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Vietnam Construction Sector 2022

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Partnership to strenghthern transparency for co-innovation (PaSTI) of

the Mininstry of the Environment, Japan and the Ministry of Natural

Resources and Environment, Vietnam

Task 2

Hanoi, Viet Nam - March 2022

Task 2. Research on progress monitoring of NDC for construction sector measures

Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 ASSIGNMENT ............................................................................................................................................ 3
1.2 REPORT ................................................................................................................................................... 3
2 NATIONAL CONTEXT ............................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 LEP UPDATE ............................................................................................................................................. 4
2.2 VIETNAM CEMENT SECTOR .......................................................................................................................... 6
2.3 NDC FOR CEMENT SECTOR .......................................................................................................................... 8
2.4 DATA AVAILABILITY .................................................................................................................................. 10
3 TECHNOLOGICAL ASPECTS .....................................................................................................................13
3.1 IPPU MEASURES ..................................................................................................................................... 13
3.2 ENERGY MEASURES .................................................................................................................................. 14
3.3 OTHER IPPU MEASURES ........................................................................................................................... 15
4 INSTITUTIONAL ASPECT .........................................................................................................................16
5 CONCLUSION AND NEXT STEPS ..............................................................................................................17
6 ANNEX ...................................................................................................................................................18
6.1 ANNEX 1. LIST OF CEMENT COMPANIES........................................................................................................ 18
6.2 ANNEX 2. CEMENT ACTIVITY AND DATA AVAILABILITY BY PROVINCE ................................................................... 25
6.3 ANNEX 3. DATA AVAILABILITY FOR GHG EMISSION INVENTORY BY PARAMETERS .................................................. 27

List of Figures
TABLE 2-1. NATIONAL GHG EMISSION REDUCTION TARGET .................................................................................................. 4
TABLE 2-2. NATIONAL FRAMEWORK ON GHG EMISSION REDUCTION ..................................................................................... 5
TABLE 2-3. OVERVIEW OF CEMENT SECTOR OF VIETNAM ..................................................................................................... 6
TABLE 2-4. VIETNAM GHG INVENTORY IN 2014 AND BAU SCENARIO TO 2030 ...................................................................... 8
TABLE 2-5. CEMENT GHG INVENTORY IN 2014 AND BAU SCENARIO TO 2030 IN IPPU ........................................................... 8
TABLE 2-6. GHG EMISSION REDUCTION TARGETS BY 2030 .................................................................................................. 9
TABLE 2-7. GHG EMISSION MITIGATION MEASURES IN CEMENT SECTOR ............................................................................... 10
TABLE 3-1. IPPU GHG EMISSION FACTOR IN 2018 AND 2019 .......................................................................................... 14
TABLE 3-2. ENERGY BENCHMARKS OF CEMENT PRODUCTION .............................................................................................. 14

List of Tables
TABLE 2-1. NATIONAL GHG EMISSION REDUCTION TARGET .................................................................................................. 4
TABLE 2-2. NATIONAL FRAMEWORK ON GHG EMISSION REDUCTION ..................................................................................... 5
TABLE 2-3. OVERVIEW OF CEMENT SECTOR OF VIETNAM ..................................................................................................... 6
TABLE 2-4. VIETNAM GHG INVENTORY IN 2014 AND BAU SCENARIO TO 2030 ...................................................................... 8
TABLE 2-5. CEMENT GHG INVENTORY IN 2014 AND BAU SCENARIO TO 2030 IN IPPU ........................................................... 8
TABLE 2-6. GHG EMISSION REDUCTION TARGETS BY 2030 .................................................................................................. 9
TABLE 2-7. GHG EMISSION MITIGATION MEASURES IN CEMENT SECTOR ............................................................................... 10
TABLE 3-1. IPPU GHG EMISSION FACTOR IN 2018 AND 2019 .......................................................................................... 14
TABLE 3-2. ENERGY BENCHMARKS OF CEMENT PRODUCTION .............................................................................................. 14

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Task 2. Research on progress monitoring of NDC for construction sector measures

1 Introduction

1.1 Assignment
This assignment is conducted within Framework between the Overseas Environmental
Cooperation Center (OECC), Japan and EPRO Consulting Joint Stock Company (EPRO) for
the Partnership to strengthen transparency for co-innovation (PaSTI) of the Ministry of
the Environment, Japan and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment,

The main objective of the assignment is to provide initial background on Vietnam situation per
guidance of OECC and logistic supports for further project idea development within the
framework of PaSTi. In order to achieve this objective, the assignment includes five main tasks

• Task 1: Updating information on green finance in line with private sector's transparency
and climate actions.
• Task 2: Research on progress monitoring of NDC for construction sector measures
• Task 3: Support to hold workshops on private sector transparency
• Task 4: Other matters for supporting MONRE, line ministries, the MOEJ and OECC
• Task 5: Translation and Interpretation on demand basis

This is report of Task 2.

1.2 Report
This report is prepared under guidance of OECC. The analysis is consolidated from existing
data in Vietnam, mainly NDC, Nordic study in Cement sector in 2013-2014 and MOC study
under green growth framework in 2018-2019 and consultation with MONRE, MOC and
associations. This report includes following topics:

• National context: This chapter provides update on Law on Environmental protection,

summary on NDC, development of cement sector and relevant researches to NDC
tracking in cement sector
• Technological aspect: This chapter provides description on GHG emission reduction
measures in cement sector and available data in implementation of these measures.
• Institutional aspect: Institutional set up for MRV in cement sector
• Conclusion and next step: Summary of findings and recommendation on next steps

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Task 2. Research on progress monitoring of NDC for construction sector measures

2 National context

2.1 LEP update

The Vietnam Law on Environmental Protection (LEP) was recently revised and promulgated
under Law no 72/2020/QH14 and became effective from 1 January 2022. There are three
important articles on response to climate change. They are Article 91 on GHG emission
mitigation, Article 94 on national database on climate change and Article 95 on national report
on response to climate change.

Following the promulgation of LEP, in 2022, Vietnam has promulgated two important legal
documents relating to progress monitoring of NDC. They are (1) Decree 06/2022/ND-CP dated
7 January 2022 on GHG mitigation and ozone layer protection and (2) Decision 01/2022/QDD-
TTg dated 18 January 2022 on GHG emission areas and units to perform GHG inventory.
Although there is no further guidance circular on GHG inventory and MRV for different areas
and sectors, these two documents set a solid framework for GHG inventory, thus supporting
progress monitoring of NDC.

2.1.1 GHG emission reduction

Decree 06/2022/NDD-CP includes chapter II on GHG emission reduction, development of
carbon market. The overall objectives of National GHG emission reduction is presented below

Table 2-1. National GHG emission reduction target

Responsible Ministry Area Minimum GHG emisison
reduciton targets to 2030 (Mil.
ton CO2eq.)*
Total GHG emission reduction by 2030, in which 563,8
Ministry of Industry and - Production of Energy 268,5
Trade (MOIT) - Energy Consumption in Industry
Ministry of Transportation - Energy Consumption in transportation 37,5
Ministry of Agriculture - Energy Consumption in Agriculture 129,8
and Rural Development - Production of agricultural products
- Forestry
Ministry of Construction - Industrial Process 74,3
(MOC) - Energy Consumption in cement production
- Building
Ministry of Natural - Waste treatment 53,7
Resources and
Environment (MONRE)
Source: Decree 06/2022/ND-CP, annex 1

Note: * the GHG emission reduction in 2021 and 2022 will be estimated

Under Decree 06/2022/ND-CP, there are articles on development of a list of areas and unit to
perform GHG emission inventory (Article 6), GHG emission inventory (Article 11) and MRV on
GHG emission reduction (article 7, 9, 10). The sumary of these articles is presented in the
Table 2-2 below.

