Washtech XG Economy Glasswasher Operator Manual
Washtech XG Economy Glasswasher Operator Manual
Washtech XG Economy Glasswasher Operator Manual
Operator Manual
! Before installation
Before installation and commissioning,
and commissioning, you must read theyou must
safety read the safety instructions and warnings
and warnings carefully and all the warning labels attached to the equipment.
carefully and all the warning labels attached to the equipment.
Failure to comply (even partially) with the instructions given in this manual
Failure to comply
Before installation
will invalidate (even partially)
and commissioning,
the product warranty
you mustwith
and relieves thethe
read the instructions
safety instructions given in this manual will invalidate
manufacturer of any
and warnings carefully and all the warning labels attached to the equipment.
the product warranty and relieves the manufacturer of any responsibility
Failure to comply (even partially) with the instructions given in this manual
the alteration of machine
alteration of machine operation, operation, design or
design or the replacement the not
of parts
will invalidate the product warranty and relieves the manufacturer of any
replacement of parts not approved by
approved by the manufacturer may void warranties and approvals.
the manufacturer may void warranties and approvals.
This machine
the alteration is intended
of machine for
operation, commercial
design use of
or the replacement only.
parts not
approved by the manufacturer may void warranties and approvals.
Safety Instructions.......................................................................................................................................................3
Installation..................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Installation Diagram.................................................................................................................................................... 5
Operating Procedures................................................................................................................................................ 6
Troubleshooting........................................................................................................................................................... 8
Schematic Diagram......................................................................................................................................................9
We have checked that the contents of this document correspond to the model described. there may be
Wiring Diagram............................................................................................................................................................10
discrepancies nevertheless, and no guarantee can be given that they are completely identical. the information
contained in this document is reviewed regularly and any necessary changes will be included in the next edition. We
welcome suggestions for improvement.
Information supplied in this manual is copyright. no part of this work may be reproduced or copied in any form or
by have checked
means, that the
electronic contents without
or mechanical of this document
the expresscorrespond to the
permission of theauthor
model/ publisher.
described. there may be
We havenevertheless,
discrepancies checked andthat thecan
no guarantee contents of are
be given that they this document
completely identical. thecorrespond
contained in this document is reviewed regularly and any necessary changes will be included in the next edition. We
to the model described. There
welcome be discrepancies
suggestions for improvement.nevertheless, and no guarantee can be given that they are completely
Document subject The information
to change contained in this document is reviewed regularly and any necessary
without prior notice.
changes 1800
will 622
be 216
included in
Information supplied in this manual is copyright. no the next
part of edition.
this work We welcome
may be reproduced suggestions
or copied in any form or for improvement.
by 1800
any means, 337
electronic 963 without the express permission of the author / publisher.
or mechanical
Service 1800supplied
Information 622 216in this manual is copyright. No part of this work may be reproduced or
Parts 1800
Distributed in any337
in australia by963
form orpty
Moffat by any740
limited. means, electronic
Springvale or3170.
road, Mulgrave VIC mechanical without the express permission of
• tel (03) 9518 3888 • Fax (03) 9518 3818 • Web www.moffat.com.au
the author / publisher.
Distributed in australia by Moffat pty limited. 740 Springvale road, Mulgrave VIC 3170.
• tel (03) 9518 3888 • Fax (03) 9518 3818 • Web www.moffat.com.au
Service 1 800 622 216
m2 High performance passthrough Dishwasher - Operator Manual
Hot Surfaces
• Some surfaces may be hot or very hot
• Commercial dishwashing detergents are hazardous – handle with care
We have checked• that Read and follow
the contents thecorrespond
of this document safetytoinformation
the model described. found
there may on be the labels of detergent
containers and Material Safety Data Sheets
discrepancies nevertheless, and no guarantee can be given that they are completely identical. the information
contained in this document is reviewed regularly and any necessary changes will be included in the next edition. We
• Use
welcome suggestions protective eyewear and clothing if decanting containers
for improvement.
Hot Water
Information supplied in this manual is copyright. no part of this work may be reproduced or copied in any form or
by any means, electronic or mechanical without the express permission of the author / publisher.
Do not put hands in wash water which may be over 60°C and contain hazardous
caustic detergent
• Rinse water can be over 90°C
Service 1800 622safety
• Door 216 switches are designed for emergency use only
Parts 1800 337 963
• Do not hose down the machine or splash water over the exterior
• Watch for broken glass etc when cleaning the inside of the machine
Distributed in australia by Moffat pty limited. 740 Springvale road, Mulgrave VIC 3170.
