Sovereign Debt Auctions With Strategic Interactions

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Sovereign Debt Auctions with Strategic Interactions *

Ricardo Alves Monteiro Stelios Fourakis

University of Minnesota Johns Hopkins University

This version: November 4, 2023†

Click here for the most recent version.

In this paper, we study the impact that alternative ways of issuing sovereign debt have
on borrowing decisions, the cost of debt, and welfare. We build a model of sovereign
borrowing and default with repeated auctions, disciplined with proprietary bid level
data. We calibrate the model to the Portuguese economy and use it to perform a
counterfactual, comparing the two most common types of auction: uniform and dis-
criminatory price auctions. We find that switching to a uniform protocol constitutes
a Pareto improvement, and that the difference in welfare is highest during crises (up
to 0.6% of permanent consumption in the small open economy). This result aligns
with the observed switch to a uniform protocol in Portugal following the sovereign
debt crisis of the 2010s. We find that accounting for dynamic effects is crucial. In a
single auction setting, given standard values for risk aversion of the government, the
discriminatory protocol is optimal. However, with repeated auctions, the insurance
properties of the discriminatory protocol lead to over-borrowing. This mechanism,
and its effect on prices, makes the uniform protocol a better option. Finally, the cali-
brated model generates spreads with a volatility that significantly exceeds their mean,
as in the data, a documented shortcoming of previous sovereign debt models.

JEL Codes: D44, E43, F34, F41, G15, H63.

Keywords: Sovereign debt auctions, default risk, discretion, dilution.

* Ricardo Alves Monteiro is grateful to his advisors Manuel Amador and Tim Kehoe, as well as Marco
Bassetto for their support, encouragement and insightful discussions. The authors thank V. V. Chari, Dean
Corbae, Loukas Karabarbounis, César Sosa-Padilla, David Rahman, Pedro Teles, José Cardoso da Costa,
Cristina Casalinho, Daniel Belchior, Maurı́cio Barbosa Alves, William Jungerman and participants at the
Minnesota-Wisconsin International Macro Workshop, and at the University of Minnesota Workshops in
Trade and Development and Economic Growth and Development for excellent comments. All errors are
our own. E-mails:,
† First version: October 2023.

1 Introduction

Governments of both Emerging Market Economies (EMEs) and Advanced Economies

(AEs) maintain enormous stocks of sovereign debt.1 Most of this debt is issued in auc-
tions. Because of the massive amounts involved, both policymakers and academics have
been extremely interested in determining the best way to run these auctions. As stated
in Chari and Weber (1992) “with such large amounts at stake, even small improvements
in the Treasury’s auction procedure can lead to large gains for taxpayers.” Indeed, this
interest dates back at least to Friedman (1960). In testimony to the Joint Economic Com-
mittee in 1959, Milton Friedman asserted: “The present method [to issue debt] involves
payment of different prices by different purchasers [...]. A preferable alternative is to ask
purchasers to specify the amounts they are willing to buy at a schedule of prices, deter-
mine a price so as to clear the market, and charge all purchasers that single price”.

In sovereign debt auctions, investors submit bids consisting of the highest price they are
willing to pay to purchase a unit of debt, and how much they are willing to buy. Then,
the government chooses which bids to accept. There is wide variation across countries
in auction protocols, i.e. the set of rules determining how much each winning bid pays.
OECD (2023) found 40 of 41 countries surveyed used auctions. Of those, 12 used uniform
price auctions, 15 used discriminatory price auctions and 13 used both.

(a) A uniform price auction (b) A discriminatory, or “pay-as-bid,” auction

Figure 1: Comparison of uniform price and discriminatory price auctions

1 In 2023, AEs total government debt to GDP was over 110% (EMEs stood at nearly 70%).

Figure 1 depicts how these two protocols work. Individual bids are combined into an
aggregate demand function, p(b). The government selects the amount issued, b′ , and
the clearing price, Pc . In a uniform price auction, all accepted bids are executed at the
marginal price. In a discriminatory price auction (pay-as-bid), all accepted bids are exe-
cuted at their bidding prices. Revenue is depicted by the shaded area below the aggregate
demand function. Which auction protocol yields more revenue is not obvious since, as we
will show, the aggregate demand function itself depends on the auction protocol.

There are two reasons for this. First, the government has discretion over the quantity sold
in each auction, and it chooses that quantity strategically after observing investors’ bids.
The incentives to issue more or less debt differ with the auction protocol used, so different
auction protocols lead to different issuance choices. Those different issuance choices in
turn lead to different lender expectations about how much the debt will be worth, which
leads to different bidding behavior. Second, there is a dynamic link between debt auctions
across time. The value of debt today depends not only on how much debt is issued today,
but also on how much debt will be issued next period, and the period after, and so forth.
Therefore, the auction protocol can also affect the price of debt today through its effect on
the incentives to borrow in the future.

In this paper we ask: How do outcomes (yields, borrowing and default decisions and
welfare) depend on the auction protocol used? How do those differences inform what
auction protocol countries facing default risk should use?

To answer these questions, we build a theory of how strategic interactions between the
borrower and lenders affect auction outcomes, and evaluate how different auction proto-
cols interact with default risk. We fill a gap in the literature of sovereign debt and default:
the role played by how debt is issued and how primary market prices are determined.
At the same time, we also contribute to the literature that studies differences in these two
types of auctions, which has been centered on environments with exogenous supply and
a single auction. While our application focuses on sovereign debt, our conclusions ap-
ply to other settings where a seller reserves discretion over quantity and default risk is a
concern. In particular, they may also apply to auctions of corporate debt.

We begin by studying a two period environment with a single auction and default risk.
The foreign investors buying the debt are symmetric and competitive. We study the two
protocols. In this setting, we first show that if the debt issuance policy of the govern-
ment is identical across protocols then revenue equivalence arises: both auction protocols
generate the same expected revenue. However, even though ex-ante revenue is equal
across auction protocols, we find that the bid functions are different. Investors bid lower
prices under a discriminatory price protocol than under a uniform price protocol. Under
a uniform price protocol, all winning bids are executed at the marginal price, so compe-
tition results in marginal prices exactly matching the unit value of the debt issued. On
the other hand, when investors pay-as-bid, we see the classic “winner’s curse.” Investors
fear their bid will not be marginal, that the government may issue more debt, and they
may end up paying a high price for a low value asset. As a result, they bid lower prices.
However, under a discriminatory price protocol, the average executed bid is above the
marginal price of the auction. As the government is faced with different financing needs,
the average executed bid has a lower variance than the marginal price of the auction. This
contrasts with the uniform price auction, where the average price paid by investors is ex-
actly the marginal price of the auction. When revenue equivalence holds, a risk neutral
government is thus indifferent between protocols, but a risk averse government prefers
the discriminatory price protocol because the variance of the average executed price, and
that of revenue, is smaller.

When debt is chosen strategically, revenue equivalence need not hold. The difference in
auction protocol creates different incentives for the government to borrow, which leads
to different issuance policies, violating the sufficient condition, of identical debt issuance
policies, that guarantees revenue equivalence. Even in a static environment, the choice of
auction protocol has an impact on expected revenue, yields, borrowing, and welfare. The
ranking of auction protocols depends on the government’s preferences, particularly on
how much it values smoothing revenue. When government preferences are linear, the ef-
fects of static dilution are extreme and the government prefers the uniform price protocol.
Convex preferences create a motive to smooth consumption over time, which disciplines
the government’s borrowing, reducing the effects of static dilution. As a result, for suf-

ficiently concave utility, the government prefers the discriminatory price protocol. This
is related to the trade-off between levels and variance of prices identified above, reminis-
cent of Cole et al. (2018).2 Having illustrated how incentives to borrow depend on the
auction protocol in a two period setting with a single auction, we then move to an infinite
horizon setting where future incentives to borrow are affected by each protocol.

We extend a standard framework for studying government borrowing and default to al-
low for different auction protocols3 . We inform our modeling decisions using proprietary
bid level data for Portuguese sovereign debt auctions (as first used in Alves Monteiro
(2022)). We observe that: (i) individual bid functions tend to be homogeneous in nor-
mal times; (ii) during the crisis period (2008-2014) the aggregate bid function becomes
steeper and more inelastic; and, (iii) there is no evidence of persistent differences be-
tween investors. Since higher than expected government spending played a key role
in the Eurozone Debt Crises (see Copelovitch et al. (2016)), we incorporate uncertainty
about required government expenditures as the primary source of uncertainty regarding
the government’s need/desire to borrow.

In the standard sovereign debt model, long term debt creates dynamic dilution motives
that make the equilibrium allocation constrained inefficient.4 Essentially, when the gov-
ernment inherits legacy debt, it has an incentive to issue new claims on the resources it
has already “earmarked” to pay its legacy investors. This leads the government to bor-
row more than it would have planned to ex-ante, and lenders react to this by offering it
lower prices in anticipation. We show that different auction protocols result in differently
shaped revenue curves for the government. Under the uniform price protocol, declines in
the marginal price apply to all debt issued, while under the discriminatory price protocol,
2 Their result arises from ”sufficiently asymmetric information” between investors. Ours rely on debt
being strategically chosen by the government. In our setting, when utility is concave enough, the discrim-
inatory price protocol allows the government to achieve significantly lower variance in prices without the
massive drop in the mean price that occurs under linear utility.
3 Refer to the literature review in section 2 for an exposition of the standard framework used for studying

sovereign borrowing and default.

4 Specifically, if the government could commit ex-ante to a sequence of debt issuance choices while still

lacking commitment with respect to default, it could achieve a strictly better outcome. See Aguiar and
Amador (2019) for a full, technical treatment of this result, as well as a proof that the allocation with short
term debt is constrained efficient.

they only apply to the marginal unit issued. This supercharges the dilution motives that
arise under the discriminatory price protocol.

In a quantitative exercise, we discipline the model using the experience of Portugal until
2011 (when it was bailed out by the European Commission and Central Bank and the In-
ternational Monetary Fund). During this period, Portugal used the discriminatory price
protocol for all auctions. The calibrated model is able of matching standard moments in
the Portuguese economy regarding debt, spreads and business cycles statistics. Moreover,
the use of a discriminatory protocol lets the model easily generate spreads whose volatil-
ity significantly exceeds their mean, a shortcoming of previous sovereign debt models,
as documented in Aguiar et al. (2016). In a counterfactual, we compare the two auction
protocols. We find that the uniform price protocol yields higher welfare than the discrimi-
natory price protocol, and that these gains are highest during crises. Moreover, switching
to a uniform price protocol constitutes a Pareto improvement as both the small open econ-
omy and foreign investors are better off after the switch. This result is consistent with the
observed switch in 2011 to a uniform price protocol for long term debt.5

Accounting for dynamic effects is crucial for this welfare result. Given standard values
for risk aversion of the borrowing country, we would find in the static setting with a
single auction that the discriminatory price protocol is optimal. The dynamic effects of
the discriminatory price protocol, however, are terrible. The uniform price protocol pro-
vides much better incentives for borrowing over time, as well as protecting investors from
static dilution within an auction. These both lead to much better bond prices for the gov-
ernment. In fact, under the calibrated model, these gains more than justify forgoing the
insurance mechanism provided by the discriminatory protocol.6
5 In the midst of the crisis, Portugal stopped issuing securities with maturity longer than one year from
2011 to 2014. When the Portuguese Treasury resumed auctioning debt at those maturities in 2014, it used
the new protocol.
6 While the fact that the gains from insurance are relatively small is consistent with the well known fact

that the welfare costs of fluctuations are small, as in Lucas (1987), the existing literature is silent as to the
size of the gains from reducing each kind of dilution.

2 Literature Review

This paper builds on the sovereign debt literature, with an emphasis on the auction frame-
work used to issue debt. Related papers here include Cole et al. (2018), Pycia and Wood-
ward (2023) and Cole et al. (2022). Each aims at comparing the two auction protocols.
To do so, each considers a static auction model with asymmetric information across bid-
ders and exogenous asset quality. Cole et al. (2022) in particular, identifies the insurance
mechanism that we also describe for the discriminatory price protocol. Apart from Pycia
and Woodward (2023), all consider exogenously random supply of debt. In Pycia and
Woodward (2023), the government commits to a distribution for the supply and a reserve
price before observing demand. We focus instead on incorporating different auction pro-
tocols into an infinite horizon, dynamic model of government borrowing and default.
This paper is the first to consider a strategic government that has discretion over supply
and can choose how much to issue after observing demand. We show that this strategic
interaction between a government with discretion and optimizing investors matters. In
particular, investors know that distinct protocols induce different debt issuances by the
government (which may break revenue equivalence between protocols).