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Task 2. Research on progress monitoring of NDC for construction sector measures

Table 2-2. National framework on GHG emission reduction

Category Content

Development of a List of emitters to conduct GHG emission inventory is available on biannual basic by the
list of areas and Government. They meet one of the following criteria:
units to perform
GHG emission Annal GHG emission from 3,000 ton CO2eq. or more
Being a thermo power plant, industrial producer with annual energy consumption from
1,000 TOE or more
Being a transportation company with fuel consumption from 1,000 TOE or more
Being a commercial building with energy consumption from 1,000 TOE or more
Being a solid waste treatment unit with annual capacity from 65,000 tonnes or more
The first list of areas and units to perform GHG emission inventory was promulgated in

GHG emission Unlike previous design on National GHG inventory system under Decision 2359/QD-
inventory TTg, where MONRE was responsible for calculating GHG emission, under the Decree
06/2022/ND-CP, the GHG inventory is conducted by line ministry and large GHG emiter
and submit to MONRE for consolidation. The Decree 06/2022/ND-CP includes 6
templates for national GHG inventory by (1) MOIT, (2) MOT, (3) MARD, (4) MONRE, (5)
MOC and (6) unit.

GHG emission inventory must follow IPCC guidelines.

Under management of MOC, GHG emission inventory should be conducted for

production of three construction materials of (1) cement, (2) lime and (3) glass and
reported under four GHG categories of CO2, CH4, N2O and HFCs. The template for
GHG emission inventory of an unit is general and is in the form of a report headings

The GHG emission inventory by line ministries and units will be performed biannually,
starting with inventory in 2022.

MONRE is responsible to issue guidelines on GHG emission inventory, factors and

development of an online database. Each and every line ministry is supposed to
develop an online database for GHG emission inventory. These are not yet available.

MRV on GHG GHG emission reduction target is approved in NDC for energy, AFOLU, IPPU and
emission waste (see Table 2-1)
MRV on GHG emission reduction must follow the procedure by authority bodies,
ensuring the accuracy, transparency, continuous, consistency of the results. Verification
of emission reduction report must follow the detailed guidance of MONRE and by
specific units that meets conditions for verification.

The MRV on GHG emission reduction will be implemented via national MRV system,
which will be developed via an online system and operated by MONRE. 5 Ministries,
MOIT, MOT, MARD, MONRE and MOC are responsible for promulgation of procedure,
technical guidance on MRV and development of an online database with alignment to
national online MRV database.

These are not yet available.

2.1.2 List of GHG emission areas and units to perform GHG inventory
Decision 01/2022/QD-TTg defined six areas, 21 sub-areas and 1912 units from industry and
trade (1662 units), transportation (70 units), construction (104 units) and natural resources and
environment (76 units).

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Task 2. Research on progress monitoring of NDC for construction sector measures

The construction sector is one of the six areas for GHG inventory. It includes activities from
energy consumption and IPPU from production of construction materials. Amongst 104 units
under management of construction, 50 are cement producers and the remining 54 units are
buildings. The list of these 50 cement companies is attached in Annex エラー! 参照元が見つ

2.2 Vietnam cement sector

2.2.1 Capacity and Production

The following information is consolidated from annual cement reports of Vietnam Cement


Vietnam is the third cement producer worldwide, after China and India. The main products are
clinker (PC50, PC60), portland cement (PC40, PC50), Blended Portland Cement (PCB30,
PCB40) and White Portland Cement (PCW). While the total capacity is around 110 Million
tonnes per year, the domestic need is less than 65 Million tonnes per year, ie. around 59% of
the designed capacity. With characteristics of being able to mobilise 120% of designed
capacity, the export volumes has been increased from 33% in 2018 to 41% in 2021.

The development of cement sector is presented in the Table 2-3 below. It is expected that the
cement production will reach 125 Million tonnes by 2025 and 150 Million tonnes by 2030.

Table 2-3. Overview of cement sector of Vietnam

No Unit 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
1 Number of kilns Kiln 83 83 86 87 89
1.1 ≥ 4000 tonnes/day Kiln 29 29 32 33 35
1.2 2500-4000 tonnes/day Kiln 13 13 13 13 13
1.3 ≤2500 tonnes/day Kiln 41 41 41 41 41

2 Capacity
2.1 Design capacity Million ton 97.91 97.91 104.31 106.61 113.41

2.2 Mobilised capacity Million ton N/A N/A 104.22 106.65 117.58

3 Production* Million ton 89.12 105.53 109.03 N/A N/A

4 Consumption Million ton 96.04 99.01 100.14 108.42 112.79
4.1 Domestic consumption Million ton 63.95 64.92 62.12 62.72 66.48
4.2 Export Million ton 32.09 34.09 38.02 45.70 46.31

a Clinker Million ton 22.69 23.21 28.89 30.34

b Cement Million ton 11.40 14.81 16.81 15.97
5 Import Million ton - - - - -
Source: Vietnam Cement Association's Annual Report 2018-2021, *GSO

From the Table 2-3 above, it is noted that the data published in Vietnam on cement production
is sum of domestic consumption and export, which is sum of clinker and cement volume.

Clinker making

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Task 2. Research on progress monitoring of NDC for construction sector measures

By the end of 2021, there are 87 rotation kilns with annual capacity of 106,61 Million tonnes.
The cement kilns are mainly located in the North (58/87) and central of Vietnam (24/87). There
are only 5 cement kilns in the South.

The kilns are characterised by small capacity of less than 2,500 tonnes/day (41/87) and there
has been a slightly switch into larger side. In the end of 2021, seven small kilns stopped
operation due to low efficiency. They are Huu Nghi 1 and 2 (Phu Tho), X77, Kien Khe (Ha
Nam), Ang Son 1 (Quang Binh) and Luks 1 and 2 (Thua Thien Hue). The number of kilns
between 2500-4000 tonnes/day remains the same as that of 2020 while one more kiln of more
than 4000 tonnes/day had been put into operation in 2021.

Cement grinding

From clinker, cement is grinded mainly in the same place and additional 17 grinding and
distribution stations outside the kilns location.

The list of cement plant is attached in Annex エラー! 参照元が見つかりません。.

2.2.2 Ownership
Vietnam’s cement industry is operated under three types of ownership. They are: state owned,
private and joint-venture with market share of 45%, 32% and 23% respectively.

• State owned companies: Vietnam Cement Corporation (VICEM) is a state-owned

company under line management of the Ministry of Construction (MOC). VICEM plays
a major role in the stabilization of production and distribution of the cement industry.
VICEM own 10 cement companies and holds shares of 5 joint-ventures, 16 production
• Private companies: Private companies covered about 41% of the total domestic
consumption in 2020. Recently, holding groups like Xuan Thanh or The Vissai have
been operating very well 8 cement facilities with updated technology and good
operation practices.
• Joint venture companies: There are 7 Joint venture companies in cement sector.
Usually, these are joint ventures between VICEM and a cement international group
(Swiss, Taiwanese, Japanese, etc.). JV companies often operate in large scale

2.2.3 Cement development plan 2021-2030

Decision number 1226/QĐ-TTg dated 18 August 2020 on development strategy of construction
materials in the period 2021-2030, orientation to 2050 sets the following targets for the period

• Total capacity: no more than 125 Million tonnes in 2025 and no more than 150 Million
tonnes in 2030
• Size of kilns: Only invest into clinker kiln with capacity from 5,000 tonnes/day or more
and with waste heat recovery for electricity
• Clinker content in cement: average of 65%, ie. minimum additives of 35%
• Thermal energy consumption: ≤ 730 kcal/kg clinker
• Power consumption: ≤ 90 kWh/ton of cement, ≤ 65 kWh/ton of clinker
• GHG emissions ≤ 650 kg CO2/ton of cement
• Installation of WHR system: 100% production line with a capacity of at least 2500
tonnes of clinker/day must install WHR for power generation by 2025

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Task 2. Research on progress monitoring of NDC for construction sector measures

• Usage of additives: At least 20% and 30% of fly ash of heat power or other industrial
waste will be used as an additive material by 2025 and 2030 respectively.
• Usage of alternative fuel: Alternative fuel to be used up to 15% of the total fuels
consumption for clinker production

2.3 NDC for cement sector

2.3.1 GHG emission inventory

In 2020, Vietnam submitted update NDC with commitment of reducing GHG emission by 9%
compared to the BAU scenario by 20309 with it own domestic resources and up to 27% with
international support. Under this NDC, GHG inventory in 2014 and BAU scenario to 2030 was
prepared and presented in the Table 2-4 below.

