FunctionalSyntax 4

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1. Dispute usually takes place because of misunderstanding.

Dispute usually takes place because of misunderstanding.

Subjek mood adjunct finite predicator circumstantial complement

2. Or it may also be caused by violation of rules and regulations.

It may caused violation of rules and regulations.

complement mood adjunct predicator subject

3. Oh my god, bless us and those people.

bless us and those people

finite predicator complement

4. Who are always in the right path.

who are always in the right path

subject finite mood adjunct complement

5. Ok, my dear, I will always follow what you asked me to do.

I will always follow what you ask me to do.

subject finite mood adjunct predicator complement

6. What did you say to the old woman just now?

Did you say to the old woman just now?

finite subject predicator complement circumstance

7. The gold ring has already been given to her since morning.
the gold
ring has already been given her since morning
subject finit mood adjunct predicator complement circumstance

8. How many times have you been to us up to now?

how many
times have you been to us to now?
subject finite subject predicator complement circumstance

9. The old teacher is going to resign after two years.

the old teacher is going to resign after two years

subject finite predicator circumstance

10. Finally, what he said proves wrong.

finally he proves wrong.

mood adjunct subject finite predicator compliment

11. Didn’t you attend the class last week?

didn’t you attend the class last week

finite mood subject predicator compliment circumstace

12. The audience must have been very comfortable in this hall.

the audience must have been very comfortable in this hall

subject finite predicator complement circumstace

13. Last year an earthquake happened at midnight.

last year an earthquake happened at midnight

circumstance subject finite pred. circumstace

14. He will certainly be in despair by your misconduct.

he will certainly be in despair by your misconduct.

subject finite mood adj predicator Complement

15. Where has those boxes been thrown.

Where has those boxes been thrown

finite subject predicator
Task 5

1. President Obama has not approved the independence of the Palestine

president obama has not approved the independence of the palestine

nominal group rheme
unmarked topical theme

2. Furthermore, his troops in Iraq and Afganistan have not been withdrawn yet.

furthermore his troops in iraq and afganistan have not been withdrawn yet
modal adjunct nominal group rheme
interpersonal unmarked topical

3. Therefore, terrorism in this world does not cease.

therefore terrorism in this world does not cease

conjunctive adjunct nominal group rheme
textual unmarked topical

4. What has made this country undergo economic crisis is corruption.

what has made this country undergo economic crisis is corruption

nominal embedded rheme
unmarked topical theme

5. On the other hand, capital flight is going on all the time.

on the other hand capital flight is going on all the time

conjunctive adjunct nominal group rheme
textual unmarked topical

6. Well, my dear, please listen to your parents’ voice.

well my dear please listen to your parents’ voice

continuative nominal group rheme
textual unmarked topical

7. What kind of book do you want to analyze?

What kind of book Do you want to analyze?

Wh-element Rheme
Interpersonal theme

8. If you are really generous, donate your money to build a mosque in this campus.
if you are really
donate some money to build a mosque in this campus
comment adjunct nominal group rheme
interperesonal unmarked topical

9. Does anyone have the heart to hurt his fellow country man?
have the heart to hurt his fellow
does anyone
country man?
finite nominal group rheme
interpersonal unmarked topical

10. By the way, what is wrong with the president’s statement?

by the way, what is wrong with the president’s statement?

continuantive wh-element rheme
textual interpersonal

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