Regulation For Handling Hazardous Materials

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Regulation for Handling Hazardous Materials, Hazardous

Wastes and Medical Wastes

1.11 ARTICLE (11)
1.12 ARTICLE (12)
1.13 ARTICLE (13)
1.14 ARTICLE (14)
1.17 ARTICLE (17)
1.18 ARTICLE (18)
1.19 ARTICLE (19)
2 ANNEX (1)
3 ANNEX (2)



For the purposes of this law the following words and phrases shall have the
meanings given opposite each unless the text specifies otherwise:

State : United Arab Emirates

Agency : Federal Environmental Agency

Competent Authorities : The concerned local authority in each Emirate of

the State

Competent : The Department, Agency or any other regularity

Regularity Unit unit established by the competent authority for
issuing licenses.

Environment : The biosphere where life exists in various kinds

and consists of two elements:

Natural element:
comprises all living species, mankind, animal,
plant and other kinds of species, forms of life
natural resources including air, water, soil, organic
substance, non-organic and natural ecosystems,

Unnatural element:
anything introduced by mankind to the natural
environment such as fixed and moveable
installations, roads, bridges, airports, transportation
means and whatever industries, innovations and
technologies developed by mankind.

Environment : Adverse effects against the environment which

Degradation lead to degradation or deformation of its
environmental nature or depletion of its resources
or damage the existing species or archeology.

Environment : Pollution resulting from natural or unnatural

Pollution sources due to mankind, direct or indirect,
voluntary or non voluntary introduction of any
polluting materials or elements affecting the
natural environmental elements which may lead to
any hazardous effects against the health of
mankind, plants or animals or damages to the
environmental resources and Ecosystems.

Pollutant Materials : Any solid, liquid, gas, smoke, fume, vapor, odor,
and Factors noise, radiation, heat, fluorescence or vibration
materials which are naturally produced or by acts
of mankind and leads directly or indirectly to
environmental pollution, degradation, or damage to
mankind or living species

Air Pollution : Every change in the criteria and description of

external and confined or semi confined public
places air endangering the health of mankind and
the environment, whether produced from natural
causes or mankind activities.

Water Pollution : The introduction of any material or power in the

water environment, whether voluntary or non
voluntary, direct or indirect, which adversely
affects the living or non-living resources, threatens
the human health or impedes water activities
including fishing and tourist activities or impairs
its serviceability or decreases its benefits or
changes its criteria.

Environmental : Conservation of its components, criteria, natural

Protection balance, prevent pollution or decrease or fight
pollution, conserve natural resources and
rationalize its consumption and protect living
species with particular attention to those threatened
by extinction and devote efforts towards its growth
and development.

Hazardous Materials : Solid, liquid or gas materials hazardous to mankind

health severely affects the environment such as
toxic explosive, flammable or ionized radiation
Harmful Materials : All materials that may lead directly or indirectly to
damages of mankind health or the environment,
whether such material was chemical, biological or

Wastes : All hazardous or non hazardous offal or wastes

including nuclear wastes to be disposed or required
to be disposed off according to the terms of law,

Solid Wastes:
Like domestic, industrial, agricultural, medical,
construction and demolition wastes.

Liquid Wastes:
Effluents from residential, commercial and
industrial premises and others.

Gas, Fume, Vapor and Dust Wastes:

produced by crushers houses, bakeries,
incinerators, factories, , quarries, power stations,
oil works, and transportation and commuting
various means.

Hazardous Wastes:
the residual or ash of the various activities and
operation having hazardous contents.
Medical Wastes:
Any wastes made in whole or part of human tissue,
animal tissue, blood or other body liquids,
secretions, drugs or other pharmaceutical products,
bandages, syringes, needles or other medical sharp
objects, or any other wastes whether contagious
chemical or radioactive produced by medical
activities, nursing, treatment, medical care, dental,
veterinary or pharmaceutical or processed activities
or others, tests, research works or study materials
or sampling or storage of the same.

Handling & Dealing : Import / transport / storage / production /

utilization / trade / any other activities.

Waste Management : Collection, storage, transportation, recycling and

disposal of wastes including further care and
protection of disposal points.

Waste Handling : All operations beginning from the time of

producing waste until safe disposal off, including
collection, storage, transportation, treatment,
recycling or disposal off wastes.

Disposal of Wastes : Any Process that does not lead to scavenging or

recycling of materials, such as burial, deep
injection, biological process, physical / chemical
treatment, permanent storage, destruction or any
other process approved by the competent

Re-cycling of Wastes : The process of extraction or reuse of materials of

wastes for using them as fuel or extraction of
metals or biological materials, soil treatment or
refinement of oil.

