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A Review of Crop Growth Simulation Models - Kazeem 2015

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Agricultural Sciences, 2015, 6, 1098-1105

Published Online September 2015 in SciRes. http://www.scirp.org/journal/as


A Review of Crop Growth Simulation Models

as Tools for Agricultural Meteorology
Kazeem O. Rauff1*, Rasaq Bello2
Federal University Kashere, Kashere, Nigeria
University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, Nigeria
Email: rauffkazeem@fukashere.edu.ng

Received 8 May 2015; accepted 24 September 2015; published 29 September 2015

Copyright © 2015 by authors and Scientific Research Publishing Inc.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).

The Earth’s land resources are finite, whereas the number of people that the land must support
increases rapidly, this situation has been a great concern in the area of agriculture. Crop produc-
tion must be increased to meet the rapidly growing food demands through sophisticated agricul-
tural processes, while it is important to protect other natural resources and the environment. New
agricultural research is needed to provide additional information to farmers, policy makers and
other decision makers on how to accomplish sustainable agriculture over the wide variations in
climate change around the world. Therefore many researchers have over the years shown interest
in finding ways to estimate the yield of crops before harvest. This paper reviews some of the crop
growth models that have been successfully developed and used over time. The applications of crop
growth models in agricultural meteorology, the role that climate changes play in these models and
few of the successfully used crop models in agro-meteorology are also discussed in detail.

Simulate, Aggregation, Automated Stations, Solar Radiation, Policy Management

1. Introduction
Crop production is made up of an aggregation of individual plant species grown in a unit area with the aim of
having an irreversible increase in the growth, sizes and volume of seeds or consumables from these plants,
which are harvested for economic purposes. Ultimately, the breeders can anticipate future requirements based on
the climate change by simulating the characteristics of the natural environmental system that studied in an ab-
breviated time scale through an appropriate model. A model is a schematic representation of the conception of a
system or an act of mimicry or a set of equations which represent the behavior of a system, with the purpose of
Corresponding author.

How to cite this paper: Rauff, K.O. and Bello, R. (2015) A Review of Crop Growth Simulation Models as Tools for Agricultur-
al Meteorology. Agricultural Sciences, 6, 1098-1105. http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/as.2015.69105
K. O. Rauff, R. Bello

aiding, understanding and improving performance of the system.

Crop models can be used to understand the effects of climate change such as elevated carbon-dioxide,
changes in temperature and rainfall on crop development, growth and yield. For example, a change in weather to
warm and humid may lead to more rapid development of a plant disease, a loss in yield of a crop, and conse-
quent financial adversity for individual farmers and for the people of the region. Most natural systems are com-
plex and many do not have boundaries. It is a difficult task to produce a comprehensible, operational representa-
tion of a part of reality, which grasps the essential elements and mechanisms of that real world system and even
more demanding, when the complex systems encountered in environmental management [1].
The bio-system is made up of a complex interaction among the soil, the atmosphere, and the plants that live in
it. The alteration of one element may yield both a desirable and undesirable consequence. Minimizing the unde-
sirable, while reaching the desired end result, is the principle aim of the agro-meteorologist. In any physics work
related to agricultural meteorology, the use of mathematical modeling is essential. Of the different modeling
techniques, mathematical modeling enables one to predict the behavior of design while keeping the expense at a
minimum. Agricultural systems are basically a modified ecosystems and managing these systems is very diffi-
cult [1].
In ancient times, appearances in the air were called meteors [2]. In the first half of the 20th century, the upper
soil layers were considered as part of meteorology [3]. Today meteorology is understood in a very general sense
to be the science of the atmosphere [4]-[6] and includes also the mean states (climatology). Sometimes the defi-
nition of meteorology is very narrow, and only related to the physics of the atmosphere or weather prediction.
Micrometeorology is a branch of meteorology which deals with the atmospheric phenomena (observations)
and processes at the lower end of the spectrum of atmospheric scales, which are variously characterized as micro
scale, small-scale or local scale processes [7]. The scope of meteorology is limited to only phenomena which
originate in and are dominated by the shallow layer of frictional influence adjoining the earth’s atmosphere,
commonly known as atmospheric boundary layer or planetary boundary layer. In particular, micrometeorology
deals with the exchange of heat (energy), mass and momentum occurring continuously between the atmosphere
and the earth’s surface, including sub surface medium [7].
Meteorology is subdivided into branches [5] [6] [8] [9]. According to [2], the branches of micrometeorology
are the theoretical meteorology, observational meteorology, and applied meteorology. Applied meteorology in-
cludes weather prediction and climatology and is sub divided into: hydro meteorology; technical meteorology
which includes Construction meteorology, Traffic (Transport) meteorology, and Industrial meteorology; and bio
meteorology which includes Agricultural meteorology (Phenology), Forest meteorology and Human meteorol-
This paper aims at reviewing some of the crop growth models that have been successfully developed and used
over time and also providing additional information to farmers, policy makers and other decision makers on how
to accomplish sustainable agriculture over the wide variations in climate change around the world.

