CSTP 6 Rogers Semester3
CSTP 6 Rogers Semester3
CSTP 6 Rogers Semester3
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Is aware of the Begins to Engages in reflection Reflects individually and with colleagues on Maintains
need to reflect engage in individually and with refinements in teaching practice and connections ongoing
on teaching reflection on colleagues on the among the elements of the CSTP to positively reflective
practice to teaching relationship between impact the full range of learners.11/19/23 practice and
support practice making adjustments in action research
student individually teaching practice and in supporting
learning. and with impact on the full student
6.1 Reflecting Reflects colleagues that range of learning and
on teaching individually or is focused on learners.10/2/22 raising the level
practice in with colleagues methods to 5/6/23 of academic
support of on immediate support the full achievement.
student student range of
learning learning needs. learners. Engages in and
colleagues for
school wide
impact on
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
I engage in weekly I reflect on instructional notes and observations each
reflection with day to determine the effectiveness of the lesson. This
colleagues and process includes consideration of assessment data,
individual reflection student responses, and execution of my lesson. It is a
helpful discipline to determine modifications to my
daily, most often after
an instructional
period, so not to forget Secondly, I meet with my professional learning team
observations. The and instructional coach weekly, where I discuss
purpose is to adjust my classroom experiences and gain insight from their
methodologies and to knowledge.
improve students’
response to ISTE 2.4.a. Dedicate planning time to collaborate with
instruction. colleagues to create authentic learning experiences
that leverage technology.11/19/23
I am reflecting on my
teaching practice on
most days by taking
notes of observations,
tools used, and
students’ ability to
proficient explain their
level of understanding.
I interact with my PLC,
mentor, and coach to
identify ways to
improve my practice.
Through this, I have
examined different
types of assessments,
online practice tools
for students, and ways
to be more concrete
when introducing new
topics. 05/06/23
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Develops goals Sets goals Sets goals connected to Sets and modifies authentic goals connected to Sets and
connected to connected to the CSTP that are the CSTP that are intellectually challenging and modifies a
the CSTP the CSTP that authentic, challenging, based on self-assessment and feedback from a broad range of
through consider self- and based on self- variety of sources. professional
required assessment of assessment. goals connected
processes and teaching Engages in and contributes to professional to the CSTP to
local protocols. practice. Aligns personal goals development targeted on student achievement. improve
with school and Pursues a variety of additional opportunities to instructional
Attends Expands district goals and learn professionally. 5/6/23 practice and
required knowledge and focuses on improving impact student
6.2 professional skills student learning. I set CSTP based SMART goals targeting learning within
Establishing development. individually improvement in my instructional planning and and beyond the
professional and with Selects and engages in implementation. One area has been classroom.
goals and colleagues professional strengthening students’ academic writing skills
through development based on of complete sentences, with proper Engages in
engaging in
available needs identified in capitalization, punctuation, spelling, and ongoing inquiry
continuous and
professional professional grammar. into teacher
purposeful development. goals.10/2/22 practice for
professional I use colleagues and professional development professional
growth and opportunities to challenge my thinking and development.
development critique my work.5/6/23
Contributes to
Sets and modifies authentic goals connected to professional
the CSTP that are intellectually challenging and organizations,
based on self-assessment and feedback from a and
variety of sources. development
Engages in and contributes to professional to extend own
development targeted on student achievement. teaching
Pursues a variety of additional opportunities to practice.
learn professionally. 11/19/23
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Through the guidance I have set the goal of providing timely feedback this
of my administrators, I year by applying CSTP 5.7, “Using assessment
set personal information to share timely and comprehensible
professional goals feedback with students and their families.” to my
connected to the CTSP
and align them with This value-added goal improves communication with
the goals of my school students and parents on a student’s progress and
and district. These are helps with goal setting.
challenging, based on
self-assessment, and It also helps with self-assessment of my time
students’ learning management, grading policies, rubrics, and grading
data. strategy.
6.3 Attends staff, Consults with Collaborates with Collaborates with colleagues to expand impact Facilitates
Collaborating grade level, colleagues to colleagues to improve on teacher and student learning within grade or collaboration
with colleagues department, consider how student learning and department and school and district levels. with colleagues.
and other best to support reflect on teaching
and the
required teacher and practice at the Engages with members of the broader Works to
meetings and student classroom level. professional community to access resources and ensure the
professional collaborations. learning. a wide range of supports for teaching the full broadest
community to Interacts with range of learners.11/19/23 positive impact
support Identifies Begins to members of the possible on
teacher and student and identify how to broader professional instructional
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
student teacher access student community to access practice and
learning resources at the and teacher resources that support student
school and resources in teacher effectiveness achievement at
district level. the broader and student learning. school and
professional 5/6/3 district levels
community. and for the
10/2/22 I meet with my profession.
