Before Your Very Eyes 2

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3 Reading into Writing: Exemplifying your ideas

1 What is a visual cliché? Decide which of the images

shown are the most clichéd, giving your reasons.
Then describe something that is a cliché for you.

2 Read the two texts about clichéd images. Do they

give complementary or opposing arguments?
How far do you agree with the points made?

Text 1 Text 2

When does a photographic style become a

When is a picture worth a thousand
cliché? There can be little doubt that those
words? Some of nature’s most remarkable
images now deemed clichés were once
images become clichés through familiarity,
powerful and stimulating photographs when
thanks to the commercial world we live
they first appeared in the clubs, salons
in. Transferred to a squat greetings card
and magazines. Clearly, they merited
or popular poster, the once exceptional
the awards, and influenced many other
representation of a radiant sunset over
photographers, and so photography could
tranquil sea is rendered mundane. For
be seen to be moving forward. Such is the
consumer-driven websites, it is visual
way of progress. But when an innovative
rather than verbal impact that counts, at
winning image is copied by numerous
least at the outset. The use of original,
others, hell-bent on walking off with
intriguing photos suggests creativity and
the annual club trophy, a cliché is born.
innovation, while certain stock photos have
While the slavish copying of any image or
become overused clichés, a disincentive
existing style is the road to ultimate ruin,
to would-be customers. Images are more
we should actively look at those images to
influential than ever in our digital age.
find seeds of stimulation.

62 u n it 7
3 Which text gives specific examples of clichéd
images? Why is this done, do you think? The Style extra
comments in Style extra may help you. Many adjectives carry disapproval, as in these examples from
the two texts:
• slavish copying – the idea of copying is reinforced by the
adjective and a lack of originality suggested
Exam spot • squat greetings card – the adjective describes something
that is small and ugly, so a contrast is emphasised between
In Part 1 of Paper 2, the texts are a starting point for your own the exceptional and the mundane.
ideas. Although you need to summarise and evaluate the
Here are other adjectives used to show disapproval, some of
points made, you should move beyond any specific examples
which occurred in earlier units.
given in the texts, to include different examples of your own.
Spend five minutes before you start writing, listing other childish behaviour a fatuous remark
things you can mention to support your evaluation. florid poetry/speeches glaring errors/faults

4 Read these paragraphs, ignoring spaces 1–8 for the moment. Where does the writer make
reference to specific examples? Underline the phrases used to introduce these.

Both texts consider the negative effect of clichéd images. The first text is concerned with
photography as an art form and the important point made is that (1) remains vital, in the
search for truly original photographic images. (2) portrait shots, such as those by Irving
Penn and Diane Arbus among others, should be viewed by others in the profession as
(3) triggers for new developments and techniques, rather than merely being replicated –
the “slavish copying” that is referred to so (4) by the writer.
The second text outlines the pivotal position of imagery in our modern world, especially in
relation to the use of photographs to sell goods and services on the Internet. Take for instance
the cliché-ridden use of visuals like the business handshake or the world as a globe that appear
on (5) marketing websites. Given that these images are ubiquitous, how can they be
sufficiently (6) ? As the saying goes, “familiarity breeds contempt” – such a degree of
overuse totally (7) what was initially a powerful image, making it banal and (8)

5 Use the words given in capitals below to form

suitable words to fit in spaces 1–8 in the text in 4. Central to both these texts is a consideration
Questions 2 and 8 require a compound.
of the role of (1) in the 21st century. The
2 LAND 6 PERSUADE first text is quite specialist in its subject matter,
3 INSPIRE 7 VALUE focusing solely on (2) The second text is
4 DISMISS 8 PLACE far more relevant to contemporary life. It rightly
6 Select suitable phrases from a–d to insert in the final argues that “visual impact” is (3) to
paragraph opposite, to produce an answer of the
achieve – any company seeking to engage new
target exam length (240–280 words).
a one of the most crucial aspects
customers via its website has no alternative but
b innovative visual material to invest in (4) and cannot afford to be
c genuinely creative excellence satisfied with second-best.
d photography in its own right

be f o re yo u r ve ry e y es 63

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