Firm : Industrial and tourist firms as well as electricity

production and generation plants and corporations
working in the field of oil exploration, production,
transportation and use in addition to all
infrastructure projects and any other firm.

Oil : All kinds of crude oil and its products including

any kind of liquid Hydrocarbons, greasing oil, fuel
oil, refined oils, oven oil, bitumen and other
materials produced from oil or its derivatives or

Drainage : Every leak, spill, emission or discharge of any

contaminating materials, or drainage of the same in
water, soil or air environment.
Dumping : A) Any intentional discharge into marine
environment of contaminated or surplus from
vessels, aircrafts, docks or others.

B) Any intentional dumping in marine

environment of vessels or industrial
installations or others.

Transportation : Aircrafts, automobiles, trains, tractors or

Vehicles motorcycles or any other machinery intended for
operation on roads.

Handling or dealing in hazardous material, hazardous waste and medical

wastes without license issued by the competent authorities as determined in the
following schedule, within their respective prerogatives, shall be prohibited:
Kind of Material or Waste Competent Authority
Chemical materials • Ministry of Health
• Ministry of Interior
• Ministry of Finance and Industry
• Ministry of Agriculture and
• Municipality
Hazardous medical wastes • Ministry of Health
• Municipality
Other hazardous materials Municipality
Chlorofluorocarbons and Halon
compounds. Federal Environmental Agency


Within their respective prorogations and in coordination with Federal

Environmental Agency, Ministers or Municipality Chairmen shall promulgate
the administrative and technical procedures necessary for handling or dealing
in hazardous material, hazardous wastes and medical wastes provided such
procedures shall, in particular, include the following:
1. The establishment of a competent regularity unit for the issue of licenses
for materials specified in of Article (2) herein.

2. Establishment of national databases for hazardous materials, hazardous

wastes and medical wastes.

3. Cooperation with the competent authorities and international

organizations in following up hazardous materials, hazardous wastes or
those wastes internationally listed and taking necessary actions on
national level.

4. Evaluation of license applications for carrying out works and business

mentioned in Article (2) herein and issuing the relevant licenses.

5. Examination of hazardous material and determination of their dangers

through laboratories and specialized equipment, if necessary.

6. Coordination with the concerned authorities within the state in respect of

pollutants analytical studies.

7. Dissemination of awareness of probable environmental and health risks

and dangers arising from irrational use of hazardous materials.

8. Any other controls or commissions the Ministry of the Municipality

deems necessary to add.

Without prejudice of the special conditions and procedures related to each

handling and dealing operation in hazardous material, hazardous wastes and
medical wastes under this regulation. The license applicant shall submit his
application to the competent authorities specified in Article (2) hereof under
the following procedures and conditions:

1. License Issue Procedures

Handling and dealing in hazardous wastes, hazardous materials and
medical wastes shall be issued for five years by the competent regularity
unit (competent authority) as follows:

a) Any party purporting to undertake any business or works mentioned in

Article (2) hereof shall submit its application to the regularity authority
for obtaining business or work license.

b) Each party applying to the competent regularity unit shall enclose all
relevant data and information necessary for supporting its application
1) Information related to the person undertaking hazardous materials,
hazardous wastes and medical wastes handling operations:
• Firm’s name and nationality;
• Address and telephone number.
• Firm’s location and area (plus stores).
• Safety equipment available with the firm.
• Surrounding environment monitoring system applied by the

2) Party producing hazardous materials or wastes and medical wastes:

• Firm’s name and nationality.
• Address and telephone number.

3) Kind of handling or dealing the license is purported in respect

4) Full description of hazardous materials, hazardous wastes and
medical wastes intended to be handled and the nature and
concentration of hazardous elements therein as per international
classifications applicable in schedule 1.1 of Annex No. 1 to this

5) Determination of the quantity of hazardous materials, hazardous

wastes and medical wastes intended to be handled every year and
the description of packing methods (barrels, tanks, bulk).

6) Description of intended storage methods for hazardous materials,

hazardous wastes and medical wastes and their respective storage
periods with an undertaking for making a clear statement on the
packages disclosing the contents thereof and the extent of their
dangers and actions to be taken in emergency cases.

7) Indication of transport means.

8) Full statement of the method intended to be adopted for treating and

disposing of hazardous materials, hazardous wastes and medical
wastes application is made for obtaining handling license therefore.

