Signature Strengths Survey

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The Signature Strengths Survey


Read the following descriptions of 24 character strengths. Everyone uses these strengths at times.
What we would like you to do is to put a check in the box next those strengths that are absolutely
essential to you, that define who you are as a person, that are part of who you are. For example, someone
who has devoted their life to helping others might choose Kindness as one of his essential strengths,
someone who prides herself on being able to figure out other people might consider Social Intelligence
key to who she is, and someone who is constantly seeking out new information might consider Love of
Learning to be essential. Most people check just a few essential strengths.

There are some people who believe none of these characteristics is more essential to who they are
than any of the others. If so, don’t check any of the strengths. In the last row, check None of these
characteristics is more essential to who I am than any of the others.

Please describe the person you are, NOT the person you wish you could be. Also, think about your
life in general, not how you behaved in 1-2 situations.

Character Strengths
1. Creativity: You are viewed as a creative person; you see, do, and/or create
things that are of use; you think of unique ways to solve problems and be
2. Curiosity: You are an explorer; you seek novelty; you are interested in new
activities, ideas, and people; you are open to new experiences.
3. Judgment/Critical Thinking: You are analytical; you examine things from all
sides; you do not jump to conclusions, but instead attempt to weigh all the
evidence when making decisions.
4. Love of Learning: You often find ways to deepen your knowledge and
experiences; you regularly look for new opportunities to learn; you are passionate
about building knowledge.
5. Perspective/Wisdom: You take the “big picture” view of things; others turn
to you for wise advice; you help others make sense of the world; you learn from
your mistakes.
6. Bravery/Courage: You face your fears and overcome challenges and
adversity; you stand up for what is right; you do not shrink in the face of pain or
inner tension or turmoil.
7. Perseverance: You keep going and going when you have a goal in mind; you
attempt to overcome all obstacles; you finish what you start.
8. Honesty: You are a person of high integrity and authenticity; you tell the truth,
even when it hurts; you present yourself to others in a sincere way; you take
responsibility for your actions.
9. Zest: You are enthusiastic toward life; you are highly energetic and activated;
you use your energy to the fullest degree.

©Copyright 2018, VIA Institute on Character,

Character Strengths
10. Love: You are warm and genuine to others; you not only share but are open
to receiving love from others; you value growing close and intimate with others.
11. Kindness: You do good things for people; you help and care for others; you
are generous and giving; you are compassionate.
12. Social Intelligence: You pay close attention to social nuances and the
emotions of others; you have good insight into what makes people “tick”; you
seem to know what to say and do in any social situation.
13. Teamwork: You are a collaborative and participative member on groups and
teams; you are loyal to your group; you feel a strong sense of duty to your group;
you always do your share.
14. Fairness: You believe strongly in an equal and just opportunity for all; you
don’t let personal feelings bias your decisions about others; you treat people the
way you want to be treated.
15. Leadership: You positively influence those you lead; you prefer to lead than
to follow; you are very good at organizing and taking charge for the collective
benefit of the group.
16. Forgiveness/Mercy: You readily let go of hurt after you are wronged; you
give people a second chance; you are not vengeful or resentful; you accept
people’s shortcomings.
17. Humility/Modesty: You let your accomplishments speak for themselves;
you see your own goodness but prefer to focus the attention on others; you do not
see yourself as more special than others; you admit your imperfections.
18. Prudence: You are wisely cautious; you are planful and conscientious; you
are careful to not take undue risks or do things you might later regret.
19. Self-Regulation: You are a very disciplined person; you manage your vices
and bad habits; you stay calm and cool under pressure; you manage your
impulses and emotions.
20. Appreciation of Beauty & Excellence: You notice the beauty and excellence
around you; you are often awe-struck by beauty, greatness, and/or the moral
goodness you witness; you are often filled with wonder.
21. Gratitude: You regularly experience and express thankfulness; you don’t
take the good things that happen in your life for granted; you tend to feel blessed
in many circumstances.
22. Hope: You are optimistic, expecting the best to happen; you believe in and
work toward a positive future; you can think of many pathways to reach your
23. Humor: You are playful; you love to make people smile and laugh; your
sense of humor helps you connect closely to others; you brighten gloomy
situations with fun and/or jokes.

©Copyright 2018, VIA Institute on Character,

Character Strengths
24. Spirituality/Sense of Meaning: You hold a set of beliefs, whether religious
or not, about how your life is part of something bigger and more meaningful;
those beliefs shape your behavior and provide a sense of comfort, understanding,
and purpose.
None of these characteristics is more essential to who I am than any of the
others. Remember, you should choose this option if the strengths are all equally
essential to you, NOT because you think they should be equally essential.

Final Step: Review the strengths you checked. Do any of these strengths stand out as more
important to who you are than the others? If so, put a second check in the box next to those

©Copyright 2018, VIA Institute on Character,

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