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VND GM GM9769P-ENGL 2000


Sheet Steel Qualification Procedure for Uncoated and Coated, Carbon

and High Strength Steel

I Scope GM9613P GM9733P

This procedure defines the process and requirements GM9720P GM9920P
a steel producer or processor (electrogalvanized or GMW11 GMW3059
hot dip galvanized coating supplier) must meet to 9984001 9984032
qualify their steel products and processing lines. 9984094 9984121
Technical approval is required to supply to General 9984472 9984505
Motors these materials defined by GM Engineering 2.3 Additional. None.
Materials and Process Standards.
1.1 The intent of this procedure is to obtain informa-
3 Test Preparation and Evaluation
tion to ascertain a steel producer’s ability to produce Not Applicable
and supply steel that meets the requirements of GM.
Emphasis is placed on the steel producer’s ability to 4 Requirements and Test Proce-
supply a uniform and consistent product. Some ma-
terial characteristic and attribute data are requested
for qualification purposes even though they are not 4.1 Requirements. Testing requirements of this
requirements of the specific GM Standard. procedure are based on base metal substrate type
(low carbon or high strength steel), the coating
1.2 An additional intent of this procedure is, through a
type (electrogalvanized, hot dip galvanized, or
plant try out, to ascertain the ability of this sheet steel
aluminized), coating alloy (free zinc, zinc alloy,or
to be formed, welded, bonded, cleaned, and painted
aluminum alloy), exposed or unexposed surface, and
in GM manufacturing and assembly operations.
existing or new processing line. For initial approval,
Note: Nothing in the specifications, however, super- the steel producer must furnish information for each
sedes applicable laws and regulations unless a spe- grade1 coating designation/ processing line combi-
cific exemption has been obtained. nation desired for approval. GM requires that all
suppliers adhere to the fundamental quality systems
2 References requirements of QS9000. Suppliers choosing other
Note: Only the latest approved standards are appli- approaches must be able to show that their quality
cable unless otherwise specified.
> systems meet the intent of QS9000.

2.1 Normative. 4.2 Restricted

(GMW3059). All materials supplied to this specifi-
ASTM A90 ASTM A370 cation must comply with the requirements listed in
ASTM A653 ASTM A754 GMW3059, Restricted and Reportable Substances.
ASTM A917 ASTM B571 Compliance with the requirements of GMW3059 must
ASTM E45 ASTM E112 be documented with the GMW3059 form, located
ASTM E517 ASTM E646 in the GMW Engineering Materials and Process
ANSI/AWSISAE/D8.9-97 Standards,and included inall approval package
QS9000 submissions.
2.2 GM. 4.3 Requirements for qualification of uncoated and
GM3624M GM6093M coated steel per GM6093M, GM6178M, GM6208M,
GM6178M GM6180M GM6218Mor GM6409M exposed and unexposed
GM6185M GM6201M quality from a specific processing line, are defined in
GM6208M GM6218M Figure 1. Figure 1 also defines testing requirements
GM6409M GM9073P for an approved processing line supplying a new