9) Undertaking for maintaining records reflecting ample description of

the quantities of hazardous materials, hazardous wastes and medical
wastes and their sources, rates and collection periods as well as their
transport and treatment methods and to maintain such records for
five years from the date of their compilation.
10) Previous experience certificate in the field of handling hazardous
materials, hazardous wastes and medical wastes.

11) The licensed party shall prepare an accident emergency plan to be

submitted to the competent regularity unit for approval.

c) The competent regularity unit may suspend the license, refrain from
issuing the license or finally cancel the license if violations, breaches or
non-compliance of the requirements mentioned in federal Law No. 24 of
1999 in respect of Environment Protection and Development or in this
regulation were proven.

2. License Issue Conditions

• Submission of all required information.

• Availability of licensed personnel responsible for handling

hazardous materials, hazardous wastes and medical wastes.

• Federal Environmental Agency’s approval of the competency of

such personnel for handling hazardous materials or obtaining a
certificate indicating the completion of a specialized hazardous
material handling course from the Civil Defense Institute.

• The availability of necessary requirements for meeting hazards

arising from accidents during handling.
• Business applied for shall not produce any adverse damaging
effects to the environment or public health.
• Display of emergency management plan in the site.

1. Unless approval was obtained from the competent regularity unit,

applicant shall not import any hazardous material mentioned in schedule
1.1 of Annex No. 1 for trade or multi usage purposes.
2. The licensee shall fill in all information mentioned in the import form
prepared by the competent regularity unit and shall submit such form to
the competent regularity unit before fifteen days from carrying out the
import operation enclosed with MSDS including the following.

a) The scientific and commercial names of the hazardous material and

its chemical composition.

b) U.N. serial number and the material serial number in accordance

with CAS.

c) The physical and chemical characters of the hazardous material

d) The extent of the material dangers and its health and environmental

e) The quantity of hazardous material intended to be imported.

f) Expected date and time of transport.

g) Purpose of import.
h) Best methods for storage and disposal of such material.

i) Actions to be taken upon the occurrence of any leakage of the

hazardous material.

j) Actions to be taken for fighting fires arising from the hazardous


k) Certificate of origin and test certificate from the country of export.

l) Chemical material date of production and its period of validity.

m) First aid actions for injuries resulting from exposure to the material
through eyes skin, inhaling or swallowing.

n) Protection equipment and personal protective clothes upon dealing

with the material.

1. Hazardous materials shall be packed in tightly sealed special packs of a

quality which can stand all transport and handling circumstances,
vibration impact and changes in temperatures.

2. Packs shall be verified to be conforming, in all respects, with the

materials to be placed therein so as not to be affected by the materials
packed therein or affect such materials.
3. Internal packs shall be sealed, fixed or placed on a lining material for
preventing breakage thereof or leakage therefrom and for controlling
their movements within the external packages.

4. The pack shall be of a size providing sufficient space for adhesion all
marks and information tags required under MSDS.

5. Tags shall be placed on each pack with strong adhesive so as to stand

normal transport circumstances and to ensure the tag and the information
thereon not to be exposed to damage or defacing.




The following conditions shall apply to the transport of hazardous chemical


1. Materials shall be transported in a safe manner within the determined

speed limits.

2. Metal boards shall be fixed on the external surface on all

sides of the transport units for warning against the tank
contents and the extent of their danger. Such metal warning
boards shall be coated with a weather proof reflective paint
of the required colour.
3. The tank containers used in transporting hazardous materials
shall be constructed in accordance with the internationally
approved technical rules and regulations.

4. All vehicle drivers handling hazardous materials must be

trained and licensed. Ready emergency and accident plans
must be available.

5. All vehicles transporting bulk hazardous chemical materials

shall be provided with a yellow flash light fixed on the
drivers cabin and shall be operated throughout the transport

6. Drivers shall be provided with documents including

necessary main information of the transported hazardous
materials (the scientific chemical name and U.N. number).
The traffic police at all times may stop any vehicle and carry
out necessary examinations and inspection procedures for
determining the vehicle safety and integrity. All transit
drivers crossing the State must abide by the conditions
stipulated in this Article.
7. The Agency and the concerned authorities will coordinate
with the concerned department at Ministry of Interior in
implementation of the rules of this article.

The licensed owner of the store shall observe the following:

1. Design the store in a manner restricting fire, spillage and injury hazards.

2. Provision of emergency exits easy to open in the dark or in case of

heavy smoke.

