CSTP 6 Walker 4

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CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

6.1 Reflecting on Is aware of the need to Begins to engage in Engages in reflection Reflects individually Maintains ongoing
teaching practice in reflect on teaching reflection on teaching individually and with and with colleagues on reflective practice and
support of student practice to support practice individually colleagues on the refinements in action research in
learning student learning. and with colleagues relationship between teaching practice and supporting student
Reflects individually or that is focused on making adjustments in connections among the learning and raising
with colleagues on methods to support teaching practice and elements of the CSTP the level of academic
immediate student the full range of impact on the full to positively impact achievement.
learning needs. learners. range of learners. the full range of
learners. Engages in and fosters
reflection among
colleagues for school
wide impact on
student learning.
After my lessons, I reflect I reflect individually after I will review student
on what went well and my lessons to assess work and exit tickets to
what can be adjusted. I what informal strategies reflect on what went
ask myself if students worked well in checking well, or what students
were engaged (e.g., for understanding and need to keep practicing.
participating, relevant student progress. 12/1/23
responses). I reflect on
the activity and if it was I reflect with colleagues I reflect on how students
appropriate practice of about what academic are interacting with
the skill. I will review strengths I am noticing content. For example, I
student data to see if the along with what make sure centers are
skill was met, or if I need strategies are being used appropriate and
to review a prerequisite for successes. I will also differentiated. I will also
skill. Every week, I meet ask for advice and choose center activities
with my mentor and we feedback. I will then based on student
discuss what activities apply new strategies to interests. 12/1/23
went well and what is an better serve my students.
area of focus. For example, I added the I engage in reflections
sound wall to my daily with my colleagues and
decoding routine. principal to ensure I am
4/25/2023 providing a learning
community. 12/1/23

I participate in training to
better my teaching
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

practice (e.g., using EL
strategies in the
classroom, adding Math
Talks to promote critical
thinking). These
trainings help me raise
the level of academic
achievement. 4/23/2024

I have met with my

principal to talk about
areas I would like to
improve in and what I
can do (e.g., leadership).
These discussions
positively impact
students. 4/23/2024
6.2 Establishing Develops goals Sets goals connected to Sets goals connected to Sets and modifies Sets and modifies a
professional goals connected to the CSTP the CSTP that take into the CSTP that are authentic goals broad range of
and engaging in through required account self- authentic, challenging, connected to the CSTP professional goals
continuous and processes and local assessment of teaching and based on self- that are intellectually connected to the CSTP
protocols. practice. assessment. challenging and based to improve
on self-assessment and instructional practice
professional growth
Attends required Expands knowledge Aligns personal goals feedback from a and impact student
and development professional and skills individually with school and variety of sources. learning within and
development. and with colleagues district goals, and beyond the classroom.
through available focuses on improving Engages in and
professional student learning. contributes to Engages in ongoing
development. professional inquiry into teacher
Selects and engages in development targeted practice for
professional on student professional
development based on achievement. Pursues development.
needs identified in a variety of additional
professional goals. opportunities to learn Contributes to
professionally. professional
organizations, and
opportunities to
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

extend own teaching
I believe being in this A goal of mine is to learn My mentor and I I had the goal of showing
course is encouraging me more about the Science discussed goals for the leadership by creating a
to create teaching goals, of Reading. This can be remainder of the year. I family engagement event.
reflect on my teaching helpful in meeting the have decided to work on This taught me the
practice, and seek advice needs of diverse learners organizing observational importance of family
from my mentor and in my class. This data. 12/1/23 engagement in a child’s
colleagues. Currently, I professional goal will life. 4/23/2024
want to learn more about improve student I have been learning
differentiated instruction learning. about “conscious I attended professional
and incorporating discipline”. This development trainings
teaching strategies that I have attended Getting framework is meant to where I learned about a
promote student leaning Reading Right help with classroom successful TK curriculum
and critical thinking. professional trainings to management and create a that focuses on play,
learn more about the positive learning music, and social
Science of Reading. environment. 12/1/23 emotional development.
4/25/2023 This taught me a lot
about meeting social
emotional needs and
creating a safe
environment. 4/23/2024
6.3 Collaborating Attends staff, grade Consults with Collaborates with Collaborates with Facilitates
with colleagues and level, department, and colleagues to consider colleagues to improve colleagues to expand collaboration with
the broader other required how best to support student learning and impact on teacher and colleagues.
professional meetings and teacher and student reflect on teaching student learning
collaborations. learning. practice at the within grade or Works to ensure the
community to
classroom level. department and school broadest positive
support teacher
Identifies student and Begins to identify how and district levels. impact possible on
and student teacher resources at to access student and Interacts with instructional practice
learning the school and district teacher resources in members of the Engages with members and student
level. the broader broader professional of the broader achievement at school
professional community to access professional and district levels and
community. resources that support community to access for the profession.
teacher effectiveness resources and a wide
and student learning range of supports for Initiates and develops
teaching the full range professional learning
of learners. opportunities with the
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

