Development of Multigrain Cookies
Development of Multigrain Cookies
Development of Multigrain Cookies
Baking Industry is considered as one of the major segments of food processing in India. Bakery products have
become popular among different cross sections of the population due to an increased demand for convenience
foods. Cookies, among the bakery products, are most significant in the world. These are an important food
product used as snacks by children and adults. Cookies differ from other baked products like bread and cakes
due to their low moisture content which ensures that they are free from microbial spoilage and confer a long
shelf life on the product.The present study is an attempt to formulate higher nutritional value of cookies with
added health benefit by addition of whole wheat flour, finger millet flour and oats flour along with the addition
of chia seeds. Sugar is replaced by jaggery power. In the present study, C1, C2, C3 and C4 were formulated in
which multigrain cookies were prepared by using whole wheat flour: Finger millet flour: Oats flour (WWF:
FMF: OF) in the ratio of (40:15:15, 15:40:15, 15:15:40, 23.3:23.3:23.3) respectively. Among all the
formulations C2 and C4 were mostly liked by all the panelists. Proximate analysis was carried out for the four
formulations, where the moisture content ranges between 3.3 to 3.7%., total ash ranges between 0.86-0.95%,
acid insoluble ash ranges between 0.07 -0.09%, fat content ranges between 7.2-9.3%, acidity of extracted fat
ranges between 0.9-1.22%, protein ranges between 11.5-13.8% and carbohydrate ranges between 67- 78.4%.
The shelf-life studies revealed that the cookies can be stored for 30 days and can be eaten.
Key words: Multigrain cookies; Chia seeds and Health benefits of multigrain cookies
Date of Submission: 20-09-2022 Date of acceptance: 04-10-2022
Advancement of innovative features in product is the new tacticalpart of the food industry. Nowadays,
due to hectic life, people have been demanding ready-to-Cook foods that are easy to prepare, consumes less time
in cooking, are healthy, have a good shelf life, and have a delicious taste.So, in this study, all these attractive
features are tried to include into the cookie. Cookies are processed food that all age group of people highly eat
as a snack. Its production is more and available worldwide.In these days customers are expecting, foods that
show two main vital properties: first-one deals with the traditional nutritional features of the food, as well as, a
second feature,supplementary health benefits are predictable from its regular ingestion.Foods which are having
high nutrition have expandedincredible attention worldwide over the earlier few years due to healthy lifestyle
fluctuations. One of the encouraging reasons to move to a healthier lifestyle is the growing number of people
suffering from high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), diabetes, obesity, and other related
diseases. These conditions are generally due to alazy lifestyle and poor diet where the regular food consumed
holdsmorequantities of saturated fatty acids (SFAs). The total dietary fiber (TDF) has become
anoteworthyelement in the daily diet because intake of total dietary fiber has health advantageous effects. One
of the foremosttasks in baking trade is the production of gluten-free products. Cookies are extensivelyfamiliar
and consumed in developing countries. Traditionally cookies are made out of wheat flour. The name “Cookie”
originates from the Dutch word „Koekie‟ or „Koekie‟ that means little cake. Cookies, like cakes, are chemically
leavened with baking powder and baking soda. Cookies, however, contains more sugar and shortening agent and
less water proportionately. In this study, we tried to access the suitability of replacement of “Maida” by using
other flours[9]
Nutritional enhancement is one of existingattentionsince it is a consumer trends, government guiding
principle and altering demographics. These aspects are instigating the industry to be alert of the necessity for
nutritional food products. Protein subjoining is one of theways to lightthe necessity for nutritious foods,
predominantly baked products. The nutritional implication of the bakery products is well known. Efforts are
being made to boost the products with fine quality non-wheat flours. Bakery products can oblige as a
virtuousvehicle for carrying the added proteins to marked populations for use in fighting the protein
malnourishmentdominant in innumerable parts of the World.Cookiesare generally flat, small, and round. It is
available in several flavours. The main ingredients are flour, fat, sugar, salt, and water, depending on the
type[10] 104 | Page
Development of Multigrain Cookies
In this study the cookies were prepared where refined wheat flour is replaced by whole wheat flour,
finger milletflour and oats flour.
1.2 Oats
Oats (Avena Sativa L.) are good source of fiber, proteins and minerals. The quantity of oats used for
human feeding has enlargedgradually, the fact that the health properties of oats benefitmostly on the B-glucan
content and total dietary fiber. The germ of oats and bran also cover phytochemicals including tocotrienols,
phenolic compounds, tocopherols and plant sterols, supposed to have anadvantageousoutcome on health.
Usually, oats have been proficient as afeedstuff grain of minute value.In Polish practice flaked oat grains are
consumed as a part of healing weight control plans and tracked down rather in the menu of needy individuals.