Table 2-4. Vietnam GHG inventory in 2014 and BAU scenario to 2030
Year Energy IPPU Agriculture LULUCF Waste Total
2014 171.6 38.6 89.9 -37.5 21.5 284.0
2020 347.5 80.5 104.5 -35.4 31.3 528.4
2025 500.7 116.1 109.2 -37.9 38.1 726.2
2030 678.4 140.3 112.1 -49.2 46.3 927.9
Source: Vietnam NDC 2020

Operation of cement sector contribute to GHG emission under energy and IPPU categories.
Under NDC, there is no separate GHG inventory in energy sector for cement production, but
IPPU. The methodology for GHG emission inventory is summarised in the Table 2-5 below.

Table 2-5. Cement GHG inventory in 2014 and BAU scenario to 2030 in IPPU
No Category Source Unit 2014 2016
1 Cement consumed GSO tonnes 56,871,503 74,457,000
2 Cement imported GSO tonnes - -
3 Cement exported GSO tonnes 15,182,000 8,918,000
4 Cement in country (1)-(2)+(3) tonnes 72,053,503 83,375,000
5 Population GSO person 90,728,900 92,695,100
6 Production per capita (4)/(5)*10^3 kg/person 794 899
7 Clinker fraction in cement Nordic project % 83% 83%
8 Clinker in cement (1)*(7) tonnes 47,203,347 61,799,310
9 Clinker imported GSO tonnes - -
10 Clinker exported GSO tonnes 15,182,000 8,918,000
11 Clinker produced (8)-(9)+(10) tonnes 62,385,347 70,717,310
12 Emission factor IPPC Default tonnes 0.52 0.52
values* CO2eq./ton
13 CO2 emission (11)*(12)/10^3 thousand 32,440 36,773
tonnes CO2eq.
Source: Vietnam NDC 2020, BUR3

Under national inventory, GHG emission from IPPU is calculated with assumption that the
export volume of cement and clinker (item 3) can be used for determination of cement volume
in the country (item 4) and the clinker fraction in cement (item 7) is 83% based on earlier study
of NORDIC/MOC on NAMA for cement sector in 2013/2014. The emission factor (item 12) is
consolidated from default value of 0.768 on ratio of CO2 to CaO (0.786), of 0.65 on ratio
CaO/clinker and of 1.02 on CKD ratio per IPCC national inventory guidelines.

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Task 2. Research on progress monitoring of NDC for construction sector measures

Since the import/export of cement and clinker are equally as the sum of clinker and cement,
the errors in calculating clinker produced (11) can be minimized by multiply (4) with (7) directly.

Follow this slight adjusted methodology from NDC calculation, BAU scenario on IPPU of
cement sector is revised and updated for 2018 and 2020 (see Table 2-3) with assumption of
the maximum cement production in 2025 and 2030 of 125 Million tonnes and 150 Million tonnes
respectively (see 2.2.3) is presented below.

It is projected that by 2030, the GHG emission from IPPU in cement sector will be 64,740
thousand tonnes CO2eq., ie. 7% of the total GHG emission and 46% of IPPU emission of the

69,201 73,970

32,872 35,985 38,465

2014 2016 2018 2020 2025 2030

thousand tonnes clinker thousand tonnes CO2eq.

Figure 2-1. IPPU BAU scenario for cement sector

2.3.2 GHG emission targets and mitigation measures

NDC provides GHG emission reduction targets by sector and is presented in the Table 2-6

Table 2-6. GHG emission reduction targets by 2030

Sector Unconditional contribution Conditional contribution Total contribution
(from domestic resources) (from international support)
% Million % Million % Million
tonnes tonnes tonnes
CO2eq. CO2eq. CO2eq.
Energy 5.5 51.5 11.2 104.3 16.7 155.8
IPPU 0.8 7.2 0.1 0.8 0.9 8.0
Agriculture 0.7 6.8 2.8 25.8 3.5 32.6
LULUCF 1.0 9.3 1.3 11.9 2.3 21.2
Waste 1.0 9.1 2.6 24.0 3.6 33.1
Total 9.0 83.9 18.0 166.8 27.0 250.8
Source: Vietnam NDC 2020

NDC provides a list of mitigation measures in all sectors. For cement, there are 8 mitigation
measures, 4 under IPPU sector, that contributes to 8.0 Million tonnes CO2eq (100% emission
reduction targets) and 4 under energy sector, that contributes to 3.7 Million tonnes CO2eq. (2%
of reduction targets). Amongst them, 7 measures will be implemented unconditionally.

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Task 2. Research on progress monitoring of NDC for construction sector measures

IPPU's measures: it is expected that the cement production reduces its clinker by 14%,
ie. from 83% as in 2014 to 69% in 2030 by increasing contents of additives.
• Energy's measures: it is expected that the cement plants reduce, recover waste heat
as well as optimize the grinding, calcination process.
The summary of mitigation measures in cement sector is presented in the Table 2-7 below.

Table 2-7. GHG emission mitigation measures in cement sector

No Measure Assumption GHG reduction potential
(million tonnes of CO2eq)
2021-2030 2030
IPPU measures 41.1 8.0
1 I1. Grinding fly ash in order to By 2030, fly ash will replace 3.5% of 10.3 2.0
replace clinker in cement clinker.
2 I2.Grinding Pozzolana in order to By 2030, pozzolana will replace 3.5% of 10.3 2.0
replace clinker in cement clinker.
3 I3. Grinding limestone in order to By 2030, limestone will replace 5,6% of 16.4 3.2
replace clinker in cement clinker.
4 I4. Grinding granulated blast By 2030, GBFS will replace 1.4% of 4.1 0.8
furnace slag (GBFS) in order to clinker.
replace clinker in cement
Energy measures 29.2 3.7
5 E6. Optimizing clinker By 2030, at least 50% of the total clinker 3.1 0.4
calcination process will be produced with optimized calcination
6 E7. Using vertical grinder in By 2030, least 50% of the total cement will 6.8 0.9
cement production be grinded by vertical grinders
7 E8. Reducing heat loss in clinker By 2030, at least 40% of the total clinker 4.3 0.6
kilns will be produced in reduced heat loss.
8 E9. Recovery of waste heat from By 2030, at least 50% of the total cement 15.0 1.8
cement production will be produced with waste heat recovery
Unconditional contribution Total 66.2 10.9
IPPU 37.0 7.2
Energy 29.2 3.7
Conditional contribution Total 4.1 0.8
IPPU 4.1 0.8
Energy 0 0
TOTAL 70.3 11.7
Source: Vietnam NDC 2020, *measure with international supports

2.4 Data availability

Cement production is one of the key emission areas to take GHG inventory per decision
01/2022/QD-TTg, thus Tier 2 is applied, ie. clinker production must be identified for IPPU GHG
emission while cement production and energy consumption must be identified for energy GHG
emission. This chapter presents data availability and consistency of these two values. Further
technical aspects on mitigation measures is presented in chapter 3.

Vietnam has promulgated a framework for GHG emission inventory and MRV but guidance,
tools and application is not yet taken. The main data for GHG emission inventory and NDC
monitoring for cement sector at this stage are available from the following sources:

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Task 2. Research on progress monitoring of NDC for construction sector measures

• GSO: annual cement production. This is public available (see Table 2-3)
• Annual cement report from Vietnam Cement Association: capacity of kilns, cement
production in total and per kilns, export volume of clinker and cement. This is not
publicly available, but purchasable for the period 2014-2021 (see Annex 6.1 and Table
• MOC survey for cement GHG emission inventory in 2019-2020 (see the list in Annex
6.1: inputs for GHG emission inventory from individual 65/83 kilns (86% clinker
capacity) for the year 2018, 2019. IPPU GHG emission of cement sector is calculated
with Tier 2.
• Nordic study for cement NAMA development in 2013-2014: inputs for GHG emission
inventory from individual 47 kilns (100% of clinker capacity) for 5 year 2009-2014,
clinker contents and mitigation measures under NDC. IPPU GHG emission of cement
sector is calculated with Tier 2.
• NDC, BUR3, NC3 technical reports: Methodology, default factors and GHG emission
inventory results of the year 2010, 2014, 2016. IPPU GHG emission of cement sector
is calculated with Tier 1.
• Cement plants under Decision 01/2022/QDD-TTg and 1881/QD-TTg: Data on energy
consumption and GHG emission inventory to be available in 2022 and 2020

Availability of data

NDC showed that the GHG mitigation outputs is calculated by the difference between BAU
scenario and actual inventory for cement sector. BAU scenarios values are not yet publicity
available at both enterprise level and sectoral level. This is caused by lack of guidance for
GHG emission inventory and projection.

