Abdomen Fat - Harvest
Abdomen Fat - Harvest
Abdomen Fat - Harvest
maxillofacial surgery
Dennis J. Kantanen, DDS," James J. Closmann, DDS,b and Henry H. Rowshan, DDS,'
Honolulu, Hawaii
Abdominal fat harvest and augmentation to the maxillofacial region is a relatively inexpensive, safe, and
readily available procedure. The use of abdominal fat free transfer has been well documented for cosmetic, trauma,
and temporomandibular joint reconstruction. Fat is the closest we have to an ideal filler, it is readily available and
inexpensive, it is autologous and therefore lacks a host immune response, it is safe and noncarcinogenic, and it is
easily acquired with a minimally invasive procedure. Abdominal fat donor site is the most commonly used owing to
ease of access and availability of fat stores. Complications are rare and easily managed in the office. Free abdominal
fat harvest is a predictable surgical technique that allows the maxillofacial surgeon access to autologous graft material
that is ideal for multiple facial procedures. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2010;109:367-371)
Abdominal fat harvest and augmentation to the maxil- years, more widespread clinical use of autologous fat
lofacial region is a relatively inexpensive, safe, and grafts for facial soft-tissue augmentation suggests that
readily available procedure.' The use of abdominal fat this procedure is the best presently available. In many
free transfer has been well docnmented for cosmetic, ways, fat is the closest we have to an ideal filler: It is
trauma, and temporomandibular joint reconstruction. In readily available and inexpensive, it is autologous and
2009, autogenous fat is still the preferred method for therefore lacks a host immune response, it is safe and
the treatment of frontal sinus obliteration. Abdominal noncarcinogenic, and it is easily acquired with a min-
fat has been nsed since the 1890s for cosmetic proce- imally invasive procedure. Viable autogenous free ab-
dures 2 En bloc resection and removal of abdominal fat dominal fat along with the removal of mucosal lining
has been shown experimentally to contain a greater from the frontal sinus consistently prevents regrowth of
percentage of surviving adipocytes compared with can- the mucoperiosteum. The use of autogenous fat for
nnla removal. 3 Therefore, the aim of the present article frontal sinus obliteration purposes continues to be the
is to discuss the suprapubic abdominal fat harvest tech- gold standard (Fig. 1).4-6 Areas of the maxillofacial
nique to include the pertinent anatomy, complications, region that are routinely augmented during cosmetic
and uses of the technique. procedures include the malar region, lips, nasolabial
folds, and mental area. Facial reconstruction for the
ABDOMINAL FAT treatment of facial lipodystrophy due to underlying
There are a myriad of autogenous and alloplastic HIV disease has been documented (Fig. 2). 7 Free ab-
materials that can be used for maxillofacial procedures dominal fat has been used dnring the treatment of TMJ
for trauma, cosmetic, facial, and temporomandibular disorders (Fig. 3). During open joint surgery, free ab-
joint (TMJ) reconstruction. Facial rejuvenation with dominal fat has been transplanted into the joint space to
autologous fat has the advantage of replacing or aug- replace joint space after complete removal of the disc
menting tissue with like tissue. Over the past 10-15 and associated capsule. The use of autologous fat grafts
in the treatment of TMJ ankylosis has been reported in
The views and opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and the literature as early as 1913 8 •9 Autologous transplan-
do not necessarily reflect those of the Department of the Defense or tation of abdominal fat around the TMJ can minimize
the Department of the Army. occurrence of fibrosis and heterotopic bone formation,
aChief resident, Division of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery.
bChief and Program Director, Division of Oral & Maxillofacial
leading to improved range of motion.'o Autologons
Surgery. transplantation of fat has been used as a method to
CAssistant Program Director, Division of Oral & Maxillofacial prevent heterotopic bone formation after hip replace-
Surgery. ment surgery for many years.'o The use of dermal fat
Received for publication May 5, 2009; accepted for publication Sep for correction of contour defects in the head and neck
1079-2104/$ - see front matter
area from trauma, congenital defects, and neoplasm has
Published by Mosby, Inc. remained a well known and time-honored choice (Fig.
doi: 10.1016/j .tri pleo.2oo9.09.037 4)7 Dennafat is used owing to the dennal layer being
368 Kantanen et at. March 2010