Signature Strengths Survey
Signature Strengths Survey
Signature Strengths Survey
Read the following descriptions of 24 character strengths. Everyone uses these strengths at times.
What we would like you to do is to put a check in the box next those strengths that are absolutely
essential to you, that define who you are as a person, that are part of who you are. For example, someone
who has devoted their life to helping others might choose Kindness as one of his essential strengths,
someone who prides herself on being able to figure out other people might consider Social Intelligence
key to who she is, and someone who is constantly seeking out new information might consider Love of
Learning to be essential. Most people check just a few essential strengths.
There are some people who believe none of these characteristics is more essential to who they are
than any of the others. If so, don’t check any of the strengths. In the last row, check None of these
characteristics is more essential to who I am than any of the others.
Please describe the person you are, NOT the person you wish you could be. Also, think about your
life in general, not how you behaved in 1-2 situations.
Character Strengths
1. Creativity: You are viewed as a creative person; you see, do, and/or create
things that are of use; you think of unique ways to solve problems and be
2. Curiosity: You are an explorer; you seek novelty; you are interested in new
activities, ideas, and people; you are open to new experiences.
3. Judgment/Critical Thinking: You are analytical; you examine things from all
sides; you do not jump to conclusions, but instead attempt to weigh all the
evidence when making decisions.
4. Love of Learning: You often find ways to deepen your knowledge and
experiences; you regularly look for new opportunities to learn; you are passionate
about building knowledge.
5. Perspective/Wisdom: You take the “big picture” view of things; others turn
to you for wise advice; you help others make sense of the world; you learn from
your mistakes.
6. Bravery/Courage: You face your fears and overcome challenges and
adversity; you stand up for what is right; you do not shrink in the face of pain or
inner tension or turmoil.
7. Perseverance: You keep going and going when you have a goal in mind; you
attempt to overcome all obstacles; you finish what you start.
8. Honesty: You are a person of high integrity and authenticity; you tell the truth,
even when it hurts; you present yourself to others in a sincere way; you take
responsibility for your actions.
9. Zest: You are enthusiastic toward life; you are highly energetic and activated;
you use your energy to the fullest degree.
Final Step: Review the strengths you checked. Do any of these strengths stand out as more
important to who you are than the others? If so, put a second check in the box next to those