Completion of data

The Annex 6.3 presented parameters for data collection for NDC. It showed that the actual
GHG emission inventory for cement sector can hardly be conducted with top down approach
for Tier 2 without a comprehensive survey that aim to identify the sectoral characteristics for
GHG emission inventory as those values are not available publicly. This is the reason for GHG
inventory in cement sector was conducted with Tier 1 by top down approach so far.

Consistency of data

The MOC survey in 2019-2020, data for GHG emission inventory of 79/111 cement production
locations/companies has been collected for two year 2018, 2019 and is considered as the most
completed database with bottom up approach. The Annex 6.2 showed data availability from
individual cement plants by province. While it showed the gap in missing data, it also pointed
out two province and city (Tay Ninh and Hai Phong) that require update data in recently
launched annual cement report 2021. Data inconsistency between GSO and annual cement
report on cement production is also observed. Under NDC, data of GSO is applied while the
sectoral stakeholders use the data from annual report.

Both annual cement report and NDC add export volume of clinker with that of cement as
volume of export cement. This brings confusion and inaccuracy.

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Task 2. Research on progress monitoring of NDC for construction sector measures

When calculate the mitigation scenarios of the IPPC measures, the difference in GHG emission
reduction from BAU and mitigation scenarios is slightly higher than mitigation target under NDC,
ie. 10.9 Million ton CO2eq. vs. 8.0 Million ton CO2eq..

GHG emission mitigation observed

With both bottom up approach, the comparison with Nordic study in 2013-2014 and weighted
average values under MOC study in 2019-2020 showed that emission factors for clinker
production in Vietnam remains similar from 880kg CO2eq. in 2009 to 876kg CO2eq. in 2019.
However, that of cement production has been reduced from 734kg CO2eq. to 642kg CO2eq. in
2019. The achievements was mainly contributed by reduction in clinker contents (see Figure
3-1) . It is noted that all these values are excluding GHG emission from biomass source.

1,200 1,000
911 915 900 892
1,032 1,034 1,034 1,035 900 861 868
996 993 836
880 881 891 888 891 800
734 741 753 741 738
876 876

kg CO2td/tấn xi măng
kg CO2td/tấn clanhke

630 642
800 851 836 837 833
774 775 600 641 627
601 606
600 500
519 518



- -
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2018 2019 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2018 2019

Giá trị trung bình Giá trị cao nhất Giá trị thấp nhất Giá trị trung bình Giá trị cao nhất Giá trị thấp nhất

Figure 2-2. GHG emission factors for clinker and cement production

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Task 2. Research on progress monitoring of NDC for construction sector measures

3 Technological aspects
There is no MRV on GHG emission reduction in cement sector. The following chapter presents
response under MOC study.

3.1 IPPU measures

IPPU measures aims to reduce clinker contents in cement by 14%, ie. from 83% in 2014. to
69% in 2030. It is expected that the 14% of clinker contents in cement will be replaced by fly
ash (3.5%), pozzolana (3.5%), limestones (5.6%) and blast furnace slag (1.4%).

Decision number 1226/QĐ-TTg dated 18 August 2020 on development strategy of construction

materials in the period 2021-2030, orientation to 2050 sets the target to reduce clinker contents
to 65% by 2030. It also sets a target that at least 20% and 30% of fly ash of heat power or
other industrial waste will be used as an additive material by 2025 and 2030 respectively.

MOC study in 2020 showed that on average, the clinker content has been reduced from 83%
in 2013 to 74% in 2019, ie. additional 9% of additives to replace clinker. There is no difference
in maximum clinker content, but significant change in minimum contents and it can be as low
as 56%.

95% 97% 97% 97% 98% 94% 95%

83% 84% 85% 83% 83%
73% 74%

70% 67%
63% 60% 63%
59% 56%

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2018 2019

Wei ghted average value Maximum val ue Mini mum value

Source: Nordic study 2014, MOC study 2020

Figure 3-1. Clinker content in cement products

The MOC study did not study on the contribution of different additives. By the end of 2020,
61% of cement companies use fly ash, 48% of cement companies use blast furnace ash, and
18% of cement companies use other materials such as pozzolana, thermal power ash, bottom
ash. Unlike prediction in NDC, the usage of blast furnace, which is expected with international
support, seems to be common in cement production while the largest contribution from
replacement of clinker by limestones (5.6%) is not yet observed under this survey.

Currently the additives are used between 0.5-27%. The cement plant has plan to increase
additives up to 40% (blast furnace) and 30% (others).

There is no difference in in IPPU measures between 2018 and 2019 as the IPPU GHG
emission factor for clinker production in 2018 and 2019 are both 516 kg CO2eq./ton clinker.
However, it is less than IPCC default value used under NDC (520 kgCO2eq./ton).

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Task 2. Research on progress monitoring of NDC for construction sector measures

Table 3-1. IPPU GHG emission factor in 2018 and 2019

IPPU 2018 2019
Number of kiln surveyed Kiln 65 65
Clinker capacity surveyed tonnes/day 230,550 230,550
Clinker produced tonnes 69,425,891.00 70,664,878.00
GHG emission ton CO2eq 35,794,554.26 36,433,808.45
GHG emission factor kg CO2/tonne 516.18 516.19
Source: MOC study 2020

3.2 Energy measures

Amongst four energy mitigation measures, there is data available on the E9 (waste heat
recovery). The MOC study did not cover the implementation of the three other measures, ie.
E6 on optimization of calcination process, E7 on using vertical grinder in cement production
and E8 on reducing heat loss in clinker kiln.

The measure E9 assumed that 50% of clinker will be produced with waste heat recovery
system. Decision number 1226/QĐ-TTg dated 18 August 2020 on development strategy of
construction materials in the period 2021-2030, orientation to 2050 sets the target for clinker
production as that 100% production line with a capacity of at least 2500 tonnes of clinker/day
to install WHR for power generation by 2025.

Annex 6.1 presents a list of cement companies with WHR systems. There are 23 WHR
systems with total power capacity of 171.4 MW are under operation and from the kilns of more
than 2,500 tonnes/day. The total clinker capacity of these kilns is 121,600 tonnes/day, ie. 41%
of total clinker capacity in 2021. 19 cement plants has plan to install new or increase capacity
of WHR systems.

There will be 11 new cement kilns to put into operation during 2022-2024. These are more
than 3,300 tonnes/day. The installation of these kilns will include WHR system of 93.30
tonnes/day. When they are put into operation, it will be 52% of clinker produced with WHR

Decision number 1226/QĐ-TTg dated 18 August 2020 on development strategy of construction

materials in the period 2021-2030, orientation to 2050 sets two target related to energy
measures. They are

• to reduce power consumption to ≤ 90 kWh/ton for cement production and ≤ 65 kWh/ton

for clinker production and
• Using alternative fuel up to 15% of the total fuels consumption for clinker production
There is no difference in energy consumption for clinker production, but cement production
due to the reduction in clinker ratio by additives. The energy consumption in 2019 met energy
consumption targets under Decision 1226/QDD-TTg. The Table 3-2 below summarise the
energy benchmark over the time.

