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 Movement
 WHAT IS HUMAN COMPUTER INTERACTION (HCI)?  Information is stored in memory
 Sensory memory – they are stored for few
 Multidisciplinary field of study on the design of seconds and come form five senses
computer technology and interaction between  Short-term (working) memory – ability to
humans and computers remember insubstantial information in a
 Concerned with the physical, psychological, and short period of time.
theoretical aspects of the processes  Long-term memory – the memory process in
 Has since expanded to cover almost all forms of the brain that takes information from the
information technology design short term memory and creates long lasting
 WHY HCI?  Information is processed and applied:
 Reasoning
 Focus on whether or not the technology  Error
works  Emotion influences human capabilities
 The concept is too cool / groundbreaking  Users share common capabilities but are
 Functions are hard to utilize / process individuals with differences
 Specific people use things specifically
 Too much safety / security in the technology  THE COMPUTER
 Too much focus on the design
 Focuses on where the HCI is found
 WHEN CREATING TECHNOLOGIES, IT MUST BE:  Comprises various elements, each of which affects
 Suitable for the task the user of the system
 Easy to use  Input devices
 Adaptable to the user’s knowledge and  Output display
experience  Virtual reality systems
 Provides feedback on the performance  Various displays (physical controls, haptic
 Displays information in a format and pace dieback, sensors)
understandable to the user  Paper output and input
 Conforms to the principles of software  Memory
ergonomics  Processing


 Useful – accomplish what is required (play
music, cook dinner, format a document)  Interaction models help us to understand what is
 Usable – do it easily and naturally, without going on in the interaction between user and
danger of error system
 Used – make people want to use it, be  Address the translations between what the user
attractive, engaging, fun wants and what the system does
 Focuses on what the HCI is
 FOUR COMPONENTS OF HCI  Ergonomics are physical characteristics of the
interaction and how these influence its
 Human effectiveness
 Computer  Dialog between user and system is influenced by
 Interaction the style of the interface
 Context  Interaction takes place within a social and
organizational context that affects both user and
 THE HUMAN system

 Also known as the user / end-user  THE CONTEXT

 Limited in their capacity to process information
 Has important implications for design  Also known as paradigms
 Focuses on who the HCI is for  Examples of effective strategies for building
 Information is received and responses given via interactive systems to design usable interactive
several input and output channels: systems
 Visual  Focuses on how the HCI will be formed
 Auditory
 Ranges from the introduction of timesharing
computers, through the WIMP and web, to  SIX PRINCIPLES OF DESIGN
ubiquitous and contextaware computing
THE DESIGN OF EVERYDAY THINGS  Users should know, just by looking at an
interface, what their options are and how to
 FAIL DESIGNING access them
 The practice of engineering a system in such a way  Feedback is the response given by the system
that it safely and predictably fails under specified after a user action. This helps the user
conditions to minimize harm or damage. understand the outcome of their interaction.
 Seat Belt Locking Mechanisms: In cars, seat  AFFORDANCE
belts lock up upon sudden deceleration to  is the link between how things look and how
keep passengers from moving forward too they’re used. For example, a coffee mug has
much during a crash. high affordance because you instantly know
 Smoke Alarms: Emit loud sounds to alert how to hold it just by looking at it
residents of potential fires, even if they are  MAPPING
asleep or in another room.  Mapping is the relationship between control
 Non-Slip Mats in Bathtubs and Showers: and effect. The idea is that with good design,
Designed to prevent slips and falls when the the controls to something will closely
surface becomes wet. resemble what they affect.
Design is not just what it looks like and feels like.  restrict a particular form of user interaction
Design is how it works with an interface
-Steve Jobs-  CONSISTENCY
 The same action has to cause the same
 DONALD A. NORMAN reaction, every time.

