A New Species of Cnemidophorus From The Jalapa o
A New Species of Cnemidophorus From The Jalapa o
A New Species of Cnemidophorus From The Jalapa o
Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade de Braslia, 70910-900 Braslia, DF, Brazil 2 Departamento de Genetica e Morfologia, Universidade de Braslia, 70910-900 Braslia, DF, Brazil 3 Departamento de Sistematica e Ecologia, Centro de Ciencias Exatas e da Natureza, Universidade Federal de Paraba, Cidade Universitaria Castelo Branco, 58000-000 Joao Pessoa, PB, Brazil ABSTRACT: The Cerrado is one of the richest tropical savannas and is considered a biodiversity hotspot. It is estimated that, at the current rate of loss, the ecosystem will disappear by the year 2030. The number of new species being discovered in the Cerrado has increased linearly, especially over the last 50 years. We describe a new species of Cnemidophorus from the Jalapao region, in the northern Cerrado biome, Brazil. Linear discriminant analyses and a nave Bayesian model indicated that a combination of meristic counts (femoral pores, scales around tail, prefemorals, dorsals, and supralabials) and categorical variables derived from pholidosis and coloration clearly distinguish the new species from its congeners. The new species is apparently parapatric with C. mumbuca, the two species occurring on opposite banks of the Novo River. The two species are ecologically and morphologically similar, sharing a small body size, a fixed clutch size of a single egg, and a small number of femoral pores. The new species is apparently endemic to the Jalapao region, in the northern portion of the Cerrado biome. Its small size and restricted geographic range are consistent with findings from Cerrado anurans that undescribed species tend to be small and have reduced ranges. These results highlight the urgency of biotic surveys in Cerrado in face of its accelerated pace of destruction. Key words: Brazil; Cerrado; Cnemidophorus; Conservation; Lizards; Teiidae
THE CERRADO biome originally covered approximately 2,000,000 km2 and is the largest woodland-savanna region in South America (AbSaber, 1977; Da Silva and Bates, 2002; Eiten, 1972; Oliveira and Marquis, 2002; Ratter et al., 1978). While conservation agencies are primarily concerned with the Amazon and Atlantic Forests, more than half of the Cerrados original expanse has been converted to agriculture usage during the last 35 years (Marris, 2005). With less than 5% of the Cerrado being conserved in protected areas (Fonseca et al., 2004), it is estimated that, at the current rate of loss, the ecosystem will disappear by the year 2030 (Machado et al., 2004). The Cerrado is one of the richest tropical savannas and has high levels of endemism (Oliveira and Marquis, 2002). Given its uncommon rates of habitat loss and exceptional levels of endemism, the Cerrado is considered a biodiversity hotspot (Mittermeier et al., 2004; Myers et al., 2000). Earlier papers depicted the Cerrado herpetofauna as
species-poor, of low endemicity, and sharing a recent evolutionary history with the Caatinga of northeastern Brazil (Vanzolini, 1976, 1988; Vitt, 1991; Vitt and Caldwell, 1993). Recent studies, however, indicate high levels of richness and endemism of the Cerrado herpetofauna, both at the regional and local levels (Colli et al., 2002; Nogueira et al., 2005), and closer historical affinities with open vegetation provinces of meridional South America (Colli, 2005). The number of new species being discovered in the Cerrado has increased linearly, especially over the last 50 years, and description dates are negatively correlated with body size and geographical range size, such that species yet to be discovered tend to be smallbodied and with narrow distributions (DinizFilho et al., 2005). In addition, recent discoveries tend to occur in more densely populated regions, which are better surveyed for overall biodiversity. In contrast, less populated regions, especially in the northern the Cerrado, are currently occupied by widely distributed species that were described earli-
er, usually elsewhere in South America (Diniz-Filho et al., 2005). Costa et al. (2007) predicted that the northern portion of Cerrado, including the Brazilian states of Ma ranhao, Piau, and Tocantins, would bear a high richness of squamates. Currently, there are 21 described species in the lizard genus Cnemidophorus (sensu Reeder et al., 2002), which can be arranged into four species complexes: lemniscatus, ocellifer, lacertoides, and longicaudus. The lemniscatus complex is found in open areas of Amazonia and comprises three bisexual [C. lemniscatus (Linnaeus 1758), C. gramivagus McCrystal and Dixon 1987, and C. arenivagus Markezich 1997] and two parthenogenetic species (C. cryptus Cole and Dessauer 1993 and C. pseudolemniscatus Cole and Dessauer 1993). Four species of Cnemidophorus occur in the Lesser Antilles near Venezuela [C. murinus (Laurenti 1768), C. arubensis Lidth de Jeude 1887, C. vanzoi Baskin and Williams 1966, and C. nigricolor Peters 1873], being apparently related to the lemniscatus complex (Sites et al., 1990; Reeder et al., 2002). The ocellifer complex comprises six species, including the widespread C. ocellifer (Spix 1825), which ranges from the Brazilian northeast to Argentina (Vanzolini et al., 1980; Tio Vallejo and Mirea, 1984), and five other species with small ranges in Brazil, C. nativo Rocha et al. 1997, C. littoralis Rocha et al. 2000, C. abaetensis Dias et al. 2002, C. mumbuca Colli et al. 2003a, and C. parecis Colli et al. 2003b, found, respec tively, at Linhares (Esprito Santo state), Barra de Marica (Rio de Janeiro), Salvador (Bahia), Mateiros (Tocantins), and Vilhena (Rondonia). Among them, only C. nativo is unisexual (Rocha et al., 1997). The lacertoides complex, regarded as lacertoides group by Cei (1993), comprises four species: C. lacertoides Du meril and Bibron 1839, from Argentina, Uruguay, and southern Brazil (Peters and Donoso-Barros, 1970); C. vacariensis Feltrim and Lema 2000, from Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil (Stahnke et al., 2006); C. leachei Peracca 1897, from the Jujuy province of Argentina (Cei and Scrocchi 1991); and C. serranus Cei and Martori 1991, from Cordoba, Argentina. Finally, the longicaudus complex includes two species, C. longicaudus (Bell
