Placent Cell Question Bank
Placent Cell Question Bank
Placent Cell Question Bank
Online test
● oops concept- polymorphism, abstraction, inheritance, encapsulation. Write examples of the
● arraylist vs array
● Given a sorted array rotated from a particular position(position not specified). Find the element
from the array.
● complexities of heap sort etc.
● Implement a binary tree and write some of its functions
● from a file of data count the occurrences of a word and tell the word with maximum occurrences
(using file reading)
● Buy and sell stock with max profit
● Recursively delete all consecutive duplicates in a string.
● Tell whether a number is a power of 2
● From resume (Android app development) - if the main screen is taking a lot of time to load, how
will you check and take care of it.
● Given two strings, s1 comprises of alphabets, s2 has alphabets as well as the wildcard '*'. write a
function that returns true if the strings match else false. The wildcard could mean any alphabet.
Example: abcdeabs, a* match, a*a* also matches, *s matches, but *eb* doesn't match
● How would a system like amazon shopping give a notification to users when a product comes
back in stock? (should consider the scale)
● Traversals of Binary Trees and Binary Search Trees, Convert Binary Tree to Circular Linked List
and Doubly Linked List, Paging and Segmentation, Threads, Heap and Stack in C, Concurrency
Control, Discretization of attributes in Decision Tree Classifiers
● 21 occurrence
● Vertical traversal of nodes in a binary tree. Then print in forward or reverse alternating order the
elements in the vertical columns so formed starting from the first column.
● Matrices given with O and X's convert all Os to Xs if the group of Os are padded with Xs in all
directions. (Up down left right)
● Given a Database of million entries, return a sample of size 100 which nicely captures the
distribution. It was a stats and sampling based problem.
● Split linked list from the middle
● Design FB feed, vertical and horizontal traversal, map (how to avoid inconsistent state),
palindromic substring
● Next largest number in the array.
● Ways to reach n stairs if 1,2 and 3 steps are allowed at a time.
● Given two bishops on the nxn chessboard count the minimum no. of moves taken by one Bishop
to reach the other.
● Given a string and a no. K, reverse string at consecutive subsequences of length K.
● 2 bishops x,y coordinates are given b1(x,y) and b2(x2,y2) (b1 is fixed, min no. of moves required
to kill b1 by moving only b2. ii) some tiles are blocked now (rest same question)
● print matrix of size n*n in spiral form
HR Questions
● Which type of team would you like to work in, Cutting Edge Technology or Standard Products,
why not the other, give reasons?
● What will you do in case of conflict with the manager on ideas?
● What will you do in case you do not like the project assigned to you?
● How did you get into coding? The journey from 11th and 12th to IIITD
● Why do you want to join Adobe?
● Which was your most challenging project?
● How did you manage teamwork?
● What innovation did you do?
● Given a scenario in which the manager is not agreeing to you how will you proceed
Online test
● Given a list of integers, you have to tell how many of them are perfect squares
● Given a list of n integers and an integer k, sort first k items of the list in increasing order and
remaining in decreasing order and print the list.
HR questions
● "How many footballs can fit inside a commercial airplane"
● Define the work that you did in your internship?
● Are you a research-oriented person?
● What else do you like to do apart from academics?
● How do you like to work on a project? In a team, as an individual? And how do you go about
working on it?
● Would you be comfortable working on new technologies?
● Why did you want to join Airtel X Labs?
Internship Interview
● If there is a linked list in which each node points to the next node and to a Random node(part of
linked list only). How do you clone that linked list?
● Given a BST with two of its node values swapped. Correct the BST.
● Given an unsorted array filled with multiple occurrences of 0, 1, 2. Sort the array in one traversal
and O(n).
● Difference between Processes and Threads.
● Binary KnapSack and SQL queries
● Find maximum path sum in n-ary tree.
● When to use an array and when to use a linked list.
● We start with a value n in cash and we can choose to invest in a scheme. Here the return we get
is floor(n/2) + floor(n/3) + floor(n/4). Each of these 3 numbers is a component that we can choose
to reinvest to get a better return (no other amount can be invested after the first investment).
Given an n, you have to write a function which calculates the maximum possible return you can
get by investing n. Eg- n=24 gives return 12+8+6=26. Now you can reinvest 12 to get a return
6+4+3=13. Hence the max possible return from investing 24 is 13(not 12)+8+6=27. So 27 has to
be returned.
● Given n countries and q bidirectional roads connecting some of them, find the number of distinct
● Given an array of size>=4, print the number d such that a+b+c = d where a,b,c,d are integers in
the array.
● Given n chairs some of which are filled, find the index at which one person can sit such that he is
at maximum distance from his next nearest person. Extend it to k people. (O(n) time)
● In a tree find the two nodes which are a maximum distance apart and also write the code for it.
● What if we have an acyclic graph in the above question. How can we find the 2 nodes that are a
maximum distance apart? With the least complexity.
● Implement a list in a language of your choice (append, remove, get operations)
● Given a list of subjects and their prerequisites. Determine whether it is a valid offering or not.
● Replicate a linked list which has nodes pointing to the next node and random nodes as well, Find
square root of a rational number such that the difference between actual value and calculated
value is less than 10e-6.
● Given a binary matrix which is sorted row wise and column wise, return the index of the row
having maximum number of 1s
● Find the maximum value in a stack at any point of time.
● Given a binary matrix of 0s and 1s only, sorted according to both column and row, find the index
of the row having maximum no of 1s in O(1).
● Given a string which contains only 'a' or 'b'. There is an operation by which you can remove any
palindrome subsequence from the string. Find the minimum number of operations required to
make the string empty.
● The problem is too long to explain but an analogy could be drawn to huffman coding problem if
you are able to pick up on that during interview. Basically, store all elements in a min heap.
Extract 2 elements, add them up and add the result back in the min heap.
● Given a set of 'n' strings, find whether they form a complete cycle. For example, set S = {abcde,
efgh, hjia } forms a complete cycle because last character of 'abcde' matches first character of
'efgh' and similarly for 'efgh' and 'hjia' and from 'hjia' back to 'abcde'.