This paper also builds on the quantitative sovereign default literature, which is based on
the classic setting of Eaton and Gersovitz (1981). Key early papers include Aguiar and
Gopinath (2006), Arellano (2008), Hatchondo and Martinez (2009) and Chatterjee and
Eyigungor (2012). One insight of the later papers is that incorporating long term debt is
crucial for being able to match the levels of debt and levels and volatility of interest rate
spreads observed in Emerging Market Economies. Many branches of the literature build
on this workhorse model with long term debt7 . We also build on this setting by explicitly
modeling the auction protocols countries use to issue debt. We are then able to assess
the role played by how debt is issued and how primary market prices are determined.
We find that explicitly modeling the auction framework enriches the environment, lead-
ing to two interesting phenomena. First, the use of a discriminatory price protocol lets
7 Conesa and Kehoe (2017) and Bocola and Dovis (2019) focus on the role of rollover risk and self-
fulfilling crises. Arellano and Ramanarayanan (2012), Sánchez et al. (2018), Bocola and Dovis (2019) and
Dvorkin et al. (2021) focus on the role of maturity choice.

the model easily generate spreads whose volatility significantly exceeds their mean (a
key feature of the Eurozone countries that went through debt crises in 2008-2014, and a
notable difference of those countries from the EMEs the sovereign default literature had
previously focused on). Previous models (see Aguiar et al. (2016)) could not generate
this pattern without producing counterfactual levels of debt or spreads8 . Second, we find
that discriminatory price protocols are prone to self-fulfilling crises even in environments
where such crises would not be possible under a uniform price protocol. We leave the dis-
cussion of this second phenomenon to a companion paper Alves Monteiro and Fourakis

There is a large auction theory literature that studies multi-unit auctions. In these auc-
tions, bidders submit both prices and quantities, generating a two dimensional strate-
gic problem9 . We assume that investors are infinitesimal (and therefore take aggregate
bid function as given). This allows us to focus on how the auction protocols determine
prices by aggregating bids, while avoiding, similarly to Cole et al. (2018), strategic con-
siderations between investors. Instead, we focus on the strategic interaction that arises
from having a maximizing government that chooses how much debt to issue after ob-
serving bids, reserving discretion on the quantity sold. Both Back and Zender (2001) and
McAdams (2007) allow for discretion on the quantity sold. Their use of discretion, how-
ever, is orthogonal to ours. They use the possibility of discretion as a tool to make a
theoretical point on how to avoid collusive equilibria in uniform price auctions, in a static
environment without default risk.

There is previous work on how multi-unit auctions determine prices in equilibrium, par-
ticularly from an empirical perspective. Hortaçsu (2002) presents a model based on Wil-
son (1979) of a multi-unit discriminatory-price auction with a finite number of symmetric
8 See for instance Bocola et al. (2019). Paluszynski (2023) does get closer, however, in the long run simu-

lations, still generates counterfactual levels of debt and spreads.

9 See Wilson (1979) for an early paper on multi-unit auctions, Engelbrecht-Wiggans and Kahn (1998)

for a multi-unit auction where investors are allowed to buy more than one unit of the good. Perry and
Reny (1999) show that the linkage principle – that revenue increases as more information about the quality
of the good is provided to bidders – does not hold in general for multi-unit auctions. McAdams (2006)
shows existence of a monotone pure strategy equilibrium when bidders are risk neutral with independent
multi-dimensional types and interdependent values.

risk-neutral bidders with independent private values. In their model a single bid affects
the bid functions through changes in the distribution of the price that clears the auction.
They construct a non-parametric estimator of the distribution exploiting a re-sampling
technique. Kastl (2011) builds on this framework by allowing for discrete-step bid func-
tions. Our price-taking assumption allows us to abstract from this problem. Our auction
framework also differs in that we assume a common valuation for the debt being auc-
tioned, instead of the independent private values assumption in the cited work. That is,
the value of debt is pinned down by the future endogenous probability of default and
investors know, for each possible debt issuance, the value of debt in equilibrium.

Since Milton Friedman’s suggestion that the government should issue debt through uni-
form price auctions, there have been several empirical studies that compare the out-
come under the two protocols. Hortaçsu (2002) and Barbosa et al. (2022) find no sta-
tistically significant differences in revenues, Février et al. (2002), Kang and Puller (2008),
Armantier and Lafhel (2009), Marszalec (2017), Hattori and Takahashi (2022), and Mariño
and Marszalec (2023) find slightly higher revenues in discriminatory price, and Castel-
lanos and Oviedo (2008), Armantier and SbaÏ (2006), and Armantier and Sbaı̈ (2009)
find slightly higher revenues in uniform price. This shows how unsettled the debate
on whether discriminatory or uniform price auctions raise higher expected revenues for
countries facing default risk.

Theoretical results comparing the two protocols also vary, particularly as different envi-
ronments and assumptions are considered. Swinkels (2001) used an environment where
variance in valuation across investors dissipates as the number of investors grows large
(asymptotic environmental similarity assumption) and showed that pay-as-bid and uni-
form price are revenue and welfare equivalent. The same result is obtained by Jackson
and Kremer (2006) under the assumption that the proportion of supply to the number
of bidders goes to zero. Wang and Zender (2002) considers a model with symmetric in-
vestors and common value for the good being auctioned and find pay-as-bid revenue
superior when bidders are risk neutral, due to multiplicity and bidder collusion under
the uniform price specification. Finally, Pycia and Woodward (2023) finds that under

assumptions commonly imposed in empirical work, the two formats are revenue and
welfare equivalent. In this paper, we highlight the importance of considering a strate-
gic government with discretion over issuance decisions in a dynamic environment. With
this, we are able to assess how the protocols compare taking into account how they affect
government and investor decisions over time, instead of comparing protocols for a given
fixed, debt issuance policy.

3 Data: Background and Evidence

Auction data was provided by the Portuguese Treasury and Debt Management Agency (IGCP,
Portuguese acronym). The data comprises all auctions of treasury bills (short maturities)
and bonds (long maturities) held from 2003 and 2004, respectively, and up to 2020. Most
importantly, the data comprises all individual bids (price and amount) that were placed
in each auction, even if they were not executed.

Issuance of treasury bills in the primary market is done through auctions. Treasury bonds
are launched for the first time in syndicated operations10 . New issuances of a line that has
already been launched are done through auctions. The IGCP uses a primary dealership
model to issue bills and bonds. Only primary dealers, a group of financial intermedi-
aries, participate in the auctions. Dealers are permitted to submit multiple bids as long as
the total value does not exceed the upper limit of the overall amount announced for the

Table 1 presents some summary data for the most common bill and bond auctions. One
can observe 400 Treasury bill auctions and 161 Treasury bond auctions. The most com-
mon maturities are 12 and 3 months for the treasury bills and 10 and 5 years for the
treasury bonds. In bill auctions the number of bids averages 39 and in bond auctions it
averages 56. Dealers (mean) refer to the average number of dealers present in the auc-
tions of each security. Steps (mean) refer to the average number of bids submitted by a
10 A
syndicate is a group of banks that is given the mandate to place a specific amount of government
bonds. It follows a book building process that allows for permanently monitoring of orders and interven-
tion in the allocation of such orders by the IGCP.

dealer. Issued (mean, M€) refer to the average amount issued by the IGCP in auctions of
each security.

Table 1: Summary Data on Treasury Bond and Bill auctions

Maturity Auctions Bids (mean) Dealers (mean) Steps (mean) Issued (mean, M€)
3 Months 101 35.2 14.5 2.4 471.0
6 Months 88 36.4 14.7 2.4 505.6
12 Months 101 44.0 15.4 2.8 1,037.5
All Bills 400 38.7 14.8 2.5 703.1
5 Years 21 55.9 18.9 2.8 732.3
6 Years 14 56.5 18.2 3.0 754.1
10 Years 52 59.1 17.9 3.2 805.8
All Bonds 161 56.4 17.9 3.0 756.0

Other data sets are further detailed in section 6 where we calibrate the model to the Por-
tuguese economy.

In the next subsections we provide evidence on key aspects that will be used to discipline
the structural model:

1. Debt agencies lack commitment to the target amount that is announced prior to the
auction – there is supply uncertainty at the moment of the auction;

2. There was increased uncertainty during the debt crisis in Europe accompanied by
more flexible debt issuing mechanisms;

3. Leading up and during the crisis, investors’ bids get more disperse;

4. There is no evidence of persistent heterogeneity across investors;

5. Starting in 2008, public spending was higher than anticipated and there were lower
resources to finance it.

3.1 Lack of Commitment and Uncertainty

Lack of Commitment. The week prior to an auction, the IGCP announces the securities
being issued and provides a target for the amount it expects to issue. Importantly, there
is no commitment to that target. In the data we observe several instances of ex-post
deviation from the target. It follows that, although there is a targeted amount, the amount
issued in a given auction is uncertain from the bidder’s perspective.

Figure 2 highlights this lack of commitment by presenting instances of ex-post deviations

from the target in Portuguese auctions. The dots on top of 1 represent auctions in which
the amount issued equals the target, while the filled squares represent deviations above
or below target. One can see, that even before the debt crisis, the agency would regularly
deviate from the ex-ante target.

Brenner et al. (2009) surveyed treasury ministries and central banks around the world and
received answers from 48 countries. One of the questions asked was ”Does the treasury (or
the central bank) have the right to change the quantity of the debt that is being sold after viewing
the demand?”. More than half of the countries that answered (30 out of 48) have some
discretion on how much to issue, regardless of a target being announced. This is, once
again, evidence of lack of commitment to an ex-ante announcement.
Amount issued as a fraction of target




2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Figure 2: Amount raised as a fraction of the target in Bill Auctions

Debt crisis and uncertainty. During the European debt crisis, debt management offices
were purposefully increasing the flexibility of the mechanisms used to issue debt. In April
2010, the IGCP increased this flexibility by: 1) running multiple auctions simultaneously
for treasury bonds; 2) providing an interval, instead of an amount, as a target; 3) setting
the target range for the sum raised across the auctions being ran simultaneously. It is
important to note that April 2010 was right when the sovereign debt crisis in Greece was
intensifying, with multiple downgrades of Greek debt and, ultimately, a bailout in May
for the Greek government. In February 2011, the same type of changes, just described for
treasury bonds, were also introduced in auctions of treasury bills.

In the answers submitted to the 2011 Survey of the OECD Working Party on Public Debt
Management, Portugal’s debt management office stated: ”In the aftermath of the sovereign
debt crisis, the Republic of Portugal (RoP) has resorted to more flexible issuance methods.
Main changes were a more flexible auction calendar and the option of auctioning two bonds
simultaneously.” (emphasis added).

In that same report, we see that this was not an isolated case: ”In response to uncertainty
and volatility, auction calendars have become more flexible in most jurisdictions, auctions were
held more frequently and multiple series per auction were introduced.”

The fact that the debt issuance mechanism is more flexible implies that the use of discre-
tion is even clearer than before the crisis. By providing a range of amounts as target, the
government is not committing to any particular issuance amount. This added flexibility
can be thought of as a way to ensure that the target (range) is met, i.e. there would be no
failed auctions.

3.2 Changes in Demand

To understand uncertainty, we look at bid level data of Portuguese debt auctions. Fig-
ure 3 below, highlights changes in demand during the crisis period, as first documented
in Alves Monteiro (2022). The figure presents the aggregate bid function for two auc-
tions, one in each panel, together with the amount chosen by the IGCP. The bid prices

are normalized such that the clearing price is equal to 1. The left panel is representative
of demand schedules in normal times whether the panel on the right is representative of
demand schedules during the crisis period11 . We see that, during the crisis, the demand
schedule is much steeper and inelastic, with more dispersion of bids.

The changes depicted in Figure 3 may be driven by differences across dealers or by a

greater dispersion within bid functions – all dealers bid at a wider range of prices. Vari-
ance across dealers could be indicative of heterogeneity. Variance within bid functions
could be explained by greater uncertainty regarding financing needs, borrowing and ulti-
mately the value of debt, not necessarily steaming from differences between dealers.

To assess differences across dealers we first look at the variation in the price of the first
bid, with the lowest yield (highest price). The first bid in a dealer’s bid function is the
most likely to be executed as it has the lowest yield. As such, we argue that this bid is
also the most informative regarding dealer’s characteristics.

Sep. 16, 2009 March 16, 2011

Adjusted Price

0 1000 2000 3000 0 1000 2000 3000

Amount (million €)
Aggregate Bid Function Raised

Figure 3: Demand before and during the crisis

11 For a thorough analysis of the changes in the demand schedule refer to Alves Monteiro (2022).

Figure 4 presents the standard deviation of the lowest bid yield across dealers, {1, . . . , N },
at a given auction, for treasury bills and treasury bonds. More precisely, each point rep-
resents the average of such standard deviations across auctions, {1, . . . , Mt }, for a given
year, t as follows: v
Mt N ( pi1j − p1j )2
∑ ∑
SD t = t
Mt j =1 i =1

We separate this analysis for bills and bonds as the set of dealers participating in bills and
bond auctions are potentially different. Moreover, for bonds, we see a change in protocol
during the crisis as well as a hiatus on issuances.

For both securities we see that prior to the crisis the standard deviation is very small.
We then see a temporary increase during the crisis period followed by a return to zero
afterwards. This pattern is more clear for treasury bills given the continued issuance of
these securities during the crisis. Apart from that, the main difference with respect to
treasury bonds is that after the crisis the variation does not quite go back to zero, instead
it remains at slightly higher levels than before the crisis. This change in pattern occurs at
the same time as the protocol for treasury bond auctions switched from discriminatory to
uniform price.