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base metal or new higher strength grades, as well as 4.5.1 Chemical Analysis of base steel. The supplier
new combinations of approved processing lines and shall submit the ladle analysis for the heat used to
approved base metals. make the qualification coil or, at the suppliers' discre-
tion, the chemical analysis taken from the qualifica-
4.3.1 The testing and reporting required under this tion coil. In addition, the melt specification for each
procedure are the responsibility of the company de- alloyed element and residual elements shall also be
siring to be qualified. Test data are to be compiled in reported.
a booklet form and presented to the GM Sheet Metal
Specialist Team. The test report is to be written in 4.5.2 Mechanical Properties. Mechanical property
English and all data shall be reported in metric SI values foryield strength, tensile strength, % total elon-
(Systeme Internationale) units e.g. millimeters (mm), gation, % uniform elongation, R value, n value and K
micrometers (Pm), megapascals (MPa), etc. value are required. Data shall be taken at the head
and tail sections of one coil, along with 5 equally
4.4 Approval Process.
spaced sections along the body of the coil. Edge, cen-
4.4.1 The technical approval process can be ini- ter, edge tests shall be performed in the transverse
tiated by General Motors World Wide Purchasing and longitudinal directions for allseven sampling loca-
(GMWWP) establishing a commercial need orthe tions. The tension testing shall be done in accordance
steel producer/processor establishing a technical with ASTM A370. Plastic strain ratio, R value, shall
need within GM for specific products. GMWWP shall be determined at 16 % strain per ASTM E517. Strain
contact the chairman of the SMST to initiate the hardening exponent, n value, and the strength coef-
approval process for a steel producer or processor. ficient, K value, shall be determined per ASTM E646
by the slope of the best fit line between 10 and 20 %
4.4.2 A currently approved steel producer or proces- strain or 10 % to end of uniform elongation. Ongoing
sor can establish a technical need. The steel pro- adherence to the applicable base metal and coating
ducer or processor shall contact the chairman of the specifications shall be monitored by GMWWP Steel
SMST for support in obtaining technical approval of a Quality.
new or modified material or process they wish to sup-
ply or use. The request shall state which GM standard 4.5.3 Microstructure. Microstructure analysis of the
the change impacts. base steel is required in one location in both longitudi-
nal and transverse direction, IOOX, 500X and IOOOX
4.4.3 When a formal request is received by the Sheet magnification. A microstructure in the transverse di-
Metal Specialists Team, a team member will be as- rection, 500X and IOOOX magnification, showing the
signed as the Champion. The Champion will interface plated edge of the galvanized or aluminized sheet
between the steel producer and GM on all steel tech- shall be provided. Cleanliness and inclusion con-
nical issues during the approval process. The Cham- tent per ASTME45, Method D and grain size per
pion will attend all GMWWP meetings and plant vis-' ASTM E112 must be reported.
its where technical issues and requirements are dis-
cussed. 4.5.4 Thickness Characteristics. Sheet thickness
4.4.4 The Sheet Metal Specialists Team will review of the finished product shall be measured at the cen-
and evaluate the test data submitted by the steel terline and at 25,510, 100, 150 and 200 mm from each
producer and information obtained by the Cham- trimmed edge. These thickness measurements shall
pion. Within six weeks after receiving all the data, be reported along with the width of the trimmed sheet
a decision will be rendered on granting preliminary and location in the coil from where the measurements
technical approval. Full technical approval will be were taken. Data shall consist of thickness measure-
given pending a successful plant trial. ments from at least 20 coils.

4.5 Required Testing. Datafrom the test require- 4.5.5 Coating Mass. When the coating mass of a
ments shown in Figure 1 and defined here must be qualification coil is required, the coating mass shallbe
received from the steel producer to satisfy the require- determined per ASTM A90 at one coil position edge
ments of this procedure. All testing is to be done center edge location tested by weigh-strip-weigh
by the steel producer or an accredited laboratory. In method. Data from on-line x-ray fluorescence tech-
some instances, the SMST may require N B compar- niques in accordance with ASTM A754 may also be
ison testing of a new materialto an already approved used. The method used shall be reported. In case of
material. disagreements between the supplier and purchaser,