● Find the max area rectangle in a histogram?
HR Questions
● If another company offers higher compensation, would you leave us and take that job?
● What problems did you face while doing your project? What did you learn in your 1st year of
MTech? Why Axtria?
Internship Interview
● Perfect Squares leetcode, linked list basic questions
● Find the minimum path sum in a triangle.
● Find the missing numbers in an array in which numbers from 1 to n are present. (using bit
● Find prime numbers till given number n. (In O(nlogn) time , sieve of eratosthenes).
● Print the boundary(left view, right view and bottom view) of a tree.
● Define paging, page replacement, belady's anomaly, page fault, TLB.
● You are given a glass jar with 80% water(data) filled inside it, you have to go out for 7 days, how
will you detect if someone opened the jar(looked into your data). The water(data ) should not get
corrupt in the process.
● Given n queries, find the number of primes in a subtree rooted at given number a.
● Given natural number N, find R such that N-R*(R+1)/2 is positive and minimum.
● Given an undirected graph, instead of weight between 2 nodes, we are given the probability of
travel between 2 nodes. Given the start and end node, report the maximum probability we can
achieve and the exact path which needs to be taken for it.
● Difference between private and public IPs. How does a packet reach a client if only the public IP
is known to it?
● Why does the need for task scheduling arise in an OS?
● A discussion on how Linux treats processes and threads as simple tasks.
● given an undirected weighted graph with probabilities attached, and start and end, find the max
path from start to end (Multiple probabilities and not add them).
● There's an array given of size n, where n+2 elements are given except 2, find those two in o(1)
● Dbms: ACID properties, and explain to me how indexing works internally, phantom threads
● given an array with an ap sequence, find missing element in o(logn)
● A stacks given, return the minimum element in o(1) time, o(1) space
● Detection of loop in link list - Floyds hare and tortoise
● An array and an integer k is given, subsequence of the array will be formed if and if only pairs of
the elements do not sum to be integral multiples of k. Find the largest subsequence that can be
formed. Solve it in o(n)
● Given a reference to a node in link list, delete it.Reference to the Head is not given
Internship Interview
● Spiral matrix printing
● Given an array of integers, find the first occurence of a number such that all elements to the less
are less it and all elements to right are greater than it.
● First missing positive number
● Word Break into a minimum number of spaces.
● Check for increasing subsequence of length three in O(n) time.
● Given k sorted arrays. Give a single sorted array after combining them.
Internship Interview
● Explain Docker, why docker. Why java swing and comparison with spring. Explain the scenario for
safe cars(IOT related). How a smart hotel system uses Alexa(project based). Anagram Code.1
Puzzle. Concepts of OS(Virtual memory, paging) , OOPS concepts, Selection sort (comparison
with other sorting algorithms)
● Tell two things which you find wrong in yourself and try to improve it.
● Why did you not pick placement in B.Tech only?
● Tell me about your recent project and the problems faced during it and how you tackled them.
● Asked reasons why I changed my stream and reasons for selecting IIITD vs other colleges.
● What do you know about Dell that makes you want to be a part of our organization?
● Dell is an established company where generally your teammates are experienced professionals.
What would you do to make yourself noticeable in such a case?
● How many balls can you fill in an aeroplane?
● If given an opportunity to work in either a startup-like framework or an institute like Dell, which
one would you pick?
● Were you selected in other companies before this? If not, what were your shortcomings and how
did you overcome those?
● Given a chance will you prefer being a leader or will you prefer working under a leader?
Internship Interview
● find the number in the array which doesn't have a copy in the array
● design student portal. ( Explain all the database, system, network concepts used)
● belady's anomaly
● How did you maintain a relationship with a team player who is always negative?
● Have you ever tried to maintain rapport with someone where it is difficult to initiate the
● Tell me a situation where you tried more than your efforts and yet failed ? How did you overcome
● Tell me a situation where you are incorrect / wrong and how did you handle it?
Internship Interview
● Given arrival and departure time of trains tell minimum number of platforms required
● Given a big number in the form of a linked list and 1 to it.
● Rat in the maze problem
● Sort an array containing only 0s 1s and 2s , in linear time and no extra space.
● Diameter sum in a binary tree
● Given a sorted and rotated array, find the minimum element in it in O(logn) time.
● Add 1 to a number represented in a linked list
● Print the first non-repeating character of a string
● Find the length of a linked list with a loop
● Print the nth node from last of a linked list
● Find the maximum subsequence with two distinct numbers.
● Find diameter of a tree
● given an array from 1 to 100 consecutively find the missing no.
● find the character which when removed from the string , makes it a palindrome
● Write the code for the data structure Linked List in Java and for its add function.
● Find the minimum and maximum of an incoming stream of values.
● How to instantiate an object in javascript?
● Give the different types of indexes in DBMS.
● What is normalisation in DBMS?
● Only 1 question asked
● Missing element from 1st n natural nos.
● Balanced parentheses, zig zag level traversal of Binary tree, find the smallest missing number in
array of non negative numbers, Dutch flag problem
● Given a m,n matrix and int[] X, int[] Y are centers of circles of radius r. Find a path from 0,0 to
m-1, n-1 such that the path doesn't intersect any circles. If such path is not possible print False,
else print the path.
● Given a linked list, find the middle node in one pass.
● Determine if the given string have balanced parenthesis, but the string contain characters '(' , ')'
and '*' where "*" can be '(' or ')' depending on which gives a balanced string. eg. "((*)" is balanced,
"*(" is not balanced.
● DP - StairCase Problem.
● String manipulation - given aaabbbccc you need to reduce the string to abc.
● How to design a URL shortener.
● Program to simulate cache
● Find if one string is rotation of other
● This question with in-space constraint
was given.
● Implementation of hashmap using any hashing technique.
● given a binary tree, restructure the binary tree such that each level in the binary represents a
linked list independently. And do it in place by having a next pointer of the node in addition to left
and right
● Internal working of HashMap( of your preferred language, mine was Java)
● Left Join,Right Join,Inner Join.
