Class: B.Tech. VII- Semester Branch: Computer Science and Engineering (AI & ML)
UNIT-I (9)
Introduction to Digital & Big Data: Types of digital data, Classification of digital data,
Characteristics of data, Evolution of big data, Definition of big data, Challenges with big data, 3V’s
of Big data, Non definitional traits of Big Data - Business intelligence Vs Big Data - Data warehouse
and hadoop environment, Coexistence
Big Data Analytics: Classification of analytics, Data science, Terminologies in big data, CAP
Theorem, BASE concept, Few top analytics tools
The Big Data Technology Landscape: NoSQL (Not Only SQL), Hadoop
Introduction to Hadoop: History of hadoop, Hadoop overview, RDBMS vs hadoop, Distributed
computing challenges, Use case of hadoop, Hadoop distributors, Hadoop distributed file
system(HDFS), Processing data with hadoop, Managing resources and applications with hadoop
YARN (Yet Another Resource Negotiator), Interacting with hadoop ecosystem
Map Reduce: Mapper, Reducer, Combiner, Partitioner, Searching, Sorting and Compression Mongo
DB: Terms used in RDBMS and mongoDB, Data types in mongoDB, mongoDB query language
Introduction to Cassandra: Features of cassandra, CQL data types, CQLSH, Keyspaces, CRUD
(Create, Read, Update, and Delete) operations, Collections, Using a counter, Time to live (TTL), Alter
commands, Import and export, Querying system tables
Introduction to Hive: Hive architecture, Hive data types, Hive file format, Hive query language
(HQL), RCFile implementation, SerDe, User defined function (UDF)
Introduction to Pig: Pig on hadoop, Use case for pig-ETL processing, Data types in pig, Running
pig, Execution modes of pig, HDFS commands, Relational operators, Eval function, Complex data
types, Piggy bank, User defined functions (UDF), Parameter substitution, Diagnostic operator, Word
count example using pig, Pig vs hive
Introduction to Jasper Reports: Connecting to mongoDB NoSQL database, Connecting to cassandra
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NoSQL database
Case Study: Global innovation network and analysis (GINA)
Text Book:
[1] Seema Acharya and Subhashini Chellappan, Big Data and Analytics, 2nd ed., New Delhi: Wiley
India Pvt. Ltd., 2019. (Chapters 1 to 11)
Reference Books:
[1] John Wiley, Data Science and Big Data Analytics: Discovering, Analyzing, Visualizing and
Presenting Data, 1st ed., United States: Indianapolis - EMC Education Services, 2015.
[2] DT Editorial Services, BIG DATA, Black Book, 1st ed., New Delhi: DreamTech Press,2016.
[3] Russell Bradberry, Eric Blow, Practical Cassandra A developers Approach, 1st ed., New York:
Pearson Education, 2014.
[4] Judith Hurwitz, Alan Nugent, Dr. Fern Halper, Marcia Kaufman, Big Data for Dummies,
1st ed., New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2013.
[5] Kyle Banker, Mongo DB in Action, 1sted., George Town: Manning Publications Company,
[6] Tom White, Hadoop: The Definitive Guide, 4th ed., New York: O’Reilly Publications, 2011.
Course Research Paper: Research paper (indexed Journals/conference papers) relevant to the course
content will be posted by the course faculty in CourseWeb page.
Course Patent: Patent relevant to the course content will be posted by the course faculty in
CourseWeb page.
Course Projects: Course project is an independent project carried out by the student during the
course period, under the supervision of course faculty. Course faculty will post few course project
titles in CourseWeb page. Students are encouraged to come up and experiment with the ideas that
interest them.
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