 University professor, industry executive, company THE ROLE OF HUMANS IN HCI

advisor, and board member;
 Electrical engineer, psychologist, computer  THE HUMAN
scientist, cognitive scientist, designer;
 Speaker and author  Human computer interaction starts with the
 Founder and Director of the Design Lab at the human
University of California, San Diego  The central character is the human
 There is a need to understand:
 DESIGN FOR REAL PEOPLE  Human capabilities
 Human limitations
“We must design for people the way they are,  There is a need to use a simplified model
not the way we wish them to be.  Select characteristics relevant to HCI:
Also, don’t be logical. Half the people in the  Input-output channels (perceptual system)
world are below average”  Human memory
-Donald A. Norman-  Human processing


 GULF OF EXECUTION  Vision (Visual Perception)

 Is the difference between the intentions of  Hearing (Auditory Perception)
the users and what the system allows them to  Touch (Haptic Perception)
do or how well the system supports those  Taste (Gustatory Perception)
actions.  Smell (Olfactory Perception)
 In order to design the best interfaces, the gulf
must be kept as small as possible  Visual Processing
 the gap between what a user wants to do and  Involves transformation and interpretation of
how to actually do it using a system or a complete image
product.  Expectations affect the way an image is
 GULF OF EVALUATION  Compensates for movement, color and
 is the degree of ease with which a user can brightness
perceive and interpret whether or not the  Helps resolve ambiguities
action they performed was successful.
 the gap in finding out what is the current  Visual Ambiguity
state of the system.
 Refers to the quality of an image or visual  Patterns are useful memory aids
stimulus that can be interpreted in multiple,
often conflicting ways, making it unclear or  Long-Term Memory
uncertain to the observer.  We store everything we “know” - factual
information, experiential knowledge,
 Visual Processing procedural rules of behavior
 Perception of size  Huge, if not unlimited
 Familiarity  Relatively slow access time (1/10 second)
 Depth perception  Forgetting occurs more slowly
 Color perception
 Reading  Long-Term Memory – Structure
 Episodic – memory of events stored
 Visual Processing - Reading sequentially; can reconstruct actual events
 Perception and processing of text is a special  Semantic – structure derived from facts,
case concepts, or skills; derived from episodic
 Stages: memory
 Visual pattern of the word is perceived  Procedural - stores information about how to
 Decoded with an internal perform various tasks, skills, and habits,
representation of the language enabling us to perform them automatically
 Syntactic and semantic analysis and without conscious effort.
 Example: Reading “IL”
 Adults read 250 words per minute  Long-Term Memory – Structure
 Words are recognized by shape  Can be organized with the help of:
 Removing word shape clues by using all caps  Semantic networks
is detrimental to reading speed and accuracy  Frames
 Scripts
 Hearing  Production rules
 Human beings can hear sounds from 20 Hz to
15 kHz  Long-Term Memory – Structure (Organization)
 Can distinguish frequency changes of less  Semantic networks
than 1.5 Hz at low frequencies  Interconnections or associations among
 Less accurate at high frequencies memories
 Can be selective  Does not allow to model the complex
 Can convey a lot of information objects or events composed of several
 Not maximized in interface design activities
 Example: what are the words currently
 Touch associated with “dog”?
 Haptic perception - important means of  Frames
feedback  Objects that contain slots or attributes
 If and object is seen but not felt, speed and  Attributes represent default, fixed or
accuracy of a response is reduced variable information
 Complaint of VR users  Example: dog
 Fixed - Legs: 4
 HUMAN MEMORY  Default - Diet: Omnivorous, Sound: Bark
 Variable – Size, Color
 Second part of the model of the human as an  Scripts
information processor  Represents default stereotypical
 Three types: information
 sensory buffers  Contains: entry conditions, results,
 short-term memory props, roles, scenes, and tracks
 long-term memory  Example:
 Goal: To fill my mug with coffee
 Sensory Memory  Entry conditions: My mug must first be
 Iconic (visual) - persistence of the image after empty
the stimulus  Results: My mug is full of coffee
 Echoic (aural) - allows a brief “playback”  Props: Mug, coffee machine, coffee
 Haptic - touch  Roles:
○ Secretary makes the coffee
 Short-Term Memory ○ I fill my cup
 Scratch-pad for temporary recall  Production rules
 Used for information needed fleetingly  Series of condition-action (if-then)
 Rapid access, limited capacity statements
 7 +/- 2 chunks of information  Examples:
 IF it is raining THEN bring an umbrella  Does not explain insight and restructuring
 IF the high school is being dismissed  The whole is greater than the some of its
THEN traffic will be horrible parts
 People perform based on their understanding
 Long-Term Memory – Processes general principles of a situation
 Is made possibe through:  If we perform on memorized facts, we make
 Storing stupid mistakes
 Forgetting
 Reasoning  Problem is represented in terms of problem
 Long-Term Memory – Processes  Heuristics are employed to go from initial to
 Storing goal state
 Total time hypothesis - amount learned  General problem solver works for well-
is proportional to amount of time spent structured domains
 Distribution of practice effect - learning  Real-world problems are more complex
time is most effective if distributed over
 Information must be meaningful for it to  Ability to remember larger and larger chunks,
be stored e.g. chess players
 Forgetting  Novices - group problems according to
 Decay superficial characteristics
 Interference - old replaced by new or  Experts - group according to conceptual
vice versa similarities
 Retroactive interference – new
information replaces the old  HUMAN ERROR
 Proactive inhibition – the old memory
interferes with the new information  HUMAN V. COMPUTER
 Remembering
 Recall - reproduced from memory  Human
 Recognition - the info has been seen  Result of millions of years of evolution
before  Guiding principle was survival, not
 Reasoning precision
 Process of deriving new information  Robustness in the face of unexpected
from what is known circumstances
 Types:  Ability to deceive
○ Deductive reasoning – two or more  Computer
assertions that lead to a conclusion;  Less than 100 years old
mathematical certainty  Reliable
○ Inductive reasoning - arriving at  Consistent
generalizations from observations  Based on mathematics
we have seen about cases we have
not seen  Human (Computation)
○ Abductive reasoning - formulation  Slow, complex
of hypotheses to explain a  Highly parallel
phenomena  Rapid change
 Error tolerant
 HUMAN THINKING  Forgiving
 Computer (Computation)
 Process of finding a solution to an unfamiliar  Not fault tolerant
situation  High speed
 Three examples:  Precise
 Gestalt
 Problem space theory  THE CONCEPT OF ERROR
 Analogy in problem solving  Centers on understanding and mitigating
user-related mistakes and slips, emphasizing
 GESTALT the importance of user-friendly design and
 People draw on previous experiences cooperative task completion over assigning
 Have insights blame.
 People as sense-makers  The computer was given information it could
 Restructure the problem not process
 Theory lacked structure and support  Blame shifted on the human being
 Achieving a goal should be a cooperative  Choice of inappropriate goals
endeavor  Poor decision, misclassifies a situation, or fails
 Task is not to assess blame but to complete to take all factors into account
the task  Mental thought is not neat and orderly
 Types of Errors:  The disorder leads to creativity, discovery,
 Slip – results from automatic behavior and great robustness of behavior
 Mistake – stems from conscious
 User’s ability to detect errors is unreliable
 TYPES OF SLIPS  Relevance bias - people seek confirmatory
 Capture errors evidence when evaluating a hypothesis
 Description errors  Partial explanation - crude agreement
 Data driven errors between what the user expects and what he
 Association activation errors sees
 Loss of activation errors  Overlap of model and world - mental model is
 Mode errors partially consistent with the world


