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Federal University of Gois, Image Processing and GIS Lab, Campus Samambaia, 74001-970 Goinia, Gois, Brazil
The Woods Hole Research Center, 149 Woods Hole Rd, Falmouth, MA 02540, United States
a r t i c l e
i n f o
Article history:
Received 9 July 2015
Received in revised form 3 February 2016
Accepted 9 February 2016
Land cover and land use
a b s t r a c t
The Brazilian savanna (known as Cerrado) is an upland biome made up of various vegetation types from
herbaceous to arboreal. In this paper, MODIS remote sensing vegetation greenness from the Enhanced
Vegetation Index (EVI) and evapotranspiration (ET) data for the 20002012 period were analyzed to
understand the differences in the net primary productivity (NPP-proxy), carbon, and the evaporative flux
of the major Cerrado natural and anthropic landscapes. The understanding of the carbon and evaporative
fluxes of the main natural and anthropic vegetation types is of fundamental importance in studies regarding the impacts of land cover and land use changes in the regional and global climate. The seasonal
dynamics of EVI and ET of the main natural and anthropic vegetation types of the Cerrado biome were
analyzed using a total of 35 satellite-based samples distributed over representative Cerrado landscapes.
Carbon and water fluxes were estimated for different scenarios, such as, a hypothetical unconverted
Cerrado, 2002 and 2050 scenarios based on values derived from literature and on the PROBIO land cover
and land use map for the Cerrado. The total growing season biomass for 2002 in the Cerrado region was
estimated to be 28 gigatons of carbon and the evapotranspiration was 1336 gigatons of water. The mean
estimated growing season evapotranspiration and biomass for 2002 was 576 Gt of water and 12 Gt of carbon for pasture and croplands compared to 760 Gt of water and 15 Gt of carbon for the Cerrado natural
vegetation. In a modeled future scenario for the year 2050, the ET flux from natural Cerrado vegetation
was 394 Gt less than in 2002 and 991 Gt less than in an unconverted scenario, with only natural vegetation, while the carbon was 8 Gt less than in 2002 and 21 Gt less than in this hypothetical pre-conversion
Cerrado. On the other hand, the sum of the pasture and cropland ET flux increased by 405 Gt in 2050 relative to 2002 and the carbon by 11 Gt of carbon. Given the increasing global demand for agricultural
products and the insufficient protected areas in the Cerrado (with a significant area of remaining native
vegetation in privately owned lands that may be legally deforested), our analyses suggest that potential
future changes to the water and carbon balances are likely to be highly significant in the severely threatened Cerrado biome. On the other hand, our results also suggest that the recovery of degraded pastures
can have a positive impact on climate, due to the higher rates of carbon sequestration and water transfer
to the atmosphere.
2016 International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Inc. (ISPRS). Published by Elsevier
B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
The Brazilian savanna (known as Cerrado in Brazil) is an upland
biome located in the central part of Brazil, covering about 25% of
the countrys land area (i.e. 2 million km2) (Eiten, 1972). The
rapid deforestation occurring in the Cerrado, with a mean
deforestation rate of 1.6% (Silva et al., 2009; Rocha et al., 2011),
Corresponding author. Tel.: +55 62 92143443.
E-mail addresses: aearantes@gmail.com
(L.G. Ferreira), mtcoe@whrc.org (M.T. Coe).
0924-2716/ 2016 International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Inc. (ISPRS). Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A.E. Arantes et al. / ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 117 (2016) 6678
and layers), varying from herbaceous, grassy, and shrubby vegetation to woodland (Goodland, 1971). The Cerrado trees and shrubs
generally have thick bark, twisted branches and trunks, glabrous
or soft and hairy leaves, relatively low leaf density, and crown
wider for its height than forest trees (Eiten, 1972). The ground
layer is more or less xeromorphic with grasses and sedges with
hard siliceous leaves. Most of the Cerrado species are perennial
with some annual species in the northeastern region.
The combination of different structural forms determines the
various Cerrado vegetation types, and these can be divided into
five main types: campo limpo (Cerrado grassland), campo sujo
(Cerrado shrubland), campo Cerrado (low tree and shrub Cerrado), Cerrado (Cerrado stricto sensu) and Cerradao (Cerrado
woodland). The most abundant vegetation type is the Cerrado
stricto sensu (22%), and the least abundant are the Cerrado
woodland (5%) and Cerrado grassland (4%) (Sano et al., 2010).