50 Lowest yields Lowest yields

Standard deviation (b.p.)

Standard deviation (b.p.)

40 15


0 0
2005 2010 2015 2020 2005 2010 2015 2020

(a) Treasury Bills (b) Treasury Bonds

Figure 4: Variation between dealers’ lowest bid yields

Figure 5 presents the standard deviation of bid yields, within a bid function, for each
dealer. More precisely, each point represents the average of such standard deviations

across auctions, {1, . . . , Mt }, for a given dealer, i, and a given year, t, as follows:
( pikj − pij )2
∑ ∑
SDi,t = t
Mt j =1 k =1

The time series of the average standard deviation as a similar trend across all dealers
(across panels): 1) increasing towards 2008; 2) a drop in 2009 before the crisis; 3) higher
from 2010 to 2012; 4) a decrease starting in 2013 particularly accentuated in 2014; and, 5)
almost flat bid functions from 2014 onward. Note, however, that some dealers have more
disperse bid functions than others during the crisis period.

Having said this, the standard deviation across and within investors is at roughly the
same magnitude. This leads us to conclude that the pattern we see in Figure 3 is due to
all investors bidding at a wider range of prices, as well as some of them bidding at higher
prices and others at lower prices. That is, steeper aggregate bid functions are due, in part,
to steeper individual bid functions.
Standard deviation (b.p.)

2005 2010 2015 2020 2005 2010 2015 2020 2005 2010 2015 2020 2005 2010 2015 2020

Figure 5: Average standard deviation of bids between dealers

No persistent heterogeneity. Finally, we evaluate whether there are persistent differences

across investors. To do so, we rank the first bids, with the lowest yields, across dealers
in a given auction. As before, we use the first bid as it is the most informative about

differences across dealers. We postulate that if there were persistent differences across
investors, we would see a persistent pattern in this ranking. For instance, well informed
dealers would likely bid closer to the marginal price of the auction and consistently be
ranked lower. Figure 6 depicts the relative ranking over time for each dealer across trea-
sury bill auctions. We focus on treasury bills to highlight this fact due to the continued
issuance of this type of securities during the crisis12 . One can see that a persistent pattern
does not seem to exist, in fact, ranking over time seems to be independent of dealer.

Rank of first accepted bid




2005 2010 2015 2020 2005 2010 2015 2020 2005 2010 2015 2020 2005 2010 2015 2020

Figure 6: Rank of first bid (if accepted) over time

The horizontal bars in Figure 6 represent the dealer fixed effect, αi , in the following re-
Rit = αi + ϵit

where the dependent variable Rit depicts dealers’ i ranking in the auction ran at time t.
Year fixed effects were not included due to lack of significance. The dealer fixed effects,
as seen on the figure are fairly close to each other, with few exceptions, mostly on the
lower panels. Particularly, those exceptions tend to be more significant for dealers that
participate in auctions during shorter periods of time13 . Overall, individual and time
12 The same pattern emerges for treasury bonds.
13 From all participating investors, 6 were not included in the plot as they participated for even shorter

fixed effects account for less than 5% of the variation of rankings across investors and
over time14 .

3.3 Government Spending Uncertainty

Unanticipated large government deficits were an important driver of the sovereign debt
crisis in Europe. In late 2009, the newly elected Greek government disclosed that its
budget deficits were far higher than previously though, this led to the downgrade of
Greek debt and to a sharp increase in spreads. Copelovitch et al. (2016) consider this
to be the event that triggered the Eurozone debt crisis. For Portugal in particular, the
period leading to the bailout was marked by higher public spending and lower resources
to finance that spending. These led to elevated borrowing that, together with a prolonged
recession, played a role in explaining the sovereign debt crisis that followed.

Figure 7: Deviation from expected public spending

Figure 7 highlights the increase in unanticipated public spending that became more ev-
ident after 2008. The figure plots the difference between expected spending and actual
spending as a percentage of the expected spending. In particular, expected spending is
periods of time, making it harder to highlight trends in their ranking.
14 We further test for linear trends within investors across time and verify that they are either not signifi-

cant or explain less than 10% of the variation of the ranking over time.

taken from the government’s spending proposal submitted at the end of the year for the
year ahead. The figure shows that the deviations between expected and actual spending
are mostly positive and go up to 45% above the 1 year ahead expectation. Noticeably,
from 2008 and through 2014, the shaded area, these deviations were not only positive,
but also higher than before and after the crisis.

3.4 Taking Stock

The evidence provided is going to discipline the model introduced in the next sections.
In particular, we model uncertainty regarding financing needs, through public spending
surprises, as these played an important role in Portugal and Southern Europe leading up
to the crisis. The fact that information regarding these financing needs is asymmetric – it
is privately observed by the government – will be the driving force leading to differences
in bidding across protocols. This is consistent with the fact that supply of debt is ran-
dom ex-ante – given the realization of the financing needs and after observing the prices
demanded by investors, the government chooses how much to borrow optimally – the
government reserves discretion on the quantities sold.

Given the evidence presented in section 3.2, as investors do not present persistent differ-
ences nor there are consistent differences in the levels of individual bid functions over
time, as a simplifying assumption, we will consider that investors are symmetric15 .

4 A Simple Model with Endogenous Borrowing

Before going into the quantitative model, we first start with a simple environment to il-
lustrate mechanisms of a single auction environment. There are two periods, t = {0, 1}.
The small open economy is populated by a government that borrows from a unit contin-
uum of identical, competitive, risk neutral and deep pocketed foreign investors. These
15 In fact, as it will become clear in the model, individual quantities bid by dealers need not be symmetric.

Symmetry is used as a way to pin down the individual quantities bid. The fact that all investors bid the same
price schedule, is a simplifying assumption that can be relaxed, with the difference being the introduction
of aggregate demand uncertainty. For clarity of exposition and identification of the mechanisms affecting
outcomes, we keep the symmetry assumption in what follows.

investors’ discount factor is given by R−1 .

The government is benevolent and maximizes the welfare of the small open economy,
endowed with y in each period. Preferences over streams of consumption are as fol-
E [u(c0 ) + βu(c1 )]

where u is strictly increasing and concave and β ∈ (0, 1) denotes the discount factor.

In the first period, the economy faces a spending shock, θ, privately observed by the
government. The spending shock is drawn from a discrete distribution with support on
a finite set of points in the interval [θ L , θ H ] with θ L < θ H and cdf G.

The government lacks commitment. In the second period an outside option, vd , is real-
ized. The outside option is drawn from a continuous distribution with support on [v, v]
and cdf F. We assume that f (vd ) = F ′ (vd ) > 0 on [v, v]. We further assume that u(y) ≥ v,
so the government never defaults absent a strictly positive level of debt due.

Timing. The government starts the first period with endowment, y, and debt position,
b0 . The spending shock, θ, is realized. Investors submit bid schedules. The government
chooses optimally how much to borrow, given the bid schedules. In the second period
the outside option, vd , is realized and the government decides whether or not to default
on its debt.

4.1 Auction Protocols

We consider the two types of protocols typically used for auctioning sovereign debt: the
uniform price protocol (UP) and the discriminatory price protocol (DP). The protocol de-
termines which bids are accepted by the government and at which prices they are exe-
Investors submit bid functions, a tuple ( p, b, K ) = { pk , bk }k∈{1,...,K } with K < ∞. A bid
is a pair ( pk , bk ), representing the highest price pk an investor is willing to pay to purchase
bk units of debt. The government sorts bids from highest to lowest (price) and accepts all

bids until it is able to borrow b′ units. The lowest accepted price, the one that clears the
auction, is referred to as the marginal price of the auction, Pc .

Under UP, all accepted bids are executed at the same price, which corresponds to the
marginal price of the auction, Pc . We analyse a the most common DP, the ”pay-as-bid”,
under which accepted bids are executed at the respective bid price. The auction protocol
is chosen before the auction, and all bidders know it.

Denote the marginal price for a given ℓ as Pc (ℓ), where ℓ is the quantity issued. Then, the
revenue under a uniform price protocol is simply:

∆(ℓ)U = Pc (ℓ) × ℓ

On the other hand, given an aggregate bid schedule p(b), revenue under a discriminatory
price protocol is:
Z ℓ
∆(ℓ) = p(b)db

Refer to Figure 1 for a graphical representation of the two protocols and the respective

4.2 Optimal Bidding

In this environment, the private exogenous shock induces uncertainty on the amount
of new debt the government will issue. As a result, investors submit multiple bids – a
downward sloping individual demand.

We proceed to characterize optimal bidding. Let us first point out that it is never optimal
to bid at a price that is not in the set of marginal prices. That is, it is never optimal to bid
a price that is never chosen by the government.

Proposition 1. Bidding marginal prices is a dominant strategy for investors.

To see this, first recall that a bid is executed if the price is greater or equal than the realized
marginal price Pc (θ; p). Consider two consecutive marginal prices Pc,1 > Pc,2 , and a bid
with price p such that Pc,1 > p > Pc,2 . Note that such a bid is accepted with the same

probability of a bid with p = Pc,2 , that is Pr [ Pc (θ ) ≤ p] = Pr [ Pc (θ ) ≤ Pc,2 ], as there
is no marginal price between p and Pc,2 . Moreover, the value of debt is independent of
the price bid, as it is evaluated at the amount issued under the realized marginal price.
The cost associated with bidding p > Pc,2 , however, is greater: under a discriminatory
price protocol, the cost is p > Pc,2 . It follows that bidding marginal prices is a strictly
dominant strategy under a discriminatory price protocol. Finally, we can consider the
uniform price protocol as the limiting case of the discriminatory price protocol, where the
cost of a winning bid is equal to the marginal price of the auction. In this case, bidding
marginal prices is a weakly dominant strategy. Refer to the appendix for a full proof.

Given the result stated in proposition 1, as well as the fact that the state space (for θ) is dis-
crete and so is the set of marginal prices, it follows that investors submit a finite number
of bids, K, one for each possible realization of the marginal price. The lender problem is
then to choose the quantities to bid for each price in the set of marginal prices. This result
simplifies the nature of the problem. Instead of choosing quantities and prices, lenders
are now only choosing quantities for each price in the set of prices that the government
chooses with positive probability.

Lenders are infinitesimal. As such, an individual lender does not influence the aggre-
gate amount issued in the auction nor the market clearing price of the auction. This is
equivalent to say that each lender takes as given the aggregate bid function, as well as the
government’s strategy. Lenders’ strategies are aggregated into a market demand curve.
For each realization of θ, let ℓ(θ; p) denote the total quantity issued in an auction, a point
in the aggregate demand curve, evaluated at the marginal price Pc (θ; p). As in this setting
debt has one period maturity, total debt and new issuances are the same object, B′ = ℓ.
When a total of ℓ is sold, each unit has value Q(ℓ), the discounted future payment of a
unit of debt. The payoff of submitting a bid function ( p, b, K ) is as follows:
 
"  #

 K  

max Eθ 1{ pk ≥ Pc (θ )} Q(ℓ(θ )) − ϕ pk , Pc (θ )|ℓ(θ ) bk
b ∈R+  k =1
 | {z } | {z } | {z } 

Prob. of winning bid Value per unit Cost per unit

where ϕ( p, Pc (θ )|ℓ(θ )) is the price paid by the lender to purchase a unit of the bond when
they bid p and the marginal price is Pc (θ ). In the two protocols, ϕ(·) is such that Pc (θ ) ≤
ϕ( p, Pc (θ )|ℓ(θ )) ≤ p and is weakly decreasing in p.16 As investors are infinitesimal and bk
does not affect ℓ(·) nor Pc (·), it follows that the payoff is separable over bids. Individual
bids ( pk , bk ) solve:
"   #
max Eθ 1{ pk ≥ Pc (θ )} Q(ℓ(θ )) − ϕ( pk , Pc (θ )|ℓ(θ )) bk
bk ≥ 0

In equilibrium, the expected payoff to a lender of any bids with bk⋆ > 0, must be 0. If
this value were to be negative, then the lender could improve its payoff by setting bk to
0. If that value were to be positive, then the lender could arbitrarily increase its payoff by
setting bk arbitrarily large. As such,
"  #
Eθ 1{ pk ≥ Pc (θ )} Q(ℓ(θ )) − ϕ( pk , Pc (θ )|ℓ(θ )) =0

This condition pins down the set of marginal prices. In particular, we must have:

Z θH  
0= Q(ℓ(θ )) − ϕ( pk , Pc |ℓ(θ )) dG (θ )
Pc−1 ( pk )

where Pc−1 ( pk ) ≡ θ ( pk ) denote the minimum θ that induces a marginal price of pk .

In the case of a uniform price auction, this becomes:

Z θH  
0= Q(ℓ(θ )) − Pc (ℓ(θ )) dG (θ )
θ ( pk )

Since this must be true for every θ (including the largest one), this implies that for every
θ which is in supp{ G }:
Pc (ℓ(θ )) = Q(ℓ(θ ))

and it follows that investors bid all possible realizations of the value of debt Q(ℓ(θ )).
16 The functional form of ϕ(·) represents the protocol being used in the auction, with this assumption we
are allowing for a more general set of functional forms that nests both the uniform and discriminatory price

Prices are pinned down solely by the probability of default, as Q(·), the value of debt,
equals its discounted expected future payments, which in this setting is simply the dis-
counted probability of repayment.