broader professional
community focused on
student achievement.
This is an area that I met with K-2 grade I am a part of the PBIS I organized a Bubble Run
pushed me out of my teachers to discuss the Committee. I collaborate Fundraiser and
comfort zone. I do ways we successfully with colleagues and my collaborated with
consult with my partner teach students how to principal. The goal is to colleagues to put on a
teacher (mentor). I could read. This was an help foster a safe and schoolwide event.
communicate more with opportunity to learn positive school. 12/1/23 4/23/2024
my colleagues on how to about different strategies
best support student and share evidence of my Being a part of the PBIS
learning. This element is teaching. Committee requires me
beneficial in being able to seeking information and
add to my resume I interact with other resources from my
because I am working on teachers on social media district. 12/1/23
improving areas in my to receive free resources
teaching. I would like to support my students. As part of the PBIS
more opportunities to be Instead of reinventing committee, we have
involved in clubs and activities and strategies, I started creating a matrix
committees. am able to use resources that will be used to
from other teachers. This support teachers and all
fosters student learning. of our students. The
4/25/2023 matrix was created by
resources and
information the
committee had gathered.
Is aware of the role of Acknowledges the Supports families to Provides opportunities Structures a wide
the family in student importance of the contribute to the and support for range of opportunities
learning and the need family’s role in student classroom and school. families to actively for families to
for interactions with learning. Seeks Adjusts participate in the contribute to the
6.4 Working with families. information about communication to classroom and school. classroom and school
families to support cultural norms of families based on community. Supports a
student learning families represented in awareness of cultural Communicates to school/district
the school. Welcomes norms and wide range families in ways which environment in which
family involvement at of experiences with show understanding of families take
classroom/ school schools. and respect for cultural leadership to improve
events. norms. student learning.
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

I work with families to Family Support: I organized a Bubble Run
support student learning. 1. Families help by fundraiser that offered
I provide appropriate opportunities for families
homework and
donating items to the to contribute to the
encourage family reading class (e.g., stocking school:
nights. I send links and fillers). 1. Families could donate
resources that can be 2. Families help by money to the school
used as extra practice. taking home projects 2. Families could come
For example, homework and cheer their child on
packets are made with
that need to be during the run
resources that can be prepared. 3. Families could make
used as a dry erase 3. I post on ClassDojo motivational signs for
board. I will also send asking for families to their child
links to educational participate in school All these interactions
videos that students can support the school and
listen to at home. I post
events (e.g., game encourage a positive
daily and communicate night). 12/1/23 learning environment.
with parents daily on 4/23/2024
ClassDojo. I communicate
through Class Dojo,
I will have families come
flyers, and in person.
and read a story to the
class. We also had a This builds rapport
kindergarten picnic and that encourages
invited families to come respect. 12/1/23
and enjoy a meal with
their child. These events
create a positive
classroom environment.
Student take pride in
their classroom and
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

6.5 Engaging local Develops awareness Seeks available Uses a variety of Uses a broad range of Collaborates with
communities in about local neighborhood and neighborhood and neighborhood and community members
support of the neighborhoods and community resources. community resources community resources to increase
instructional communities to support the to support the instructional and
surrounding the school. Includes references or curriculum. instructional program, learning opportunities
connections to students, and families. for students.
Uses available communities in single Includes knowledge of
neighborhood and lessons or sequence of communities when Draws from Engages students in
community resources lessons. designing and understanding of leadership and service
in single lessons. implementing community to improve in the community.
instruction and enrich the Incorporates
instructional program. community members
into the school
learning community.
I am not from the local I ask the community for I contacted community
communities that resources. If my class members and asked if
surround my school. In needs supplies, I will ask they would like to read to
fact, I am fairly new to the the community for our class. The goal was to
city and what is around. I donations. This helps my learn about community
need to do research about students have supplies. helpers and foster a love
the communities and 12/1/23 for reading. 4/23/2024
resources that are
available for my students During dramatic play, I have asked parents to
and their families. students have access to speak about the program
Furthermore, I need to costumes. I will connect at our school. This is
attend events in the the costume to our done to highlight
community. community. Students strengths. 4/23/2024
begin to form
I have been becoming connections and act out
more familiar with local what the community
businesses and families in helper does in their
the area. During our neighborhood. 12/1/23
community helper’s unit,
I will include local
community helpers and
ask students about the
places they visit and
community helpers they
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

