PD en 14035-4-2003 (2006)

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Corrigendum No. 1

Fireworks —
Part 4: Bangers and banger batteries —
Specification and test methods

The European Standard EN 14035-4:2003 has the status of a BSI

Published Document

ICS 71.100.30

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PD EN 14035-4:2003

National foreword
This Published Document is the official English language version of
EN 14035-4:2003, including Corrigendum January 2005. This part of EN
14035 has not been published as a British Standard because of the prohibition
of such fireworks in the United Kingdom, as referred to Annex D.
The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical Committee
CII/47, Fireworks, which has the responsibility to:
— aid enquirers to understand the text;
— present to the responsible European committee any enquiries on the
interpretation, or proposals for change, and keep the UK interests
— monitor related international and European developments and
promulgate them in the UK.
A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on
request to its secretary.

The British Standards which implement international or European
publications referred to in this document may be found in the BSI Catalogue
under the section entitled “International Standards Correspondence Index”, or
by using the “Search” facility of the BSI Electronic Catalogue or of
British Standards Online.
This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users are responsible for its correct application.

Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity

from legal obligations.

Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, the EN title page,
pages 2 to 35 and a back cover.
The BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the
document was last issued.

Amendments issued since publication

This Published Document was Amd. No. Date Comments
published under the authority
of the Standards Policy and
Strategy Committee 15905 14 March 2006 Multiple text corrections
on 8 August 2003 Corrigendum No. 1

© BSI 14 March 2006

ISBN 0 580 42421 9


I CS 7 1 . 1 0 0. 30 I n corporati n g corri g en d u m J an u ary 2 005

En g l ish versi on

Fireworks - Part 4: Bangers and banger batteries - Specification

and test methods
Artifices de divertissement - Partie 4: Pétards et batteries Feuerwerkskörper - Teil 4: Knallkörper und
de pétards - Spécifications et méthodes d'essai Knallkörperbatterien - Anforderungen und Prüfverfahren

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 7 November 2002.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European
Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any CEN member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation
under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has the same status as the official
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,
Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United



Management Centre: rue de Stassart, 36 B-1 050 Brussels

© 2003 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN 1 4035-4:2003 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.
Page 2
E N 14035−4:2003

1 Scope ..............................................................................................................................................................5
2 Normative references ....................................................................................................................................5
3 Terms and definitions....................................................................................................................................6
4 Construction...................................................................................................................................................6
4.1 Means of ignition ...........................................................................................................................................6
4.2 Attachment of initial fuse ..............................................................................................................................6
4.3 Protection of initial fuse ................................................................................................................................7
4.4 Materials of firework case .............................................................................................................................7
4.5 Integrity...........................................................................................................................................................7
4.6 Net explosive content....................................................................................................................................8
5 Performance ...................................................................................................................................................8
5.1 Initial fuse .......................................................................................................................................................8
5.2 Principal effect ...............................................................................................................................................8
5.3 Number of reports (bangers only)................................................................................................................8
5.4 Functioning (banger battery only)................................................................................................................9
5.5 Sound pressure level.....................................................................................................................................9
5.6 Burning matter ...............................................................................................................................................9
5.7 Projected debris .............................................................................................................................................9
5.8 Plastics body................................................................................................................................................1 0
6 Primary pack.................................................................................................................................................1 0
7 Minimum labelling requirements................................................................................................................1 0
7.1 General ..........................................................................................................................................................1 0
7.2 Type name and category.............................................................................................................................1 1
7.3 Safety information .......................................................................................................................................1 1
7.4 Name, address and telephone number of manufacturer or distributor or importer .............................1 3
7.5 Reference to this standard..........................................................................................................................1 3
7.6 Printing..........................................................................................................................................................1 3
7.7 Marking of very small fireworks .................................................................................................................1 4
7.8 Additional information on the primary pack (if applicable).....................................................................1 4
8 Test methods................................................................................................................................................1 4
8.1 Attachment of protruding fuse (type test and batch test) .......................................................................1 4
8.2 Attachment of ignition head (type test) .....................................................................................................1 4
8.3 Performance (type test and batch test) .....................................................................................................1 5
8.4 Determination of net explosive content (type test) ..................................................................................1 6
8.5 Side ignition of initial fuse (type test)........................................................................................................1 7
8.6 Labelling (type test and batch test) ...........................................................................................................1 8
Annex A (normative) Type testing ..........................................................................................................................1 9
Annex B (normative) Batch testing ........................................................................................................................28
Annex C (normative) Method for determination of smouldering rate of cigarette ............................................32
Annex D (informative) A-deviations........................................................................................................................33
Page 3
EN 14035-4:2003

This document (EN 1 4035-4:2003) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 21 2 “Fireworks”, the
secretariat of which is held by NEN.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or by
endorsement, at the latest by November 2003, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by
November 2003.
This European Standard is one of a series of standards as listed below.
EN 1 4035-1 , Fireworks - Part 1: Terminology.
EN 1 4035-2, Fireworks - Part 2: Categorisation.
prEN 1 4035-3, Fireworks - Part 3: Aerial wheels - Specification and test methods.
EN 1 4035-4, Fireworks - Part 4: Bangers and banger batteries - Specification and test methods.
prEN 1 4035-5, Fireworks - Part 5: Batteries and combinations - Specification and test methods.
prEN 1 4035-6, Fireworks - Part 6: Bengal flames - Specification and test methods.
prEN 1 4035-7, Fireworks - Part 7: Bengal matches - Specification and test methods.
prEN 1 4035-8, Fireworks - Part 8: Bengal sticks - Specification and test methods.
prEN 1 4035-9, Fireworks - Part 9: Crackling granules - Specification and test methods.
prEN 1 4035-1 0, Fireworks - Part 10: Double bangers - Specification and test methods.
EN 1 4035-1 2, Fireworks - Part 12: Flash bangers and flash banger batteries - Specification and test methods.
prEN 1 4035-1 3, Fireworks - Part 13: Flash pellets - Specification and test methods.
EN 1 4035-1 5, Fireworks - Part 15: Fountains - Specification and test methods.
prEN 1 4035-1 7, Fireworks - Part 17: Ground spinners - Specification and test methods.
prEN 1 4035-1 8, Fireworks - Part 18: Hand-held fountains - Specification and test methods.
EN 1 4035-1 9 , Fireworks - Part 19: Hand-held sparklers - Specification and test methods.
prEN 1 4035-20 , Fireworks - Part 20: Jumping crackers - Specification and test methods.
prEN 1 4035-21 , Fireworks - Part 21: Jumping ground spinners - Specification and test methods.
prEN 1 4035-22 , Fireworks - Part 22: Mines - Specification and test methods.
EN 1 4035-23 , Fireworks - Part 23: Non-hand-held sparklers - Specification and test methods.
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EN 14035-4:2003

prEN 1 4035-24, Fireworks - Part 24: Novelty matches - Specification and test methods.
prEN 1 4035-25, Fireworks - Part 25: Party poppers - Specification and test methods.
EN 1 4035-27, Fireworks - Part 27: Rockets - Specification and test methods.
prEN 1 4035-28, Fireworks - Part 28: Roman candles - Specification and test methods.
prEN 1 4035-29, Fireworks - Part 29: Serpents - Specification and test methods.
prEN 1 4035-31 , Fireworks - Part 31: Shell-in-mortars - Specification and test methods.
prEN 1 4035-33, Fireworks - Part 33: Spinners - Specification and test methods.
EN 1 4035-34, Fireworks - Part 34: Table bombs - Specification and test methods.
prEN 1 4035-35, Fireworks - Part 35: Throwdowns - Specification and test methods.
prEN 1 4035-36, Fireworks - Part 36: Wheels - Specification and test methods.
prEN 1 4035-37, Fireworks - Part 37: Whistlers - Specification and test methods.
prEN 1 4035-38, Fireworks - Part 38: Shot tubes - Specification and test methods.
In this European Standard the annexes A to C are normative and the annex D is informative and contains national
deviations due to regulations, the alteration of which is for the time being outside the competence of the
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following countries
are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia,
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
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EN 14035-4:2003