For a discriminatory price auction, ϕ( pk , Pc |ℓ(θ )) = pk and

Z θH  
0= Q(ℓ(θ )) − pk dG (θ )
θ ( pk )

which can be simplified to:

Z θH
pk = Q(ℓ(θ ))dG (θ ) = E[ Q(ℓ(θ ))|θ ≥ θ ( pk )]
1 − G (θ ( pk )) θ ( pk )

As such, prices are no longer uniquely pinned down by the probability of default. In-
vestors commit to pay pk regardless of how much the government borrows within the
auction. In order to break even in expectation, the bid price, pk , must be equal to the
expected value of debt conditional on the bid being accepted. That is, investors bid ac-
cording to their expectation of how much the government will borrow – prices depend
on investors’ beliefs about the government’s borrowing distribution. Under a discrimina-
tory price protocol, although investors break even in expectation, they may incur losses
or profits ex-post.

Without loss of generality, because lenders are infinitesimal, we restrict consideration to

symmetric pure strategy equilibria. Equilibria where every investor submits the same
identical bids. This restriction pins down individual quantities bk . With this, we abstract
from the coordination problem between investors and focus on the strategic interaction
between investors and the government.

4.3 Government

In the second period, the government chooses whether or not to default to solve:

n o
′ d ′ d

W B ,v = max (1 − d)u(y − B ) + dv

The default policy rule is then:

1, if vd > u(y − B′ )

0, if vd ≤ u(y − B′ )

Define vd ( B′ ) as the value of the outside option such that the government is indiffer-
ent between defaulting and repaying, for each B′ . That is, vd ( B′ ) ≡ u(y − B′ ). Note
that, vd ( B′ ) is decreasing in B′ . Moreover, the value of debt in period 0 is given by
Q( B) = R−1 F (vd ( B)), the discounted probability of repayment. Importantly, the function
Q( B) does not depend on the protocol used. That is, in this single auction environment,
differences in bids across protocols do not arise due to different valuations of debt.

In the first period the government chooses borrowing, B′ , and clearing price, Pc , to solve:

n o
′ ′ d
u(y + ∆( B ) − b0 − θ ) + βE W ( B , v )

U ( B; p) = max (1)
{ B′ ≥0, Pc ≥0}

s.t. B′ = ℓ( Pc )

∆( B′ ; p) = p( B′ ) B′ , under UP

∆( B′ ; p) = B′ p( B)dB, under DP

 R

where ℓ( Pc ) = ∑kK=1 1{ pk ≥ Pc }bk .

Where the government takes the price schedule as given when maximizing utility. The
optimal borrowing level, B′ (θ; p), is a function of θ, given the price schedule. It fol-
lows that differences in prices may induce different borrowing decisions of the govern-

4.4 Equilibrium

We are now ready to define an equilibrium in this environment. All the objects, and
associated problems are defined above.

Definition 1 (Equilibrium). Given the auction protocol, an equilibrium consists of values {U, W },

a price equation, Q, a bid function, p, and policy rules, {d, B, Pc }, such that:

1. The price equation equals the discounted probability of repayment, given policy rules;

2. The bid function satisfies ex-ante zero profits for investors, given policy rules and prices;

3. The policy rules solve the government’s problems given values and prices;

4. The auction clears, given the bid function and policy rules.

4.5 Static Trade-offs and Revenue Equivalence

For a clear exposition of the trade-offs between the protocols, let us first consider an ex-
ample with exogenous borrowing. That is, B′ is not chosen by the government, but rather
its realization is exogenously random. In particular let us look at the case where the dis-
tribution is known by all, but the realization is privately observed by the government.
Let both B′ and vd follow a uniform distribution between 0 and y. Figure 8 and 9 below,
illustrate the bid schedules and revenue, respectively, under this setting.

Figure 8: Aggregate bid functions under UP and DP

Figure 9: Revenue under Uniform and Discriminatory auctions

There are two main takeaways. Firstly, under a discriminatory price protocol, the prices
at each increment are smaller (or equal, at the last increment) than the prices under a
uniform price protocol. Secondly, revenue is higher (lower) under a discriminatory price
protocol (uniform price protocol) for high (low) levels of B′ . This follows from the fact that
in a uniform price protocol the marginal price is also the average price, as opposed to the
discriminatory price protocol, where the average price is above the marginal price.

Let us first focus on the difference in levels between the two schedules. Note that, in
a discriminatory price protocol, investors commit to paying what they bid, even if the
marginal price of the auction is lower than that. This commitment to pay a price above
the marginal price, introduces what we refer to as static dilution. The costs associated
with static dilution under a discriminatory price protocol are responsible for lower prices
at each increment being borrowed.

Consider the following analogy. There is one borrower and several lenders that live in
individual houses. The government knocks randomly at a lender’s door and asks her
how much she requires to lend an increment of debt b1 . The lender offers a price such
that she breaks even in expectation. After borrowing the first increment, with a positive
probability, the government will knock at someone else’s door. If it does so, and borrows
more, the value of debt goes down as Q( B) is decreasing in B. The first investor sees her
position in the asset diluted by the increase in borrowing that the government partakes

in. The first investor knows at the time of lending, however, that this dilution would
happen with a given positive probability. As such, she requires a higher return (lower
price) when asked to lend in the first place. In particular, she will bid a price that equals
her expectation of the value of the asset, conditional on the amount the government is
already borrowing. This is true at each increment that the government decides to borrow,
which explains the lower prices under a discriminatory price auction, as long as there is
positive probability that the government will keep on borrowing. Since this probability
is decreasing as we move along the bid schedule, dilution in the marginal price is also
decreasing. That is, at the margin, first bids (higher prices, lower amounts) are more
impacted by this dilution.

In the analogy above we described what seemed to be a game of sequential borrowing,

reminiscent of Bizer and DeMarzo (1992). Note, however, that the government interacts
simultaneously with all investors participating in an auction. Investors submit bid func-
tions accounting for all possible realizations of B′ , and dilution takes place across states of
the world (realizations of B′ ) and not across time. Hence the name, static dilution.

Let us now focus on the differences in revenue across states. Under a uniform price proto-
col, revenue is given by the product of the marginal price of the auction and the quantity
borrowed. Under a discriminatory price protocol, revenue is given by the sum of prices
at each infinitesimal increment, the area below the curve.

Figure 9 shows that, although revenue is lower under a discriminatory price protocol
for low levels of B′ , it is weakly increasing in B′ . On the other hand, revenue under a
uniform price protocol yields the familiar Laffer curve where, for high levels of B′ , the
decrease in price more than offsets the increase in quantity and, ultimately, revenue goes
back to zero. In a discriminatory price protocol, although the marginal price is decreasing
in B′ , all previous increments are executed at their bid prices. In a uniform price protocol,
however, all increments are issued at the lowest price. As such, the discriminatory price
protocol provides insurance by allowing the government to transfer resources from good
states (low B′ ) to bad states (high B′ ).

The choice of protocol highlights a mean-variance trade-off: the discriminatory price pro-

tocol has lower marginal prices, but provides insurance through lower variance of av-
erage prices. This is a similar point to Cole et al. (2018), where the choice of protocol
depends on how the government values different states of the world.

In this example, as B′ is exogenous, the utility in the second period is independent of the
auction protocol. It follows that welfare is pinned down by the utility in the first period
ˆ ( B′ ) and ∆( B′ ) denote revenue under a
and, in particular, by the auction revenue. Let ∆
uniform and a discriminatory price protocol, respectively.

Theorem 1 (Revenue Equivalence). If B′ is a random variable independent of the auction pro-

tocol, then ex-ante expected revenue in the auction is the same under both protocols.

This result was expected and stems from the investors break-even condition: i) as B′ is
independent of the protocol, so will be the investor’s expected payoff; ii) as investors
break even in expectation and i) holds, the expected cost of winning bids must also be
independent of the protocol; iii) note that investors’ expected cost is the government’s
expected revenue. Refer to the appendix for a formal proof.

Revenue equivalence tells us that a risk neutral government is indifferent between proto-
cols as the ex-ante expected revenue is independent of the protocol. Note however that, a
risk averse government prefers the discriminatory price protocol, as consumption is less
volatile and has the same expected value. The lower volatility of consumption under DP
follows from revenue having a smaller variance, both because of the lower variance in
prices and the fact that revenue itself is weakly increasing. As, y − b0 is a constant and
consumption is given by y − b0 + ∆(b), consumption is less volatile under DP. Revenue
equivalence gives us that expected consumption is the same across protocols.

Note however that, with endogenous borrowing, the main difference is that optimal bor-
rowing B′ (θ, p) depends on the price schedule, and so it depends on the protocol chosen.
This fact, induces, through θ, different distributions for the issuance decision. As B′ (θ; p)
is not independent from the protocol chosen, revenue equivalence need not hold. To see
this, note that E[ B′ Q( B′ )] may be different across protocols as the distribution of the deci-
sion rule, B′ (θ; p), may differ across protocols. Then, in order for investors to break even

in expectation, the cost of winning bids (and revenue for the government) is no longer
equal across protocols.

This result highlights the role of the government’s strategic behavior. Introducing a gov-
ernment that chooses debt optimally, and does so after prices are submitted, is enough to
break revenue equivalence.

4.6 Numerical Example with Endogenous Borrowing

We now present a numerical exercise highlighting the differences in borrowing decisions

induced by the differences in prices detailed above. At the same time, we highlight the
overall impact of the protocol on revenue and welfare.

We let θ be exponentially distributed with cdf G (θ ) = 1 − exp(−λθ )17 . We set λ = 4.

Further, let vd be uniformly distributed on the interval [0, y]. Then, F (vd ) = vd /y and
F ′ (vd ) = (1/y). We further set y = 1, β = 0.9, R = 1.01 and b0 = 0. Finally, we assume
the functional form of utility to be constant relative risk aversion (CRRA). In particular,
we will consider γ = 0.5 and log utility (γ → 1).

Figure 10 below depicts how outcomes compare under CRRA utility with γ = 0.5. In
panel (a) we see that under DP the government borrows more than under UP, and that
this difference is increasing in θ. This relates to the bid schedules depicted in panel (b)
and the revenue curves depicted in panel (c): 1) at the first bids, prices are much lower
under DP due to a higher static dilution at the margin; 2) static dilution at the margin
decreases along the bid schedule; and 3) the price moves against the government under
UP as all debt is issued at the marginal price, decreasing the incentive to borrow at the
margin when compared to DP. Ex-ante welfare is higher under UP:

E[V (θ )UP ] = 3.329 E[V (θ ) DP ] = 3.327

17 In practice, we use a discretized and truncated exponential distribution that preserves the assumption
in the theory.

(a) Borrowing Decisions (b) Bid Schedules

(c) Revenue (d) Value functions

Figure 10: Comparing optimal outcomes under UP and DP

A point that is worth highlighting. Although it was expected that under DP the govern-
ment would borrow more than under UP, as γ → 0 the government borrows as much as
possible and does so faster than it would for higher values of γ. This illustrates that static
dilution increases as the government preferences move towards risk neutrality. At the
same time, insurance benefits are valued less. Both forces lead to the uniform price proto-
col being preferred by a government with a low coefficient of relative risk aversion.

(a) Borrowing Decisions (b) Bid Schedules

(c) Revenue (d) Value functions

Figure 11: Comparing optimal outcomes under UP and DP

In Figure 11, we see how the outcomes compare when we instead use log utility. In
panel (a) we see a behavior for borrowing similar to the one described in Figure 10 . The
important difference is that with the added concavity the government borrows less than
before. The added concavity reinforces the importance of consumption smoothing across
states and across time. It introduces a disciplining effect on borrowing that limits static
dilution. Panel (b) depicts the effect of this added discipline on the price schedule. Less
dilution implies higher prices under DP than those observed with γ = 0.5. Panel (d)
shows that the discriminatory price protocol now fares better than under the previous

In fact, ex-ante welfare is now higher under the discriminatory protocol:

E[V (θ )UP ] = −0.500 < E[V (θ ) DP ] = −0.498

To assess whether this pattern is not dependent on a specific set of functional forms and
parameterizations, we look at different degrees of risk aversion, distributions of θ and vd
and different patterns of output growth across periods. For a list of different functional
forms and parameterizations refer to the appendix.