Types of Models
There are different types of models that have been developed over the years, and they can be classified into var-
ious groups or types, ranging from empirical models to explanatory models. Empirical models are based on the
direct descriptions of observed data and are generally expressed as regression equations (with one or a few fac-
tors) and are used to estimate the final yield. This approach primarily examines the data, decides on an equation
or set of equations and fits them to data. These models give no information on the mechanisms that give rise to
the response. Examples of such models include those in agricultural experiment such as the response of crop
yield to fertilizer application, the relationship between leaf area and leaf size in a given plant species and the re-
lationship between stalk height alone or coupled with stalk number, diameter and final yield [1].
Mechanistic models, explain not only the relationship between weather parameters and yield, but also the
mechanism of these models (explains the relationship of influencing dependent variables). These models are
based on physical selection. Static and dynamic models do not contain time as a variable even if the end prod-
ucts of cropping systems are accumulated over time. In contrast dynamic models explicitly incorporate time as a
variable and most dynamic models are first expressed as differential equations. Deterministic models estimate
the exact value of the yield or dependent variable with defined coefficients [1].
In Stochastic models, a probability element is attached to each output. For each set of inputs different outputs

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are given along with probabilities. These models define yield or state of dependent variable at a given rate. Si-
mulation models involve Computer models with a mathematical representation of a real world system. One of
the main goals of crop simulation models is to estimate agricultural production as a function of weather and soil
conditions as well as crop management. These models use one or more sets of differential equations, and calcu-
late both rate and state variables over time, normally from planting until harvest maturity or final harvest [1].
Optimizing models have the specific objective of devising the best option in terms of management inputs for
practical operation of the system. For deriving solutions, they use decision rules that are consistent with some
optimizing algorithms. This forces some rigidity into their structure resulting in restrictions in representing sto-
chastic and dynamic aspects of agricultural systems. Descriptive model defines the behavior of a system in a
simple manner. The model reflects little or none of the mechanisms that are the causes of phenomena. It consists
of one or more mathematical equations. An example of such an equation is the one derived from successively
measured weights of a crop. The equation is helpful to determine quickly the weight of the crop where no ob-
servation is made [1].
Finally, explanatory models consist of quantitative description of the mechanisms and processes that cause the
behavior of the system. To create this model, a system is analyzed and its processes and mechanisms are quanti-
fied separately. The model is built by integrating these descriptions for the entire system. It contains descriptions
of distinct processes such as leaf area expansion [1].

2. Applications and Uses of Crop Growth Models in Agricultural Meteorology

Crop growth models are developed to solve problems of crop yield variations in agricultural meteorology. When
the farmers have the difficult task of managing their crops on poor soils in harsh and risky climates, scientists
and research managers need tools that can assist them in taking an integrated approach to finding solutions to the
complex problem of weather, soil and crop management [8].
Some growth models allow evaluation of one or more options that are available with respect to one or more
agronomic management decisions like the determination of optimum planting date, determine best choice of
cultivars and the evaluation of weather risk and investment decisions.
A model can calculate probabilities of grain yield levels for a given soil type based on rainfall [9] [10].
showed that for maize, both simulated and measured mean yields with weeds are 86% of the weed-free yields.
Also, investment decisions like the purchase of irrigation systems [11] can be taken even when these equipments
are acquired for long term usage, through the predictions from growth models.
In agro-meteorological research, the crop models basically helps in testing scientific hypothesis, highlight
where information is missing, organizing data and integrating across disciplines. The crop growth models can be
used to predict crop performance in regions where the crop has not been grown before or not grown under op-
timal conditions. Such applications are of value for regional development and agricultural planning in develop-
ing countries [12]. It can be developed at various levels of complexity. The level of complexity required depends
on the objective of the modeling exercise.
The top-down approach to model design [13] [14] is appropriate for models aimed at yield prediction. In this
approach, complexity is kept to a minimum by commencing with a simple framework and only incorporating
additional phenomena or processes if they improve the predictive ability of the model. [15]-[17] have adopted
this method in developing models of soybean, maize and sorghum respectively.
The EPIC, ALAMANC, CROPSYST, WOFOST, ADEL models are being successfully used to simulate ma-
ize crop growth and yield. The SORKAM, SorModel, SORGF and ALMANAC models are being used to ad-
dress specific tasks of sorghum crop management. CERES-pearl millet model, CROPSYST, PmModels are be-
ing used to study the suitability and yield simulation of pearl millet genotypes across the globe. Similarly, the
two most common growth models used in application for cotton are the GOSSYM and COTONS models. On
the same analogy the PNUTGRO for groundnut, CHIKPGRO for chick pea, WTGROWS for wheat, SOYGRO
for soybean, QSUN for sunflower are in use to meet the requirements of farmers, scientists, decision makers,
etc., at present.
[18] successfully assessed nitrogen requirements by maize across agro-ecological zones in Nigeria using
CERES-maize model. [19] using local weather and soil information correlated peanut yields with estimates from
PEANUTGRO, a model in the CERES family and gave a regression with high coefficient (r2 = 0.93) of varia-
tion. The construction of contemporary crop models entails the combination of many algorithms for physiologi-

