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Comparison of surgical techniques and results for

emergency or elective femoral hernia repair
Enver Kunduz, M.D.,1 İsmail Cem Sormaz, M.D.,2 Yunus Yapalak, M.D.,1
Hüseyin Kazım Bektaşoğlu, M.D.,1 Ali Fuat Kaan Gök, M.D.2

Department of General Surgery, Bezmialem University Faculty of Medicine, İstanbul-Turkey
Department of General Surgery, İstanbul University Faculty of Medicine, İstanbul-Turkey

BACKGROUND: Inguinal hernia affects 3–8% of the population. Femoral hernias are only a small number of groin hernias; however,
femoral hernias are very important because these operations are generally emergency procedures, and bowel resections are frequently
necessary. This study aims to compare surgical outcomes of patients with femoral hernias using different techniques under emergency
or elective conditions.
METHODS: Between April 2013 and November 2017, 52 patients with femoral hernias were admitted to the emergency department
of the General Surgery Clinics at two university hospitals in Istanbul. The medical files of all the patients who underwent surgery with
a diagnosis of a femoral hernia were retrospectively evaluated. The demographic data, hernia side information, sac contents, surgical
technique, length of hospital stay, recurrence according to the last outpatient clinic and complications were retrospectively analyzed.
RESULTS: The sex distribution of the cases was as follows: 88.5% (n=46) of the patients were female, and 11.5% (n=6) were male.
The mean age was 62.9±16.49 years (31–91 years). There were no significant differences between the two groups, according to the
hernia side (p=0.282). Thirteen of the elective cases (52%) were operated using open techniques, and 12 cases (48%) were operated
using laparoscopic techniques.
CONCLUSION: For the comparison of surgical techniques and outcomes, prospective randomized studies should be designed to
standardize broad-based surgical techniques.
Keywords: Emergency surgery; femoral hernia; laparoscopy.

INTRODUCTION erative morbidity, but elective femoral hernia surgery does

not increase morbidity, even in elderly patients.[5,9]
Inguinal hernia affects 3–8% of the population.[1,2] Femoral
hernias constitute 2–4% of all inguinal hernias.[3–5] Approxi- The possibility of recurrence after femoral hernia repair is
mately 20 million inguinal hernia surgeries per year are car- higher than that of inguinal hernia repair.[3,5] McVay repair is
ried out worldwide.[6–8] Inguinal hernia repair surgeries have recommended for an emergency operation with femoral her-
been performed for many years, and many techniques have nia incarceration before the use of synthetic patches.[10] How-
been introduced. Femoral hernias are only a small number ever, repair with sutures is more likely to cause recurrence
of inguinal hernias; however, femoral hernias are very im- than repair with a synthetic patch.[5] Although complication
portant because these operations are generally emergency rates have been reported to be over 50% in patients with
procedures and bowel resections are frequently necessary.[7,8] intestinal resection,[10] synthetic patches are recommended
Emergency surgeries have been reported to increase postop- for resection and anastomosis.[5,10–13] The present study aims

Cite this article as: Kunduz E, Sormaz İC, Yapalak Y, Bektaşoğlu HK, Gök AFK. Comparison of surgical techniques and results for emergency
or elective femoral hernia repair. Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg 2019;25:611-615.
Address for correspondence: Enver Kunduz, M.D.
Adres bilgisi: Bezmialem Hastanesi, 4. Kat, Genel Cerrahi Sekreterliği, Vatan Caddesi, Fatih, 34093 İstanbul, Turkey.
Tel: +90 212 - 453 17 00 E-mail: drkunduz@yahoo.com
Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg 2019;25(6):611-615 DOI: 10.14744/tjtes.2019.04524 Submitted: 02.01.2019 Accepted: 11.02.2019 Online: 15.02.2019
Copyright 2019 Turkish Association of Trauma and Emergency Surgery

Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg, November 2019, Vol. 25, No. 6 611
Kunduz et al. Comparison of surgical technique and results for emergency or elective femoral hernia repair

to evaluate and compare surgical outcomes of femoral hernia were performed before the operation. Lichtenstein repair
cases using different techniques under emergency or elective was performed after the inguinal ligament was opened, and
conditions. the femoral canal was visualized and turned into the groin.
Other techniques, such as synthetic patch repair (Rutkow
MATERIALS AND METHODS Plug) and laparoscopic TAPP (transabdominal preperitoneal),
were performed. If the intestinal segment was strangulated
Between April 2013 and November 2017, 52 patients with in the hernia pouch and ischaemia or necrosis had occurred,
femoral hernias were admitted to the emergency department segmental bowel resection and functional end-to-end anasto-
of the General Surgery Clinics at two university hospitals mosis were carried out.
in Istanbul, Turkey. The medical files of all the patients who
underwent surgery with a diagnosis of femoral hernia were RESULTS
retrospectively evaluated. Emergency surgery patients were
defined as Group 1, and elective surgery patients were de- The sex distribution of the cases was as follows: 88.5% (n=46)
fined as Group 2. The demographic data, hernia side infor- of the patients were female, and 11.5% (n=6) were male. The
mation, sac contents, surgical technique, length of hospital mean age was 62.9±16.49 years (31–91 years). The number
stay, recurrence according to the last outpatient clinic and of patients was 27 and 25 in Groups 1 and 2, respectively.
complications were retrospectively analyzed. Patients who There were no statistically significant differences between
had previously undergone inguinal hernia repair and/or were the two groups, according to sex, and Group 1 patients
operated on for recurrence were excluded from this study. were significantly older than Group two patients (p=0.67,
p=0.013). There were no significant differences between the
Paracetamol 4x500 mg IV and narcotic analgesics (pethidine two groups, according to the hernia side (p=0.282). Thirteen
hydrochloride 4x0.5 mg/kg) were administered as pain reliev- of the elective cases (52%) were operated using open tech-
ers for 24 hours postoperatively in patients who were op- niques, and 12 cases (48%) were operated using laparoscopic
erated under elective conditions or operated under urgent techniques. In only one of the emergency cases, the opera-
conditions but without intestinal contents. Oral 4x500 mg tion was started laparoscopically, but due to insufficient ex-
paracetamol was administered postoperatively for at least one ploration, the surgery was converted to an open technique
week. Oral fluid intake was started six hours postoperatively. (Table 1).
All patients with tolerance were started on a regular diet.
In Group 1, 16 patients (59.3%) had a strangulated small in-
In patients undergoing emergency surgery and bowel reduc- testinal segment in the hernia sac, and 11 (40.7%) patients had
tion and resection anastomosis, oral feeding was started af- a strangulated omentum majus in the hernia sac. In Group 2,
ter 24 hours and followed up for at least three days in the 14 (56%) patients had no organs found in the hernia sac, and
hospital. 11 (44%) patients had omentum in the hernia sac (p<0.001).

Statistical analyses were performed using the Windows SSPS In Group 1, in 12 patients (85%), intestinal resection was not
16.0 (SPSS, Chicago, IL, USA) program. The results are given performed due to normalization of colour and circulation
as means and standard deviations. Comparisons of the groups during perioperative wait and check, but four patients (15%)
were made with chi-squared and Mann-Whitney U tests. underwent segmental small bowel resection and functional
Values of p<0.05 were considered statistically significant. end-to-end anastomosis.

Surgical Techniques Fifteen (55%) of the patients in Group 1 underwent a modi-

All of the patients were informed about the surgical technique fied Lichtenstein technique, and 12 patients (45%) underwent
and anaesthesia before the surgery, and their consent forms a Rutkow Plug. In two patients, small intestinal ischaemia was
were obtained. Thromboembolism and antibiotic prophylaxis diagnosed, and midline laparotomy and segmental intestinal

Table 1. Findings of the emergency surgery patients in Group 1 and elective surgery patients in Group 2

Group 1 (n=27) Group 2 (n=25) p

Gender (male:female) 23:4 23:2 0.667

Mean age in years (range) 68±15.8 57.1±15.5 0.013
Laterality (left/right) 8:19 11:14 0.282
Average hospital stay (days) 2.8±3.4 1.08±0.26 <0.001
Follow-up average duration 16.6±16.3 months 11.76±13.73 months =0.234

612 Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg, November 2019, Vol. 25, No. 6
Kunduz et al. Comparison of surgical technique and results for emergency or elective femoral hernia repair

