The Discovery of Electron
The Discovery of Electron
The Discovery of Electron
The discovery of electron
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The diagram shows apparatus which can be used to determine the specific charge of an
Electrons are emitted from the filament and accelerated by a potential difference between
the filament and anode to produce a beam. The beam is deflected into a circular path by
applying a magnetic field perpendicular to the plane of the diagram.
(a) Describe the process that releases the electrons emitted at the filament.
(b) The table shows the data collected when determining the specific charge of the
electron by the method shown in the diagram.
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Show that the specific charge of the electron is given by the expression
(c) Using data from the table, calculate a value for the specific charge of the electron.
Give your answer to an appropriate number of significant figures.
(d) At the time when Thomson measured the specific charge of the particles in cathode
rays, the largest specific charge known was that of the hydrogen ion.
State how Thomson’s result for the specific charge of each particle within a cathode
ray compared with that for the hydrogen ion and explain what he concluded about
the nature of the particles.
(Total 9 marks)
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The diagram shows a gas discharge tube devised by William Crookes in one of his
When a large potential difference is applied between the cathode and anode the paddle
wheel is seen to rotate and travel along the rail towards the anode.
(a) Explain how this experiment led Crookes to conclude that cathode rays are particles
and that these particles caused the movement of the paddle.
(b) Later experiments showed that cathode rays are electrons in motion.
(c) In a particular gas discharge tube, air molecules inside the tube are absorbed by the
walls of the tube.
Suggest the effect that this absorption may have on the motion of the paddle wheel.
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Give a reason for your answer.
(Total 7 marks)
The diagram below shows part of an apparatus used to determine the specific charge of
an electron.
Electrons are emitted by the cathode by thermionic emission. They are accelerated by the
potential difference between the cathode and anode. The tube contains helium gas at a
low pressure and the gas emits light to show the path of the electron beam.
The beam is bent into a circular path by applying a magnetic field perpendicular to the
plane of the diagram.
(a) Explain how light is emitted as the electrons travel through the helium gas.
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(b) In one experiment the potential difference between the cathode and anode is 2.5 kV.
Show that the speed of the electrons is about 3.0 × 107 m s−1.
(c) When the flux density of the magnetic field is 3.1 mT the diameter of the path of the
beam is 0.114 m.
Calculate the value for the specific charge of an electron from the data in this
(d) In practice the path of the electron beam is not a perfect circle.
Discuss how the presence of the gas affects the path of the electrons.
(Total 11 marks)
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(a) J J Thomson devised the first experiments to determine the specific charge for
cathode rays produced in discharge tubes. He found that the value did not depend
on the gas in the tube. He also discovered that particles emitted by a heated
filament and particles emitted in the photoelectric effect had the same specific
1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
(b) The diagram shows a spherical tube, filled with low-pressure helium gas, that is
used in an experiment to determine the specific charge of an electron.
(i) Explain the process that causes the low-pressure helium gas to emit light so
that the path of the electron beam can be seen.
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(ii) In one experiment using the apparatus in the diagram, the accelerating pd is
1.6 kV and the flux density of the magnetic field is 2.2 mT. The path of the
electron beam has a radius of 0.059 m.
Determine a value for the specific charge of an electron using these data.
State an appropriate unit for your answer.
The diagram below shows part of an evacuated tube that is used to determine the specific
charge (e / m) for an electron. An electron beam is directed between the two parallel
metal plates, X and Y. In the region between the plates, a magnetic field is applied
perpendicularly into the plane of the diagram. An electric field can be applied in this region
by applying a potential difference (pd) between the plates.
(a) The diagram shows the path of the electron beam when the magnetic field is applied
and the pd between X and Y is zero.
(i) Explain why the path followed by the electron beam in the magnetic field is a
circular arc.
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where r is the radius of the path of an electron in the magnetic field and B is
the flux density of the magnetic field.
(iii) A pd V is now applied between X and Y without changing the flux density of
the magnetic field. V is adjusted until the electron beam is not deflected as it
travels in the region between the plates.
(b) Use the equation given in part (ii) and your answer to part (iii) to show that the
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(c) If the charge on an electron is known then its mass can be determined from the
specific charge. Describe how Millikan’s experiment with charged oil droplets
enables the electronic charge to be determined.
