GMW15665 - 2014 12 01
GMW15665 - 2014 12 01
GMW15665 - 2014 12 01
1 Scope
1.1 Material Description. This specification covers the chemical composition, mechanical properties, surface
quality, and structural integrity requirements of aluminum alloy hollow and semi-hollow extruded profiles
produced from welding chamber (i.e., spider, porthole, or bridge) dies, solid profiles, solid round bars, and flat
sheets. Refer to the Aluminum Association Aluminum Standards and Data Manual - Metric International System
of Units (SI) and/or EN 755-1 for definitions of hollow, semi-hollow and solid aluminum extrusions.
1.1.1 Aluminum extrusions may be supplied in straight as-extruded lengths, or bent to meet desired part shape.
Secondary forming operations (i.e., formation of crush initiators, flats, flanges) shall be performed before artificial
aging heat treatment. For round aluminum alloy extruded tubing intended for hydroformed components, refer to
GMW16866 “Hydroformed Extruded Aluminum Mechanical Tubing and Components”.
1.1.2 The aluminum extrusion alloy and temper designations contained in this specification shall include
aluminum alloys with temper mechanical property limits documented in a regional national standard - Aluminum
Association (AA), European Standard (EN), ASTM International (ASTM), Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS).
In this specification, aluminum extrusion alloy and temper designations that conform to regional national
standards shall be designated as standard grades. Aluminum extrusions with modified alloys and/or tempers that deviate from regional national standards
shall be designated as non-standard grades. Aluminum extrusion alloys with chemical composition limits that do
not conform to regional national standard chemical composition limits shall be designated as proprietary
chemical composition grades. Non-standard and proprietary composition grades are divided into two categories:
minimum yield strength based grades and nominal yield strength based grades. Nominal yield strength based
grades are applicable to bumper system components known as crush cans, crash boxes or danner boxes.
1.1.3 Material Identification. This specification shall be referenced in engineering math data files or engineering
drawing material specifications. The material specification shall consist of the General Motors Worldwide (GMW)
specification number, the materials type, non-ferrous metal type, alloy designation, the temper designation and
minimum or nominal yield strength. See Section 8 “Coding System” for further explanation.
1.2 Symbols. A50, 5D, 5.65(So)0.5, A, A5, ±.
1.3 Applicability. Typical applications include body, closure, exterior and chassis structural applications. Refer
to GM Materials Engineering or the Global Preferred Materials Catalog for selection of appropriate extrusion
materials for specific applications.
2 References
Note: Only the latest approved standards are applicable unless otherwise specified.
2.1 External Standards/Specifications.
ASTM B557M ASTM E101 EN 755-1 EN 10002-1
ASTM E34 ASTM E1251 EN 755-9 ISO 8493
2.2 GM Standards/Specifications.
GMW3011 GMW16170 GMW16721
GMW3059 GMW16549 GMW16866
2.3 Additional References.
Aluminum Association Aluminum Standards and Data Manual – Metric International System of Units (SI).
Aluminum Association Publication QCA-2, “Visual Quality Characteristics of Aluminum Extrusions”.
3 Requirements
3.1 Chemical Composition. Base metal composition shall conform to the requirements in Table A1. The base
metal chemical composition shall be determined per ASTM E34, ASTM E101 or ASTM E1251. In cases of
dispute, referee method shall be ASTM E34. Suppliers of proprietary chemical composition grades shall report
chemical composition limits for Prototype, Production Part Approval Process (PPAP), GP-12/Safe Launch and
Production data submissions.
3.2 Mechanical Properties.
3.2.1 As-Received Mechanical Properties. Specimen sampling shall be conducted per Aluminum Association
Aluminum Standards and Data Manual Metric SI, or EN 755-1. The 0.2% offset yield strength, ultimate tensile
strength, and percent total elongation in 50 mm or 5D/5.65(So)0.5 gauge length shall be determined per
ASTM B557M or EN 10002-1, respectively. Standard Grade. Standard grades are identified by alloy designation (i.e., 6063, 6061, etc.,) or alloy
designation followed by a capital letter suffix (i.e., 6005A, 6005C, etc.,) temper designation (i.e., T4, T5, T6),
followed by minimum yield strength value. Standard grades furnished to this specification shall conform to the
mechanical property values shown in Table A2. Non-standard and Proprietary Chemical Composition Grades. Non-standard grades are identified
with a capital letter suffix after the alloy designation (i.e., 7003A, 7003B, etc.,) and/or temper designation (i.e.,
T5A, T6A, T7A) followed by minimum, or nominal yield strength value. Proprietary chemical composition grades
are identified by the specific numerals “6000” or “7000” with a capital letter suffix after these numerals (i.e.,
6000A, 7000A), and temper designations (i.e., T5A, T6A, T7A), followed by minimum or nominal yield strength
value. Non-standard and proprietary chemical composition minimum yield strength grades are shown in Table
A3. Non-standard nominal yield strength grades are shown in Table A4.
