FIGURE 17.8 Flat Belt Drive with Econ-o-matic Base. If the smaller pulley exerts clock:
wise torque, the motor frame exerts an equal and opposite counterclockwise torque, with
the supporting frame pivoting about the point indicated. Also used oh V-belt drives.
(Courtesy American Polley Co., Philadelphia).
the belt thickness, because the belt does bend about it, and moreover in the
usual location, it results in a reversed bending.
When a motor is delivering power, the torque on the stator (frame) is
equal and opposite to that on the rotor—action and reaction are equal
Hence, the frame tends to turn in the opposite direction to the motor shaft,
and this tendency is utilized to provide the belt tension by mounting the
motor on a cradle which is free to move through a small arc, Fig. 17.8, The
higher the delivered torque, the greater is the effort of the motor frame to
turn and the tighter it draws the belt, because the driving pulley moves
away slightly from the driven pulley. Thus, this system can be designed to
provide automatically an adequate, but not constant, amount of tension
for any load. As a result, if the loading varies, the average net and total
tensicns will be lower than.for a constant pull device,
If the motor mounting is pivoted, Fig. 17.9, the center of gravity of the
motor can be so located that its weight provides belt tension, In this type
of drive, the design may be based on an appropriate value of the ratio of
he tensions F,/Fa, say from Fig. 17.10, which are recommended by
fatnall"7-19) for pivoted drives with a paper driving pulley, Fig. 17.36.
cided upon a suitable value of F,/F,, one may solve directly for the corres-
ponding location of the pivot axis.!17-!0) But due to space limitations, we
shall proceed on a trial-and-error basis in accordance with the following
(a) Decide upon a suitable value of Fi/Fs, Fig. 17.10.
(b) Compute the net tension Fi — Fs from the horsepower equation.
(c) From the simultaneous solution. of these two equations, find the values
of Fi and Fa.
(4) The location and size of the pulleys are known or are determined from
space and velocity-catio considerations affecting the drive.
(e) Lay out the pulleys in size and location to scale. Since the dimension fy
Scanned with CamScannerFIGURE 179 Plvoted-motor Drive.
(Courtesy The Rockwood Mfg. Co,
fodlanapols Ind.)
FIGURE 17.10 Ratio of Tensions. With
paper driving pulley.
180 «160 M4010
FIGURE 17.11 , Location of Pivot Axis.
Fig. 17.11, is known from the dimensions of the motor and pivoting base, ti
line mn may be drawn. The lines of action of Fi and Fa are taken tangent to the
pulleys, The line of action of the resultant weight of the motor assembly R is
usually taken through the center line of the shaft of the motor, although it actually
passes through the center of gravity of the assembly.
(O Now assume a location for the pivot point B on the line mn, and measure
the moment arms, a, 5, and ¢. Then, a sum of the moments pf Fi, Fs, and R
about the pivot B should be equal to zero, Thus
oO Re — Fra - Fob = 0.
If this equation is not satisfied, assume another location of B and try (j) again.
In the pivoted drive, the tight tension F, should be between the pivot B
and the slack tension F,, but such a location is not essential in ali cases.
In general, keep the moment arm a as small as possible. Base the design on
the maximum output of the motor, which may be taken as (1.4)(rated hp
Scanned with CamScannera
of motor) if the electric motor is compensator-started and (2.5)(rated hp) if
it is started across the line.
