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Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
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Juarez, E. Ravell, J. Arcudia, X. Zarate, Z. Cui, G. Merino and J. Barroso, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2020,
DOI: 10.1039/D0CP02750B.
Volume 19
Number 1
7 January 2017
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Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics Page 2 of 22
After an exhaustive exploration of the potential energy surface of B12E- and B12E2 (E=Li-Cs)
similar to the naked B12 cluster) compete to be the putative global minimum. For neutral
systems, competition arises between the quasi-planar cluster and a double-ring with the alkali-
metals on the highest-symmetry axis. The chemical bonding analyses show that for the entire
Published on 16 July 2020. Downloaded by University of Exeter on 7/16/2020 6:42:58 PM.
of the alkali-metal and insufficient for determining the isomeric preference. The isomerization
energy decomposition analysis (IEDA) reveals that in the anions, the structural change in the
lighter complexes is possible because of the relatively low energy required for the boron
skeleton deformation, as opposed to the case of heavy metals. In the case of the neutral systems,
the factor determining one isomer over the other corresponds to that of the energy deformation
unusual geometries adopted by these systems makes it a promising candidate for a wide range
materials,3 but on the other hand, the bonding pattern, though extensively studied, remains
Published on 16 July 2020. Downloaded by University of Exeter on 7/16/2020 6:42:58 PM.
In small clusters, the story is no different. Progress in determining the structure of boron
clusters is recent. For pure boron anionic clusters with as many as 40 atoms, it has been possible
planar geometry.5–10 In contrast, for neutral clusters, it is suggested that the 2D to 3D transition
occurs at B20,11 and for cationic systems at B16+.12 Therefore, not only does the increase in the
number of boron atoms lead to tubular- and cage-shaped clusters, among other three-
dimensional forms, but that the charge of the system also has a decisive role.
In some cases, the doping of some boron clusters creates completely different forms.
For example, if B10 is doped with Nb or Tb, it is transformed into a flat boron wheel with the
metal at the center,13 Similarly, in B6Ta2, B8Ln2, and BxLa2 (x = 7-9), the lanthanide or
transition metal atoms induce the formation of monocyclic boron rings, which are not found in
bare boron clusters.14–16 In B18Co and B18Rh, a drum and a metallo-borophene are the two most
stable structures lying very close to each other in energy.17,18 For the instance of B11-, two
completely different but energetically favorable structures arise from doping it with Be6.19 In
some boron clusters, doping enables dynamic properties to the system, such as the nano-
compasses B8Mg2,20 B7M2- and B8M2 (M = Zn, Cd, Hg),21 or some Wankel-type rotors
described by some of us.22–25 Among the various topologies, motifs of two or three boron rings
with the doping atoms on the axis of highest symmetry are regularly found as the putative
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics Page 4 of 22
global minimum, such as the double-rings B16Co,26 B18Na2 and B18Na2-,27 B18Mg,DOI:
28 the three-
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ring tubular structure in Li2B24,29 or the cage-shape for the case of B24Mo.30
block in the bulk phases of boron.31–33 The naked B12 is a quasi-planar cluster that is only
slightly modified by the interaction with one lithium, but two lithium atoms interacting
electrostatically give rise to a double boron ring as the lowest-lying structure.34 Similarly, B24
Published on 16 July 2020. Downloaded by University of Exeter on 7/16/2020 6:42:58 PM.