3.2.2 Post-Paint Bake Mechanical Properties. Aluminum Extrusions may show significant tensile mechanical
properties changes following E-coat and paint (i.e., primer surfacer, basecoat, topcoat) bake processing.
Supplier may be required to modify extruded aluminum profile artificial aging practice in order to assure that
aluminum extrusions exceed minimum tensile mechanical property requirements after GM assembly plant
E-coat and paint bake processing. Minimum tensile mechanical property values after assembly plant E-coat and
paint bake exposure shall be documented in component math data file, or engineering drawing.
3.2.3 Allowed Alloy Substitutions. If necessitated by global availability or commercial restrictions, it is
permissible to substitute 6060 alloy with 6063 alloy or substitute 6063 alloy with 6060. If an alloy substitution is
made, the final extruded component must meet the mechanical property requirements of the originally specified
material grade. When material and part qualifications are granted based on extrusions produced from a particular
alloy (6060 or 6063), re-qualification will be required prior to substitution of the alternate alloy (6063 or 6060).
3.3 Surface Requirements.
3.3.1 Surface Quality. Aluminum extrusions supplied to this specification shall be free of surface imperfections
that may compromise the structural integrity of extrusions. Surface imperfections include, but are not limited to
blisters, corrosion pits, blowholes, orange peel, stretcher jaw marks, and speed tears. Refer to Aluminum
Association publication QCA-2, “Visual Quality Characteristics of Aluminum Extrusions” for photographs and
definitions of imperfections. Surface imperfections that are judged to be cosmetic and do not compromise the
structural integrity may be acceptable provided that boundary samples are provided to GM Materials Engineering
to document location and severity. Suppliers may be required to prove cosmetic imperfections do not
compromise structural integrity. Boundary samples shall be established on a part number by part number basis.
3.3.2 Surface Preparation. Aluminum extrusions shall be free of white corrosion (aluminum oxide) and pitting.
Processing compounds (lubricants, cutting fluids, marking inks, etc.,) and corrosion preventative compounds
applied to aluminum extrusions that will be processed through GM assembly plants shall be capable of being
removed during paint system cleaning operation.
3.4.1 Internal Integrity. Aluminum extrusion supplied to this specification shall be free of internal imperfections
that may compromise the structural integrity. Internal imperfections include, but are not limited to laminations,
unhealed billet cracks, porosity, and stringer inclusions. Refer to Aluminum Association publication QCA-2,
“Visual Quality Characteristics of Aluminum Extrusions” for photographs and definitions of imperfections.
Supplier process control plan shall show manufacturing procedures used to assure aluminum extrusion internal
3.4.2 Back End Condition. Aluminum extrusions supplied to this specification shall be free of oxides and
inclusions commonly known as “Back End Condition”. Suppliers shall process billets such that butt ends are
sheared in such a way to avoid the presence of this condition in extruded profiles.
3.4.3 Transverse Weld Seams. Aluminum extrusions supplied to this specification shall not contain transverse
weld seams. Suppliers shall process extrusions such that transverse weld seams are removed from extruded
3.4.4 Longitudinal Weld Seams. Longitudinal weld seam integrity shall be demonstrated by subjecting hollow
aluminum extrusions to a drift expansion test per ISO 8493. Profiles shall be subjected to increasing load until
fracture occurs. Satisfactory fracture surfaces shall exhibit 100% ductile fracture (i.e., dimple rupture, micro void
coalescence) characteristics. Fracture surfaces exhibiting any smooth, featureless surfaces characteristics shall
be judged to be unsatisfactory. If necessary, examine fracture surfaces with scanning electron microscope for
confirmation. See Figure B1 for schematic diagram showing longitudinal weld seam evaluation by drift test
method. For specific details refer to ISO 8493 - Metallic Materials–Tube–Drift Expanding Test.