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cal processes and impact of environmental factors on process rates [20]. This clearly indicates that in the devel-
opment of models and their application for solving problems at field level on agro-meteorological aspects are
given due weight age.
[21] emphasized that simulation models contribute to our understanding of the real system which in-turn helps
to bridge areas and levels of knowledge. It is believed that in conversion of conceptual models into mathemati-
cal simulation models the agro-meteorologists can understand the gaps in their knowledge. So, the interdiscipli-
nary nature of simulation modeling efforts leads to increased research efficacy and improved research direction
through direct feedback. In this direction [22] developed BAsic CROp growth Simulator (BACROS) which was
used as a reference model for developing other models and as a basis for developing summary models. Also [23]
described the potential of simulation models in assessing trait benefits of winter cereals and their capacity to
survive and reproduce in stress-prone environment. Crop growth models have been used in plant breeding to
simulate the effects of changes in the morphological and physiological characteristics of crops which aid in
identification of ideotypes for different environments [24] [25].

3. Successfully Used Models in Agro Meteorology

In the beginning, models were meant to increase the understanding of crop behavior by explaining crop growth
and development in terms of the understanding of their physiological mechanisms. Over the years new insights
and different research questions motivated the further development of simulation models. In addition to their
explanatory function, the applicability of well-tested models for extrapolation and prediction was quickly recog-
nized and more application oriented models were developed. For instance demands for advisory systems for
farmers and scenario studies for policy makers resulted in the evolution of models, geared towards tactical and
strategic decision support respectively. Now, crop growth modeling and simulation have become accepted tools
for agricultural research. The two popular models that frequently used in agro-meteorological studies are the de
Wit School of models and the IBSNAT and DSSAT Models [26].

3.1. The de Wit School of Models

In the sixties, the first attempt to model photosynthetic rates of crop canopies was made [20]. The results ob-
tained from this model were used among others, to estimate potential food production for some areas of the
world and to provide indications for crop management and breeding [27] [28]. This was followed by the con-
struction of an ELementary CROp growth Simulator (ELCROS) by [29] (de Wit et. al., 1970). This model in-
cluded the static photosynthesis model and crop respiration was taken as a fixed fraction per day of the biomass,
plus an amount proportional to the growth rate. In addition, a functional equilibrium between root and shoot
growth was added [30]. The introduction of micrometeorology in the models [31] and quantification of canopy
resistance to gas exchanges allowed the models to improve the simulation of transpiration and evolve into the
BAsic CROp growth Simulator (BACROS) [22].