requires two lithium atoms to turn into a triple-ring boron tube, the smallest so far.29 More
recently, some of us found that the putative global minimum for the B10M2 (M = Rh, Ir) clusters
also adopt a double boron ring with the transition metal atoms interacting covalently with the
boron skeleton.35 Thus, an inevitable question comes to mind: which factors, and to what
extent, lead to such a radical structural rearrangement as that of the double boron ring? To
answer these questions and have a better understanding of the boron bonding nature, herein,
surfaces (PESs) of B12E- and B12E2 (E = Li-Cs), we established that the quasi-planar Cs (A)
structure, similar to the bare B12, stands as the global minimum except with lithium, for which
it competes with a cage-shaped C2v structure (B) for anionic systems or with a double D6d ring
(C) for the neutral cases. We rationalized the structural preference in terms of the Natural Bond
Orbital (NBO), and through the Isomerization Energy Decomposition Analysis (IEDA) and
ultimately found that the structural preference is given by the distortion energy. In the case of
the anions with lighter alkali-metals, less energy is required to deform the boron skeleton into
a cage-shape than into the quasi-planar form. In neutral instances, the substantial deformation
that favors one isomer over the other corresponds to the E-E dimer.
Computational details
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Extensive explorations of the PESs for both series of clusters, B12E- and B12 E210.1039/D0CP02750B
DOI: (E =ViewLi-
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Cs), in the singlet and triplet state were carried out through a modified genetic algorithm as
The lowest-lying energy isomers (< 30 kcal/mol) were further re-minimized and characterized
last stage. The diagnostic of the T1 coupled-cluster operator was performed to verify whether
characterize these systems. A method is considered adequate if the T1 value is less than or
equal to 0.02.42 Figures S1-S2 summarize the T1 result for the lowest energy structures of the
entire series. There are only two cases in which the T1 value is slightly higher (0.03) than the
recommended threshold, but it occurs in the most distant complexes from the global minimum
and not included in the structural discussion of this work. So, the systems are appropriately
characterized. Moreover, for preliminary insight into the bonding, the Wiberg Bonding Indices
(WBIs)43 and the Natural Population Analysis (NPA)44 were carried out following the NBO6.0
partitioning scheme.45 To take into account the relativistic effects for Rb and Cs atoms, the
effective core potentials ECP-28 and ECP-48,46 respectively, were employed. All these
The reason why the most energetically stable structure is a double-ring for B12Li2 or a
Analysis (IEDA) at the TPSS-D3(BJ)/ZORA/TZ2P level.48 So, the relativistic effects were
and including all electrons. Under this approach, the energy difference between the two isomers
(∆Eiso) is separated in terms of the distortion energy of the boron framework (∆Edist) and the
change in the interaction energies of each isomer (∆∆Eint). Also, ∆∆Eint can be divided into the
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics Page 6 of 22
sum of the changes of Pauli repulsions (∆∆EPauli), and the attractive terms such as dispersion
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energy (∆∆Edisp), electrostatics (∆∆Velstat), and orbital interactions (∆∆Eorb). The IEDA was
Figure 1 shows the lowest-lying arrangements for B12. Interestingly, this boron cluster
Published on 16 July 2020. Downloaded by University of Exeter on 7/16/2020 6:42:58 PM.