4.7 Taking Stock

So far we have used a simple single auction environment to understand how the choice
of protocol affects borrowing decisions and the cost of debt. To isolate differences on the
bid schedules we used an example with exogenous borrowing. We can summarize the
results as follows: 1) bid prices are lower under DP than under UP due to static dilu-
tion; 2) bid prices have less variance across B′ under DP; 3) auction protocols are revenue
equivalent as B′ is exogenously random and investors break-even in expectation; 4) a risk
neutral government is indifferent between protocols; and 5) a risk averse government
prefers the discriminatory price protocol as expected revenue is the same and variance is

With endogenous borrowing we get that: 1) auction protocols are not revenue equivalent;
2) for each θ, the government borrows more under the discriminatory price protocol; 3)
the difference in borrowing is increasing in θ as revenue keeps increasing and static di-
lution at the margin decreases; 4) under a sufficiently concave utility, the need to smooth
consumption across time disciplines borrowing and limits the costs associated with dilu-
tion under the discriminatory price protocol. As a result, the latter fares better than the
uniform price protocol.

5 A Quantitative Model with Long Bonds and Repeated

We now introduce dynamics by considering an environment with repeated auctions and

long-term debt. This environment allows us to evaluate the interaction of the auction
protocols with debt dilution across time and how it affects borrowing, the cost of debt
and welfare. To do so, we start by calibrating the model to the Portuguese economy
under the discriminatory price protocol, the one being used prior to the crisis. We then
perform a counterfactual, solving the model as if the uniform price protocol was the one
being used. With both specifications, the one under the discriminatory price protocol,
and the counterfactual, under the uniform price protocol, we then assess how protocols
interact with default risk and how they affect auction outcomes and welfare.

5.1 Environment

Time is discrete and infinite, t = {0, 1, 2, . . . }. The small open economy is populated by
a government that borrows from a unit continuum of competitive, risk neutral and deep
pocketed foreign investors. These investors’ discount factor is given by R−1 .

The government is benevolent and maximizes the welfare of the small open economy.
Preferences over streams of consumption are as follows:

" #
E ∑ βt u(ct )
t =0

where u is strictly increasing and strictly concave and β ∈ (0, 1) denotes the discount

There is a public exogenous state of the world s ∈ S , which follows a Markov process that
governs the endowment y(s) and expected public spending g(s). The private exogenous
state of the world includes T ∈ T , the government’s type, that is i.i.d over time, and
determines a budget surprise θ T .

The government borrows using a defaultable long term bond. We assume that there is a
finite set B of values that the government’s debt level B can take. We follow Chatterjee
and Eyigungor (2012) and Hatchondo and Martinez (2009), and model debt as a contract
promising a stream of exponentially declining coupon payments. Specifically, at time t, a
unit of the bond promises to pay (1 − λ)t+ j−1 (λ + κ ) of the consumption good in period
t + j. As in the two period model, in order to issue debt B′ the government runs an auction
and investors provide bid schedules.

If the government chooses to default, the country is excluded from financial markets and
suffers a flow utility cost of h(s). The country regains access to financial markets with
probability η. Reentry is done through restructuring. That is, upon reentry the govern-
ment is liable for a fraction (1 − τ ) of the debt, B, it had prior to the default event.

If a country enters a period in good standing, the timing is as follows:

1. The states s, m = {m R ( B′ )} B∈B , m D and T are realized.

2. The government chooses whether to default or not.

2.1. If the government has chosen to repay (d = 0):

i. The government runs an auction;

ii. Investors submit bid functions after observing the public state s;

iii. The government chooses B′ and Pc , given the aggregate bid function.

2.2. If the government chooses to default (d = 1), it is excluded from financial

markets and cannot borrow.

i. Next period, with probability η the government regains access to financial

markets, and with probability (1 − η ) remains excluded;

Let us note that the private exogenous state of the world does not need to be a shock
that occurs every time the government runs an auction. That is, the frequency of the
shock does not need to be linked to the auction calendar. The auction is, however, the
only opportunity investors have to know more about the realization of the private shock.

There is no other way the shock gets observed unless an auction takes place. This follows
from the fact that the government does not participate in the secondary market. Even if
we thought of a shock to the market’s ability to absorb more debt, the same argument
would hold. Investors cannot infer that from the secondary market, as debt is in fixed
supply until a new auction takes place. When an auction takes place investors then know
if there was, in fact, a new realization of the shock.

5.1.1 Additional Elements

The private exogenous state includes a vector m of preference shocks for the government
that is i.i.d. over time. These preference shocks enter additively in the government’s de-
cision problems. They are unbounded and therefore ensure that every feasible action is
played with positive probability in equilibrium. Introducing these shocks is like introduc-
ing randomization, ensuring convergence – that an equilibrium exists 18 . These shocks are
otherwise small.

There is an issuance cost i (s, B, B′ ) incurred when the government adjusts its debt level.
This is a standard feature in models with long term debt and positive recovery rates (see
Dvorkin et al. (2021) or Chatterjee and Eyigungor (2015)). Without these adjustment costs,
the government has an incentive to issue very large amounts of debt when default is
imminent in order to extract the value of existing bondholders’ securities. This type of
“maximum” dilution behavior is counterfactual. As such, issuance costs are added to
the model to prevent it from occurring in equilibrium. Quantitatively, the amount spent
financing the issuance costs ends up being small.

5.2 Optimal Bidding

The solution to the lenders’ problem is similar to what we described in the two period en-
vironment: each lender takes as given the strategies of all the other lenders, as well as the
government’s strategy. Lenders’ strategies are aggregated into a market demand curve.
18 These preference shocks have the same role as the m shock introduced in Chatterjee and Eyigungor

For each realization of ( T, m), let ℓ( T, m; p) denote the total amount issued in an auction,
a point in the aggregate demand curve, evaluated at the marginal price Pc ( T, m; p). Note
that ℓ(·) and Pc (·) are a function of the private state, for a given public state comprised
of s and the current period debt level B. For this subsection, we suppress the current
public state for ease of notation. When a total of ℓ is sold, the government’s outstanding
debt position is B′ ≡ ℓ + (1 − λ) B and the value is Q(ℓ + (1 − λ) B), where Q(·) will be
determined in equilibrium.

The result stated in Proposition 1 follows, with lenders bidding only marginal prices.
Lenders’ bid functions consist of K price quantity pairs, where the finiteness of K relies
on the the finiteness of B , the set of values that the government’s debt level can take. As
investors are infinitesimal and bk does not affect B′ (·) nor Pc (·), it follows, as before, that
the payoff is separable over bids. Individual bids ( pk , bk ) now solve:
"   #
max E 1{ pk ≥ Pc ( T, m)} Q( B′ ( T, m)) − ϕ pk , Pc ( T, m)| B′ ( T, m) bk

bk ≥ 0 | {z } | {z } | {z }
Prob. of winning bid Value per unit Cost per unit

In the two protocols, ϕ(·) is such that Pc ( T, m) ≤ ϕ( pk , Pc ( T, m)| B′ ( T, m)) ≤ pk and is

weakly decreasing in pk . An equilibrium with positive bk we must have:
"  #
0 = E 1{ pk ≥ Pc ( T, m)} Q( B′ ( T, m)) − ϕ( pk , Pc ( T, m)| B′ ( T, m))

This zero profit condition pins down the set of marginal prices. In the case of a uniform
price auction, this becomes:
"  #
0 = E 1{ pk ≥ Pc ( T, m)} Q( B ( T, m)) − Pc ( T, m)

Since this must be true for every pair { T, m} (including the one that yields the smallest
marginal price), this implies that for every pair { T, m}:

Pc ( T, m) = Q( B′ ( T, m)) (2)

For a discriminatory price auction, we instead obtain:
"  #
0 = E 1{ pk ≥ Pc ( T, m)} Q( B′ ( T, m)) − pk

which can be simplified to:

h i
E 1{ Pc ( T, m) ≥ Pc ( T,
b mb )} Q( B′ ( T, m))
Pc ( T, m) = (3)
Pr [ Pc ( T, m) ≥ Pc ( T,
b mb )]

= E[ Q( B′ ( T, m))| Pc ( T, m) ≥ Pc ( T,
b mb )]

Note that, as before, under a uniform price auction prices are pinned down by the value
of debt at each state, whether under a discriminatory price protocol prices depend on
investors’ beliefs about the government’s borrowing distribution.

Once again, without loss of generality, because lenders are infinitesimal, we restrict con-
sideration to symmetric pure strategy equilibria, equilibria where every investor submits
the same identical bids. As before, this restriction pins down individual quantities bk , and
we abstract from the coordination problem between investors.

5.2.1 A Note on Reverse Auctions

In this environment, we allow the government to perform debt buybacks. This is done
through reverse auctions, that are conducted under the same protocol as the auctions.
Our underlying assumption is that the government either borrows or buys back debt in
a given auction. That is, the government cannot borrow and buy back debt in the same
auction. This is consistent with what we observe in the data, the government either runs
an auction or a reverse auction at a give moment in time. Figure 12 below, depicts how
the protocols work for reverse auctions.

Bids by primary dealers are represented by the increasing step function – the aggregate
bid function. In a reverse auction the aggregate bid function is akin to a supply func-
tion. The government selects the amount it buys back, ℓ, and the clearing price, Pc . In a

uniform price reverse auction, all accepted bids are executed at the marginal price. In a
discriminatory price auction (pay-as-bid), all accepted bids are executed at the respective
bidding prices. The cost to the government (negative revenue) is depicted by the shaded

(a) A marginal price reverse auction (b) A ”pay-as-bid” reverse auction

Figure 12: Comparison of marginal price and pay-as-bid reverse auctions

Note that which auction protocol yields a higher cost to the government is not obvious
since, as in the regular auctions, the aggregate bid function is different depending on the
protocol used. In particular, under a discriminatory price reverse auction investors bid
according to:
h i
E 1{ Pc ( T, m) ≤ Pc ( T,
b mb )} Q( B′ ( T, m))
Pc ( T, m) = (4)
Pr [ Pc ( T, m) ≤ Pc ( T,
b mb )]

= E[ Q( B′ ( T, m))| Pc ( T, m) ≤ Pc ( T,
b mb )]

which is the counterpart of equation (3) for regular auctions. The uniform price protocol
for reverse auctions, yields the same optimal bidding as in equation (2), with marginal
prices equal to the value of debt.

From equations (3) and (4) we see that, under a discriminatory price auction, optimal
bidding has: i) investors bidding weakly below the value of the asset when the govern-

ment is issuing debt; ii) investors bidding weakly above the value of the asset when the
government is buying back debt.

5.3 Government’s Problem

At the beginning of the period, if the country is in good standing, the government’s prob-
lem is to choose whether or not to default as follows:

n  o
V (s, m, T, B) = max (1 − d)V R (s, mR , T, B) + d V D (s, T, B) + m D

where V R is the repayment value function and V D is the value under default.

The value under default is given by:

V D (s, T ) = (1 − β) u y(s) − g(s) × θ T − h(s) +

| {z }
 h i
+ β E ηV s′ , m′ , T ′ , (1 − τ ) B) + (1 − η )V D (s′ , T ′ , B) s

where the government does not have access to financial markets and just consumes what
is left of the endowment after financing realized public spending, the product of the ex-
pected g(s) and the surprise θ T . The default cost, h(s), is measured in utils. The continua-
tion value depends on whether the government regains access to financial markets, which
occurs with probability η. In such cases, the government is liable for a fraction (1 − τ )
of the debt it had due prior to the default event. Otherwise, with probability (1 − η ) the
government remains in default.

Conditional on choosing to repay its debt, the government’s problem is:

  n h  i o
V R s, mR , T, B = max (1 − β) u (c) + βE V s′ , m′ , T ′ , B′ s + m R ( B′ )
{c≥0, Pc >0, B′ ∈B}

s.t. c + (λ + κ ) B + g(s) × θ T = y(s) + ∆ s, B, ℓ(s, B, Pc ) 1 − i (s, B, B′ )

| {z } | {z }
Spending Auction Revenue

B′ = ℓ(s, B, Pc ) +(1 − λ) B
| {z }
Debt Issuance

where ∆(·) denotes the auction revenue (or reverse auction cost) and ℓ(·) the new debt
issuances (or debt buyback), as follows:


 ∑ 1{ pk (s, B) ≥ Pc } ϕ( pk (s, B), Pc ) bk (s, B) , if B ≥ (1 − λ) B

 ′

k =1
∆(s, B, ℓ(s, B, Pc )) =
 K
 ∑ −1{ pk (s, B) ≤ Pc } ϕ( pk (s, B), Pc ) bk (s, B) , if B < (1 − λ) B

 ′
k =1


 ∑ 1{ pk (s, B) ≥ Pc }bk (s, B) , if B ≥ (1 − λ) B

 ′

k =1
ℓ(s, B, Pc ) =
 ∑ −1{ pk (s, B) ≥ Pc }bk (s, B) , if B < (1 − λ) B

 ′
k =1

In this problem, the optimal choice of debt holdings for next period, B′ , depends on debt
issuances, ℓ. These, for a given bid schedule, are pinned down by the marginal price
of the auction, Pc . As such, the government chooses both Pc and B′ . The resulting auc-
tion revenue together with the endowment are used to finance pubic consumption and
to service debt (coupon and principal repayments), with the remaining going towards
consumption. When choosing borrowing and consumption, the government takes into
account how its choices affect both the revenue raised today and the continuation value
it will receive in the future E[V (·)|s].

