Maternal and Child Health Nursing Practice Questions With Rationale
Maternal and Child Health Nursing Practice Questions With Rationale
Maternal and Child Health Nursing Practice Questions With Rationale
a. Diaphragm a. September 27
b. Female condom b. October 21
c. Oral contraceptives c. November 7
d. Rhythm method d. December 27
54. For which of the following clients 58. When taking an obstetrical history
would the nurse expect that an on a pregnant client who states, “I
intrauterine device would not be had a son born at 38 weeks
recommended? gestation, a daughter born at 30
weeks gestation and I lost a baby at
a. Woman over age 35 about 8 weeks,” the nurse should
b. Nulliparous woman record her obstetrical history as
c. Promiscuous young adult which of the following?
d. Postpartum client
55. A client in her third trimester tells a. G2 T2 P0 A0 L2
the nurse, “I’m constipated all the b. G3 T1 P1 A0 L2
c. G3 T2 P0 A0 L2
d. G4 T2 P1 A1 L2 a. Threatened abortion
59. When preparing to listen to the fetal b. Imminent abortion
heart rate at 12 weeks’ gestation, c. Complete abortion
the nurse would use which of the d. Missed abortion
following? 63. Which of the following would be the
priority nursing diagnosis for a client
a. Stethoscope placed midline with an ectopic pregnancy?
at the umbilicus
b. Doppler placed midline at a. Risk for infection
the suprapubic region b. Pain
c. Fetoscope placed midway c. Knowledge Deficit
between the umbilicus and d. Anticipatory Grieving
the xiphoid process 64. Before assessing the postpartum
d. External electronic fetal client’s uterus for firmness and
monitor placed at the position in relation to the umbilicus
umbilicus and midline, which of the following
60. When developing a plan of care for a should the nurse do first?
client newly diagnosed with
gestational diabetes, which of the a. Assess the vital signs
following instructions would be the b. Administer analgesia
priority? c. Ambulate her in the hall
d. Assist her to urinate
a. Dietary intake 65. Which of the following should the
b. Medication nurse do when a primipara who is
c. Exercise lactating tells the nurse that she has
d. Glucose monitoring sore nipples?
61. A client at 24 weeks gestation has
gained 6 pounds in 4 weeks. Which a. Tell her to breast feed more
of the following would be the frequently
priority when assessing the client? b. Administer a narcotic before
breast feeding
a. Glucosuria c. Encourage her to wear a
b. Depression nursing brassiere
c. Hand/face edema d. Use soap and water to clean
d. Dietary intake the nipples
62. A client 12 weeks’ pregnant come to 66. The nurse assesses the vital signs of
the emergency department with a client, 4 hours’ postpartum that
abdominal cramping and moderate are as follows: BP 90/60;
vaginal bleeding. Speculum temperature 100.4ºF; pulse 100
examination reveals 2 to 3 cms weak, thready; R 20 per minute.
cervical dilation. The nurse would Which of the following should the
document these findings as which of nurse do first?
the following?
a. Report the temperature to c. Facilitating safe and effective
the physician self-and newborn care
b. Recheck the blood pressure d. Teaching about the
with another cuff importance of family
c. Assess the uterus for planning
firmness and position 70. Which of the following actions
d. Determine the amount of would be least effective in
lochia maintaining a neutral thermal
67. The nurse assesses the postpartum environment for the newborn?
vaginal discharge (lochia) on four
clients. Which of the following a. Placing infant under radiant
assessments would warrant warmer after bathing
notification of the physician? b. Covering the scale with a
warmed blanket prior to
a. A dark red discharge on a 2- weighing
day postpartum client c. Placing crib close to nursery
b. A pink to brownish discharge window for family viewing
on a client who is 5 days d. Covering the infant’s head
postpartum with a knit stockinette
c. Almost colorless to creamy 71. A newborn who has an
discharge on a client 2 weeks asymmetrical Moro reflex response
after delivery should be further assessed for which
d. A bright red discharge 5 days of the following?
after delivery
68. A postpartum client has a a. Talipes equinovarus
temperature of 101.4ºF, with a b. Fractured clavicle
uterus that is tender when palpated, c. Congenital hypothyroidism
remains unusually large, and not d. Increased intracranial
descending as normally expected. pressure
Which of the following should the 72. During the first 4 hours after a male
nurse assess next? circumcision, assessing for which of
the following is the priority?