1843) and C. tergolaevigatus Cabrera 2004, the southernmost members of the genus, being restricted almost exclusively to the Monte Desert region of southern and western Argentina (Cabrera, 2004; Yoke et al., 2006). As a result of a series of herpetological surveys o in the Jalapa region, Tocantins state, in northern Cerrado, we discovered an undescribed species of Cnemidophorus, apparently closely related to C. mumbuca that inhabits the same region (Colli et al., 2003b), which we herein describe. MATERIALS AND METHODS We collected lizards with shotguns, rubber bands, and pitfall traps with drift fences in o December 1999 and June 2003 in the Jalapa region, in the municipality of Ponte Alta do Tocantins, close to the city of Mateiros (10u 329 46.690 S, 46u 259 13.200 W), Tocantins state, Brazil (Fig. 1). The vegetation in the study area consists of an open and low cerrado (cerrado ralo) on sandy soils. For a detailed description of the study site see Colli et al. (2003b), Vitt et al. (2007), and Mesquita et al. (2006). We took the following measurements from each lizard: body mass (with PesolaTM spring scales, to the nearest 0.1 g); snoutvent and tail length (with a metal ruler, to the nearest 1 mm); body width and height (these and the following measurements with MitutoyoTM digital calipers, to the nearest 0.01 mm); head width, height, and length; and forelimb and hindlimb length. From a total of 510 measurements we recorded (10 measurements recorded on each of 51 lizards), 33 were missing observations (6.47%), which resulted from damage caused by collecting with dust shot. In multivariate analyses, a missing observation of a single variable results in dropping the whole case (i.e., individual lizard). To avoid simply deleting entire rows of data, which results in loss of information, missing observations can be estimated using imputation, maximum likelihood, or a combination of the two methods (Tabachnick and Fidell, 2001; Quinn and Keough, 2002). We replaced missing observations using multiple imputation based on additive regression, bootstrapping, and predictive mean matching (Rubin, 1996; Van Buuren et al., 2006) implemented with the aregIm-
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FIG. 1.Map of Jalapao region indicating the sites of collection of Cnemidophorus jalapensis and C. mumbuca.
pute command of the Hmisc package of R v. 2.7.0 (R Development Core Team, 2008) with the following options: n.impute 5 10 (number of multiple imputations) and nk 5 5 (number of knots to use for continuous variables). We obtained detailed ecological data of 32 lizards, collected from 1030 to 1715 h. From each lizard we took cloacal, substrate, and air temperatures (at 5 cm above ground and at chest height) at the time of capture, with Miller & WeberTM cloacal thermometers. We also recorded microhabitat used when each lizard was first sighted and after being approached by the observer. We used a stepwise multiple regression, based on the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) and the both mode of stepwise search, to select the best linear model relating environmental temperatures predictors to cloacal temperature with R v 2.7.0 (R Development Core Team, 2008). We determined the sex of 51 lizards by dissection and direct examination of gonads, and evaluated whether the sex ratio differed significantly from 1:1 using a chi-square test. We characterized females as reproductive based on the presence of vitellogenic follicles or oviductal eggs, and males as reproductive
based on enlarged testes and convoluted epididymides. We considered the simultaneous presence of enlarged vitellogenic follicles and either oviductal eggs or corpora lutea as evidence for the sequential production of more than one clutch during the season. We estimated size at maturity for females based on the smallest individual containing vitellogenic follicles or oviductal eggs and, for males, based on the smallest individual bearing enlarged testes and convoluted epididymides. We analyzed stomach contents of 34 lizards, identifying prey items to the level of Order. We recorded the length and width (to the nearest 0.01 mm) of intact items and estimated prey volume (V) as an ellipsoid. We calculated the numeric and volumetric percentages of each prey category for pooled stomachs and for individual stomachs. To determine the relative contribution of each prey category, we calculated an importance index for pooled stomachs as the mean of percentage of prey occurrence (F%), numeric percentage (N%), and volumetric percentage (V%). For individual stomachs, we averaged the mean numeric and mean volumetric percentage of each prey category.
For comparisons, we used data on Cnemidophorus parecis, C. littoralis, C. mumbuca, and C. ocellifer housed in the Colecao Herpetologica da Universidade de Braslia (CHUNB) (Appendix 1). We selected these species, all belonging to the ocellifer complex, because the new species clearly belongs to this complex, characterized by a reduced number of femoral pores, absence of anal spurs, and presence of granular scales on supraorbital semicircles (Colli et al., 2003b; Dias et al., 2002). We recorded the following meristic variables for each specimen: supralabials (number of enlarged scales along the upper jaw, total on both sides), infralabials (number of enlarged scales along the lower jaw, total on both sides), chinshields (most anterior pair of chinshields separated from infralabials by row of small scales), supraoculars (number of supraoculars on right side), parietals (number of parietals plus interparietal scale), scales around midbody (counted midway between fore- and hindlimbs, excluding ventrals), transverse rows of ventrals (counted along the midline, from gular fold to anterior margin of hindlimbs), ventrals in transverse row (counted midway between fore- and hindlimbs), femoral pores (total number on both sides), prefemorals (number of enlarged scales on anterior aspect of thigh, counted midway between the hip and the knee, on a row from femoral pores to granules on dorsal aspect of thigh), rows of prefemorals (counted from hip to knee), rows of infratibials (number of enlarged scales on longitudinal row, from knee to base of first metatarsal), preanals (number of enlarged scales on preanal plate, from level of medialmost femoral pores to vent), fourth finger lamellae (counted under the finger), fourth toe lamellae (counted under the toe), scales around tail (counted on fifth transverse row), and dorsals (counted along the midline, from occiput to first transverse row of scales around tail). From a total of 9163 measures we recorded (17 meristic variables recorded on 539 lizards), 374 were missing observations (4.08%), which resulted from damage caused by collecting with dust shot. We replaced missing observations using multiple imputation, as described above, using the aregImpute command of the Hmisc package of R v. 2.7.0