3.2. IBSNAT and DSSAT Models

Since agriculture is the primary economic activity in many countries of the world and great numbers of the
people depend on agriculture for their livelihood or to meet their daily needs, such as food. To meet these re-
quirements, IBSNAT (International Benchmark Sites Network for Agro-technology Transfer) began in 1982.
This was under a contract from the U.S. Agency for International Development to the University of Hawaii at
Manoa, USA. IBSNAT was an attempt to demonstrate the effectiveness of understanding options through sys-
tems analysis and simulation for ultimate benefit of farm households across the globe. The purposes defined for
the IBSNAT project by its technical advisory committee were to: 1) Understand ecosystem processes and me-
chanisms; 2) Synthesize from an understanding of processes and mechanisms, a capacity to predict outcomes
and 3) Enable IBSNAT clientele to apply the predictive capability to control outcomes [1].
The models developed by IBSNAT were simply the means by which the scientists have and could be placed
in the hands of users. In this regard, IBSNAT was a project on systems analysis and simulation as a way to pro-
vide users with options for change. In this project many research institutions, universities, and researchers across
the globe spent enormous amount of time and resources and focused on the Production of a “decision support
system” capable of simulating the risks and consequences of alternative choices, through multi-institute and
multidisciplinary approaches, the definition of minimum amount of data required for running simulations and

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assessing outcomes and the testing and application of the product on global agricultural problems requiring
site-specific yield simulations [1].
The major product of IBSNAT was a Decision Support System for Agro- Technology Transfer (DSSAT). The
network members lead by J. W. Jones, Gainesville, USA developed this. The DSSAT is being used as a research
and teaching tool. As a research tool its role to derive recommendations concerning crop management and to
investigate environmental and sustainability issues is unparalleled. The DSSAT products enable users to match
the biological requirements of crops to the physical characteristics of land to provide them with management op-
tions for improved land use planning. The DSSAT is being used as a business tool to enhance profitability and
to improve input marketing [1].
The traditional experimentation is time consuming and costly. So, systems analysis and simulation have an
important role to play in fostering this understanding of options. The information science is rapidly changing.
The computer technology is blossoming. So, DSSAT has the potential to reduce substantially the time and cost
of field experimentation necessary for adequate evaluation of new cultivars and new management systems. Sev-
eral crop growth and yield models built on a framework similar in structure were developed as part of DSSAT
package. The package consists of : 1) data base management system for soil, weather, genetic coefficients, and
management inputs, 2) Crop simulation models, 3) series of utility programs, 4) series of weather generation
programs, 5) strategy evaluation program to evaluate options including choice of variety, planting date, plant
population density, row spacing, soil type, irrigation, fertilizer application, initial conditions on yields, water
stress in the vegetative or reproductive stages of development, and net returns [1].

4. Role of Climate Change in Crop Modeling

The earth is warmed more than expected due to the presence of atmospheric gases like carbon dioxide, methane
and other tropospheric gases. The shortwave radiation can pass through the atmosphere easily, but the resultant
outgoing terrestrial radiation cannot escape because atmosphere is opaque to this radiation and this act to con-
serve heat. The increased concentration of carbon dioxide and other green house gases are expected to increase
the temperature of earth. Crop production is highly dependent on variation in weather and therefore any change
in global climate will have major effects on crop yields and productivity. Elevated temperature and carbon dio-
xide affects the biological processes like respiration, photosynthesis, plant growth, reproduction, water use etc
However, in tropics and sub-tropics the possible increase in temperatures may offset the beneficial effects of
carbon dioxide and results in significant yield losses and water requirements.
Proper understanding of the effects of climate change helps scientists to guide farmers to make crop manage-
ment decisions such as selection of crops, cultivars, sowing dates and irrigation scheduling to minimize the risks.
In recent years there has been a growing concern that changes in climate will lead to significant damage to both
market and non-market sectors. The climate change will have a negative effect in many countries. The farmer’s
adaptation to climate change, through changes in farming practices, cropping patterns, and use of new technolo-
gies will help to ease the impact. The variability of our climate and especially the associated weather extremes is
currently one of the concerns of the general community [1].
The application of crop models to study the potential impact of climate change and climate variability pro-
vides a direct link between models, agro-meteorology and the concerns of the society. As climate change deals
with future issues, the use of General Circulation Models (GCMs) and crop simulation models provide a more
scientific approach to study the impact of climate change on agricultural production and world food security
compared to other surveys. Cropgro (DSSAT) is one of the first packages that modified weather simulation ge-
nerators and it introduced a package to evaluate the performance of models for climate change situations. Irres-
pective of the limitations of GCMs it would be in the larger interest of farming community of the world that
these DSSAT modelers look at GCMs for more accurate and acceptable weather generators for use in models.
This will help in finding solutions to crop production under climate changes conditions, especially in underde-
veloped and developing countries [1].

