Solar Data Analysis Matlab
Solar Data Analysis Matlab
Solar Data Analysis Matlab
Dissertations and Theses Dissertations and Theses
Spring 7-24-2013
Recommended Citation
Ray, Mike C. T., "Solar Data Analysis" (2013). Dissertations and Theses. Paper 1078.
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Solar Data Analysis
Master of Science
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Thesis Committee:
Robert Bass, Chair
Yih-Chyun Jenq
Martin Siderius
The solar industry has grown considerably in the last few years. This larger scale
analyzing the data coming from the sites that are now being monitored, and using the
We have four questions which are of prime importance identified in this thesis:
2. Can we use data from existing sites to determine which sites need the most
We find that not only can we answer these questions definitively, but the
improvements found are of significant value. Each of these items represents an important
question that either directly or indirectly translates into increased revenue and
First and foremost, I’d like to thank my wife for putting up with long nights working on
this thesis. I’d also like to thank DECK monitoring for their data dump – and in particular
Ben Weintraub for being particularly helpful. Thank you Dr. Bass for going back/forth on
revisions quicker than could have been expected. Also, thank you Dr. Jenq and Dr.
Siderius for being willing to sit on my committee with such short notice. Without any of
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................... i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................................... ii
LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................... v
LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................ vi
INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 1
BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................ 6
2.1 DECK MONITORING........................................................................................... 6
2.2 CLEAN POWER RESEARCH ................................................................................. 6
.............................................................................................................................. 8
2.4 LOCUS ENERGY ................................................................................................. 9
VERIFYING CUSTOMER DATA INPUT ......................................................................... 13
SOURCED INFORMATION? .................................................................................... 14
3.3 VERIFICATION ................................................................................................. 15
3.4 RESULTS .......................................................................................................... 15
3.5 ANALYSIS OF RESULTS ..................................................................................... 18
4.1 WHY ARE DATA CLEANING FUNCTIONS NECESSARY? ....................................... 20
4.2 WHAT DATA CLEANING ALGORITHMS ARE THERE IN PLACE? ........................... 24
4.3 WHAT CAN WE LEARN FROM THIS DATA? ....................................................... 25
ALGORITHM ......................................................................................................... 27
SITES?................................................................................................................... 30
5.2 ALGORITHM IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION ..................................................... 53
CORRELATION ADDITION TO THE PERFORMANCE ALARM? ................................... 60
PRODUCE FEWER FALSE POSITIVE ALARMS? ......................................................... 61
AUGMENTED PREDICTED POWER ALGORITHM ......................................................... 62
6.1 THE PROPOSED PREDICTED POWER ALGORITHM............................................. 67
6.4 ANALYSIS OF THE ERROR REDUCTION.............................................................. 71
CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................ 84
BIBLIOGRAPHY ......................................................................................................... 86
APPENDIX: MATLAB CODE ........................................................................................ 87
downtime for the power generation, or downtime for the metering equipment. We do not
want to be using this data. ................................................................................................................... 29
Figure 14: Site 38’s power over time as a percentage of nameplate. Something seems
strange about this site’s power output; the site has an artificial limit at ~83% or so of
nameplate generation. This is probably due to an undersized inverter which is unable to
produce more power than its nameplate despite the solar cells being capable. ................... 31
Figure 15: Site 41’s power over time as a percentage of nameplate. We can see here that
the site varies over the course of the year (lower generation in winter, higher generation
in summer). We can also see that it appears to not be artificially limited in any way. This
is exactly the type of power graph that we would expect from a ‘normal’ solar PV
installation. .............................................................................................................................................. 32
Figure 16: Overlay of Site 38 and Site 41 production data. Notice how the sites track each
other more or less through the year, but for a good portion of the year, during the peak
solar season, Site 38 caps out at ~83%............................................................................................ 33
Figure 17: We see a year’s worth of generation at Sites 20, 21 and 35. We can see
immediately that Site 20 outperforms Site 21, and significantly outperforms Site 35.
Notice that during the Winter (low) months, all the sites seem to be producing similar
amounts of power, yet during the summer months, Site 20 outperforms Site 21, and
significantly outperforms Site 35...................................................................................................... 35
Figure 18: Close-up of Winter production sample week for the three sites. Site 20 is
consistently out producing sites 21 and 35 during winter, however marginally. ................ 36
Figure 19: Close-up of Summer production sample week. Site 20 outperforms both Site
21 and Site 35 by a large margin. Site 21 also handily outperforms Site 35. ...................... 37
Figure 20: Demonstration of the difference between cell temperature and ambient
temperature vs. irradiance for different types of solar panel constructions (PV Education).
..................................................................................................................................................................... 40
Figure 21: Normal operation, so no alarms are triggered. The alarm should trigger
whenever the performance drops below the ‘Threshold’ line between the two dotted lines.
In this case, the alarm would never trigger since the Production Data is never below the
‘Threshold’ line during the time span defined by the two dotted lines. ................................ 48
Figure 22: Performance decreased below the threshold during the defined time period, so
the alarm is triggered. In this case, the alarm is triggered because of the brief excursion
that the production data makes into the area beneath the threshold curve. It will trigger
every 15 minutes during this time. ................................................................................................... 49
Figure 23: 1) Low production outside of alarm range. Alarm is not triggered (since it is
outside of time range). 2) The performance decrease during the defined time range is also
not detected since it is not below the threshold. ........................................................................... 50
Figure 24: Verification (red dots) of alarm trigger points being correct for a given site.
Each point below the threshold between the two alarm bounds triggers an alarm. These
points for which an alarm is triggered are noted with red circles. Notice that they only
occur in the correct alarm area. Points for which the performance is below the threshold,
but not within the time bounds are not counted as alarm points.............................................. 52
Figure 25: Verification that the alarm does in fact trigger correctly (no triggers above
50% nameplate). Notice all triggers stop at 50% of nameplate (denoted by the red
horizontal line). ...................................................................................................................................... 53
Figure 26: Performance profile of a given sunny day for nearby sites. They are all fairly
correlated – although not perfect. ..................................................................................................... 54
Figure 27: Performance profile of a given overcase day for neaby sites. This is an
example of sites which previously all would have tripped the performance alarm every 15
minutes, all day. ..................................................................................................................................... 55
Figure 28: Performance profile of an intermittently cloudy day for nearby sites. We see
that during the day, when performance does down on one site, the rest more or less
follow. We do notice some minor variations, however it is close as a whole. .................... 56
Figure 29: Correlation coefficient vs distance for sites in the database. ............................... 57
Figure 30: Close-up of Figure 28 showing only sites with correlation coefficients of 0.9
or higher vs distance. ............................................................................................................................ 59
Figure 31: Both algorithms track the actual power pretty well. Notice how there is a slight
decrease for actual power production on the second and third days. This could be due to a
cloud that floated by that did not shadow the weather station, and therefore was not
detected in either algorithm. Unfortunately, this is an inherent weakness in reliance on
weather station data. That being said, this is not a daily occurrence, and the energy
reduction due to these types of events is relatively small. ......................................................... 72
Figure 32: That the new algorithm tracks the actual power very closely while the current
formula is completely wrong. This may be due to a mis-reported nameplate rating. One
would expect a large MSE for the current equation, and a much smaller MSE for the new
equation – which is indeed the case (15.8 vs. 4.4)....................................................................... 73
Figure 33: Even for periods of low generation, the new algorihtm tracks very well. We
can see that there is a period of clouds on two of the days, and the predicted power
algorithm predicts the reduced power output very accurately using the sensor information
and data history. ..................................................................................................................................... 74
Figure 34: Example of a period where the difference is subtle, but the new algorithm
tracks actual power more accurately. This is not a case of mis-applied nameplate ratings –
for the rest of the period, the nameplate appears correct. .......................................................... 75
Figure 35: Example of a period where neither algorithm tracks accurately. Actual
production is very low, indicating a problem with generation. This should trip an alarm.
..................................................................................................................................................................... 76
Figure 36: Graph of error versus cell temperature for current algorithm. This graph can be
a bit misleading since there are so many more points around the 0-50C range (as we
would expect) versus the 50-150 range. It appears that error decreases as temperature
increases. This is not the case as we will see in another figure. However, this figure does
give a sense of the spread of the data points.................................................................................. 78
Figure 37: Graph of error versus cell temperature for new algorithm. The maximum error
values have been significantly reduced with the new formula. This confirms our earlier
findings that there is less error in the new model. Peak error is around 120 instead of
more than 200% error. ........................................................................................................................ 79
Figure 38: (Individual sites) Although the total of all elements shows that the new
formula (red) has less error at every interval of cell temp than the original formula
(black), there is no evidence of dependence of error on cell temp for either algorithm.
This explains somewhat why the contribution of the cell temp did not (generally) have a
meaningful impact on the accuracy of the predicted power equation. ................................... 80
Figure 39: (Averaged across all sites) Although the total of all elements shows that the
new formula (red) has less error at every interval of cell temp than the original formula
(black), there is no evidence of dependence of error on cell temp for either algorithm.
This explains somewhat why the contribution of the cell temp did not (generally) have a
meaningful impact on the accuracy of the predicted power equation. ................................... 81
Figure 40: The number of PLS components included in the model. As the number of
components in the model is increased, the unexplained variance goes down. However, we
can see that the first element is generally the most important, and the rest of the
components do not decrease the unexplained variance by more than a few percent. ........ 83
Installation of solar PV is expanding at a very rapid rate, and its rate of growth
has only been increasing with time as is shown in Figure 1. In 2007, there were 3 GWp
(peak gigawatts of electrical power) of solar installed in the US. In 2011 there were 23.5
GWp installed with a staggering 6.1 GWp installed that year alone (Navigant Energy,
M 15000
p 10000
1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011
Solar has been presented with particular challenges for the return on investment.
although it is getting closer with each day (The Economist, 2012). In the past 8 years
alone, average solar panel efficiency has increased from 12.4% in 2004 to 15.4% in 2011
– a rise of almost 25% (IEEE Spectrum, 2012). Experimental cells in 1980 were typically
obtaining under 15% efficiency (depending on the company), with most being well
under, while experimental cells today are achieving as high as 43.5% efficiency (NREL,
2010). Cost per watt of solar panels has decreased from $286/watt in 1954 (Perlin, 1999)
$3.50 $3.25
$2.75 $2.90
$2.50 $2.65 $2.65
$1.50 $1.37
$1.48 $1.09
2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014
Figure 2: Dramatic decline of solar panel prices (Navigant Energy, 2012). The cost
of solar panels used to be the primary cost for solar installations. Now, it is sitting at
$0.65 per watt, which represents a smaller fraction of the current $4/Wpk installed.