3. Provision of sufficient ventilation.

4. Floorings must be liquid impermeable, soft, non slippery and free from
cracks to enable easy cleaning, and shall be designed so as to contain
leakage and fire fighting water.

5. Upon the storage of low flash point solvents or smoldering chemicals,

heavy duty equipment or systems shall be used.

6. Upon storage of hazardous materials in the open air, storage

arrangements, ceilings or protective covers against sun and rain shall be
7. Provision of suitable fire fighting equipment in accessible places with a
fire alarm system. This fire alarm system shall be periodically inspected
and tested to verify its suitability.

8. Stow materials in a manner not impeding forklift and handling

equipment or emergency systems movement.

9. Hazardous materials shall be separated in accordance with the U.N.

classification system and in accordance with the requirements mentioned
in schedule No. 1.3 of Annex No. (1) enclosed herewith.

10. Storage of hazardous chemical materials must be provided for within the
industrial installations with a separating distance of not less than three
meters from any inflammable material production facility and not less
than ten meters between flammable materials and any source of flame.

11. Maintenance of complete records of hazardous materials existing in the

stores and keeping of a copy thereof in the head office.

12. Spillage and leakage shall be dealt with after referring to suitable

13. Setting up an emergency management plan on site.

14. All damaged packages shall be disposed of in a suitable manner with the
maintenance of the surrounding area cleanliness at all times.

Handling instructions determined by the manufacturer in accordance with the

nature of each material including any special precautions to be made for the
protection of personnel and environment, shall be observed.

1. Generation of Hazardous Wastes

Parties generating hazardous wastes shall observe the following:
a) Endeavour to reduce generation rates of such wastes in both quality
and quantity by developing the utilized technologies and adopting
clean production principle and the selection of product or raw
material alternatives of lesser damage to the environment.

b) Describe and record the quality and quantity of generated wastes.

c) Construction and operation of waste treatment units in the source

subject to the competent authority’s approval of treatment method,
technical specifications and operation programmes of such units. If
the treatment or disposal of hazardous wastes in their source was
impossible, the generating party shall collect and transport them to
the places allocated to such purpose as determined by the competent
2. Collection and Storage of Hazardous Waste
Parties generating hazardous wastes shall observe the following:

a) Determine certain places for storing hazardous materials meeting

safety conditions preventing any damages to the public.

b) Storage of hazardous wastes in special containers made of block

material free from holes resisting leakage provided with tight caps
and seals and of enough capacity to hold the hazardous wastes.

c) Clear marks shall be placed on hazardous waste storage containers

stating the containers contents and indicating the hazards which
might arise upon improper handling of such materials.

d) Set up a time programme for the collection of hazardous waste so as

not to be left for a long period in storage containers.

e) In case of mobile containers, the hazardous wastes generating party

shall not put such containers in public areas and shall not damage
the environment.

3. Transport of Hazardous Wastes

Hazardous wastes shall not be transported by any means other than those
belonging to parties licensed to manage hazardous wastes and such
means must meet the following conditions:

a) Transport vehicles shall be equipped with all safety equipment.

b) Hazardous waste transport vehicles must be capable of containing
hazardous wastes without any leakage.

c) Transport vehicles shall be of capacity suitable to the quantity of

hazardous wastes.

d) These vehicles shall be driven by trained licensed drivers capable of

taking necessary actions especially in emergency cases.

e) Vehicles shall display clear marks indicating the extent of danger of

their loads and the best course of action in emergency cases.

f) Determination of the routes of hazardous wastes transport vehicles

and immediately advising the Civil Defense Authorities of any
change in such routes enabling Civil Defense Authorities to take
immediate sound actions in emergency cases.

4. Treatment and Disposal of Hazardous Wastes

a) The licensed party shall, in coordination with the concerned authorities,
select the sites of hazardous waste treatment and disposal plant in an
area of not less than five kilometers away from residential and urban
gatherings. The following conditions, equipment and installations must
be available:

1) The site area shall commensurate with the quantity of hazardous

wastes expected to be collected.
2) Site shall be surrounded by a brick wall not less than 2.5 meters

3) Site shall be provided with more than one door of suitable opening
permitting easy entrance of hazardous waste transport vehicles.

4) Site shall be provided with water source, toilets and a telephone line.

5) Site shall be provided with all mechanical equipment facilitating

work movement therein.

6) Site shall be provided with equipped stores for keeping hazardous

wastes until treatment and disposal thereof.