a. Lochia
b. Breasts a. Infection
c. Incision b. Hemorrhage
d. Urine c. Discomfort
69. Which of the following is the priority d. Dehydration
focus of nursing practice with the 73. The mother asks the nurse. “What’s
current early postpartum discharge? wrong with my son’s breasts? Why
are they so enlarged?” Whish of the
a. Promoting comfort and following would be the best
restoration of health response by the nurse?
b. Exploring the emotional
status of the family
a. “The breast tissue is inflamed 76. A newborn weighing 3000 grams
from the trauma experienced and feeding every 4 hours needs 120
with birth” calories/kg of body weight every 24
b. “A decrease in material hours for proper growth and
hormones present before development. How many ounces of
birth causes enlargement,” 20 cal/oz formula should this
c. “You should discuss this with newborn receive at each feeding to
your doctor. It could be a meet nutritional needs?
d. “The tissue has a. 2 ounces
hypertrophied while the b. 3 ounces
baby was in the uterus” c. 4 ounces
74. Immediately after birth the nurse d. 6 ounces
notes the following on a male 77. The postterm neonate with
newborn: respirations 78; apical meconium-stained amniotic fluid
hearth rate 160 BPM, nostril flaring; needs care designed to especially
mild intercostal retractions; and monitor for which of the following?
grunting at the end of expiration.
Which of the following should the a. Respiratory problems
nurse do? b. Gastrointestinal problems
c. Integumentary problems
a. Call the assessment data to d. Elimination problems
the physician’s attention 78. When measuring a client’s fundal
b. Start oxygen per nasal height, which of the following
cannula at 2 L/min. techniques denotes the correct
c. Suction the infant’s mouth method of measurement used by
and nares the nurse?
d. Recognize this as normal first
period of reactivity a. From the xiphoid process to
75. The nurse hears a mother telling a the umbilicus
friend on the telephone about b. From the symphysis pubis to
umbilical cord care. Which of the the xiphoid process
following statements by the mother c. From the symphysis pubis to
indicates effective teaching? the fundus
d. From the fundus to the
a. “Daily soap and water umbilicus
cleansing is best” 79. A client with severe preeclampsia is
b. ‘Alcohol helps it dry and kills admitted with of BP 160/110,
germs” proteinuria, and severe pitting
c. “An antibiotic ointment edema. Which of the following
applied daily prevents would be most important to include
infection” in the client’s plan of care?
d. “He can have a tub bath each
day” a. Daily weights
b. Seizure precautions a. Increase in maternal
c. Right lateral positioning estrogen secretion
d. Stress reduction b. Decrease in maternal
80. A postpartum primipara asks the androgen secretion
nurse, “When can we have sexual c. Secretion of androgen by the
intercourse again?” Which of the fetal gonad
following would be the nurse’s best d. Secretion of estrogen by the
response? fetal gonad
84. A client at 8 weeks’ gestation calls
a. “Anytime you both want to.” complaining of slight nausea in the
b. “As soon as choose a morning hours. Which of the
contraceptive method.” following client interventions should
c. “When the discharge has the nurse question?
stopped and the incision is
healed.” a. Taking 1 teaspoon of
d. “After your 6 weeks bicarbonate of soda in an 8-
examination.” ounce glass of water
81. When preparing to administer the b. Eating a few low-sodium
vitamin K injection to a neonate, the crackers before getting out
nurse would select which of the of bed
following sites as appropriate for the c. Avoiding the intake of liquids
injection? in the morning hours
d. Eating six small meals a day
a. Deltoid muscle instead of thee large meals
b. Anterior femoris muscle 85. The nurse documents positive
c. Vastus lateralis muscle ballottement in the client’s prenatal
d. Gluteus maximus muscle record. The nurse understands that
82. When performing a pelvic this indicates which of the
examination, the nurse observes a following?
red swollen area on the right side of
the vaginal orifice. The nurse would a. Palpable contractions on the
document this as enlargement of abdomen
which of the following? b. Passive movement of the
unengaged fetus
a. Clitoris c. Fetal kicking felt by the client
b. Parotid gland d. Enlargement and softening
c. Skene’s gland of the uterus
d. Bartholin’s gland 86. During a pelvic exam the nurse
83. To differentiate as a female, the notes a purple-blue tinge of the
hormonal stimulation of the embryo cervix. The nurse documents this as
that must occur involves which of which of the following?
the following?
a. Braxton-Hicks sign
b. Chadwick’s sign
c. Goodell’s sign Which of the following assessments
d. McDonald’s sign should be avoided?