Due to the dramatic increase in efficiency, as well as the even more dramatic decline
in prices, solar panels no longer make up the majority of the cost of a given solar system.
Solar panels require inverters, racking, and labor which bring installed costs to around
$2-3/watt in 2012’s utility-scale solar market. Total residential materials and labor prices
installations are somewhere between these the residential and large utility scale prices.
The US department of energy has created a program, the Sunshot initiative, with the aim
to decrease the cost of installed solar to $1/watt by 2017, and $0.73/watt by 2030
(Kanellos, 2011). We can see from Figure 3 that as the cost decreases, the amount of
capacity that would become economical increases dramatically. At $1/watt, solar power
would become one of the most economical forms of energy with a payback period of less
than 10 years in most areas of the US. Once grid parity is reached, solar subsidies may no
longer be necessary – and this day is approaching quickly. For comparison, a new coal
plant costs about $3/W to build while a Simple Cycle Combustion Turbine (SCCT) gas
plant costs around $1/W to build. However, both of these also require fuel thereby
adding to the cost per MWh, while the “fuel” for PV is free (The Economist, 2012).
Worth noting however is that natural gas and coal plants have high capacity factors –
generally above 0.8. Solar PV installations have capacity factors of roughly 0.2 – though
most of that energy is produced during peak hours when electricity is the most expensive.
Swanson’s law is a similar version of Moore’s law. It suggests that with each
doubling of worldwide production of solar panels, there is a 20% decrease in price per
watt. As solar catches on, solar cells (which are already not the primary cost component
of most solar farms) will continue to decline in price (The Economist, 2012). It would be
reasonable to assume that with larger volume, the inverter, racking, labor, and other
Without ITC
With ITC 1000
$6.00 $5.00 $4.00 $3.00 $2.00 $1.00
$/watt Installed
Figure 3: Chart showing cost of solar vs. economical amount to install. ITC is the
investment tax credit (federal subsidy) (Keiser). It shows that when solar
sense to install them in more places. For example, if solar installations were
expensive, it would only make sense to install them in places where power could not
otherwise be obtained cheaply (such as remote cabins, or other rural areas without
electrical grids). However, as the price declines, it begins to make sense to put them
in many more places – non-south facing roofs, roofs partially shaded, unused land,
US Electrical Energy Generation by
source from Jan-Sep 2012
Coal (37%)
Natural Gas (31%)
Nuclear (19%)
Hydropower (7%)
Wind (3%)
Biomass (1%)
Petroleum (1%)
Geothermal (0.4%)
Solar (0.1%)
Figure 4: Chart showing breakdown of electrical energy coming from each energy
One way to increase the economic viability of solar power is to increase the amount
of power and energy generated per panel. There are a variety of common issues which
can be resolved by system owners. These issues can be identified by analyzing the
production data and other data coming from each site, and comparing these data with past
performance and performance by similar systems. With the rise of monitoring companies,
these data are now more available than ever. As solar power increases its penetration into
the power grid, utilities and system operators will need to be able to reasonably predict
the real-time power output from these sites. As such, it is of critical value for the utility to
have as good of a prediction of power production as possible. This thesis focuses on the
Currently, there are a variety of firms performing monitoring and analyzing the
collected data. Three of the largest players in this field are detailed below along with their
secretive and does not divulge much information to people who are not potential
customers. It is likely that current data analysis has gone far beyond what is detailed in
DECK currently has no patents, nor do they directly do their own data analysis. Clean
Power Research currently does the analysis in a partnership with DECK. Together, they
(#8,165,811) & Computer-Implemented System and Method for Estimating Power Data
Summary: Using the data feeds coming from weather stations, satellite feeds,
other nearby sites, or from any other sources, put together a given ‘clearness index’ vs.
time. The scale of this index goes from 0 (totally obscured) to 1 (totally clear). The model
predicts the amount of power that should be generated, and then this power figure is
multiplied by the cloudiness index to obtain the estimated real-time power. In practice,
even on a cloudy day, the cloudiness index is still greater than 0.5. The primary benefits
• Supporting time resolution of power in real-time, not necessarily with a lag of the
sample time
• Providing real-time current results to power systems operators for their use –
• This sample time lag is a key reason why direct measurements will inherently be
inferior to using a data aggregation method such as the one in this patent. By
predicting the power being generated, one can even look into the future with
the very least, which is very significant for power systems operators.
Although not directly along the same lines as what is covered in this thesis, it goes
along the same lines of trying to use data to predict the power and derive information for
Computer-Implemented System and Method for Efficiently Performing Area-To-Point
Summary: One of Clean Power Research’s major goals is to input various data
streams into their model-building algorithm for solar sites. This requires the processing of
these data streams – but more importantly, the efficient processing of those streams. This
patent covers how to efficiently parse satellite solar irradiance feeds into input for the
algorithm. As such, it is only tangentially relevant to this thesis and will not be covered in
further detail.
Method and Apparatus for Distributed Generator Planning (Lee & Zazueta-Hall, 2010)
Summary: Details software to plan solar power systems. Predicts the power that
they will generate, and from that, estimates the return on investment. Likely is using the
models which are generated from their data analysis work to drive the numbers. Accounts
for a variety of design factors such as orientation, microinverter model, panel model,
etc… This patent is only tangentially relevant to this thesis and will not be covered in
Draker does not have any patents, while Solar Power Technologies has one patent which
2.4 Locus Energy
Locus does their own data analysis and provides it as a software service that they
Summary: Estimate generation from data collected from multiple solar hot water
and solar PV sites. A model of the system can be built to estimate performance. Once this
is built, it’s possible to find deviations from the model that would be due to temporary
issues such as soiling. Then, the performance gain can be estimated from resolving the
issue. Locus can also determine the value of the system and show it to the customer to
reinforce the positive aspects of solar power production. The model includes system
• Expected Sunlight
• Expected Generation
• System Size
• System Technology
• Shading
• Adjustment Factor (to reduce false alarms if the sites’ model is problematic)
With location-based data, the customer can also be notified if their site is
underperforming due to a resolvable issue (such as leaves falling on the array), and if the
problem is flagged, then a technician can be dispatched to fix the problem. Rapidly
addressing problems in this manner results in more energy production per installed power
Locus also points out that such a system is essentially of negligible cost to duplicate
once the framework has been implemented since it is implemented in software on servers.
The alternative would be to use expensive sensors at each site that would likely not
perform as well.
In this patent, Locus picks 40 random sites from a pool of all sites within a given
radius. I have found this to be suboptimal, as not all nearby sites are correlated sites.
coming from solar PV systems and solar hot water systems. They filter and adjust their
predict the output and the value of a solar installation at a given location. Compared with
current methods, they can obtain real-time results that are more accurate, more granular
A specific relevant example of how they can be more detailed is by breaking apart the
solar irradiance value into normal irradiance, ground-reflection and diffuse irradiance.
Solar panels that are oriented horizontally pick up diffuse irradiation far better than solar
panels that are tilted to receive maximum solar exposure for that site. Also, satellite feeds
are particularly prone to ground-reflection, such as when there is snow on the ground. For
example, if a satellite feed is used and it gives a value of ‘800W/m2’, this is far inferior to
the breakdown of 10% ground reflection, 80% normal irradiation and 10% diffuse
They can also use satellite data and other measurement data as additional data points
in their model – so through aggregating all measurements and combining it with their
This particular paper details methods and ideas that are along the same lines as the
ideas presented in this thesis. One major improvement made in this thesis, however, is a
more sophisticated selection algorithm for determining correlated sites used for the alarm
false positive reduction, but which could easily be applied to generate a more correlated
set of sites being used as input to the Locus algorithm. The Locus algorithm accounts for
cases where they are many sites nearby, but is an optimal approach for areas where there
The patent also covers topics that are not relevant to this thesis but are good ideas
nonetheless. Ideas such as automatic site categorization, wind system modeling and usage
in combination with building energy and solar data, identifying correlated components
(such as sunrise, or a potentially infinite list of fields) and profiling of a business based
Verifying customer data input
One of the assumptions which make up the foundation of this thesis is that
customer-provided data can be trusted. Otherwise, the DECK dataset, which contains
perfect, we need to measure the degree of that imperfection and change our analysis
approach if necessary.
provide public data which will further the cause of these installations both inside and
Below is a subset of the fields available in the dataset which are relevant to this thesis:
There is also a month-by-month summary of the generation from each of these sites.
We source the data used in this thesis from the California Solar Statistics website
(California Solar Initiative). In verifying our customer data inputs, we treat the CSI data
as the ‘gold standard.’ We treat errors in the DECK data as legitimate errors.
One of the key problems faced in the data analysis going forward is assuming the
data is reliable. Although we can create algorithms to weed out bad data, there simply is
One field, which is in both the DECK dataset as well as the CSI dataset is the
nameplate rating of the site. This is one of the few pieces of data that we can verify in our
database against a known good source. If we can crosslink the value given to CSI (known
good data since that is how their incentives are calculated) versus the value provided to
us, we can see how reliable customer-provided information really is. The CSI database
also has CECPTC ratings, so both typical ratings are covered. The CECPTC rating is
devised by the California Energy Commission as a more realistic ‘actual’ nameplate. The
It is important to point out that many times, these projects do have licensed
professional engineers who do understand the design they created. However, many times,
the person with whom the monitoring company would contact is a project manager who
3.3 Verification
We look at the data using the following algorithm, expressed here in psuedocode:
To summarize, for each site, we check to see if the nameplate is within 2% of the CSI
standard nameplate. If it is, we put it into the ‘standard nameplate’ bin. Otherwise, if the
nameplate is within 2% of the CSI CECPTC nameplate, we put it into the ‘CECPTC
nameplate’ bin. If it doesn’t meet either of these criteria, we put it into a ‘neither’ bin.