Table 3-2. Energy benchmarks of cement production

Category Unit 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2018 2019
Energy consumption

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Task 2. Research on progress monitoring of NDC for construction sector measures

Category Unit 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2018 2019

Clinker MJ/tonnes 3,814 3,817 3,920 3,891 3,915 3,810 3,813
Cement MJ/tonnes 3,217 3,248 3,346 3,281 3,282 2,828 2,877
Electricity consumption
Clinker kWh/tonnes 60 60 59 61 60 61 60
Cement kWh/tonnes 92 89 85 84 84 78 76
Source: Nordic study 2014, MOC study 2020

There is no full data available on ratio of alternative fuels. Using waste as alternative fuel is
most popular with ratio applied up to 60%. Biomass, tire and waste oil are also considered.

Currently the alternative fuels are used between 1-15% (solid waste) and 1-10% (others). The
cement plant has plan to increase additives up to 60% (solid waste). There was no cement
plant use tire as alternative fuel. However, 3 has plan to use tire to replace 5-10% fuel demand.

Solar power is not yet the choice of cement plant. Amongst survey plants, there was only one
company with solar power. Due to the draft revision of power development plan 8, that
postponed the connection of solar power projects, the plan of another 10 cement plants for
solar power from 2-30MW might not be realised by 2030.

3.3 Other IPPU measures

There are 5 cement plants with CO2 recovery plan from 5-20%.

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Task 2. Research on progress monitoring of NDC for construction sector measures

4 Institutional aspect
The operation of cement sector is under the line management of MOC.

Similar to other industrial product, the cement plants are responsible for compliance and
reporting on environmental performance to MONRE, on energy consumption to MOIT, on
quality to MOST, on planning and investment and green growth investment to MPI..., and on
financial issues as tax, fees and revenues to MOF and their provincial departments.

The most important stakeholders to cement sectors in NDC monitoring are:

Ministry of Construction (MOC)

The MOC is the line ministry for the cement sector, in charge of development and
implementation of construction material strategy, including cement sector at all levels. There
are three related Department under MOC:

• Building Material Department: being responsible for drafting the development strategy
for construction materials and monitor the development of the sector, including cement.
• Science, Technology and Environment Department: is the Coordinating Unit for the
Nordic Partnership Initiative Pilot Program to develop a NAMA framework for cement
sector, including energy efficiency measures and GHG inventory in 2019-2020. The
Department is responsible for climate response in construction sector, leads and
coordinates with other line ministries in compliance of cement companies in quality,
energy efficiency, investment and others.
• Viet Nam Institute for Building Material (VIBM): is assisting MOC for strategy and policy
development as well as providing training and consulting services.

Viet Nam National Cement Association (VNCA)

The Viet Nam National Cement Association has 80 active members including cement
companies and cement suppliers. VNCA is steered by representatives from MOC, cement
companies and provincial department of construction. VNCA produces annual cement reports
and update monthly.

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE)

The MONRE has responsibility to control indicators of environmental requirements in cement

production, in order to limit the impact on the landscape, ecology and restrictions small-scale
projects without advanced technology.

MONRE, Department of Climate Change and Ozone Layer Protection will be responsible for
designating a cement plant in conducting GHG emission inventory, taking action on GHG
emission reduction. MONRE assigns unit to verify GHG emission reduction.

Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT)

MOIT is responsible for implementation of energy efficiency law, in which the designated
energy cement companies must report to.

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5 Conclusion and next steps

In order to monitor NDC targets for construction sector, particularly cement sector, it is
important to highlight the following gap:

• GHG emission inventory and BAU scenario: Under NDC, GHG emission inventory was
calculated with Tier 1 and GSO cement production data, which is not yet aligned with
the sectoral data under national cement report. The export volume of cement are sum
of clinker and cement exported. This should be revised and updated with Tier 2.
Guidelines on GHG emission inventory at company and sector level should be
prepared to confirm the methodology.
• IPPU GHG mitigation measures: The actual implementation of GHG emission
mitigation measures in IPPU did not happen as anticipated, ie. the use of blast furnace
ash is rather popular while that of limestones as additives to clinker is not well observed.
There might also be additional IPPU measures in CO2 recovery in near future. This list
may need to revise and update. The clinker content can be as low as 65% instead of
69% unconditionally.
• Energy GHG mitigation measures: Amongst 4 energy measures, only one on waste
heat recovery can be monitored. The others need additional definition. The
implementation of the three remaining measures are unsecured as no specific
framework to support those was found.
• GHG emission mitigation targets: The implementation of IPPU mitigation measures in
cement sector contribute to completion of IPPU mitigation targets of the country.
• GHG emission factors: IPPU GHG emission factors for clinker production in 2018, 2019
has been defined (516 kg CO2eq/tonne). The GHG emission factors for clinker
production and cement production (IPPU and energy) has been defined, showing the
reduction in GHG emission intensity. However, the absolute values can only be
confirmed with issue on official methodology for BAU scenario.
• The current database from MOC is rather comprehensive and coverage of 88% clinker
capacity in 2019. This can be a good database to support cement plant and MOC to
perform GHG emission inventory with updated input data at higher level of accuracy.

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6 Annex

6.1 Annex 1. List of cement companies

No Name (English) Province Grinding DEUs GHG MOC No of tonnes Thousand WHR Year
only inventory database kilns clinker/day tonnes (MW)
TOTAL 51 91 50 80 87 291,150 160,610 171,40
1 An Giang Cement Plant An Giang x x
2 Siam city Cement in Ba Ria - Vung Tau x x
3 Huong Son Cement Plant Bac Giang x x x 1 1,000 350
4 BICEM Company JSC Binh Dinh x x x
5 FICO Binhf Duong Co., Binh Duong x x x
6 Ha Tien Kien Giang Binh Duong x x x
7 Ba Dinh Investment and Binh Duong x x
Construction JSC Badico
8 Binh Phuoc Cement Plant Binh Phuoc x x x 1 6,000 2,200
9 Tay Do Cement JSC Can Tho x x x
10 Can Tho Mineral and Can Tho x x x
Cement JSC
11 720 JSC. Can Tho x x
12 Cao Bang Construction Cao Bang x x
13 Vicem Hai Van JSC Da Nang x x x
14 Mien Trung Cement Co., Da Nang x x
15 Da nang Cement Co., Ltd. Da Nang x x
16 Ngu Hanh Son Cement Da Nang x x
17 Tay Nguyen Construction Dak Nong x x
Task 2. Research on progress monitoring of NDC for construction sector measures

No Name (English) Province Grinding DEUs GHG MOC No of tonnes Thousand WHR Year
only inventory database kilns clinker/day tonnes (MW)
18 Dien Bien Cement Plant Dien Bien x x x 1 1,000 350
19 Mang Trang Fico JSC. Dong Nai x x
20 Vissai Ha Nam Cement Ha Nam x x x 2 5,800 2,110
Vissai 3 Ha Nam 1 2,500 910 4.0 2016
Vissai 4 Ha Nam 1 3,300 1,200 5.0 2017
21 Xuan Thanh Cement Ha Nam x x 2 14,500 5,410 24.8 2018
Xuan Thanh 1 Ha Nam 1 2,500 910
Xuan Thanh 2 Ha Nam 1 12,000 4,500
22 Hoang Long Cement Ha Nam x x x 1 1,600 620
23 Thanh Thang Cement Ha Nam x x 4 19,000 7,250
Thanh Thang 1 Ha Nam 1 1,000 350
Thanh Thang 2 Ha Nam 1 6,000 2,300 7.5 2017
Thanh Thang 3 Ha Nam 1 6,000 2,300 7.5 2017
ThanhThang 4 Ha Nam 1 6,000 2,300 7.5 2021
24 But Son Cement Plant Ha Nam x x x 2 8,000 2,800
But Son1 Ha Nam 1 4,000 1,400
But Son 2 Ha Nam 1 4,000 1,400
25 Kien Khe Ha Nam 1 300 120
26 Thanh An 77 Ha Nam 1 300 120
27 Sai Son Cement JSC. Ha Noi x x 1 3,300 1,200 5.0 2018
28 Sai Son Cement JSC Ha Noi x x
(grinding only)
29 Phuc Son Cement Plant Hai Duong x x x 2 10,000 3,600
Phuc Son 1 Hai Duong 1 5,000 1,800
Phuc Son 2 Hai Duong 1 5,000 1,800
30 Phu Tan Cement Plant Hai Duong x x 1 1,300 420