● Rain Water Trapping Question of array (available on gfg & leetcode)
● Finding the missing card
● Rotating an array n times.
● Grouping anagrams
● Cousin nodes in a binary tree
● Count distinct (i,i+1) pairs in an array where i the the element in the array
● Rotating an Array, maximum overlaps in n ranges, kth largest in a stream, reading/writing b-tree
in a file, the next number is the pronunciation of the previous number
● Remove consecutive duplicates from a string . eg input > aaaabbccaaa output > abca
● Given cost matrix find minimum cost to reach A[N][N] from A[1][1] where A is the cost matrix
● You have to design an app and you have to make 4 teams among a group of 40 members for this
app. How would you go about it? If Team A comes up with a feature that disrupts the features of
Team B and this creates a dispute, how would you solve this?
● Given a group of 10 people, 4 of them are first-time travellers, 2 of them have restrictions about
the food they eat, 2 of them are physically-disabled. List the questions you would ask them to
plan a trip for them.
● Describe your experience working for a team. How do you handle a team member who does not
do a lot of work? Describe what you did in a situation where you came up with an idea that was
better than the idea of one of your group members.
● Designing an app for conducting hackathons.
● What was the best thing you liked about the presentation (given by the company)? What is the
current project on which you are working?
● How will you make a person contribute to a group project if he/she fails to do so?
● What do you think is better, leading a team or working as a team member?
● What the government should have done to prevent covid and all, and discussion on swine flu,
covid, when should we open the expedia office and why?...
● Tell me something about yourself which is not in your CV, like about you, your family....
● I told him that I do content writing as a hobby and own a blog. He asked me what all topics I've
written and finally asked me for the link to the blog.
● How ratings are calculated for a restaurant? Average is not a great parameter. Why? How can we
make the ratings better? If the restaurant was great earlier but now the chef is different, how will
people get to know this?
● What do you know about Expedia.Any question that you would like to ask?
Futures First
Goldman Sachs
Internship Interview
● 2 strings, to check if one is the anagram of the other.
● Diameter in a graph.
● A puzzle: n rooms, n people with ids from 1 to n. All the rooms have lights which are initially off. A
person with id i goes and toggle all the rooms i, 2i, 3i... after each person has visited the rooms,
which all rooms will have light on?
● Alien dictionary
● Singleton paradigm
● What is SQL how would your explain it to your nephew
● Make a Youtube data base
● 3. Knight on chess board problem
● given a url you are to return a 7 length string encoding (a-z). if the encoded string is given you
should be able to return the url.
● one very long question on designing complex data structures from simple data structures
● Convert Java code to equivalent functional programming code.
● Delete n elements from circular linked list.
● Thread vs Process
● Shared memory between processes
● Difference between thread, risk and vulnerability?
● DDoS & DoS
● TCP header
● Man in middle attack
● Encryption first or compression
● Ransomware uses symmetric key or asymmetric
● Blockchain
● Difference between hashing and encoding.
● CIA model of security
● Trojan: Mechanism + Recent attacks
● OSI Model with emphasis on the structure of packets at different layers.
● Discuss security algorithms/systems used in online banking.
● Packet Sniffing, Ensuring security at Transport Layer.
● How to verify the authenticity of the received file if it has been tampered with but still has the
same hash? Elaborate on Digital Signatures.
● Coding Question: Given a string which represents 'cd' command like "\a\.\b\..\c\.\d", Report the
final PWD after traversing the string.
(..): go back one level
(.): stay in the same directory
● What do companies do to prevent brute force approaches to cracking passwords?
● Even if I have a password, I cannot get into a person's account, how?
● What is SQL injection?
● How will you improve the crown jewel system?
● Define spam filtering, phishing.
● Syntax and meaning of join and inner join in MySQL
● What is DNS? What are the 2 methods that DNS uses?
● How to perform a dictionary attack in python?
● n rooms, n people with ids from 1 to n. All the rooms have lights which are initially off. A
person with id i goes and toggle all the rooms i, 2i, 3i... after each person has visited the rooms,
which all rooms will have light on?
● counting all groups of 3 in the list which form Pythagoras relation.
● Find a missing integer from a given array of unordered numbers from 1 to n with one number
● Ugly numbers
● number of paths in a binary tree from root to leaf having sum of node values equal to k
● Write a code to get nth Fibonacci number.
● SQL vs NoSQL
● Indexing methods in Databases
● B trees and B+ trees
● Find Kth largest element in a BST.
● How would you implement a trie?
● Explain the concept of virtual and physical memory.
● What is cache? What are the types of cache?
● Count trailing zeros in n!
● Count trailing zeros in product of [i ^ (i!)] for 1 <= i <= n.
● Implement persistent BST.
● Given categories st every category may or may not have multiple subcategories and products
such that every product may or may not have multiple categories, design
moveProductFromOneCategoryToAnother and deleteCategory (note that this also deletes
● Implementing a Version Control System of BST. User can modify the BST by insert / delete and
can search for an element in not only the current version but also in any of the previous ones.l
● nth smallest number whose prime factorisation only includes 2,3 or 5. Example
1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,12. Do this in O(n) time.
● Reduce a nxm matrix to (n-f-1)x(m-f-1) matrix where each cell is the sum of fxf square
corresponding to the original matrix. This question was similar to
● Two integer input streams are given. Integers are being retrieved from them indefinitely. Find the
maximum of all integers retrieved at any point of time.
● Write a Java class to a file.
● Merge two min heaps.
● There is an MxN array. Each row in the array is sorted in ascending order. You have to count the
number of negative elements
● Given the price of a stock on different days you need to maximize the profit. You can only buy and
sell the stock once. Buying should be done before selling. (Algorithms)
● Given any integer between (0-9999) represent it in words. For instance 1011 is represented as
One Thousand Eleven. (Basic Programming, Algorithms)
● If someone types the shortened URL on the Client side how will the System work to deliver the
actual Address to the System (Networking)
● There are two infinite incoming streams of numbers at any instance that return the maximum
value among both the streams till that instance. (Multi-threading)
● Pen and Paper: Write the code for an Insertion and Deletion in a Binary Heap.
