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Versant Case Study Misr University

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Case Study

Misr University for Science & Technology

English Testing for Admission and Placement

English is Essential for Success with MUST Academics

Misr University for Science & Technology (MUST) is a private institution based
in Egypt. More than 20,000 students in 13 schools matriculate annually
earning undergraduate and post graduate degrees in engineering, medicine,
business, biotechnology, and more. MUST is among the most technologically
advanced educational institutions in the country.

Every student is required to demonstrate proficiency in English to pursue a

degree. Study at MUST, in fact, cannot begin until a student can demonstrate
their ability to communicate in English at academic levels. To that end,
the university assesses the speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills
of every incoming student. The result of the test determines the level of
English course that each student must take, if any. Students lacking in English
communication skills are required to take remedial non-credit English
courses and demonstrate proficiency before they can begin working on their
academic curriculum.

Large English Testing Program Requires Advanced

Technology Solution
The MUST Test Centres are responsible for assessing the English proficiency
skills of more than 5,000 students every year. This testing must be completed
in the six weeks immediately prior to the start of term to ensure the accurate
placement of students.

Tests previously used by MUST were pen and paper, and did not assess
speaking skills. MUST needed a technology solution that could assess all four
The VEPT was so easy to
skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Moreover, they required a
system that could simplify registration and administration. Finally, they also administer that we were
needed to receive the results within minutes so that all 5,000 or more new able to surpass our goal
students could be placed quickly in the proper training interventions. of testing 4,000 students
MUST turned to Pearson and its Versant™ English Placement Test (VEPT) within the first year.
for a solution. The VEPT is an English proficiency test that measures the We completed more
speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills of individuals whose native
language is not English. The test takes 50 minutes to complete and questions
than 5,000!”
are randomized to ensure maximum security. Results for this web-delivered ~ Khaled Khorshed,
test are available within minutes. With a 0.99 correlation, Pearson test scores Manager of the
generated by the Versant™ testing system are virtually indistinguishable from MUST Test Centres
expert human scoring, ensuring confidence in the results.
Case Study

“Our previous test was a manual solution that was too Fast Implementation Necessary Despite
time consuming,” said Khaled Khorshed, Manager of Complexity
the MUST Test Centres. “We did not have the resources
As part of adopting the VEPT, MUST also elected to
to thoroughly and accurately assess so many students
implement the Pearson Learning Management System
in so little time. We needed a computer-based test
(LMS) to manage a host of educational resources,
that was easier to administer, had a secure testing and
including English assessments. The integration with
scoring process, and provided accurate and reliable
MUST’s backend systems began in the summer and had
results. We got all of that with the Versant English
to be ready for the fall semester.
Placement Test.”
“Our e-program is large and complex and in only a
The MUST English Test Centre team now manages the
few months, Pearson was able to not only deploy the
entire English assessment process for each new group
VEPT, but also integrate their LMS with our backend
with a single system. Using Versant’s test management
systems, which enabled us to easily deploy many other
tool, ScoreKeeper™, a roster can be uploaded into the
Pearson learning products for our 20,000 students,” said
system, automatically assign a unique identification
Khorshed. “They were with us every step of the way and
number to each student, administer the test, and then
that is why the integration was completed so quickly.”
deliver the results. What previously took hundreds of
hours is now done in minutes. MUST is the first university in Egypt to have an English
assessment center and the first to implement the VEPT.
“The VEPT was so easy to administer that we were able
Their single sign-on LMS enables staff and students to
to surpass our goal of testing 4,000 students within the
access all tests in one place. “MUST is one of the most
first year. We completed more than 5,000!” exclaimed
technologically advanced universities in Egypt,” said
Ahmed Samir, Pearson’s Technology Delivery Manager
for Egypt. “Their LMS integration is seamless throughout
the organization and one of the most sophisticated in
Egypt. It is also helping them to meet their goal of going
completely paperless.”
Case Study

English is Critical for MUST Students About the Versant English Placement Test
Although Arabic is the national language of Egypt, The VEPT is an English proficiency test which measures
English is used throughout the university. MUST believes speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills of
that to properly prepare students, they must be fluent individuals whose native language is not English.
in English. “Students who wish to be successful in an Universities, private language schools, and corporate
advanced career in Egypt or anywhere in the world, training programs around the world use the test to:
must have English,” said Khorshed.
• Evaluate a test taker’s English communication skills for
Students that cannot demonstrate proficiency must take course placement or exit exam.
non-credit English classes before they can be placed • Monitor test taker or employee progress and measure
into their chosen academic track. This delay can be instructional outcomes.
costly and time-consuming so a precise understanding • Benchmark the language levels of students and staff.
of their limitations with the language is critical. If they
are placed too high, they may not be able to perform in Test questions reflect many different situations in the
classes. If placed too low, their academic career could classroom and real world including reading aloud,
be unnecessarily slowed. The VEPT provides detailed conversations, and writing summaries and opinions.
results for each student’s performance in the four skill Independent industry experts have found that the
areas—speaking, listening, reading, and writing—so that VEPT correlates highly with the TOEFL iBT and IELTS,
the MUST team knows precisely which interventions and score concordances are available for those tests
were necessary. as well as the Global Scale of English (GSE) and
Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).
“If we don’t correctly assess each student’s English The VEPT can be taken on a computer that is installed
proficiency, it will result in a poor educational with Pearson’s Computer Delivered Testing software or
experience for them,” said Khorshed. “The Versant delivered over the worldwide web.
English Placement Test has been extremely accurate
and helped us to consistently place students in the
proper curriculum. This has resulted in happier students
and teachers.”

Before graduation, every student that has taken English

classes is assessed again using Pearson’s high stakes
test, PTE Academic . MUST also offers a certificate
program for students to demonstrate their excellence
with English for employers.

To try a sample test or get more information, contact us at:

sales@pearsonkt.com or visit us online at www.pearson.com/versant

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other countries, of Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliate(s). Other names may be the trademarks of their respective owners.

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