1.5 Blood

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Unit 1 Respiration

By: Teacher Ala’ Shehadeh

Teacher Razan Alsayegh
What is respiration?

Respiration is the release of energy from the breakdown of


What is aerobic respiration?

Aerobic respiration is a reaction that uses oxygen to release

energy from glucose.
Objectives 05 Learn about the
structure of blood
Find out how
every living cell
gets the energy it
needs to stay alive

03 Learn how the muscles

between your ribs and
your diaphragm move
Learn the names of the Find out how oxygen air into and out of the
different parts of the gets into your blood lungs

human respiratory from the air, and
system how carbon dioxide

goes in the other
1.5 Blood
Pgs. 25-30
Blood components

• Blood consists of cells floating in plasma.

• Most of the cells are red blood cells.
• A much smaller number are white blood cells.
• There are also fragments formed from special cells in the bone marrow, called platelets.
Functions of blood
• Plasma carries all the
transported by blood except
• Blood platelets help the
blood to clot.
• Red blood cells
transport oxygen.
• White blood cells protect
against disease.

▪ Plasma is the liquid part of blood. It is mostly water.

▪ Your blood transports lots of substances and the plasma carries them all except oxygen.

▪ If you cut a blood vessel platelets gather around the damaged area to stop blood
leaking out.
▪ At the same time proteins in the plasma form a tangle of fine strands.
▪ These trap red blood cells and seal the wound.
Blood cells
Red and white blood cells as seen
under a light microscope.
Red blood cells

• Made in the bone marrow of some bones

• Transport O2 from lungs to all respiring tissues.
• Contain hemoglobin (Hb), a red iron-containing
pigment which can carry O2. In the lungs, Hb
combines with O2 to form oxyhemoglobin. In other
organs, oxyhemoglobin splits up into Hb and O2.
• Have no nucleus to fit more Hb inside the
cytoplasm but can lives only for about 4
months. Old red blood cells are broken down in the
liver, spleen and bone marrow.
• Have a special biconcave disc shape to increases
the surface area and makes the diffusion of oxygen
into & out of the capillaries easier.
• They are a lot smaller than other cells to help them
get through very tiny capillaries.
How oxygen is transported around the body
White blood cells

• Made in the bone marrow and in

the lymph nodes.
• Have a nucleus, often large
and lobed.
• Can move around and squeeze out
through the walls of blood capillaries
into all parts of the body.
• There are many kinds of white blood
cells. They all have the function
of fighting pathogens (disease-
causing bacteria and viruses) and to
clear up any dead body cells in your
• White blood cells help to defend the body through
• phagocytes surround any pathogens in the blood and
Phagocytosis engulf them
• enzymes in the phagocyte break down the pathogen
and destroy it
• White blood cells help to defend the body by producing
• antibodies attach to the foreign body, eg a bacterium or virus
Producing antibodies • the phagocyte is then able to recognise the bacterium or
virus as being foreign, and not one of the body's cells
• antibodies also cause pathogens to stick together, making it
easier for phagocytes to engulf them
Example 1

white blood cell
red blood cell
Example 2

Red blood cells

White blood cells
Red blood cells
White blood cells
Red blood cell
Example 3

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