Enantionmeros Solomon 10th Edition
Enantionmeros Solomon 10th Edition
Enantionmeros Solomon 10th Edition
P(Ph)2 (Ph)2P
P(Ph)2 (Ph)2P
The origin of chirality in BINAP is the restricted rotation about the bond between the two
nearly perpendicular naphthalene rings. This torsional barrier leads to two resolvable enan-
tiomeric conformers, (S)- and (R)-BINAP. When each enantiomer is used as a ligand for
metals such as ruthenium and rhodium (bound by unshared electron pairs on the phosphorus
atoms), chiral organometallic complexes result that are capable of catalyzing stereoselec-
tive hydrogenation and other important industrial reactions. The significance of chiral lig-
ands is highlighted by the industrial synthesis each year of approximately 3500 tons of
(⫺)-menthol using an isomerization reaction involving a rhodium (S)-BINAP catalyst.
Allenes are compounds that also exhibit stereoisomerism. Allenes are molecules that
contain the following double-bond sequence:
Problems 225
C" C" C C"C" C Figure 5.22 Enantiomeric forms of 1,3-dichloroallene. These two
Cl Cl
Cl Cl molecules are nonsuperposable mirror images of each other and
are therefore chiral. They do not possess a tetrahedral atom with
Mirror four different groups, however.
This geometry of the p bonds causes the groups attached to the end carbon atoms to lie in
perpendicular planes, and, because of this, allenes with different substituents on the end
carbon atoms are chiral (Fig. 5.22). (Allenes do not show cis–trans isomerism.)
In This Chapter
In this chapter you learned that the handedness of life begins at the molecular level.
Molecular recognition, signaling, and chemical reactions in living systems often hinge on
the handedness of chiral molecules. Molecules that bear four different groups at a tetrahe-
dral carbon atom are chiral if they are nonsuperposable with their mirror image. The atoms
bearing four different groups are called chirality centers.
Mirror planes of symmetry have been very important to our discussion. If we want to
draw the enantiomer of a molecule, one way to do so is to draw the molecule as if it were
reflected in a mirror. If a mirror plane of symmetry exists within a molecule, then it is achi-
ral (not chiral), even if it contains chirality centers. Using mirror planes to test for sym-
metry is an important technique.
In this chapter you learned how to give unique names to chiral molecules using the
Cahn–Ingold–Prelog R,S–system. You have also exercised your mind’s eye in visualizing mol-
ecular structures in three dimensions, and you have refined your skill at drawing three-dimen-
sional molecular formulas. You learned that pairs of enantiomers have identical physical
properties except for the equal and opposite rotation of plane-polarized light, whereas diastere-
omers have different physical properties from one another. Interactions between each enan-
tiomer of a chiral molecule and any other chiral material lead to diastereomeric interactions,
which lead to different physical properties that can allow the separation of enantiomers.
Chemistry happens in three dimensions. Now, with the information from this chapter
building on fundamentals you have learned about molecular shape and polarity in earlier
chapters, you are ready to embark on your study of the reactions of organic molecules.
Practice drawing molecules that show three dimensions at chirality centers, practice nam-
ing molecules, and label their regions of partial positive and negative charge. Paying atten-
tion to these things will help you learn about the reactivity of molecules in succeeding
chapters. Most important of all, do your homework!
Note to Instructors: Many of the homework problems are available for assignment via WileyPLUS, an online
teaching and learning solution.