(R Development Core Team, 2008) with the following options: n.impute 5 10 (number of multiple imputations), nk 5 3 (number of knots to use for continuous variables), and match 5 closest (using as donor the observation having the closest predicted transformed value). We used a discriminant function analysis to investigate differences among species in meristic variables (Tabachnick and Fidell, 2001). To identify the most powerful discriminators of the species of Cnemidophorus, we employed a stepwise discriminant function analysis (Tabachnick and Fidell, 2001), using the stepclass command of the klaR package of R v. 2.7.0, using 100-fold cross-validated correctness rate (Tabachnick and Fidell, 2001). We evaluated linear discriminant functions based on 100-fold cross-validated correctness rate, using the errorest command of the ipred package of R v. 2.7.0 (R Development Core Team, 2008). We also recorded the following categorical variables: lower lateral fields (LLF, one on each side, area between ventral scales and lower lateral stripes: absent, light, spotted, or dark), upper lateral fields (ULF, one on each side, area between upper lateral and dorsolateral stripes: absent, light, spotted, or dark), dorsolateral fields (DLF, one on each side, dark area between dorsolateral and paravertebral stripes: absent, light, spotted, or dark), vertebral fields (VTF, one on each side, middorsal area between paravertebral stripes: absent, light, spotted, or dark), vertebral line (VTL, light stripe from interparietal scale to base of tail: absent, interrupted [not reaching the interparietal scale or the base of tail]), continuous [complete from interparietal scale to base of tail], or double), paravertebral stripes (PVS, one on each side, light stripe from parietal scale to first third of tail, between vertebral and dorsolateral fields: absent, interrupted, or continuous), dorsolateral stripes (DLS, one on each side, light stripe from superciliaries to first third of tail, between dorsolateral and upper lateral fields: absent, interrupted, or continuous), upper lateral stripes (ULS, one on each side, light stripe from suborbital region to hindlimb, between upper and lower lateral fields: absent, interrupted, or continuous), lower
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lateral stripes (LLS, one on each side, light stripe from axilla to hip, between lower lateral field and ventrals: absent, interrupted, or continuous), lateral spots (LTS, rounded light areas on flanks: absent, present), hindlimb spots (HLS, rounded light areas on hindlimbs: absent, present), chinshield contact (CHS, degree of contact between most anterior pair of chinshields: no contact, contact smaller than half of their lengths, or contact greater than half of their lengths), semicircles (SMC, degree of contact between supraoculars and medial head scales: no contact, no contact with semicircles isolating first supraocular, supraoculars contacting frontal and parietals, supraoculars contacting frontal, supraoculars contacting parietals), dorsal caudals (DCA, keels on dorsal, caudal scales, from most anterior third of tail: absent, present), ventral caudals (VCA, keels on ventral, caudal scales, from most anterior third of tail: absent, present), and preanal spur (PAS: absent, present). To model the conditional dependencies of each categorical variable within each species, we constructed a nave Bayesian model using the software UNBARB (Wagner T. da Silva, personal communication). In this model, the variable species influences the chance of the occurrence of states of each categorical variable, assuming that categorical variables are conditionally independent for a given species and that the joint distribution of all variables satisfies the following: k PS,C1 , ,Ck ~ P PCi jS PS,
where S is species, C is a categorical variable, P(Ci|S) is the posterior probability of Ci given S, and P(S) is the prior probability of S (Cowell et al., 1999). We estimated P(S) and P(Ci|S) using Bayesian statistics (Bernardo and Smith, 2000; DeGroot, 1970) and the software Hugin Lite v. 5.3 (Jensen and Nielsen, 1999). Throughout the text we report means 61 SD. SPECIES DESCRIPTION Cnemidophorus jalapensis sp. nov. Holotype.CHUNB 35651 (Figs. 2, 3), adult male, from cerrado vegetation adjacent
to Cachoeira da Velha (10u 189 S, 46u 579 W), Ponte Alta do Tocantins municipality, Tocantins state, Brazil, elevation 345 m, collected on 22 June 2003 by Frederico G. R. Franc a. Paratypes.(50) All specimens from Ponte Alta do Tocantins municipality, Tocantins state, Brazil. CHUNB 1257512608, from cerrado vegetation adjacent to Cachoeira da Velha, collected on 58 December 1999 by Daniel O. Mesquita); CHUNB 35653, 35694, 35697, from grasslands (campos) at Serra da Muricoca (10u 259 S, 47u 069 W, elevation 425 m), collected on 22 June 2003 by Frederico G. R. Franc CHUNB 35658, 35696, from a; grassland (campo) adjacent to Cachoeira da Velha (10u 169 S, 46u 539 W, elevation 313 m), collected on 19 and 21 June 2003, by Frederico G. R. Franc CHUNB 356512, a; 356547, 35688, 356923, 35695, 35699700, from cerrado vegetation adjacent to Cachoeira da Velha, collected on 18, 21, and 22 June 2003, by Frederico G. R. Franca. Diagnosis.A species of Cnemidophorus belonging to the ocellifer complex and distinguished from all other members by the following combination of characters: (1) small size, maximum SVL 56 mm, mean SVL 49.31 6 5.49 mm, n 5 51; (2) 1116 femoral pores; (3) 1926 scales around tail; (4) 2237 fourth toe lamellae; (5) paravertebral stripes interrupted; (6) dorsolateral stripes continuous; (7) lateral spots absent; (8) hindlimb spots absent; (9) preanal spur absent; (10) ventral caudals smooth; (11) dorsal caudals keeled; and (12) gular region and ventrolateral aspect of head and body lime-green. Cnemidophorus jalapensis differs from C. mumbuca in having 11 16 femoral pores (1420 in C. mumbuca), dorsolateral stripes continuous (interrupted, not reaching supraciliary region), lateral spots absent (present in males), hind limb spots absent (present), and gular region and ventrolateral aspect of head lime-green (immaculate). Cnemidophorus jalapensis differs from C. littoralis in having 2429 ventral rows (30 38 in C. littoralis), 1116 femoral pores (28 36), 200250 dorsals (168191), 1926 scales around tail (2534), 68 ventrals in transverse row (810), and gular region and ventrolateral aspect of head and body lime-green (light blue or white). Cnemidophorus jalapensis differs from C. ocellifer in having 1116 femoral
FIG. 2.Cnemidophorus jalapensis, holotype, CHUNB 35651, adult male, SVL 53 mm. (A) lateral view of head; (B) preanal plate and femoral pores at each side; (C) dorsal view of the head; (D) ventral view of the head.