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No Name (English) Province Grinding DEUs GHG MOC No of tonnes Thousand WHR Year
only inventory database kilns clinker/day tonnes (MW)
31 Hoang Thach Cement Hai Duong x x x 3 9,700 3,500
Hoang Thach 1 Hai Duong 1 3,100 1,100
Hoang Thach 2 Hai Duong 1 3,300 1,200
Hoang Thach 3 Hai Duong 1 3,300 1,200
32 Thanh Cong Construction Hai Duong x x
Material Co., Ltd.
33 Minh Tuan Cement Hai Duong x x
Materials Trading
Company - LTD
34 Duyen Linh Cement JSC. Hai Duong x x
35 Thanh Cong III Hai Duong x x x 1 1,000 350
36 Phu Yen Construction Hai Duong x x
37 Hai Phong Cement Plant Hai Phong x x x 1 3,300 1,200
38 Chinfon Cement Plant Hai Phong x x x 2 8,000 2,800 12.9 2014
Chinfon 1 Hai Phong 1 4,000 1,400
Chìnon 2 Hai Phong 1 4,000 1,400
39 High Tech Construction Hai Phong x x
Material JSC.
40 Proma Industry JSC. Hai Phong x
41 Can Tho - Hau Giang Hau Giang x x
Cement Co., Ltd
42 Phu Huu Cement HCMC x x x
Grinding Station
43 Thang Long Cement JSC. HCMC x x
44 Ha Long Cement JSC. HCMC x x x
45 TAFICO Cement Plant HCMC x x
46 Crown Sai Gon JV HCMC x x
47 Chinfon Cement JSC. - HCMC x x x
Hiep Phuoc Grinding

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No Name (English) Province Grinding DEUs GHG MOC No of tonnes Thousand WHR Year
only inventory database kilns clinker/day tonnes (MW)
48 Siam City Cement Co., HCMC x x
Ltd. - Hiep Phuoc
Grinding Station
49 Siam City Cement Co., HCMC x x
Ltd - Cat Lai Station
50 X18 Cement JSC. Hoa Binh x x x 1 1,000 350
51 Vinh Son Cement Co. Ltd. Hoa Binh x x 1 1,500 600
52 Trung Son Cement Co., Hoa Binh x x 1 2,500 910
53 Cam Ranh Cement Khanh Hoa x x x
Grinding Plant
54 Insee (Hong Chong) Kien Giang x x x 1 4,000 1,400 6.3 2012
Cement Plant
55 Kien Luong Cement Plant Kien Giang x x x x
56 Ha Tien Cement JSC. Kien Giang x x x
57 Kien Luong (Ha Tien 2) Kien Giang x x 2 7,000 2,500
Cement Plant
Kien Luong 1 Kien Giang 1 3,000 1,100 3.0 2002
Kien Luong 2 Kien Giang 1 4,000 1,400
58 Ha Tien Kien Giang JSC. Kien Giang x x
59 Vissai Dong Banh Lang Son x x x 1 2,500 910
Cement Plant
60 Hong Phong Cement Lang Son x x x 1 1,000 350
61 Long An Cement Grinding Long An x x
62 Song Lam 2 Cement Nghe An x x x 1 1,500 600
63 Song Lam 1 Cement Nghe An x x x
64 Vicem Hoang Mai Nghe An x x x 1 4,000 1,400
Cement Plant
65 Song Lam Cement JSC. Nghe An x x 2 12,000 4,400

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Task 2. Research on progress monitoring of NDC for construction sector measures

No Name (English) Province Grinding DEUs GHG MOC No of tonnes Thousand WHR Year
only inventory database kilns clinker/day tonnes (MW)
Song Lam 1.1 Nghe An 1 6,000 2,200 7.0 2016
Song Lam 1.2 Nghe An 1 6,000 2,200 7.0 2016
66 Tan Thang Cement Plant Nghe An x x x 1 5,000 1,800
67 Vissai Ninh Binh Cement Ninh Binh x x x 2 8,500 3,110
Vissan 1 Ninh BInh 1 2,500 910 4.0 2018
Vissan 2 Ninh Binh 1 6,000 2,200 8.0 2018
68 Duyen Ha Cement Plant Ninh Binh x x 2 6,500 2,400
Duyen Ha 1 Ninh Binh 1 1,500 600
Duyen Ha 2 Ninh Binh 1 5,000 1,800
69 Huong Duong Cement Ninh Binh x x 2 5,000 1,820
Huong Duong 1 Ninh BInh 1 2,500 910 5.0 2021
Huong Duong 2 Ninh Binh 1 2,500 910 5.0 2021
70 Tam Diep Cement Co. Ninh Binh x x 1 4,000 1,400
71 He Duong Cement JSC. Ninh Binh x x 1 5,000 1,800
72 LUKs Ninh Thuan Co., Ninh Thuan x x x
73 Vinh Phu Cement Plant Phu Tho x x 1 1,000 350
74 Song Thao Cement Plant Phu Tho x x x 1 2,500 910
75 Huu Nghi Cement Plant Phu Tho x x 3 2,600 920
Hưu Nghi 1 Phu Tho 1 600 220
Hưu Nghi 2 Phu Tho 1 1,000 350
Hưu Nghi 3 Phu Tho 1 1,000 350
76 Song Gianh Cement Plant Quang Binh x x x 1 4,000 1,400 7.5 2018
77 Van Hoa (Quang Phuc) Quang Binh x x x 1 5,000 1,800 6.5 2018
Cement Plant
78 Ang Son Cement Plant Quang Binh x x x 2 2,200 800
Ang Son 1 Quang Binh 1 1,000 350
Ang Son 2 Quang Binh 1 1,200 450

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Task 2. Research on progress monitoring of NDC for construction sector measures

No Name (English) Province Grinding DEUs GHG MOC No of tonnes Thousand WHR Year
only inventory database kilns clinker/day tonnes (MW)
79 Van Ninh Cement Plant Quang Binh x x x
80 Thanh My 1 Cement Plant Quang Nam x x x 1 3,300 1,200
81 IDICO Co., Ltd. Quang Ngai x x
82 Cam Pha Cement Plant Quang Ninh x x x 1 6,000 2,200
83 Quang Binh Construciton Quang Ninh x x
Materials Co., Ltd.
84 Quang Ninh Cement and Quang Ninh x x
Construction Material
85 Ha Long Cement JSC. Quang Ninh x x 1 5,500 2,000
86 Thang Long Cement JSC. Quang Ninh x x 1 6,000 2,200
87 Lam Thach Cement Plant Quang Ninh x x x 2 2,400 900
Lam Thach 1 Quang Ninh 1 1,200 450
Lam Thach 2 Quang Ninh 1 1,200 450
88 Bim Son Cement JSC - Quang Tri x x x
Quang Tri Branch
89 Minh Hung JSC. Quang Tri x x
90 Son La Cement Plant Son La x x x 1 2,500 910
91 Tay Ninh Cement Plant Tay Ninh x x 1 4,000 1,400
92 Quan Trieu Cement Plant Thai Nguyen x x x 1 2,000 700
93 Quang Son Cement Plant Thai Nguyen x x x 1 4,000 1,400
94 La Hien VVMI Cement Thai Nguyen x x x 2 2,300 870
La Hien 1 Thai Nguyen 1 700 270
La Hien 2 Thai Nguyen 1 1,600 600
95 Bim Son Cement Plant Thanh Hoa x x x 2 9,500 3,400
Bim Son 2 Thanh Hoa 1 4,000 1,400
Bim Son 3 Thanh Hoa 1 5,500 2,000
96 Nghi Son Cement Plant Thanh Hoa 2 12,000 4,400
Nghi Son 1 Thanh Hoa x x x 1 6,000 2,200
Nghi Son 2 Thanh Hoa 1 6,000 2,200

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Task 2. Research on progress monitoring of NDC for construction sector measures

No Name (English) Province Grinding DEUs GHG MOC No of tonnes Thousand WHR Year
only inventory database kilns clinker/day tonnes (MW)
97 Cong Thanh Cement Thanh Hoa x x x 2 12,500 4,910
Cong Thanh 1 Thanh Hoa 1 2,500 910 3.0 2009
Cong Thanh 2 Thanh Hoa 1 10,000 4,000 12.5 2017
98 Long Son Cement Plant Thanh Hoa x x x 3 18,000 6,800
Long Son 1 Thanh Hoa 1 6,000 2,200 7.5 2014
Long Son 2 Thanh Hoa 1 6,000 2,300 7.5 2016
Long Son 3 Thanh Hoa 1 6,000 2,300 7.5 2021
99 Luks Cement Plant Thua Thien Hue x x x 4 7,050 2,550
Luks 1 Thua Thien Hue 1 1,000 350
Luks 2 Thua Thien Hue 1 1,000 350
Luks 3 Thua Thien Hue 1 1,750 650
Luks 4 Thua Thien Hue 1 3,300 1,200
100 Dong Lam Cement Plant Thua Thien Hue x x x 1 5,000 2,000
101 Long Tho JSC. Thua Thien Hue x x
102 Tan Quang Cement Plant Tuyen Quang x x x 1 2,500 910
103 Tuyen Quang Cement Tuyen Quang x x x 1 700 270
104 406 enterpise -622 Co., Vinh Long x
105 Viet Hoa Cement JV Vinh Long x x
106 Yen Bai Cement Plant Yen Bai x x x
107 Yen Bai Mineral JSC Yen Bai x 1 1,000 350
108 Yen Binh Cement Plant Yen Bai x x x 1 2,500 910
109 Mong Son JSC. Yen Bai x x
110 Vietnam Mineral JSC. Yen Bai x x
111 Yen Bai Cement and Yen Bai x x
Mineral JSC

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Task 2. Research on progress monitoring of NDC for construction sector measures

6.2 Annex 2. Cement activity and data availability by province

No Province Number of location Activities 2021 Data available 2019

All With Grinding No of Capacity Capacity All With Grinding No of kilns Capacity % in
locations kiln only kilns (tonnes (1000 tonnes location kiln only (ton clinker
clinker/day) cement/year) clinker/day) capacity
TOTAL 111 60 51 87 291,150 106,610 79 49 30 65 230,550 79%
1 An Giang 1 0 1 - - - 1 0 1 - -
2 Ba Ria - Vung 1 0 1 - - - 0 0 0 - -
3 Bac Giang 1 1 0 1 1,000 350 1 1 0 1 1,000 100%
4 Binh Dinh 1 0 1 - - - 1 0 1 - -
5 Binh Duong 3 0 3 - - - 3 0 3 - -
6 Binh Phuoc 1 1 0 1 6,000 2,200 1 1 0 1 5,500 92%
7 Can Tho 3 0 3 - - - 3 0 3 - -
8 Cao Bang 1 0 1 - - - 1 0 1 - -
9 Da Nang 4 0 4 - - - 3 0 3 - -
10 Dak Nong 1 0 1 - - - 1 0 1 - -
11 Dien Bien 1 1 0 1 1,000 350 1 1 0 1 1,000 100%
12 Dong Nai 1 0 1 - - - 1 0 1 - -
13 Ha Nam 7 7 0 13 49,500 18,430 3 3 0 5 14,500 29%
14 Ha Noi 2 1 1 1 3,300 1,200 1 1 0 - - 0%
15 Hai Duong 8 4 4 7 22,000 7,870 7 3 4 6 21,050 96%
16 Hai Phong* 4 2 2 3 11,300 4,000 3 2 1 3 14,000 124%
17 Hau Giang 1 0 1 - - - 0 0 0 - -
18 HCMC 8 0 8 - - - 3 0 3 - -
19 Hoa Binh 3 3 0 3 5,000 1,860 1 1 0 1 1,000 20%
20 Khanh Hoa 1 0 1 - - - 1 0 1 - -
21 Kien Giang 5 2 3 3 11,000 3,900 4 2 2 2 7,000 64%
22 Lang Son 2 2 0 2 3,500 1,260 2 2 0 2 3,500 100%
23 Long An 1 0 1 - - - 0 0 0 - -
24 Nghe An 5 4 1 5 22,500 8,200 4 4 0 5 22,500 100%
25 Ninh Binh 5 5 0 8 29,000 10,530 5 5 0 8 29,000 100%
26 Ninh Thuan 1 0 1 - - - 1 0 1 - -
27 Phu Tho 3 3 0 5 6,100 2,180 2 2 0 2 3,700 61%
28 Quang Binh 4 4 0 4 11,200 4,000 4 4 0 2 5,500 49%
29 Quang Nam 1 1 0 1 3,300 1,200 1 1 0 1 3,300 100%
30 Quang Ngai 1 0 1 - - - 0 0 0 - -

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No Province Number of location Activities 2021 Data available 2019

All With Grinding No of Capacity Capacity All With Grinding No of kilns Capacity % in
locations kiln only kilns (tonnes (1000 tonnes location kiln only (ton clinker
clinker/day) cement/year) clinker/day) capacity
31 Quang Ninh 6 4 2 5 19,900 7,300 4 4 0 5 19,900 100%
32 Quang Tri 2 0 2 - - - 2 0 2 - -
33 Son La 1 1 0 1 2,500 910 1 1 0 1 2,500 100%
34 Tay Ninh* 1 1 0 1 4,000 1,400 0 0 0 1 4,500 113%
35 Thai Nguyen 3 3 0 4 8,300 2,970 3 3 0 4 8,100 98%
36 Thanh Hoa 4 4 0 9 52,000 19,510 3 3 0 8 47,800 92%
37 Thua Thien Hue 3 2 1 5 12,050 4,550 3 2 1 3 9,500 79%
38 Tuyen Quang 2 2 0 2 3,200 1,180 2 2 0 2 3,200 100%
39 Vinh Long 2 0 2 - - - 1 0 1 - -
40 Yen Bai 6 2 4 2 3,500 1,260 1 1 0 1 2,500 71%
* Provinces that Annual Cement Report should be updated as survey results in 2019 has shown higher clinker capacity

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6.3 Annex 3. Data availability for GHG emission inventory by parameters

No CSI code Category Unit Enterprise sectoral Source for sectoral data
level level
1 Name of factory Y Y Annual cement report
2 Name of company Y Y
6 Type of kiln Y Y
6a Nominal clinker capacity Y Y
6b Type of factory Y Y
6c Nominal cement capacity Y Y
2.1 Clinker
8 Quantity of produced clinker [t/yr] Y N Calculated via cement production
9 Quantity of clinker bought from other companies or imported [t/yr] Y Y Annual cement report
10 Quantity of clinker sole to other companies or exported [t/yr] Y Y Annual cement report
10a Amount of clinker changed in the stores (+ = increase; - = decrease) [t/yr] Y N Survey
10b Amount of clinker circulated internally (+ = received; - = sent) [t/yr] Y N Survey
10c Clinker from internal transfer of processed cement (+ = received; - = sent) [t/yr] Y N Survey
2.2 Mineral ingredients (MIC) are used to Portland and blends cement production
12 Gypsum [t/yr, dry Y N Survey
13 Limestone [t/yr, dry Y N Survey
14 Slag [t/yr, dry Y N Survey
15 Fly ash [t/yr, dry Y N Survey
16 Puzzolana [t/yr, dry Y N Survey
17 Others (exp. CKD) [t/yr, dry Y N Survey
17a MIC from internal transfer of treated cement [t/yr, dry Y N Survey
2.3 Treated mineral ingredients (MIC) sold externally or circulated internally (dried weight)
19a Treated slag sold externally [t/yr, dry Y N Survey
19b Treated fly ash and other puzzolana sold externally [t/yr, dry Y N Survey
19c Total number of MIC transferred and handled internally (+ = received; - = sent) [t/yr, dry Y N Survey
2.4 Mass of dusts (dried weight)