6.6 Managing Develops an Maintains professional Anticipates Integrates the full Models
professional understanding of responsibilities in professional range of professional professionalism and
responsibilities to professional timely ways and seeks responsibilities and responsibilities into supports colleagues in
maintain responsibilities. support as needed. manages time and advanced planning and meeting and exceeding
effort required to meet prepares for situations professional
motivation and
Seeks to meet required Demonstrates expectations. that may be Responsibilities
commitment to all
commitments to commitment by challenging. effectively.
students students. exploring ways to Pursues ways to
address individual support students’ Maintains continual Supports colleagues to
student needs. diverse learning needs effort to seek, develop, maintain the
and maintains belief in and refine new and motivation, resiliency,
students’ capacity for creative methods to and energy to ensure
achievement. ensure individual that all students
student learning. achieve.
I still find it challenging I have a planner with I meet weekly with my I model professionalism
to balance personal life important dates and grade level team to by providing clear and
and professional professional discuss lesson planning. honest communication.
responsibilities. I realize responsibilities. I use the We review challenges we When working with my
that teachers can face planner to prioritize. are facing and how we colleagues, I find that
burn out, and I need to can improve. 12/1/23 being clear, to the point,
take time to do things I will put together small and honest leads to
that I love. A way to group activities based on I will be reviewing a new meeting and exceeding
apply this element will be standards to maintain the textbook that I will be responsibilities.
by time management and belief in students’ creating lessons from. Communication includes:
prioritizing. capacity for achievement. This is to ensure student emails, texting
4/25/2023 learning. 12/1/23 reminders, productive
I always come to school meetings, and engaging
with s positive attitude I take students interests posts on ClassDojo.
towards my students, to find activities, stories, 4/23/2024
families, and colleagues. and topics that they are
interested in to ensure I support colleagues by
learning (e.g., supporting them in their
researching, book leadership ideas. For
reviews, following example, for state testing
teacher accounts). a teacher wanted to
12/1/23 create motivational
posters for students, so I
helped by asking my
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

students to help me think
of positive sayings (e.g.,
Try Your Best). This
supports my colleague
and motivates students.
6.7 Demonstrating Follows all state education codes, legal requirements, district and site Maintains a high standard of personal integrity
professional policies, contractual agreements, and ethical responsibilities.* and commitment to student learning and the
responsibility, profession in all circumstances.
integrity, and * As follows:
 Take responsibility for student academic learning outcomes. Contributes to building professional community
ethical conduct
 Is aware of own personal values and biases and recognizes ways in which and holding peers accountable to norms of
these values and biases affect the teaching and learning of students. respectful treatment and communication.
 Adheres to legal and ethical obligations in teaching the full ranges of
learners, including English learners and students with special needs. Contributes to fostering a school culture with a
 Reports suspected cases of child abuse and/or neglect as outlined in the high degree of resilience, professional integrity,
California Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act. and ethical conduct.
 Maintains a non-hostile classroom environment and carries out laws and
district guidelines for reporting cases of sexual harassment.
 Understands and implements school and district policies and state and
federal law in responding to inappropriate or violent student behavior.
 Complies with legal and professional obligations to protect the privacy,
health, and safety of students, families, and other school professionals.
 Models appropriate behavior for students, colleagues, and the profession.
 Acts in accordance with ethical considerations for students.
 Maintains professional conduct and integrity in the classroom and school
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

I believe that I follow all state education codes, legal requirements, district and site I am committed to student learning. I reach out to
policies, contractual agreements, and ethical responsibilities to the best of my colleagues for resources and their opinion on a
knowledge. There are some ways I can improve my teaching, but ultimately, I love teaching strategy. I have my lessons ready for the
teaching. I believe that every child deserves a learning community where they feel week and the learning goals displayed. 12/1/23
valued and safe. It sets them up for being well rounded people. I believe that
student success is a team effort between the student, myself, and their family. I contribute to building a professional community by
responding timely to emails, being prepared for IEP
I follow all state education codes, legal requirements, district and site policies, meetings, and communicating respectfully with
contractual agreements, and ethical responsibilities to the best of my knowledge. families. 12/1/23
I have students practice safety drills to best prepare them for an emergency.
I research, attend PDs, and create ways to best meet the needs of my students. I contribute to fostering a positive school culture. I am
I collaborate and work well with my teaching partner. a part of the PBIS committee. The goal is to promote a
I am observed and given positive feedback from my Principal. safe and positive school. 12/1/23
I am committed to improving my practice. I conduct
my own research in areas that I need to work on. I
also ask my colleagues for their opinion. I am not
afraid to ask for help to meet the needs of my
students. 4/23/2024

This semester, I contributed to building professional

community by being a part of committees to improve
family engagement and by creating a PBIS matrix.

I contribute to fostering a positive school culture. I

communicate effectively with familes, respect the
time of colleagues, listen to lesson ideas, implement
strategies learned during professional development
meetings, and have positive interactions with peers
and students.4/23/2024

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