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FIG. 3.A: Adult male of Cnemidophorus jalapensis (Photo by FGRF). B: Adult male of C. mumbuca (Photo by GRC). Note differences in coloration and stripe patterns (see text for details).
pores (1628 in C. ocellifer), lateral spots absent (present in most individuals), gular region lime-green (immaculate), ventrolateral aspect of head lime-green (brownish), and ventrolateral aspect of body lime-green (brownish [females] or green [adult males]). Cnemidophorus jalapensis differs from C. parecis in having 1116 femoral pores (25 33), 1926 scales around tail (3447), 02 pairs of chinshields not in contact with infralabials (13 in C. parecis), 2429 ventral rows (2935), 68 ventrals in transverse row (810), 46 prefemorals (512), 810 rows of prefemorals (1014), paravertebral stripes interrupted (absent in C. parecis), gular region lime-green (yellowish), and ventrolateral aspect of body lime-green (brownish [females] or blue [adult males]). Cnemidophorus jalapensis differs from C. abaetensis in having 1116 femoral pores (2130 in C. abaetensis, Dias et al., 2002), 2429 transverse rows of ventrals (2935), 1218 fourth finger lamellae (1621), dorsal aspect of tail brownish (bright blue green to emerald green), smaller body size (maximum SVL 72 mm), dorsal tail stripe absent (bright green dorsal tail stripe), and gular region and ventrolateral aspect of head and body lime-green (immaculate). Cnemidophorus jalapensis differs from C. nativo in having 1116 femoral pores (22 26 in C. nativo, Rocha et al., 1997), 2429 ventral rows (2932), brownish dorsum (black with a faint middorsal stripe), 68 ventrals in a transverse row (8), smaller body size (maximum 69 mm), and gular region and ventrolateral aspect of head lime-green (light blue). Description of holotype.Adult male, 53.45 mm SVL, 104.08 mm complete tail length, 4.0 g total mass (preserved specimen), rostral pentagonal, as higher as tall, visible from above, bordered posteriorly by nasals and first supralabials. Nasals in contact along midline, each nasal divided by an oblique suture. Nostril in lower part of suture, directed postero-superiorly, higher than wide. Frontonasal sub-elliptical, suture with nasals and prefrontals forming a semicircle. Prefrontals pentagonal, with medial suture approximately twice as long as that between nasals, in contact laterally with nasal, loreal and first supraocular. Frontal approximately pentagonal, longer than wide, and wider anteriorly, with incom-
plete, medial suture in anterior portion. Suture with prefrontals sub-elliptical, with frontoparietals approximately straight. Frontal in contact with first supraocular, but separated from second and third supraoculars by row of small scales. Frontoparietals pentagonal, longer than wide, with long, straight medial suture; separated from supraoculars by row of small scales; sutures with interparietal straight. Interparietal sub-hexagonal, bordered at each side by sub-pentagonal parietals. Occipital scales irregular and variable in size. Four supraoculars on each side, second and third largest, followed posteriorly by group of small scales. First in contact with loreal, prefrontal, frontal, and first supraciliary. Second, third, and fourth supraoculars separated from first supraocular, supraciliaries, frontal, frontoparietal, and parietal by row of small scales. Five supraciliaries on each side, first and second largest, others sub-equal. Loreal single, large, in contact with nasal, prefrontal, first supraocular, first supraciliary, frenocular, first subocular, and third and fourth supralabials. Frenocular narrow, higher than wide, in contact with first subocular, loreal, and small scales in ocular region. Three suboculars on right side, second largest; four suboculars on left side, third largest; all in contact with supralabials. A continuous keel runs from frenocular to second subocular on right side and from frenocular to third subocular on left side. Postoculars small, arranged in 45 rows. Lower eyelid with semi-opaque disc, formed by transversally enlarged, convex scales. Six enlarged supralabials on right side, sixth below center of eye; seven enlarged supralabials on left side, seventh below center of eye; followed on both sides by series of small scales extending to commissure of mouth. Temporal region with irregular scales, granular centrally, moderately enlarged peripherally. Ear opening large, sub-circular, with smooth margins, anterior margin forming a semicircle, posterior margin straight. Tympanum recessed in a short auditory meatus. All dorsal and lateral head scales juxtaposed, smooth (except for keeled frenoculars and suboculars). Symphysal anteriorly ellipsoid, posteriorly in contact with first infralabials and postsymphysal, forming two wide angles. Postsymphy-
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sal single, pentagonal, in contact with first, second, and third infralabials on right side, and first and second infralabials on left side; followed by five pairs of enlarged chinshields. First pair of chinshields in ample contact along midline; first and fourth pairs in contact with infralabials on right side, first, fourth, and fifth on left side; second and third pairs separated from infralabials by row of small scales; followed posteriorly by enlarged scales. Medial scales on chin small, smooth, elongate, arranged in longitudinal, posteriorly divergent rows; increasing in size and becoming roundish posteriorly. Six infralabials on right side, sixth below center of eye; five infralabials on left side, fifth below center of eye; followed posteriorly by series of small scales extending to commissure of mouth; first infralabials smallest. Gular region divided in two areas: anterior region with enlarged, round scales, in transverse rows, delimited posteriorly by line uniting lower margin of ear openings; posterior region covered with granules, in transverse rows, bordered posteriorly by antegular fold. Gular and antegular folds marked by granules; scales between the two folds larger, increasing in size posteriorly, irregular, slightly imbricate. Scales on nape and sides of neck similar to