The forested vegetation types in the Cerrado biome differ from
the Cerrado woodland, in their structural components, such as
higher height and larger canopy size, and compositional components, like the occurrence of different tree species (Eiten, 1972).
These forests, when located away from river courses, are called
seasonal forests (floresta estacional). The forested vegetation
types are also classified based on the fraction of leaf loss during
the dry season, as evergreen (less than 20%), semi-deciduous
(20 to 50% leaf loss), or deciduous (more than 50%) (Pereira
et al., 2011). About 50% of the natural Cerrado vegetation has
been converted to pasture and agriculture, and less than 3%
are within protected areas (Couto et al., 2010; Garcia et al.,
The occupation of the Cerrado biome started in the 18th century with cattle ranching activities over natural pastures and
small subsistence farming (Silva et al., 2013). In the 70s, the
Brazilian government conducted studies that showed the agricultural potential of the Cerrado and the required technical implementations in order to increase its productivity (Silva et al.,
2013). Since the 1970s, the herbaceous and woody vegetation,
formerly used as natural pastures and sources of food for cattle,
have been replaced by exotic cultivated pastures of African origin
in the genre Brachiaria (more than 80% of the cultivated pastures
in the central part of Brazil), Panicum, and Andropogon (Brossard
and Barcellos, 2005). Cultivated pastures occupied 29% of the Cerrado biome in 2002, with 40% of that concentrated in the southern portion of the biome, particularly in eastern Mato Grosso do
Sul and western Gois (Sano et al., 2000; Sano et al., 2010). The
Cerrado biome supports 40% of the Brazilian cattle herd, over
50 million hectares of cultivated pastures, and contributes to
about 55% of the national meat production (Vendrame et al.,
2010; Brossard and Barcellos, 2005).
The transformation of the naturally poor and acid soils of the
Cerrado biome into productive soils in the 1970s by the introduction of correctives and fertilizers, and improved infrastructure, also
allowed for a boom in the expansion of soy, corn, and bean crops
(Cunha et al., 1994; Jepson, 2005; Klink and Machado, 2005). Such
technological advances and increased land profitability were
instrumental for transforming the Cerrado into the most prominent agricultural frontier of the country (Rezende, 2002). Together,
the commodity crops occupy about 10% of the total Cerrado area.
With the global demand for food rapidly increasing, future expansion of crops into degraded pastures and intensification of cattle
ranching (through the use of partial confinement and fodder) are
likely to occur (Mueller, 2003; Klink and Machado, 2005;
Brando et al., 2006)
Compared to forests, pasturelands and croplands have lower
above-ground and below-ground biomass, higher albedo,
decreased evapotranspiration, lower canopy interception of rainfall and less atmospheric turbulence (Arago et al. 2007;
A.E. Arantes et al. / ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 117 (2016) 6678
Fig. 1. Distribution of the 35 satellite-based samples over the major Cerrado vegetation types (the accompanying photographs depict the typical appearance of each
vegetation type during the growing season).
A.E. Arantes et al. / ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 117 (2016) 6678
Fig. 2. Flowchart depicting the main steps and approaches utilized for the assessment of carbon and water fluxes in the Brazilian Cerrado.
Table 1
Average (all samples) start of season (SOS), end of season (EOS) and length for the 12
growing seasons considered in this study.
8 months
7 months
8 months
7 months
7 months
7 months
8 months
7 months
7 months
8 months
7 months
8 months
11 days
25 days
10 days
23 days
25 days
25 days
25 days
26 days
25 days
26 days
25 days
25 days
A.E. Arantes et al. / ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 117 (2016) 6678
Fig. 3. (a) Start of the growing season (SOS), (b) end of the growing season (EOS), and (c) length of the growing season for the entire Cerrado biome.
A.E. Arantes et al. / ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 117 (2016) 6678
Fig. 4. Average EVI smoothed temporal profiles (and respective standard deviations) for the major Cerrado land cover classes (time interval encompasses 12 growing seasons,
from 2000 to 2012).
A.E. Arantes et al. / ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 117 (2016) 6678
PROBIO land-use classes. To these hypothetical land-cover distributions, we applied the respective carbon (kg of above-ground biomass) from Baccini et al. (2012) pan-tropical biomass map and
median ET values from MOD16A2 (for all 12 growing seasons).