87. During a prenatal class, the nurse
explains the rationale for breathing a. Maternal vital sign
techniques during preparation for b. Fetal heart rate
labor based on the understanding c. Contraction monitoring
that breathing techniques are most d. Cervical dilation
important in achieving which of the 90. Which of the following would be the
following? nurse’s most appropriate response
to a client who asks why she must
a. Eliminate pain and give the have a cesarean delivery if she has a
expectant parents something complete placenta previa?
to do
b. Reduce the risk of fetal a. “You will have to ask your
distress by increasing physician when he returns.”
uteroplacental perfusion b. “You need a cesarean to
c. Facilitate relaxation, possibly prevent hemorrhage.”
reducing the perception of c. “The placenta is covering
pain most of your cervix.”
d. Eliminate pain so that less d. “The placenta is covering the
analgesia and anesthesia are opening of the uterus and
needed blocking your baby.”
88. After 4 hours of active labor, the 91. The nurse understands that the fetal
nurse notes that the contractions of head is in which of the following
a primigravida client are not strong positions with a face presentation?
enough to dilate the cervix. Which
of the following would the nurse a. Completely flexed
anticipate doing? b. Completely extended
c. Partially extended
a. Obtaining an order to begin d. Partially flexed
IV oxytocin infusion 92. With a fetus in the left-anterior
b. Administering a light breech presentation, the nurse
sedative to allow the patient would expect the fetal heart rate
to rest for several hour would be most audible in which of
c. Preparing for a cesarean the following areas?
section for failure to progress
d. Increasing the a. Above the maternal
encouragement to the umbilicus and to the right of
patient when pushing begins midline
89. A multigravida at 38 weeks’ b. In the lower-left maternal
gestation is admitted with painless, abdominal quadrant
bright red bleeding and mild c. In the lower-right maternal
contractions every 7 to 10 minutes. abdominal quadrant
d. Above the maternal challenging the routine use of
umbilicus and to the left of analgesics and anesthetics during
midline childbirth. Which of the following
93. The amniotic fluid of a client has a was an outgrowth of this concept?
greenish tint. The nurse interprets
this to be the result of which of the a. Labor, delivery, recovery,
following? postpartum (LDRP)
b. Nurse-midwifery
a. Lanugo c. Clinical nurse specialist
b. Hydramnio d. Prepared childbirth
c. Meconium 98. A client has a midpelvic contracture
d. Vernix from a previous pelvic injury due to
94. A patient is in labor and has just a motor vehicle accident as a
been told she has a breech teenager. The nurse is aware that
presentation. The nurse should be this could prevent a fetus from
particularly alert for which of the passing through or around which
following? structure during childbirth?
a. Respiratory distress
b. Lethargy
c. Watery diarrhea
Nursing Board Review: Maternal and
Child Health Nursing Practice Test Part
1. A client asks the nurse what a third 3. The uterus has already risen out of the
degree laceration is. She was informed that pelvis and is experiencing farther into the
she had one. The nurse explains that this is: abdominal area at about the:
a. 20-30 lbs
b. 25-35 lbs
c. 30- 40 lbs
d. 10-15 lbs
8. Nurse Geli explains to the client who is 33 11. Mrs. Quijones gave birth by
weeks pregnant and is experiencing vaginal spontaneous delivery to a full term baby
bleeding that coitus: boy. After a minute after birth, he is crying
and moving actively. His birth weight is 6.8
a. Need to be modified in any way by either lbs. What do you expect baby Quijones to
partner weigh at 6 months?
b. Is permitted if penile penetration is not
deep. a. 13 -14 lbs
c. Should be restricted because it may b. 16 -17 lbs
stimulate uterine activity. c. 22 -23 lbs
d. Is safe as long as she is in side-lying d. 27 -28 lbs
a. Initiative vs. Self doubt a. Tell her that she would not be loved by
b. Industry vs. Inferiority others is she behaves that way..
c. Autonomy vs. Shame and doubt b. Withholding giving her toys until she
d. Trust vs. Mistrust behaves properly.
c. Ignore her behavior as long as she does
not hurt herself and others.