Before we proceed, it is worth discussing how the value of debt changes across protocols.
In the two period environment, we had Q(b) = R−1 F (u(y − b)), the discounted prob-

ability of repayment, for both protocols. Here however, conditional on repayment, the
government chooses a new B′ every period and so the value of debt is not necessarily
the same across protocols. In fact, given a protocol j, the value of debt is given by its
discounted expected payments, as follows:

h   i
′ −1
Q j (s, B ) = R E (1 − d′j ) ′ ′ ′ ′ ′
(κ + λ) + (1 − λ) Q j (s , B j (s , B , m , T )) + d′j Q D ′ ′
j (s , B ) s

where, d′j = d j (s′ , m′ , T ′ , B′ ) denotes states where the government defaults and (1 − d′j )
the states where the government repays its debt ; (κ + λ) denotes the coupon payment
plus the repayment of the fraction of debt λ that matures; (1 − λ) Q(s′ , B(s′ , B′ , m′ , T ′ ))
the continuation value of the fraction of debt that does not mature; and, Q D (s′ , B′ ) the
residual value of debt upon default.

 h i
−1 D ′

j ( s, B ) = R η ( 1 − τ ) Q j s, ( 1 − τ ) B + ( 1 − η ) E Q j ( s , B )| s

where, with probability η the government regains access to financial markets and restruc-
turing materializes in a haircut τ on the debt stock the government had prior to the default
episode; with the complement probability (1 − η ) the government remains excluded from
financial markets.

From these equations, it follows that Q(s, B′ ) is potentially different across protocols, both
because: 1) the continuation value of investors’ debt claims are potentially different as
different bid schedules likely induce different borrowing decisions, B(·); and 2) default
decisions are likely different as well: for the same shock realizations, V R (·) is potentially
different both because of differences in borrowing but also through differences in revenue
across protocols (both level and variance). These differences in value, Q, induced by
differences in borrowing and default decisions highlight the effects of repeated auctions.
This dynamic channel translates into different valuations for the same asset (a claim on
government’s future payments), depending on the protocol.

At the same time, this general environment also introduces a dynamic inefficiency, dy-
namic dilution, through the use of long maturity debt. When issuing additional debt in

the future, original investors see the value of their claims fall as the probability of default
increases. The dynamic nature of the general environment gives us this new channel. The
crucial aspect here is how the protocol interacts with debt dilution. In particular, what are
the incentives on borrowing that each protocol provides and what are the corresponding
effects on prices, default and welfare.

5.4 Equilibrium

We are now ready to define an equilibrium in this environment. All the objects, and
associated problems and functional equations, are defined above.

Definition 2 (Equilibrium). Given the auction protocol, a recursive equilibrium consists of

value functions, V, V R , V D , price equations, { Q, Q D }, bid function p, and policy rules,

{d, B, ℓ, Pc }, that satisfy the following conditions (for the full, detailed list, see the appendix):

1. The price equations satisfy their functional equations, given policy rules;

2. The bid function satisfies ex-ante zero profits for investors, given policy rules and prices;

3. The policy rules solve the government’s problems, given values and prices;

4. The value functions satisfy their functional equations given prices and policies;

5. The auction clears, given the bid function and policy rules.

6 Calibration

In this section, we specify the data used for the estimation. We further describe the func-
tional forms used in the quantitative implementation of the model and detail the cali-
brated parameter values. After that, we show how well the model fits the data.

6.1 Data

We use data from the Portuguese economy to perform a case study for the theory de-
veloped in this paper. As described in section 3, we have detailed data on Portuguese

sovereign debt auctions. Furthermore, by using Portugal as an example we can evaluate
the switch in protocol that occurred in the midst of the sovereign debt crisis. Finally, Por-
tugal fits the core assumptions of this type of sovereign default model as it is a small open
economy with a vast majority of its debt securities held by foreigners.

Annual data for real and nominal GDP is taken from Eurostat national accounts and cov-
ers the period 1995-2022. Monthly data on long-term interest rates for Portugal and Ger-
many is taken from the European Central Bank (ECB) Interest Rate Statistics, covering
the same period, 1999-2022. Government debt securities data is taken from BPStat gen-
eral government statistics. Finally, we use annual data for realized government expen-
ditures and revenues as well as the government’s one year ahead expectation for those
same rubrics for the period 2003:2022. Realized expenditures and revenues are obtained
from the Portuguese Public Finance Council (CFP, Portuguese acronym). The year ahead
estimates are obtained from the government’s budget proposal reports, submitted every
year in October.

In the model, a period is a year. This choice is primarily due to the annual frequency of
the data for the expected public spending.

In what follows, we select the structural parameters of the model. Some of these are
set independently outside of the model, from the literature. We estimate the income and
expected spending process. We measure spending deviations in the data and parametrize
a log normal distribution for the spending surprise process. The remaining parameters
are calibrated by simulated method of moments to match certain characteristics of the
Portuguese economy.

6.2 Functional Forms and Parameters

The model is calibrated to match the experience of Portugal since joining the Euro. The
annual risk-free real interest rate, r is set to 0.02, a standard value, close to the average rate
in germany in the relevant period. The maturity rate λ of the bond and its coupon value
κ are set to the values used by Paluszynski (2023) (who also studies Portugal during the

same period).

The functional form of utility is constant relative risk aversion:

c 1− γ
u(c) =

We set the relative risk aversion coefficient, γ, to 2, a standard value in macroeconomics.

The preference shocks m are distributed according to a Generalized Type One Extreme
Value distribution with scale parameter σm and correlation parameter ρm . These distribu-
tions are chosen for their computational tractability19 .

We estimate the income process for detrended real per capita GDP for years 1995:2019
and the process for the detrended year ahead expectation of the real per capita public
spending for years 2003:2019, both assumed to be AR(1) as follows:

y t = µ y + ρ y y t −1 + ϵ t

gt = µ g + ρ g gt−1 + νt

In doing so, we compute the correlation between the estimated innovations, corr (ϵt , νt ) =
ρϵ,ν . Finally, we get σθ , as the standard deviation of the log differences between the actual
detrended real public spending and the detrended real year ahead expectation for the
same variable. With that, we parameterize the spending surprise shock as follows:

θt ∼ log-normal (0, σθ )

Other functional forms that must be specified are the cost of default and the issuance cost
function. The utility cost of default is as follows:

h(yt ) = max{0, (1 − h0 ) + h1 log yt }

19 Specifically,
both choice probabilities and ex ante expected values can be written analytically in terms
of the values associated with the choices. We set ρm following Dvorkin et al. (2021). We then set the scale
parameter at a small number that still ensures convergence, half of that of Dvorkin et al. (2021).

The issuance cost function is as in Fourakis (2023)20 . This function imposes a strict limit
on the one period ahead default probability from which issuing costs are positive and is
continuous in the scale of the issuance. The purpose of these issuance costs is to prevent
a behavior Chatterjee and Eyigungor (2015) termed “maximum dilution.” When default
is imminent, the maturity structure of the debt, together with the opportunity for restruc-
turing, gives the government an incentive to issue as much debt as possible, extracting the
value of existing bondholders’. Issuance cost functions counteract these incentives.

The remaining parameters are calibrated by simulated method of moments. The idea
behind the identification strategy is to match certain general characteristics of the Por-
tuguese economy. The targeted moments are the mean of the external debt to GDP ratio
while not in default and the mean and volatility of spreads while not in default.

The three parameters β, h0 and h1 , govern the average impatience of the government and
the average penalty for defaulting. These parameters are closely tied to the mean of the
debt to GDP ratio and the mean and volatility of the interest rate spreads. In particular,
β controls the rate at which the government accumulates debt up to levels where default
may occur, and h0 and h1 determine how high such levels are. Moreover, the default cost
parameters control how likely the government is to default for every state. As such, they
are directly related to the spreads, which are a measure of the risk of default. Tables 2 and
3 summarize the calibrated parameters and those set outside the model.

Table 2: Calibrated parameters

Parameters Value
β 0.933
h0 0.917
h1 0.325

20 A sine wave shifted and scaled to rise from 0 to 1 as it travels from the threshold, pd , to 1:

B′ ≤ B̂ or Pr (d′⋆ = 1) ≤ pd

i s, B, B =  
Pr(d′⋆ =1)− pd

2 1 + sin π 1− p − 12 B′ > B̂ and Pr (d′⋆ = 1) > pd

where B̂ = max{(1 − λ) B, 0}.

Table 3: Parameters set independently

Parameters Value Source

R 1.02 Standard
γ 2 Standard

λ 0.212 Paluszynski (2023)

κ 0.050 Paluszynski (2023)
η 0.154 Chatterjee and Eyigungor (2012)

µy 0.005 Estimation
ρy 0.802 Estimation
σϵ 0.019 Estimation
µg -0.388 Estimation
ρg 0.773 Estimation
σν 0.054 Estimation
ρϵ,ν 0.397 Estimation
σθ 0.115 Estimation

ρm 0.25 Dvorkin et al. (2021)

σm 5e − 4 For convergence

τ 0.535 Greek haircut

pd 0.8 -

6.3 Targeted Moments

Table 4 below compares the targeted moments for calibration in the data, for 1999Q1 –
2011Q1, and in the model. The calibrated model is able to closely match the targeted
moments in the data.
Table 4: Targeted moments

Moments Data Model

E[b′ /y] 48.91% 46.22%
E[r − r f ] 0.61% 0.63%
σ (r − r f ) 1.02 p.p. 1.03 p.p.

Where r, in the model, is the internal rate of return that makes the present discounted
value of the promised sequence of future payments on a unit bond equal to the unit price,
computed as follows:
(λ + κ )
r (s, B′ ) = −λ
Q(s, B′ )
It is worth stressing that, as documented in Aguiar et al. (2016), standard sovereign debt
models typically fail at matching the volatility of the spread. In particular, volatility tends
to be lower in the model than in the data. Even though Portugal presents spreads with
higher volatility than the average spread, the model is able to match it. It is worth not-
ing that Portuguese sovereign debt auctions were using the discriminatory price protocol
during the period for which the model was calibrated. The discriminatory price proto-
col is prone to incentivize higher marginal spreads. As the decrease in price (increase
in spread) only affects the marginal unit borrowed, the government is willing to borrow
further into higher spreads. This is in opposition to the uniform price auction where a
decrease in price (increase in spread) affects the whole debt issuance. It turns out that
this incentive to borrow further captures both higher spreads and most importantly, the
spread volatility that standard models fail to attain. Paluszynski (2023) calibrates a stan-
dard sovereign borrowing and default model and finds that such model cannot generate
the volatility of the spreads observed in the data. The author then introduces unobserved
rare disasters into the output process. This addition to the model generates a spread
volatility that surpasses that observed in the data21 . The author justifies this increase in
volatility as follows: A “sudden fall in the belief may cause a downward shift of the en-
tire bond price schedule [...] spreads may then shoot up, while income remains relatively
high, making default unattractive because of the nonlinear punishment function”. That
is, the government is willing to sustain higher spreads instead of defaulting right away
as it would if the income process was a standard AR(1). Notice that both modeling deci-
sions yield a similar result, of higher volatility of the spreads. Here we highlight that for
this particular modeling decision we rely on an institutional feature observed in the data,
while the remaining modeling decisions are fairly standard. Furthermore, both Aguiar
21 Thisis the case for conditional simulations. For long run simulations high volatility of spreads comes
at the expense of counterfactual debt and spreads.

et al. (2016) and Paluszynski (2023) were doing a calibration for countries that used the
discriminatory price protocol (Mexico and Portugal, respectively). The use of the right
auction framework is enough to offset the highlighted difficulty.

6.4 Validation

So far we have described the data that identifies the key parameters of the model as well
as the calibration strategy. We now move to validation, in particular assessing the model
performance with respect to matching of untargeted moments. To do so, we also perform
a counterfactual exercise, by solving the model as if the protocol used was the uniform. As
such, we not only see how well the discriminatory performs but also highlight differences
to the uniform price protocol specification.

Table 5 below presents the simulated business cycle moments in the long-run sample (i.e.
ergodic distribution), under both protocols, along with the empirical moments22 .

Here we present two new spreads, the average bid spread and the average spread on the
last bid accepted. These use, respectively, rbid and rmarg , that are computed similarly to r
as follows:
(λ + κ )
rbid (s, B, B′ ) = −λ
p(s, B, B′ )
(λ + κ )
rmarg (s, B, B′ ) = −λ
p(s, B, B′ )
where p(s, B, B′ ) denotes the average price of executed bids in an auction and p(s, B, B′ )
denotes the price of the last accepted bid in an auction.