The main steps of this study, concerning data organization, processing and analysis are depicted in Fig. 2.
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Phenological dates
A total of 12 growing seasons were identified in the time series,
with the respective lengths comprising the time interval between
the SOS and EOS (Table 1). For example, for the first year of observations the growing season was defined to begin (SOS) on 29
September and end (EOS) on 10 June, for a total growing season
length of 8 months and 11 days. All 12 growing seasons had similar
SOS (September to October) and EOS (May to June) dates, with
growing season lengths varying from 7 months and 25 days to
8 months and 26 days.
A marked spatial variability in mean SOS, EOS, and length of the
growing season is observed in the Cerrado biome (Fig. 3). While, for
most of the Cerrado area, the SOS occurs around SeptemberOctober and OctoberNovember, an earlier SOS (July and August) is
observed in its southern part (south of 20S) and in its extreme
Fig. 5. Distribution of the mean monthly precipitation and normalized ET and EVI
profiles for the entire Cerrado biome.
northern and western portions (as earlier as April and May). The
length of the growing season, in spite of this great variation, lasted,
in general, from seven to nine months. In the extreme western portion of the Cerrado, the length of the growing season was much
shorter, in part a result of errors in the detection of the SOS and
EOS, due to poor quality pixels (related to residual cloud and aerosol contamination) that hinder the detection of the SOS and EOS.
The end of the season showed little variation, with most of the Cerrado having the end of the growing season in June-July and July
3.2. EVI and ETn seasonal profiles
The seasonal EVI profiles of all vegetation types showed one
peak per growing season (Fig. 4), with the exception of the soy,
which showed two EVI peaks. In years of favorable precipitation,
a secondary crop (e.g. corn) is planted late in the wet season after
the soy harvest. The soy samples had the highest EVI amplitude
(0.2 to 0.9), followed by the deciduous forest (0.2 to 0.7), pasture
(0.2 to 0.55), and the Cerrado vegetation types (0.2 to 0.5)
(Fig. 4). These ranges are in agreement with a study done by
Galford et al. (2008) that showed higher EVI values for the Cerrado
woodland (a mean of 0.6), compared to pastures (mean of 0.5) and
EVI values exceeding 0.8 for cropland.
As expected, the average seasonal behavior of the EVI and ETn
of the dominant Cerrado land-cover classes were consistent with
the precipitation dynamics of the Cerrado biome (Fig. 5), with both
EVI and ETn mean values peaking at the maximum of the wet season (January-March), and decreasing to values of about their wet
season peak by late in the dry season (AugustSeptember).
The green-up for all Cerrado vegetation types started in midSeptember to the end of October, at the onset of the rainy season,
with EVI reaching peak values from December through January.
ETn lagged EVI by about one month, peaking from January through
March (Fig. 6a, b). The green-up was particularly abrupt for the soy
and deciduous forest samples, due to human management and
plant physiology that respond rapidly to precipitation. The seasonal behavior of natural and anthropic vegetation types differed
in their response to senescence. All Cerrado vegetation types
showed a gradual senescence, starting as early as March or April.
The gradual senescence indicated by the low slope of the right
derivative of EVI can be related to the different responses of the
Cerrado species to water stress, some maintaining transpiration
in the beginning of the dry season due to access to deep soil water
Fig. 6. Sample-based mean 16-day EVI (a) and mean monthly normalized ET (b) seasonal profiles for the major Cerrado land-cover classes.
A.E. Arantes et al. / ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 117 (2016) 6678
harvest after maturity (Fig. 6). The green-up of the soy was distinct
from the other vegetation types, starting in November after seeding, which generally occurs in October.
The cultivated pastures, although closely following the trends of
the herbaceous vegetation types (Cerrado grassland and Cerrado
shrubland), showed higher rates of photosynthesis and evapotranspiration and higher productivity during the wet season (Fig. 6).
Their higher productivity results from good management practices,
such as fertilization and rotational grazing, which increases its productivity relative to native grasses (Lascano, 1991). The higher
evapotranspiration rate is, in part, a consequence of the deep root
system of the Brachiaria brizantha pasture, which allows it to access
water at greater depths, contributing to higher ET compared to
native grasses (Santos et al., 2004).
