A Message in A Bottle

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The message in the bottle

Walking down the beach was one of my favourite things to do, since we live
in a busy city full of bustle and noise, it is nice to take some time and slow
down occasionally. That’s why I go down to the beach every summer, to
cool down and relax.

It was fun to walk on the sand for seemingly endless hours, as well as
playing and splashing water on my friends. I also enjoyed building
sandcastles and eating ice-cream. Going to the beach is so fun!

It was after a scrumptious lunch, and my friends and I were strolling along
the beach. The sun was starting to set and there was no one there except
us, and the seagulls.

We looked down into the shallow water, trying to see if there were any
shells she could take back to home, or any interesting crabs to be spotted.
We were admiring a particularly large crab when something was drifting
rather slowly towards the shoreline. It looked like something transparent.
And made of glass.

Deciding to ditch the crab, we ran out towards the glass. Something told us
that this was going to be way cooler than a giant crab or a cool looking

We were just about to go searching in the ocean for the bottle, when
something washed up at my feet. I felt overjoyed when she realized it was
the glass from earlier. However, it wasn’t just a big piece of glass. It was a
bottle that had a piece of paper in it.

I had always dreamed of finding a message in a bottle, and quickly picked it

up before the waves could wash it away again. I didn’t want to risk dropping
whatever was in the bottle into the ocean, so we ran away from the ocean,
and settled in a drier spot before opening it.

I carefully set the bottle on the table on the sand, eager to examine it as
fast as I could, while maintaining caution.

The sun had tinted the glass a light purple and the cork was dark brown.
Other than that, the bottle was very plain, and obviously old.

The cork was stuck, so we took the help of an adult to remove it. After
carefully removing it, I tipped the bottle upside-down to get the piece of
paper out.
The paper said, “Hello from 1963! In case you find this, call this number
(+551 550 978) and let’s be friends!”

It was extremely exciting for my friends and I to discover this message, and
no sooner we read this, we rushed to find a phone to call the number. To
no surprise, the phone number had been disconnected due to how old the
number was.

As soon as the excitement from reading the message and finding the bottle
wore out, we realized it was rather late, and rushed to our beach cabin. We
all changed out of our wet clothes and started eating dinner.

Throughout dinner, we discussed how old the letter must be, and what life
was like for people back then. It was very interesting and exciting to find a
message in a bottle, and it would be amazing to explore more of the ocean
with my friends and find more messages in bottles!

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