Oats are rich in dietary fiber but more prominently, oats are rich in fiber,explicitly, b-glucan, which diminishes
blood cholesterol level by expanding the discharge of bile in the body. Oats can be measured as a high calorie
food comprising 19% higher number of calories than wheat. Oats are also rich in the B vitamins, contain the
anti-oxidant, vitamin E and oats areplentiful in minerals also. Oatmeal is stimulant for treats anorexia, general
debility is good for recovery and fatigue, helps to control hormonal activity and lowers blood cholesterol
levels.Oatmeal diminishes the gamble of strokes and respiratory failures from impeded supply routes, settles
glucose and expands the body's capacity to fight off irresistible illness. [9]
Boost your daily energy levels: Multigrain cookies includes various vitamins, mostly B-vitamins. As per
medical research, B-vitamins are the energy source in human bodies so that anyone can be more energized
throughout their workdays. Also, Vitamin B3 aids to nourish our skin health and gives us the energy to keep us
going throughout the whole day. The vitamins present in multigrain cookies aid to nourish our nervous system
and regulate our appetite. Even vitamin B6 works as a healthy nutrient in human body and produces healthy red
cells. That can aid fight serious health problems and decrease the risk of viral infections in our bodies.
It produces healthy red cells: Multigrain cookies are enhanced with iron and other nutrients. Consuming iron
on regular basis helps in producing functional red blood cells in human bodies. So, the red cells can depend on
oxygen transport in the body.Iron benefits muscle cells to stock oxygen for future use. That participate
inanimportantpart in the energy construction of DNA synthesis, which is the power source of human cell
Storing in airtight
zip locks
Multigrain cookies prepared by using whole wheat flour, finger millet flour and oats flour was served to panel
members consisting of 15 members which includes students and staff using 5-point hedonic scale (5-like
extremely, 4- like moderately, 3- neither like nor dislike, 2- dislike moderately, 1- dislike extremely). All the
samples were evaluated for color, taste, mouth feel, aroma and texture. [29]
The evaluation procedure was clarified to all the members present for the evaluation. The test was directed in
midmorning after 3-hour gap from tiffin. Cookie samples were given to the panel members and adequate
amount of period was given to avoid any misconception. Water was given to rinse the mouth after every sample
was tasted. The finestfused cookie samples were recogniseddepending on their sensorial satisfactoriness and
studied more for their nutritional assessment. Sensory evaluation sheet is prepared to get the information. The
sensory evaluation sheet is attached below:
Attributes C1 C2 C3 C4
Color (Appearance)
Mouth feel
Fig 3.6: Muffle furnace Fig 3.7: Muffle furnace inside view
Nitrogen (%): [(TV-Blank) ×N of HCl×0.014/weight of sample] ×100
TV= titre value
Protein (%) = N%×6.25
Carbohydrate (%)= (Unknown O.D×dilution factor×100)/sample weight
Hedonic 5-scale rating method was carried out. In this formulation, 40gm of wheat flour, 15gm of finger millet
flour and 15gm of oats flour were added. Among all the attributes aroma was scored high and mouth feel was
scored low. The highest score given for the sample was 3 i.e., for appearance and texture.The lowest score given
was 2.6. i.e., for mouth feel. Appearance was neither liked nor disliked. Taste was moderately disliked. Mouth
feel was moderately disliked. Aroma was moderately liked. Texture was neither liked nor disliked. The overall
acceptability for the sample C1 given was 2.7 i.e., the sample was neither liked nor disliked by the panelists.
Taste 5 4 4 4 5 4 4 3 4 5 4 4 5 5 4 64 4.26
Aroma 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 5 4 5 63 4.20
Texture 4 5 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 3 4 4 62 4.13
Acceptability 3 4 5 4 5 4 4 5 4 4 5 4 4 5 4 64 4.26
Hedonic 5-scale rating method was carried out. In this formulation, 40gm of fingr millet flour, 15gm of
wheat flour and 15gm of oats flour were added. Taste and mouth feel was equally liked by the panelists. Among
all the attributes texture and appearance were scored low.The highest score given for the sample C1 was 4.2.
i.e., for aroma and taste.The lowest score given for the sample C2 was 4.1. i.e., appearance and
texture.Appearance was moderately liked. Taste was moderately liked. Mouth feel was moderately liked. Aroma
was moderately liked. Texture was moderately liked. The overall acceptability for the sample C2 given was 4.4
i.e., the sample was moderately liked by the panelists.
Hedonic 5-scale rating method was carried out. In this formulation, 40gm of oats flour, 15gm of wheat
flour and 15gm of finger millet flour were added.Among all the attributes mouth feel was scored low and
appearance and texture were scored high. The highest score given for the sample C3 was 2.9. i.e., for texture and
appearance, the lowest score given for the sample C3 was 2.3. i.e., for mouth feel. Appearance was neither liked
nor disliked. Taste was neither like nor disliked.Mouth feel was moderately disliked. Aroma was neither liked
Taste 4 4 4 5 3 5 4 4 4 3 4 5 5 5 5 64 4.26
Aroma 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 5 4 4 65 4.33
Texture 4 4 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 68 4.53
Acceptability 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 68 4.53
Hedonic -scale rating method was carried this formulation, al the 3 flours were added equally i.e., 23.3gm
of wheat flour, 23.3gm of finger millet flour and 23.3gm of oats flour were added. Among all the attributes
texture was scored high and taste was scored low. The highest score given for the sample C4 was 4.5. i.e., for
texture. The lowest score given for the sample C4 was 4.2. i.e., for taste. Appearance was extremely liked. Taste
was moderately liked. Mouth feel was moderately liked. Aroma was moderately liked. Texture was extremely
liked. The overall acceptability for the sample C4 given was 4.5 i.e., the sample C4 was extremely liked by the
The overall acceptability for the sample C1, C2, C3, and C4 were 2.7, 4.2, 2.6 and 4.5 respectively. Sample C1
and sample C3 were neither liked nor disliked by the panelists. Sample C2 was moderately liked by the
panelists. Sample C4 was extremely liked by the panelists.