3.4 Results
Below, you can see the results of running our algorithm on the data. The majority
of the data falls into one of the two categories we’ve identified, but a significant 24% do
not fall into either category. Average percent error of those in the ‘Neither’ category:
1Note: DECK is very clear in asking for ‘standard’ DC nameplate information or CECPTC – there is no
ambiguity, so any discrepancy between CSI data and DECK data is either procedural error, or more likely
customer error.
Table 1: Customer error versus various nameplates
Neither 24%
Figure 5: Figure shows how far customer-provided numbers are from the CECPTC
Figure 6: Figure shows how far customer-provided numbers are from the standard
Figure 7: Figure shows the minimum error between the provided nameplate and the
The first thing that we notice from the customer data is that most customers can
customers may not be precise about it. There are about a quarter of customers who either
defines a site. If the customer cannot provide accurate nameplate data, they certainly
If we are to draw conclusions upon the data based on differences of (sometimes) as
little as a percent, then it is critical to identify the users who do not provide reliable data
and eliminate their information from the dataset and/or identify erroneous data and
eliminate it from the dataset. One potential method of doing this is to take site
information only from stamped electrical drawings, and have a qualified party review the
drawings and provide the correct figures. This would at least guarantee a qualified person
with attention to detail would get the correct data from the engineering drawings.
It would not eliminate the possibility of the installation being different from the
drawings, or the drawings being incorrect. However, one would logically assume that at
Use data to find out which sites need most improvement
We seek to investigate the use of data analysis algorithms to determine which sites are
not performing like their similar peers. We can then suggest design changes for both the
We wrote a data cleaning function since the data was noisy. Inverters frequently fail, or
there are communication issues. A ‘bad’ model of inverter can be offline 10% of the
time. In calculating capacity factor for a given site, obviously one should not penalize for
data acquisition during system downtime, or perhaps should not penalize for inverter
downtime either. In Figure 8: Shows a segment of time which has zero power generation,
probably due to a maintenance event or equipment failure., we can see that without a data
cleaning function, the output for several months is not as cyclical and predictable as we
would like. Figure 9 and Figure 10 show additional problems with the data that have to
be ‘cleaned out.’
Figure 8: Shows a segment of time which has zero power generation, probably due
Figure 9: Data error showing peaks of 140-160 percent of nameplate generation
every day (each peak occurs at approximately noon of that day). This site probably
has an incorrect nameplate rating and should be removed from our dataset.
Figure 10: Example of one day at a site with a building energy component which
consumes net power (as shown by the large negative ‘production’ values.
4.2 What data cleaning algorithms are there in place?
We created a cleaning algorithm, the ‘CleanData’ algorithm. The algorithm does the
If the day had more than 130% of nameplate generation, remove day
remove day
If more than 25% of the days were removed, remove this site from the
// Purpose: If the site had so many days removed, it is probably not an
One way in which the data can be useful in a broader sense is identifying
problematic sites. These are sites which generate less power than their neighbors, or less
Sites that have very low capacity factors right next to sites that have very high capacity
factors are obviously sites of interest. These sites might have issues which can be
corrected economically.
We came up with the nameplate rating by pulling the maximum value of the generation
during the full data period. This is a much closer estimate of the nameplate information
After cleaning the data, we then calculate the capacity factor by totaling generation for
every 15 minutes, and averaging it over the year. Then, we plot the results on a lat/long
graph. Refer to Figure 11 below. We have been asked by the company that provided us
with data, DECK Monitoring, to not show this map for concern of their customer’s
privacy. Figure 11 is a fictitious map demonstrating the visual value such a map can
Figure 11: Example of various sites represented by docs whose color corresponds to
their capacity factor. The closer the color is to dark red, the higher the capacity
What we find from the graphical representation of capacity factor is very interesting.
For one thing, there is the obvious dependence of capacity factor on latitude. As we move
from New Jersey to California, we see a general shift from 10-15% capacity factor to 15-
Worth noting is that a difference between 15% and 20% is a difference of 33%
improvement. This has implications for how many panels should be paired per inverter of
a given rating for example. It also means that the ‘bang for the buck’ of solar is far higher
in a sunny area like California than New Jersey. This is particularly important as solar
gets closer to grid parity in the US; we may see unsubsidized solar installations being
built in areas which traditionally do not have large solar industries due to lack of subsidy.
We can see that there are areas of the southwestern US which are optimal for solar
installations, but lack large numbers of solar PV installations.
A key conclusion to draw from this graph is that in a given geographical area, not all
installations are equal. We see numerous sites in California for example where there are
extremely high performing sites directly adjacent to high performing sites (15-20% vs
20+%). Although a 5% difference does not seem huge, it represents a 20% increase in
energy generation for essentially identical site placement. We see the same thing in New
Jersey, albeit with a greater spread. Based on this data, it is entirely possible that there are
some sites in New Jersey that are producing twice the energy of other sites nearby
This case demonstrates the value of this algorithm; a visual tool allows for quick
analysis of multiple sites, revealing information that can be used to improve energy
production. Perhaps in further analysis, we may find that there are some installers that
perform far worse than others – installers who would be open to consulting services to
4.4 Verifying that there are not problems with the data cleaning and algorithm
As a test of the data cleaning algorithm, a built-in plotting function is used. This
plotting function plots valid data points in blue and highlights points slated for removal in
red to show which points are being removed. We can then spot-check some of the graphs
to make sure that the common data problems are indeed being removed correctly, and
Figure 12: A segment of time is shown which has large negative power generation,
probably due CTs facing the wrong direction – a common mistake. This problem
has been shown to be corrected after a few weeks. We want to remove the erroneous
Figure 13: We can see periods of minimal generation for entire days are flagged for
minute data points. This is correct behavior. These long periods of 0 generation
indicate either downtime for the power generation, or downtime for the metering
4.5 What is the extent of the improvement that can be seen at selected sites?
Example 1:
We are going to examine two sites which have similar locations, but one site performs
worse than the other. We are going to try to determine what could be causing this
Let’s take a look at Site 38 and Site 41. They are about a mile apart. See Figure 14 for
Site 38’s power graph and Figure 15 for Site 41’s power graph. We can see something
strange about the graph for Site 38, namely that it does not appear to follow the same
smooth seasonal pattern that Site 41 does. It seems to just stop at an arbitrary level
around ~83% of nameplate capacity. If we overlay the two production graphs, as is done
Figure 14: Site 38’s power over time as a percentage of nameplate. Something seems
strange about this site’s power output; the site has an artificial limit at ~83% or so
unable to produce more power than its nameplate despite the solar cells being
Figure 15: Site 41’s power over time as a percentage of nameplate. We can see here
that the site varies over the course of the year (lower generation in winter, higher
generation in summer). We can also see that it appears to not be artificially limited
in any way. This is exactly the type of power graph that we would expect from a
Figure 16: Overlay of Site 38 and Site 41 production data. Notice how the sites track
each other more or less through the year, but for a good portion of the year, during
In conclusion, we can see that if their site was not limited by an inverter (or other) rating,
their site could produce more power with the same amount of panels and other materials.
This may or may not be desired for the gain that they would receive from those peaks.
Example 2:
This example shows three sites with similar locations, but again with different energy
outputs over time. We will try to determine what can be done to improve these sites.
Let’s take Site 20 as an excellent performing site. Site 21 and 35 are nearby. Table 2
20 20.98%
21 19.32%
35 16.77%
Figure 17: We see a year’s worth of generation at Sites 20, 21 and 35. We can see
immediately that Site 20 outperforms Site 21, and significantly outperforms Site 35.
Notice that during the Winter (low) months, all the sites seem to be producing
similar amounts of power, yet during the summer months, Site 20 outperforms Site
Figure 18: Close-up of Winter production sample week for the three sites. Site 20 is
Figure 19: Close-up of Summer production sample week. Site 20 outperforms both
Site 21 and Site 35 by a large margin. Site 21 also handily outperforms Site 35.
Table 3: Inverter and solar panel information for the sites listed in this section
Technology Engineering
Due to the performance being so different during the Summer vs. the Winter, we propose
a hypothesis that this might be due to differences in how heat affects the panels and/or the
Table 4: Heat characteristics of the panels used:
In this area of the country, the daily high temperatures can swing between Winter to
Summer by about 30°C. However, this is not the only way in which solar panels heat up.
The losses incurred through the PV conversion process are lost as heat – so the actual cell
temperature is generally significantly higher than the ambient air temperatures. During
Winter, not only are ambient temperatures lower, the angle at which the panels are
relative to the sun are such that there are less photons incident upon the panel (which in
turn means less heat losses). As a result, cell temperatures in Summer are generally
The temperature is especially relevant since the performance of a solar cell degrades
as it increases in temperature.
Figure 20: Demonstration of the difference between cell temperature and ambient
temperature vs. irradiance for different types of solar panel constructions (PV
This is not the only effect however. As we can see from Figure 20, the design of the
panels themselves also contributes significantly how hot the cells get relative to the
ambient air temperature. ‘Plexiglas with air gap’ construction has the cells essentially
insulated by an air gap, so they will get hotter than aluminum-finned substrate
construction where the cells can radiate heat via the aluminum heat sink fins connected to
And finally, there is yet another factor that can account for large differences between
the solar panel cell temperature and the ambient temperature. The orientation of the solar
panels can be such that the racking is installed flush with a tilted roof; this will enable the
heat to rise and the air will circulate. If the air circulation is poor, the cell temperature can
rise significantly more. Also, it makes a difference for air circulation if the panels are
installed in a field four feet off the ground, or on a residential roof, less than 6” away
The best way to measure the performance decrease would be to have a cell
temperature sensor mounted to the back of multiple solar panels in the site. However, we
do not have this data for any of these three sites. As such, we can only take an educated
guess as to the magnitude of the difference between the cell temperatures and the ambient
(below which heat degradation does not play an effect), we arrive at the following
Site 20:
Performance degradation:
% (1)
43°C 0.2 8.6%
Expectation based on installation: Installed on a commercial style flat roof with good
Site 21:
80! (3)
@ $" % 28°C 43°C
% (4)
&'(" )*$( 43°C 0.459 °, 19.737%
Expectation based on installation: Installed on a commercial style flat roof with good
spacing on tall racking. The only difference we’d expect to see is the effect of the higher
since the cell temp would only briefly get into the range where derating is even
Conclusion: The actual performance difference during peak heat times of the year are
about 10%. In Winter, there is minimal difference. This is almost exactly in-line with our
expectations of ~11%.
