Mr. Mayur Dineshbhai Padhiyar-Min

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a;-drrr &45 Canara Bank


Reft ;RruruecAR/E AUCTT0N/MAYUR D pADHIyAR/FEB-zozz Date: L8.O1.2O22


Mr. Mayur Dineshbhai Padhiyar (Borrower)

Street No-10 Punja Street, Kadiayavad,
Bedi Gate, Jamnagar- 361 001

Mrs. Hiral Mayur Padhiyar (co-obligant)

Street No-10 Punja Street, Kadiyavad,
Bedi Gate, f amnagar- 361 001

Dear Sir/Madam,

Sub: Notice under Section 13(4) of the Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and
Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002 read with Rule 8(6) of the Security Interest
(Enforcement) Rules, 2002.
* ** * * *,* *,t :* * ** * rf ** ** ri{. * * * **rf *** ** * ** *

The Housing Loan No.0386619007726 of the Borrower, Mr. Mayur Dineshbhai Padhiyar, slipped to
NPA as on 30,1.0,2019.

The undersigned being the Authorized Officer of the Canara Bank under Securitisation And
Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act,2002 (Act 54 of 2002) and
in exercise of powers conferred under Section 73 (72) read with Rule 3 of the Security Interest
(Enforcement) Rules 2002, issued a Demand Notice dated 14.11.2019 calling upon the borrower Mr.
Mayur Dineshbhai Padhiyar to repay the amount mentioned in the notice.

As you are aware, the borrower having failed to repay the amount, the undersigned on behalf of Canara
bank famnagar Main Branch have taken possession of the assets described in Schedule of Sale
Notice annexed on 28th fanuary 2020 hereto in terms of Section 13(4) of the subjectAct in connection
with outstanding dues payable by you to our famnagar Main Branch of Canara Bank.

The undersigned proposes to sell the assets described in the Schedule ofSale Notice,

Hence, in terms of the provisions of the subject Act and Rules made there under, I am herewith sending
the Sale Notice containing terms and conditions of the sale.

This is without prejudice to any other rights available to the Bank under the subject Act/ or any other
law in force.



Canara Bank Jamnagar Main, Kuber Avenue, Shop No 3, Ground Floor,

Near Gurudwara Chowk, Jamnagar-361006
E-mail:; PH NO : 0288-2676597 /8571784950/8238091979

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&-df,ril6 Canara Bank

Canara Bank Jamnagar Main, Kuber Avenue, Shop No 3, Ground Floor,

Near Gurudwara Chowk, Jamnagar-361006
E-mail:; PH No :0288-2676597/8511'184950/8238O9L979

Page 2
ar-qsr il6 Canara Bank


E-Auction Sale Notice for Sale of Immovable Assets under the Securitisation and Reconstruction
of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Ac t,2OOZ read with proviso to Rule
(6) of the Security Interest Rules,2002

Notice is hereby given to the public in general and in particular to the Borrower
(s) and Guarantor [s)
that the below described immovablJ property mortgaged/charged to the Secured Creditor, the
possession of which has been taken by the Authorized Officer of tamnagar Main Branch of the Canara
Bank on ZB,O1^.ZOZO, will be sold on "As is where is", "As is what is", and "Whatever
there is" on
25.02,2022, for recovery of Rs.7,61,918.8S (Rupees Seven Lakh Sixty One Thousand Nine
Hundred Eighteen and Eighty Five Only) in the Housing Loan 03866t9OOt76L & Home
Improvemerrt Loan 038661800ig2g as on 17.O1.2O22 plus further interest and other charges
from 01.01.2022 due to the famnagar Main Branch of Canara Banh from Housing Loan & Home
Improvement Loan account of Mr. Mayur Dineshbhai Padhiyar

will be Rs.6,04,OOO/- (Rupees Six Lakh Four Thousand Only) and the earnest
The reserve price
money depoiit will be Rs.60,400/- (Rupees Sixty Thousand Four Hundred Only)'
The Earnest
Money Deposit shall be deposited on or before 24.02'2022'

Details and full description of the property:

Residential property at Flat No.l.0, Znd Floor, Om Apartment, Opp.-Nava Nagar High School,
Opp.- Bava wadi Street, |amnagar-361001.

