cc7 Reviewer
cc7 Reviewer
cc7 Reviewer
Like a typewriter, it is composed of buttons used to Translates sound vibrations in the air into
create letters, numbers, and symbols, and perform electronic signals or scribes them to a recording
additional functions medium
Buttons or keys act as mechanical levers or
electronic switches INPUT DEVICE – TRACKBALL
Arrangement of buttons depend on the format:
QWERTY Small ball set in a holder
QWERTZ Can be rotated by hand to move a cursor on a
AZERTY computer
QWERTY / Sholes Keyboard
Named after the first 6 alphabetic keys on the For controlling the pointer on a display screen
top left Done by sliding the finger along a touch-sensitive
May be created: surface
Due to mechanical failings in early
To make it easier to decode morse code
Technically both an input and output device
QWERTZ / Swiss Keyboard User places input through multi-touch gestures by
Used in German-speaking countries touching the screen or through a stylus
Output may be shown in another screen or in the
AZERTY Keyboard same screen
Commonly used in France and Belgium
DVORAK Keyboard
Ergonomic alternative to the QWERTY layout INPUT DEVICE – GAME CONTROLLER
Oldest type of LCD panel
Also known as a gaming controller or controller Most budget-friendly; has low cost
Used to provide input to a video game production
Can be haptic Limited viewing angles, particularly on vertical
Gamepad axis
Common game controller High refresh rates; low input lag
Came from console games Colors of the TN panels:
Used for better mobility of a character Reproduction is not strong
Can invert completely when viewed
INPUT DEVICE – GAME CONTROLLER from an extreme angle
Processing can be too slow or too fast
Too slow
Unable to catch input when it happens
Input is buffered; feedback is too slow
Too fast
Output comes out too quickly; user is
unable to read it