7) Site shall be provided with an incinerator for burning all kinds of

hazardous wastes.

8) Site shall be provided with the necessary equipment and installations

for sorting and classifying some hazardous wastes for recycling

9) Site shall be provided with sanitary burial hole of a suitable capacity

for burying incineration leftovers.

b) Hazardous wastes treatment operations for recycling shall be carried out

within the following frame:

1) Using some hazardous wastes as fuel for power generation.

2) Retrieval of organic solvents and reusing them in extraction

3) Recycling and reusing of some organic materials from hazardous


4) Reusing of ferrous and non ferrous metals and their compounds.

5) Recycling and reusing some in-organic materials found in the

hazardous wastes.

6) Retrieval and recycling of acids or alkalis.

7) Retrieval of used oils and reusing them after refining.

c) Treatment operations of hazardous wastes not suitable for recycling or

reusing shall be carried out within the following frame:

1) Burial of hazardous wastes in special equipped burial holes isolated

from other environment elements.

2) Physical and chemical treatment of hazardous wastes.

3) Incineration in special equipped incinerators not permitting gas or

vapour emissions in a manner causing damage to the surrounding
4) Permanent storage (like placing hazardous waste containers under
the ground).

d) All procedures ensuring the restriction or minimization of hazardous

waste generation shall be taken through:

1) Development and dissemination of clean technology.

2) Development of hazardous waste management systems.

3) Expanding reusing and incineration of hazardous wastes after

treatment whenever possible.

e) Set up a periodical programme for monitoring the environmental system

wastes on site and in hazardous waste treatment and disposal plants and
their surroundings.

f) Parties licensed to handle and manage hazardous wastes and hazardous

materials shall be responsible for the damages inflected on third parties
due to the non observance of the provisions hereof.
1.11 ARTICLE (11)

No installations shall be constructed for treating hazardous wastes without

obtaining license to this effect from the competent authorities in coordination
with the Federal Environmental Agency under the provisions of Article (2)
hereof ensuring such installation to have met all environment and personnel
safety conditions.
Disposal of hazardous wastes shall be carried out in accordance with the
conditions and criteria stipulated in Article (10) hereof.

In coordination with the Federal Environmental Agency, the competent

authority shall determine the places and conditions issuing hazardous wastes
disposal licenses.
1.12 ARTICLE (12)

Transport and disposal of locally produced hazardous wastes through land

borders, marine environment limits and air space shall be controlled in
accordance with the rules, procedures and controls mentioned and specified in
Basel Agreement and in coordination with Federal Environmental Agency.
1.13 ARTICLE (13)

Parties producing or handling hazardous wastes, whether in liquid, gaseous or

solid state shall take all precautions necessary for evading causing any
environmental damages and shall in particular observe the following:

1. Selection of the site on which such materials shall be produced or stored

under necessary conditions in accordance with the quality and quantity
of such materials.
2. Buildings inside which such materials are produced or stored shall be
designed in accordance with the engineering standards and criteria
which must be observed for each kind of such materials. Such buildings
shall be subject to periodical inspection by the competent unit.
3. Technology used for the production of such materials as well as all
suitable equipment and systems shall not be causing any damage to the
installations, environment or personnel.

4. Buildings shall include security, safety, alarm, fire fighting and first aid
systems and equipment in proper quantities and numbers in coordination
with Ministry of Health, Civil Defense Directorate and the competent
regularity unit.

5. Emergency plan shall be set for facing any expected accidents during
production, storage, transport or handling operations of such materials
provided such plan shall be approved by the competent regularity unit.

6. Staff of hazardous wastes handling parties shall be subject to periodical

medical check up provided the results of such medical check up shall be
kept in the file of each person and provided they shall be treated from all
occupational diseases under the U.A.E. applied laws, rules and
1.14 ARTICLE (14)

The owners of installations generating hazardous wastes under the provisions

of this Law shall maintain a record for such a wastes including:
• Full description of wastes showing their dangers and their physical and
chemical characteristics.
• Quantities.
• Sources.
• Collection rates and periods.
• Transport means.
• Treatment method.
• The name of the contractor to which these wastes are delivered.



1. All health installations of whatever kind shall be strictly prohibited to

dispose of any medical wastes mentioned in Schedule No. 2.1 of Annex
No. (1) hereof outside the containers prepared to this purpose under the
directions of the Ministry of Health.

2. Health installations shall segregate their medical wastes from any other
wastes and municipalities.

3. Health installations shall sort their medical wastes under the provisions
of the classification schedule mentioned in Schedule No. 2.1 of Annex
No. (2) hereof.