Site 35:
80! (6)
@ $" % 28°C 43°C
Expectation based on installation: Installed on carports. Part of the installation (it looks
like the 30% piece from the picture) faces southwest and the other part is installed facing
southwest. We would therefore expect lower production during summer when there is
more direct sunlight, and not as much of an effect during cloudy days and/or winter when
there is more diffuse light. Also, the racking is installed on a slanted carport with minimal
spacing (less than 6 inches). We would therefore expect there to be more of an effect of
Conclusion: During Winter, we see minimal differences because there is more diffuse
light (so the orientation angle matters less), and the cell temperature does not increase
sufficiently to require derating (so the airflow problems are not as impactful). However,
during Summer, we see not only the effect of the worse cell temperature coefficient, but
the lack of airflow also increases the cell temperature and decreases output by an
additional ~5%. Working the numbers backwards, this means that Site 35’s cell
temperature would have to be 14.5°C above Site 20/21. This seems like a very reasonable
temperature difference. This example demonstrates how the data may be examined to
4.6 What is the dollar amount of an improvement at each site?
Example 1:
Let’s consider two hypothetical adjacent 100kW sites for the purpose of analyzing
revenue and system upgrades. A key note is that we are not factoring in days of extended
downtime, so the sites are not being penalized for this downtime. Obviously, a site with
an inverter down 10% of the time will have a significantly lower capacity factor than a
site with an inverter down 1% of the time. These are the range of typical inverter
downtime values.
The capacity factor of Site 38 is 13.73% while the capacity factor of Site 41 is
14.93%. If we analyze the portion above 83% of nameplate, we can see that this accounts
for 0.39% of the total power for Site 41. If we add this to the Site 38 output, we would
Let’s assume that this site is a 100kW site selling power at 20 cents/KWh. This would
mean that the annual gain in production would be $683, or 3416KWh. If the owner wants
10 year payoff for improvements, this would limit their budget to $6830. This would be
enough to perhaps install an additional small inverter. A 20kW inverter at today’s prices
would cost around $10,000 just for the inverter itself (not counting installation and
possible foundation work), so most likely, it would not be worth the cost to modify the
Looking at this from another perspective, Site 41 has an inverter that, if analyzed in
costs around $10,000, so they may have been able to buy a slightly smaller inverter, and
just accept the loss of power generation during peak hours at peak times of the year. This
may have been the economical choice. Inverters are sized like this in less than 10% of the
sample data. This represents some cost savings which could be incorporated into future
These types of analysis, as well as many other types, are enabled by having a dataset
where the user can easily access the capacity factors and power data of nearby sites.
Example 2:
Site 20 is a star performer with a capacity factor of 20.98%. Its annual revenue is
Site 21 is also a relatively good performer with a 19.32% capacity factor, with an
annual revenue of $33,848. The only thing to say with regards to this site is that if they
had used panels with a lower cell temperature coefficient such as Site 20, they could get
the capacity factor up to those levels. However, after installation, it is obviously too late
Site 35 is not such a great performer with a 16.77% capacity factor, with annual
revenue of $29,381. It’s too late at this point to switch solar panel models, but if the
gained. This has a dollar value of ~$2500 a year. Perhaps a forced air solution could be
We see here the value in having the ability to analyze data from nearby sites, as
well as having a larger dataset to pull from in the background to make suggestions on site
Location-based correlation algorithm for false alarm reduction
There are a variety of solar alarms which are used in industry today. The most
basic idea behind the alarm is that a given customer cannot monitor every site by
themselves. Many customers have dozens of large sites, and they do not have anyone on
staff who’s job description is solely to monitor sites for performance issues. By having
alarms, it saves the customer time that could be better spent doing other tasks. Also, there
are some alarms which are inherently impractical for a customer to do on their own (on-
One of the simplest alarms is the so called ‘performance alarm’ whereby an arbitrary
threshold and time range can be set such that if the site does not produce above that
threshold during that time period, an alarm would be triggered. Figure 21, Figure 22, and
Figure 23 below are examples to illustrate when the alarm would and would not be
Performance Index
Production Data
6:20 8:44 11:08 13:32 15:56 18:20
Figure 21: Normal operation, so no alarms are triggered. The alarm should trigger
whenever the performance drops below the ‘Threshold’ line between the two dotted
lines. In this case, the alarm would never trigger since the Production Data is never
below the ‘Threshold’ line during the time span defined by the two dotted lines.
Production Data
6:20 8:44 11:08 13:32 15:56 18:20
Figure 22: Performance decreased below the threshold during the defined time
period, so the alarm is triggered. In this case, the alarm is triggered because of the
brief excursion that the production data makes into the area beneath the threshold
Production Data
6:20 8:44 11:08 13:32 15:56 18:20
Figure 23: 1) Low production outside of alarm range. Alarm is not triggered (since
it is outside of time range). 2) The performance decrease during the defined time
One of the benefits of this alarm is that it does not require irradiance data in any form.
If for any reason at all, the site drops below the threshold for generation, the alarm will be
triggered. This method is fairly crude. However it is easy to understand and implement.
This alarm has problems for both selectivity and sensitivity. These problems are very
interrelated. The main problem with these types of alarms is that if a cloud rolls in, it can
decrease the output of the site dramatically. Unfortunately, the odds of a single cloud
being over the site at a given time during the day is very high, so this alarm triggers very
5.1 What is the false positive rate of the basic algorithm?
Note that the threshold for performance decrease is 50% of nameplate. This is by no
means an aggressive threshold, and the time range is only 4 hours from 10am to 2pm,
which are peak generation hours (typically). Even with this very lax set of alarm criteria,
we find that at some point during the day on 72% of days across sites, an alarm is
triggered. We find by manually looking through the data that the vast majority of these
alarms are false positives. This is unacceptable for customers, and defeats the entire
purpose of making it unnecessary for customers to look at their site production data on a
daily basis.
Figure 24: Verification (red dots) of alarm trigger points being correct for a given
site. Each point below the threshold between the two alarm bounds triggers an
alarm. These points for which an alarm is triggered are noted with red circles.
Notice that they only occur in the correct alarm area. Points for which the
performance is below the threshold, but not within the time bounds are not counted
as alarm points.
Figure 25: Verification that the alarm does in fact trigger correctly (no triggers
above 50% nameplate). Notice all triggers stop at 50% of nameplate (denoted by the
Our original hypothesis is that the main cause of the intermittent performance
problems is cloud cover. One thing to note about clouds is that they are generally part of
storm fronts of other larger weather patterns. There are not as many sunny days where
there is literally just one small cloud floating in the sky passing above a single solar
array. From this hypothesis, we can deduce that if a given site has a performance
decrease, nearby sites should also have performance decreases.
We first must test to make sure that our hypothesis is actually correct. The following
sites show the correlation in time of several nearby, correlated sites. We can see that on a
sunny day (Figure 26), all sites show good smooth performance. On a cloudy day (Figure
27), we can see that the sites are all correlated as well. On a partially sunny, then partially
cloudy day (Figure 28), we can again see that the sites are all correlated as well.
Figure 26: Performance profile of a given sunny day for nearby sites. They are all
Figure 27: Performance profile of a given overcase day for neaby sites. This is an
example of sites which previously all would have tripped the performance alarm
Figure 28: Performance profile of an intermittently cloudy day for nearby sites. We
see that during the day, when performance does down on one site, the rest more or
From this idea, we can draw a square of a given dimension around the site (we choose a
square, and not a circle due to complexities in calculating circle dimensions in lat/long,
which is actually fairly complicated and unnecessary for our initial proof-of-concept
In order to determine the size of the square that we will draw around the site, we want
to correlate production at various sites. In Figure 29, we pick a given site and correlate
the production data with those of the neighboring sites and plot the correlation coefficient
based on the last 30 days with respect to distance. We do this for every site and plot the
There are three main takeaways from Figure 29:
1. The correlation coefficient goes down as distance from the site increases as
2. The correlation between sites is not determined completely by distance from the
site. There are very close sites which are in the 0.5 correlation range. It is
important to note that not all sites that are nearby are correlated sites. For
example, one site could be at the base of a hill, 2 miles away, and perhaps get
more clouds than the site on the top of the hill. Also, a site could be 10 miles
away, but be on very flat terrain with very uniform weather and be highly
3. Correlation numbers are subjective. A 0.8 number may be very significant for
some fields, and a 0.8 may be very inadequate for other fields. For our
Figure 30: Close-up of Figure 29 showing only sites with correlation coefficients of
From examining Figure 30, we deduce that the square that we should draw is roughly
35 miles by 35 miles. Beyond 35 miles, there are fewer highly-correlated sites. However,
if we draw the square too small, we may find that there are no sites at all within that area
Due to the relative abundance of correlated sites, we decided to set our correlation
coefficient threshold to 0.9; sites with correlation coefficients of less than 0.9 are not
To make sure that we are not throwing out too many sites, we verify whether each site
had at least one correlated site. 73% had at least one correlated match. If the correlation
coefficient minimum was lowered 0.8 (from 0.9), then 90% had at least one correlated
match. It’s very likely that there are a lot of sites out there without sufficient neighbors –
correlated or not.
Out of those sites, find the sites that have correlation coefficients above 0.9
Pair the sites up (associate them with each other in the data structure)
5.3 What is the improvement provided by the location-based correlation addition to the
performance alarm?
Overall, we verified that the current algorithm throws an alarm on 72% of days.