According to AOAC, the stndard moisture content for the cookies is below 5%. The moisture content obtained
for the prepared multigrains were 3.673%, 3.419%, 3.774% and 3.391%.The moisture content obtained for
multigrain cookies were within the standard. For all the 4 formulations the moisture content obtained was
withinn the standard.
Table4.6: Total ash content of the multigrain cookies of all the 4 formulations
SL. No Formulations Total ash (%)
1 C1 0.869
2 C2 0.914
3 C3 0.876
4 C4 0.946
According to AOAC, the standard total ash for cookies is 1% maximum. The total ash for the multigrain cookies
obtained were 0.869%, 0.914%, 0.876% and 0.946%. The total ash of the multigrain cookies were within the
standard. For all the 4 formulations the total ash were within the standard.
According to AOAC, the standard acid insoluble ash for cookies is 0.1%. The acid insoluble ash for multigrain
cookies obtained were 0.071%, 0.085%, 0.089% and 0.091%. The acidinsoluble ash of the multigrain cookies
were obtained within the standard.For all the 4 formulation the acid insoluble ash were within the standard.
The total fat obtained were 7.217%, 9.314%, 8.327% and 9.271%. The standard fat percentage of cookies
according to AOAC ranges between 20-70%. As in this study, the fat was added in cookies was less. So the fat
content obtained for multigrain cookies ranges between 7 to 9%.
Table4.9: Acidity of extracted fat of the multigrain cookis of all the 4 formulations
SL. No Formulations Acidity of extracted fat (%)
1 C1 1.108
2 C2 1.205
3 C3 1.22
4 C4 0.970
X- axis= Samples
Acidity of extracted fat (%)
Y- axis= Acidity of
A extracted fat (%)
% C1 C2 C3 C4
) Samples
Fig 4.14: Graphical representation of Acidity of extracted fat
X- axis= Samples
Protein (%)
Y- axis= Protein (%)
C1 C2 C3 C4
Fig 4.16: Graphical representation of Protein content
The protein content for the multigrain cookies obtained were 11.518%, 11.556%, 13.840% and 13.
From the referred paper 27, they have obtained 10.77% of protein content. In thus study, the multigrain cookies
protein content is higher than [27]. The protein content varies from 11% to 13.6%. There is no standard protein
content set by the AOAC or FSSAI. The protein content usually varies depending upon the raw ingredients they
have selected for the preparation of the cookies.
Table 4.11: Carbohydrate content of the multigrain cookies of all the formulations
SL. No Formulations Carbohydrate (%)
1 C1 70.211
2 C2 73.544
3 C3 67.988
4 C4 72.433
The carbohydrate percentage for the multigrain cookies obtained were 70.211%, 73.544%, 67.988 and
72.433%. From the literature of review, it is seen that carbohydrate ranges between 57% to 83%. From this
study, the obtained carbohydrate content ranges between 57% to 83%. There is no standard carbohydrate
content set by the AOAC or FSSAI. The carbohydrate content of the cookies varies according to the flour used.
Multigrain cookies were developed with four different formulations by varying the quantities of wheat
flour, finger millet flour and oats flour where other ingredients were kept constant. Additionally, chia seeds were
added as it is rich in fibre. The different formulations of multigrain cookies were coded as C1, C2, C3 and C4.
After developing the multigrain cookies, sensory evaluation was carried out with 15 panelists. 5-scale hedonic
rating method was used for sensory evaluation. Among the four formulations C2 and C4 samples were liked by
majority of the panelists. Proximate analysis was carried out for the four formulations, where the moisture
content ranges between 3.3 to 3.7%., total ash ranges between 0.86-0.95%, acid insoluble ash ranges between
0.07 -0.09%, fat content ranges between 7.2-9.3%, acidity of extracted fat ranges between 0.9-1.22%, protein
ranges between 11.5-13.8% and carbohydrate ranges between 67- 78.4%.Shelf-life studies were carried out for
30 days where the parameters such as moisture and acidity of extracted fat were within the standard
specifications even at the end of the shelf-life studies. The present study concluded that the multigrain cookies
were nutritionally rich and can be stored for 30 days.
In the further phase of the project, the nutritional content of the multigrrain cookies can be increased by
incorporating the nutritional rich ingredients. Nowadays the cookies demand is more in the market, so the
fortification of cookies can be easily accepted by the consumers. Multigrain cookies can be produced in large
scale by optimising the process. To incease the market in future, other multigrain products can also be produced
such as multigrain noodles, breads.
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