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the weigh-strip-weigh method shall be the referee 4.5.12 Lubricant Approval. All lubricants or fluids
method. applied to the surface of the steel sheet by the steel
producer or processor shall be GMapprovedper
4.5.6 Coating Mass Variability. Coating mass vari-
9984001. This is required to assure that all lubri-
ability data ( GM6185M and GM6201M) shall be pro-
cants/fluids are compatible with and can be removed
vided (edgetenter-edge and top and bottom) to de-
by the paint process cleaning systems.
termine coil to coil variation of the coating line. Coat-
ing mass variation shall beprovided for 20 coils using 4.5.13 Adhesive Bondability. The submitted steel
on-line x-ray fluorescence techniques in accordance shall meet the adhesive compatibility requirements of
with ASTM A754. Data shall be furnished for individ- GM3624M.
ual coils as well as summarized in histogram form in-
cluding mean, range, and standard deviation. Data 4.5.14 Phosphateability. Phosphateability and
submitted to this requirement shall consist of prod- paint appearance evaluation per 9984001 shall be
ucts similar to, or representative of, the type of prod- determined as shown in Appendix B.
uct being submitted for qualification approval. When
4.5.15 Weldability.The resistance spot weld
qualifying a new line, coating variability data from 20
behavior of coated and uncoated sheet steel
coils shallbe summited assoon as possible after
shall be determined bythe test procedure de-
initial technical approval is granted in order to com-
fined in the document Recommended Practices
plete requirements for full qualification of the coat-
Test Methods for Evaluating the Resistance
ing line. Submission of coating variability data is ex-
Spot Welding Behavior of Automotive Sheet Steel
pected within 3 months from the time of technical ap-
Materials, ANSVAWSISAE D8.9-97. Test data
proval of the line.
submitted for qualification shall include a completed
4.5.7 CoatingAdhesion. Coating adhesion eval- ANSIAWSISAE D8.9-97 test report (see Section
uated by bend test at edge center edge location 9 entitled Endurance Test and Annex B) for all
intest coil per and ASTM B571, ASTM A917, and metallic coated steels in GM6093M, GM6208M, and
ASTM A653. GM6409M. Endurance testing in Section 9 is not
required for uncoated steel. Weld property tests,
4.5.8 Coating Analysis. Coating analysis to consist
including current levellrange, hold time sensitivity,
of photomicrographs of the coating at 100OX (SEM)
and metallography/ microhardness evaluations per
depicting representative surface morphology. A
Section 10, Weld Propedy Tests are required for
coating chemical analysis shall also be submitted,
and shall consist of a bulk analysis of the coating uncoated and coated materials listed in GM6093M,
as deposited on the sheet, as well as a microprobe GM6208M, and GM6218M. For uncoated materials
scan through the coating to the base substrate. listed in GM6409M, only current levellrange and hold
Reported elements shall include, but not be limited time sensitivity evaluations are required.
to, aluminum, iron, lead, antimony and zinc. Other Adaptations to the procedure in Section 10 to permit
elements intentionally added to the coating shall the simultaneous evaluation of two materials for cur-
also be reported. The microprobe scan shall Include rent levekurrent range and holdtime sensitivity may
surface chemistry, chemistry at one-half thickness be accepted by the SMST provided the supplier con-
of the coating, and at the coatinglsteel interface. In tacts the Champion prior to initiation of qualification
case of hot dip coatings, the chemistry of the alloy testing.
phase at two depths within the alloy layer shall also
be reported. All weld test reports must indicate if any partial buttons
or interfacial weld separations were evident.
4.5.9 Surface Texture. When a surface texture eval-
uation is required, Ra and PPI shall be determined at 4.5.16 Bake Hardenability. Paint bake hardenability
top and bottom of thesheet at edge center edge loca- shall be evaluated as described in GM6093M.
tion per GM9073P, and shall meet the requirements
of GM6180M. 4.5.17 Plant Tryout. Plant tryout is required to as-
sure steel compatibility with plant manufacturing and
4.5.10 ElectrogalvanizedZincCrystalMorphol- assembly environment. The steel supplier, with the
ogy. Electrogalvanized Zinc crystal morphology is approval of purchasing, shall work with MFD to ar-
determined as shown in Appendix A. range the necessary production trial run. Upon com-
4.5.11 ZincBlister Requirement. Zinc blister re- pletion of the trial; the involved plant(s) are responsi-
quirements are determined per GM6201M. ble to submit a letter to the Champion indicating the

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performance of the material through the metal stamp- 4.5.18 Secondary Work Ernbrittlement. Sec-
ing, assembly and, where applicable, painting pro- ondary work embrittlement testing per GM9920P is
cesses. required for all steels being qualified with less than
0.015 % carbon.
Figure 1: Qualification Requirements Uncoated and Coated (GM6185M, GM6201M, GM6178M) Sheet
Steel Per GM6409M, GM6093M, GM6218M.
Processing Base Metal Coaling Propertiesand Characteristics

Surfacel Substrate Coating Chemical Mechanical Mass

Sheet Micro- Mass Coating Coating Zinc Blister-
Coating Analysis Properties structure Thickness Variance Adhesion Analysis Orientation ing
Bare New NIA Yes Yes NIA

Coaled New or New Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes EGOnly EGOnly
Approved (unless
Coaled NW Approved Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No EGOnly

1 Approved
YE5 Yes Yes No No Yes No €G Only No

I Processing aber Requirements

Lubricant Adhesive Welding
Coating Approval Bondability
phate W”?(
Bare New NA Yes Yes Yes Yes Exposed Only Yes Yes

Coated New or NW Yes Yes Yes EGIHD

Exposed CE”) Yes . Yes

v and (new
Semiexwsed substrates
Appmved I I
Coaled I New 1 Approved 1 Yes No

No Yes’

The SMST maywaive requirement on a case-bycase basis.

5 Additional Requirements without prior notification and approval by the Sheet

Metal Specifications Team. Lack of notification by the
5.1 Initial Source Approval. supplier constitutes grounds for rejection of any ship-
5.1.1 No shipment shall be made by any supplier un- ment. While samples taken from incoming
til preliminary technical approval by the Sheet Metal shipments and checked for conformance to this pro-
Specialists Team has been obtained. cedure, the supplier shall accept the responsibility for
incoming shipments meeting this procedure without
5.2 Inspection and Rejection. dependence upon purchaser’s inspection.