has an extraordinary structural consistency as the motif remains virtually unchanged in its
neutral, anionic, and dianionic form.54 The symmetry reduction from C3v to Cs is because the
addition of one electron increases the bond lengths by 0.109 Å (from 1.815 to 1.924 Å) of the
boron atoms at the bottom, assuming the orientation in Figure 1. This is more notorious in the
dianion, where this B-B distance increases to 2.143 Å. In contrast, the B-B distances of the
inner ring are reduced to 1.684 Å and 1.660 Å (and 1.675 to 1.672 Å) by adding one and two
electrons, respectively. So, the charge of the boron skeleton modifies the structure, but its shape
remains the same. Dong et al. claimed that in order to form the double-ring, a high charge
transfer from two Li+ to the B12 fragment takes place, i.e., the interaction is mostly ionic, and
the system can be considered as Li+B12-. So, the doped fragment is B122- and our series of
explorations should focus on the stoichiometries B12E- and B12E2 (E = Li-Cs). With that in
mind, let us start by exploring those cases in which it is doped with one atom of the remaining
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An exhaustive exploration of the PESs revealed that the most energetically favored
systems correspond to the singlet state. The only triplet around the lower energy structures
occurs in the anions and is the one that resembles the naked B12. The difference between this
triplet and its corresponding singlet is 5.3, 4.5, 2.3, 2.1, 0.9 kcal/mol as it goes from lithium to
cesium. The putative global minima of B12 with the heavier cations (Na, K, Rb, and Cs) are
structures with the boron fragment similar to the bare boron cluster and interacting with the
alkali metal on the concave face, A (Figure 2). In contrast, the putative global minimum for
lithium (B) adopts a C2v arrangement, which has not been reported as a viable boron skeleton,
with four boron atoms forming the inner ring and higher concavity. Note that both structures
correspond to the two most favorable ones for the entire series. The energy difference between
A and B is 0.3, -0.8, -0.2, -1.1, and -1.8 kcal/mol as moving from lithium to cesium. Although
these values indicate that the cage-shaped structure (B) is energetically stable only in the case
of lithium, the difference between A and B for the entire series is minimal, suggesting that both
structures may coexist in the gas phase. The HOMO-LUMO energy difference is larger in B
by 0.42 - 1.24 eV. Interestingly, other structures have larger gaps (Figure S1), so these systems
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics Page 8 of 22
do not comply with the principle of maximum hardness.55 The only shown tendency
DOI:is thatViewthe
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HOMO-LUMO energy difference grows from lithium to cesium in both arrangements. Other
The dynamic behavior of the naked B12 cluster was already thoroughly analyzed.56 That
is, it has a transition state with an imaginary frequency mode associated with the rotation of the
inner B3 ring with respect to the peripheral B9 ring (Table 1). For the naked B12, the rotational
Published on 16 July 2020. Downloaded by University of Exeter on 7/16/2020 6:42:58 PM.
barrier is 17.5 kcal/mol (19.0 kcal/mol for B122-). The doped systems B12Co-, B12Rh-, and B12Ir-
also result in the A structure, but with a slight distancing of the B3 ring from the frame, so the
rotational barrier is lowered. These anionic clusters have rotational barriers of 7.6, 7.3, and 5.0
kcal/mol, respectively.25 In the case of the B12E- (E = Li - Cs) series, the rotational barrier is
approximately 10.9 - 12.9 kcal/mol (Table 1). Also, the B12M- (M = Co, Rh, and Ir) clusters
have a C3v point group, while in B12E- (E = Li - Cs), such point group is a saddle point up to
3.1 kcal/mol above the quasi-planar Cs structure (A). A possible reason for the point group
reduction, from C3v to Cs is a pseudo Jahn-Teller effect since, in A, the degenerate orbital is
The natural population analysis (NPA) charges indicate that in both, A and B, there is
a high charge transfer from the alkali metal to the boron fragment (0.94 - 1.00 |e|), and also the
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WBI of any cation with the boron skeleton is less than 0.02, suggesting a highly
DOI:ionic B-E
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interaction. There are two different WBI values of B-B, one with a bond order of approximately
atoms forming the peripheral ring, WBI(B-Binner), is 1.15 - 1.16, while the WBI between the
boron atoms for the inner B3 fragment, WBI(B-Binner) is 0.56 - 0.59, somehow in line with the
corresponding average bond lengths (r(B-Binner) = 1.587 - 1.596 Å and (r(B-Binner) = 1.670 -
Published on 16 July 2020. Downloaded by University of Exeter on 7/16/2020 6:42:58 PM.
1.674 Å). Similarly, the WBI value in the cage-shaped isomer (B) for the boron atoms forming
the external ring is 1.13 - 1.14 with an average bond distance of 1.605 Å, while for the internal
B4 ring is 0.65 - 0.66 with a B-B length of 1.768 Å. Figure 3 shows the dependence of the WBI
against the B-B length for three different types of bonds, the outer ring bond, the inner ring
bond and those between rings. In terms of the bond index, there are also three boron bonding
groups. A group with a WBI of 1.0 - 1.5 corresponding to the outer ring B-B bonds. A second
group with values ranging from 0.5 to 0.9, involving the inner ring bonds and some inter-ring
bonds, and the more distant B-B bonds form the third group with a WBI value less than 0.4.