professional learning
community on a Initiates and
weekly basis to develops
support students professional
learning in our shared learning
math teaching activity. opportunities
Additionally, I have with the
joined professional broader
online communities professional
targeting educational community
resources like focused on
workshops and student
materials, and achievement.
conferences. One being
the Texas Computer
Education Association
(TCEA). 5/6/23
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
I consult with I work closely with the 4th grade level team to identify
colleagues for resources that address skills gaps amongst my
help to build my students. We exchange lesson plans and materials,
personal skills to share ideas, and inform each other on proven data or
address student relevant conferences.
learning needs
and resources as In a recent discussion about instructing low readers, a
well as my own. colleague shared how well her students were
Typically, those responding to the beginning readers book, Monster
with greater and Friends Get Blown Away, by Elise Macdonald
experience in https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/60234399-
education monster-and-friends. She shared her instructional
provide me with method and where we could access the book. Several
weblinks, teachers, including myself, decided to try the book
reference books, and strategy with our early readers.
and other
contacts, in Similarly, I interact with a broader community of
addition to educators through the nonprofit organization, Zearn
advice. about.zearn.org, that introduces educators to
approaches to math and provides classroom
Recently, a resources. Because they have a presence on Intagram
colleague, and X (formerly Twitter). I can dialogue with
experienced in educators and Zearn team members about the tools
fifth grade math and concepts that are presented.
referred a small
group of us ISTE 2.4.d. Demonstrate cultural competency when
fourth grade communicating with students, parents and colleagues
teachers to a and interact with them as cocollaborators in student
math reference learning.
book that she 11/19/23
highly values
and still uses.
This is a fitting
example of
collaboration as
she was
responding to
our collective
expression of
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
resources to
ourselves for
teaching certain
math concepts.
Is aware of the Acknowledges Supports families to Provides opportunities and support for families Structures a
role of the the importance contribute to the to actively participate in the classroom and wide range of
family in of the family’s classroom and school. school. opportunities
student role in student Adjusts for families to
learning and learning. Seeks communication to Communicates to families in ways which show contribute to
6.4 Working the need for information families based on understanding of and respect for cultural norms. the classroom
with families to interactions about cultural awareness of cultural 5/6/23 and school
support with families. norms of norms and wide range community.
student families of experiences with Supports a
learning represented in schools. 10/2/22 school/district
the school. environment in
Welcomes which families
family take leadership
involvement at to improve
classroom/ student
school events. learning.
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Our students are in Plan activities for families to participate in
independent study virtual and live outings that are related to
and by structure of cultural interests of students and families
our school, they are like outdoor hiking and farming.
expected to be
always present with Also coordinated a project-based learning
their students, activity for students and families to grow
during “live” seeds and take pictures and videos of their
instruction. projects. The project was engaging and
increased parental involvement. 5/6/23
In my classroom,
they are encouraged
to actively listen to
learn what their
student is learning
and to ask questions
after active
instruction (while in
class) or later.
I appreciate being
able to collaborate
with the parent and
simultaneously to
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
or redirect
behaviors. We then
are working as a
team for their
success, and you can
tell that the student
feels supported, as it
is done in a positive
Supports families to
contribute to the
classroom and school.
Adjusts communication
to families based on
awareness of cultural
norms and wide range of
experiences with schools.
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
In recent quarter 2
conferences, I
encouraged parents to
provide input on ways to
address learning with
their students in
independent study. This
was an effective way to
get to know the student
and family better. I was
able to understand their
value systems and
learning challenges
within the home. I was
also able to celebrate
successes with him.
In one conference, I
learned that a student
that has an IEP has done
best when completing his
activity book pages when
they are in a certain
online platform. I agreed
that this was doable and
through collaboration we
were able meet the
student’s and parent’s
learning needs.
Pursues ways to
support students’
diverse learning needs
and maintains belief in
students’ capacity for
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
I am continuing to
work on time
management of
administrative tasks
outside of direct
instruction. There
are website
functions that I am
learning about in
development to
work more
This self-
improvement keeps
me prepared to
instruct under data
driven guidelines
that address diverse
learning needs.
Through master
calendars and
expectations of
administration, I can
responsibilities and
plan in advance.
I believe in each
student’s ability to
achieve their own
level of success and
look for ways for
them to learn in their
own best way, as we
all learn differently.
Looking ahead to
academic conferences, I
scheduled appointment
dates in
Using this app saved time
by avoiding the need to
make multiple phone calls
or send emails. This
allowed me to focus my
energy on lesson planning
and meeting my students
for intervention and
reteach sessions.
Follows all state education codes, legal requirements, district Maintains ethical values and understands how bias can negatively
and site policies, contractual agreements, and ethical impact the classroom. Works toward supporting a healthy,
responsibilities.* inclusive learning environment.
I value the people first, the healthy livelihoods of the students and
families and the profession of teaching and therefore model
professional behavior in the classroom and community to indicate
that of a good and law-abiding citizen.