1 Scope
This European Standard specifies requirements for the construction, performance, primary packaging and labelling of
bangers and banger batteries and the corresponding test methods. It is applicable to fireworks which are classified as
bangers and banger batteries in categories 1 , 2 and 3 according to EN 1 4035-2 and which contain pyrotechnic report
composition that is black powder only.
It is not applicable to fireworks containing pyrotechnic composition that includes any of the following substances:
— arsenic or arsenic compounds;
— mixtures containing a mass fraction of chlorates greater than 80 %;
— mixtures of chlorates with metals;
— mixtures of chlorates with red phosphorus;
— mixtures of chlorates with potassium hexacyanoferrate(II);
— mixtures of chlorates with sulfur;
— mixtures of chlorates with sulfides;
— lead or lead compounds;
— mercury compounds;
— white phosphorus;
— picrates or picric acid;
— potassium chlorate with a mass fraction of bromates greater than 0,1 5 %;
— sulfur with an acidity, expressed in mass fraction of sulphuric acid, greater than 0,002 %;
— zirconium with a particle size of less than 40 m.
Schemes for type testing of bangers and banger batteries and batch testing of bangers and banger batteries are
specified in annex A and annex B respectively.

2 Normative references
This European Standard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications. These
normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text, and the publications are listed hereafter. For
dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this European
Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references the latest edition of the
publication referred to applies (including amendments).
EN 1 4035-1 :2003, Fireworks — Part 1: Terminology.
EN 1 4035-2, Fireworks — Part 2: Categorisation.
EN-IEC 61 672-1 , Electroacoustics – Sound level meters – Part 1: Specifications.
EN-IEC 61 672-2, Electroacoustics – Sound level meters – Part 2: Pattern evaluation tests.
EN ISO 845, Cellular plastics and rubbers — Determination of apparent (bulk) density (ISO 845:1988).
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EN 14035−4:2003

EN ISO 868, Plastics and ebonite – Determination of indentation hardness by means of a durometer (Shore
Hardness) (ISO 868:1 985).
ISO 2439, Flexible cellular polymeric materials — Determination of hardness (indentation technique) (including
Technical Corrigendum 1 :2001 ).
ISO 2859-1 , Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes — Part 1 : Sampling schemes indexed by acceptance
quality limit (AQL) for lot-by-lot inspection.

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this European Standard, the terms and definitions given in EN 1 4035-1 together with the
following terms and definitions apply.

single non-metallic case containing a report charge of black powder and provided with an initial fuse, other than a
friction head, to transmit ignition. The case, including the end closures (if any), is designed so that the report charge
is confined and the materials from which the case is constructed are of sufficient strength so that, upon ignition, a
report is produced
NOTE In EN 1 4035-2, bangers are classified as follows:
— brief description: non-metallic case containing black powder;
— principal effect: report.

banger battery
assembly of individual bangers, but with a single point of ignition, which is designed to produce a series of reports

4 Construction
4.1 Means of ignition
The means of ignition of a banger shall be identified by a protruding fuse or an ignition head.
A banger battery shall have a single point of ignition, identified by a protruding fuse.
Conformity to these requirements shall be verified by visual examination.

4.2 Attachment of initial fuse

For bangers and banger batteries with protruding fuses, the attachment of the protruding fuse to the firework shall
be secure when tested in accordance with 8.1 .
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EN 14035-4:2003

For bangers with ignition head, the attachment of the ignition head to the banger shall be secure when tested in
accordance with 8.2.

4.3 Protection of initial fuse

4.3.1 General

The initial fuse shall be protected in one of the ways specified in 4.3.2, 4.3.3 or 4.3.4.
4.3.2 Initial fuse protected by fuse cover

An orange fuse cover shall be in place over the initial fuse. Conformity
to this requirement shall be verified by visual examination.

4.3.3 Initial fuse protected by primary pack or selection pack

The firework shall be contained in a primary pack or selection pack conforming to clause 6.
Conformity to this requirement shall be verified by visual examination.

4.3.4 Protruding fuse designed to resist side ignition

When tested in accordance with 8.5, the protruding fuse shall not ignite.

4.4 Materials of firework case

The body of the firework case shall be made of paper, cardboard, cardboard wrapped in cord, or plastics (see also
5.8). If the end closure(s), if any, is a (are) separate component(s), it (they) shall be made of clay or similar material,
or of paper, cardboard or cellular plastics.
For a banger battery, these requirements apply to each pyrotechnic element.
Conformity to these requirements shall be verified by visual examination.

4.5 Integrity

4.5.1 Firework case

There shall be no holes, splits, dents or bulges in the body of the firework case. There shall be no holes or splits in the
end closure(s). If the end closure (or the end closures), if any, is a (are) separate component(s), it (they) shall be
securely in place.
For a banger battery, these requirements apply to each pyrotechnic element.
Conformity to these requirements shall be verified by visual examination.
4.5.2 Firework

When tested in accordance with A.5, the mass of loose pyrotechnic composition shall not exceed 1 00 mg.
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EN 14035−4:2003

4.6 Net explosive content

4.6.1 Banger

When determined in accordance with 8.4, a category 1 banger shall have a net explosive content of not more than
0,8 g.
When determined in accordance with 8.4, a category 2 banger shall have a net explosive content of not more than
6,0 g.
When determined in accordance with 8.4, a category 3 banger shall have a net explosive content of not more than
1 0,0 g.

4.6.2 Banger battery

When determined in accordance with 8.4, a category 1 banger battery shall have a total net explosive content of
not more than 7,5 g and each individual pyrotechnic element shall have a net explosive content of not more than
0,8 g.
When determined in accordance with 8.4, a category 2 banger battery shall have a total net explosive content of
not more than 25,0 g and each individual pyrotechnic element shall have a net explosive content of not more than
6,0 g.
When determined in accordance with 8.4, a category 3 banger battery shall have a total net explosive content of
not more than 250,0 g and each individual pyrotechnic element shall have a net explosive content of not more than
1 0,0 g.

5 Performance

5.1 Initial fuse

When tested in accordance with 8.3, the initial fuse of a banger or a banger battery shall ignite within 1 0 s and the
ignition shall be visible.
For bangers and for category 1 and category 2 banger batteries, the duration of the initial fuse burning shall be
3,0 s to 8,0 s, when tested in accordance with 8.3.
For category 3 banger batteries, the duration of the initial fuse burning shall be 5,0 s to 1 3,0 s, when tested in
accordance with 8.3.

5.2 Principal effect

5.2.1 Banger

When tested in accordance with 8.3, the principal effect of the banger, as given in EN 1 4035-2, shall be a single
report (in accordance with 5.3).

