The current study was undertaken to assess the present status of cattle mixed feeds, feed
ingredients and use of growth promoters in livestock production of Bangladesh. The survey
was carried out through a structured questionnaire among 80 farmers during April to June,
2017. The study revealed that agriculture is the primary occupation for 63% of respondents,
whereas 27.5% of respondents are dependent over livestock. The dairy farmers are involved
in both dairy and beef cattle fattening. Approximately 64% of the livestock farmers practiced
fattening round the year and rest of the respondents followed fattening for period of 3 months;
before Eid-ul-Adha. About 86% farmers reared uncastrated males instead of steer for
fattening. It was observed that 59% of the farmers applying steroid as growth promoters in
beef cattle fattening. The study indicated that middleman, feed/ medicine dealers were
involved in promoting of steroids (dexavet, pednivet, oradexon, decason, paractin, gludex etc)
usages in livestock. Owing to the lack of knowledge on steroids use in livestock over public
health, the farmers are influenced by the vendors for quick profit. They sell their animals prior
to withdrawal periods of drugs. Training and knowledge about the health hazards of steroids
had inverse significant relationship with use of steroid as growth promoter (p<0.01).
Improvement of education, training and financial status of the farmers significantly affected
the use of steroids in beef fattening. Present problems could be addressed by intervention
measures by the policy makers of the livestock sector. Keywords: Growth Promoters,
Fattening Cattle, Steroids
In Bangladesh, livestock is one of the most important sub-sectors of agriculture which plays a vital role
in promoting national economy of the country (Sarma et al., 2014). About 80 to 85% of the households
keep livestock in the rural areas and most of them are landless, marginal and small farmers (Hossain et
al., 2004). Livestock may be considered as “Cash income” to rural farmers that is instantly available for
sale or barter (Hossen et al., 2008). Cattle fattening for beef production have become an important
business of the small farmers in Bangladesh. Now it is necessary to find out the limitations of existing
beef production system to make it more sustainable at farmer’s level. It was suspected that stimulating
substances like, steroids, feed additives etc. were using n Bangladesh. (Islam et al., 2012). Experts
believe that cattle feed shortages have been a major limitation to improve cattle productivity in
Bangladesh. Besides, there is a festival demand of beef cattle during Eid-ul- Adha. To fulfill the animal
protein requirement and poverty alleviation for rural people, cattle fattening can play a significant role.
In Bangladesh, feed additives and growth promoters imported by pharmaceutical industries and
overseas marketing agencies and attract farmers to use them in fattening animals. Most of the cattle
brought for sale as sacrificial animals in the northern districts ahead of Eid-ul-Adha are fattened
allegedly by unscrupulous cattle traders ignoring the scientific formula prescribed by Livestock
Department for rapid live weight gain and quick profits (Islam et al., 2012). Apparently, the animals look
very attractive, muscular and high live weight but the consumers are very disappointed by deception
and cheating. Some of them may have harmful residual effects on human health or some may not
respond cost effectively. For over 25 years, the use of hormonal substances has been banned in animal
production in Europe (Council Directive 88/146/EEC). Recently, there has been plenty of attention paid
to the occurrence of veterinary drug residues in animalfood products.
Selection of the study area and preparation of interview schedule
The data was collected through an interview schedule from the farmers of 4 districts (Gazipur,
Mymensingh, Sirajgonj and Rajshahi) of Bangladesh, for having high cattle population in those areas. The
respondents were selected who rear cattle or bought cattle for fattening or rearing. Respondents those
are involved in cattle fattening purpose were randomly chosen from each upazila.
Collection of data
Data were collected following direct interviews and making personal visits from beef cattle farmers. Key
informant interview (KII) was done with government livestock officers and feed dealers.
Parameters studied
The interview schedule contained general information (occupation, education, family member etc.) of
the cattle owners, livestock population, management of the fattening cattle, feeds and feeding cattle,
indigenous knowledge on rearing and marketing of cattle, and the application of steroid and feed
additives, feed ingredients, feeding and animal management.