Recall that the model is calibrated for the discriminatory price protocol, and the simu-
lated moments under the uniform price protocol are counterfactual. As such, the average
debt to GDP ratio, the average spread and the volatility of the spread are matched under
the discriminatory price protocol but not under the uniform price protocol. Noticeably,
22 Model moments are generated from simulations that extend to 10,000 years and are repeated 1,000
times. Empirical moments involving spreads are computed using annual data and average spreads from
1999 to 2010, the year before the bailout. Empirical moments using average bid spreads were computed for
treasury bond auctions. Other empirical moments are computed using annual data starting from 1995 and
up to 2019.

the average spreads under the uniform protocol are much lower and less volatile than
under the discriminatory protocol. Moreover, under the uniform protocol, the volatility
of the spreads is lower than the average spread, contrary to the empirical moments. This
observation goes back to the aforementioned discussion regarding the limitation of stan-
dard models in inducing volatile spreads as seen in the data. The average spread on the
last bid accepted, E[rmarg − r ⋆ ], highlights the willingness to borrow more on the margin
under this protocol. The difference between the average spread in the secondary market,
E[r − r ⋆ ], and the average bid spread, E[rbid − r ⋆ ], highlights the static dilution in the
discriminatory price auction.

Table 5: Moments of the Ergodic Distribution

Data Discriminatory Uniform

E[r − r ⋆ ] 0.61% 0.63% 0.26%
E[rbid − r ⋆ ] 0.79% 0.66% 0.26%
E[rmarg − r ⋆ ] 0.82% 1.01% 0.26%
σ (r − r ⋆ ) 1.02 p.p. 1.03 p.p. 0.15 p.p.
Default Rate - 0.97% 0.43%
E [b′ /y] 48.91% 46.22% 50.64%
σ(tb/y) 4.35 p.p. 2.70 p.p. 2.24 p.p.
σ(c)/σ (y) 1.49 1.54 1.54
corr (tb/y, y) -0.48 -0.05 -0.10
corr (tb/y, r − r ⋆ ) 0.18 -0.10 -0.06
corr (y, r − r ⋆ ) -0.54 -0.22 -0.34
corr (y, rmarg − r ⋆ ) -0.76 -0.32 -0.34
corr (y, rbid − r ⋆ ) -0.76 -0.54 -0.34

The model, under the discriminatory price protocol, generates underpricing compared to
the secondary market and over-payment within the auction, across bids, as in the data.
On the one hand, investors require a higher spread (lower price), on average, in the auc-
tion than the one present in the secondary market, a phenomenon usually referred to
as underpricing. On the other hand, on average, investors overpay in the first bids, as
the average spread across bids is lower than the spread on the marginal bid (the average
price investors pay is higher than the price paid for the marginal bid). These are more
pronounced in the model than in the data.

It is worth highlighting that, even though the average spread in the primary market is
higher than the one in the secondary market, investors break even in expectation. That
is, on average, the cost of buying debt is the same as the cost of reselling debt on the
secondary market:

E[ p(·)( B′ − (1 − λ) B)] = E[ Q(·)( B′ − (1 − λ) B)]

This equivalence is not recovered in the spreads for two reasons. First, the average of
the spreads, the inverse of the price, E[1/p], is not the ratio of the expectations. Second,
the weight of each accepted bid in determining the average price of debt sold varies with
the amount of debt sold, and so even the average prices differ between primary and secondary
markets. For clarity, the average price is recovered as revenue over quantity issued as
follows23 :

′ ∆(s, B, B′ )
p(s, B, B ) = ′
B − (1 − λ ) B

∑Kj=1 b j (s, B) p j (s, B)

B ′ − (1 − λ ) B

∑Kj=1 b j (s, B) E[ Q(s, B′ (s, B, j))| B∗ ≥ B′ (s, B, j)]

B ′ − (1 − λ ) B
K b j (s, B) ∑nN= j Pr [ B∗ ≥ B′ (s, B, n)] Q(s, B′ (s, B, n))
=∑ ′
B − (1 − λ ) B
j =1 |
Pr [ B∗ ≥ B′ (s, B, j)]
{z }
Weight of bid j

From the expression above, one can see that the weight of bid j depends on the amount
issued. These weights impact average prices and as a result it need not be the case that
average prices are equal in primary and secondary markets. Summing up, we recover the
ordering of spreads observed in the data, between primary and secondary markets, while
keeping the underlying assumption that investors break even in expectation.

The supercharged incentive to dilute existing bondholders under the discriminatory price
23 To
simplify notation we suppress the private states and use the implicit distribution for the optimal
borrowing decision.

protocol prevents the government from sustaining a level of debt as high as under a uni-
form price protocol. The higher spreads observed under the discriminatory price auction
are consistent with the higher default frequency also present under the discriminatory
auctions. We opted to not estimate a default rate in the data as we believe there is no con-
sistent way of doing so. In recent times there are no default events in Portugal. One could
argue that without a bailout Portugal might have defaulted during the sovereign debt
crisis, but using this episode alone would give us a very noisy estimate of the frequency
of default.

In the model, y, G = g × θ and tb = y − c − g × θ all have clear meanings, respectively,

GDP, public consumption and the trade balance. As detailed before, we have disciplined
G and y directly using data on actual government consumption and GDP, respectively. In
the national accounts of our economy this leaves us only one degree of freedom, tb or c.
Since the mapping to the trade balance is far clearer, we choose that one. It leaves c as a
residual mapping to the sum of consumption and private investment. As such, moments
regarding c in the table above, both in the model and in the data, refer to the implied
residual. This explains why the relative volatility of the implied residual to GDP is above
1, as investment is more volatile than GDP. Both the model under the discriminatory
price protocol and the counterfactual are able to generate the high relative volatility of
the implied residual observed in the data. Regarding the volatility of the trade balance,
both specifications yield a less volatile trade balance than the one observed in the data,
with the discriminatory specification doing better than the uniform one.

The model presents almost no correlation between the trade balance and neither output
nor spreads. The biggest miss is on the correlation between the trade balance and output,
substantially negative in the data. Finally, the last two rows present the correlations of
spreads and output. In particular, we look both at spreads in the secondary market and
the average spread across bids in a given auction. The model underestimates the absolute
value of the correlations. Note, however, that it captures the relative correlation. As in the
data, output has a stronger correlation with the average spreads in the primary market
than with the spreads in the secondary market. This feature could not be matched under

a uniform price protocol, or the standard model.

Before proceeding, it is worth returning to the discussion regarding the volatility of the
spreads. Aguiar et al. (2016) mention that standard models ability to increase the volatility
of the spreads relied on sufficiently high variability of output. The drawback it seemed,
was that it “comes at the expense of tying the spread much too closely to output fluctu-
ations.” Here however, that is not the case as the calibrated model generates the spread
volatility observed in the data while inducing a correlation between spreads and output
that is close, but smaller, than the one observed in the data.

7 Comparing Protocols

In the following section we characterize some of the key properties of the equilibrium
keeping the counterfactual exercise where we compare the auction protocols. We present
the results of the model under a discriminatory price protocol, the one being used in Por-
tugal during the period for which we calibrated the model. We then solve the calibrated
model under a uniform price protocol. This is counterfactual as the uniform price proto-
col was not being used.

In this environment, due to the private exogenous state of the world, instead of a single
valued policy function for borrowing decisions, investors infer a probability distribution
over choices of borrowing. Figure 13 presents a comparison of these distributions, as well
as revenue under the two protocols. Panels (a), (c) and (e) present the policy function
distribution for next period debt holdings, B′ , for current debt B ∈ {0.3, 0.55, 0.65} and
at the average net output level (y − g). Panels (b), (d) and (f) present the corresponding
revenue at the same levels of current debt and net output.

For relatively low levels of current debt (panels (a) and (b)), the government borrows less
under a discriminatory price protocol than under a uniform price protocol. Since this bor-
rowing region has virtually no default risk, prices under both protocols are similar and
relatively close to the risk free price. As the government keeps on borrowing, however,
prices under the discriminatory protocol start decreasing sooner (for lower values of debt)

and faster. It follows that, while the marginal benefit of an extra unit of debt (marginal
revenue) is very similar across protocols, the marginal cost of an extra unit of debt, the
change in the continuation value, is higher under the discriminatory price protocol. As
such, the government borrows less than under a uniform price protocol. This argument
hinges on the fact that for low initial values of debt, as is the case, it is not optimal for the
government to borrow up to a point where the likelihood of default increases substan-
tially. That is, for the government to be willing to borrow more under a discriminatory
price protocol, it must be the case that marginal revenue is higher than that under a uni-
form protocol. This would only happen if the prices were decreasing considerably which,
given the distribution of the private state, is not the case in the calibration.

As we increase the initial debt level the conclusions are different. In particular, for B =
0.55 (panels (c) and (d)), we see that the discriminatory price protocol has the government
choosing a wider range of borrowing levels with positive probability, when compared to
the counterfactual uniform price protocol. This means that, for some realizations of the
private state, the government borrows more than under a uniform protocol.

The higher initial debt means that with positive probability it is optimal for the govern-
ment to borrow up to a region where the likelihood of default increases. As a result,
investors submit lower prices under a discriminatory price protocol due to static dilu-
tion. This effect is highest, at the margin, for the first increments the government bor-
rows, as investors expect the government to borrow more with positive probability. This
can be seen in panel (d) where revenue under the discriminatory price protocol is lower
than under the uniform when the government starts borrowing (after B′ = (1 − λ) B =
0.55 × (1 − 0.212) = 0.43). Additionally, note that not only is revenue lower but so is
marginal revenue. Under a uniform price protocol for these borrowing levels, marginal
revenue is flat as prices are relatively stable and close to the risk free price. This com-
parison between prices and revenue rationalizes why the likelihood ratio of the policy
function distribution under discriminatory and uniform is higher for the left tail of the
distribution. The government borrows lower amounts with a higher probability under a
discriminatory price protocol.

(a) Borrowing Decisions at B = 0.3 and y = ȳ (b) Revenue at B = 0.3 and y = ȳ

(c) Borrowing Decisions at B = 0.55 and y = ȳ (d) Revenue at B = 0.55 and y = ȳ

(e) Borrowing Decisions at B = 0.65 and y = ȳ (f) Revenue at B = 0.65 and y = ȳ

Figure 13: Comparing outcomes under UP and DP

As revenue is weakly increasing under the discriminatory price protocol as opposed to

the counterfactual, the government has an incentive to borrow more under a discrimi-

natory protocol, for some realizations of the private state. This is particularly relevant
when the government starts the period highly indebted and is faced with negative sur-
prise spending. In such cases: 1) revenue under the uniform protocol is decreasing; and,
2) static dilution under the discriminatory protocol, is decreasing at the margin. These
two forces together rationalize the difference in borrowing at the right tail. The marginal
benefit of borrowing remains positive under the discriminatory protocol whereas it be-
comes negative under the uniform. Under the discriminatory price protocol the incentive
to borrow more and dilute existing bondholders is supercharged.

Finally, in panels (e) and (f), for initial levels of debt very close to inducing default with
probability equal to one, the differences between protocols are exacerbated. The forces at
play are the same, but as captured by the revenue curves, the differences are more signif-
icant. As the government gets closer to default, there is a higher likelihood of borrowing
into a region with very low prices. It follows that both static dilution and the differences
between marginal revenue across protocols are exacerbated. As a result, one of two things
happen: 1) a good realization of the private state leads the government to borrow less as
static dilution is at its maximum in this region; and 2) a bad realization of the private state
leads the government to use the insurance properties of the discriminatory price protocol
and borrow much more than under the uniform protocol as depicted in panel (e).

It is important to note that under the discriminatory price protocol, the government is
not able to sustain as much debt as in the counterfactual under a uniform price protocol.
As such, even when the discriminatory price protocol is accumulating less debt than the
counterfactual, for low initial values of debt, it is using a higher fraction of the debt that
it can sustain. This point becomes more apparent as we look at default decisions.

We next turn to the value of debt and bid schedules and how they relate to the default
decisions, all depicted in Figure 14 below.

(a) Bid schedule at y = y (b) Default decision at y = ȳ

Figure 14: Comparing prices and default decisions under UP and DP

Panel (a) depicts the value of debt and bid schedules under a discriminatory price pro-
tocol, as well as under the counterfactual uniform price protocol. First, we see that the
value of debt, Q(·), is different across protocols: it is weakly lower under a discriminatory
price protocol. As mentioned, the difference between the value of debt across protocols
highlights the impact of the incentives to borrow over time provided by the different pro-
tocols, the dynamic channel. Essentially, the discriminatory price protocol supercharges
dynamic dilution. The government has an incentive to borrow more than under a uni-
form price protocol, as revenue is always increasing. Investors internalize the fact that
this incentive is going to be present in every future auction, that is, they expect higher
debt accumulations with positive probability under the discriminatory price protocol. As
a result, the value of debt claims is lower.

Panel (a) also depicts the bid schedules under the two protocols. Recall that the bid sched-
ule under a uniform price protocol overlaps with the value of debt. Under a discrimina-
tory price protocol, we recover the same relationship between value and bids found in
the two period environment. That is, within an auction, the discriminatory price proto-
col introduces static dilution with investors bidding weakly below the value of debt as
long as they believe the government will keep on borrowing (within the auction) with
positive probability. psupply denotes the bid schedule for debt buybacks, with investors
bidding weakly above the value of debt as long as they believe the government will keep

on buying back (within the reverse auction) with positive probability.