● Given two arrays of size M and N find the Union of these two arrays. (Basic Programming,
Algorithms) What will be the solution if one of the arrays is very large in size. (Basic
Programming, Algorithms)
● Given N integers find the Longest increasing subsequence. (LIS, Algorithms, Dynamic
● Given two strings of length N and M find the Longest Common subsequence (LCS, Algorithms,
Dynamic Programming)
● What is your approach while debugging your program? How can you debug if there is a 503 Error
code with Internal Server Error. (Coupled With 2nd Question of HR). (Log Files)
● Find of a Binary tree is BST or not. Write code and give space and time complexity for the code.
● 1.
● You are given a string. You can rearrange its characters. You cannot remove any character. What
is the minimum number of characters you should add so as to make a palindrome? Example
"abcab" requires 0 characters to make a palindrome as we can rearrange to get "abcba"
● You are given two strings s1 and s2. String s2 can be formed by rotating the characters of s1. For
example s1 = "abcde", s2 = "cdeab". s2 can be formed by removing a from front and adding to
the end of s1, followed by the same rotation for b. Thus to get s2, we need to rotate two
characters of s1. Write a function that returns the minimum rotations required to form s2 from s1.
● How is garbage collection done in java?
● Given a palindromic String you have to change exactly one character such that the resultant
string is not a palindrome, and it is lexicographically smaller than all possible answers and it
should be also smaller than the given string. If there is no possible answer print “Impossible”
otherwise print the resultant string.
● Given 5L and 3L jars, how would you make 4L from them?
● What does (n & (n - 1)) == 0 checks for?
● 100 door toggle problem. Famous GFG puzzle.
● Explain 3 way handshake
● How do you protect your data on your system?
● Types of protocol and their port number?
● How to protect Database from attack?
● What are vulnerabilities?
● Rabbit Puzzle
● Bitwise AND operator: What does (n & (n-1)) == 0 mean?
● There is a problem on the client side. You and your team are out for lunch and you receive a call
from the Management team to fix the problem. How are you going to help the management team
to fix the problem? They don't know how to code and you also don't know the source code.
● What was your thought process while designing a database system for your project?
● Plans after graduation?
● Your profile is heavily oriented towards ML/DL why would the role of analyst at GS be of any
interest you since this job entails more of algorithms and development work
● What would you do if you had to complete a project with a stipulated deadline, and your
group-mate has a personal emergency to attend too.
● If in a difficult team project assigned, your team member is not able to work due to a legitimate
reason and stops working in the middle-way, what would you do in that situation ?
● What were your other backup colleges in case you didn't get into IIIT Delhi and how happy are
you with your choice of choosing IIIT Delhi over them?
● Given 6 months, what can you do to improve this COVID situation and how much money would
you require (you can hire people)?
● What technology interests you the most?
● You're in a team of 3, only you're working. How would you go about it? Will you consider the
manager intervening in this scenario?
● You need to count the number of trees in India. How will you do it?
● Project related to Cybersecurity
● What fascinates you about security?
● Do you prefer SIRT over SDE? Why?
● CTF over research or vice versa?
● If you have to get help in your work from somebody, how will you convince him/her.
● What do you know about Harman?
● Why would you join Harman?
● How do you feel being the eldest one among your siblings?
● What would you do if you had a fight with any of your colleagues?
● Being a fresher, how would you imagine the corporate world to be like?
Info Edge
Internship Interview
● Given a string, find whether an anagram of the string exists which is palindromic.
● Given a sorted linked list with a loop, insert a node at the correct position.
● Given the root of an n-ary tree, find the nodes which are at a distance of k from the root.
● Given a string, check if any anagram of that string is a palindrome.
● Print all nodes at distance k from the root.
● Given a circular sorted linked list, make an insertion function for it.
Make My Trip
● GD on Open Source vs Licensed Products
● How do you manage your projects along with the course going on?
● Tell me about something you have learnt valuable in recent times.
● Describe EDG, strengths and weaknesses, Name of your technical interviewer, situation where
you risked and failed, Something daring that you have done, Why Mathworks
● How the internship would be helpful to you.
● How did you deal with conflicts of interest with your own teammates while working on projects
● How do you manage your time?
● Have you ever encountered a situation where you had to work with someone you didn't want to?
How did you tackle it?
● What are your technical skills as regards to the different programming languages?
● What do you know about the EDG role at Mathworks?
Online Test:
● In a binary tree, the diameter sum between two leaf nodes is defined as the sum of all the nodes
in the unique path when traveling from one leaf to the other. Assume that the tree is a complete
binary tree and every leaf node is at the same depth from the root of the tree. Find the value of
maximum diameter sum in a binary tree.
● Note that the maximum diameter may be a single leaf node as well (since a single leaf node is
also a valid diameter - the trivial path of length 0 from the leaf node to itself).
● You are given a binary tree in the input defined by the following grammar rules.
NODE_VALUE := lowercase english alphabet .
Thus a definition such as "a(b(..)c(d(..)e(f(..).)))" refers to a tree with 'a' as the root, whose
children are 'b' and 'c'. 'b' has no children. 'c' has two children 'd' and 'e'. 'd' has no children. 'e'
has one left child 'f' and no right child. Note that after every 'english character' there is always an
opening round bracket '(' that starts the definition of the subtree that is defined under the node.
For any position that is empty, there is a '.' character.
You draw the tree as follows.
Write the root on column 0
Write the left child of the root on one column to the left of root and right child of the root on one
column to the right of the root.
Continue writing the subtree, such that if the value at a node is written in column 'x', then the left
child is written in column 'x-1' and the right child is written in column 'x+1'.
You are given a column number 'x'. Print all the values in column 'x' in sorted order ('a' < 'b' < 'c'
and so on)
● You are given a square matrix of integers. The cost of travelling from cell A to cell B is the sum of
numbers in all the cells which lie on the path between A and B, inclusive.