 A frequently done activity captures the
one intended  WHY EMOTIONS?
 Example: mistakenly dialing telephone  Emotions makes the human smart
numbers with the same prefix  Much of human behavior is subconscious
○ 426-6001 - Ateneo trunk line  Affective system helps make judgments
○ 426-6071 - DISCS direct line  People without emotions cannot choose
 Description errors between alternatives
 An action is performed on the wrong
 Example:  Broadening of thorough processes
○ Bottles of shampoo and  Greater creativity
conditioner, especially if they have  Greater imagination
the same bottle design  More tolerant of minor difficulties
 Data driven errors
 Triggered by the arrival of sensory data  LEVELS OF EMOTION-BASED PROCESSING
 Examples:
○ Typing what you are thinking /  Visceral
hearing / seeing and not what is  Pre-conscious, pre-thought
intended  Appearance matters
○ Calling someone by the wrong  First impressions are formed
name  Initial impact of the product (touch,
 Freudian Slips feel, appearance)
 Verbal / memory mistake that usually
reveals the subconscious  Behavioral
 Example:  Focuses on the use
○ A child calling their teacher “Mom”  Experience with the product:
or “Dad” ○ Function
 Loss of activation errors ○ Performance
 Act of forgetting to do something ○ Usability
 Example:
○ Walking somewhere to get  Reflective
something but forgetting the  Affected by culture, experience,
moment you step into the education, and individual differences
destination  Can override the visceral and behavioral
 Mode errors  Sophistication vs. popularity
 Action sequence performed in the  Long-term relationships
wrong mode  Consideration of the future
 Examples:
○ Typing in the password with CAPS  LEVELS OF EMOTION-BASED PROCESSING
○ Using different tools as if it were  Visceral - appearance
another  Behavioral - pleasure and effectiveness of use
 Reflective - self-image, personal satisfaction,
 All vowels and punctuation marks are on the
 All consonants on the right side
 Input / output devices  Most used letters in the middle row so it’s
 Virtual Reality systems easier to reach
 Bio sensors
 Computer memory  INPUT DEVICE – MOUSE
 Computer processors
 Handheld hardware input device that controls a
 WHY KNOW THE COMPUTER DEVICES? cursor in a GUI (graphical user interface)
 Move and select text, icons, files, and folders on
 Computer devices enhance or work well with computer
human capabilities and limitations  Commonly makes use of a pointer on a display
 Perceptual System  Types:
 Human memory and processing  Ambidextrous
 Human error  Left-handed
 Human emotions  Vertical
 Not every user would have all the required
computer devices  Ambidextrous Mouse
 Designed to fit either lefthanded or right-
 LIST OF INPUT DEVICES handed people
 Most common type of Mouse
 Keyboard
 Mouse  Left-Handed Mouse
 Microphone  Specifically designed for users whose
 Trackball dominant hand is their left hand
 Touchpad
 Touchscreen devices  Vertical Mouse
 Controllers  Taller than it is wide
 Scanner  Designed to reduce strain
 Drawing Tablet  Mouse is held vertically, much like you would
 Eye Tracking Devices during a handshake
 Hand Tracking Devices  Buttons are located right beneath the grasp


