Sale Notice Yes Pee
Sale Notice Yes Pee
Sale Notice Yes Pee
Notice to the public is hereby given to the effect that the immovable property described
herein below mortgaged to Mangaluru-Mannagudda Branch has been taken Symbolic
Possession thereof by the Authorised Officer on 05.04.2018 in pursuance of Section 13(4)
Notice should be treated as Notice under sub-rule (6) of Rule (8) of the Security Interest
Enforcement Rules 2002 to the Borrower and Co-Obligants.
The Borrower's and and Co-Obligant's attention is invited to the provisions od Sub-
section (8) of Section 13 of the Action in respect of time available to redeem the secured
2) Shri Praveen K
S/o Late Sanjeeva,
Partner: M/s Yes Pee Constructions,
Prajva Associates,
3'd floor, Lalbagh Towers, NI G Road,
-z.n A*rr.
Chlel tianager & Authorised Ol'icer
AFM Branch
3) Smt. Shailaia Praveen,
W/ o Shri Praveen K,
Partner: M/s Yes Pee Constructions,
Prajva Associates,
3'd floor, Lalbagh Towers,
M G Road,
[B] Name and address of the secured creditor: Karnataka Bank Ltd., Mangaluru -
Mannagudda Branch.
All that part and parcel of Non-Agricultural property situated at Survey No.
11/3B(part) converted northern portion, 90B Boloor Village, Mangaluru Taluk
measuring 14 cents with building bearing Door No.8-94/2, belonging to Shri. Praveen
K and bounded on;
i, Ce"Jh
AH lvl tsra nch
[fl Date, Time and Place of opening of the tenders received from the public and
1) Tenders mentioning the amount offered for purchase in sealed covers superscribing
'TENDER FOR PURCHASE OF PROPERTY -A,,/c of Yes Pee Constructions " should
be accompanied with the Earnest Money Deposit of Rs.10,02500.00 by way of DD
favouring "Karnataka Bank Ltd.-Ay'c of Yes Pee Constructions " and the same shall be
submitted along with duly filled bid form (Bid form, declaration, Notice is available in
Bank's Website under head-Mortgaged Asset for Sale) in a sealed envelope/sent by
Registered Post Adressed to the Authorised Officer, Karnataka Bank Ltd., Mangaluru-
Mannagudda Branch, Sai Prem, Mannagudda Main Road, Mannagudda, Mangaluru
-575003, so as to reach on or before 11.30 AM on 22.03.2027 duly mentioning the
amount offered for purchase.
2) The tenders should also be accompanied with self-attested copy of the photo identity
proof of the bidder, as may be acceptable to the Bank, along with attested copy of the
PAN Card. The tenders received without Earnest Money will be summarily rejected.
DDs of unsuccessful tenderers/bidders will be returned to them on the date of Auction
itself and it will carry no interest.
3) The sealed tenders for salewill be opened by the Authorised Officer of the Bank in
the presence of the tenderers who will be present on 22.03.2027 from 2.30 PM to 3.30
PM. The bid is open to them and an opportunity will be given to enhance the bid
amount inter-se among themselves in the multiples of Rs.10,000.00. The Authorised
Officer is at liberty to accept the highest bid amount and confirm the sale in favour of
the highest bidder or reject the same without assigning any reason.
4) Successful tenderer/bidder should deposit 25o/o of the bid amount (including the
EMD) immediately on the sale being knocked down in his/her favour on the day of
auction or within next working day, or else the already paid amount including EMD
shall be forfeited.
5) The balance bid amount to be remitted within 15 days from the date of confirmation
of the sale or any other date specified by the Authorised Officer. If the successful
bidder/tenderer fails to remit the balance bid amount within 15 days from the date of
confirmation of sale or any other date specified by the Authorised Officer, the amount
For l(AP ll ATAF.A uA\iK LrD
deposited by him/her shall be forfeited and the Bank will be at liberty to confirm the
sale to next highest bidder/sell the property once again and the defaulting bidder shall
forfeit all claims to the property.
6) The successful bidder/tenderer shall bear all the legal/incidental expenses like
Stamp duty, Registration fees, Local taxes, TDS as per Income Tax Act and Rules in
force and any other Statutory dues, etc.
8) The Authorised Officer reserves his right to vary any of the terms and conditions of
thisnotice os sale without prior notice at his discretion and the right to reject all or any
of the offers/tenders without assigning any reason or shall have the right to postpone
or cancel the opening of the tenders.
9) The Authorized Officer is holding symbolic possession of the property. Bank will
transfer the title to the successful bidder on payment of ful1 bid amount.
11) Intending bidders can inspect the property and for verification of the copies of the
documents/title deeds available with the secured creditor or any further details, the
intending bidders or tenderer may contact the Authorised Officer, Karnataka Bank
Ltd, at the address mentioned above or Karnataka Bank Ltd., Mangaluru-
Mannagudda Branch, Sai Prem, Mannagudda Main Road, Mannagudda, Mangaluru
-575003 during office hours on any working day. Phone: 0824 2229854,9M9595496.
Chief Managri .. ':' .,''sed 0lricer
ARM BIanch
Place : Mangaluru Chief Manager & Authorised Officer,
Date:04.03.202L Karnataka Bank Ltd.