3.4.5 Stress-Corrosion Resistance. Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) can be caused by the combination of
sustained tensile stress and a corrosive service environment resulting in premature failure of parts along grain
boundaries. Varying amounts of copper in the alloy influence SCC differently. Hence, alloy percentages in
materials, fabricating methodologies, heat treatment methods, loading paths, etc., shall be carefully selected to
minimize SCC so as to meet the durability requirements of components.
3.5 Processing Requirements.
3.5.1 Zinc Phosphate and/or Nano Ceramic Conversion Coating Analysis. For aluminum extrusions that will
be painted, aluminum extrusion supplier shall have zinc phosphate and/or nano ceramic conversion coating
analysis performed on production representative aluminum extrusion samples. Zinc phosphate shall meet
GMW3011 crystal size, coating thickness and coating weight requirements. Nano ceramic conversion coatings
shall meet GMW16170 coating thickness and coating weight requirements. Aluminum extrusion suppler shall
provide sample to GM materials engineer for analysis performed by GMW3011 zinc phosphate supplier and/or
GMW16170 nano ceramic conversion coating supplier, or a GM approved independent testing laboratory.
3.5.2 Adhesive Compatibility. When applicable, aluminum extrusions supplied to this specification shall meet
the adhesive compatibility requirements of GMW16549. Testing shall be performed on an aluminum extrusion
sample which has been subjected to production representative processing compounds (lubricants, cutting fluids,
marking inks, etc.,) and/or corrosion preventative compounds. Aluminum extrusions may require pre-treatment
(i.e., conversion coating) processing per GMW16721 prior to adhesive bonding.
3.5.3 Joining. When applicable, aluminum extrusions supplied to this specification shall be suitable for welding
and mechanical clinching by standard methods.
3.6 Additional Requirements.
3.6.1 Dimensions and Dimension Tolerances. Unless specified on the engineering drawings or math data
files, aluminum extrusions dimensions and dimension tolerances shall conform to the Aluminum Association
Aluminum Standards and Data Manual – Metric International System of Units (SI) and/or EN 755-9. Depending
on supplier capability and component performance requirements, more restrictive dimension tolerances may be
3.6.2 GM Material Property Database Sample and Data Submission. Upon request, aluminum extrusion
supplier shall submit samples to GM Material Engineering representative to generate data for the GM Material
Property Database. Samples shall be at least 200 mm (8 in) in length. Supplier shall also be prepared to provide
physical properties (i.e., Elastic Modulus, Density), and thermal properties (i.e., Coefficient of Linear Thermal
Expansion, Thermal Conductivity, Specific Heat) upon request.
4 Manufacturing Process
Not applicable.
6 Approved Sources
Materials supplied to this specification must be approved by General Motors.
The appropriate GM Materials Engineering department(s) must confirm material as meeting the requirements of
this specification. Any test data sheets of material submitted to General Motors for such confirmation (e.g., during
Production Part Approval Process (PPAP)) under this material specification must list all properties and must
apply corresponding test methods of this material specification.
GMW15665 aluminum extrusion supplier Prototype, PPAP, GP-12/Safe Launch, and Production data
submission requirements are shown in Appendix B and Table B1.
7 Notes
7.1 Glossary.
5D: EN 10002-1 tensile test specimen gage length to diameter ratio.
5.65(So)0.5: EN 10002-1 tensile test specimen gage length dimension.
A: Percentage elongation after fracture in 5.65(So)0.5 mm gauge length (where So is the initial cross-sectional
area of the test piece).
A5: Percentage elongation after fracture in 5.65(So)0.5 mm gauge length (where So is the initial cross-sectional
area of the test piece).
A50: Percentage elongation after fracture in 50 mm gauge length.
MATSPC: Global repository of GM approved materials for corresponding GM Engineering Standards.
So: EN 10002-1 tensile test specimen initial cross sectional area.
7.2 Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Symbols.