These values indicate that the bonds of the inner ring of both structures comprise multicentric
bonds, while the external rings are constituted by multiple (single and double) bonds.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics Page 10 of 22
Figure 3. WBI vs. distance between the boron atoms forming the external rings,DOI:
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rings, and between rings for all global minima at the TPSS-D3/def2-TZVP level.
harmonic vibrational frequency associated with the rotation, νmin, WBI and B-B distances for
the external ring (B-Bext), the internal fragment (B-Binner), within the ring (B-Binter), between
Published on 16 July 2020. Downloaded by University of Exeter on 7/16/2020 6:42:58 PM.
rings, (B-Bintra), natural charge (q, |e|), and energy gap (∆H-L, eV) at the TPSS-
D3/def2-TZVP level.
B-Bext B-Binner B-Bext B-Binner
E ∆EA- ∆Erot[a νmin WBI r WBI B-B qM ∆H-L WBI r WBI r qM ∆H-L
[a] ]
Li 0.3 10.9 257i 1.16 1.587 0.59 1.674 0.94 0.87 1.14 1.605 0.66 1.767 0.94 2.00
Na -0.8 12.2 280i 1.16 1.587 0.58 1.672 0.97 0.82 1.14 1.605 0.66 1.768 0.97 2.07
K -0.2 12.8 254i 1.16 1.592 0.57 1.670 0.98 0.66 1.13 1.605 0.65 1.769 0.99 1.79
Rb -1.1 12.9 262i 1.16 1.593 0.57 1.670 0.99 0.64 1.13 1.605 0.65 1.768 1.00 1.06
Cs -1.8 12.8 235i 1.15 1.596 0.56 1.673 0.99 0.56 1.13 1.605 0.65 1.768 1.00 1.58
[a]Computed at the CCSD(T)/def2-TZVP//TPSS-D3/def2-TZVP level.
Let us examine the cases in which a second alkali-metal is added, i.e., the B12E2 (E =
Li-Cs) series. As in the previous systems, the A-type structure resembling the B12 naked
skeleton is found as the global minimum for almost the entire set. The exception, once again,
is lithium, whose C form is the global minimum. This D6d structure, composed of two stacked
boron rings with the two lithium atoms capping them along the main axis, was reported by
Dong et al. (Figure 4). Note the larger separation between metals in C in comparison with A.
However, for the cluster with lithium, this distance is the one that grows the least (0.696 Å) of
the entire group, suggesting that the double-ring configuration is energetically less favorable
for the larger cations as it limits its approximation. For this stoichiometry, the energy difference
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between the two lowest-lying forms, A and C, is 4.2, -14.0, -15.3, -17.8, and -18.3DOI:
kcal/mol as
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moving down Group 1. The corresponding lower-lying isomers are depicted in Figure S2.
Concerning the NPA charges for neutral systems, in both scenarios, the trend is the
same, the larger the cation, the more charge it transfers. The charge transfer in A is 0.92 - 0.99
|e|, and 0.89 - 0.93 |e| in the double-ring (C). As in the anionic systems, the WBI value between
the boron fragment and the cation is only 0.01 - 0.02 in A, and 0.02 - 0.03 in C. This low WBI
value, as well as the significant charge transfer, indicate a predominant electrostatic interaction.