W here ,
observation. , is the difference between the two ranks of each
n is the number of observations
There are many interrelated and constituent attributes that characterize an individual and form an
integral part in the development of one’s behavior and personality. Farmer’s educational level, income
and sources of money influence the cattle production system because uneducated and poor farmers
intend to get more profit by investing less money in the illegal way such as, use of harmful growth
Table 1 revealed that the majority (63.8%) of the respondents had main occupation as agriculture,
27.5% were related in the livestock business. About 51.3% of the farmers run their cattle fattening
business by own money, 20% from NGO loan, 23.8% bank loan, 5% taken loan from mohajon. In case of
training, only 23.8% respondents had cattle fattening training and 76.3% farmers whom had not any
training on cattle rearing and corroborated with the earlier findings (Ahmed et al., 2010; Rahman et al.,
2012; Islam et al., 2012). Currently, higher educated (graduation) people are attracting towards the
livestock business then before (Hossen et al., 2008; Sharma et al., 2014 and Rahman et al., 2012). The
result of this study contradicted the earlier findings of Begum et al. (2007), where the authors reported
that 86.7% farmers used own capital. From these above statements it was revealed that now farmers
get more loans from bank, NGOs and other financial institution. Reports on similar studies were also
available from different authors (Ahmed et al., 2010 and Rahman et al., 2012).
The pattern of cattle fattening from the present study indicated that 30% farmer practiced fattening only
before Eid-ul-Azha, 63.8% farmer practiced fattening round the year and the rest of the farmers perform
seasonal fattening (Table 2). Islam et al. (2012) showed that majority (53.3%) of the respondents start
fattening before Eid-ulAzha and the rest practiced round the year. Fattening period was the most
important factor because it measured profit percentage of the respondents. Among the farmers 16.3%
farmers practiced fattening for 3 months or less and maximum number farmers (35%) farmers fattening
period was 3 to 6 months and 31.3% farmers fattened their cattle for 6 months to 1 year and the rest
above 1 year (Table 2). Ahmed et al. (2010) stated that 79.1% respondents found that the fattening
period of cattle was 3-6 months. Rahman et al. (2012) stated that most of the respondents fattened
cattle for 3 months (44.7%) and rest fattened for 6 months or one year. Sex is the crucial point for
fattening, because customer chooses the meat of male beef cattle more than female cattle. Majority
(86.3%) of them selected uncastrated male and rest of them fattened castrated male (Table 2). Starting
age of cattle fattening also varied famer to farmer. Islam et al. (2012) reported that majority (80.7%) of
them selected uncastrated male and rest of them fattened castrated male.
It was found that 28.8% farmer got information of steroids from mohajon, 15% from feed dealer, 8.85
from neighbor, 2.5% from NGO worker and 3.8% from medical representative. About 58% farmer use
steroid (drugs) in cattle fattening (Fig. 1). 55.3% farmer had withdrawn steroid immediately before
marketing, 27.7% withdraw immediately before slaughtering and 17% before one month of marketing
which was alarming (Fig. 2).
98% farmers thought that steroid had positive impact on growth rate or production (Table 3). Nichols et
al. (2002) reported that in an intensive beef cattle production system use of steroid implants increased
average daily gain by 15 to 25% and feed efficiency by 10 to 15% but decreased in marbling was
observed due to longer use of steroid implants. Platter et al. (2003) found that use of growth implants
increased (P<0.05) average daily gain by 11.8 to 20.5% of steers. Haque and Sarker, (2014) reported that
different types of steroids were used rampantly for poultry and bovine in Bangladesh. Asem-Hiablie et
al. (2017) stated that in an average 30% of northwest and southwest ranches of United States used
growth implants for beef cattle production.