5.2.2 Banger battery

When tested in accordance with 8.3, the principal effect of the banger battery shall be a series of reports.

5.3 Number of reports (bangers only)

When tested in accordance with 8.3, the banger shall not produce more than one report.
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EN 14035−4:2003

5.4 Functioning (banger battery only)

When tested in accordance with 8.3, all pyrotechnic elements of a banger battery shall function completely.

5.5 Sound pressure level

5.5.1 Banger

When tested in accordance with 8.3, a category 1 banger shall produce an A-weighted impulse sound pressure
level ( LAImax) of not higher than 1 20 dB(AI) at a horizontal distance of 1 ,0 m from the testing point and at a height of
1 ,0 m above the ground.
When tested in accordance with 8.3, a category 2 banger shall produce an A-weighted impulse sound pressure
level (LAImax) of not higher than 1 20 dB(AI) at a horizontal distance of 8,0 m from the testing point and at a height of
1 ,0 m above the ground.
When tested in accordance with 8.3, a category 3 banger shall produce an A-weighted impulse sound pressure
level (LAImax) of not higher than 1 20 dB(AI) at a horizontal distance of 1 5,0 m from the testing point and at a height
of 1 ,0 m above the ground.
5.5.2 Banger battery

When tested in accordance with 8.3, none of the reports from a category 1 banger battery shall produce an A-
weighted impulse sound pressure level ( LAImax) of higher than 1 20 dB(AI) at a horizontal distance of 1 ,0 m from the
testing point and at a height of 1 ,0 m above the ground.
When tested in accordance with 8.3, none of the reports from a category 2 banger battery shall produce an A-
weighted impulse sound pressure level ( LAImax) of higher than 1 20 dB(AI) at a horizontal distance of 8,0 m from the
testing point and at a height of 1 ,0 m above the ground.
When tested in accordance with 8.3, none of the reports from a category 3 banger battery shall produce an A-
weighted impulse sound pressure level (LAImax) of higher than 1 20 dB(AI) at a horizontal distance of 1 5,0 m from the
testing point and at a height of 1 ,0 m above the ground.

5.6 Burning matter

When tested in accordance with 8.3, no burning or incandescent matter from a category 1 firework shall fall to the
ground more than 1 ,0 m from the testing point.
When tested in accordance with 8.3, no burning or incandescent matter from a category 2 firework shall fall to the
ground more than 6,0 m from the testing point.
When tested in accordance with 8.3, no burning or incandescent matter from a category 3 firework shall fall to the
ground more than 1 5,0 m from the testing point.
When tested in accordance with 8.3, any flames caused by the functioning of the firework shall be extinguished
within 5,0 s of the firework ceasing to function.

5.7 Projected debris

When tested in accordance with 8.3, no debris from a category 1 firework shall be projected laterally more than
1 ,0 m from the testing point and any particle of debris which is projected laterally more than 0,5 m from the testing
point shall not exceed a mass of 0,5 g.
When tested in accordance with 8.3, no debris from a category 2 firework shall be projected laterally more than
8,0 m from the testing point and any particle of debris which is projected laterally more than 6,0 m from the testing
point shall not exceed a mass of 1 ,0 g.
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EN 14035-4:2003

When tested in accordance with 8.3, no debris from a category 3 firework shall be projected laterally more than 1 5,0 m
from the testing point.

5.8 Plastics body

If the banger has a plastics body, the body shall not splinter when tested in accordance with 8.3.
For a banger battery, this requirement applies to each element.

6 Primary pack or selection pack

If a primary pack or selection pack is required to protect the initial fuse(s) of the firework(s) (see 4.3.3), the pack shall
completely enclose the firework(s). There shall be no holes or splits in the pack, except those which are intended to
enable the packaging to be opened and those which are otherwise technically necessary.
Conformity to these requirements shall be verified by visual examination.

7 Minimum labelling requirements

7.1 General
Bangers or banger batteries and their primary packs, if any, shall be marked with the information specified in 7.2 to 7.5
and, if relevant, 7.7 and/or 7.8.
The specified information shall be given in the language(s) of the country in which the fireworks or primary packs are
offered for retail sale. For each language, it shall be presented as a whole and shall not be interrupted by other text.
Additional text given in another language shall not conflict with the required information.
Conformity to the requirements specified in 7.1 to 7.5, 7.6.1 , 7.7.2 and 7.8 shall be verified by visual examination.
NOTE Examples of typical labels for bangers are given in Figure 1 .

BANGER EN 1 4035-4 Palace

London, England
01 81 1 23 4567
2 BANGER Trade EN 1 4035-4

For outdoor use only. Instructions on package

Name CAT 2
For outdoor use only. Place singly on ground and
light fuse at its outermost end. Retire immediately
at least 8 m.
Palace Fireworks Thames Street London N5 1 BB England

a) b)

B AN G E R EN 1 4035-4

EN 1 4035-4
Palace Fireworks
London, England
01 81 1 23 4567
For outdoor use only. Remove orange fuse SAFETY INFORMATION
cover. Place singly on ground and light fuse at For outdoor use only. Place singly on ground and
its outermost end. light fuse at its outermost end. Retire immediately
Retire immediately at least 8 m. at least 8 m.
Palace Fireworks, Thames Street, London N5 1 BB, England
Telephone + 44 1 81 1 23 4567

c) d)
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EN 14035−4:2003

EN 1 4035-4
TRADE NAME EN 1 4035-4
EN 1 4035-4 CATEGORIE 3
For outdoor use only. Remove Nur im Freien verwenden.
orange fuse cover. Place singly Orange Schutzkappe entfernen.
on ground and light fuse at its [French text] Einzeln auf den Boden legen und
outermost end. Retire Anzündung am äußersten Ende
immediately. Spectators must be anzünden. Rasch entfernen.
at least 25 m away. Operator Zuschauer müssen mindestens
must retire at least 1 5 m. 25 m entfernt sein. Verwender
muss sich mindestens 1 5 m
Palace Fireworks, Thames Street entfernen.
London N5 1 BB, England Palast Feuerwerk, Spreestraße
01 81 1 23 4567 1 3503 Berlin, Deutschland
+49 30 1 23 4567

Figure 1 — Examples of typical labels for bangers

7.2 Type name and category
The type name shall be marked, in upper case, as 'BANGER' or 'BANGER BATTERY' as appropriate. If a trade
name is used in addition to the type name, it shall not conflict with the principal effect of a banger or of a banger
battery or with the name of another type of firework.
The appropriate category shall be marked, in upper case, as 'CATEGORY 2' or 'CAT 2', for example.

7.3 Safety information

7.3.1 General
Safety information shall be emphasized by use of a heading, or bold type, or similar. If necessary, instructions in
addition to those specified in 7.3.2 to 7.3.7 may be given.

7.3.2 Category 1 bangers

Labelling shall include at least the following safety information in the order as given:
— 'For outdoor use only';

— 'Remove orange fuse cover' 1 );

— 'Place singly on ground and light fuse at its outermost end';
— 'Retire immediately at least 1 m'.