(Total 11 marks)
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Mark schemes
(a) Filament / metal is heated due to the current through it ✔
Thermionic emission ✔
Electrons are heated
Not heated due to the pd across it
By electrical power or electrically heated
Not allowed
Reference to electrons leaving atoms or ionisation
Energy supplied sufficient to overcome the work function
To arrive at
or or
or or ✔
Substitution in the other equation and manipulates correctly and clearly to give
Condone q for e
Substitution in other equation and correct manipulation
NB this is a show that so mark is not simply for stating the
equation given
I presented such that v (velocity) and V (voltage) are
indistinguishable in manipulation then award only first mark
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(c) Correct substitution
(d) The specific charge of the cathode rays/the particles was( much) larger/greater than
the hydrogen ion/proton ✔
(a) Cathode rays/electrons move from cathode toward anode
Accept move left to right.
(b) Electrons are pulled out/escape from atoms OR gas atoms are ionised ✔
Condone molecules as alternative to atoms.
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Effect: Paddle wheel rotates less ✔
Must score the reason mark to score the effect mark.
Ignore references to air resistance.
(a) Electrons collide with atoms.✔
Emits a photon when the electron relaxes / moves to lower energy level.✔
(b) Substitutes in ✔
v is proportional to r
OR r = vm/Be and m, B and e are constant.✔
r (gradually) decreases
(a) Experiments suggested cathode rays were negatively charged particles ✔
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Particle has mass much smaller than mass of an atom / hydrogen ion
Compares Specific charge with that of hydrogen ion / atom ✔
1.9 × 1011 ✔
C kg-1 ✔
Do not allow
Must be seen
Substitution of values of e and me can gain 1st and last
marks only
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(a) (i) There is a (constant) force acting which is (always) at right angles /
perpendicular to the path / motion / velocity / direction of travel / to the beam
Or mentions a centripetal force ✓
First mark is for condition for circular motion
Not speed
Second mark is for a statement relating to the origin of the
Force is at right angles to the magnetic field and the electron motion
direction given by left hand rule ✓
Any mention of attraction to the plates is talk out (TO)
or rewrite as Be =
or rearrangement as =
Allow use of e or Q
states v = ✓
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Must include ‘e / m =’ not just ‘specific charge =’
Note there is no ecf. Candidates who use an incorrect
equation in (a) (iii) will lose this mark unless they restart from
first principles
Condone Q / m
Measure the terminal speed of the falling droplet
At the terminal speed weight = viscous force (+ upthrust)
m can be determined if r is known
Apply pd between the plates so electric field = V / d and adjust until droplet is
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QV / d = mg so Q can be found
Make a number of measurements to find Q
Results for Q are in multiples of 1.6 × 10−19C so Q can be found
Superficial with some sensible comments about the
procedure with significant errors in attempts at use of
equations. May do one part of A B or C reasonably well.
Relevant Equations without little explanation may be worth 1
Should cover most of the point in two of A, B & C coherently
A & B may be well done in an answer that is easy to follow
OR B and C may be well explained but there may be
significant errors or omissions in the determination of r
OR a bit of all A B and C with significant errors or omissions
Will cover the points made in A B & C with few omissions in
an answer that is easy to follow
The candidate will define some terms used in equations
Attempt to explain how to determine radius with detail of how
to use data
Makes a relevant point about some part of the procedure
about the determination
Radius determination explained with sensible equations
Explanation of how to use data to find mass of the drop
Idea of holding the drop stationary
Answer includes all steps to determine the charge of a
droplet with correct equations showing how to use the
For highest mark the answer should include idea of
interpreting results of many measurements
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Examiner reports
(a) Most students made some progress with this question (69.6% of students scored at
least two marks). Those failing to be awarded the first marking point made no
mention of the electrical heating due to the current in the filament. Many simply
restated the stem, stating that electrons were emitted, without further detail.
Thermionic emission was frequently mentioned in the response. Weak answers
referred to electrons being “dragged” out of the filament by the positive anode.
(b) Presentation of the derivation was often very poor, with the space for the response
being occupied by a jumble of equations that were unrelated. Over half of the
students scored both marks, however. Whilst giving one correct equation with v as
the subject was treated generously, students needed to produce an unambiguous
and acceptable structured response to gain full credit. Questions of this type are
common and it is expected that students should derive the given equation from
more basic equations. It was not acceptable to substitute data in the given equation
to produce a value that agreed with the accepted value for e/m. This was tested in
part (c).
