FunctionalSyntax 4
FunctionalSyntax 4
FunctionalSyntax 4
7. The gold ring has already been given to her since morning.
the gold
ring has already been given her since morning
subject finit mood adjunct predicator complement circumstance
12. The audience must have been very comfortable in this hall.
2. Furthermore, his troops in Iraq and Afganistan have not been withdrawn yet.
furthermore his troops in iraq and afganistan have not been withdrawn yet
modal adjunct nominal group rheme
interpersonal unmarked topical
8. If you are really generous, donate your money to build a mosque in this campus.
if you are really
donate some money to build a mosque in this campus
comment adjunct nominal group rheme
interperesonal unmarked topical
9. Does anyone have the heart to hurt his fellow country man?
have the heart to hurt his fellow
does anyone
country man?
finite nominal group rheme
interpersonal unmarked topical