For sites with nearby correlated sites, false positives are down to 12%. For sites without
nearby correlated sites, the results from the new algorithm are identical to those of the old
algorithm. When these sites are factored in, there is at least one false positive on 24% of
days overall.
With a reduction in false alarm rate of 83% for sites with correlated sites nearby, we
find that this alarm goes from a nuisance alarm to a useful alarm. Instead of the alarm
going off every 15 minutes all day for more than two out of three days, it now goes off a
couple times in one day out of two weeks.
5.4 What is one way in which this alarm could be further improved to produce fewer
This description does not tell the whole story. The findings show most sites that are
triggering this alarm are triggering them due to very momentary gaps in production – say
If we apply a smoothing function to the data, let’s say two sample periods, we
could remove these momentary 15 minute lapses in production. A small cloud would be
seen typically by only one site. This would further decrease the false positive rate. The
estimate for the false positive rate would be under 10%, and potentially under 5% based
on what was seen from the data. The tradeoff would be to reduce reaction time to these
incidents from 15 minutes to 30 minutes, but this is not significant compared to the
This transforms the alarm from one that would alarm on more than two out of every
three days, to one that would alarm once every two weeks or less.
Augmented Predicted Power algorithm
A Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) is one type of subsidy program. There are
varying types, but in general the idea is to not give a subsidy per watt installed, but to
instead give a subsidy per watt-hour of energy produced. For many installers who install
PPA systems, their contracts can be tied to the predicted power algorithm if they are not
If the installer is using such a contract and the power that is predicted is higher
than the actual, they could get penalized. However, this is not the typical application of
predicted power and use this information to understand whether or not the site is
performing like it should. For example, if we have a site that, according to the predicted
power algorithm, should be producing 10MW but it is only producing 3MW, we can infer
that there may be a problem with the site. There are a variety of predicted power
(N) Nameplate
N = Nameplate in DC watts. This is the peak power that the site will generate under
standard test conditions (for whichever applicable standard – CEC PTC, PTC, etc…)
Standard method for obtaining: Nameplate is a constant that can be retrieved from the
design drawings.
Flaws: Nameplate data from datasheets are not the nameplate of the actual individual
panels. No two panels are exactly alike. The nameplates should ideally be estimated from
production data. That being said, many panels are guaranteed to be within +/- 5%, and
many panels are “plus-sorted,” meaning they are guaranteed to be within +0 to +5%.
One of the key missing components of this equation are the losses inherent in the
system due to cabling, terminations, inverter losses and other areas. For example, if the
installer uses 120ft of #10 wire, and an inverter with an efficiency rating of 96.3%, then
the total efficiency could be 95%. In practice, if the wire varied from its datasheet
slightly, and the inverter efficiency varied slightly, efficiency could range between 94-
98%. There are other unknowns, such as how much the installer torqued down the
connections, or if part of the wire is in sunlight, which increases its resistance for that
We propose that not only is it very complex to come up with estimated efficiency
ratings, but it is impossible to predict what will actually happen in the field better than
We have meter data, so we can determine the ‘actual nameplate’ measured at the meter.
This will be different than the DC nameplate rating given since we would be accounting
for losses in this method. This method also removed the human error associated with
entering nameplate ratings – some of which we found were very significantly inaccurate
(100+% error).
(I) Irradiance
Standard method for obtaining: Irradiance is a feed which can be taken from one or
multiple weather stations or satellite feeds. We get ours from weather station data.
Flaws: Satellite feeds of irradiance data can have problems. For example, snow on the
ground can reflect sunlight back up and cause erroneous readings at the satellite. Also,
satellite feeds are generally given as one value for a 40km by 40km square (dimensions
of this square vary). As such, it is very possible that on a sunny day with intermittent
clouds, it is very sunny on one side of the square, and completely shaded and raining on
Weather station feeds are far more precise for the area. However, they have their own
problems. Many customers do not install weather stations. The weather stations that are
installed are typically very inaccurate, with up to +/- 20% error. This presents a challenge
as this is one of the key components of the predicted power equation. However, it has
been our experience that the variation in irradiance sensors is not as extreme as the
That being said, we estimate irradiance vs. actual power output in this thesis as well.
T = cell temperature in °C
Standard method for obtaining: Cell temperature is a feed which can be taken from one
Flaws: Where the cell temperature sensor is located is of prime importance. If the
sensor is located at the bottom of a slanted installation, due to airflow, it will have a
lower temperature than the panels at the top of the rack. Also, for a large scale solar
installation spanning multiple acres, the temperature and amount of sunlight at one spot
could be significantly different than the temperature at another location. However, in
general, these sensors are installed in representative locations. The cell temperature
sensors themselves are actually fairly accurate, and are probably one of the most accurate
The combination of these two points means that we will not be concerned with their
constant that can be retrieved from the datasheets of the solar cells.
Flaws: Manufacturer warranties are typically tied to both nameplate and the output’s
dependence on cell temperature not changing more than a certain percentage over time.
As such, the output dependence on cell temp listed in the datasheet is more of a worst-
case coefficient – not a mean of the panels produced. We hypothesize that this means that
the cells may vary significantly – and not vary about the value given by the manufacturer.
We estimate this value from the data instead of taking it from the datasheet. This value
is impossible to obtain through any other means. This also has the benefit of removing
the human error associated with entering this value. There were significant errors
associated with this value, spanning from 1/10th of the value to 10x the value.
correlations as individual units. One of the key problems with estimating the various
Co-linearity is what happens when inputs to the system are correlated with each other
as well as the output. Take Cell Temperature and Irradiance for example. If we make a
model using only a coefficient for cell temperature, we will find that as cell temperature
increases, power output increases as well. We could therefore conclude that we should
One big problem with this assumption is that cell temperature increases as irradiance
matrix to estimate the output with a higher degree of accuracy – taking into effect the co-
The algorithm uses ambient temperature, cell temperature feeds, and irradiance data
feeds to find the coefficient matrix for the regression model. The algorithm uses the
Partial Least Squares (PLS) Regression algorithm, which is built into MATLAB’s
statistics toolbox.
6.1 The proposed predicted power algorithm
Remove sites that have less than 100 data points (Some are very recent)
Remove all datapoints that are zero or below (this removes night generation, which
Fit the data to a multi-variable PLS linear regression model with cell temperature as
the variable.
If the data points are below 0 for the new algorithm, set them to 0. Obviously, less
Compare the MSE of the original model with the MSE of the new model
One critical advantage of the new algorithm is that it does not require any information about the
nameplate of the site. It auto-detects and configures appropriately. This is because it finds the actual peak
power production of the site and sets that to the nameplate. This can be more reliable than relying on
6.2 How accurate is the original predicted power algorithm?
6.3 What is the quality of the fit compared to the current formula?
Table 6: MSE of current vs. new formula. Notice that there is a 35% improvement
on the MSE on average across the sites. This represents a significant improvement
Table 7: Average percent error for current vs. new formula. Notice that there is a
As we can see, there is a dramatic improvement in the MSE, with a typical improvement
of MSE being 35%. There is also a dramatic improvement in the overall percentage
accuracy across the board, with an average of 28%. We conclude that in every case, the
new algorithm decreases the large inaccuracies (much smaller MSE), but it also improves
6.4 Analysis of the error reduction
Below, we examine the two predicted power equations and find the differences
between the two. We expect that the new equation is better than the one currently used
because by definition, the new algorithm reduces the mean squared error of the learning
set to the minimal value. This, combined with our knowledge that the current algorithm
has very high variability in its coefficients, help reassure us that it will be more accurate.
In Figure 31, the ‘Current Predicted Power’ equation (Equation 8) is being used.
The ‘New Predicted Power’ equation is using the algorithm described above. We can see
Figure 31: Both algorithms track the actual power pretty well. Notice how there is a
slight decrease for actual power production on the second and third days. This
could be due to a cloud that floated by that did not shadow the weather station, and
weakness in reliance on weather station data. That being said, this is not a daily
occurrence, and the energy reduction due to these types of events is relatively small.
Figure 32: That the new algorithm tracks the actual power very closely while the
rating. One would expect a large MSE for the current equation, and a much smaller
MSE for the new equation – which is indeed the case (15.8 vs. 4.4).
Figure 33: Even for periods of low generation, the new algorihtm tracks very well.
We can see that there is a period of clouds on two of the days, and the predicted
power algorithm predicts the reduced power output very accurately using the
Figure 34: Example of a period where the difference is subtle, but the new algorithm
tracks actual power more accurately. This is not a case of mis-applied nameplate
ratings – for the rest of the period, the nameplate appears correct.
Figure 35: Example of a period where neither algorithm tracks accurately. Actual
production is very low, indicating a problem with generation. This should trip an
The first part of the error reduction comes from the elimination of human error. As seen
in the sample, in 15% of cases, the coefficient for performance dependence on cell
temperature was very incorrect due to a misplaced decimal point. We did not include the
erroneous coefficients in the anlaysis; we changed them all to their correct values.
The second way in which errors are reduced is by actually estimating the losses in the
system rather than going by a default rating. Some modules are plus sorted, not all wires
are equal in losses, and there are any number of real-world scenarios which are
impossible to predict.
An additional point that we would like to verify is that the correlation between the cell
temperature and the power output has been accounted for. Figure 36 and Figure 37 show
the percentage errors versus the cell temperature for the current as well as the new
Figure 36: Graph of error versus cell temperature for current algorithm. This
graph can be a bit misleading since there are so many more points around the 0-50C
range (as we would expect) versus the 50-150 range. It appears that error decreases
as temperature increases. This is not the case as we will see in another figure.
However, this figure does give a sense of the spread of the data points.
Figure 37: Graph of error versus cell temperature for new algorithm. The
maximum error values have been significantly reduced with the new formula. This
confirms our earlier findings that there is less error in the new model. Peak error is
3 Something that is apparent from both graphs is that there is a spike around 25-30 °C for cell temp. This
means that when the day is beginning, a large period of time is spent in that temperature range.
Unfortunately, it is difficult to see the average error in that range since the area is saturated with color.