 Like a typewriter, it is composed of buttons used to  Translates sound vibrations in the air into
create letters, numbers, and symbols, and perform electronic signals or scribes them to a recording
additional functions medium
 Buttons or keys act as mechanical levers or
electronic switches  INPUT DEVICE – TRACKBALL
 Arrangement of buttons depend on the format:
 QWERTY  Small ball set in a holder
 QWERTZ  Can be rotated by hand to move a cursor on a
 AZERTY computer
 QWERTY / Sholes Keyboard
 Named after the first 6 alphabetic keys on the  For controlling the pointer on a display screen
top left  Done by sliding the finger along a touch-sensitive
 May be created: surface
 Due to mechanical failings in early
 To make it easier to decode morse code
 Technically both an input and output device
 QWERTZ / Swiss Keyboard  User places input through multi-touch gestures by
 Used in German-speaking countries touching the screen or through a stylus
 Output may be shown in another screen or in the
 AZERTY Keyboard same screen
 Commonly used in France and Belgium

 DVORAK Keyboard
 Ergonomic alternative to the QWERTY layout  INPUT DEVICE – GAME CONTROLLER
 Oldest type of LCD panel
 Also known as a gaming controller or controller  Most budget-friendly; has low cost
 Used to provide input to a video game production
 Can be haptic  Limited viewing angles, particularly on vertical
 Gamepad axis
 Common game controller  High refresh rates; low input lag
 Came from console games  Colors of the TN panels:
 Used for better mobility of a character  Reproduction is not strong
 Can invert completely when viewed
 INPUT DEVICE – GAME CONTROLLER from an extreme angle

 Other game controllers  In-Plane Switching (IPS) Panels

 Paddle  Developed to improve limitations of TN
 Steering wheel set panels
 Touchscreen  Vastly superior viewing angles
 Motion sensor  Best color reproduction:
 Light gun  Good black color reproduction
 Rhythm game controllers  Best used for graphic design

 INPUT DEVICE – SCANNER  Vertical Alignment (VA) Panels

 Compromise between TN and IPS
 Uses a light beam to scan codes, text, or graphic  Has best contrast ratios
images directly into a computer or computer  Used extensively for TV manufacturing
system  Viewing angles are in the middle of IPS and
 INPUT DEVICE – DRAWING TABLET  Have slower response times than TNs
 Ideal for general use
 Converts movements from a stylus pressed on a
designated area on the tablet’s screen  OUTPUT DEVICE – SPEAKERS
 Commonly used for digital arts
 Connects to a computer to generate sound
 INPUT DEVICE – EYE TRACKING DEVICE  Signal is created by the computer's sound card