4. The group of wastes provided for in the preceding Clause should be

packed in packages or containers in the manner stipulated in Schedule
No. 2.2 of Annex No. (2) hereof.

5. Medical wastes shall be disposed of as follows:

a) Within the health installations by using proper means and equipment
safe to the environment (incineration, etc.).
b) On the site prepared to this purpose in coordination with the
concerned authorities provided with the specialized treatment
equipment (incineration, etc.).

6. Health installation or those in-charge of medical waste transport shall

pack, transport and store such wastes in the manner described in
Schedule No. 2.3 of Annex No. (2) hereof. Persons packing, transporting
and storing wastes shall be qualified and licensed operators.

The provisions of this regulation do not apply to storage, transport and

handling of hazardous materials and radioactive wastes.
1.17 ARTICLE (17)

Parties adopting comprehensive systems and programmes for the protection

and development of environment sufficient for the implementation of this
regulation shall provide the authority with such systems and programmes for
approval by the Authority’s Board of Directors. Parties for which a Board of
Directors Resolution shall pass approving their systems and programmes shall
be exempted from the implementation of the provisions of this regulation.
1.18 ARTICLE (18)
Rules mentioned in the regulation for lesions insecticides, fertilizers and
agricultural additives apply to dangerous agricultural materials and wastes.
1.19 ARTICLE (19)

This regulation is considered as part of the executive act of Federal Law No. 24
of 1999 in respect of environment protection and development and the agency
official and the concerned authorities who are approved as juridical control
officials have the right to seize any violation to its rules and to refer the
violations in accordance with applicable rules in the country to the concerned
judicial authorities for enforcement of legally prescribed penalties.

2 ANNEX (1)



Hazardous materials shall be classified as follows subject to reference to the

U.N. current directions:

Category (1) Explosives

Category (2) Pressurized on, liquefied and inflammable and poisonous


Category (3) Inflammable fluids.

Category (4) Inflammable solid materials, self-igniting solid materials,

solid materials inflammable upon touching water.

Category (5) Oxidized materials and organic peroxides.

Category (6) Poisonous materials and contagious materials.

Category (8) Corrosives.

Category (9) Other hazardous materials.


A. Continuously Flowing Wastes:

* Wastes resulting from manufacturing chemical materials for wood,
their preparation and usage.

* Wastes resulting from production of organic solvents, their

preparation and usage.

* Wastes resulting from thermal treatment and processing containing


* Wastes of mineral oil unsuitable for its original aim.

* Wastes of oils / waters and hydrocarbon sliding / waters and


* Wastes of materials and compounds containing PCBs bi-vinyl

or/and PBBs bi-vinyl.

* Wastes of tar sediments resulting of refining, filtration and any other

treatment by thermal analysis.

* Residual wastes resulting from production of ink, paint, color

materials, paints, varnish and their preparation and use.

* Residual wastes resulting from production of resins, gum emulsions,

plastics, glue/adhesive materials and their preparation and use.

* Wastes of chemicals resulting from researches and developing or

unclassified and/or new activities, whose effects are known on
human beings and environment.
* Wastes of exclusive nature which are not subject to another
* Residual wastes resulting from production of chemicals,
photographic treatment materials and their preparation and use.

* Wastes resulting from surface treatment of minerals and plastics.

* Sediments resulting from disposal operations of industrial wastes.

B. Wastes in which the following materials are used:

* Mineral carbonates.

* Beryllium - Beryllium compounds.

* Hex-valence chromium compounds.

* Copper compounds.

* Zinc Compounds

* Arsenic - Arsenic Compounds.

* Selenium – Selenium Compounds.

* Cadmium – Cadmium Compounds.

* Antimony – Antimony Compounds.

* Tellurium – Tellurium Compounds.

* Thallium – Thallium Compounds.

* Lead – Lead Compounds.

* Inorganic Fluorine Compounds except calcium fluoride.

* Inorganic Cyanide Compounds.

* Acidic Solutions or Acids in the solid state.

* Alkaline Solutions or Alkaline in the solid state.

* Asbestos (dust and fibers).

* Organic phosphorus compounds.

* Organic Cyanide Compounds.

* Phenol – Phenol Compounds including Chloro-phenol.

* Either Compounds.

* Homogenated Organic Solvents.

* Any other materials similar to PCBs Furan bi-benzene.

* Any other materials similar to PCBs Dioxin bi-benzene.