dorsals. Dorsals and scales on flanks granular, rounded, smooth, sub-imbricate; 206 scales from nape to base of tail; 109 scales in transverse row around midbody (excluding ventrals). Ventrals large, smooth, rectangular (wider than long), imbricate, in 25 transverse rows; 8 ventral scales in transverse rows across midbody. Ventral scales separated from scales on flanks by row of moderately large scales. Preanal plate with three rows of enlarged scales, surrounded laterally by small scales. Preanal spurs absent. Femoral pores in a continuous row along each thigh, medially with a short gap; 7 pores on right side, 7 pores on left side. Scales on base of tail rectangular, smaller than ventrals, in transverse rows; keeled dorsally, smooth ventrally. All transverse rows continuous around tail, except first three incomplete ventrally. Tail scales becoming longer and narrower posteriorly; subcaudal scales becoming keeled posteriorly. Limbs with large, smooth, imbricate scales on dorsal
aspect of upper arms, antero-dorsal aspect of forearms, antero-ventral aspect of thighs, and ventral aspect of lower legs; elsewhere scales small, granular. Larger scales on upper arms in longitudinal rows. Forearms with one row of enlarged scales that become divided posteriorly, wider than long. Anterior scales on thigh decreasing in size proximally. Lower legs with two rows of enlarged, hexagonal scales. Ventral aspect of hands and feet granular; one enlarged tubercle at base of pollex. Sub-digital lamellae single; lamellae under left fourth finger 18, under right fourth finger 17; under left fourth toe 26; under right fourth toe 27. Color in life.Head brownish green dorsally, lime-green laterally; labial region and ventral aspect of head lime-green (Fig. 3). Dorsum, dorsal aspect of tail, hindlimbs, and forearms brownish. Tip of the tail reddish brown. Lower flanks, and lateralmost longitudinal rows of ventrals lime-green. Remainder of belly, anterior aspect of thighs, proximal aspect of lower legs, and ventral aspect of limbs and tail immaculate. Paravertebral stripes light brown, interrupted, from tail base to shoulders, separated from dorsolateral stripes by dark brown dorsolateral fields. Dorsolateral stripes light brown, complete, from behind supraciliary region to first third of tail (Fig. 4), separated from upper lateral stripes by dark brown upper lateral fields. Upper lateral stripes lime-green, continuous from suborbital region to hip, separated from lower lateral stripes by brown lower lateral fields. Lower lateral stripes lime-green, interrupted, extending from axilla to mid-body. Upper lateral fields broader than dorsolateral fields; lower lateral fields thinnest. Color in fixative (stored in 70% ethanol, after preservation in 10% formalin).Head brownish dorsally, bluish white laterally; labial regions and ventral aspect of head bluish white. Dorsum brownish, dorsal aspect of tail bluish brown. Belly bluish white; ventral aspect of tail, forelimbs, and hindlimbs immaculate. Stripes bluish white and fields dark brown or black. Variation.Sexes are not dimorphic in adult color pattern, and juveniles of both sexes resemble adults. Variation in meristic characters is summarized in Table 1. Based on
FIG. 4.Dorsal coloration patterns in five species of Cnemidophorus from Brazil. (A) C. littoralis, CHUNB 08308; (B) C. ocellifer, CHUNB 12964; (C) C. parecis, CHUNB 11652, (D) C. mumbuca, CHUNB 28466; (E) C. jalapensis, CHUNB 35651.
the coefficient of variation, chinshields (0.41) and preanals (0.27) were the most variable characters among individuals, whereas dorsals (0.05) and transverse rows of ventrals (0.05) were the least variable. Variation in body mass and morphometric variables is summarized in Table 2. Even though males were significantly heavier than females (F1,49 5 9.20, P 5 0.004), there was no sexual dimorphism based on the morphometric variables taken simultaneously (MANOVA, Pillais trace 5 0.30, P 5 0.06). Etymology.The name jalapensis refers to the Jalapao region in northern Cerrado, com prising the municipalities of Alto Parnaba, Lizarda, Mateiros, Novo Acordo, Ponte Alta lix do Tocantins, and Sao Fe do Tocantins. The region contains some of the largest tracts of undisturbed, continuous Cerrado in Brazil, most of which are protected in the Jalapao State Park, the Serra Geral do Tocantins Ecological Station, and the Nascentes do Parnaba National Park (Fig. 1). The name of the region apparently
originated from the vine Operculina macrocarpa (Linn.) Urb. (Convolvulaceae), commonly known as Jalapa-do-Brasil. Distribution and ecology.Known only from the type-locality (Fig. 1), Cnemidophorus jalapensis is the most abundant lizard species in the sandy cerrados in Ponte Alta do Tocantins, on the left bank of the Novo River, a tributary of the Sono River, which, in turn, is a tributary of the Tocantins River. Other common lizard species at the typelocality are the tropidurid Tropidurus oreadicus, the gecko Gymnodactylus amarali, the skink Mabuya heathi, the teiid Ameiva ameiva, and the gymnophthalmids Micrablepharus maximiliani and Vanzosaura rubricauda (Mesquita et al., 2006; Vitt et al., 2007). Cnemidophorus mumbuca, apparently a close relative, has only been recorded in the study region on the right bank of the Novo River, and it does not occur in sympatry with C. jalapensis (Fig. 1). Like C. mumbuca, C. jalapensis is most common in open habitats