17.15. RUBBER BELTING. In addition to leather,.a number of other
materials are used for belting, principally rubber, natural or synthetic,
Rubber belts are made in layers (say 3 to 12), called plies, of canvas duck
impregnated with rubber which is later vulcanized. A 6-ply rubber beit
has six layers of duck of about 32-ounce weight. Also rubber belts are made
of cord construction which is more stretch resistant. Since excessive heat
causes a slow deterioration of rubber and since oil is particularly harmful,
a natural rubber belt should not be used in very hot places or where oil is
spattered, unless rapid deterioration’ is acceptable. Neoprene belts, or
neoprene covered, less susceptible to damage by oil, are available. Since the
belts are preferably endless, stock sizes should of course be chosen; for
pedagogical purposes, let 6 vary by } in. to 2in, width, by }in. to 5 in.,
by Lin. to 10in., by 2in. to 24 in. Minimum recommended pully dia-
meters"7-14) are: 3 ply, 3in.; 4 ply, 5 in.; 5 ply, Zin.; 6 ply, 10 in.; 7 ply,
14in.; 8 ply, 18in.; 9 ply, 22in. According to the Goodrich Company,
the permissible net belt pull is 13.75 Ib/ply per inch of width, which gives
a simple means for quick estimation;
bon, ;
& Fy Fy 13S 0Ny orp = EP
From either of these equations, compute the width of belt 4 in. for Ny
plies. Correction should be made for other than smooth service and for
ares of contact other than 180°. Choose the arc of contact; factor Ky as
follows: 7-14)
[rasric PLits]
0 220 = 200 180 170 160 150 140 130 120
Ke 1.13 1.07 1.00 0.96 0.92 0.86 0.82 0.78 0.74
Examples of service factors, not necessarily the same as the rubber belt
manufacturer's recommendations, are found in Tables 17.2 and 17.7.
Rubber belts with cord construction have a higher capacity than those with
fabric ply construction. Rubber belts should be mounted with an initial
tenvion of 15 to 20 1b. per inch-ply, which is approximated if the belt is
dinch per foot of belt length shorter than the steel tape measurement
around the pulleys,
Belt-connected shafts do not ‘have to be parallei, but the law of belting
must be satisfied, to wit: the approaching side mist approach .the pulle;
in a direction perpendicular to the pulley's axis.
Scanned with CamScannerFIGURE 17.12 V-Belt Construction. The minimum components in V-belt construction
are: a rebberized, woven jacket material 4; tensile members B that carry the principal load,
which Is sometimes a fabric, sometimes cords; a resilient cushlon or compression material
C that provides the side-wall pressure; the tensile layer D, capable of withstanding the
repeated flexing. (Courtesy United States Rubber Co., N.Y.C.).
(a) Intersecting Shafts, If two intersecting shafts are to be belt
connected, two guide pulleys, one on the approaching side and one on the
receding side of the belt, must be used. Each guide pulley must be so located
that it receives the belt from a direction perpendicular to its axis and de-
livers the belt in a direction perpendicular to the axis of the next-approached
pulley in accordance with the law of belting. Sec the guide pulley at the top
of Fig. 17.15.
(b) Shafts at Right Angles. Two shafts at right angles to each other
may be connected by the quarter-turn: arrangement. The planes of the
pulleys are of course perpendicular to each other. The relation of the
pulleys should be such that a center-line plane. through each pulley is
tangent to the face of the other pulley. This drive satisfies the law of belting
for only one direction of rotation. If rotation is to be reversed, a guide pul-
ley may be located to direct the belt properly.
17.17 V-BELTS. Since they are always used for various auxiliary
drives under the hood of an automobile, the appearance of V-belts is fami-
liar to nearly every one. Two typical internal constructions, which vary in
detail among different manufacturers, are’ shown in Fig. 17.12. Inasmuch
as rubber has a low strength and stretches easily, invariably there are ten-
sion members B, Fig. 17.12, usually either fabric or cord construction.
The cushion material C is natural or synthetic rubber. The grooved wheels.
that V-belts run on are called sheaves (Fig. 17.38).
‘The factors that effect the capacity of a V-belt are much the same as
those previously described, except that the wedging action, Fig. 17.13,
results in a much larger normal force N for the same belt tension and there-
fore a larger tangential (transmitted) force is obtainable for the same co-
efficient of friction. By the same token the reasonably attainable tension
ratio F,/Fy is greater than for flat belts (the ratings and the arc correction
Ko below are for a net tension ratio of 5, equation (d), $17.3]. Also
because of the wedging, V-belts do well on shert center distances without
FIGURE 17.13 The groove angle 2¢ Is 34°, 36°, or 38°.
frequent adjustment for initial tension. In case one belt in a multiple-belt
dzive breaks, the remaining belts will carry the load without the necessity
of an immediate shut down (no lost production time): In this case, install a
complete newset of belts with lengths especially matched (close tolerance).*
* One belt much shorter than the others will take an excessive share of the
load and soon fail.