The faster green-up rate of pastures is consistent with the study
of Meirelles et al. (2011) that showed that the Brachiaria brizantha
pastures quickly respond to the onset of the rainy season. It is
interesting to observe that the senescence of pastures, although
more abrupt, compared to the natural vegetation, tends to occur
later in May, which suggests, in agreement with the study of
Guenni et al. (2002), their potential for greater resistance to
drought (Fig. 6). Nevertheless, the fast decrease in the EVI and
ETn values, once senescence starts, can be attributed to the strategy of herbs and grasses to react to water stress by rapidly closing
the stomata and drying out their above-ground biomass (Rachid,
1947; Sack and Frole, 2006).
3.3. Phenological Parameters
The soy and deciduous forest are highly seasonal with consistently the highest green-up (left derivative) and senescence (right
derivative) rates, followed by pastures and the Cerrado vegetation
types (Fig. 7a and b). The mean green-up rate of soy (0.163) was
about three times greater than for cultivated pastures (0.053)
and natural Cerrado vegetation (0.040), and two times greater than
the deciduous forest (0.080). The senescence of soy varied from
year to year, with some years having up to two times lower senescence rate than the previous year (Fig. 7b). The high variability is a
direct result of the double-cropping system, in which, in some
years, two crops are not planted and therefore the calculated
senescence rate is very low (it starts early). In double cropping
years the rate is much higher because the corn is green late in
the season and EVI rapidly drops at harvest time (Fig. 7).
The green-up of the Cerrado vegetation types varied according
to the gradient of tree density to ground cover with lower to higher
values for the Cerrado woodland, Cerrado stricto sensu, Cerrado
grassland and shrubland (Fig. 7a). This was consistent with the
EVI and ETn temporal profiles, where the Cerrado grassland and
shrubland had higher green-up rates. The senescence rates were
very similar, with the Cerrado woodland having the lowest senescence rate and lowest temporal variation of the vegetation types
analyzed (Fig. 7b).
The NPP-proxy (small integral of the EVI over the growing season) followed the green-up patterns. The crop NPP-proxy was
highest, with significant variation from year to year (accumulated
EVI 5 to 7) (Fig. 7c). The deciduous forest had the least variation
(accumulated EVI 4 to 5) (Fig. 7c). Pasture was about two times less
productive than soy and showed small interannual variations
(accumulated EVI 3 to 4) (Fig. 6c). Pasture was consistently more
productive (about 1.3 times higher) than the Cerrado vegetation
types, except for two seasons, where the Cerrado shrubland had
higher NPP-proxy (Fig. 7c).
Among the Cerrado vegetation types, the low NPP-proxy of the
Cerrado woodland confirms less and slower accumulation of biomass during one growing season and higher total productivity
(accumulated EVI from past and current growing seasons). This
A.E. Arantes et al. / ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 117 (2016) 6678
Fig. 7. Sample-based green-up (left derivative) (a), senescence (right derivative) (b) and net primary productivity (NPP small integral) for the major Cerrado land-cover
types along 12 growing seasons.
physiognomy, as well as the deciduous forest, had the least variation from year to year, in agreement with the study of Ma et al.
(2013) that showed increased temporal variability in phenology
in areas with herbaceous biomass. These results suggest that the
savanna response to climate variability is a function of the ratio
between woody and herbaceous biomass, where woody vegetation
promotes more stability and resilience to possible future climate
3.4. Regional Analyzes
The mean normalized NPP-proxy values were lowest in the
extreme western, eastern, and northern portions of the Cerrado
(in the states of Mato Grosso, Bahia, and Maranho) (Fig. 8a). Remnants of Cerrado stricto sensu, Cerrado woodland, and forested vegetation vegetation types, associated to higher total NPP, but lower
seasonal NPP, predominate in these areas. By contrast, the high values of NPP-proxy were mostly located over cropland, with the
exception of a fragment composed mainly of deciduous forest in
the eastern portion of the state of Gois (Fig. 8a). These areas with
high NPP-proxy also have high ETn values, indicating that agriculture accumulates more carbon in the growing season and also
transfers more water to the atmosphere via evapotranspiration
(Fig. 8b). Intermediate normalized NPP-proxy and ETn values corresponded to pasture areas, shown in shades of yellow and green,
The mean NPP-proxy and normalized ET values were associated
with the area of each land cover and land use class and summed to
understand the role of each vegetation type in the biome. In 2002,
the natural Cerrado vegetation covered about 48% of the Cerrado
biome and had the greatest contribution to NPP (76%) and ETn
(61%) (Fig. 9a, b). The pasture and cropland areas, covering 49%
of the biome, contributed to 24% of NPP-proxy and to 39% of ETn
(Fig. 9a, b).