7.3.3 Category 2 bangers

Labelling shall include at least the following safety information in the order as given:
— 'For outdoor use only';

1 ) If applicable.
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EN 14035−4:2003

— 'Remove orange fuse cover' 1 );

— 'Place singly on ground and light fuse at its outermost end';
— 'Retire immediately at least 8 m'.
7.3.4 Category 3 bangers
Labelling shall include at least the following safety information in the order as given:
— 'For outdoor use only';
— 'Remove orange fuse cover' 1 );
— 'Place singly on ground and light fuse at its outermost end';
— 'Retire immediately';
— 'Spectators must be at least 25 m away';
— 'Operator must retire at least 1 5 m’.
7.3.5 Category 1 banger batteries
Labelling shall include at least the following safety information in the order as given:
— 'For outdoor use only';
— 'Remove orange fuse cover' 1 );
— 'Place singly on ground and light fuse at its outermost end';
— ‘Retire immediately at least 3 m'.
7.3.6 Category 2 banger batteries
Labelling shall include at least the following safety information in the order as given:
— 'For outdoor use only';
— 'Remove orange fuse cover’ 1 );
— 'Place singly on ground and light fuse at its outermost end';
— ‘Retire immediately at least 8 m'.
7.3.7 Category 3 banger batteries
Labelling shall include at least the following safety information in the order as given:
— 'For outdoor use only';
— 'Remove orange fuse cover' 1 );

1 ) If applicable.
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EN 14035−4:2003

— 'Place singly on ground’ 2); or

for banger batteries which are supplied with a special holding device, the manufacturer, distributor or importer shall
provide appropriate instructions 2):
— ‘Light fuse at its outermost end and retire immediately';
— 'Spectators must be at least 25 m away';
— 'Operator must retire at least 1 5 m’.

7.4 Name, address and telephone number of manufacturer or distributor or importer

Labelling shall include:
— the name or trade mark, the address and the telephone number of the manufacturer, or
— an abbreviation or a code allowing the identification of the manufacturer, and the name or trade mark, the
address and the telephone number of his authorized distributor, or
— if the manufacturer is not established in a CEN member country, that of the importer in a CEN member
The address shall comprise at least the town and the country. On the banger or the banger battery at least the
abbreviations allowing the identification:
— of the manufacturer; or
— of the distributor or importer, with an additional code or abbreviation for the manufacturer
shall be marked.

7.5 Reference to this standard

A banger or a banger battery shall be marked with ‘EN 1 4035-4’. A primary pack shall be marked with the words
‘Contents conform to EN 1 4035-4’.

7.6 Printing

7.6.1 Labelling

Labelling shall be visible, legible, indelible and on a single-colour background.

NOTE Printing errors which are not misleading should not be classified as faults.

7.6.2 Type size

When measured in accordance with 8.6, the type sizes shall be such that the height of the character 'X' (in upper
case) is at least 2,8 mm for the information specified in 7.2, 7.3 and 7.8 and at least 2,1 mm for the other

2) Whichever is appropriate.
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EN 14035−4:2003

7.7 Marking of very small fireworks

7.7.1 Reduced type size

If the firework does not provide enough space for the specified information using the type sizes specified in 7.6.2,
for the information specified in 7.2 and 7.3 the type size shall be reduced to 2,1 mm.

7.7.2 Reduced information

If the firework does not provide enough space to carry all the specified information even in reduced type size, at
least the information specified in 7.4 shall be given on the firework, if at all possible.

7.8 Additional information on the primary pack(if applicable)

If the firework is not labelled completely with the information specified in 7.2 to 7.5, or if the primary pack acts as
protection of the initial fuses according to 4.3.3, the firework shall be sold only in a primary pack. The primary pack
shall be marked with the statement
'Must be sold as packaged'.
This statement shall appear adjacent to the type name and category. For the printing 7.6 applies.

8 Test methods
NOTE Verification of conformity to the requirements in 4.1 , 4.3.2 or 4.3.3, 4.4, 4.5.1 , clause 6, 7.1 to 7.5, 7.6.1 , 7.7.2 and 7.8
is by visual examination.

8.1 Attachment of protruding fuse (type test and batch test)

8.1 .1 Apparatus

8.1 .1 .1 Means of clamping the firework.

8.1 .1 .2 Weight, of mass 50 g.

8.1 .1 .3 Weight, of mass 1 00 g.

8.1 .1 .4 Timing device, capable of being read to the nearest 0,1 s.

8.1 .2 Procedure

Clamp the firework by means of the clamping device (8.1 .1 .1 ) in a position such that the protruding fuse is pointing
vertically downwards. If testing a category 1 firework, securely attach the 50 g weight (8.1 .1 .2) to the protruding
fuse. If testing a category 2 or a category 3 firework, securely attach the 1 00 g weight (8.1 .1 .3) to the protruding
Using the timing device (8.1 .1 .4), determine and record whether the protruding fuse will support the weight for at
least 1 0 s without becoming detached. If the protruding fuse becomes detached, do not proceed with further testing
of that firework.

8.2 Attachment of ignition head (type test)

8.2.1 Apparatus

Mechanical shock apparatus complying with A.5.1 .1 .

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EN 14035-4:2003

8.2.2 Procedure

When tested in accordance with A.5.2, the ignition head shall not become loose.
Record whether the ignition head becomes damaged or loose. If the ignition head becomes damaged or loose do not
proceed with further testing of that firework.

8.3 Performance (type test and batch test)

8.3.1 Test environment

8.3.1 .1 Test area for category 1 fireworks. The test area shall be an outdoor site, on level ground, with a radius
of at least 3 m and a smooth, hard, horizontal, sound-reflecting, non-flammable surface (for example, concrete). Two
circles, radius 0,5 m and 1 ,0 m respectively, shall be marked around the centre of the test area.
8.3.1 .2 Test area for category 2 fireworks. The test area shall be an outdoor site, on level ground, with a radius
of at least 9 m and a smooth, hard, horizontal, sound-reflecting, non-flammable surface (for example, concrete). Two
circles, radius 6,0 m and 8,0 m respectively, shall be marked around the centre of the test area.
8.3.1 .3 Test area for category 3 fireworks. The test area shall be an outdoor site, on level ground, with a radius
of at least 1 6 m and a smooth, hard, horizontal, sound-reflecting, non-flammable surface (for example, concrete). A
circle, radius 1 5,0 m, shall be marked around the centre of the test area.
8.3.1 .4 Wind speed. A means of measuring the wind speed at a height of 1 ,5 m above the ground shall be
provided. No performance testing shall be carried out if the wind speed exceeds 5,0 m/s.

8.3.2 Apparatus Timing device, suitable of displaying at least one intermediate time, capable of being read to the nearest
0,1 s. Laboratory balance, capable of weighing to the nearest 0,01 g. Ignition source, capable of producing a small flame or of smouldering. Sound level meter (for type testing only), conforming to Type 1 of EN 61 672-1 and EN 61 672-2 with a free-
field microphone. Measuring device, capable of measuring a height of 1 ,0 m to the nearest 1 0 mm.