AA Aluminum Association
ASTM ASTM International
CTS Component Technical Specification
EN European Standard
GHS Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals
GMAP General Motors Asia Pacific
8 Coding System
The coding system for GMW aluminum extrusions on engineering part drawings/electronic math files,
manufacturing engineering documents and other documents (VTS, CTS, etc.,) shall use a nomenclature
consisting of the GMW base metal specification number, aluminum alloy designation, temper designation, and
minimum or nominal with plus/minus tolerance as-received yield strength.
8.1 Example of Coding for a Standard Aluminum Extrusion Grade.
GMW15665 = GMW specification number
M = Metal
AL = Aluminum
E = Extrusion
6063 = Alloy designation
T4 = Temper designation
70 = Minimum as-received yield strength (MPa)
8.2 Example of Coding for a Non-standard Minimum Yield Strength Aluminum Extrusion Grade.
GMW15665 = GMW specification number
M = Metal
AL = Aluminum
E = Extrusion
6082 = Alloy designation
T6 = Temper designation
A = Non-standard temper designation
270 = Minimum as-received yield strength (MPa)
8.3 Example of Coding for a Non-standard Nominal Yield Strength Aluminum Extrusion Grade.
Note: A modified coding system (e.g., GMW15665M-AL-E-6063-T6A-210+20,-20) shall be utilized for electronic
(i.e., computer) file names.
GMW15665 = GMW specification number
M = Metal
AL = Aluminum
E = Extrusion
6063 = Alloy designation
T6 = Temper designation
A = Non-standard temper designation
210 = Nominal as-received yield strength (MPa)
+20/-20 = Plus/minus 20 MPa yield strength tolerance
8.4 Example of Coding for a Proprietary Chemical Composition Minimum Yield Strength Aluminum
Extrusion Grade.
GMW15665 = GMW specification number
M = Metal
AL = Aluminum
E = Extrusion
7000 = Alloy Designation
A = Supplier Product Differentiator
T5 = Temper designation
A = Non-standard temper designation
320 = Minimum as-received yield strength (MPa)
Appendix A
0.80 0.40 1.20 0.35
0.20 0.45
0.35 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.05 0.15
6063 to to - -
max. max. max. max. max. max. max. max.
0.60 0.9
0.70 0.40 0.60
0.50 0.10 0.25 0.20 0.10 0.05 0.15
6082 to to to - -
max. max. max. max. max. max. max.
1.30 1.00 1.20
0.50 5.0 0.05
0.3 0.35 0.20 0.30 0.20 0.20 0.05 0.15
7003 to to to -
max. max. max. max. max. max. max. max.
1.0 6.5 0.25
0.20 0.40 0.25 0.30 1.0 to 0.20 6.6 to 0.06 0.10 to 0.05 0.15
7046 -
max. max. max. max. 1.6 max. 7.6 max. 0.18 max. max.
max. = maximum
Note 1: Chemical composition shall be determined per ASTM E34, ASTM E101, or ASTM E1251. In cases of dispute, referee method shall
be ASTM E34.
Note 2: Chemical composition based on billet or extrusion analysis.
Note 3: Combined weight percent of Mn and Cr must be in the range of 0.12 to 0.50.
Note 4: Combined weight percent of Mn and Cr shall be 0.50 maximum.
Minimum Total
Minimum 0.2% Minimum Total
Minimum Ultimate Elongation in 5D
Offset Yield Elongation in
Grade Tensile Strength or 5.65(So)0.5,
Strength 50 mm, (A50)
(MPa) (A or A5)
(MPa) (%) Note 7
(%) Note 7
6063-T4-70 70 130 14 12
6060-T5-110 Note 8 110 150 8 ------
6061-T4-110 110 180 16 14
6063-T6-170 170 205 8 ------
6005C-T5-205 205 245 8 ------
6005A-T5-215 215 260 7 ------
Note 9 240
6005A-T6-240 260 8 ------
6061-T6-240 240 260 8 ------
Note 1: Test per ASTM B557M or EN 10002-1. Parameters are valid in longitudinal (extrusion) direction only.
Note 2: Values are based on extrusions after secondary manufacturing operations (i.e., bending) followed by heat treatment.
Note 3: For hollow and semi-hollow extruded profiles, mechanical property limits are applicable to external walls only.