Table 2. Distribution of surgical techniques DISCUSSION

Group Modified Rutkow Laparoscopic
Groin hernias consist of inguinal and femoral hernias. The
Lichtenstein (n=19) TAPP incidence of inguinal hernias in the United States is esti-
(n=19) (n=12) mated to be between 5 and 10%, with only 4% of these being
femoral hernias.[14] Although inguinal hernias are seen more
Group 1 15 12 0 frequently in all abdominal hernias (such as femoral, umbili-
Group 2 6 7 12 cal, and epigastric), femoral hernias also have a higher com-
plication rate.[15] In addition, approximately 40% of femoral
TAPP: Transabdominal preperitoneal. hernia patients are admitted to emergency departments due
to incarceration or strangulation.[16,17] This study included pa-
tients who underwent emergency or elective surgery in two
Table 3. Complications ethiology
separate university hospitals. Over half of these patients were
Complication ethiology Group 1 Group 2 operated under emergency conditions, and the others were
(n=27) (n=25) electively operated.

Seroma 4 In previous studies, the incidence of femoral hernia in women

Wound infection 1 and the need for emergency surgery were found to be signif-
Ileus 1 icantly higher than in men.[1,5,18] Therefore, it may be consid-
Anastomotic leakage 1 ered that elderly women have smaller inguinal and femoral
channels than male patients. According to the Swedish hernia
Pulmonary complications 1
registry, the incidence of emergency hernia repair in female
Port side hernia 1 patients is 17% (53% of femoral hernias), compared with 5%
Total 7 (26%) 2 (8%) (7% of femoral hernias) in male patients. In our study, the ma-
jority of women were operated on for femoral hernia accord-
ing to emergency and elective operations, and there were
resection with functional end-to-end anastomosis were per- no significant differences between the groups concerning the
formed. The other two segmental small bowel resections female/male ratio (p=0.67). All patients in Group 1 referred
were performed at the groin incision after cutting the inguinal to emergency services with an irreducible hernia, and all in-
ligament. Of the patients in Group 2, six patients (24%) un- cluded small bowel or omentum majus.
derwent the Lichtenstein technique, seven patients (28%)
underwent a Rutkow Plug, and the remaining 12 patients In emergency femoral hernia operations, abdominal organ
(48%) underwent the laparoscopic TAPP technique. The dis- incarcerations are found higher in sac contents than in elec-
tribution of the surgical techniques according to the groups is tive hernia operations. As a result, the rate of small bowel
summarized in Table 2. resection increases, the length of hospital stay is prolonged,
and the mortality rate may increase up to 10 times.[19] Early
Only one groin recurrence was detected (2%). The patient diagnosis and appropriate surgical technique reduce the com-
who underwent emergency modified Lichtenstein repair was plication rate.[20]
re-operated with laparoscopic TAPP 1 year later. In one case
(2%), a port site hernia developed after the laparoscopic re- In our study, in 59.3% of the patients in Group 1, strangulated
pair. small bowel segments were found in the hernia sac. Only four
patients (15%) had a segmental intestinal resection. Suppiah
Postoperative complications were seen in 10 patients in this et al.[21] examined 75 femoral hernia surgeries and found the
case series. Anastomotic leakage was detected after small rate of a segmental intestinal resection anastomosis to be
bowel resection. The patient underwent re-operation, and 57.1% (16/28) in patients who were operated on under emer-
a loop ileostomy was performed. One patient with aspira- gency conditions. In a study conducted by Calik et al.,[22] or-
tion pneumonia in Group 1 died on the 10th day in the inten- gan resection was shown to be a factor increasing morbidity
sive care unit. Postoperative ileus occurred in one patient in during femoral hernia surgery. In this study, anastomotic leak-
Group 1. There were no significant differences between the age occurred in only one patient, and a loop ileostomy was
groups according to complications. Complications are sum- performed. The patient had a longer hospital stay because of
marized in Table 3. this situation. One patient with femoral hernia had aspiration
pneumonia because of vomiting as a result of incarceration.
The hospital stay was statistically longer for patients in Group This patient died on the 10th day in the intensive care unit.
1 than in Group 2 (p<0.001). The mean follow-up period
was 16.6±16.3 months in emergency cases and 11.76±13.73 Patients were operated on using three techniques: modified
months in the elective conditions (p=0.234). Lichtenstein, Rutkow plug and Laparoscopic TAPP. Repairs of

Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg, November 2019, Vol. 25, No. 6 613
Kunduz et al. Comparison of surgical technique and results for emergency or elective femoral hernia repair

femoral hernias with sutures bring about more recurrence procedures. Laparoscopy would apply control of ischaemia in
than repairs with synthetic patches.[5,10] In our series, all pa- strangulated bowel segments and enable hernia repair.
tients were treated with a synthetic patch repair. The Rutkow
plug technique was completed for 19 patients, and this tech- This study suggests early diagnosis and surgical intervention
nique provides untensioned repair[23] and is the main surgical for femoral hernia and is similar to previous studies. The
technique in some series in the literature.[22,24] Recurrence was contribution of this study to the literature is the encourag-
detected in one patient (2%) after the modified Lichtenstein ing laparoscopic approach for both elective and emergency
technique. This patient was operated on under emergency femoral hernia operations.
conditions and then underwent repair with laparoscopic
TAPP after one year. Twelve elective surgery patients (48%) For the comparison of surgical techniques and outcomes,
underwent laparoscopic TAPP. During emergency surgery, prospective randomized studies should be designed to stan-
the laparoscopic technique was preferred in only one patient dardize broad-based surgical techniques. It was difficult for
but underwent open surgery because of inadequate explo- us to obtain clear and healthy results because our work is
ration, and a Rutkow plug was performed. In a patient who retrospective and because of the small number of patients.
was operated on using the laparoscopic technique, a port
site hernia developed at 8 months postoperatively and was Conflict of interest: None declared.
repaired with a patch. No other early or late complications
were encountered. The laparoscopic technique is similar to REFERENCES
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Acil veya elektif uygulanmış femoral herni tamirinin cerrahi tekniği

ve sonuçlarının karşılaştırılması
Dr. Enver Kunduz,1 Dr. İsmail Cem Sormaz,2 Dr. Yunus Yapalak,1
Dr. Hüseyin Kazım Bektaşoğlu,1 Dr. Ali Fuat Kaan Gök2
Bezmialem Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Genel Cerrahi Anabilim Dalı, İstanbul
İstanbul Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Genel Cerrahi Anabilim Dalı, İstanbul

AMAÇ: Kasık fıtığı popülasyonun %3–8’ini etkiler. Femoral herniler nadiren görülmekle birlikte genellikle acil cerrahi müdehale gerektirir ve sıklıkla
bağırsak rezeksiyonu gerekebilmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, acil veya efektif koşullar altında farklı teknikler kullanarak femoral herni olgularının
cerrahi sonuçlarını karşılaştırmaktır.
GEREÇ VE YÖNTEM: Nisan 2013 ile Kasım 2017 arasında, İstanbul’daki iki üniversite hastanesinin genel cerrahi kliniklerinin acil servisine 52 femo-
ral herni olgusu başvurdu. Femoral herni tanısı ile ameliyat edilen tüm hastaların tıbbi dosyaları geriye dönük olarak incelendi. Demografik veriler,
taraf bilgisi, kesenin içeriği, cerrahi teknik, hastanede kalış süresi, son polikliniğe göre rekürrens ve komplikasyonlar geriye dönük olarak incelendi.
BULGULAR: Olguların cinsiyet dağılımı %88.5 (n=46) idi, kadın %11.5 (n=6) idi. Ortalama yaş 62.9±16.49 yıl (31–91 yıl) idi. İki grup arasında fıtık
tarafına göre anlamlı fark yoktu (p=0.282). Elektif olguların 13’ü (%52) açık teknikle, 12’si (%48) laparoskopik teknikle ameliyat edildi.
TARTIŞMA: Cerrahi tekniklerin ve sonuçların karşılaştırılması için, geniş tabanlı cerrahi teknikleri standart hale getirmek için ileriye yönelik rando-
mize çalışmalar tasarlanmalıdır.
Anahtar sözcükler: Acil cerrahi; femoral herni; laparoskopi.

Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg 2019;25(6):611-615 doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2019.04524

Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg, November 2019, Vol. 25, No. 6 615

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