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(1114) (1015) (13) (45) (25) (96127) (2935) (810) (2533) (512) (1014) (812) (45) (1319) (2331) (3447) (190252) Supralabials 12.71 6 0.99 Infralabials 10.39 6 0.77 Chinshields 1.58 6 0.64 Supraoculars 3.98 6 0.24 Parietals 3.17 6 0.50 Scales around midbody 104.04 6 7.91 Transverse rows of ventrals 25.96 6 1.19 Ventrals in transverse row 7.51 6 0.85 Femoral pores 13.35 6 1.09 Prefemorals 4.45 6 0.61 Rows of prefemorals 9.08 6 0.63 Rows of infratibials 8.64 6 0.69 Preanals 3.21 6 0.87 Fourth finger lamellae 15.49 6 1.41 Fourth toe lamellae 26.63 6 2.33 Scales around tail 22.72 6 1.39 Dorsals 225.96 6 10.99 (1016) (912) (02) (35) (35) (91122) (2429) (68) (1116) (46) (810) (710) (39) (1218) (2237) (1926) (200250) 14.03 6 1.16 10.33 6 0.67 1.30 6 0.56 3.99 6 0.15 4.56 6 1.05 101.05 6 5.73 27.03 6 1.00 8.00 6 0.07 16.66 6 1.27 4.90 6 0.67 9.49 6 0.68 8.10 6 0.39 3.01 6 0.09 16.26 6 0.98 27.36 6 1.68 22.61 6 1.42 229.57 6 14.01 (1218) (913) (02) (35) (37) (91117) (2429) (68) (1420) (47) (812) (79) (34) (1319) (2432) (1927) (194271) 14.79 10.59 1.02 4.00 4.20 109.98 31.87 8.28 32.58 7.16 11.24 10.46 3.54 18.85 32.81 28.69 174.86 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 0.99 0.80 0.14 0.20 0.83 5.17 1.38 0.48 1.76 1.08 1.25 1.35 0.46 1.95 1.76 1.93 4.04 (1317) (1013) (12) (35) (35) (96123) (3038) (810) (2836) (411) (814) (613) (35) (1624) (2937) (2534) (168191) 12.70 6 0.99 10.89 6 1.08 1.14 6 0.39 3.88 6 0.33 4.34 6 0.86 98.15 6 8.43 27.70 6 1.10 7.97 6 0.30 19.95 6 1.98 6.11 6 0.87 9.46 6 0.81 8.75 6 0.77 3.18 6 0.40 16.60 6 1.36 30.91 6 2.42 25.75 6 1.66 225.26 6 10.50 (1116) (1014) (02) (34) (35) (81141) (2531) (58) (1628) (48) (811) (710) (35) (1320) (2438) (2130) (203260) 12.10 6 0.35 12.50 6 1.01 2.04 6 0.30 4.01 6 0.10 4.19 6 0.82 110.40 6 5.85 32.07 6 0.97 9.84 6 0.49 28.75 6 1.41 8.65 6 1.06 11.46 6 0.81 10.44 6 0.70 4.23 6 0.42 15.59 6 0.90 26.52 6 1.61 40.30 6 2.04 216.26 6 10.75
with sandy soil, with apparent density diminishing as vegetation density increases. All 32 individuals observed were on open ground when first sighted, but 25 (78.1%) fled under shrubs and only seven (21.9%) remained on open ground after being approached by the observer. Thirty individuals (93.7%) were moving and two (6.3%) were still when first sighed, but all individuals performed a short run and remained still, following the approach of the observer. Twenty-two (68.8%) individuals were under direct sunlight when first sighted, one (3.1%) was in a shaded spot, and 9 (28.1%) were in filtered sun. Body temperatures of 32 active individuals averaged 37.0 6 1.8 C (mean 6 SD); substrate temperatures associated with lizards averaged 34.4 6 3.4 C; air temperatures at 5 cm above ground averaged 33.1 6 2.6 C; and air temperatures at chest height averaged 32.4 6 2.1 C. On average, lizard body temperatures were 2.6 6 3.0 C higher than substrate temperatures and 3.9 6 2.2 C higher than air temperatures at 5 cm. The stepwise multiple regression indicated that substrate temperature and air temperature at 5 cm above ground were the best predictors, explaining about 40% of the variation in lizard body temperatures (AIC 5 26.39, r2 5 0.39, F2,29 5 9.30, P ,, 0.001), but only air temperature at 5 cm above ground had a significant coefficient (estimate 5 1.01, t 5 2.88, P 5 0.007). We examined reproductive data of 51 individuals of Cnemidophorus jalapensis, consisting of 25 females and 26 males. The sexratio was not significantly different from 1:1 (x2 % 0, df 5 1, P % 1). The smallest reproductive female measured 50 mm SVL, and the smallest reproductive male measured 44 mm SVL. Among 13 reproductive females, nine contained a single vitellogenic follicle, one contained a single egg, one contained a single corpus luteum, and one contained one egg and one vitellogenic follicle, indicating that females lay multiple clutches during a reproductive season. Thus, clutch size appears to be fixed at one egg. The single oviductal egg we recorded was 15.80 mm long and 7.04 mm wide. Based on the formula for a prolate spheroid, egg volume was 410.02 mm3. The most frequent prey in stomach were spiders, insect larvae, and termites (Table 3).
TABLE 1.Meristic characters of five species of Cnemidophorus. Values indicate x 6 1 SD, with range in parentheses.
C. jalapensis (n 5 51)
C. mumbuca (n 5 229)
C. littoralis (n 5 53)
C. ocellifer (n 5 101)
C. parecis (n 5 108)
TABLE 2.Body mass and morphometric characters of Cnemidophorus jalapensis according to sex. Values indicate x 6 1 SD, with range in parentheses.
Character Females (n 5 25) Males (n 5 26)
Body mass (g) Snoutvent length (mm) Tail length (mm) Body width (mm) Body height (mm) Head width (mm) Head height (mm) Head length (mm) Forelimb length (mm) Hindlimb length (mm)
2.62 6 0.86 48.48 6 6.04 114.72 6 13.90 9.07 6 1.65 6.29 6 1.74 7.15 6 0.73 5.79 6 0.80 11.24 6 1.25 16.43 6 1.56 31.63 6 3.54
(1.03.8) (3556) (75130) (6.0813.47) (3.429.97) (5.798.67) (4.157.05) (8.3813.22) (13.0118.50) (22.5336.09)
3.27 6 0.64 50.12 6 4.89 120.38 6 22.87 8.66 6 1.00 6.49 6 0.99 7.52 6 0.74 6.24 6 0.74 11.99 6 1.35 17.24 6 2.21 33.12 6 4.09
(1.24.0) (3656) (81161) (6.5010.50) (4.118.0) (5.748.54) (4.397.64) (8.9413.91) (11.5320.98) (23.1039.52)
Based on the pooled stomach data, termites and spiders were the most numerous prey categories, whereas termites and insect larvae dominated volumetrically. Based on individual stomach means, termites dominated numerically, whereas termites and insect larvae comprised most of the prey volume. The most important prey categories, based on the pooled stomachs, were termites, insect larvae, and spiders; based on individual stomach means, the most important prey categories were termites and insect larvae. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The first two linear discriminant functions explained 81.5% and 14.9%, respectively, of the between-species variability in meristic
variables. The first discriminant function maximally separated three groups of species: one formed by C. parecis, another by C. littoralis, and a third consisting of C. ocellifer, C. mumbuca, and C. jalapensis (Fig. 5). The second discriminant function clearly distinguished C. littoralis from the remaining species (Fig. 5). The correlations (loadings) between predictors and discriminant functions (Table 4) indicate that scales around tail, femoral pores, transverse rows of ventrals, prefemorals, and ventrals in a transverse row are the best predictors for distinguishing among C. parecis, C. littoralis, and the group formed by C. ocellifer, C. mumbuca, and C. jalapensis. Cnemidophorus parecis and C. littoralis, with positive means on the first
TABLE 3.Diet composition of Cnemidophorus jalapensis (n 5 34). F: number of stomachs containing prey item; N: number of prey; IPS: importance index based on pooled stomachs; IIS: importance index based on individual stomachs.