5. Crop Model Limitations

Crop models are not able to give accurate projections because of inadequate understanding of natural processes
and computer power limitation. As a result, the assessments of possible effects of climate changes, in particular,

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are based on estimations. Moreover, most models are not able to provide reliable projections of changes in cli-
mate variability on local scale, or in frequency of exceptional events such as storms and droughts [32]. General
Circulatory Models (GCMs) have so far not been able to produce reliable projections of changes in climate va-
riability, such as alterations in the frequencies of drought and storms, even though these could significantly af-
fect crop yields [1].
As different users possess varying degrees of expertise in the modeling field, misuse of models may occur.
Since crop models are not universal, the user has to choose the most appropriate model according to his objec-
tives. As a result, the assessments of possible effects of climate changes are based on estimations. Moreover,
most models are not able to provide reliable projections of changes in climate variability on local scale, or in
frequency of exceptional events such as storms and droughts [32]. General Circulatory Models (GCMs) have so
far not been able to produce reliable projections of changes in climate variability, such as alterations in the fre-
quencies of drought and storms, even [33] though these could significantly affect crop yields. GCMs do a rea-
sonable job in simulating global values of surface air temperature and precipitation, but do poorly at the regional
scale [34].
Furthermore, biological and agricultural models are reflections of systems for which the behavior of some
components is not fully understood and differences between model output and real systems cannot be fully ac-
counted for. Crop models are therefore not able to give accurate projections because of inadequate understand-
ing of natural processes and computer power limitation. Again, methodology of model validation is still rudi-
mentary. The main reason is that, unlike the case of disciplinary or traditional experiments, a large set of hypo-
theses is being tested simultaneously in a model [1].
The validation of models at present is further complicated by the fact that field data are rarely so definite that
validation can be conclusive. This results from the fact that model parameters and driving variables are derived
from site-specific situations that ideally should be measurable and available. However, in practice, plant, soil
and meteorological data are rarely precise and may come from nearby sites. At times, parameters that were not
routinely measured may turn out to be important and they are then arbitrarily estimated [1].
Measured parameters also vary due to inherent soil heterogeneity over relatively small distances and to varia-
tions arising from the effects of husbandry practices on soil properties. Crop data reflect soil heterogeneity as
well as variation in environmental factors over the growing period.
Model performance is limited to the quality of input data. It is common in cropping systems to have large vo-
lumes of data relating to the above-ground crop growth and development, but data relating to root growth and
soil characteristics are generally not as extensive. Most simulation models require that meteorological data be
reliable and complete. Finally, sampling errors also contribute to inaccuracies in the observed data [1].
An ultimate crop model would be one that physically and physiologically defines all relations between va-
riables the model reproduces and universally real world behavior. However, such a model cannot be developed
because the biological system is too complex and many processes involved in the system are not fully unders-
tood (Jame and Cutforth, 1996). Even if an ideal crop model could be produced, the collection of the highly pre-
cise system parameters and of the input data for the crop environment would be a formidable task in itself. Thus,
the level of detail involved in a crop model is closely linked to the end use of the model and the precision re-
quired. Even when a judicious choice is made, it is important that aspects of model limitations be borne in mind
such that modeling studies are put in the proper perspective and successful applications are achieved.

6. Conclusions
Various kinds of models such as Statistical, Mechanistic, Deterministic, Stochastic, Dynamic, Static, Simula-
tions are in use for assessing and predicting crop growth and yield. Crop growth model is a very effective tool
for predicting possible impacts of climatic change on crop growth and yield. These models are useful for solving
various practical problems in agriculture. Adequate human resource capacity has to be improved and validate
simulation models have to be developed across the globe.
As a research tool, model development and application can contribute to identifying gaps in our knowledge,
thus enabling more efficient and targeted research planning. Models that are based on sound physiological data
are capable of supporting extrapolation to alternative cropping cycles and locations, thus permitting the quanti-
fication of temporal and spatial variability. Most models are virtually untested or poorly tested, and hence their
usefulness is unproven. Indeed, it is easier to formulate models than to validate them. Many agronomists have

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been confused by the situation. They are discouraged by the complexity of the models, the lack of model testing,
and the inevitable inaccuracies that arise when such testing is done.
Consequently, they have seriously doubted the usefulness of crop models in agronomy. Unfortunately, this
confusion is caused partly by those who are naively optimistic that crop modeling is the panacea for agricultural
problems and apply crop models indiscriminately. Because most agronomists do not fully understand the con-
cept of crop growth modeling and systems-approach research, training in this area is required. An intensely cali-
brated and evaluated model can be used to effectively conduct research that would in the end save time and
money and significantly contribute to developing sustainable agriculture that meets the world’s needs for food.

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