8.3.3 Procedure Measure and record the wind speed (see 8.3.1 .4). If carrying out a type test, set up the microphone of the sound level meter ( in the test area (8.3.1 .1 ,
8.3.1 .2 or 8.3.1 .3), at a height of 1 ,0 m above the ground, determined by the measuring device (, and at a
horizontal distance from the testing point of 1 ,0 m for category 1 fireworks, 8,0 m for category 2 fireworks or 1 5,0 m
for category 3 fireworks. Direct the microphone horizontally towards the testing point and, if necessary, connect it to
the sound level meter. Place the firework, in accordance with the instructions on the label, in the centre of the test area. Remove the
orange fuse cover, if any, and straighten the initial fuse, if necessary. Apply the ignition source ( and at the
same instant, start the timing device ( ). Stop the intermediate time at the moment the initial fuse ignites. If the
initial fuse fails to ignite within 1 0 s, record the fact and do not proceed with further testing of that firework.
Otherwise stop the timing device when the firework starts to produce its (first) report. Record whether the initial fuse
ignited within 1 0 s and whether the ignition of the initial fuse was visible.
Page 16
EN 14035−4:2003 Record the duration of the initial fuse burning. For bangers, observe and record the number of reports
produced by the banger. For banger batteries, observe and record whether the banger produces a series of
reports. After the firework has ceased to function start the timing device ( ) immediately and record whether
any flames caused by the functioning of the firework are extinguished within 5,0 s after the firework has ceased to
Observe and record whether any burning or incandescent matter falls to the ground at a distance of more than 1 ,0
m, for a category 1 firework, or 6,0 m, for a category 2 firework, or 1 5,0 m, for a category 3 firework, from the
testing point. Record whether any debris is projected laterally more than 1 ,0 m, for a category 1 firework, or 8,0 m, for a
category 2 firework, or 1 5,0 m, for a category 3 firework, from the testing point. If carrying out a type test for bangers, record the maximum A-weighted impulse sound pressure level, as
measured by the sound level meter (
If carrying out a type test for banger batteries, record the maximum A-weighted impulse sound pressure level, as
measured by the sound level meter. After the firework has ceased to function, and if appropriate, for a category 1 firework, collect and weigh
individually, to the nearest 0,1 g using the balance (, any particle of debris which might exceed a mass of
0,5 g and which has fallen to the ground between the 0,5 m radius circle and the 1 ,0 m radius circle. Record
whether any such particle of debris has a mass of more than 0,5 g.
For a category 2 firework, collect and weigh individually, to the nearest 0,1 g using the balance (, any
particle of debris which might exceed a mass of 1 ,0 g and which has fallen to the ground between the 6,0 m radius
circle and the 8,0 m radius circle. Record whether any such particle of debris has a mass of more than 1 ,0 g. If the firework has a plastics body, examine the body visually and record whether the body has splintered
during the test.
For banger batteries, examine the body of each pyrotechnic element visually and record whether any body has
splintered during the test. For banger batteries, examine each pyrotechnic element visually and determine and record whether all of
the pyrotechnic elements have functioned completely.
8.4 Determination of net explosive content (type test)

8.4.1 Apparatus

Laboratory balance, capable of weighing to the nearest 1 mg.

8.4.2 Procedure Bangers

Carefully dismantle a banger. Separate the protruding fuse, if any, and retain this for the side ignition test (8.5).
Remove the pyrotechnic composition from the banger and weigh it, to the nearest 0,01 g, using the balance (8.4.1 ).
Record the mass. Banger batteries

Carefully dismantle a banger battery. Separate the protruding fuse and retain this for the side ignition test (8.5).
Separate each pyrotechnic element. Remove the pyrotechnic composition from each pyrotechnic element and
weigh each portion, to the nearest 0,01 g, using the balance (8.4.1 ). Record the individual masses and the total
mass of pyrotechnic composition.
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EN 14035−4:2003

8.5 Side ignition of initial fuse (type test)

8.5.1 Material
Cigarette, untipped, of length (70 ± 4) mm, diameter (8,0 ± 0,5) mm and mass (1 ,0 ± 0,1 ) g, and having a
smouldering rate of (9,5 ± 3,0) min over a 40 mm distance when determined in accordance with annex C.

8.5.2 Test area

The test area shall be a flat, horizontal, non-flammable surface inside a fume cupboard, or similar enclosed space,
which is capable of preventing movement of air. A means of extracting fumes shall be provided but this shall be
switched off during the test.

8.5.3 Apparatus
Three wire supports, (2,0 ± 0,1 ) mm diameter, approximately 50 mm long.
8.5.4 Test specimen
Use the initial fuse obtained by dismantling the firework for the determination of net explosive content (8.4).

8.5.5 Procedure
Ignite the cigarette (8.5.1 ) and rest it horizontally on three wire supports (8.5.3), above the non-flammable surface
in the test area (8.5.2). Place the test specimen (8.5.4) crosswise over the cigarette, 1 5 mm from the end which has
been ignited, as shown in Figure 2. Allow the cigarette to burn 1 0 mm beyond the point where the initial fuse
crosses it. Record whether the initial fuse is ignited.
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1 Test specimen
2 Cigarette
3 Wire support
4 Non-flammable surface
a) Test assembly

Dimensions in millimeters

b) Dimensions

Figure 2 — Side ignition test

8.6 Labelling (type test and batch test)

Check conformity to 7.6.2 and 7.7.1 , for example, by comparing the type sizes on the actual label with a transparent
copy made from Figure 3 (for the empty frame, use the inside). Record whether the type sizes were correct.

2,8 mm: ABC abc XYZ xyz 1 23

2,1 mm: ABC abc XYZ xyz 1 23

Figure 3 — Type sizes of print

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EN 14035−4:2003

Annex A
Type testing
A.1 General
For the purposes of type testing each of the fireworks tested, except those used for the determination of net
explosive content, shall meet one of the following sets of requirements.
a) If the firework has an initial fuse which is not designed to resist side ignition, it shall conform to 4.1 , 4.2, 4.3.2
or 4.3.3, 4.4, 4.5 and clauses 5 and 7;
b) If the firework has an initial fuse designed to resist side ignition, it shall conform to 4.1 , 4.2, 4.3.4, 4.4, 4.5 and
clauses 5 and 7.
The fireworks used for the determination of net explosive content shall each conform to 4.6 and, if the initial fuse is
designed to resist side ignition, it shall conform to 4.3.4.
The fireworks subjected to mechanical conditioning in accordance with A.5 shall, additionally, conform to A.3.
For fireworks which are supplied in primary packs, in order to protect the initial fuses of the fireworks (see 4.3.3),
each of the packs examined shall conform to clauses 6 and 7.

A.2 Number of fireworks to be tested

A total of 33 fireworks shall be tested, in accordance with Table A.1 . If the fireworks are supplied in primary packs, the
fireworks to be tested shall be selected at random from at least 5 packs.
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Table A.1 — Number of fireworks to be tested

Number of Condition Tests
fireworks to
be tested
10 'As received' - Visual examination
- 8.1 , if applicable
- 8.3
- 8.6
10 After thermal conditioning in accordance with - Visual examination
- 8.1 , if applicable
- 8.3
10 After mechanical conditioning in accordance - Visual examination
with A.5
- 8.1 or 8.2
- 8.3
3 'As received' - 8.4
- 8.5, if applicable

A.3 Loose pyrotechnic composition

The mass of any loose pyrotechnic composition collected after mechanical conditioning shall not, in accordance
with A.5, exceed 1 00 mg and there shall be no ignition head collected after mechanical conditioning.

A.4 Thermal conditioning

Store the fireworks for four weeks at a temperature of (50,0 ± 2,5) °C and then for at least two days at room
temperature before testing. For fireworks which are supplied in primary packs, condition the fireworks by storing the
appropriate number of complete, unopened packs.