Occurrence Prey categories F %F N Pooled stomachs %N Vol. (mm )
Araneae Coleoptera Diptera Hemiptera Homoptera Hymenoptera Hymenoptera: Formicidae Insect eggs Insect larvae Isoptera Neuroptera Non-identified Orthoptera Orthoptera: Grillidae Solifuga Total
17 8 5 3 6 2 6 1 13 13 9 5 11 2 3
50.00 23.53 14.71 8.82 17.65 5.88 17.65 2.94 38.24 38.24 26.47 14.71 32.35 5.88 8.82
28 9 10 5 7 2 16 1 22 128 16 5 14 2 4 269
10.41 3.35 3.72 1.86 2.60 0.74 5.95 0.37 8.18 47.58 5.95 1.86 5.20 0.74 1.49 100.00
166.77 29.56 20.39 330.62 428.24 0.62 19.14 9.68 711.30 717.71 255.03 215.07 168.63 123.75 3196.52
5.22 0.92 0.64 10.34 13.40 0.02 0.60 0.30 22.25 22.45 7.98 6.73 5.28 3.87 100.00
0.82 0.26 0.29 0.15 0.21 0.06 0.47 0.03 0.65 3.76 0.47 0.15 0.41
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
1.11 0.51 0.94 0.50 0.48 0.24 1.11 0.17 0.98 8.97 1.16 0.36 0.66
4.91 0.87 0.60 9.72 12.6 0.02 0.56 0.28 20.92 21.11 7.50
6 6 6 6 6 6
8.34 21.88 3.13 9.27 1.73 6.35 32.73 7.01 33.13 11.22 0.11 2.22 1.94 8.06 1.66 1.21 41.73 22.89 56.47 36.09 21.07 13.47 5.52 21.26 14.76 3.97 4.73
2.86 0.57 0.45 0.52 2.51 4.94 6.40 0.04 12.44 10.78 0.07 3.99 3.37 0.16 1.88
6 6 6 6 6 6.33 6
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TABLE 4.Results of linear discriminant analysis of meristic characters pertaining to five species of Cnemidophorus.
Canonical loadings Variable Discriminant function 1 Discriminant function 2
FIG. 5.Scores on the first two canonical discriminant axes based on meristic variables in five species of Cnemidophorus from Brazil south of Amazonia.
discriminant function (Table 4), are characterized by larger counts of scales around tail, femoral pores, transverse rows of ventrals, prefemorals, and ventrals in a transverse row (Table 1). Conversely, C. jalapensis and C. mumbuca have smaller counts of these meristic variables, whereas C. ocellifer has intermediate values (Table 1). In addition, the second discriminant function, mainly influenced by counts of fourth toe lamellae, fourth finger lamellae, and dorsals, clearly set C. littoralis apart from the remaining species. Cnemidophorus littoralis, with a negative mean on the second discriminant function (Table 4), is characterized by larger counts of fourth toe lamellae and fourth finger lamellae, and smaller counts of dorsals (Table 1). With the use of crossvalidation with 100 resamplings to estimate the prediction error, 95.9% of the cases were classified correctly. Most of the prediction error was associated with specimens of C. jalapensis, 14% of which were misclassified as C. mumbuca (Table 5). The stepwise discriminant analysis selected femoral pores (prediction error 5 15.03%) followed by supralabials (9.1%) as the best predictors of the species of Cnemidophorus. To assess whether important predictors were left out due to multicollinearity, we repeated the analysis after the removal of femoral pores. This removal lead to the selection of scales around tail (22.6%) followed by dorsals (17.6%). We repeated the analysis once more, after removing femoral pores and scales around tail, resulting in selection of prefemorals (36.1%) followed by dorsals (22.4%), and supralabials (17.0%). These analyses suggest
Supralabials Infralabials Chinshields Supraoculars Parietals Scales around midbody Transverse rows of ventrals Ventrals in transverse row Femoral pores Prefemorals Rows of prefemorals Rows of infratibials Preanals Fourth finger lamellae Fourth toe lamellae Scales around tail Dorsals
20.319 0.603 0.394 0.087 20.054 0.482 0.901 0.833 0.921 0.870 0.742 0.795 0.723 0.054 0.050 0.944 20.476
20.497 0.327 0.439 0.021 20.072 20.009 20.154 0.326 20.354 0.048 20.098 20.150 0.190 20.630 20.671 0.285 0.649
C. C. C. C. C.
that femoral pores, scales around tail, prefemorals, dorsals, and supralabials are the meristic variables that best discriminate among the species of Cnemidophorus we studied. The nave Bayesian model indicated that Cnemidophorus jalapensis determined high conditional probabilities (. 95%) of seven categorical variables: paravertebral stripes (interrupted), dorsolateral stripes (continuous), lateral spots (absent), hindlimb spots (absent), preanal spur (absent), ventral caudals (smooth), dorsal caudals (keeled) (Table 6). Further, only C. jalapensis determined high conditional probabilities of dorsolateral stripes continuous (Table 6). The absence of lateral spots and hindlimb spots clearly differentiated C. jalapensis from C. mumbuca.
TABLE 5.Classification table from a linear discriminant analysis of meristic characters pertaining to five species of Cnemidophorus.