Presented result (Table 4) showing that, 96.3% farmers gave both roughage and concentrate and 3.8%
farmer gave only concentrate. They did not use any total mixed ration (TMR) which was not similar with
Buza and Holden, (2016) where they reported that in Pennsylvania, 97.6% survey respondents fed a
total mixed ration. 61.3% farmer gave roadside grass as the source of roughage, 8.8% gave straw and
30% gave cultivated fodder as the source of roughage (Table 4). Hossain et al. (2016) reported that most
of the farmers (83%) used cultivated fodder and only 17% farmers used cultivated fodder and roadside
grass during rainy season.
As a source of concentrate, 18.8% used commercial pellet feed, 33.8% used hand mixed feed which was
made by different raw materials found locally and 47.5% gave both pellet and hand mix feed (Table 4).
Among the farmers only 30% farmer treated straw with urea and rest of the farmers didn’t follow any
treatment (Table 4). In case of rearing system 30% followed intensive management, 51.3% followed
semiintensive management, and 18.8% followed extensive management system (Table 4). García-Torres
et al. (2016) found that consumer chose beef produced from intensive organic farming at sensory level
and grass-fed or extensive organic farming at the point of purchase. Most of the farmers (72.5%) did
their ration formulation by own and the rest from the technical person (Table 4). For this reason,
maximum animal
Only 36% farmer maintained biosecurity measure in their farm which is not satisfactory (Fig. 3). The
term ‘biosecurity’ includes various types of measures that farmers can perform to lessen the risk of
spread out of pathogen (Cardwell et al., 2016). 72% farmers thought that biosecurity measures was
important for their farm and 53% farmer thought that they had lack of knowledge of biosecurity,
reported by Sayersa et al. (2013). 81.3% farmers gave vaccine to their animal and 61.3% performed
deworming (Fig. 3) which was similar with Begum et al. (2007) and Ahmed et al. (2010). About 48.8%
animals get safe water (Table 4). It was vital that cattle should be provided drinking water by the farmers
to ensure safety and it was considered as good practice. According to the survey, only 28.8% farmers
cultivated fodder for their animal (Fig. 4).
Hossain et al. (2016) reported that most of the farmers (83%) used cultivated fodder and only 17%
farmers used cultivated fodder and roadside grass during rainy season. About 60% farmers cultivate rice
and among them near about 57% farmer apply pesticide (Fig. 4). Straw, rice polish, broken rice are the
main by product of rice which may contain those pesticides. It is hypothesized that pesticides residues
will be found in rice by-products which will be used as livestock feed.
Table 5 revealed that the different parameters such as sex, occupation, annual income, source of
money, farm type, breed type, and no. of cattle fattened, fattening period, training, health hazard of
steroid etc. were considered as influencing practice of steroid use in the small scale cattle rearing.
Significant (p<0.05) association was observed (Table 5) on the use of steroids with different sex,
occupation, education level, annual income, breed of cattle, training of farmer and knowledge about
health hazards of steroid. The chi square value of education was 12.367 indicating (Table 5) that with
the increase of level of education of farmer was associated with decrease of steroids which was
significant (p<0.05). The x2-value of annual income was 8.396 indicating that with the increase of annual
income was associated with the decrease of steroids was significant (p<0.05).
Table 5. Relationship of use of steroids with other factors
Injection Tablet
Dexavet (Synthetic steroid) Paractin (for human medication but used for
Pednivet (Steroid) Gludex (Dexamethasone for human)
In the majority of villages in Bangladesh, farmers rear beef cattle for fattening without having any
scientific knowledge. Some drugs/steroids are being used for fattening purposes which are prohibited as
per feed act rule of Bangladesh. Farmers are not getting proper training on production and management
practices of beef cattle fattening. Details studies on different contaminants in cattle feed are needed to
produce quality and safe beef.
Conflict of interests
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.
This research work has been conducted with the financial aid of “Feed Safety and Nutrition of Cattle in
Bangladesh: Using Total Mixed Rations for Beef Production in Intensive System (Zero Grazing)” project
under the MoU between “Bangladesh Agricultural University” and “Ismail Feeds and Animal Enterprise
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