Types of Survey
Types of Survey
Types of Survey
• Land surveying : To determine the boundaries and areas of parcels of land, also known as
property survey, boundary survey or cadastral survey.
• Topographic survey : To prepare a plan/ map of a region which includes natural as well as
and man-made features including elevation.
Survey Types (Based on the purpose)
• Engineering survey : To collect requisite data for planning, design and execution of engineering
projects. Three broad steps are:
• Route surveys : To plan, design, and laying out of route such as highways, railways, canals,
pipelines, and other linear projects.
Survey Types (Based on the purpose)
• Construction surveys : Surveys which are required for establishment of points, lines, grades, and for
staking out engineering works (after the plans have been prepared and the structural design has been
• Astronomic surveys : To determine the latitude, longitude (of the observation station) and azimuth (of
a line through observation station) from astronomical observation.
• Mine surveys : To carry out surveying specific for opencast and underground mining purposes.
Survey Types
1. National Survey
2. Regional Survey
3. Town Survey
4. Civic/ Socio-Economic Survey
National Survey
• Collect information of natural resources and potentialities and to locate the industries in
different regions.
• Survey for fixing railway alignments, Hydro electric works, Heavy industries
Regional Survey
They are those surveys which are done over a region dealing with:
1. Physical factors: topography, physically difficult land, geology, landscape etc.
2. Physical economic factors: agricultural value of the land, mineral resources and water
gathering lands. Areas with public services, transportation linkages etc.
3. Social economic factors: areas of influence of towns and villages. employment, population
changes etc.
• Topography
• Climatology
Physical Survey
C. Land Use: D. Communication:
• House to house survey is the socio-economic survey which is the foundation stone of the
planning structure.
• From this survey the town planner/ urban planner can make a correct diagnosis of various
ills from which the town is suffering and prescribe the correct remedies for their cure.
Civic/Socio-Economic Survey
• Geological structure: showing the arrangement of the underlying rocks and their formation.
• Contours showing variations of ground surface.
• Rainfall and wind charts.
• Rivers, flood ranges, tides