Note 4: Requirements apply to extrusions of wall thickness 5.0 mm or less. For wall thickness greater than 5 mm, GM Product Engineering
and Materials Engineering representatives must determine if these requirements or alternative material property requirements
apply. Minimum and maximum wall thickness tolerances are based on extrusion supplier capability and component performance
requirements. Supplier shall report minimum and maximum wall thickness tolerances for component math data file, or on
engineering drawing.
Note 5: T6 mechanical properties may be obtained by press quenching followed by artificial aging, or separate solutionizing heat treatment
followed by artificial aging.
Note 6: New grades will be available in the GMMPD before being published in GMW15665.
Note 7: Supplier shall report 50 mm (A50), or 5D/5.65(So)0.5 (A or A5) gage length total elongation as agreed upon with GM regional materials
engineer. 5.65(So)0.5 gage length also known as 5.65(A)0.5 gage length. ASTM B557M subsize 6 mm wide test specimens may be
utilized for extrusion samples less than 200 mm (8 in) in length.
Note 8: 6060-T5-110 equivalent to 6060-T51-110.
Note 9: 6005A-T6-240 previously shown as 6005A-T6A-240. 6005A-T6-240 equivalent to 6005A-T61-240
Minimum Total
Minimum 0.2% Minimum Total
Minimum Ultimate Elongation in 5D
Offset Yield Elongation in
Grade Tensile Strength or 5.65(So)0.5,
Strength 50 mm, (A50)
(MPa) (A or A5)
(MPa) (%) Note 7
(%) Note 7
Table A4: As-Received Mechanical Property Limits of Non-Standard Nominal Yield Strength
Aluminum Extrusion Grades Note 1, Note 2, Note 3, Note 4, Note 5, Note 6
Nominal Minimum Maximum Minimum Total
0.2% Offset 0.2% Offset 0.2% Offset Total Elongation
Note 6 Strength ±
Grade Yield Yield Yield Elongation in 5D or
Strength Strength Strength in 50 mm 5.65(So)0.5,
(MPa) Note 7
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (%) Note 8 (A or A5)
(%) Note 8
Note 1: Test per ASTM B557M or EN 10002-1. Parameters are valid in longitudinal (extrusion) direction only.
Note 2: Values are based on extrusions after secondary manufacturing operations (i.e., bending) followed by heat treatment.
Note 3: For hollow and semi-hollow extruded profiles, mechanical property limits are applicable to external walls only.
Note 4: Requirements apply to extrusions of wall thickness 5.0 mm or less. For wall thickness greater than 5 mm, GM Product Engineering
and Materials Engineering representatives must determine if these requirements or alternative material property requirements
apply. Minimum and maximum wall thickness tolerances are based on extrusion supplier capability and component performance
requirements. Supplier shall report minimum and maximum wall thickness tolerances for component math data file, or on
engineering drawing.
Note 5: T6 mechanical properties may be obtained by press quenching followed by artificial aging, or separate solutionizing heat treatment
followed by artificial aging.
Note 6: New grades will be available in the GMMPD before being published in GMW15665.
Note 7: More restrictive yield strength tolerances (i.e., ± 15 MPa) shall be shown in component math data file, or on engineering drawing.
Note 8: Supplier shall report 50 mm (A50), or 5D/5.65(So)0.5 (A or A5) gage length total elongation as agreed upon with regional GM
materials engineer. 5.65(So)0.5 gage length also known as 5.65(A)0.5 gage length. ASTM B557M subsize 6 mm wide test specimens
may be utilized for extrusion samples less than 200 mm (8 in) in length.
B1 Chemical Composition
Perform chemical composition analysis using ASTM test method E34, E101, E1251 or equivalent regional
chemical composition test method. Aluminum extrusion supplier shall submit chemical composition analysis
results for the specific alloy composition used to manufacture extruded aluminum extrusion part number, or part
numbers being supplied.
B4 Metallographic Examination
Supplier shall submit photomicrographs from a typical hollow or semi-hollow aluminum extrusion external wall.