Although it is interesting to note that the errors have declined, we wanted to see if the cell
Figure 38: (Individual sites) Although the total of all elements shows that the new
formula (red) has less error at every interval of cell temp than the original formula
algorithm. This explains somewhat why the contribution of the cell temp did not
Figure 39: (Averaged across all sites) Although the total of all elements shows that
the new formula (red) has less error at every interval of cell temp than the original
formula (black), there is no evidence of dependence of error on cell temp for either
algorithm. This explains somewhat why the contribution of the cell temp did not
6.5 Can lower-quality sensors be used, and better predicted power still be obtained if we
Figure 40 shows the percent of variance explained by each of the variables. We can see
clearly that the first PLS component explains the vast majority of the explained quantity.
This first component is irradiance. The second component is cell temperature and the
third component is ambient temperature. The other components help, but do not provide
large decreases in error except for one particular example where the ambient
temperature’s contribution to the algorithm provides a very large decrease in error. What
this means is that if cost is an issue, perhaps having the cell temperature and the ambient
Figure 40: The number of PLS components included in the model. As the number of
However, we can see that the first element is generally the most important, and the
rest of the components do not decrease the unexplained variance by more than a few
If the ambient temperature and cell temperature sensors are removed, most of the
variance can still be explained. This means that the new algorithm, with only a very good
irradiance sensor, could match or exceed the accuracy of the current algorithm with cell
The solar industry appears to be growing larger every day, with a mostly positive future
outlook. With the growing presence of solar monitoring companies, the possibilities exist
Four objectives were outlined in the abstract of this thesis. These objectives have all
Objective one was to verify whether customer-provided data could be trusted. Although
customers cannot always be relied upon to provide accurate data, if procedures are in
place to ensure accurate data streams, it represents a meaningful value to the solar
industry. With the foundation of a good, reliable dataset, we can begin to do meaningful
data analysis.
Objective two was to use solar data to improve sites. Using the techniques that we’ve
outlined in this thesis, we can model sites and benchmark their performance against other
‘real-world’ sites as well as theoretical sites. If their performance lags, then we can
determine which areas of their site most likely are the cause. We can also automatically
assign dollar values to these problems. Using minimal engineering time, specific
solutions can be proposed which maximize the return on investment of the site. At
minimum, identifying these problems can be a bonus for future sites since the engineers
are now aware of real-world examples of how to improve upon their designs.
Objective three was to determine if we could improve existing alarms with solar data.
Using our data analysis, we used a location-based algorihtm for false alarm reduction.
This decreased the number of false positives noticeably. There are other alarms that could
similarly be improved with the use of relevant solar data. Using these types of techniques
would translate to better-maintained sites, operated closer to their true potential. This
would also decrease the manpower required to keep those sites performing optimally.
Objective four was to improve the predicted power equation using solar data available
from other sites. By having a very accurate predicted power equation, we can determine
in real-time when a given site has a problem. We improved the existing equation using an
augmented model of the solar site. Using this automated algorithm, without engineering
intervention, we could determine when it was appropriate to send a field tech out to
investigate the problem. In the future, we may even be able to arm them with the top
In this thesis, we have outlined only four of the ways in which solar data could be used
to improve solar sites. This will help the industry to achieve higher returns for each site,
which will help take the solar industry to the next level.
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Kerrigan, S., Williams, M., & Herzig, M. (2012). Patent No. 0191351. US.
Lee, L., & Zazueta-Hall, I. (2010). Patent No. 12/925705. US.
Navigant Energy. (2012). Solar Going Forward. Retrieved 2013, from IREC USA:
NREL. (2010, 01 01). Retrieved 01 15, 2013, from NREL:
Peleg, A., Herzig, M., & Kerrigan, S. (2010). Patent No. 8190395. US.
Perlin, J. (1999). From Space to Earth (The Story of Solar Electricity). Harvard
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PV Education. (n.d.). Nominal Operating Cell Temperature. Retrieved 01 19, 2013, from
PV Education:
The Economist. (2012, 11 21). Sunny Uplands. Retrieved 01 15, 2013, from The
Appendix: Matlab Code
% ActualNameplateComparison.m
% Find the actual percent generated vs nameplate generation
% ver 1.00 MR
Percentages = zeros(length(Sites),1);
for count = 1:length(Sites)
Percentages(count) = mean(Sites(count).Power)/Sites(count).Nameplate*100;
% AddCurrentPredictedPower.m
% Script to calculate current predicted power
% ver 1.00 MR
%Diagnostic Plots
PlotPower = 0;
PlotPLSComp = 0;
PlotRawCellTemp = 0;
PlotCellTemp = 0;
PlotAverageError = 1;
for count = 1:length(Sites)
Temperature = (Sites(count).Temperature-32)*5/9; %Convert to Celcius
Nameplate = Sites(count).Nameplate;
Irradiance = Sites(count).Irradiance./1000;
Coefficient = Sites(count).Coefficient;
PredictedPower = Nameplate.*Irradiance.*(1-Coefficient.*Temperature);
Sites(count).CurrentPredictedPower = PredictedPower;
% Use Principle Least Squares regression to build model for each site
for count = 1:length(Sites)
% Build relevant input matrices
X = [Sites(count).Irradiance Sites(count).CellTemperature Sites(count).Temperature];
y = Sites(count).Power;
[Xloadings,Yloadings,Xscores,Yscores,betaPLS,PLSPctVar] = plsregress(X,y,3);
NewPredictedPower = [ones(length(X),1) X]*betaPLS;
Indeces = NewPredictedPower < 0;
NewPredictedPower(Indeces) = 0;
Sites(count).NewPredictedPower = NewPredictedPower;
if PlotPower == 1
title(['Current MSE: ' num2str(Sites(count).CurrentMSE) ...
' vs. New MSE:' num2str(Sites(count).NewMSE) ...
' Current % Error:' num2str(Sites(count).CurrentPercentError) ...
' vs. New % Error:' num2str(Sites(count).NewPercentError)]);
hold on
plot(1:length(Sites(count).NewPredictedPower) ,Sites(count).NewPredictedPower ,'r');
plot(1:length(Sites(count).Power) ,Sites(count).Power ,'b');
axis tight
xlabel('Sample #')
ylabel('Power as Percent of Nameplate')
if PlotPLSComp == 1
hold on
xlim([1 3]);
ylim([0 20]);
xlabel('Number of PLS Components');
ylabel('Percent Variance Unexplained in Y');
clear X
clear y
clear yfitPLS
clear Indeces
clear NewPredictedPower
for count = 1:length(Sites)
PredPower = Sites(count).NewPredictedPower;
Power = Sites(count).Power;
PctErr = abs(PredPower-Power);
PredPower = Sites(count).CurrentPredictedPower;
Power = Sites(count).Power;
PctErr = 100*abs(PredPower-Power)/Sites(count).Nameplate;
%Calculate Bins
Increment = 10;
counter = 0;
for bins = 10:Increment:170
counter = counter + 1;
Indeces = INTERSECT((Sites(count).CellTemperature < bins+Increment/2), ...
(Sites(count).CellTemperature > bins-Increment/2));
CellTemp(counter) = bins;
if sum(Indeces) == 0
Error(counter) = NaN;
Error(counter) = PctErr(Indeces);
TotalError = TotalError + Error;
if PlotCellTemp == 1
%Plot errors vs cell temp
hold on
xlabel('Cell Temp')
ylabel('Percent Error')
xlim([20 170]);
ylim([0 100]);
clear Error
if PlotAverageError == 1
% Plot the average error of the current algorithm
hold on
xlabel('Cell Temp')
ylabel('Percent Error')
xlim([20 170]);
ylim([0 100]);
clear CellTemp
clear TotalError
TotalError = 0;
% figure
for count = 1:length(Sites)
PredPower = Sites(count).NewPredictedPower;
Power = Sites(count).Power;
PctErr = 100*abs(PredPower-Power)/Sites(count).Nameplate;
%Calculate Bins
Increment = 10;
counter = 0;
for bins = 10:Increment:170
counter = counter + 1;
Indeces = INTERSECT((Sites(count).CellTemperature < bins+Increment/2), ...
(Sites(count).CellTemperature > bins-Increment/2));
CellTemp(counter) = bins;
if sum(Indeces) == 0
Error(counter) = NaN;
Error(counter) = PctErr(Indeces);
TotalError = TotalError + Error;
if PlotCellTemp == 1
%Plot errors vs cell temp
hold on
xlabel('Cell Temp')
ylabel('Percent Error')
xlim([20 170]);
ylim([0 100]);
clear Error
if PlotAverageError == 1
% Plot the average error of the new algorithm
hold on
xlabel('Cell Temp')
ylabel('Percent Error')
xlim([20 170]);
ylim([0 100]);
title('Error vs. Cell Temp')
legend('Current Error','New Error')
clear CellTemp
clear TotalError
% rev.m
% Code taken from MATLAB Central
[revrows revcols] = size(reversed);
if revrows ~= rows
reversed = reversed';
% SetNearbySites.m
% ver 2.00 MR
% GetNearbySites.m
% ver 1.00 MR
% CompareSites.m
% ver 1.00 MR
[Times,I1,I2] = intersect(Site1.Timenum,Site2.Timenum);
% Get the associated power numbers for those times that are shared
previous1 = 1; % Make the search faster by not searching entries twice
previous2 = 1;
Power1 = Site1.Power(I1);
Power2 = Site2.Power(I2);
% CleanData.m
% Removes extended periods (more than 1 day) of zero generation
% Removes days with spikes above 130% nameplate generation. These are most
% likely errors
% ver 1.00 MR
ProgressBar = waitbar(0,'Cleaning Data'); tic
numsites = length(Sites);
RemoveSite = zeros(length(Sites),1);
plotresults = false;
UniqueDays = unique(DayTimestamps);
ValidDay = ones(length(UniqueDays),1);
for count = length(UniqueDays):-1:1
Indeces = find(DayTimestamps == UniqueDays(count));
% For each day, check if there was zero generation
if sum(Power(Indeces))/Sites(sitenum).Nameplate < 0.01
ValidDay(count) = 0;
if plotresults
hold on
% For each day, check if there was higher than rated generation
elseif max(Power(Indeces))/Sites(sitenum).Nameplate > 1.3
ValidDay(count) = 0;
if plotresults
hold on
elseif min(Power(Indeces))/Sites(sitenum).Nameplate < -0.1
ValidDay(count) = 0;
if plotresults
hold on
ValidDay(count) = 1;
if plotresults
hold on
% Remove day's data points if generation is invalid
if ValidDay(count) == 0
Sites(sitenum).Timestamps(Indeces) = [];
Sites(sitenum).Timestrings(Indeces) = [];
Sites(sitenum).Timenum(Indeces) = [];
Sites(sitenum).Power(Indeces) = [];
% If more than 25% of the days were removed, then the site should be
% removed from the dataset
if mean(ValidDay) < 0.75
disp(['Percent Valid:' num2str(mean(ValidDay))]);
RemoveSite(sitenum) = 1;
elseif length(Sites(sitenum).Power) < 3000
RemoveSite(sitenum) = 1;
% For this dataset, remove all values which haven't reported since May
% 1st 2012. Going forward, this will not be this arbitrary date. It would
% probably be something pretty close to the actual date.
elseif max(Sites(sitenum).Timenum) < 201205010000
RemoveSite(sitenum) = 1;
if plotresults
% Format Axes
axis tight
xData = linspace(min(UniqueDays),max(UniqueDays),length(UniqueDays));
ylabel('Average Power Generation')
waitbar(sitenum/length(Sites),ProgressBar,[num2str(sitenum) ' out of ' num2str(length(Sites))]);
clear Indeces
clear Power
clear Timestamps
clear plotresults
clear ValidDay
clear RemoveSite
clear numsites
clear count
clear sitenum
clear DayTimestamps
clear UniqueDays
close(ProgressBar); toc
% PlotNearby.m
% ver 1.00 MR
function PlotNearby(Sites,sitenum)
% Plots the nearby site's locations. This is useful during debugging.
Nearby = Sites(sitenum).Nearby;
hold on
for count = 1:length(Nearby)
% TraditionalDECKAlarms.m
% ver 1.00 MR
if strcmp(option,'DECK')
ProgressBar = waitbar(0,'Running Standard DECK Analysis');
for count = 1:length(Sites)
[AlarmTimes,TotalDays] = TimeGenerationAlarm(Sites(count));
Sites(count).AlarmTimes = AlarmTimes;
Sites(count).TotalDays = TotalDays;
waitbar(count/length(Sites),ProgressBar,[num2str(count) ' out of ' num2str(length(Sites))]);
elseif strcmp(option,'MCR')
ProgressBar = waitbar(0,'Running Upgraded DECK Analysis');
for count = 1:length(Sites)
[AlarmTimes,TotalDays] = TimeGenerationAlarm(Sites(count));
Sites(count).AlarmTimes = AlarmTimes;
Sites(count).TotalDays = TotalDays;
waitbar(count/length(Sites),ProgressBar,[num2str(count) ' out of ' num2str(length(Sites))]);
disp('Invalid option selected');
% TimeGenerationAlarm.m
% ver 1.00 MR
function [AlarmDays,AlarmIndex,TotalDays] = TimeGenerationAlarm(Site)
% Site: Input structure for a given site
% AlarmDays: Days that the alarm goes off
% TotalDays: Total number of days in the dataset
% AlarmIndex: Indeces when the alarms are being set off
Times = Site.Timenum;
Power = Site.Power;
plotresults = false;
if plotresults
% Plot Alarm Points
hold on; plot(Site.Timestamps(AlarmIndex),Power(AlarmIndex)./Site.Nameplate*100,'ro','Linewidth',1);
% [Indeces] = union(find(Times == 1400),find(Times == 1000));
% for count = 1:length(Indeces)
% plot([Site.Timestamps(Indeces(count)) Site.Timestamps(Indeces(count))],[0 100],'r','LineWidth',2);
% end
plot([Site.Timestamps(1) Site.Timestamps(end)],[50 50],'r','LineWidth',1);
ylim([-10 100]);
ylabel('Generation as Percent of Nameplate');
set(gca, 'XTick', []);
axis tight
TotalDays = length(unique(Dates));
Dates = Dates(AlarmIndex);
[AlarmDays,Rows] = unique(Dates);
% RangeTimeAlarm.m
% ver 3.05 MR
% Find points where the site is generating 20% of nameplate less than
% its peers and flag that as an actual alarm.
% If the power is above its neighbors, then that's not really a problem
% and even though it's below the alarm threshold, it should not trigger
% an alarm.
Indeces1 = find(AlarmPower < NormScores - 0.2);
Indeces2 = find(NormScores == 0);
ReducedAlarmTimes = AlarmTimes(union(Indeces1,Indeces2));
% PlotPredictedPower.m
% ver 1.00 MR
function PlotPredictedPower(Site)
% Plots an individual site's current and new predicted power algorithm
% results
hold on
legend('Actual Power','New Predicted Power','Current Predicted Power');
title(['Current MSE: ' num2str(Site.CurrentMSE) ' vs. New MSE: ' num2str(Site.NewMSE)]);
set(gca, 'XTick', []);
xlabel('Time (0 generation times not shown)')
ylabel('Generation as Percent of Nameplate')
ylim([0 100]);
% PlotNearbyGeneration.m
% ver 1.00 MR
if length(NearbySites)>1
if length(NearbySites)>2
if length(NearbySites)>3
if length(NearbySites)>4
if length(NearbySites)>5
ylim([0 100]);
ylabel('Generation as Percent of Nameplate');
set(gca, 'XTick', []);
% PlotErrorVsCellTemp.m
% ver 1.00 MR
function PlotErrorVsCellTemp(Sites)
%Plots error vs cell temp for either the old or the new algorithms for
%predicted power
title('Error for New Predicted Power Algorithm vs. Actual')
xlim([0 150]);
ylim([0 200]);
xlabel('Cell Temperature in C')
ylabel('Percent Error')
% PlotAvgPowerByLocation.m
% ver 1.00 MR
% Plot generation by lat/long location
% PerMonthAnalysisBarGraph.m
% ver 1.00 MR
% Find average power per month
ProgressBar = waitbar(0,'Running Per Month Analysis'); tic
clear Bins
% Gather data into Bin structure
% The data structure will look like this:
% Bins.Valid - Is this site a valid site?
% Bins.Power() - Cumulative Power generated from the data normalized by nameplate
% Bins.Timestamps() - Unique Timestamps in the dataset
% Fix the row/column being swapped issue. Not sure why this happens.
[row col] = size(Bins(sitenum).Power);
if col > 1
Bins(sitenum).Power = Bins(sitenum).Power';
%Format Axes
axis tight
ylim([0 50])
xData = linspace(datenum('01','mm')+2,datenum('12','mm')+2,12);
ylabel('Average % of Nameplate Generation')
% Format Axes
% I have to add 2 so that it spaces these out correctly. Otherwise, it goes
% Jan 1, Jan 31, March 1, etc... when it should be Feb on the second month.
xData = linspace(datenum('01','mm')+2,datenum('12','mm')+2,12);
ylabel('Average % of Nameplate Generation')
ylim([0 50])
close(ProgressBar); toc
% PerMonthAnalysis.m
% ver 1.00 MR
% Find average power per month
TempSites = Sites;
TempSites(78) = [];
TempSites(20) = [];
Timestamps = datenum(datestr(TempSites(sitenum).Timestamps,'mm'),'mm');
Power = zeros(length(TempSites(sitenum).Power),1);
Power = TempSites(sitenum).Power/TempSites(sitenum).Nameplate;
UniqueTimestamps = unique(Timestamps);
AveragePower = zeros(length(UniqueTimestamps),1);
% PerDayAnalysis.m
% ver 1.00 MR
% Find the amount of power generated per day
TempSites = Sites;
TempSites(78) = [];
TempSites(20) = [];
Power = zeros(length(TempSites(sitenum).Power),1);
Power = TempSites(sitenum).Power/TempSites(sitenum).Nameplate;
UniqueTimestamps = unique(Timestamps);
AveragePower = zeros(length(UniqueTimestamps),1);
% CompareCSINameplateToDECK.m
% ver 1.00 MR
% Compare CSI Nameplate to DECK Nameplate
hold on
for count = 1:length(Sites)
disp([num2str(Sites(count).Nameplate) ' ' num2str(Sites(count).CSINameplate) ' '
num2str(Sites(count).CECPTC) ' ' num2str(ErrorPercent(count))]);
if Sites(count).CSINameplate * 0.95 < Sites(count).Nameplate && Sites(count).Nameplate <
Sites(count).CSINameplate * 1.05
ErrorPercent(count) = 100*(Sites(count).Nameplate-
elseif Sites(count).CECPTC * 0.95 < Sites(count).Nameplate && Sites(count).Nameplate <
Sites(count).CECPTC * 1.05
ErrorPercent(count) = 100*(Sites(count).Nameplate-
ErrorPercent(count) = 100*(Sites(count).Nameplate-
ylabel('CSI Nameplate');
xlabel('DECK Nameplate');
title('Nameplate customer provided to DECK vs. CSI');
hold on
% RemoveIncorrectNameplates.m
% ver 1.00 MR
CSISites = Sites;
CSISites(~SiteIndeces) = [];
NameplateError = zeros(length(CSISites),1);
CECPTCError = zeros(length(CSISites),1);
TotalError = zeros(length(CSISites),1);
VerifiedIndeces = zeros(length(CSISites),1);
VerifiedSites = CSISites(~~VerifiedIndeces);
hold on; plot(Sites(21).Timestamps-734500,Sites(21).Power/Sites(21).Nameplate*100,'r')
hold on; plot(Sites(35).Timestamps-734500,Sites(35).Power/Sites(35).Nameplate*100,'k')
% NameplateCSIVerification.m
% ver 1.00 MR
% ImportSolarData.m
% ver 1.00 MR
% ImportRawData.m
% ver 1.00 MR
RootDir = ['D:\Research\2012_06_12_DataDump\'];
%RootDir = ['D:\Research\2012_05_10_DataDump\'];
% Remove any sites with less than 5760 points (60 days) or less than 1kW
% DC Nameplate rating
TempRemovalSites = [];
