LEC 2 History of Evolution of Islamic Style
LEC 2 History of Evolution of Islamic Style
LEC 2 History of Evolution of Islamic Style
Islamic Architecture
Mehrab of Mosque of
Stone arcade surrounding the court and horshoe arches these types of arches
were earliest recorded in Mosque of damascus. The first use and appearance of
multifoil arches in minerats of ummayyad mosque and then transmitted to the
rest of the world.
Maqsura: a private area in the prayer hall enclosed by a wood screen for the ruler
and his companions.
Dome in the central nave in front of the mihrab: first appeared in Damascus
and may have been adopted from Roman and Byzantine precedents.
Khazna: treasury, a structure possibly used as a vault in the mosque's courtyrad.
Great Mosque of
Damascus (706-715)
Umayyad Dynasty in
Spain 756-1009
Political Background:
In 750 the Damascus- based Omayyad dynasty of Caliphs, rulers of the
Muslim world, were overthrown by the revolutionary Abbasids, who
shifted the caliphate to Baghdad. Just one of the Omayyad family, Abu’l-
Mutarrif Abd ar-Rahman-I bin Muawiya, escaped. Aged only 20, he made
for Morocco and thence Spain.
In 756 he setup his emirate In Cordoba, which under Abdul-Rehman III
became the center of the Caliphate of Spain that lasted until 1009.
Umayyad Dynasty in
---Spain’s Islamic centuries (AD 756-1492) left a particularly rich heritage of
exotic and beautiful palaces, mosques, minarets and fortresses in Andalusia (
Muslim- ruled areas of the Iberian Peninsula).
---These buildings make Andalusia visually unique in Europe and have to be
classed as its greatest architectural glory. After the Christian re conquest of
Andalusia, many Islamic buildings were simply repurposed for Christian ends. As
a result, many of today’s Andalusian churches are simply converted mosques
(most famously at Cördoba), many church towers began life as minarets, and the
zig-zagging streets of many an old town – Granada’s Albayzin district is just one
famous example originated in Islamic-era street plans.
Great Mosque of
Alhambra Palace,
Abbasid Dynasty
Political and Social Background:
---In 750 the descendants of Al-Abbas( Uncle of Holy Prophet
PBUH),Abbasids seized power from the Umayad rulers of the
Arab empire, who lost all their possessions apart from Spain.
The Abbasid caliphs based in what is now Iraq ruled over Iran,
Mesopotamia, Arabia and the lands of the eastern and
southern Mediterranean.
---Moved capital from Damascus to Baghdad due to strong connection with Persia
which contributed to military succession.
---Baghdad being the major trade route between Africa, Europe and Asia helped in
Economy growth.
Al-Hakim Mosque.
Al-Hakim Mosque
Ghazanavid Dynasty 975-
In the 10th century
Turkic mamluks, or
"slave soldiers", and
their allies rebelled
against the ruling
Samanid dynastic rulers,
taking Ghazna as their
central stronghold.
Military campaigns in
the region by Mahmud
ibn Sabuktagin—known
later as Mahmud the
Great—further solidified
power and firmly
The Ghaznavids were great the patrons of the arts and
Ghaznavid Empire that,
sciences as well stretched
at its height, as architecture financed from the
from the wealth of Sea
Caspian their
tomilitary campaigns.
the Ganges Delta.
Unfortunately today there are few surviving examples
of Ghaznavid architecture and monumental artistic
form with the only standing examples at Ghazni being
the "Towers of Victory."
Ghazanavid Dynasty
Seljuks of Persia and Anatolia
Political and Social Background:
The Seljuq dynasty was a Turkish Sunni Muslim
dynasty reviving the dying Caliphate that
gradually adopted Persian culture and
contributed to the Turko-Persian Tradition in
the medieval West and Central Asia. Seljuqs
were convereted from an old religion and
bacame the devout muslims striving to defend
and proclaim it in all circumstances.
---Due to vast area Seljuqs controlled from
Anatolia to Persia, historians refer to them as
Seljuq of Persia and Seljuq of west (Sultant of
Rum and Anatolia).
--- The Seljuqs founded universities and were
also patrons of art and literature. Under the
Seljuqs, New Persian became the language for
Architectural Characteristics: