The Of, ,, ,, and - I Tried To Keep It Simple and Show Her Personality A Little Bit - Post 2: Aphrodite Marrying Hephaestus
The Of, ,, ,, and - I Tried To Keep It Simple and Show Her Personality A Little Bit - Post 2: Aphrodite Marrying Hephaestus
The Of, ,, ,, and - I Tried To Keep It Simple and Show Her Personality A Little Bit - Post 2: Aphrodite Marrying Hephaestus
Zeus married his daughter, Aphrodite, to the ugliest of his children, Hephaestus, for two main
reasons. The first reason was to give Aphrodite to Hephaestus as a peace offering to free Hera
from his trap. The other reason for this was to stop the Gods from fighting for her hand in
Aphrodite had a number of lovers and affairs while she was married to Hephaestus. Some of
the affairs were more significant than others in the events of the Greek myths. Ares was actually
the brother of Hephaestus, yet this didn’t stop him having an affair with Aphrodite.
The sun god Helios told Hephaestus of the affair and he decided to spring a trap. When the
lovers were together he caught them in a net and invited the other Olympian gods to see what
had happened. This plan backfired however and the gods tormented Hephaestus for having let
this affair happen. Together Ares and Aphrodite had 5 children : Eros, Anteros, Phobos,
Deimos, and Harmonia.
Eros is the most popular of the children. Eros – known as Cupid to the Romans – was the Greek
god of sexual attraction, a constant companion of Aphrodite. Variously depicted as either a
beautiful youth or a mischievous nude boy, Eros is most commonly represented with a bow and
an unlimited number of arrows which he uses to overpower the reason and incite erotic feelings
in any mortal or god per Aphrodite’s or his own wish. Once, though, he accidentally scraped
himself with an arrow – and that’s how he fell in love with Psyche, who will later become his wife
for eternity.
Aphrodite birth
Aphrodite is said to have been born when the Titan Kronos castrated his father Uranus and cast
his genitals into the sea. Aphrodite then emerged from the foam at the place in the sea where it
Background information
• Eris wasn’t invited to the wedding because she was the goddess of discord and
wherever she went she took trouble with her.
• Thetis married a mortal man because of a prophecy. The prophecy was that
Thetis would have a son who would grow up to be greater than his father.
Worried by this, Zeus arranged for Thetis to marry a mortal man so that her child
couldn't challenge his power. Thetis ends up married to the mortal Peleus and
Achilles is born.
• Hera is goddess of marriage, women and family, and the protector of women
during childbirth. She is queen of Mount Olympus and sister/wife of Zeus.
• Athena was goddess of wisdom, war and the crafts, and favorite daughter of
Zeus. Athena was, perhaps, the wisest, most courageous, and certainly the most
resourceful of the Olympian gods.
• Why did Zeus choose Paris to judge? Zeus chose Paris for two reasons. Firstly,
Paris was not an immortal, and Zeus did not wish for potential conflict between
the gods.Secondly, Paris was known as an impartial judge, for previously he had
judge a competition between cattle, and had chosen an animal in preference to
his own, without even knowing that that animal belonged to the god Ares.
Paris chose Aphrodite, because she bribed him by giving him the most beautiful woman in the
world, Helen of Sparta, wife of Menelaus (King of Sparta).
The conflict between kingdoms of Troy and Mycenaean Greece–began after Helen got together
with Paris. Menelaus was humiliated and demanded her return, however the Trojans refused.
Menelaus then persuaded his brother Agamemnon to lead an army against Troy.
Technically, we can say that Aphrodite began the Trojan war because she was the one to
promise Paris the most beautiful woman in the world ( who was Helen )
Extra details
• Who won the Trojan war ? The Greeks, being unable to penetrate the walls of the city,
found a way to have the Trojans invite them in, unknowingly. They built a huge wooden
horse and disappeared within it. The Trojans, on finding the horse and seeing no
Greeks, assumed the horse was a gift from the gods who had struck down all their
enemies in the night. They brought the horse back within the city walls where the Greeks
climbed out in the dark of night and burned down the city of Troy. Only a few Trojans
• Who is Aeneas ? Aeneas was a Trojan hero. He was the son of the Trojan prince
Anchises and the Greek goddess Aphrodite. Aeneas is one of the few Trojans who were
not killed or enslaved when Troy fell.