for count = 1:length(Sites)
if Sites(count).NumPoints < 5760 || Sites(count).Nameplate < 1
TempRemovalSites = [count TempRemovalSites];
%elseif strcmp(Sites(count).CSI_ID,'NA') % Comment this out if you need all data
% TempRemovalSites = [count TempRemovalSites];
Sites(TempRemovalSites) = [];
clear Temp
clear TempRemovalSites
clear sitenum
clear count
clear device_contents
clear RootDir
clear Temp
% ImportPredictedPowerData.m
% ver 3.00 MR
clear WeatherTimes
if length(Temp{2}) > 1
for count2=2:length(Temp{1})
WeatherTimes(count2-1) = datenum(Temp{1}{count2},'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM');
Sites(count).Irradiance = zeros(length(Temp{2})-1,1);
Sites(count).CellTemperature = zeros(length(Temp{3})-1,1);
Sites(count).Temperature = zeros(length(Temp{4})-1,1);
Sites(count).CellTemperature2 = zeros(length(Temp{5})-1,1);
if strcmp(Temp{2}(2),'""')==1 || strcmp(Temp{3}(2),'""')==1 || strcmp(Temp{4}(2),'""')==1
MarkedForDeletion = [MarkedForDeletion count];
for count2=2:length(Sites(count).Irradiance)
if strcmp(Temp{2}{count2},'""')==0
Sites(count).Irradiance(count2-1) = str2num(Temp{2}{count2});
MarkedForDeletion = [MarkedForDeletion count];
for count2=2:length(Sites(count).CellTemperature)
if strcmp(Temp{3}{count2},'""')==0
Sites(count).CellTemperature(count2-1) = str2num(Temp{3}{count2});
MarkedForDeletion = [MarkedForDeletion count];
for count2=2:length(Sites(count).Temperature)
if strcmp(Temp{4}(count2),'""')==0
Sites(count).Temperature(count2-1) = str2num(Temp{4}{count2});
MarkedForDeletion = [MarkedForDeletion count];
% If there's no second cell temp, that's fine
for count2=2:length(Sites(count).CellTemperature2)
if strcmp(Temp{5}(2),'""')~=1
Sites(count).CellTemperature2(count2-1) = str2num(Temp{5}{count2});
WeatherTimes = [];
MarkedForDeletion = [MarkedForDeletion count];
waitbar(count/length(Sites),ProgressBar,[num2str(count) ' out of ' num2str(length(Sites))]);
clear TempData
clear Temp
Sites(count).Timestamps = Sites(count).Timestamps(IA);
Sites(count).Timestrings = Sites(count).Timestrings(IA);
Sites(count).Timenum = Sites(count).Timenum(IA);
Sites(count).Power = Sites(count).Power(IA);
Sites(count).Irradiance = Sites(count).Irradiance(IB);
Sites(count).CellTemperature = Sites(count).CellTemperature(IB);
Sites(count).CellTemperature2 = Sites(count).CellTemperature2(IB);
Sites(count).Temperature = Sites(count).Temperature(IB);
Sites(MarkedForDeletion) = [];
clear Temp
clear TempRemovalSites
clear sitenum
clear count
clear device_contents
clear RootDir
clear Temp
% ImportCSISiteInfo.m
% ver 1.00 MR
CSI_Data(count).CECPTC = str2num(CSI_Data_Raw{10}{count});
CSI_Data(count).DesignFactor = str2num(CSI_Data_Raw{11}{count});
CSI_Data(count).CSIRating = str2num(CSI_Data_Raw{12}{count});
CSI_Data(count).ApplicationStatus = CSI_Data_Raw{13}{count};
CSI_Data(count).Contractor = CSI_Data_Raw{45}{count};
CSI_Data(count).Seller = CSI_Data_Raw{47}{count};
CSI_Data(count).ThirdParty = CSI_Data_Raw{48}{count};
CSI_Data(count).InstalledStatus = CSI_Data_Raw{100}{count};
CSI_Data(count).PBI = CSI_Data_Raw{101}{count};
CSI_Data(count).MonitoringProvider= CSI_Data_Raw{102}{count};
CSI_Data(count).PDPProvider = CSI_Data_Raw{103}{count};
CSI_Data(count).Inverters(2).Number = CSI_Data_Raw{91}{count};
if ~isempty(CSI_Data_Raw{72}{count})
CSI_Data(count).Inverters(3).Manufacturer = CSI_Data_Raw{72}{count};
CSI_Data(count).Inverters(3).Model = CSI_Data_Raw{82}{count};
CSI_Data(count).Inverters(3).Number = CSI_Data_Raw{92}{count};
if ~isempty(CSI_Data_Raw{73}{count})
CSI_Data(count).Inverters(4).Manufacturer = CSI_Data_Raw{73}{count};
CSI_Data(count).Inverters(4).Model = CSI_Data_Raw{83}{count};
CSI_Data(count).Inverters(4).Number = CSI_Data_Raw{93}{count};
if ~isempty(CSI_Data_Raw{74}{count})
CSI_Data(count).Inverters(5).Manufacturer = CSI_Data_Raw{74}{count};
CSI_Data(count).Inverters(5).Model = CSI_Data_Raw{84}{count};
CSI_Data(count).Inverters(5).Number = CSI_Data_Raw{94}{count};
if ~isempty(CSI_Data_Raw{75}{count})
CSI_Data(count).Inverters(6).Manufacturer = CSI_Data_Raw{75}{count};
CSI_Data(count).Inverters(6).Model = CSI_Data_Raw{85}{count};
CSI_Data(count).Inverters(6).Number = CSI_Data_Raw{95}{count};
if ~isempty(CSI_Data_Raw{76}{count})
CSI_Data(count).Inverters(7).Manufacturer = CSI_Data_Raw{76}{count};
CSI_Data(count).Inverters(7).Model = CSI_Data_Raw{86}{count};
CSI_Data(count).Inverters(7).Number = CSI_Data_Raw{96}{count};
if ~isempty(CSI_Data_Raw{77}{count})
CSI_Data(count).Inverters(8).Manufacturer = CSI_Data_Raw{77}{count};
CSI_Data(count).Inverters(8).Model = CSI_Data_Raw{87}{count};
CSI_Data(count).Inverters(8).Number = CSI_Data_Raw{97}{count};
if ~isempty(CSI_Data_Raw{78}{count})
CSI_Data(count).Inverters(9).Manufacturer = CSI_Data_Raw{78}{count};
CSI_Data(count).Inverters(9).Model = CSI_Data_Raw{88}{count};
CSI_Data(count).Inverters(9).Number = CSI_Data_Raw{98}{count};
if ~isempty(CSI_Data_Raw{79}{count})
CSI_Data(count).Inverters(10).Manufacturer = CSI_Data_Raw{79}{count};
CSI_Data(count).Inverters(10).Model = CSI_Data_Raw{89}{count};
CSI_Data(count).Inverters(10).Number = CSI_Data_Raw{99}{count};
if mod(count,1000)==0
waitbar(count/length(CSI_Data_Raw{1}),ProgressBar,[num2str(count) ' out of '
clear CSI_Data_Raw
% Add CSI Data to the Sites variable so that now the data is
% cross-referenced between CSI and DECK
for SiteCount = 1:length(Sites)
found = 0;
% Find the site in the CSI Data
for CSICount = 1:length(CSI_Data)
if strcmp(CSI_Data(CSICount).CSI_Number,Sites(SiteCount).CSI_ID)
found = 1;
Sites(SiteCount).Inverters = CSI_Data(CSICount).Inverters;
Sites(SiteCount).Panels = CSI_Data(CSICount).Panels;
Sites(SiteCount).ProgramAdmin = CSI_Data(CSICount).ProgramAdmin;
Sites(SiteCount).Program = CSI_Data(CSICount).Program;
Sites(SiteCount).IncentiveDesign = CSI_Data(CSICount).IncentiveDesign;
Sites(SiteCount).IncentiveType = CSI_Data(CSICount).IncentiveType;
Sites(SiteCount).IncentiveStep = CSI_Data(CSICount).IncentiveStep;
Sites(SiteCount).IncentiveAmount = CSI_Data(CSICount).IncentiveAmount;
Sites(SiteCount).TotalCost = CSI_Data(CSICount).TotalCost;
Sites(SiteCount).CSINameplate = CSI_Data(CSICount).Nameplate;
Sites(SiteCount).CECPTC = CSI_Data(CSICount).CECPTC;
Sites(SiteCount).DesignFactor = CSI_Data(CSICount).DesignFactor;
Sites(SiteCount).CSIRating = CSI_Data(CSICount).CSIRating;
Sites(SiteCount).ApplicationStatus = CSI_Data(CSICount).ApplicationStatus;
Sites(SiteCount).Contractor = CSI_Data(CSICount).Contractor;
Sites(SiteCount).Seller = CSI_Data(CSICount).Seller;
Sites(SiteCount).ThirdParty = CSI_Data(CSICount).ThirdParty;
Sites(SiteCount).InstalledStatus = CSI_Data(CSICount).InstalledStatus;
Sites(SiteCount).PBI = CSI_Data(CSICount).PBI;
Sites(SiteCount).MonitoringProvider = CSI_Data(CSICount).MonitoringProvider;
Sites(SiteCount).PDPProvider = CSI_Data(CSICount).PDPProvider;
if found == 0
disp([Sites(SiteCount).CSI_ID ' ' Sites(SiteCount).Name]);
% ImportCSIData.m
% ver 1.00 MR
% AddFields.m
% ver 1.00 MR
% Add fields to the data so that they do not have to be calculated later
% Specifically, add:
% Average percent generation per day
for count = 1:length(Sites)
Sites(count).AvgPower = mean(Sites(count).Power)/Sites(count).Nameplate;
X = sort(Sites(count).Power,'descend');
Sites(count).CalcNameplate = median(X(1:ceil(length(X)*.001)));