A.5 Mechanical conditioning

A.5.1 Apparatus
A.5.1 .1 Mechanical shock apparatus, as illustrated in Figures A.1 to A.3, comprising the following components:
a) a flat horizontal platform made of steel , 800 mm · 600 mm, 2 mm to 3 mm thick, with a 3 mm thick rim
having a height of 1 5 mm; the platform is reinforced with eight steel ribs, 5 mm thick with a height of 30 mm,
which are welded to the underside and run from the centre to each of the four corners and to the middle of
each edge;
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b) a 20 mm thick plate of fibreboard , firmly attached to the platform by screws;

c) a cylindrical steel boss, diameter 1 25 mm and height 35 mm, located under the centre of the platform;
d) a 284 mm long shaft, with diameter of 20 mm, fixed to the centre of the boss;
e) a restraining peg , to prevent the platform from rotating; the mass of the platform assembly (items a) to e)) shall
be (23 ± 1 ) kg;
f) an annular, elastomeric pressure spring , with a Shore A hardness, when determined in accordance with
EN ISO 868, of 68, outside diameter 1 25 mm, inside diameter 27 mm and height 32 mm, on which the cylindrical
boss will rest;
g) a shallow steel cylinder, inside diameter 1 26 mm, wall thickness 5 mm, outside height 30 mm, with a base 8 mm
thick which has a 25 mm diameter hole drilled through the centre, to contain the elastomeric spring;
h) a supporting steel cylinder, outside diameter 80 mm, inside diameter 60,1 mm and height 92,4 mm, to which the
shallow cylinder is screwed;
i) a PVC liner, outside diameter 60 mm, inside diameter 20,2 mm and height 92,4 mm, located inside the supporting
cylinder and attached by a screw;
j) a steel mounting plate, thickness 1 2 mm, with a 25 mm hole drilled through the centre, to which the supporting
steel cylinder is screwed;
k) a steel base plate, thickness 1 2 mm;
l) four supporting pillars, height 260 mm and diameter 32 mm, screwed to the mounting plate and to the base
m) a framework to support the base plate so that the complete assembly is at a convenient working height;
n) an attachment to the shaft, allowing adjustment to the overall length, fitted with a cam wheel, outside diameter
30,0 mm, with a contact surface 8,0 mm wide;
o) a cylindrical cam , outside diameter 1 20 mm, inside diameter 1 00 mm, wall thickness 1 0 mm, with a 'vertical drop'
of 50,0 mm between the high point and the low point;
p) a collar, outside diameter 50 mm, height 4,0 mm;
q) an electric motor and suitable gearing , to rotate the cam at a rotational frequency of 1 Hz.
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1 Restraining peg
2 Platform
3 Boss
4 Pressure spring
5 Cup
6 Supporting cylinder
7 PVC liner
8 Mounting plate
9 Shaft
1 0 Supporting pillar

Figure A.1 — Detail of top section of mechanical shock apparatus

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1 Mounting plate
2 Supporting pillar
3 Base plate

Figure A.2 — General assembly of mechanical shock apparatus

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1 Cam
2 Collar
3 Cam wheel

Figure A.3 — Detail of shaft attachment and cam assembly of mechanical shock apparatus

A.5.1 .2 Cellular rubber sheet, 1 00 mm thick. The material used shall have an apparent density, when determined
in accordance with EN ISO 845, of 35 kg/m 3 and an indentation hardness check, when determined in accordance with
EN ISO 2439, of 21 5 N.
A.5.1 .3 Laboratory balance, capable of weighing to the nearest 1 mg.

A.5.2 Procedure

A.5.2.1 Conditioning. Place a sheet of paper on the platform of the mechanical shock apparatus (A.5.1 .1 ) and
place the fireworks on top of the sheet of paper. For fireworks which are supplied in primary packs in order to protect
the initial fuses of the fireworks, use the appropriate number of complete, unopened packs. Cover the fireworks or
packs with the cellular rubber sheet (A.5.1 .2) and secure it to the platform around its edges. Start the machine so that
the platform is raised and dropped onto the elastomeric spring, having adjusted the drop height (to about 25 mm) so
that the maximum deceleration of each shock is 490 m/s 2 and the duration of each shock impulse is about 60 ms.
Continue running the machine for 1 h.
A.5.2.2 Collection of loose pyrotechnic composition. At the end of the 2 h period stop the machine and remove
the fireworks or primary packs. For fireworks which have been conditioned in primary packs, carefully open the packs,
remove the fireworks and empty any loose material on to the sheet of paper. Separate any pyrotechnic composition
from the other loose material and weigh this pyrotechnic composition to the nearest 1 mg using the balance (A.5.1 .3).
Record whether the mass of the pyrotechnic composition exceeds 1 00 mg. If applicable, record whether there was
any damaged or lose ignition head.
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A.6 Number of primary packs to be examined

For fireworks which are supplied in primary packs in order to protect the initial fuses of the fireworks, examine at least
five packs to assess conformity to clauses 6 and 7. The packs to be examined shall include all those whose contents
are used for the tests described in clause 8.

A.7 Test report

The test report shall include at least the following information, with items o) to u) and w) to jj) being given for each
firework tested:
a) * a reference to this standard, i.e. EN 1 4035-4;
b) * the complete identification of the sample under test;
c) * the date of completion of the testing;
d) * for bangers, whether the means of ignition is identified by a protruding fuse or an ignition
e) * for banger batteries, whether there is a single point of ignition, identified by a protruding
f) * the means by which the initial fuse is protected;
g) if the initial fuse is a protruding fuse designed to resist side ignition, whether the
protruding fuse ignited for each of the items tested for that purpose;
h) * if applicable, for each primary pack or selection pack examined, whether the pack
completely enclosed the fireworks and whether there were any holes or splits in the pack
except those intended to enable the packaging to be opened and those which are
otherwise technically necessary;
i) for bangers, the net explosive contents of the fireworks tested for that purpose, in grams
whether the net explosive content of each banger tested for that purpose exceeds 0,8 g
for a category 1 banger, or exceeds 6,0 g for a category 2 banger, or exceeds 1 0,0 g for
a category 3 banger;
j) for banger batteries, the net explosive content of each pyrotechnic element and the total
net explosive content for each of the fireworks tested for that purpose, in grams and
whether the net explosive content of each banger battery tested for that purpose
exceeds 7,5 g for a category 1 banger battery, or 25,0 g for a category 2 banger battery,
or 250,0 g for a category 3 banger battery
whether the net explosive content of each pyrotechnic report element, exceeds 0,8 g a
category 1 banger battery, or exceeds 6,0 g for a category 2 banger battery, or exceeds
1 0,0 g for a category 3 banger battery;
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EN 14035−4:2003