15. The child with phenylketonuria (PKU) d. Ask her what she wants and give it to
must maintain a low phenylalanine diet to pacify her.
prevent which of the following
19. Baby boy Villanueva, 4 months old, was
a. Irreversible brain damage seen at the pediatric clinic for his scheduled
b. Kidney failure check-up. By this period, baby Villanueva
c. Blindness has already increased his height by how
d. Neutropenia many inches?
a. 3 inches
16. Which age group is with imaginative b. 4 inches
minds and creates imaginary friends? c. 5 inches
d. 6 inches
a. Toddler
b. Preschool
c. School 20. Alice, 10 years old was brought to the
d. Adolescence ER because of Asthma. She was
immediately put under aerosol
administration of Terbutaline. After c. diarrhea, retracted tympanic membrane
sometime, you observe that the child does and enlarged parotid gland
not show any relief from the treatment d. Vomiting, pulling at ears and pearly white
given. Upon assessment, you noticed that tympanic membrane
both the heart and respiratory rate are still
elevated and the child shows difficulty of
exhaling. You suspect: 24. Which of the following is the most
appropriate intervention to reduce stress in
a. Bronchiectasis a preterm infant at 33 weeks gestation?
b. Atelectasis
c. Epiglotitis a. Sensory stimulation including several
d. Status Asthmaticus senses at a time
b. tactile stimulation until signs of over
stimulation develop
21. Nurse Jonas assesses a 2 year old boy c. An attitude of extension when prone or
with a tentative diagnosis of side lying
nephroblastoma. Symptoms the nurse d. Kangaroo care
observes that suggest this problem include:
a. Lymphedema and nerve palsy 25. The parent of a client with albinism
b. Hearing loss and ataxia would need to be taught which preventive
c. Headaches and vomiting healthcare measure by the nurse:
d. Abdominal mass and weakness
a. Ulcerative colitis diet
b. Use of a high-SPF sunblock
22. Which of the following danger sings c. Hair loss monitoring
should be reported immediately during the d. Monitor for growth retardation
antepartum period?
a. blurred vision
b. nasal stuffiness
c. breast tenderness
d. constipation
a. Thrombophlebitis
b. PIH
c. Pressure on blood vessels from the
enlarging uterus
d. The force of gravity pulling down on the
d. Nowember 14, 2010
16. A newborn is brought to the nursery. a. The child has not experienced limit-
Upon assessment, the nurse finds that the setting or structure.
child has short palpebral fissures, thinned b. The child is expressing a physical need,
upper lip. Based on this data, the nurse such as hunger.
suspects that the newborn is MOST likely c. The mother has nurtured
showing the effects of: overdependence in the child.
d. The mother is describing her child’s
a. Chronic toxoplasmosis separation anxiety.
b. Lead poisoning
c. Congenital anomalies
d. Fetal alcohol syndrome 20. Mylene Lopez, a 16 year old girl with
scoliosis has recently received an invitation
to a pool party. She asks the nurse how she
17. A priority nursing intervention for the can disguise her impairment when dressed
infant with cleft lip is which of the in a bathing suit. Which nursing diagnosis
can be justified by Mylene’s statement? a. An insignificant event unless taught
a. Anxiety b. Punishment for something the individual
b. Body image disturbance did
c. Ineffective individual coping c. Something that just happens to older
d. Social isolation people
d. Temporary separation from the loved
21. The foul-smelling, frothy characteristic
of the stool in cystic fibrosis results from
the presence of large amounts of which of 25. Catherine Diaz is a 14 year old patient
the following: on a hematology unit who is being treated
for sickle cell crisis. During a crisis such as
a. sodium and chloride that seen in sickle cell anemia, aldosterone
b. undigested fat release is stimulated. In what way might
c. semi-digested carbohydrates this influence Catherine’s fluid and
d. lipase, trypsin and amylase electrolyte balance?
a. Turner’s syndrome
b. Down’s syndrome
c. Marfan’s syndrome
d. Klinefelter’s syndrome