* Organic Halogen Compounds except the materials referred to herein


Category 1-1 2-1 2-2 2-3 3-1 4-1 4-2 4-3 5-1 5-2 6-1 8
1-1 C C C C C C C C C C C
2-1 C C B B C B C C B B
2-2 C C A A B A A B A A
2-3 C C C C C C C C C C C
3-1 C B A C B B B C C B A
4-1 C B A C B B B C C B A
4-2 C C B C B B B C C B A
4-3 C B A C B B B C C B B
5-1 C C A C C C C C B B B
5-2 C C B C C C C C B C B
6-1 C B A C B B B B B C A
8 C B A C A A A B B B A

Segregation between two different categories of hazardous materials shall be
made by using the Code at the intersection between the vertical line
representing First Category and the horizontal line representing the other

a) Minimum separating distance shall be 3 meters.

b) Minimum separating distance shall be 5 meters.

c) Storage in the same room or area shall be prohibited. The minimum

separating distance between storage areas shall be ten meters.

Category Minimum Separating Distance (Meters)

1 50

2-1 5

2-2 5

2-3 15

3-1 to 3-3 10

4-1 to 4-3 5

5-1 to 5-2 5

6-1 to 6-3 5

8 5

3 ANNEX (2)


1. Group (A) Wastes

Dirty bandages, bed sheets, etc... polluted wastes such as

cloth other than clothes and bed sheets arising from the
treatment of contagious diseases and all human tissues
(contaminated or un-contaminated), animal remains and all
materials on which animals lay or cloth or any other
materials used for animals whether contaminated or not or
which might be probably be contaminated and all related
matters of cloth and bandages, etc...

2. Group (B) Wastes

Used syringes and needles, surgical tools, different medicine

and medical equipment vessels, broken glass and all other
sharp equipment, tools and materials .

3. Group (C) Wastes

Blood, tissue and microbiology laboratories wastes mortuary

wastes not specified under Group (A) or Group (B).

4. Group (D) Wastes

Pharmaceutical wastes and chemical wastes to which medical
specifications apply .

5. Group (E) Wastes

Disposable linings used in the patients beds for covering the
vessels receiving secretions, caps of bottles and vessels for
receiving and storing urine, blood and urine diapers, bags or
vessels used for receiving stomach wastes and similar
materials .

6. Group (F) Wastes

Wastes resulting from treatment with radio active materials
and wastes resulting from all operations related to radio
active materials will be classified in accordance with
international principles .


1. Group (A) Wastes

Heavy duty polyethylene (gauge 400) red colour bags clearly

marked with the phrase “Contiguous Wastes - for Incineration
Only” shall be used for packing all wastes mentioned in group
A of the Schedule No. 2-1 in Annex No. 2.

2. Group (B) Wastes

Heavy-duty thick polyethylene plastic boxes of yellow

colour internationally know as “Sharp Object Boxes” clearly
marked with the phrase (Sharp Objects - for Incineration
Only) for wastes mentioned in group (B) of Schedule No. 2.1
in Annex No.2. The said boxes used for preserving such
wastes shall be tightly sealed with a cap or lock or any other
means so as not to be opened and must not be stowed for
more than 75% of their capacity.

3. Group (C) Wastes

3/1 Wastes to be sterilized before disposal

All laboratory wastes such as contaminated clothes, covers

or sheets, gloves, bacterial plates (bacteriology laboratories
culture plates and other plastic plates) and vessels used for
handling organic tissues, blood, bacteria, etc... These wastes
shall be placed in blue transparent bags made of special
material clearly marked up “Medical Wastes - to be
Sterilized Before Disposal”. These bags shall be tied from
the neck by temporary locks and shall not be packed for
more than 65% of their capacity.

3/2 Wastes to be treated

These wastes include the remaining wastes under Group (C)
not listed under those mentioned in the preceding Para and
which must be placed in medium duty (gauge 200)
polyethylene bags of yellow colour clearly marked up
(Medical Wastes - for Incineration Only). These bags shall
not be stowed for more than 65% of their capacity and shall
be tied from the neck and stored awaiting collection and
disposal by incineration under the provisions hereof.