Species C. jalapensis C. mumbuca C. littoralis C. ocellifer C. parecis % correct
C. jalapensis (n 5 50) C. mumbuca (n 5 229) C. littoralis (n 5 53) C. ocellifer (n 5 99) C. parecis (n 5 108) Total (n 5 539)
43 1 0 0 0 44
7 222 0 4 0 233
0 0 53 0 0 53
0 6 0 95 0 101
0 0 0 0 108 108
Our results revealed a great similarity between Cnemidophorus ocellifer, C. jalapensis, and C. mumbuca, suggesting that the three species may be close relatives. However, a phylogenetic analysis of the species in the lemniscatus group (sensu Wright, 1993) is still wanting (Reeder et al., 2002). In particular, our results suggest greater similarity between Cnemidophorus jalapensis and C. mumbuca, which are apparently parapatric in the Jalapao region, occurring on opposite banks of the Novo River. The two species share, among other characters, a small body size, a fixed clutch size of a single egg, and a small number
of femoral pores. Phylogeographic and genetic population studies are necessary to determine whether the Novo River is an effective geographic barrier to gene flow and to estimate the divergence time between Cnemidophorus jalapensis and C. mumbuca. Cnemidophorus jalapensis is apparently o endemic to the Jalapa region, in the northern portion of the Cerrado biome, and is strongly associated with sandy soils in open habitats, like other congeneric species (e.g., Colli et al., 2003a,b; Magnusson et al., 1986; Rocha et al., 1997, 2000). Other reptile species from the o Jalapa are being described, including new
TABLE 6.Conditional probabilities of states for qualitative characters for four Brazilian species of Cnemidophorus, assuming a nave Bayesian model. Note: values in bold indicate probabilities greater than 95%. D: dark; L: light; Sp: spotted; A: absent; P: present; C: continuous; I: interrupted; K: keeled; S: smooth; IFP: incomplete, supraoculars contacting frontals and parietals; NSS: no contact, with semicircles isolating first supraocular; NC: no contact; .: contact between first pair of chinshields greater than half of their lengths.
Fixed Species Variables C. littoralis C. jalapensis C. mumbuca C. ocellifer C. parecis
Lower lateral fields Upper lateral fields Dorsolateral fields Vertebral field Paravertebral stripes Dorsolateral stripes Upper lateral stripes Lower lateral stripes Vertebral line Lateral spots Hindlimb spots Chinshields Preanal spur Semicircles Ventral caudals Dorsal caudals
L 5 50.88% D 5 92.98% D 5 64.91% D 5 64.91% I 5 96.43% C 5 82.14% C 5 96.43% I I A A A IFP S K 5 66.07% 5 91.07% 5 98.18% 5 98.18% $ 80.36% 5 100% 5 59.62% 5 98.18% 5 98.18%
L 5 85.45% D 5 90.91% D 5 94.55% L 5 90.91% I 5 96.30% C 5 96.30% C 5 94.44% I I A A A NSS S K 5 5 5 5 $ 5 5 5 5 87.04% 94.44% 98.11% 98.11% 64.81% 100% 69.64% 98.11% 98.11%
D 5 62.17% Sp 5 52.17% D 5 64.35% L 5 95.22% I 5 67.25% I 5 98.69% C 5 99.13% I A P P A NSS S K 5 85.59% 5 91.70% 5 67.11% 5 61.84% $ 86.90% 5 100% 5 58.87% 5 99.56% 5 99.56%
L 5 71.43% D 5 48.57% D 5 47.62% L 5 80.00% I 5 61.54% C 5 64.42% C 5 57.69% A A P A A NC S K 5 61.54 5 96.15 5 90.29 5 98.06% $ 98.08% 5 100% 5 51.89% 5 91.26% 5 99.03%
L 5 91.96% L 5 91.07% A 5 96.43% Sp 5 96.43% A 5 98.20% C 5 84.68% C 5 93.69% 5 95.50% 5 98.20% 5 99.09% 5 99.09% $ 46.85% A 5 100% IFP 5 95.58% S 5 99.09% K 5 89.09% I A A A
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species of Anops (Ribeiro et al., 2009), Bachia (Rodrigues et al., 2008), and Kentropyx (Werneck et al., 2009). The northern Cerrado holds some of the largest continuous tracts of native vegetation and is one of the least sampled portions of the biome (Costa et al., 2007). The small size and restricted ranges of C. jalapensis, C. mumbuca, the recently described species of Anops and Bachia, and the undescribed species of Kentropyx corroborate the results of Diniz-Filho et al. (2005), who reported that the number of new species of anurans discovered in the Brazilian Cerrado has increased over the last 50 years, with description dates being negatively correlated with body size and geographical range size. This study highlights the need of herpetofaunal surveys in poorly sampled regions of the Cerrado, to document its richness and endemicity, before it is too late.
Acknowledgments.Field work was supported by Conservacao International do Brasil, Universidade de Braslia. We thank V. S. Braz and A. F. B. de Araujo for assistance with fieldwork, N. S. L. de Souza for drawing the holotype, and R. B. Machado for help preparing Fig. 1. This work was supported by graduate student fellowships from CAPES - Coordenacao de Aperfeicoa mento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior to DOM; from Conselho Nacional do Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnologico-CNPq to LGG and FGRF; by a post-doc fellowship from CNPq to DOM; and by a research fellowship from CNPq to GRC.
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Specimens Examined Cnemidophorus jalapensis (51).BRAZIL: Tocantins: Ponte Alta do Tocantins CHUNB 1257512608, CHUNB 356518, 35692700. Cnemidophorus littoralis (53).BRAZIL: Rio de Ja neiro: Barra de Marica CHUNB 0322803264, 08300 08310, 24110, 24111, 24117, 24867, 24868.
September 2009]
Cnemidophorus mumbuca (228).BRAZIL: Tocantins: Mateiros, CHUNB 28317, 2835028559, 2856128577, 28753. Cnemidophorus ocellifer (101).BRAZIL: Bahia: Ibipeba, CHUNB 0313403139, 03265, 03273, 03274, 03358, 03360, 03369, 03370, 03372, 03375, 03376, 03378, 03401, 03405, 03414, 03421, 08481, 08484, 08485; Irece, CHUNB 03266, 03267, 0326903272, 03359, 0336103368, 03373, 03374, 03377, 03379,
03380, 03382, 0794507956; Lencois, CHUNB 05591; Paulo Afonso, CHUNB 0815508157; Salvador, CHUNB 08138, 08139, 08152; Pernambuco: Buque, CHUNB 23529; Exu, CHUNB 12855, 13590; Petrolina, CHUNB 0340203404, 0340603413, 0341503420, 0342203435, 13614, 24109, 24241. Cnemidophorus parecis (108).BRAZIL: Rondonia: Vilhena, CHUNB 0976209814, 1165111703, 14229, 14230.