k) * if applicable, for each primary pack examined, whether the type name, category,
safety information,
name3)and address and telephone number of the manufacturer 3) or
distributor or importer and the reference to this standard were correctly stated on
the pack;
l) * if applicable, for each primary pack examined, whether the statement ‘Must be sold as
packaged’ was correctly stated on the pack;
m) * if applicable, for each primary pack examined, whether the specified information on
the pack was clearly visible, easily legible, indelible, on a single-colour background
and whether the type sizes were correct;
n) whether the mass of any loose pyrotechnic composition collected after mechanical
conditioning exceeded 1 00 mg and, if applicable, whether there was any damaged or
loose ignition head after mechanical conditioning;
o) * the materials of the firework case, including any end closures
whether the materials of the body of the firework case are paper, cardboard,
cardboard wrapped in cord, or plastics and if the end closure(s) is a (are)separate
component(s) or the end closures are separate components, whether they are of clay
or similar material, or of paper, cardboard or cellular plastics;
p) * if applicable, whether the orange fuse cover was in place over the initial fuse;
q) * whether there were any holes, splits, dents or bulges in the body of the firework case;
r) * if applicable, whether there were any holes or splits in the end closure(s) and whether
the (any) end closure was loose or missing;
s) * if applicable, whether the type name, category, safety information, name, address and
telephone number of the manufacturer 3) or distributor 3) or importer 3) and the
reference to this standard were correctly stated on the firework;
t) * if applicable, whether the specified information on the firework was visible, legible,
indelible, on a single-colour background and whether the type sizes were correct;
u) if applicable, whether the protruding fuse was securely attached to the firework;
v) the wind speed at the time of performance testing, in metres per second;
w whether the initial fuse ignited within 1 0 s;
x) * whether the ignition of the initial fuse was visible;
y) * the duration of the initial fuse burning, in seconds;
whether the duration of the initial fuse burning was not less than 3,0 s or more than
8,0 s for a banger or a category 1 or a category 2 banger battery, not less than 5,0 s
or more than 1 3,0 s for a category 3 banger battery;

3 ) Whichever applies.
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EN 14035−4:2003

z) * for bangers, the number of reports produced and whether the banger produced more
than one report;
aa) * for banger batteries, whether a series of reports was produced;
bb) * for banger batteries, whether all pyrotechnic elements functioned completely;
cc) for bangers, the maximum A-weighted impulse sound pressure level, in decibels (AI)
whether the maximum A-weighted impulse sound pressure level exceeded
1 20 dB(AI);
dd) for banger batteries, the maximum A-weighted impulse sound pressure level, in
decibels (AI)
whether the maximum A-weighted impulse sound pressure level exceeded
1 20 dB(AI);
ee) * whether any burning or incandescent matter fell to the ground a distance of more than
1 ,0 m, for category 1 fireworks, or 6,0 m, for category 2 fireworks, or 1 5,0 m, for
category 3 fireworks, from the testing point;
ff) * whether all flames caused by the functioning of the firework were extinguished within
5,0 s of the firework ceasing to function;
gg) * whether any debris was projected laterally more than 1 ,0 m, for category 1 fireworks,
or 8,0 m, for category 2 fireworks, or 1 5,0 m, for category 3 fireworks, from the testing
hh) * for category 1 fireworks, whether any particle of debris which fell to the ground
between 0,5 m and 1 ,0 m from the testing point had a mass exceeding 0,5 g;
ii) * for category 2 fireworks, whether any particle of debris which fell to the ground
between 6,0 m and 8,0 m from the testing point had a mass exceeding 1 ,0 g;
jj) * for fireworks with plastics bodies, whether the (any) body splintered during the
performance test.

NOTE The asterisks in the above list are referred to in B.5.

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Annex B
Batch testing
B.1 General
For the purposes of batch testing, acceptance sampling in accordance with B.2 to B.6 shall be applied.

B.2 Sampling plans

Sampling shall be in accordance with ISO 2859-1 using double sampling plans and applying the switching procedures
for normal, tightened and reduced inspection. Inspection level S-4 shall apply.

B.3 Unit of product

For fireworks which are not supplied in primary packs, the unit of product on which the sample size is based shall be
the individual firework.
For fireworks which are supplied in primary packs, the unit of product for the purpose of sampling to assess conformity
to the requirements for the fireworks shall be an individual firework and the sample shall comprise the contents of the
appropriate number of primary packs. The primary pack shall be the unit of product for the purpose of sampling to
assess conformity to the requirements for the primary packs themselves and the appropriate number of primary packs
shall be sampled separately and examined for faults.

B.4 Nonconformities
Nonconformities shall be classed in accordance with Table B.1 .

Table B.1 — Summary of requirements and types of nonconformity for batch testing
Ref. Property Requirement Test Type of
method noncon-
formity a
4.1 Identification of means of ignition See 4.1 Visual Major
4.2 Attachment of protruding fuse b Shall be secure 8.1 Major
4.3.2 Orange fuse cover b Shall be in place Visual Major
4.4 Materials of firework case See 4.4 Visual Critical
4.5.1 Integrity of firework case See 4.5.1 Visual Major
5.1 Ignition of initial fuse Shall ignite (see 5.1 ) 8.3 Major
Shall be visible 8.3 Major
5.1 Duration of initial fuse burning: 8.3
Bangers and category 1 and (3,0 s to 8,0 s)
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EN 14035-4:2003

Ref. Property Requirement Test Type of

method noncon-
formity a
category 2 banger batteries
Extent of nonconformity:

< 2,0 s or > 1 0,0 s Critical

2,0 s and < 3,0 s Major

> 8,0 s and 1 0,0 s Major

Category 3 banger batteries (5,0 s to 1 3,0 s)

Extent of nonconformity:

< 3,0 s or > 1 5,0 s Critical

? 3,0 s and < 5,0 s


> 1 3,0 s and 1 5,0 s Major

5 .2 Principal effect See 5.2 8.3 Minor

5.3 Number of reports (bangers only) Not more than one 8.3 Critical

5.4 Functioning (bangers batteries All pyrotechnic elements of 8.3 Minor

only) the banger battery shall
function completely
5.6 Burning or incandescent matter See 5.6 8.3 Major
falling to the ground

5.6 Extinguishing of any flames ? 5,0 s after the firework 8.3 Minor
has ceased to function
5 .7 Projected debris See 5.7 8.3 Major
5 .8 Plastics body during performance Shall not splinter 8.3 Critical

6 Integrity of primary pack or Pack shall completely Visual Major

selection packc enclose the firework(s) with
no holes or splits except
those which are intended to
enable the packaging to be
opened and those which are
otherwise technically
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EN 14035-4:2003

Ref. Property Requirement Test Type of

method noncon-
7 Labelling of fireworkb Shall be correctly stated, Visual Minor
legible and on a single-
colour background
7 Labelling of primary packd Shall be correctly stated, Visual Minor
legible and on a single-
colour background
7 Type sizes See 7.6.2, 7.7.1 and 7.8, as 8.6 Minor
See 3.32, 3.33 and 3.34 in EN 1 4035-1 :2003.
If applicable.
If a primary pack or selection pack is required to protect the initial fuses of the fireworks.
If there is a primary pack.

B.5 Test report

The test report shall include at least the items marked with an asterisk in A.7 (with items o) to u), w) to bb) and ee) to jj)
being given for each firework tested).

B.6 Acceptance or rejection of a batch

B.6.1 Nonconforming units
Acceptance or rejection of the batch shall be determined by the number of nonconforming units of each type, in
accordance with B.6.2 to B.6.5.
NOTE Acceptance or rejection of the batch is determined by the number of nonconforming units of each type and not necessarily
by the number of nonconformities found.

B.6.2 Critical nonconforming units

For critical nonconforming units an Acceptance Quality Level (AQL) of 0,65 % shall apply. If the batch fails to meet this
criterion, it shall be rejected. Any critical nonconforming units shall not also be counted as major nonconforming units
or minor nonconforming units.

B.6.3 Major nonconforming units

For major nonconforming units an AQL of 2,5 % shall apply. If the batch fails to meet this criterion, it shall be rejected.
Any major nonconforming units shall not also be counted as minor nonconforming units.