You need to travel from the top left cell to the bottom right cell, and back, minimizing the total cost
of travel, subject to the following conditions:
1) You cannot use squares on the leading diagonal of the matrix (Apart from the top left and the
bottom right cells.)
2) When travelling to the bottom right corner, you may only move rightwards or downwards.
Similarly, while travelling back to the top left corner, you may move only leftwards or upwards.
3) Your first move while going from top left to bottom right should be rightwards. Similarly, your
first move while going from bottom right to top left should be leftwards.
● Application Layer Protocols like HTTP, LDAP
● Subnetting (Ex: Valid subnet masks)
● TLB in operating system
Internship Interview:
● Given an array, form another array in which elements are pairwise coprime. The minimum
element can be 2 and it should be lexicographically just greater than the given array.
● Given an array, give the longest increasing subsequence such that the difference between the
consecutive elements in the subsequence is also increasing.
● Why is disk read/write slower?
● Given a tree and a value K. Each node has some value V. You need to find a connected
component of the tree which contains K nodes, and the average of the values of those node is
maximum over all possible k-connected components of that tree.
● Given an array of integers, find the longest increasing subsequence in it. Also, the difference
between adjacent numbers of that subsequence formed should also be in strictly increasing
order. For example - 1 3 4 The answer should be 2. [1, 3] or [1, 4] or [3, 4]. [1, 3, 4] cannot be the
answer, since the difference between the adjacent terms is [2, 1] which is not in increasing order.
● Given a number M and a number N. You can perform only 2 operations on M any number of
times. Add `1` to the number. Multiply `2` to the number. You need to form N from M. Count the
minimum number of steps required to do it.
● What is the difference between interface and inheritance?
● Why to use interfaces over abstract classes?
● What is Thrashing?
● What is Starvation? Define it in terms of programming (not OS)? He wanted to hear the term
● What is TCP protocol? (Tell about the 3 way handshake)
● What happens when you enter a url on your browser? (Tell everything from searching ip address
on your pc, then going to the dns server, how it is resolved etc.)
● Which data structure will you use to implement Priority Scheduling?
● Flask, Ajax, random stuff about web development.
● What are promises in JavaScript?
● Explain the concept of Virtual Memory.
● Why is the critical section needed?
● How to synchronize threads?
● What are the conditions for deadlock to occur?
● Find the minimum number of moves to form a particular string from an empty string of the same
length. In each move one can add a character from some index till some another index, replacing
the previous characters at all those positions.
● Advanced Binary Search, Two pointer approach
● Given an array A of size n - where 1 <= Ai <= m denotes color of that index and 0 denotes the
index is uncolored. The beauty of an array is denoted as the (1 + count of indices 'i' such that a[i]
!= a[i+1]). Given a 2D cost array such that cost[i][j] denotes the cost of coloring i'th node to color j.
Find the minimum cost to color the entire array such that the beauty is exactly k, return -1 if not
INPUT - array A[], cost[][], integer k, m, n.
● Given an array A of size n, compute the maximum value of (A[x] + A[y] - x + y) for 0 <= x,y< n.
Intended Space complexity O(1) and time complexity O(n).
Round 2 -
Mercedes Benz:
Online Test:
● It was a proctored exam with webcam and audio access required in a laptop but can be given
from any location...was conducted on hirepro platform...had 45 MCQ questions to be completed
in 60 minutes...there was no negative marking
Section 1: 10 general aptitude consisting of quant, logical reasoning - Level: Medium
Section 2: 5 Verbal Ability Questions - Level: Easy
Section 3: 15 technical questions related to database, networks, file systems etc..they were
questions mostly on internal details of various products..port numbers etc..was not able to
attempt more than 5 questions confidently in this section..not sure why it was there in the first
Section 4: 15 Gate like technical questions on Algo, DS, OS - Level: Easy
● Would you still work if we don't have any profiles of your interest ?
● They didn't want your reason to join but wanted to hear how great they are. Next they asked
about future plans to ensure i won't be leaving the firm soon.
Online Test:
● find unique passwords given in the form of a string. Two passwords are the same if characters at
positions I,j are swapped such that (I+j)%2 is zero.
● You have to distribute n chocolates to k students , such that first student gets 1, second gets 2
and so on, if after giving chocolates to kth student still you have chocolates left you have you give
k+1 chocolate to 1st , k+2 chocolate to second and so on. Find number of chocolates given to
some jth student
● Find whether 2 passwords are the same or not. 2 passwords are considered to be same when
one can be transformed to other by swapping characters at position i, j where (i+j) %2==0
● Distribute k chocolates among n children
Internship Interview:
● Minimum length of subarray sorting which will make the complete array sorted.
● Array of length n consists of numbers between 1 to n-1. Find the first repeating element.
● Given a string. Is it possible to rearrange it so that no 2 adjacent characters are the same.
● Question on c/c++ pointers
● Given: Two strings , check if one contains the anagrams of the other. O/p : boolean
● Given two strings, check if any substring of string1 is anagram of string2
● Minimum number of platforms required to accommodate the trains, who's arrival and departure
times are given.
● Working of hashmap in trie.
● Given 2 sorted linked lists may contain repeated elements. Create a new linked list of the
elements that are present in both linked lists. Repeating elements are to be appended only once
● Given a list of words tell if it's possible to make a chain of all characters. Two words can be
connected if the suffix(last 3 characters) of the 1st word is a prefix(first 3 characters) of the next
● Check if the linked list is a palindrome.
● Difference between static and dynamic allocation.
● Given an sorted array with positive and negative integers, sort the absolute value of the elements
in O(n) time
● Given sorted array find element which occurs more than N//4 times ( O(N) AND LOG(N))
● Given an array and an element, determine if that element exists more than n/4 times and n/2
times in the given array respectively. Now if the element is not given, find if there exists an
element which occurs more than n/2 and n/4 times respectively.
● Given a number n, find the next greater number using the digits of n.
