The document discusses social inequality, including defining it as an unequal distribution of resources and opportunities along social categories. It provides examples of social inequalities in the Philippines related to wealth disparities between rich and poor regions. The document also outlines some government programs aimed at addressing social inequalities in areas like infrastructure and social services.
The document discusses social inequality, including defining it as an unequal distribution of resources and opportunities along social categories. It provides examples of social inequalities in the Philippines related to wealth disparities between rich and poor regions. The document also outlines some government programs aimed at addressing social inequalities in areas like infrastructure and social services.
The document discusses social inequality, including defining it as an unequal distribution of resources and opportunities along social categories. It provides examples of social inequalities in the Philippines related to wealth disparities between rich and poor regions. The document also outlines some government programs aimed at addressing social inequalities in areas like infrastructure and social services.
The document discusses social inequality, including defining it as an unequal distribution of resources and opportunities along social categories. It provides examples of social inequalities in the Philippines related to wealth disparities between rich and poor regions. The document also outlines some government programs aimed at addressing social inequalities in areas like infrastructure and social services.
BY ARLENE B. VALMORIA,RGC,PhD MT-1/Ratee NORMA B. DELIMA,PhD School Principal -1//Rater Class Observation 2 SY- 2023-2024 REVIEW: 1. Can you share your insights about our previous topic? 2. In your reflection after our previous lesson, what is your realization? LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 1. define social inequality and social inequalities prevalent in the society. 2. appreciate the programs and initiatives of the government in addressing inequalities. 3. create a semantic web that illustrates how to eliminate social inequality and help improve society. EQUALITY ▪ making sure that everyone has an equal opportunity to make the most of the desires in life. ▪ the right of every individual to equal treatment and opportunities, regardless of factors like gender, race and social position. ▪ the belief that no one should have poorer life chances because of the way they were born, where that came from, what they believe or whether they have a disability. SOCIAL INEQUALITY ▪occurs when resources in each society are distributed unevenly, typically through norms of allocation, that engender specific patterns along lines of socially defined categories of persons ▪ the state of unequal distribution of valued goods and opportunities. SOCIAL INEQUALITY ▪ a state of social affairs in which there is difference in opportunity, status and treatment among the member of a given society. ▪the unequal opportunities of individuals based on their social class or status. ▪. It contains structured and recurrent patterns of unequal distributions of goods, wealth, opportunities, rewards, and punishments ▪ In the Philippines, for instance, the gap between rich and poor regions widens even more. To address this, the National Economic and Development Authority calls for higher spending on infrastructure and social services. ▪ The richest among all regions is the National Capital Region (NCR), where the Gross Regional Domectic Product (GRDP) per capita as of 2018 stood at P253,893, a 40% jump from the P181,748 in 2009. ▪ The poorest is the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), with its GRDP per capita barely improving from P14,052 in 2009 to P14,657 in 2018. GOVERNMENT INITIATED PROGRAMS GOVERNMENT INITIATED PROGRAMS MY UCSP AUTO BIOGRAPHY 1. Cite at least two events from your life that you experienced social inequality. Describe how these occurred. 2. From these experienced, take time to analyze these experiences and how does each event tell in relation to poverty, wealth, inequality, or privilege. 3. Reflect on what you have learned from examining this insights. 4. Suggest solutions to the experience you shared and how it can be avoided. 5. Is there something that the government can do to help you with the problems you and your classmates facing at the present? EVALUATION/ASSESSMENT In the context of your own background, experiences or observations and religion in the society you belong, create a sematic web on the different ways to eliminate social inequality. Describe how ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES ASSIGNMENT FOR APPLICATION OR REMEDIATION
Evaluating my Current Progress
Direction: Formulate and suggest an advocacy programs that would address social inequalities in the following situations. a. gender inequality in the workplace b. inequality in healthcare c. inequality in education Title of suggested advocacy program: _______ Beneficiaries: ______________ Program Description: _________________