of calculations required during the coupling of remote sensing data with a
crop model.
In their work, Jin et al. [112] used FAOs’ AquaCrop model and calibrated using spectral-based
biomass values generated from fifteen spectral indices and particle swarm optimization (PSO). The
primary goal of their work was to improve yield and biomass prediction of winter wheat yield in
China, by assimilating field spectroscopic data into AquaCrop model with PSO algorithm. According
to the writer, PSO is much easier to apply in and has high precision and rapid convergence. The
results showed that the NDMI (Normalized difference matter index) is highly correlated with biomass
because it does not contain red edge or short NIR data because these are profoundly influenced by
chlorophyll content and canopy structure. Their results pointed out also that, AquaCrop model with
PSO data assimilation algorithm could be used to simulate winter wheat biomass, by assimilating field
spectroscopy data into the model, to improve winter wheat yield. The data assimilation method was
used to minimise errors between the observed values from the field and the simulated values from
AquaCrop model, and errors in the remote sensing data were reduced in data assimilation.
According to the literature, a reported disadvantage of using remote sensing data is the low
spatial resolution of the satellites that offer ready-to-use products of high temporal resolution for easy
operation with crop models [113]. They had proposed the use of higher resolution satellite data, such
as from MODIS of PROBA-V.
Another advance of incorporating time series of remote sensing data in crop growth models is that
the former provides quantification of the condition of the crop along the growing season [100]. Indeed,
as crop models may often appear to fail when growing conditions deviate from optimum (e.g., due to
biotic or abiotic stresses), frequent remote sensing data may provide the missing information of actual
growing conditions [114]. However, as mentioned at the beginning, a model is only a representation of
the real system and the quality of the results are linked heavily with the quality of the data used by
the model.
New and expected satellite launches promise higher quality data on vegetation. ESA’s Sentinel-2a
is a recently launched satellite that carries the Multispectral Imager (MSI) with spatial resolution of
10–60 m, designed amongst other things for monitoring vegetation parameters and together with
Sentinel-2b satellite provide a temporal resolution of 5 days. This is expected to provide unprecedented
usefulness for continuous coverage of high-resolution products at a temporal resolution which is
more than adequate for monitoring vegetation conditions [104]. A future launch from European
Space Agency (ESA) is FLEX (Fluorescence Explorer), which is expected to provide global coverage
of photosynthetic activity of vegetation through monitoring chlorophyll fluorescence. The latter is
considered a more accurate indicator of plant growth and stress than others used (LAI, fAPAR), but is
harder to measure [116].
A recent trend in satellite remote sensing are the constellations of nanosatellites (mass <10 kg).
These are designed as low-cost orbiting satellites with simple monitoring and communication
instruments that can be launched in dozens, each following a consecutive orbit from the previous
in order to provide frequent coverage at very high spatial resolution. Their low construction and
launch cost promises easy replacement and long-term maintenance of the constellation. An operational
example is the constellation of Planet Lab’s ‘Doves’, which are designed to operate in tandem and cover
the globe daily at 3–5 m spatial resolution [117]. A different trend is the development of High Altitude
Pseudo Satellites (HAPS) for applications in environmental monitoring and other non-defence uses.
HAPS are remotely operated aircrafts positioned above 20 km altitude in the stratosphere, for very
long duration flights and have the potential to stay over a fixed point on Earth from weeks to months.
However, it yet to be proven that these systems could provide an operational and cost-effective
source of information, considering the temporal requirements of crop models to cover at least a
cropping season.
Coordinating crop model improvement and projection across spatial scales is a major challenge
for crop modelling [118]. At global scales, the trend towards inclusion of crop models within integrated
assessment models [119], and the increasing ability to run multi-model gridded studies [120], are
resulting in an increased capacity for prediction. However, assimilation of data at global scales is
difficult, which makes regional-scale risk assessments [121] an easier target for incorporation of satellite
data. In this context, the increasing use of “big data” and smart sensors for agriculture [121] provides
an opportunity for multiple sources of information, including remotely sensed data, to be combined
into one predictive system.
Linking across spatial scales is not the only challenge facing greater integration of crop models
and remotely sensed data. Agriculture globally is now being conducted in changing climates and with
ongoing, often autonomous, adaptations occurring [122]. Remote sensing may have a role in tracking
these changes, as well as the land use changes that they imply. These land use changes are the result of
a complex set of drivers, including, inter alia, climate policy [123] and food demand [124]. Land use
changes can also have implications for the skill of crop models [125].
The combination of crop models with data derived from UAVs is recently gaining more attention.
With the expanding technology of UAVs and newly and more sophisticated light sensors being
available on the market the assimilation of UAV remote sensing data and crop models for field scale
applications is expected to boom [82]. For example, Bendig et al. [126] combined Vis derived from
UAV, and ground based hyperspectral data and plant height information to estimate biomass in
barley. Another example is the work from Zhou et al. [127] where multispectral images and digital
images acquired at critical growth stages and used to correlate with grain yield and LAI to identify
the appropriate period and optimal Vis for rice yield prediction and to assess the possibility of
multi-temporal VIs for yield prediction by using UAV images. The results showed that multispectral
and digital images are both reliable for rice yield and growth prediction.
Satellite hyperspectral data have been mainly used for research, thus their availability, spatial
coverage, and timeliness of delivery hinders their use in operational applications with crop growth
models. A boom is expected in the field of hyperspectral UAV, which may provide the solution that is
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needed for operational integration of hyperspectral data with crop models. This may be achieved due
to the technological advances in miniature hyperspectral imaging cameras that capture high quality
data from low cost UAV systems, and the development of faster artificial intelligence algorithms which
allow near real-time processing of “big data”.
5. Conclusions
Crop models and remote sensing have had parallel development courses. This paper describes the
background and the efforts of linking the two for improved crop modelling. It also examines the main
methods of combining remote sensing data and crop models, and includes issues of scale, the effect
of climate change and applications in early warning systems for food security and crop breeding.
It discusses the future trends, considering planned remote sensing satellite missions, alternative sources
of remote sensing data and the expected improvements of crop models.
The main advantages from incorporating remote sensing data into crop models are the
representation of the missing spatial information of the latter and the more accurate description
of the crop’s actual condition along various stages of the growing season. The reported disadvantages
refer to the accuracy of remotely sensed information and the potential appearance of clouds that
obstruct satellite data acquisition.
Crop models are expected to adapt to facilitate climate change research as well as the requirements
of gene-phenotype modelling. They should benefit from the future trends of remote sensing, including
new platforms (UAVs, nanosatellites and planned satellite missions) and more sensitive imaging
sensors (e.g., hyperspectral).
Considering the advantages and the wide applicability of the combination of the two, it is certain
that the collaboration of remote sensing data with crop models will increase, hopefully by incorporating
automated procedures that will improve their performance. The so-called big data revolution is the
context in which this collaboration will doubtless unfold. Techniques for data assimilation and quality
checking will need to be at the heart of this promising avenue of research if it is to deliver reliable and
skillful predictions.
Acknowledgments: This work was supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation
programme under grant agreement No. 774652 “AfriCultuReS—Enhancing Food Security in African Agricultural
Systems with the Support of Remote Sensing”.
Author Contributions: D.A.K., T.K.A. and A.C. conceived and designed the work; D.A.K. and C.D. analyzed the
literature; D.A.K., T.K.A., C.D. and A.C. wrote the paper; D.M. and G.Z. reviewed and corrected the paper.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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