A.E. Arantes et al. / ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 117 (2016) 6678
Fig. 8. Spatial distribution (per-pixel basis) of mean (12 seasons) normalized NPP-proxy (a) and normalized ETn (b) values (according to the major Cerrado land-cover and
land-use classes).
Fig. 9. The relative contributions of each land use class to total NPP-proxy (a) and ETn (b).
3.5. Scenarios
A scenario representing the Cerrado without anthropic environments (hypothetical unconverted Cerrado) was developed in order to
investigate the scale of the impact of historical deforestation on ET
and above ground biomass. There was 29 Gt of carbon from the
above-ground biomass and 1357 Gt of water transpired during
the growing season from this idealized landscape of only natural
Cerrado vegetation types. Those values were 21 Gt of water and
1 Gt of carbon greater than the values calculated for the mixed
A.E. Arantes et al. / ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 117 (2016) 6678
Table 2
ET fluxes and biomass in gigatons of water and carbon for each land cover type
according to the 2002 PROBIO land cover map.
Land cover and land use
ET 2002 (Gt)
Cerrado grassland
Cerrado shrubland
Cerrado Stricto Sensu
Cerrado woodland
Deciduous forest
Cerrado vegetation
Pasture + cropland
Table 3
Normalized ET fluxes in gigatons of water according to the 2002 landscapes (PROBIO),
a hypothetical unconverted Cerrado (pre-occupation) scenario (i.e. only natural
vegetation ET fluxes) and modeled conversions by 2050.
Land cover and land use
Cerrado grassland
Cerrado shrubland
Cerrado Stricto Sensu
Cerrado woodland
Deciduous forest
Cerrado vegetation
Pasture + cropland
Total ET fluxes
pasture and cropland areas occupy 54% and 13% (total 67%) of
the Cerrado biome, the pasture and cropland growing season ET
would be 981 Gt of water and the biomass would be 23 Gt of carbon. This is equivalent to 73% of the total ET flux from the Cerrado
and 75% of the total carbon biomass in this scenario. The native
Cerrado vegetation types in this scenario occupy 26% of the biome
area, and contribute 366 Gt of water and 8 Gt of carbon or 27% and
25% of the total ET and biomass (Tables 3 and 4).
In the 2050 scenario the biome total ET flux increased by 10 Gt
and biomass by 3 Gt of carbon compared to the 2002 estimate
(Table 3 and 4). The higher contribution of pasture and cropland
to ET fluxes and carbon in the 2050 scenario slightly increased
the total ET fluxes and carbon to 1346 Gt of water and 31 Gt of carbon (compared to 1336 Gt of water and 28 Gt of carbon in 2002),
which can be attributed to the higher ET and carbon median values
of pastures compared to the natural vegetation (for which the
greatest contribution was from the Cerrado stricto sensu). The ET
flux from natural Cerrado vegetation was 394 Gt less than in
2002 and 991 Gt less than in the hypothetical unconverted Cerrado
scenario, while the carbon was 8 Gt less than in 2002 and 21 Gt
less than in the hypothetical unconverted Cerrado scenario. The
sum of the pasture and cropland ET flux increased by 405 Gt relative to 2002 and the carbon by 11 Gt of carbon. This suggests that if
deforestation continues at or near current rates it will likely result
in further significant alteration of the carbon and water balance
with potentially negative implications for the climate system and
ecosystem services (Oliveira et al., 2013; Stickler et al., 2013; Coe
et al., 2013).
4. Conclusion
Table 4
EVI-based NPP according to the 2002 landscapes (PROBIO), a hypothetical unconverted Cerrado (pre-occupation) scenario (i.e. only natural vegetation C fluxes) and
modeled conversions by 2050.
Land cover and land use
Cerrado grassland
Cerrado shrubland
Cerrado Stricto Sensu
Cerrado woodland
Deciduous forest
Cerrado vegetation
Pasture + cropland
Total carbon
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