In A, the WBI values between the boron atoms of the external ring, B-Bext, is 1.24 - 1.25, and
0.62 - 0.65 between the boron atoms forming the inner B3 fragment, B-Binner, quite similar to
the values of anionic A. For these cases, the average distance for the B-Bs forming the outer
ring is 1.584 - 1.590 Å, and 1.677 - 1.688 Å for those forming the internal ring of the boron
skeleton. Structure C shows a bond order for the B-B in the same boron monocyclic, B-Bintra,
of 1.09 - 1.10 and 0.56 - 0.57 for the B-B bonds between rings, B-Binter. Once again, the WBI
values reveal that multicentric bonds comprise the inner moiety of A and the monocycles of C.
The double-ring structure exhibits average bonding lengths of r(B-Bintra) = 1.605 - 1.608 Å and
r(B-Binter) = 1.746 - 1.760 Å. For the gap, ∆H-L, the neutral clusters also do not follow the
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics Page 12 of 22
principle of maximum hardness,55 but the pattern is inverted with respect to B12EDOI:
- (E=Li-Cs),
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in both geometries, the lighter metals have largest gap (Table 2).
ring (B-Bintra), natural charge (q, |e|) and energy gap (∆H-L, eV) at the TPSS-D3/def2-TZVP
Published on 16 July 2020. Downloaded by University of Exeter on 7/16/2020 6:42:58 PM.
B-Bext B-Binner B-Bintra B-Binter
E2 ∆EA- WBI r WBI r qM ∆H-L WBI r WBI r qM ∆H-L
Li 4.2 1.24 1.585 0.65 1.688 0.96 1.38 1.09 1.608 0.57 1.746 0.89 1.70
Na -14.0 1.25 1.584 0.65 1.684 0.97 1.25 1.10 1.606 0.56 1.754 0.91 1.57
K -15.3 1.25 1.587 0.63 1.679 0.99 1.00 1.10 1.605 0.56 1.758 0.92 1.53
Rb -17.8 1.25 1.588 0.63 1.677 0.99 0.96 1.10 1.605 0.56 1.760 0.92 1.51
Cs -18.3 1.24 1.590 0.62 1.677 0.99 0.87 1.10 1.605 0.56 1.759 0.93 1.46
[a]Computed at the CCSD(T)/def2-TZVP//TPSS-D3/def2-TZVP level.
Although the above data is relevant, it does not yet provide further information about
the underlying causes of the structural preference in both the neutral and anionic series. For a
better understanding of how a structure is energetically favored, we use the IEDA by taking
the boron skeleton and the alkali-metal as fragments. The preference of one isomer over the
other is addressed through the analysis of a set of energy partitions. The isomerization energy,
∆Eiso, is defined as the sum of the distortion energy, ∆Edist, and the interaction energy
difference, ∆∆Eint. In other words, to establish the factors that determine the preferred
geometry, the relationship between distortion and interaction energies for the two systems
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should be considered. In our case, negative value implies that the term predominates in
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DOI: 10.1039/D0CP02750B
structure A and a positive one in B. In the anionic series, the interaction energy difference,
(see Table 3), but that does not explain the energy preference between isomers. In general, the
differences in dispersion energies, ∆∆Edisp, are very close to zero, which means that the
contribution from van der Waals forces is also similar in both geometries. The electrostatic
Published on 16 July 2020. Downloaded by University of Exeter on 7/16/2020 6:42:58 PM.
component remains relatively constant for the entire set, and noticeably higher for the cage-
shaped isomer, B, indicating that such form facilitates the ionic interaction between the
fragments. At the same time, the orbitalic contribution is only advantageous for A in LiB12-,
but raises its contribution in B for heavier metals. On the other hand, the isomerization energy,
∆Eiso, indicates a preference for the cage-type structure in Li and Na and more favorable toward
the quasi-planar form in the remaining alkali-metals. It was mentioned that isomerization
energy includes the terms ∆∆Eint and ∆Edist and that the former remains practically constant
for the entire anionic series. In contrast, the absolute values of ∆Edist for systems with K, Rb,
and Cs promote the quasi-planar isomer and are almost twice as large in comparison to lighter
metals. In summary, the prevailing factor in determining between structure A and B is the
distortion of the boron skeleton, which is less energetically expensive in LiB12- and NaB12-.