 Sensor technology that makes it possible to know  OUTPUT DEVICE – HEADPHONES

where a person is looking in real-time
 Uses a specialized camera  Small speakers that can be worn in or around the
 Detects the presence, attention, and focus of the ears
user  Traditional headphones:
 Have two ear cups
 Placed over the head
 Makes use of various sensors  Earbuds or earphones:
 Captures data on the position, orientation, and  Placed inside the outer part of the ear canal
velocity of hands
 Can be a device that is attached to the hand or a  OUTPUT DEVICE – PRINTER
device away from the hand
 Accepts text and graphic output from a computer
 LIST OF OUTPUT DEVICES  Traditional printers transfer the information to
 Monitor
 Speakers  3D Printer
 Headphones  Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) device
 Printers  Creates three-dimensional objects
 Builds a three-dimensional model out of a
 OUTPUT DEVICE – MONITOR custom material

 Displays information in pictorial or text form  VIRTUAL REALITY SYSTEMS

 Modern monitors use liquid crystal display (LCD)
 Three popular LCD monitor types:  WHAT IS VIRTUAL REALITY?
 Twisted nematic (TN)  Simulated experience that can create an
 IPS (In-Plane Switching) artificial world
 VA (Vertical Alignment)  Can look and move around the artificial
 Twisted Nematic (TN) Panels world, and interact with objects around
 Utilizes limited visual and auditory processing  COMPUTER MEMORY DEVICES
and high haptic feedback for a more
immersive experience  Non-volatile memory
 Hard disk drive
 VIRTUAL REALITY DEVICES  Solid state drive
 Virtual reality headset  Flash memory
 Motion controllers  Nonvolatile memory express
 Optical tracking  Volatile memory
 Random access memory
 Also called VR goggles  NON-VOLATILE MEMORY
 Head-worn apparatus that completely covers
the eyes for an immersive 3D experience  Type of computer memory that can retain stored
 Can be attached to a computer (Valve Index) information even after power is removed
 Can be self-contained (Oculus Quest 2)  Common examples:
 HDD (Hard Disk Drive)
 Collection of devices that detect the user’s  SSD (Solid State Drive)
motion in different levels  NVMe (Nonvolatile Memory Express)
 Tracked with cameras, sensors in the
controllers, or both  Hard Disk Drive (HDD)
 Examples:  Magnetic storage medium for a computer
 Hand controllers  Hard disks are flat circular plates made of
 Wired glove aluminum or glass and coated with a
 Omnidirectional treadmill magnetic material
 Used for general storage, but quite slower
 Process of monitoring the user’s position  Flash Memory
through visual information  General term for electronic non-volatile
 Mostly done through sets of cameras and memory
other sensors in or out of the headset  Can be electrically erased and reprogrammed
 Can track smaller body parts (fingers) to the  Used for a lot of modern memory devices:
entire body  USB flash drives
 Memory cards

 WHAT IS BIOSENSING?  Solid State Drive (SSD)

 Detection of target molecules based on the  New generation of storage device used in
principles used by a living system computers
 Can be used for a more precise means of  Uses flash-based memory
determining user input with little movement  Much faster than a traditional
mechanical hard disk
 BIOSENSOR  Used for more modern systems that require
 Self-contained integrated device fast access of storage
 Capable of providing specific quantitative
analytical information using a biological  Nonvolatile Memory Express (NVMe)
recognition element  New storage access and transport protocol
 Enzymes for flash and next-generation solidstate drives
 Antibodies  Delivers the highest throughput and fastest
 Natural receptors response times yet for all types of enterprise
 Cells workloads


 Can allow to control software, apps, and
machines  Computer memory that only maintains its data
 Done by developing new virtual reality, while the device is powered on
augmented reality, and braincontrolled  Used for primary storage in personal computers
technology with brain-computer Interface  Much faster to read from and write to than the
(BCI) software other kinds of storage in a computer
 Data stored in volatile memory are temporary data
used in computer systems or ones needed by the
 Random Access Memory (RAM)
 Short-term memory where data is stored as
the processor needs it
 Play a game from computer’s hard drive
 Stream a movie from the Internet


 Processing can be too slow or too fast
 Too slow
 Unable to catch input when it happens
 Input is buffered; feedback is too slow
 Too fast
 Output comes out too quickly; user is
unable to read it


 Circuit board inside a computer that executes
instructions on behalf of programs
 Modern computer processors can process
millions of instructions in a second
 Processors are considered the main chip on a


 Computation limitations
 Storage channel limitations
 Graphics limitations
 Network limitations

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