5.3 All shipments of material under contract or pur- 5.4 Approved Sources. Steelproducers and ma-
chase order manufactured to specifications reference terials approved to this procedure will be listed in the
by this procedure shall be equivalent in every respect GM Corporate Materials File. Qualification to this pro-
to the initial samples approved by the Sheet Metal cedure is not required for purchased parts unless oth-
Specification Team. There shall be no changes in ei- erwise specified by the purchaser.
ther formulation or manufacturing process permitted 5.5 Referenced Documents.

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incoming shipments meeting this procedure without An approved base metal or coating is one that
dependence upon purchaser’s inspection. has previously been granted a technical approval by
the SMST.
5.4 Approved Sources. Steel producers and ma-
terials approved to this procedure will be listed in the A new combination is defined as a combina-
GM Corporate Materials File. Qualification to this pro- tion of an approved base metal and approved
an coat-
cedure is not required for purchased parts unless oth- ing which have not been previously used together to
erwise specified by the purchaser. produce an approved product.

5.5 Referenced Documents. 7 Coding system

5.5.1 ANSIIAWSISAE D8.9-97 Recommended Prac- This test procedure shall be called up in other docu-
tices for Test Methods for Evaluating the Resistance ments, drawings, VTS, CTS etc. as follows:
Spot Welding Behavior of Automotive Sheet Steel Test to GM9769P.
8 Release and Revisions
6 Notes 8.1 Release. The specification was first approved
and released in February 1996.
6.1 Glossary.
8.2 Revisions.
6.1.1 Processing Line Definition.
Description (Org.) A new base metal or coating is defined as a
new or significantly changed product from an exist-
ing process or a new process. Significantly changed Source) (GM)
includes, but is not limited to, a new steel chemistry,
new coating chemistry, change in annealing process,
change in rolling process, etc. i
JUN 2000
completely revised (GM)

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Appendix A a collection of platelets with high pyramidal

plane ori-
Electrogalvanized Zinc Crystal Mor- entation = 10 prn in size and 1 to 5 pm thick. (Refer
to GMWl1 Appendix A.) The platelets are oriented
PhomY atrandomangleswithrespecttotheplaneofthe
Scanning electron microscopy of the as-coated zinc sheet. A coating morphology consisting of flat hexag-
2000 X performed toob-
surface at a magnification of onalfaces,incrystallographicterms,representthe
serve any major deviations in surface character
in the basal plane (0002) orientation which are undesirable
coating. A typical coating morphologyis observed as (Refer to GMWI 1 Appendix A).

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Appendix B (Appearance panels required forexposedapplica-

Phosphateability and Paint Appear- tions only)

Steel B.2 Phosphate and paint systems to be used for
the above evaluation are as follow:.
The following phosphateabilityand paint appearance
test requirements are foruncoated,electrogalva-
nized, hot dip galvanized, and galvannealsheet steel approved
all applications from new processing lines. technology.
B.l Testing Requirements. Phosphate
coating approved
weight per GM9733P shall be: Surfacer
9984505 WA8555 Black
Substrate Coating weight (g/m2) Clearcoat:
Cold Rolled Steel 2.0 - 5.0 technology
Electrogalvanized 1.5 - 5.0
8 . 3 Total Panel Requirements.
Hot Dip Galvanized 1.5 - 5.0 8.3.1 Phosphate. 4 panels (100 x250mm) = (1
Galvanneal 1.5 - 5.0 panellmatrix) x (2 types of steel for N B comparison)
x (2 phosphate suppliers). Samples to be from head
1 Panel (100 x 250 mm) of coil.
8 panels (100 x 250mm) = 4 extra samples of steel A
+ 4 extra samplesof steel B for use only if needed.
Phosphate crystal size shall be 2 to 10 microns 8.3.2 Appearance. 4 panels (100 x 250 mm) = (1
(target) per GM9613P 1 Panel (100 x250 mm). panel. matrix) x (2 types of steel for N B comparison)
x (2 phosphate suppliers). Samples to be from head
Phosphate surfacemorphology;250X and 1OOOX of coil.
SEM photograph required 1 Panel (100 x250 mm) 4 panels(100x 250 mm) = 2 extra samples of steel A
+ 2 extra samples of steel B for use only if needed.
Appearancepanels;DOI, Gloss and Tension -1
Panel (250 x 250 mm) B.3.3 Total. 20 P,anels = Total samplesto be submit-
I .

ted to phosphate1 paint company for evaluation.

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