The property is bounded as under:

North- By Parking Land

South- By SurveY No.26'1 Land
East - BY FIat No.9
West - By Survey No.A-1-26-A Property

"E-Auction" provided in Canara

For detailed terms and conditions of the sale please refer the link
Manager tamnagar Main Branch
Bank's website [ or may contact Senior

gAffir I ron

Date: 18.01.2022
Place:iamnagar nk

Canara Bank Jamnagar Main, Kuber Avenue' Shop

No 3' Ground Floor'
uear Gurudwara Chowk, Jamnagar-361006;PHNOt0288-26765971BSLLLB4950/8238091979
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fu-nnrfu Canara Bank


l. 1. Name and Address of the Secured Creditor: Canara Bankfamnagar Main Branch
KuberAvenue, Shop No.3, Ground Floor
Near Gurudwara Chowlg Jamnagar: 361006

2. Name and Address of the Borrower(s)/ Guarantor(s):

Mr. Mayur Dineshbhai padhiyar (Borrower)

Street No-10 Punja Stree! Kadiayavad,
Bedi Gate, famnagar- 361 001

Mrs. Hiral Mayur Padhiyar (co-obligant)

Street No-10 Punja Stree! Kadiyavad,
Bedi Gate, famnagar- 361 001

3' Total liabilities as on 17.01.2o22:Rs.7,61,918.85 (Rupees seven Lakh sixty one Thousand
Hundred Eighteen and paisa Eighty Five only) in the Housing
Loan 0386619001761 & Home Impiovement Loan
0386618001378 as on 17.01.2022 plus further interest and
other charges from 01.01 .ZOZ2
(a) Mode of Auction: E-Auction

(b) Details of Auction service provider: M/s canbank

computers services Ltd.
Address: canbank computers services Ltd, No. L,tB,ln
n'oyale, l,t floor, Sampige Road, Znd Main,
Malleswaram, Bengaluru- 560003; contact person ,a-",
Mr. pratap Kanjilal & D.D. pakhre;
contact No. 9832952602/ gsttzggsrT
/_Ba;B4tgor07 080- 2346g66s/ g4lo6st.'zT; e-mail id: ccsleauction@

(c) Date & Time of Auction: zs.oz.zozzrime 01.00 pM

- 03.00 pM
(d) Place of Auction: Ahmedabad

5' Reserve Price: Rs.6,o4,ooo/- (Rupees six Lakh Four Thousand onry)

6. Other terms and conditions:

a) Auction/bidding be only through "online Electronic Bidding,, through the
-shall website:
terms before taking part in the e-auction sale proceedings.

b) The property can be inspected, with Prior Appointment with

Authorized officer, on og.02,2o22
between 10.30 AM to S.00 pM.

c) The property will be sold for the price which is more

than the Reserve price and the participating
bidders may improve their offer furttrer during auction process.

Canara Bank Jamnagar Main, Kuber Avenue, Shop No

3, Ground Floor,
Near Gurudwara Chowk, Jamnagar_361006
E-mail:; pH N0 :0288-2676597/gsl1,L} gso/823ilog7g7g

Page 4 of 6
&Ersr db Canara Bank

d) EMD amount of !0o/o of the Reserve Price is to be deposited by way of Demand draft in favour of
Authorized 0fficer, Canara Bank, tamnagar Main Branch OR shall be deposited through
RTGS/NEFT/Fund Transfer to credit of account of Canara Banh Rajkot Regional Office, A/c.
No.7978295000001 IFSC Code: CNRB0007978 0n or before 24.02.2022

e) Intending bidders shall hold a valid digital signature certificate and e-mail address. For details with
regard to digital signature please contact the service provider Canbank Computers Services Ltd, No.
ZIg,l p Royale, 1., floor, Sampige Road, Zod Main, Malleswaram, Bengaluru' 560003; Contact
person name: Mr. Pratap Kaniilal & D.D. Pakhre; Contact No. 9832952602/ 99L12935L7 I
b gse+ r so r o /oso -23 469 665 / 9 48069 17 7 7; e-mail id:

f) After payment of the EMD amount, the intending bidders should submit a copy of the following
jo.r*"ntrTdetails on or befor e 24.O2.2022, 10:30 AM to 05:00 PM, to Canara Banh Jamnagar Main
Branch, by hand or bY email.