4. Group (D) Wastes

4/1 Pharmaceutical Wastes

All packed pharmaceutical material partially used or expired

shall be returned to the pharmacy to be returned to their
original containers, then stored in bags of polyethylene of
medium duty (gauge 300) of yellow colour marked up
(Medical Wastes - for Incineration Only). These bags shall
be tied from the neck and shall not be filled for more than
their capacity and shall be stored awaiting collection and
4/2 Poisonous Wastes

All cellular or poisonous materials shall be returned to a

predetermined point inside the pharmacy in which such
materials are prepared or issued. All poisonous cellular
medicines and other materials contaminated with cellular
poisonous drugs and medicines (except for under skin
needles and other sharp objects classified under Group (B)
wastes) shall be placed in heavy duty (gauge 400)
polyethylene bags of yellow colour clearly marked up
“Poisonous Cellular Wastes - for Incineration Only” and
such bags shall not be filled for more than 65% of their
capacity and shall be tied from the neck and stored waiting
collection and disposal thereof by incineration.

4/3 Chemical Wastes

All chemical wastes to which medical wastes characteristics
apply such as industrial solvents and other liquid materials
used in diagnostic tests in addition to all remaining chemical
materials shall be returned to a predetermined point within
the pharmacy or the central laboratory store where they shall
be tagged according to their respective kinds and types
either by using adhesive tags or by cards attached thereto.
Tags and marks placed on each pack shall indicate its
components and hazards. Bags after that shall be stored
awaiting collection and disposal .
5. Group (E) Wastes

All used bed materials of linings used for covering vessels

receiving patient secretions and stomach wastes and other
wastes (except for those used by patients suffering
contagious diseases listed under Group (A) wastes) shall be
placed in medium duty (gauge 300) yellow polyethylene
bags. These bags shall not be filled in for more than 65% of
their capacity and shall be tied from the neck after placing
wastes therein and at the neck of each bag a tag clearly
indicating the contents thereof to be “Medical Wastes of
Group (E)” shall be hanged. These bags must be isolated in a
separate place from other medical wastes if not incinerated
on site.

6. Group (F) Wastes

Must be kept in special security places allocated for storing

this kind of wastes until the expiry of half of their expected
lives then incinerated or buried.

1. Containers
Bags used for keeping medical wastes shall be of a minimum
density of one cubic meter. Bags used for sterilization shall
be made of special material and shall be carefully selected to
this purpose and shall be clearly marked to this effect and to
whether the contents thereof were treated or not
(Sterilization Strip for example). After sealing each medical
wastes bag for the disposal thereof, it shall be marked
indicating the place in which such wastes were generated
and the place in which such wastes shall be disposed of.

2. Transport on Site
Upon transporting any waste bag or container to its storage
place within the site or to its disposal place within the site,
such transport shall be made through secured trolleys
marked “Medical Wastes” and any unauthorized or
unlicensed person shall be denied access thereto. such
trolleys shall be equipped so as to prevent any waste bags,
packages or containers to fall therefrom. Trolleys used for
transporting wastes from one point to another within the site
shall be secured against leakage or spillage or shall be
wrapped with clothes to absorb any liquid materials which
might leak or spill from the bag or containers. Such cloth
shall be either of a disposable kind or shall be made of
materials which can be sterilized and shall be actually
sterilized after each use before using them again.

3. Storage on Site
Upon storage of waste on site, such storage shall be in the
nearest possible point to that from which transport has taken
place and shall be placed inside packages or containers
suitable to the kind of wastes in accordance with the
classification determined for the medical wastes group. Such
points shall also be allocated to this purpose only. The place
in which such containers or packages shall be kept must be
of a suitable temperature degree so as to prevent germs
reproduction and shall be far away from the patients, public
or loose animals reach unless such place was always and in
all times subject to the control of qualified and efficient
personnel in the medical care profession field. Packages or
containers shall be tightly sealed and tied or secured so as
not to be easily opened.

4. Transport of Wastes Outside the Site

All vehicles, transport means or containers used for
transporting medical wastes on public roads must be made,
equipped or prepared and amended so as to be suitable for
transporting medical wastes in a safe and secure manner.
Such vehicles must also be capable of preventing leakage or
spillage of any materials loaded therein and must be capable
of carrying heavy loads and standing strong impacts without
being liable to explode or crush so as to ensure that their
load of wastes shall not spill or leak. Such vehicles shall
also be provided with strong and secure locking devices and
all vehicles or other means of transportation or containers
used for transporting medical wastes shall always be kept
tightly secured and closed so as to prevent any leakage or

5. Disposal of Wastes on Site

Wastes shall be disposed of on sites determined by the
Municipality Department and prepared and equipped with
the necessary plant for the disposal thereof whether by
incineration or by any other means under the instructions of
Ministry of Health.



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