Chapter 1

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Paperless payroll system for MSU University


“Our hands, Our minds, Our Destiny”




Payroll management is one of several industries that has undergone a substantial transition
toward automation and digitization in recent years. Many businesses have implemented
paperless payroll solutions in their efforts to improve efficiency and streamline processes. An
introduction to the implementation of a paperless payroll system for MSU University is the
goal of this chapter. Payroll management has historically entailed labor-intensive, error-prone
manual methods. The amount of documentation that HR departments had to manage included
timesheets, tax forms, and pay stubs. These manual procedures increased the danger of data
inaccuracy and compliance problems while also consuming precious resources.


As it handles the financial aspects of employee remuneration, a payroll system is an entirely

electronic payroll system, part of every organization's operation. This means one can process
every step electronically using a payroll software or an outsourced payroll company without
generating any paper. It includes collecting tax documents, paying employees, payment of
fees from students, calculating and withholding taxes. Investigating a payroll system's
history, main elements, benefits, difficulties, and current trends are crucial if one wants to
fully comprehend its history.

Paperless payroll has paved its way during the 20TH century in time, when there was the
removal of resource use of materials. However, over time, the contemporary paperless
payroll system payroll system as we know it has undergone a substantial evolution. Payroll
procedures in the past required tedious human labour, handwritten calculations, and ledger
entries. When computers first appeared in the middle of the 20th century, businesses started
automating their payroll processes with primitive computer systems. With the great
modernised and automated world, the paperless payroll system improved greatly now
allowing, employees to enter hours worked into an online portal, pay checks are sent
electronically via email or saved in the employee’s profile and having records being stored in
the cloud-based software.

Important Elements of the Paperless Payroll System

1. More cost-efficient payroll services

Sending and receiving paper-based checks can quickly add up when you consider all the
material inputs, including paper, ink, envelopes, and stamps. Using an electronic payroll
system helps to eliminate these costs in much the same way that email is more cost-effective
than sending physical letters. And, digital payroll is more sustainable than using paper

2. Faster processing

In addition to material expenses, physical checks carry many hidden costs in terms of time
spent printing, signing, sealing, and delivering each pay slip. Even if you assign these tasks to
employees, they’re still on the clock. As such, there are direct costs in the form of wages
when processing payments manually.

3. Improved reliability

Paper-based checks can get lost or delayed in the mail. With electronic payments, however,
direct deposits arrive in the employee’s preferred payment account on the date scheduled. Pay
stubs are also accessible online. This creates a more reliable way to compensate employees.

4. Better file management

The Fair Labour Standards Act mandates that companies keep payroll documentation for at
least three years.These requirements are in addition to whatever state-level regulations might
apply in your jurisdiction.

1.2.1 Background of the organization

Midlands State University is a government owned university in Zimbabwe. The university

has 9 faculties (Agriculture, Arts, Commerce, Education, Engineering, Law, Science, Social
Sciences and Medicine) offering a wide variety of courses and many specialist programmes.
The university is accredited through the National Council for Higher Education, under the
Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education of Zimbabwe.

1.3 Problem Definition

There were many issues with the manual payroll method, including:
 More likely to produce errors: One of the problems with this method is the enormous
room for error. If the payroll representative makes more manual computations, there
will likely be more errors.

 Extra time commitment: Manual payroll involves checking spreadsheets, calculating

several payment methods, and manually writing checks. Even with a small number of
employees, this work takes up a sizable portion of each pay period. Lack of Insight:
Traditional methods may not be able to identify patterns and relationships in the data
that may not be immediately apparent to human analysts, leading to a lack of insight
into the factors that influence housing prices.

 Slowly valuing data The information won't be available right now. This is so that
more physical labor and data transcription work may be done. It may take some time
for reports to become available. Any information analysis will need your undivided
attention and time.

 All new hires would need to have prior training in payroll management. They would
also need to be familiar with regulatory laws and compliance-related issues.


To create convenience in payments of workers and staff members.

1.4 Objectives

 It brings convenience to staff which is one of the main goals of introducing a BYOD-
based paperless payslip delivery system.

 It Increases the effectiveness of the payroll distribution procedure to the employees.

 Employees should be able to navigate and read their payslips with ease thanks to the
system's user-friendly design.

 It must comply with any privacy and data protection laws.

1.5 Instruments and Methods

The framework for the BYOD-based paperless payslip distribution system will be written
in Python. A few tools and systems will be used to aid in the system's development.
Depending on the complexity of the project, the amount of features, and the team
makeup, the tech stack after you need to build an application for professional
arrangements may change significantly. Due to the specialized focal areas promoted by
the system, the exact system enables engineers to create precise web apps more quickly
and to a higher degree of proficiency.

1.6 Software Tools

The system will be designed using the

 VScode Community Edition 2022.1.1 – this is because it allows for deployment of
machine learning models.
 php – this will be language that will used to develop the system.
 Html-to design the web page
 CSS- to style the pages
 Xampp

1.7 Hardware tools

 Core i5 laptop
 Android Phone
 Although emulators will be used, hardware devices of different sizes will be used to
test the responsiveness of the syste

1.8Justification and Rationale

The justification and rationale for using machine learning for housing price prediction can be
explained as follows:

 Environmental Sustainability: The advantages of a paperless payroll system for the

environment are one of the main arguments for its adoption. Payroll systems that are
still dependent on paper use a lot of paper, ink, and other resources, which causes
deforestation, pollution, and waste production. MSU University may drastically lower
its carbon footprint and support environmental sustainability by switching to a
paperless system. The decrease in paper use is also consistent with the university's
commitment to environmentally friendly practices and shows good corporate
 Cost Savings: The potential for cost savings is another strong argument in favor of
using a paperless payroll system. Physical paychecks are printed, distributed, and
stored as part of traditional payroll procedures, which comes with a cost in terms of
paper, printing supplies, postage, and storage space. MSU University can make
significant long-term savings by getting rid of these expenses through digitization. A
paperless system also lessens the need for human data entry and processing, reducing
the possibility of errors and the associated costs.
 Efficiency and Productivity: When compared to manual operations, a paperless
payroll system offers considerable efficiency and productivity gains. Tasks like
calculating wages, producing pay stubs, and managing employee data become simpler
and less time-consuming with automated workflows and digital record-keeping. This
frees up HR staff members from having to worry about menial activities and lets them
concentrate on more important objectives. Employees can also get access to their
salary information online whenever they want, which decreases requests to HR
departments and boosts overall productivity.
 Accessibility and Convenience: A paperless payroll system improves both employee
and HR staff accessibility and convenience. Through secure portals, employees may
view and download pay stubs, tax forms, and other pertinent papers at their
convenience. They can also access their pay information online. As a result, there is
no longer a requirement for physical document retrieval and storage. Furthermore,
payroll data can be simply retrieved and analyzed electronically by HR staff,
simplifying reporting, auditing, and compliance obligations..


In conclusion, paperless payroll systems is an important tool for businesses and organizations
to use in the future to provide quick, accurate, and effective data about payroll systems. The
examination of vast and intricate datasets of employee data is made possible by the usage of
paperless payroll systems.
The payroll system can be automated, which offers a faster and more affordable method of
computing compensation than manual systems do. Additionally, they present a chance to
learn important things about the elements that people and organizations use to anticipate the
amount of compensation with accuracy.

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