● Given a binary tree, find the longest consecutive integers sequence going from top to down.
● Given an array a and an integer k, find the maximum p such that every subarray of a has the sum
less than k.
● Given edges with weights in a tree , find longest distance between two nodes
● Longest contiguous subarray and subsequence with sum k
● Deadlocks, multiple thread >2 deadlocks
● Rearrange elements in a string such that identical elements have minimum separation of k
● Given a binary tree with positive weights, find maximum distance b/w 2 nodes
● Given a array of integers, find first missing positive integer
● Given an array of sorted integers, find an element with frequency > len(arr)/4, or report it's
● Design and code a REPL for a language interpreter, with autocorrect and autocompletion.
● Given a stream of characters, report if the string formed up till now is a palindrome.
● given the minimum separation value, say d. rearrange the given string such that the identical
elements should be atleast d distance away from each other
● design a snake and ladder game (like data structure used and how you play)
● Insertion in min heap, convert currency given in string to integer, print duplicate rows in a 2D
matrix having only 0s and 1s.
● Max sum subsequence
● Print the matrix in spiral form.
● Print the concentric circles from the matrix.
Online Test:
● 3 question on Mettl 90 mins
1. LCS
2. LIS
3. Given a string return url in the form <protocol>://[url].ru</directory>
protocol can be http or ftp.
eg. httpsunrux -
ftphttprururur -
● Given 2nd and 3rd term of GP and 'n', find the nth term of the GP rounded off to the third decimal
● Length of the longest common subsequence between two strings
● Dice throw - GFG
● Given the second and third third of a GP, find the n-th term, upto 3 digits of decimal precision and
return the answer as string.
● String manipulation to insert punctuation marks to a website link
● Longest subsequence problem, basic number theory
● When did you write your first code?
● Which was your first programming language?
● How did it feel to overcome a problem that you’d been stuck on but finally figured out?
● What projects did you work upon
● What do you want to do in future?
Morgan Stanley
Internship Interview:
● How to count no of words in each page of book..Make class book then paragraph the line and
describe full working code
Online Test:
● Amcat test with logical ability, debugging and coding sections. The test was lengthy, especially
the logical ability section. Data representation problems; Debugging simple codes; Bit
manipulation; string rotation
● Given a 32 bit integer, and a range L to R, flip all bits in the range and then print the resulting
● Given a string and a pattern, print the length of the longest prefix that can be possible if the string
can be rotated, i.e. abbccd becomes bbccda after 1 rotation.
● Given a list of request ids, generate acknowledgement for each element of the report by adding
up the next R numbers. If R is negative then previous R numbers are added. Example: List: 3 5 2
5 6 and R = 3, then output is 12 13 14 14 10. If R=-3 then 13 14 14 10 12
● Sum of k previous or next elements in a rotated array
● Given two strings, find minimum rotations to get the Longest common prefix
● Find new number if you flip bits in a given range
Internship Interview:
● Implement Queue using stack.
● check if the two strings are anagram of each other
● kth minimum element given the bst without using recursion
● make 4 equilateral triangles of unit side using 6 matchsticks of unit size
● left join and right join
Internship Interview:
● Total number of pairwise overlaps in n ranges
● Write a program to find the first node of loop in a linked list.
● Given a set of intervals, count the total number of overlaps.
● What are templates in c++ . Difference between templates in c++ and Generics in Java.
● Find the maximum sum contiguous array.
● 1.Implement LRU
● Temperament judgement in situations
● talk about your favourite books
● What is a team according to you?
● What are your thoughts on Digital India?
● Rank your preferences: work quality, work life balance, compensation
● Tell me something about your internship
● What was your JEE rank
● Any achievements on sites like hackerRank, hackerEarth
Internship Interviews:
● Then asked for implementing Queue using a Linked List
● Asked to write a C program for counting the number of bits in an integer.
● Given an integer, find whether it is a power of 2 or not.
● Given 2 strings, find whether one is a substring of another or not.
● Basics of OS : Deadlock, semaphore, etc.
● Write a code to implement insertion and deletion to/from a doubly linked list.
● WAP to print frequency of all the characters in a string.
● Difference between class and structure.
Online Test:
● Section 1 Programming Question of Easy Difficulty 1 was from Heap, 1 from bitwise manipulation
and 1 was of basic permutation.
● Section 2 There were around 30 questions. The topics covered were from System Programming,
Operating System, Logical Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude.
● The Online Test consisted of 2 parts:
1) Coding test :
In this round, 3 questions had to be solved in 50 minutes. The three questions were :
a) Given an integer in binary form, we have to find whether it is divisible by 6 or not
b) I don't remember the exact question but it was similar to this.Given an array, we have to just
remove and add two minimum elements and insert the addition back into the array. Do this till the
array contains only 1 element and that element is the answer.
c) You have 3 pockets and an infinite number of coins. You have to put coins in these pockets
such that each pocket contains at least 1 coin and the total number of coins across the pockets
lie in the range [X,Y]. We have to find the total number of ways this can be done.
2) MCQ Test
This test consisted of 30 questions to be solved in 30 minutes. The questions were from basic
OS, Computer Architecture, Linux Commands and Puzzles as well. Some questions were Fill in
the Blanks type as well (especially Puzzles)
● She told me about the Intern role and whether I'd be comfortable with Systems based work since
my resume was majorly Data Science based.
● She told me about the culture at NetApp.
Internship Interviews:
● Digital electronics: counter Design. Synchronous and asynchronous reset. Difference between
Asynchronous and synchronous counters.
● Some questions on verilog: Blocking and non-blocking, how asynchronous reset is implemented
on hardware.
● One technical Puzzle.
● One question based on data transfer protocol, like how to synchronize 2 modules that are
working on 100Mhz asynchronously. How to make them synchronize. (Answer: Can be done
through FIFO).
● One hypothetical question on data transfer between 2 modules and its implementation on
● Most of the questions were from basic digital electronics.
● What is Multilevel Queue Scheduling? How it is different from Priority Scheduling.