The theoretical equation (17.1) for.the assumptions made in the flat-
belt derivation apply to V-belts if, instead of f, you insert f/sin $ (26 =
groove angle). However, the practice is to use a standardized rated horse.
power, equation (17.5) below. The second term in the brackets provides
an allowance for bending,’ the effect of which is greater for the thicker
V-belt.'717] The third term in the brackets is a correction for centrifugal
action. For one belt,
103 0.09 c gt Un
17.5) Ratedhp =[a(—) — ae
bie AGS.AP, [-( ) KgD, * 10°} 10°
where a, c, and e are constants for a particular belt section, D, is the pitch
diameter of the smaller sheave| K, is a small-diameter factor, obtained from
Table 17.4 for the given velocity ratio, and o,, fpm is the belt speed.{17-11)
The most commonly used V-belt sizes in general industrial applica-
tions are designated by letters A, B, C, D, E, each'with starfdard, nominal,
cross-sectional dimensions 5 and #, Fig. 17.13, as given in Fig. 17.14.
Premium belts with a greater capacity are available. A’ narrower design,
designated 3V (b = 3), 5Y (6 = §), and 8V(b = 1) is gaining favor, and
there are other i Esicateas belts. Equation (17.5) for one belt with a
B section is
10°) 13,962
0 Rated np = [4.737 (—) =
On? Un
KD, eens al 10”
and values of a, c, and e for A, C, and D sections are given in Table 17.3
below the columns of standard lengths.
Manufacturer's catalogs have voluminous tables with the rated horse-
powers already calculated, but we cannot spare the space. In any case, the
first step is to compute the design horsepower by mutliplying the horse-
Power to be transmitted (or the nameplate horsepower on the motor) by
a proper service factor N,,. Service factors are a consequence of engineering
experience and judgments; those in Table 17.7 may be used here.
(m) Design hp = N,,(transmitted hp).
With the design horsepower and the rpm of the smaller sheave, enter Fig.
17.14 with these values and decide upon the cross section to be used, as
suggested by the dotted lines, which indicate a C-section. If the point
is close to a dividing line, either section is reasonable; design for both and
decide upon which to use on the basis of cost or other consideration.
* At least one manufacturer claims that the manufacturing tolerance on the length of his
belts is so close that special selection of matched lengths is not necessary.
Scanned with CamScannerRefer to
B saepsEees £88
Rpm of Small Sheave
234 6 810 20 3040 6 BO100 20 30 S00
Design Horsepower =(Tran-mitted Horsepower) Service Factor)
FIGURE 17.14 Belt Sections from Horsepower and Speed. The design horse
. poner is
equal fo the transmitted horsepower times the service factor. The solid diagonal lines are ”
from ASA 307-11) the dotted diagonal li
sane g wgonal lines closely agree with more than one manufacturer's
The horsepower from the rating equations must be corrected for length
‘of belt (K,) and arc of contact (Ky); that is ss
() Adjusted rated hp = KX, (rated hp),
where Ky is a correction factor for an arc of contact other than 180°.
Since the arc of contact is a function of (Dz — 2,)/C, as equation (17.4)
shows, this value is convenient to use in choosing Ky from. Table 17.5, the
easy way to make the correction; D, = larger diameter, D, = smaller
diameter, C =. center distance. This factor Ky is basically a correction of
the net tension ratio equation (d), § 17.3, because the permissible value of
this ratio decreases as 6 decreases.'!-15) If the sheave sizes are not known,
they must be assumed, as well as an approximate center distance. If pos-
sible, stay above the minimum sheave diameters D, given at the top of the
columns of Table 17.3.
Short belts are flexed more often about the sheaves than long belts.