• tel (03) 9518 3888 • Fax (03) 9518 3818 • Web www.moffat.com.au
• Under no circumstances the user should attempt to carry out repairs
• All service/repair work must be carried out by qualified personnel only
m2 High performance passthrough Dishwasher - Operator Manual
• !Unpack the machine, check for damage and complete delivery.
Failure to comply (even partially) with the instructions given in this manual
will invalidate the product warranty and relieves the manufacturer of any
machine on sound waterproof self draining floor, fit feet and adjust feet to level
• ! Allowthe
room for adjacent
alteration chemical
of machine operation, containers
design or the replacement of parts not
approved by the manufacturer may void warranties and approvals.
• Flush supply lines before connection
• Connect hose supplied to adjacent accessible isolator valve - 20 mm 3/4 male
• Flow rate required - 20 litres per minute
• Temperature - 65˚C
• Consumption per cycle - 1.5 litres
• Pressure required - 200-350 kPa - fit limiter above this pressure
• Back Flow - Atmospheric Vacuum Breaker
• Potable water quality is required - filter or soften if necessary
Ions Cl-
Document subject to change without prior notice. SO4 Fe Mn Cu Cl2
Max mg/L 100 400 0.1 0.5 0.05 0.1
Information supplied in this manual is copyright. no part of this work may be reproduced or copied in any form or
by any means, electronic or mechanical without the express permission of the author / publisher.
• Machine shipped with cordset for 15 A 240V 50Hz via adjacent switched outlet
Service 1800 622 216
Parts 1800 337 963
• Connect drain pump hose supplied to upstand or sink waste connection
Note that detergent
in australia is hazardous
by Moffat pty limited. - read
740 Springvale road,
• tel (03) 9518 3888 • Fax (03) 9518 3818 • Web www.moffat.com.au
Mulgrave VIC 3170. and handle with care
• Insert hose into container of commercial dishwasher low foam detergent
• Pump will prime as machine fills and then comes up to strength with use
2 m2 High performance passthrough Dishwasher - Operator Manual
Rinse Fluid
• Insert hose into adjacent container of commercial dishwasher rinse fluid
• Injector accessible via front panel - increase consumption by winding adjusting screw out
• Every turn of the adjusting screw will increase the dose by about 0.4ml
• Run several cycles, ensure that operator has read and understands instructions
Troubleshooting Installation
• If machine doesn’t fill after switching on power, check & ensure that hot water supply tap is
open, water supply pressure is not below specification
NOTE: Machine might operate longer than specified above if rinse water
temperature is below required temperature.
The machine must be drained and cleaned at the end of each day.
Drain the machine as per the shut down instructions.
Remove, clean and replace filters.
Regularly check the wash and rinse jets on the wash and rinse arms and clean if necessary.
Pre-scraping of dishes is required by Food Hygiene Regulations. The best method is to pre-rinse with
warm water with a Fisher Pre-rinse Unit - or alternatively by scraping or dunking in water. Cutlery
should be pre-soaked in warm water, preferably containing a cutlery pre-soak compound - refer to
your chemical supplier.
Do not overload racks or cutlery containers, minimise the overlap of crockery. Wash cutlery unsorted,
handles down. Cycle times are short and water consumption per cycle low – so there is no advantage
in overloading racks.
Correct type and quantity of detergent is essential for good results. Use good quality chemicals and
regularly check containers. Discuss the use of drying agent and cutlery pre soak solution with your
chemical supplier. Detergent concentration can be changed by adjusting the timer (refer service
manual). Rinse Fluid is factory set to a low injection rate, and will take many cycles to prime. The
operator can adjust this via the adjusting screw on the front cover (refer service manual).
Single tank commercial dishwashers do not have a drying cycle. However, the machines do rinse at
high temperatures which promotes fast drying particularly when drying agents are used.
At the end of the cycle promptly remove the rack from the machine - leave the rack on the bench for 2
to 3 minutes before emptying.
600 90021
ASSY GA/GM LEG (INOX 32x180xM10)
BAG MINIGRIP 230 x 305 x 70mu
600 60080
All Washtech products are designed and
manufactured by Washtech using the
internationally recognised ISO9001 quality
management system, covering design,
manufacture and final inspection, ensuring
consistent high quality at all times.