● Given Arrival Time, Burst time of Processes. Draw its Gantt chart by Preemptive SJF.
● What is multithreading? Is multithreading useful for a uniprocessor?
● Compare Thread Switching and Process Switching. Which one is fast?
● What are Semaphores? Give an example by using semaphore such that it ensures mutual
exclusion property of critical sections?
● What are Wait and Signal? Write their implementation.
● What is a memory leak? Give an example. How can it be avoided?
● Find the maximum depth of the tree
● What is the complexity of the binary search? Prove it. Is it suitable for Linked List?
Online Tests:
● Explain briefly the steps involved in RTL to GDS flow?
● What is logic optimization in logic synthesis?
● Suppose the RTL code had 100 gates, whereas the netlist has just 90 gates. Then what
happened to those 10 gates during logic synthesis?
● What is the difference between the scan flip flop and ordinary flip flop?
● What is synchronous and asynchronous reset?
● What is metastability? Explain with an example
● When and why do we use an asynchronous reset?
● What are the different types of buses?
● Give an example of one peripheral bus.
● Which protocol have you worked on the system bus?
● Explain the AXI Protocol.
● If you send a video to your mobile phone, but your mobile's system bus is not accepting the data,
what will you do in that case?
● What is Arbitration?
● If two masters send data to one slave using a single system bus, how will you send that data?
● What do we call this technique?
● If traffic is coming from two different roads and there is a traffic light to manage the traffic. If the
Prime minister's car arrives, how will you handle the traffic in that case along with the PM's car?
● What is a heterogeneous system and Interconnect?
● What is Cross clock domain crossing?
● Why do we use FIFO? Explain the use of FIFO in two asynchronous domains?
● What are synchronizers?
● Is there any other technique than FIFO and synchronizers?
● Draw the use of Handshake in the synchronizer circuit along with waveforms.
● Draw the frequency by two dividers.
● Draw the waveform.
● One tricky question was asked, then- why have you made data edges just below clock edges? In
the real world, this doesn't happen, and what is the reason behind this.
● Why the clock always starts from zero, and which reset is used for this.
● make a counter using JK ff, timing analysis of a logic circuit, fsm circuit design, make a
differentiator using op amp; rest were standard MCQs
Internship Interviews:
● 1 sta numerical
● Vth,=vdd/2 proof
● 1 linked list loop question
● Cmos basic mcq
● Puzzle (
● What is your job profile preference? and why?
● What time duration do you think is good ( like you would feel guilt free) to leave NXP as a
● Rtl to gds flow
Online Tests:
● 1. Given a modified number system, where 0 is 9, 1 is 8, ... and 9 is 0, convert numbers from the
current number system to the new one.
● Given notes of denomination Rs. 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100, find the minimum number of notes
needed for any given number.
● 1Given a set of n integers, divide the set in two subsets of n/2 sizes each such that the difference
of the sum of two subsets is as minimum as possible. If n is even, then sizes of two subsets must
be strictly n/2 and if n is odd, then size of one subset must be (n-1)/2 and size of other subset
must be (n+1)/2.
● Find the maximum length continuous subarray such that all elements in the sub-array are distinct.
● Change a number to a new number system where 0 -> 9, 1 -> 8 ...... 9->0.
● Generic minimum no. of notes needed to get X bucks problem. Given what currency is in the
● Given reference to the root i.e. Node* root and a Node X find the distance to the closest leaf of
Node X.
● Situation based question. Suppose it's Friday morning and you came to your office and told your
manager about a great idea that could be a part of a product that is going to be released on the
coming Monday. The Manager loves your idea but that idea will take 2 days to implement and it
will put the product launch at ‘risk’. The manager instead gives a fairly good idea (not good as
your idea) which can be implemented within 5-6 hours. What will you do?
● What do you expect from Paytm?
● Puzzle : You and your two other friends went to goa on a beech and you have 5 wooden sticks
and one has 3 and the last one has none so you burn those sticks to get heat from the cold on
the beach, other day the friend with no sticks felt guilty and gave you 8 rupees how you will
distribute among your friends?
● How do you choose your group partner?
● Where do you see yourself after 5 years?
● Why Philips?
● Do you like working in a team or not and why ?
● Are you open to criticism or get offended if someone criticizes you about your work ?
● Explain your best project, give reason.
● Tell me about your hobbies.
● Why should we hire you ? Which quality of yours do you think is best?
Online Test:
● Convert (1000) (octal) to Hexadecimal
● Rtl to gds flow
● Drc clean question
● Digital circuits-latches/flip flops.
● MOSFETs,DAC,BJT, probability,profit and loss,percentage.,time and work,logical reasoning.
● Basic technical questions of btech level.mainly digital and Analog electronics asked in the written
technical counters, kmap, logic gates, sequential circuits questions were
aptitude, time and work, speed, percentages, profit and loss c section they asked more
from pointers, structures and some basic questions.overall written is easy to moderate level
● Aptitude questions based on time speed and distance, probability. Operating system questions
based on scheduling algorithm, disk scheduling, banker's algorithm.
● The Quants section was very easy and included basic questions from Profit and Loss, Time and
Distance, Time and Work, Simple Interest, Average and Mixtures and Alligations. Logical
Reasoning was of average level with questions from Series, Coding-Decoding, Blood Relations
and Seating Arrangements.
Internship Interview:
● CMOS Inverter characteristics and explanation and circuit
● CMOS NAND and NOR gate implementation
● Benefits of CMOS vs BJT and CMOS vs PMOS and NMOS separately
● Setup and hold time analysis theory
● SR latch NOR gate diagram
● Stick diagram of a mosfet(Not taught to us in IE)
● static and dynamic power dissipation in a MOS inverter
● Difference between Flip Flop and Latch
● Sorting algos, heap sort, 2 eggs and 100 floors puzzle, resume project based questions, full
adder, detect loop in a linked list, delete k-th element from last from a linked list
● Find the middle node of a linked list.
● C output questions.
● Set/Unset the nth bit of a number.