The factor K, in equation (n) corrects for the effect of the length and is
obtgined.from Table 17.6, The pitch length of a belt is computed from
equation (17.3), § 17.7; choose a standard length from Table 17.3. Ora
length of belt may be known for which the center distance is desired; in
this case, solve for C from equation (17.3). With B = 4L — 6.28(D, + Dj),
we get
B + /B? — 3D, — Dj?
o os 16
If the size of the smaller sheave is assumed and the velocity ratio m, is
known, choose a minimum center distance astiT.19)
D, + Dy
®. c +d; or C= Dz, {ranmums)
whichever is larger. The center distance is made adjustable so that the belts
Scanned with CamScannerTABLE 17.3 STANDARD V-BELT LENGTHS;
See equation (1) for the constants a, ¢, ¢, for a B belt.
Miniroum D, is the smallest sheave
itch dipmeter that should be used with that section,
If a smaller sheave is used, short belt life should be expected; L in inches,
‘Min, D, = 3in. | Min, D, = S.4in.
Belt Pitch Belt Pitch
Length No. — Length
Rated hp.
a = 2.684
b= 5.326
€ = 0.0136
Varies by 0.2in. | Varies by 0.2 in,
from 2.6 through | to 4.6; then 5,
S.2in;then by0.4 | 5,2, 5.4, 5.6, 6,
6.4, 6.8, 7.4, 8.6,
oy 11, 12.4, 15.4,
20, 25, 30,
Be in.
Min. D, = 9 in.
Belt Pitch
No. — Length
cs 53.9
C60 62.9
C68 70.9
cis 719
cet 83.9
ces 87.9
C90 92.9
C96 98.9
c10s 107.9
cz 114.9
C120. 122.9
ci2g 130.9
ciM44 146.9
CIs8 160.9
C73 175.9
C180 182.9
Ci9s 197.9
C20 212.9
C240 240.9
300 300.9
330 330.9
C360 360.9
C390 390.9
C420 420.9
Rated hp.
a= 8,792
c= 38.819
- +e = 0.0416
Varies by 0.51n
from 7 10 11 i
then by I to 1
by 2 to 20; then
24, 30, 36, 44,
Min. Dy = 3 in.
Belt Pitch
No. Length
Rated hp.
a = 18,788
¢ = 137.7
¢ = 0.0848
Varies by 0.5 in.
from 13 to 16 in.;
then 18, 22, 27,
33, 40, 48, 58 in.
Scanned with CamScannerTABLE In!
FACTORS K,(07.111
2.949 and over
TABLE 17.5
Scanned with CamScannerTABLE 17.7 SERVICE FACTORS, Nis
Add 0.2 to the vatees given for each of the following conditions: continuous (over 16 br/day)
service; wet environment; idler in drive; speed-up drives. Subtract 0.2 If the operation is
quite Intermittent or seasonal. These factors represent compromises of those found in the
Uterature, with the most attention to Refs. (17.1, 17.12), and are primarily for V-belts;
bat they may serve as a guide for other transmission elements.
Electric Motors Electric Motors
‘AC Split Phase
AC Normal Torque Squirrel
‘Cage, and Synchronous
DC Shunt Wound
Water Wheels
Turbines, Steam and Water
AC Single Phase Series Wound
AC High Torque or High Slip
AC Slip Ring
AC Repilision Induction
AC Capacitor
DC Compound Wound
Asitetors, liquid -
Cam Cutters - Z|
Conveyors, package .
Screw machines .
Small fans to 10 hp .
Compressors and
blowers, (rotating)
Conveyors, ore, sand
Generators 2
Line Shafts). . .
Machine tools (other)
Printing machinery .
Pumps (rotating) -
Shears... - +
Beaters (paper)
Circular saws .
Conveyors, bucket,
pron, screw, drag -
Crushers, jaw, etc.
Hammer mills
Revolving screens
Tube mills.
Mine fans .
Spinning frames .
Tumbling barrels .
Twisters (textile) -
Scanned with CamScanner