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Task 2. Research on progress monitoring of NDC for construction sector measures

No CSI code Category Unit Enterprise sectoral Source for sectoral data
level level
22 BPD escaped from the kilns [t/yr, dry N N IPCC guuidelines
23 CKD escaped from the kilns [t/yr, dry N N IPCC guuidelines
24 Ratio of combusting CKDd (Specified value of the company or default value is [%] N N IPCC guuidelines
0% (dry kiln), 100% (other kilns)
2.5 Power
33a Electricity produced from the internal power generation system [MWh/yr] Y N Survey
33b Electricity produced from excess heat recovery [MWh/yr] Y N Survey
33c Power consumption for cement production (from national grid) [MWh/yr] Y N Survey
33e Power consumption for clinker production (exp. from quarry to storage of [MWh/yr] Y N Survey
clinker )
2.6 Tier 1, if applicable
34m Emission factor standard [default 525 kg of CO2/ton of clinker] [kgCO2/tcli] N N IPCC guuidelines
34n The content of organic carbon in raw powder (average), default value is 0.2% [%, dry N N IPCC guuidelines
or specified value of the company weight]
34o Ratio of raw powder: clinker, default value is 1.55 or specified value of the [%, dry N N IPCC guuidelines
company weight]
101 Conventional fossil fuel (excluding drying raw materials and fuels)
102 Coal + anthracites [t/yr] Y N Survey
103 Coke [t/yr] Y N Survey
104 Heavy fuels [t/yr] Y N Survey
105 Diesel [t/yr] Y N Survey
106 Natural gases [1000 Nm3/yr] Y N Survey
107 Shale [t/yr] Y N Survey
107a Lignite [t/yr] Y N Survey
108 Mixed and alternative fuels (excluding drying raw material and fuels)
109 Waste oil [t/yr] Y N Survey
110 Tires [t/yr] Y N Survey
111 RDF including plastics [t/yr] Y N Survey
112 Solvent [t/yr] Y N Survey
113 Impregnated sawdust [t/yr] Y N Survey
113a Mixed industrial wastes [t/yr] Y N Survey
114 Other fossil wastes and mixed fuels [t/yr] Y N Survey
115 Biomass fuels (excluding drying raw materials and fuels)
116 Dried sludge [t/yr] Y N Survey
117 Wood, un-impregnated sawdust [t/yr] Y N Survey
118 Papers, cartonnes [t/yr] Y N Survey
119 Animal powder [t/yr] Y N Survey
120 Powder of animal bones [t/yr] Y N Survey

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Task 2. Research on progress monitoring of NDC for construction sector measures

No CSI code Category Unit Enterprise sectoral Source for sectoral data
level level
121 Animal fats [t/yr] Y N Survey
122 Agriculture wastes, organics, diapers, charcoal [t/yr] Y N Survey
123 Other biomass [t/yr] Y N Survey
3.2 Fuels consumption for drying raw materials and fuels
124 Conventional fossil fuels [t/yr] Y N Survey
124a Coals + anthracites + Lignite [t/yr] Y N Survey
124b Coke [t/yr] Y N Survey
124c Heavy oil [t/yr] Y N Survey
124d Diesel [t/yr] Y N Survey
124e Natural gases [1000 Nm3/yr] Y N Survey
124f Shale [t/yr] Y N Survey
125 Mixed and alternative fuels [t/yr] Y N Survey
125a Fossil wastes and mixed fuels [t/yr] Y N Survey
126 Alternative biomass fuels [t/yr] Y N Survey
126a Other biomass [t/yr] Y N Survey
3.3 Calorific values of fuels
131 Low calorific of conventional fossil fuels [GJ/t] Y Y MOIT
132 Coals + anthracites [GJ/t] Y Y MOIT
133 Coke [GJ/t] Y Y MOIT
134 Heavy fuels [GJ/t] Y Y MOIT
135 Diesel [GJ/t] Y Y MOIT
136 Natural gases [GJ/1000 Y Y MOIT
137 Shale [GJ/t] Y N IPCC guuidelines
137a Lignite [GJ/t] Y N IPCC guuidelines
138 Low calorific of mixed and alternative fuels Y IPCC guuidelines
139 Waste oils [GJ/t] Y N IPCC guuidelines
140 Tires [GJ/t] Y N IPCC guuidelines
141 RDF including plastics [GJ/t] Y N IPCC guuidelines
142 Solvent [GJ/t] Y N IPCC guuidelines
143 Impregnated sawdust [GJ/t] Y N IPCC guuidelines
143a Mixed industrial wastes [GJ/t] Y N IPCC guuidelines
144 Other fossil wastes and mixed fuels [GJ/t] Y N IPCC guuidelines
145 Low calorific of biomass fuels N IPCC guuidelines
146 Dried sludge [GJ/t] Y N IPCC guuidelines
147 Wood, un-impregnated sawdust [GJ/t] Y N IPCC guuidelines
148 Papers, cartonnes [GJ/t] Y N IPCC guuidelines
149 Animal powder [GJ/t] Y N IPCC guuidelines
150 Powder of animal bones [GJ/t] Y N IPCC guuidelines
151 Animal fats [GJ/t] Y N IPCC guuidelines
152 Agriculture wastes, organics, charcoals [GJ/t] Y N IPCC guuidelines

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Task 2. Research on progress monitoring of NDC for construction sector measures

No CSI code Category Unit Enterprise sectoral Source for sectoral data
level level
153 Other biomass [GJ/t] Y N IPCC guuidelines
301 On-site equipment and vehicles using fossil fuels
301a Diesel [t/yr] Y N Survey
301b Petroleum [t/yr] Y N Survey
301ba Other fossil fuels [t/yr] Y N Survey
301c Fuels for on-site equipment and vehicles (containing biomass) N Survey
301d Bio-Diesel and mixture [t/yr] Y N Survey
302 Fuels for warming and cooling systems N Survey
302a Diesel [t/yr] Y N Survey
302b Petroleum [1000 Nm3/yr] Y N Survey
302c Other fossil fuels [t/yr] Y N Survey
303 Fuels for drying mineral materials for cement production
303k Conventional fossil fuels N Survey
303a Coals + anthracites + Lignite [t/yr] Y N Survey
303b Coke [t/yr] Y N Survey
303c Heavy fuels [t/yr] Y N Survey
303d Diesel [t/yr] Y N Survey
303e Natural gases [1000 Nm3/yr] Y N Survey
303f Shale [t/yr] Y N Survey
303g Fuels and mixed alternative fuels N Survey
303h Mixed fuels and other fossil fuels [t/yr] Y N Survey
303i Alternative biomass fuels N Survey
303j Other biomass [t/yr] Y N Survey
304 Fuels consumption for one –site power generation
304aa Fossil fuels N Survey
304a Coals + anthracites + Lignite [t/yr] Y N Survey
304b Coke [t/yr] Y N Survey
304c Heavy fuels [t/yr] Y N Survey
304d Diesel [1000 Nm3/yr] Y N Survey
304i Natural gases [t/yr] Y N Survey
304j Shale [t/yr] Y N Survey
304f Fuels and mixed alternative fuels
304g Mixed fuels and other fossil fuels [t/yr] Y N Survey
304h Alternative biomass fuels N Survey
304e Other biomass [t/yr] Y N Survey
Fossil fuels
Coals + anthracites + Lignite [t/yr] Y N Survey
Coke [t/yr] Y N Survey
Heavy fuels [t/yr] Y N Survey

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Task 2. Research on progress monitoring of NDC for construction sector measures

No CSI code Category Unit Enterprise sectoral Source for sectoral data
level level
Diesel [1000 Nm3/yr] Y N Survey
Natural gases [t/yr] Y N Survey
Shale [t/yr] Y N Survey
Fuels and mixed alternative fuels N Survey
Mixed fuels and other fossil wastes [t/yr] Y N Survey
Alternative biomass fuels N Survey
Other biomass [t/yr] Y N Survey

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