Shabana Safdar 30366
Shabana Safdar 30366
Shabana Safdar 30366
Marks: 10
Pakistan studies curriculum is the name of a curriculum of academic research and study that
encompasses the culture, demographics, geography, history and politics of Pakistan. There is a
perception in students that Pak Study has a limited scope. But the scope of “Pakistan Studies”
is multi-dimensional. It encompasses, in brief, history of the genesis of Pakistan, its geography,
geo-politics, culture, society, religion, economy and other social issues.
Students think that there is no use of a higher degree in this subject abroad. It’s a totally wrong
perception as Pakistan is one of the most important countries in the world. Studying Pakistan
All super powers and international media groups have great interest in Pakistan affairs. It’s the
only country which is fighting against terrorism successfully. It has defeated the Russia and now
USA need its help for a safe exist from Afghanistan. China needs our ports to rule over world.
Pakistan is the only king maker state in the world. No so called super power can even think to
avoid us. We are going to be a global power in future Insha’Allah. All Muslim countries see
towards us in their crisis period. Our geographical position is vital for the peace in the world. At
international level global print and electronic media needs the service of experts of Pakistan
Pakistan Studies was introduced as a compulsory subject along with Islamic studies at the
Secondary and Higher Secondary level during the Bhutto regime in the 1970s. Its introduction as
a separate mandatory subject aimed to create patriotism among the youth and awareness of
Pakistan ideology. The main purpose of the subject was to promote national integration,
cohesion, solidarity and harmony among the new generation. Soon after the separation of East
Pakistan and creation of Bangladesh it was felt by policy makers that it is important to tell the
new generation how the country was achieved and how we should take care of it. It is an area
study discipline and is compulsory in high schools and universities.
Pakistan studies also play a great role in our daily life. It helps us in resolving conflicts in our
society and brings peace, be a good citizen and keep human rights in your mind. It also plays role
in teaching us current issues and problems which our country currently facing. It also helps us to
protect our country from terrorism.
The most important is to inculcate the values of love, unity; how Pakistan created, how will it
progress and how the children will defend the homeland when they will grownup. This subject
must be taught with rationality so the students get proper guidance about homeland. They must
learn to respect their homeland, culture, different religions, languages and societies.