Supplier shall submit transverse cross section 100x magnification photomicrographs showing grain structure at
the exterior surface, mid-thickness, and interior surface of a hollow aluminum extrusion external wall. Supplier
shall also submit longitudinal and transverse photomicrographs showing size and distribution of intermetallic
constituents at 100x magnification. Aluminum extrusion shall represent a typical artificial aging, or shipment lot
for the part number, or part numbers being supplied.
longitudinal weld seam location and cell (i.e., cavity) selected for each part number, or part numbers being
supplied. Supplier shall also identify cell (i.e., hollow cavity) for longitudinal weld seam integrity test on schematic
diagram. Refer to Figure B1 for example of longitudinal weld seam location and test cell schematic diagram.
from front (i.e., first extrusions) and rear (i.e., last extrusions) of a typical inspection or shipment lot. Supplier
shall submit flare/draft test report and tested samples to GM materials engineer.
coating analysis performed on production representative aluminum extrusion samples. Zinc phosphate shall
meet GMW3011 crystal size, coating thickness and coating weight requirements. Nano ceramic conversion
coatings shall meet GMW16170 coating thickness and coating weight requirements. Aluminum extrusion suppler
shall provide sample to GM materials engineer for analysis by GMW3011 zinc phosphate supplier and/or
GMW16170 nano ceramic conversion coating supplier, or a GM approved independent testing laboratory.
B8 Adhesive Compatibility
For aluminum extrusions that will be utilized for adhesive bonded applications, supplier shall submit aluminum
extrusions samples to GM materials engineer for adhesive compatibility testing per GMW16549 adhesive
compatibility test method. Extrusions may require pre-treatment processing per GMW16721 prior to adhesive
compatibility evaluation.
B9 Dimensional Measurements
Extrusion supplier shall submit cross section schematic diagram showing nominal dimensions and ± tolerance
of walls, webs, flanges and radii. Extrusion supplier shall submit wall, web, flange and radii dimensional
measurement data from an extrusion sample taken from the rear of production or inspection lot. Extrusion
supplier shall report measurements to the nearest 0.0X mm, type of dimensional measurement instrument used,
and dimensional measurement instrument manufacturer and model number. Extrusion supplier shall submit
dimensional measurement data for extrusion die dimensional modifications and new extrusion dies.
Note 1
Table B1: Prototype, PPAP, GP-12/Safe Launch, and Production Product Test Matrix
Sample Size/Frequency
Process Measurement GP-12/ Production
Prototype PPAP Note 2 Note 3
Safe Launch
Each production Each production Each production Each production
Chemistry Percentages
or inspection lot or inspection lot or inspection lot or inspection lot
(by weight)
2 samples 2 samples
1 sample 1 sample
(front and rear) (front and rear)
As-received per production or per production or
per production or per production or
inspection lot inspection lot
Mechanical inspection lot inspection lot
Properties 2 samples 2 samples
Post E-coat and (front and rear) (front and rear)
Not required Not required
Paint Bake per production or per production or
inspection lot inspection lot
1 sample
Microstructure Not required per production or Not required Not required
inspection lot
2 samples
2 samples
Longitudinal (front and rear) 1 sample 1 sample
(front and rear)
Weld Seam per production or per production or per production or
per production or
Integrity Test inspection lot Note inspection lot inspection lot
inspection lot 4
Weld Seam Longitudinal
Each hollow
Integrity Weld Seam Each hollow
extrusion part
Location and extrusion part
number or part Not required Not required
Test Cell number or part
Schematic numbers supplied
Zinc Phosphate
and/or Nano Crystal Size, 1 sample
Ceramic Morphology and Not required per production or Not required Not required
Conversion Coating Weight inspection lot
Coating Analysis
1 sample
Adhesive Bonded Joint
Not required per production or Not required Not required
Compatibility Strength and
inspection lot
Separation Mode
Wall, Web,
1 sample 1 sample 1 sample 1 sample
Extrusion Flange and Radii
from rear of from rear of from rear of from rear of
Dimensional Dimensional
production or production or production or production or
Measurements Measurement
inspection lot inspection lot inspection lot inspection lot
Note 1: Product Test Matrix deviation requests shall be approved by GM supplier quality engineer.
Note 2: PPAP test results shall be provided to GM supplier quality engineer and GM materials engineer.
Note 3: Supplier shall maintain records on chemistry, as-received mechanical properties and longitudinal weld seam test results for
production shipment lots.
Note 4: Supplier shall provide longitudinal seam weld tested samples to GM materials engineer.
Note: For specific details refer to ISO 8493, Metallic Materials–Tube–Drift Expanding Test.
Figure B2: Flare/Drift Test Method Schematic Diagram