Table 3. IEDA at the TPSS-D3(BJ)/ZORA/TZ2P level (all-electron) for the A-E1-, and B-E1-
isomers using E+ and B12-2 as fragments. ∆∆Edist stands for the distortion energy of the cluster.
Table 4 corresponds to the IEDA results of structures A and C, that is, the two
competing structures for B12E2 (E = Li - Cs). Similarly, a negative value implies the
Published on 16 July 2020. Downloaded by University of Exeter on 7/16/2020 6:42:58 PM.
predominance of that term in A. For the case of the neutral systems, all the ∆∆Eint values are
positive, implying stronger interaction energy in the double-ring structure (C), especially in the
case of lithium (42.5 kcal/mol), almost twice as much as for any of the other cases (20.7 - 24.0
kcal/mol). The values corresponding to ∆∆Edisp are relatively small (1.7 - 2.8 kcal/mol) and
favor the double-ring isomer, but undermined by ∆∆EPauli (Pauli’s repulsion values are
positive). The orbitalic energy difference, ∆∆Eorb, is only advantageous for C in Cs2B12. The
term that stands out because of its larger values is the electrostatic one, ∆∆Velstat, which
predominates predominates in the double-ring but decreases when going from lithium to
cesium. But more importantly, it is the relationship between isomerization and distortion
energy. According to the first, and as expected, only Li2B12 suits the double-ring. The only
instance in which the interaction energy (42.5 kcal/mol) exceeds the absolute value of the
distortion energy, ∆Edist, (34.3 kcal/mol). This value includes the distortion of the boron
framework, ∆EdistB12, and that of the metallic dimer, ∆EdistE2. Interestingly, the distortion of the
boron skeleton demands roughly the same energy in every case (45.8 - 47.6 kcal/mol). Thus,
the factor that tips the balance is the distortion of the E-E fragment, which decreases from 11.2
to 0.9 kcal/mol as it goes down the group 1 of the periodic table. Therefore, the distortion of
the metallic dimer compensated with the interaction energy establishes the structurally
Table 4. IEDA at the TPSS-D3(BJ)/ZORA/TZ2P level (all-electron) for the A-E2, and C-E2
skeleton, and ∆∆EdistE2 for the distortion of the E2 fragment. Energy values are in kcal/mol.
The exhaustive and systematic exploration of the PES of the systems B12E- and B12E2
(E = Li-Cs) identifies the most favorable isomer, for the anionic complexes, as either a cage-
type structure, or as a quasi-planar one whose boron skeleton is identical to the naked B12
cluster. In other words, only with certain alkali-metals the boron skeleton is radically deformed.
Analogously, in neutral systems, the global minimum in the form of a double-ring is only found
in B12Li2. In all other combinations, the lowet-lying energy structure remains, as in the anionic
case, similar to the B12 cluster. The NPA is not sufficient to determine the factors that promote
one isomer over the other. Both series, regardless of the alkali-metal involved, do not comply
with the principle of maximum hardness and show a predominantly electrostatic nature due to
their very high charge transfer and low WBI values. The determining factors for the isomeric
preference were obtained from the isomerization energy decomposition analysis (IEDA). In
the lighter anionic complexes, the IEDA results indicate that the structural transformation is
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics Page 16 of 22
viable because of the deformation energy of the boron skeleton is relatively low, DOI:
which isViewnot
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the case for complexes with heavier alkali-metals. Interestingly, in neutral systems, the energy
clusters. In other words, the distortion energy from the boron skeleton is not decisive in the
structural preference. The determining factor in these cases is the distortion energy
Conacyt for their Ph.D. fellowship. X.Z. thanks FONDECYT 1180565. Z. C. acknowledges
the financial support from National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.11874178,
11922405, 91961204).
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