B.6.4 Minor nonconforming units

For minor nonconforming units an AQL of 1 0 % shall apply. If the batch fails to meet this criterion, it shall be rejected.
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B.6.5 Fireworks supplied in primary packs or selection packs

For fireworks which are supplied in primary packs or selection packs, the acceptance criteria in B.6.2, B.6.3 and B.6.4
shall be applied separately to the actual fireworks and to the primary packs or selection packs (see B.3).
NOTE If a selection pack is required to protect the initial fuse
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EN 14035−4:2003

Annex C
Method for determination of smouldering rate of cigarette
Condition the cigarette for at least 1 6 h, immediately before the test, at a temperature of (23 ± 2) °C and a relative
humidity of (50 ± 5) %.
Mark the cigarette at 1 0 mm and 50 mm from the end to be lit. Ignite the cigarette and draw air through it until the
tip glows brightly. Not less than 5 mm and not more than 8 mm of the cigarette shall be consumed in this operation.
In draught-free air, impale the cigarette horizontally on a horizontal spike inserted not more than 1 3 mm from the
unlit end. Record the time taken for the cigarette to smoulder from the 1 0 mm mark to the 50 mm mark.
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EN 14035−4:2003

Annex D
A-deviation: National deviations due to regulations, the alteration of which is for the time being outside the
competence of the CEN/CENELEC member.
This European Standard does not fall under any Directive of the EC.
In the relevant CEN/CENELEC countries these A-deviations are valid instead of the provisions of the European
Standard until they have been removed.

In France, the following regulation is binding in relation to the content of this standard: Arrêté du 24 février 1 994
relatif au classement des artifices de divertissement Ministère de l'Industrie, des Postes et Télécommunications et
du Commerce Extérieur. Journal Officiel de la République Française du 1 8 mai 1 994.
Sub-clause Deviation

5.1 (Arrêté du 24 février 1 994 relatif au classement des artifices, du Ministère

de l’Industrie, des Postes et Télécommunications et du Commerce
Extérieur publié au J.O.R.F. du 1 8 mai 1 994 - Art. 9)
The duration of the initial fuse burning shall be 3,0 s to 6,0 s for all the
categories of banger and banger batteries.
5.5.1 (Arrêté du 24 février 1 994 relatif au classement des artifices, du Ministère
de l’Industrie, des Postes et Télécommunications et du Commerce
Extérieur publié au J.O.R.F. du 1 8 mai 1 994 - Art. 5, Art. 6)
A banger with a net explosive content of not more than 3,0 g shall produce
a sound level not higher than 1 61 dBLin (pic).
A banger with a net explosive content of not more than 1 0,0 g shall
produce a sound level not higher than 1 63 dBLin (pic).
5.5.2 (Arrêté du 24 février 1 994 relatif au classement des artifices, du Ministère
de l’Industrie, des Postes et Télécommunications et du Commerce
Extérieur publié au J.O.R.F. du 1 8 mai 1 994 - Art. 5, Art. 6)
A banger battery from which each element shall have a net explosive
content of not more than 3,0 g shall produce a sound level not higher than
1 61 dBLin (pic).
A banger battery from which each element shall have a net explosive
content of not more than 1 0,0 g shall produce a sound level not higher than
1 63 dBLin (pic).
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EN 14035−4:2003

Clause/sub-clause Deviation
1 and 4.7 In Germany, the Gesetz über explosionsgefährliche
Stoffe (Sprengstoffgesetz) and the Erste Verordnung
zum Sprengstoffgesetz (No. 1 2 Anlage 1 zur 1 . SprengV
„Anforderungen an die Zusammensetzung und
Beschaffenheit von pyrotechnischen Sätzen, sonstigen
explosionsgefährlichen Stoffen im Sinne von § 1 Abs. 3
Nr. 1 und 2 des Gesetzes und von Sprengzubehör im
Sinne von § 6 Abs. 1 ) is valid and the import,
distribution, sale, hand-over and use of category 1
bangers and banger batteries is prohibited.

Sub-clause Deviation
5.5.1 and 5.5.2 The maximum level required by the Netherlands is
1 53 dB (lin) at a distance of 2 m (article 1 0.1 of 'Regeling
nadere eisen aan vuurwerk (22 februari 2002)'), which is
1 1 3 dB(AI) at 2 m according to the method given in EN
1 4035-4.
4.6.1 and 4.6.2 In 4.6.1 is mentioned that a category 2 banger shall
have a net explosive content of not more than
6,0 grams. In Appendix III, A1 of the 'Regeling nadere
eisen aan vuurwerk (22 februari 2002)', is mentioned
that the maximum net explosive content for a banger is
2,5 grams.

In 4.6.2 is mentioned that in a category

2 banger battery, each individual element shall have a
net explosive content of not more than 6,0 grams. In
Appendix III, A2 of the 'Regeling nadere eisen aan
vuurwerk (22 februari 2002)', is mentioned that the
maximum net explosive content for each pyrotechnic
element of a banger battery is
1 ,0 grams.

Sweden requests an A-deviation for the whole standard.
The legal bases for this request are the change in the Order (1 988:1 1 45) on Flammables and Explosives that was
decided by the Swedish Government, 26 of October 2000. The signification of this change, which is valid from the
first of December 2000, is that those Fireworks whose dominating effect is report no longer are allowed in Sweden.
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EN 14035-4:2003


Pt. 2.5, 1 èr Section des prescriptions pour l’homologation et critères de contrôle pour les engins pyrotechniques selon
l’Ordonnance sur les substances explosibles du 27 novembre 2001 :
„Tout feux d’artifices détonnant aux sol, c’est à dire tous les pétards qui détonnent sans avoir été préablement
éjectés ou propulsés à une certaine distance à l’aide d’une charge propulsive sont intredits. Font exeption de cette
règle les Crackers ayant une longeur maximale 22 mm (7/8 pouce) et un diamètre maximale 3 mm (1/8 pouce)
ainsi que les pets de lucifer (Knallteufel) comportants une charge ne dépassant pas 2,5 mg.“

United Kingdom

We request an A-deviation for the whole standard because the sale of bangers and banger batteries, and certain
other types of firework, in the United Kingdom is prohibited by Regulation 4 of the Fireworks (Safety) Regulations
1997 (SI No.2294) made under section 11 of the Consumer Protection Act 1987.
A-deviation Denmark
In annex 1 to regulation 778 to 1 4-1 -1 999 on fireworks there is given construction requirements for fireworks for the
general public.
Item 9 in annex 1 state that must not be constructed with no other effect than report.
As a consequence, DK raises an A-deviation to the entire standard.
A-deviation France
Add the following A-deviation: France (Arrêté du 1 er juillet 1 991 portant approbation du Recueil des épreuves
d’agrément des artifices de divertissement publieé au J.O.R.F. du 20 juillet 1 991 ). The duration of the test for the
thermal conditional shall be 72 h. La durée de l’essai pour le conditionnement thermique est de 72 h.
A-deviation Ireland
The basis for applying to the Technical Committee (CEN/TC 21 2) for an A Deviation is due to the current policy of
the Irish Government on the sale of consumer fireworks. On safety and security grounds, the sale of consumer
fireworks (of any category) to the general public, is not permitted under current Government policy. Importation
licences can be issued, but only for fireworks used for organized displays, conducted by professional competent
operators. This policy is referenced in the “Guidance Document on Organised Fireworks Displays July 2003” issued
by the Irish Government Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform.
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