(c) Students needed to show all data substituted to gain full marks. Most appreciated
that the answer needed to be given to two significant figures for consistency with the
significant figures in the data used. 58.8% of students were awarded both marks.
(d) Weaker answers to this part referred to the greater specific charge for the electron
meaning it was smaller rather than it having a lower mass. There was a high
proportion of completely correct responses (54.4%) and nearly 80% of students
scored at least one mark.
(a) Although many students could identify the importance of the momentum carried by
the particles in this question, not all went on to the explain that this momentum was
transferred to the paddle wheel. A good number of students identified that the
direction of travel of the cathode rays from cathode to anode was indicated by the
direction of rotation of the paddle. Most students scored one of the two available
marks, but few scored both.
(b) This question was not well answered by significant numbers of students. Common
mistakes included describing the processes of thermionic emission and photon
emission following de-excitation. A small number of students recalled, to a high level
of detail, the process of ionisation and subsequent role of the positive ions in
generating the electrons that go on to become cathode rays. A good number of
students were able to describe the acceleration of the electrons toward the anode as
an important factor in generating cathode rays.
(c) Responses to this question were good. Most students were able to explain how the
lower number of air molecules would either reduce the electrons available to
generate cathode rays, or result in the cathode rays present having more energy.
Some students did not fully develop the latter argument to the point where cathode
rays carried more energy, but were given some credit if they explained that collisions
with air molecules would be reduced. A significant number of responses were limited
to ideas about air resistance, which was not accepted.
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(a) This question required students to consider what could be inferred from the
experiments described. Whilst there were some very good responses, many
students answered using knowledge that came from different experiments which
were performed later than the ones mentioned. Many, for example, quoted the
magnitude of the electron’s charge as a conclusion that could be drawn. This was
measured by Millikan in 1909 whereas the experiments that led to the discovery of a
subatomic particle (later becoming known as the electron) in the cathode rays, and
earned Thomson a Nobel prize, were carried out in 1897.
(b) (i) This was often well done and there was a high proportion of well-expressed
complete responses. Collisions of electrons with molecules rather than atoms
was accepted for the first mark when discussing excitation and relaxation it
was essential to mention that this takes place in an atom. A number of
students stated that the nucleus was excited by the collisions. Some, even
after stating that the excitation took place in atoms, went on to write that the
subsequent emission was a gamma ray photon.
(ii) There were many completely correct responses in this part. Only a small
minority of the students gave an incorrect unit. Some having quoted two
appropriate equations failed to manipulate them correctly. Although they were
instructed to ‘use these data’ a common error was to substitute in values for
the electron charge an mass in eV = ½ mv2 to find v and then use this in an
equation to find e/m which defeats the objective of the experiment.
(a) (i) A majority of the students identified the existence of a force perpendicular to
the velocity but far fewer went on to explain the origin of the force.
Parts (ii), (iii) and (b) were generally very well done with students showing
their initial equations and some evidence of manipulation.
(c) This proved to an accessible question with 35% of the students scoring 4 or more
marks and nearly 90% scoring at least one mark. Weaker responses usually
included some appropriate equations that are used in the determination but gave
little to link them to the procedure. It was not always clear that a student knew that
the same drop was used throughout the determination of a charge. Some stated
explicitly that all drops were the same because they come from the same nozzle so
having determined the radius in one experiment using terminal speed they used a
different drop in the second part with the applied field. Other misunderstandings
included reference to use of a magnetic field and referring to the charge on the drop
as the specific charge.
The best responses identified at least in outline what was being done in the
experiment. Relatively few explained how the terminal speed was determined but
showed clearly how the equation for the radius was derived. These also went onto
explain clearly how stopping the drops motion using an electric field led to the
determination of the charge. The most common failing was not to identify the terms
in the equations that were quoted or to identify them incorrectly. Some referred to
the force 6πƞrv as the viscosity and d in the equation mg = VQ / d as ‘the distanceߣ
or as ‘the distance fallenߣ.
Most strong and weak students made some reference to the charge being a multiple
of ‘e’ although this was often vaguely linked to the experiment.
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