● Swap two numbers without using extra space. (Hint: using xor)
● Static and constant variable in C.
● Scheduling algorithms ( OS).
● Program to swap bytes in a hexadecimal number.
● Producer Consumer Problem + Code to solve using semaphores and mutex.
● What is asymmetric and symmetric cryptography?
● What is a volatile keyword?
● Use of static and global variables.
● What is write through and write back cache?
Online Test:
● 1.5 hr test on HirePro having 3 sections : Aptitude,C, and CS/ECE (you can choose one) each
section had 20 questions with a time limit of 30 mins
● Aptitude - Work, ratio & proportions, relationships, bar graphs etc.,
● C- Questions on function output, pointer based questions, error detection, etc.
● CS - OOPs concepts, OS, CO
● Reason for leaving my last company
● Why shouldn't Qualcomm hire you?
● Which department interests you more?
● Calculate 45 minutes using two rods and a matchstick.
● Apple, orange and a mix of these buckets are placed but with all having incorrect labels. Find
correct labels by just taking fruit from one bucket.
● 1000 wines, 10 prisoners can be killed, find the only wine that is poisoned. (These types of
puzzles are good in numbers in geeksforgeeks).
● Why qualcomm>
Online Tests:
● Find if there is a circle of indices in a given array.
● Find if there exists a pair with a given sum X.
● Left Rotation of array
● Find the sum of k greatest integers in an array
● Given a string containing words and dates. Assume that date is given in the format -
'dd-mm-yyyy'. Find the total number of distinct years present in the string.
● print odd and even numbers in alternative fashion such that the smallest number is printed first
whether it be odd or even. If the first number printed is odd then the next number printed should
be even and vice versa.
● press the number pressed by the ALT+TAB key and place it in the first position
Internships Interview:
● Do u have any idea about Atomicity, durability, consistency ?(context DBMS)
● Was your front end synchronous or asynchronous?
● How did you fetch multiple entries from the database?
● How did you integrate the front end and the back end?
● What is blockchain? Inter process communication. Pattern matching.
● ACID properties of a database
● In depth discussion on the DBMS course project : ERD , How data is fetched & processed ?
Unique features of the project?
● Technical questions from DBMS : How database transactions take place ? What protocols are
followed? ( Focus was more on theory rather than tools & implementation)
● Gave a list of features of an RWA app and asked how I would proceed with its development from
initial design phases to implementation phases.
● Difference between raspberry pi and arduino.
● 7 layers of osi model
● What does the static keyword in java main class stand for?
● What is the computer RAM made up of?
● Cut the cake into 8 pieces by 3 cuts.
● I have made a game as a project from which they asked how to save the current state of the
player if the player pauses or leaves the game and how to restart the game from the same place
where the player left.
● He Asked me to show him the prototype of the project (fit bit tracker) that I made as a project.
Online Tests:
● Moderate Aptitude questions
● C Output questions mainly based on pointers
● 2 Questions from OS and Computer Organisation
Internship Interviews:
● Architecture of Processor
● What happens when a pc is turned on ? (detailed steps)
● What are the signals transferred from and to a UART port?
Internships Interviews:
● Basics of DC - Ripple Adder and Look Ahead Adder, advantages and limitations.
● Flip flops - FSM to FF, given waveform, draw circuit
● Verilog - Write a code for sequential circuits
TCS Research:
Internship Interview:
● difference between AI,ML,DL
● SVM's (functioning)
● Why neural networks? and its drawbacks
● Did you reject TCS in your BTech?
● If you did get placed in your BTech then why did you waste those opportunities for other students
when you were planning for higher studies?
● Why didn't you prepare more for GATE and go for IITs?
● Do you want to do Phd?
● You might be asked to work in Pune etc, are you suitable to work in Pune, Mumbai etc, as I was
hesitant to move out of Delhi.
● What do you think about India's take on Covid?
● What is your passion?
● If there was no concept of money then what would you love to do?
Telekom Digital
Internship Interview:
● You have been given 10 bags each containing coins. 9 of the 10 bags contain coins with 1 gram
weight and the last bag contains coins weighing 1.1 grams. Determine the bag with 1.1 gram
coins using a digital scale only once.
● Given a tree node, return a node containing a mirror image of the given tree.
● Return a string with all vowels in reverse order. Eg- hello to holle
● Given a node of a linked list, you must delete that node. [ Head node is not given ].
● Given a string, reverse the words in the string.
● Check whether the given binary tree is BST or not.
● Find the length of the longest palindrome substring in the given string.
● Find the middle element of the linked list using only one pass over the linkedlist.
● Difference between arrays and linked lists. Implement a linked list.
● What do you mean when you say that strings are immutable?
● There is a function that returns true 50% of the times and otherwise false. What changes can you
make so that it returns true 75% of the time and false otherwise ?
● Given a string of characters, return if the permutation of the string is a palindrome or not.
● What are Semaphores ? Conditions for deadlock.
● Comparable vs Comparator.
● Bottom view of binary tree
● Print the levels of tree in reverse order
● Print the k most frequently occuring elements in the array
● Questions on multithreading and immutability of objects, singleton design pattern
● Linked List data structure , Tree Traversals, Vertical distance problem in trees
● Given a string, find a substring that can be repeated any number of times to recreate the original
● Zig zag order tree traversal , android DVK , sharing data between fragments , system design for
an app where a parent can monitor location of child and give alert when close to dangerous
locations, projects in depth, internships , OS scheduling algorithms, benaly's anomaly , paging ,
DBMS , no SQL databases , server design, cloud databases , NETWORKS lock on browser ,
what happens when we go to url , DNS , servers , APIs , HTTP vs HTTPS , packet sniffing, page
● Stable sort/ Unstable sort
● Paas Iaas Saas difference
Online Tests:
● Given an array of strings consisting of left and right parentheses, write a function to find the
number of possible pairs that can be made such that the pair of strings concatenated forms a
balanced parenthesis sequence.
● Mcq based on calling of constructor and destructor in a class.