i) Demand Draft/Pay order towards EMD amount. If paid through RTGS/NEFT, acknowledgement receipt
thereof with UTR No.

ii) photocopies of PAN Card, ID Proof and Address proof. However, successful bidder would have to
pioduce these documents in original to the Bank at the time of making payment of balance amount of
25o/o of bid amount.

iii) Bidders Name. Contact No. Address, E Mail Id'

iv) Bidder's A/c details for online refund of EMD.

g) The intending bidders should register their names at portal and
[.t tf,.ir User I6 and password free of cost. Prospective bidder may avail online training on E- auction
irom the service prouid", Canbank Computers Services Ltd, No. 2L8,1P Royale, 1"t floor, Sampige
Road, 2nd Main, Malleswaram, Bengaluru- 560003; Contact person name: Mr. Pratap Kaniilal
D.D. pakhre; Contact No. 9532952602/ ggt1^zgsst7 / 5898418010/ 080'23469665/
g4ao6g1-777; e-mail id:

h) EMD deposited by rhe unsuccessful bidder shall be refunded to them' The EMD shall not
carry any

their offers in
i) Auction would commence at Reserve Price, as mentioned above. Bidders shall improve
multiplies of Rs. 10,000.00 as incremental value. The bidder who submits the highest
bid (above the
Reserve price) on closure of'online' auction shall be declared as successful
bidder. Sale shall be
the secured creditor'
confirmed in favour of the successful bidder, subjectto confirmation of the same by

j) The successful bidder shall deposi t2So/oof the sale price (inclusive of EMD already paid), immediately
from the date of
on declaring him/her as the successful bidderund thu balance within 15 days
pay the sale price, the deposit
confirmation of sale by the secured creditor. If the successful bidder fails to
Officer without any notice and property shall forthwith
made by him shall be iorfeited by the Authorized
be put up for sale again.

Canara Bank Jamnagar Main, Kuber Avenue, Shop No 3, Ground Floor'

Near Gurudwara Chowk, Jamnagar-351006;PHNO:0288-2675597/8511184950/8238091979
Page 5 of 6 $1

fu-drfl *6 Canara Bank

k) For sale proceeds of Rs. 50,00,000/- (Rupees Fifty lacs) and above, the successfut bidder will
have to deduct TDS at the rate 1o/o on the Sale proceeds and submit the original receipt of TDS
certificate to the Bank

l) All charges for conveyance, stamp duty/GST registration charges etc., as applicable shall be borne by
the successful bidder only.

m) Authorized Officer reserves the right to postpone/cancel or vary the terms and conditions of the e-
auction without assigning any reason thereof.

nJ In case there are bidders who do not have access to the internet but interested in participating the
auction, they can approach concerned Circle office or famnagar Main branch, who as a facllltitlngienter,
shall make necessary arrangements.

o) For further details contact Mr. Dhaval Hun, Canara Bank, famnagar Main Branch [ph.
No.8238091979/8571784950) e-mail id:; the service provider Canbank
Computers Services Ltd, No. 218,1P Royale, 1't floor, Sampige Road, Zna Main, Malleswaram,
Bengaluru- 560003; Contact person name: Mr. Pratap Xan;ilal & D.D. pakhre; Contact No.
9832952602/ 99L12935L7 / 8898418010/ 080-23469665/ 9480691777; e-mait id:


Bidding in the last minutes/seconds should be avoided by the bidders in their

own interest. Neither
Canara Bank nor the Service Provider will be responsible for any lapses/failure
(lnternet failure, power
failure, etc') on the part of the bidder or vendor in such ..r"i. In order to ward
off such contingent
situation, bidders are requested to make all the necessary arrangements/alternatives
such as back lup,
power supply and whatever else required so that they are able tJcircumvent
such situation and are able
to participate in the auction successfully.

?t do./ BANK

Place: famnagar
dt0f{iosseo oFFrcEFi
Date: \8.01.2022

canara Bank Jamnagar Main, Kuber Avenue, shop No 3, Ground Froor,

Near Gurudwara Chowk, Jamnagar_361006 ot
E-mail:; pH NO :0288-2676597/BStt1,B4gSO/B238}gtg7g

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