Ultimately, these figures highlight that, when default risk is a concern, the uniform price
protocol protects against static dilution within an auction and, at the same time, provides
better incentives on borrowing, leading to lower dynamic dilution. The lower prices un-
der a discriminatory price protocol depicted in panel (a) are consistent with the probabili-
ties of default depicted in panel (b). Under a discriminatory price protocol, the probability
of default is weakly higher than under a uniform price protocol – the default set is larger
under the discriminatory price protocol.

7.1 Government’s Welfare

We first discuss how we compare welfare across the protocols. Note that the relative
contribution of the preference shocks to the value functions depends on the number of
choices available to the government. As such, we consider values net of preference shocks
throughout this section.

Given an initial state s0 and debt B0 , we define the government’s welfare as the expected
discounted utility over surprise spending states and preference shocks , as well as future
public states of endowment net of expected public spending. For example, the value
under a discriminatory price protocol, for initial public state (s0 , B0 ) is:

" #
h i
ET,m,s1 V DP (s0 , T, m, B0 ) = E ∑ β t (1 − β ) u(ctDP ) − dtDP h(s)

t =0

where ctDP ≡ c DP (s, T, m, B) denotes equilibrium consumption and dtDP ≡ d DP (s, T, m, B)

denotes the government’s equilibrium default decision.

We then compute the percentage increase in the consumption path, under a discrimina-
tory price protocol, that would make the government indifferent between this allocation
and the allocation where the government follows its optimal borrowing plan under a
uniform price protocol. That is, we compute the equivalent variation in permanent con-
sumption (ζ). Since utility is CRRA with relative risk aversion coefficient γ ̸= 1 we can

define ζ as in the following equation:

h i h i
(1 + ζ )1−γ E V DP (s0 , m, T0 , B0 ) = E V UP (s0 , m, T0 , B0 )

Solving for ζ yields:

  1−1 γ
ζ= −1
where V UP and V DP are, respectively, the average value under a uniform price protocol
and a discriminatory price protocol for an initial state (s0 , B0 ).

Figure 15 shows a heat map for the equivalent variation, ζ, in percentage terms, for dif-
ferent levels of y0 and B0 .

Figure 15: Equivalent variation ζ (y0 , B0 )

Noticeably, the equivalent variation is strictly positive for every initial state (y0 , Bo ), high-
lighting that, under the calibrated model, the uniform price protocol is preferred to the
discriminatory price protocol. A closer inspection of the figure provides further insight.
At the top right corner, with high endowment and zero debt, the difference between pro-
tocols is at the lower end of the interval. However, once we start moving down the initial
endowment and increasing the level of initial debt, towards the bottom left corner, the

difference starts increasing. This pattern has to do with the increase in the likelihood
of default that follows from a decrease in endowment coupled with an increase in debt.
As default becomes more likely the difference in the protocols increases, up to the point
where default is certain. One could infer this through the differences in the bid schedules.
When default is extremely unlikely, the bid schedules are closer together, however, as the
likelihood of default increases, static dilution is more noticeable and, as a result, dynamic
dilution also becomes more pronounced under the discriminatory price protocol. The
access to the insurance benefits of the discriminatory price protocol are too costly.

7.2 Lender’s Welfare

We next discuss how we compare lender’s welfare. Consistently with how we have pro-
ceeded with government’s welfare, we define lender’s welfare as the beginning of period
value to the lender of holding a bond. That is,

h i
Q ante (s0 , B) = ET,m,s′ (1 − d) (κ + λ) + (1 − λ) Q(s′ , B′ ) + dQ D (s0 , B)|s0

where d, B′ are policy rules and Q(·) and Q D (·) are as described before.

Since lenders are risk neutral, the values are already in units of consumption. We com-
pute the equivalent variation in consumption as the difference in Q ante (·) across proto-
ζ L (s0 , B0 ) = QUP DP
ante ( s0 , B ) − Q ante ( s0 , B )

where QUP DP
ante and Q ante denote the ex-ante value under the uniform and discriminatory

price protocols, respectively.

Figure 16 shows a heat map for the equivalent variation, ζ L , for different levels of y0 and
B0 . As expected, differences in prices are very close to zero absent default risk. These
differences became meaningful as the country nears default. As the likelihood of default
increases, static dilution within an auction, and the corresponding effect on dynamic di-
lution, get more pronounced, leading to lower prices under the discriminatory price pro-
tocol. Noticeably, the equivalent variation, ζ L , is non-negative. As such, the value to the

lenders is also larger under the uniform price protocol.

Figure 16: Equivalent variation ζ L (s0 , B0 )

7.3 Discussion

It turns out that, under the model calibrated to the Portuguese economy, the insurance
component of the discriminatory protocol is more than offset by the dilution effects. In
fact, the uniform price protocol protects investors from being diluted within an auction,
while at the same time provides better incentives on government’s borrowing over time.
The result that the insurance component is more than offset is consistent with the well
known fact that the welfare costs of fluctuations are small, as in Lucas (1987), and as such
the benefits of insurance are limited for aggregate shocks. Alternatively, one can say that
access to insurance under the discriminatory price protocol is too costly. Investors inter-
nalize that the government will use the insurance, through overborrowing, and because
of that offer lower prices.

The world under a uniform price protocol is better than the world under a discriminatory
price protocol. Not only is government’s welfare higher, but so is lender’s welfare. The
increase in government’s welfare does not come at the expense of lenders, instead, using

the uniform price protocol when default risk is a concern is a Pareto improvement.

The result of this counterfactual exercise is consistent with the switch in protocol observed
in the data: Portugal switched from a discriminatory price protocol to a uniform price
protocol. In particular, Portugal stopped issuing securities with maturity longer than
one year during from 2011 to 2014 and the switch occurred right before the return of the
Portuguese Treasury to financial markets, for those same maturities.

It is possible to reconcile the timing of the change observed in the data with the results
depicted in the heat maps above. If we assume that changing the protocol of the auctions
involves switching costs, then the government would wait for a state such that the gain
from switching is greater than the costs incurred by doing so. The gains are larger when
the government is faced with a combination of high debt and low endowment, after a
recession hits. This is consistent with switching protocols during the crisis. Moreover,
the difference in lender’s welfare across protocols also fits with the switching costs argu-
ment24 reconciling the timing of the switch in protocols.

What he have not explained is why would Portugal use a discriminatory price protocol
in the first place. To that effect, we must highlight that the results shown here are in an
environment in which default risk is a concern. As such, we do not model an environment
where default risk is not a driving force governing the value of debt. One could argue that
prior to the 2010s, it was not expected that Europe would have a sovereign debt crisis as
this type of event was typically associated with emerging markets. This explanation is
consistent with the flat bid schedules that we observe in the data for the early 2000s (recall
Figure 3). In such an environment, with little to no uncertainty, the two protocols are close
to equivalent and using the discriminatory price protocol does not seem as outlandish as
when default risk is a concern.
24 If we were to consider that lenders could influence the government’s choice of which protocol to use.

8 Conclusion

In this paper, we compared the two most widely used auction protocols to issue sovereign
debt, when default risk is a concern. Letting the government choose how much to borrow
after observing the demand for debt, we took into account how different protocols affect
not only investors’ but also government’s decisions over time.

We built a theoretical model of sovereign borrowing and default with repeated auctions
and asymmetric information on government’s public spending. We disciplined the model
with proprietary bid level data for Portuguese sovereign debt auctions, data on differ-
ences between realized and expected public spending, as well as institutional details rel-
evant for modeling sovereign debt issuances. We then validated the model calibrated to
the Portuguese economy. The calibrated model under the discriminatory price protocol,
was capable of matching standard moments in the Portuguese economy regarding debt,
spreads and business cycles statistic. Furthermore, the use of a discriminatory protocol
enabled the model to easily generate spreads whose volatility significantly exceeds their
mean, a shortcoming of previous sovereign debt models. In a counterfactual exercise, we
compared the two auction protocols. We found that the benefits of switching from a dis-
criminatory to a uniform price protocol are increasing in the likelihood of default and go
up to 0.6% of permanent consumption. Moreover, switching to a uniform price protocol is
a Pareto improvement as both the small open economy and foreign lenders are better off
after the switch. This result is consistent with the change in protocol observed in the data:
Portugal switched from a discriminatory to a uniform price protocol in the aftermath of
the sovereign debt crisis.

Finally, we also found that dynamics, through repeated auctions, are key in separating
the outcomes under the two protocols. Even though for reasonable parameter values the
discriminatory price protocol performs better than the uniform under a single auction
setting, in the model calibrated to the Portuguese economy, the uniform price protocol
is preferred. In fact, when default risk is a concern, the uniform price protocol protects
investors from static dilution within an auction and at the same time provides better in-
centives on borrowing over time.

With this framework we were able to rationalize the switch of auction protocol in Por-
tugal, as well as the timing of the switch. The main source of risk affecting the price of
sovereign debt in our model is default risk. As such, we do not attempt to explain why
Portugal was using a discriminatory price protocol prior to the crisis. As we have argued,
prior to the 2010s, it was not expected that Europe would have a sovereign debt crisis as
this type of event was typically associated with emerging markets. In such an environ-
ment, with little to no uncertainty, the two protocols are close to equivalent and using
the discriminatory price protocol does not seem as outlandish as when default risk is a

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Appendix A: Full Definition of Equilibrium

Given the auction protocol, a stationary symmetric recursive equilibrium consists of:

1. Value functions V, V R , V D ;

2. Price functions Q, Q D ;

3. Bid price function p;

4. Policy functions B′ , ℓ, Pc , d.

such that the following conditions are satisfied:

1. Default decision optimality: given V R and V D , d solves the government’s default or

repayment decision and V is the resulting value function;

2. Borrowing decision optimality: given V and p, { B′ , Pc , ℓ} solve the government’s

repayment problem and V R is the resulting value function;

3. Asset pricing in good standing: given d, B′ and Q D , Q satisfies the functional equa-
tion defining the value of debt while in good standing;

4. Value of default: given V, V D is the value function for the government upon default;

5. Asset pricing in default: given Q, Q D satisfies the functional equation defining the
value of a defaulted bond;

6. Bid optimality: given Q, B′ and Pc , p satisfies the bid optimality condition of ex-ante
zero profits for investors;

7. Auction clearing: given p, Pc and B′ , the sum of accepted bid quantities equals the
debt issuance, ℓ ≡ B′ − (1 − λ) B.

Appendix B: Omitted Proofs

Theorem 1 (Revenue Equivalence). If B′ is a random variable independent of the auction

protocol, then ex-ante expected revenue in the auction is the same under both protocols.


Let B′ be a continuous random variable with cdf G. Let, as before, ∆ D and ∆U denote,
respectively, revenue under the discriminatory and uniform price protocols.

Z b H  Z b′ 

E[∆ (b )] = p(b)db dG (b′ )
0 0
Z bH Z b

= p(b) dG (b ) db
0 b
Z bH
= p(b)[1 − G (b)]db
Z bH Z bH 
−1 d
=R F (v (b̃))dG (b̃) db
0 b
"Z #
Z bH b̃
= R −1 F (vd (b̃)) g(b̃) db db̃
0 0
Z bH
= R −1 b̃F (vd (b̃))dG (b̃)

= E[∆ (b′ )]

The first equality defines expected revenue under a discriminatory price protocol. For the
second equality we proceed by changing the order of integration. After simplifying the
expression, and substituting p(b) by its equilibrium expression, for the fifth equality we
perform another change in the order of integration. Simplifying yields the definition of
expected revenue under the uniform price protocol.

Proposition 1. Bidding marginal prices is a dominant strategy for investors.

Proof: Let P denote the set of marginal prices chosen by the government. A marginal
price Pc (θ; p), depends on the realization of θ, for a given aggregate bid schedule. As θ is
drawn from a discrete distribution with finite support, the set P is itself finite.

Let the shock θ take two possible values, further, let the associated marginal prices be
Pc,1 > Pc,2 . Consider a bid with price p. Suppose for the sake of contradiction that a bid
function ( p1 , p2 ) that has p1 = Pc,1 > p2 > Pc,2 dominates ( p1 , p2′ ) that has p1 = Pc,1 >
p2′ = Pc,2 .

The first bid is the same across bid functions so we can focus on the second bid. First
note that the bid with price p2 is accepted with the same probability of a bid with price
p2′ = Pc,2 , as there is no marginal price chosen in between Pc,1 and Pc,2 . It follows that

Pr [ Pc (θ ) ≤ p2 ] = Pr [ Pc (θ ) ≤ p2′ ] = Pr [ Pc (θ ) ≤ Pc,2 ]

Second, the value of debt only depends on the marginal price, that is not affected by an
individual infinitesimal dealer. In particular we have Q(ℓ( Pc,1 )) ≥ Q(ℓ( Pc,2 )). That is,
bidding p2 instead of p2′ does not affect the value of debt, the investors payoff if the bid
is executed. The cost associated with bidding p2 > Pc,2 , however, is greater than bidding
p2′ = Pc,2 . The dealer’s unitary profit for this bid is then:
Pr [ Pc (θ ) ≤ Pc,2 ] Q(ℓ( Pc,2 )) − ϕ( p2 , Pc (θ )|ℓ( Pc,2 ))

For a discriminatory price protocol ϕ( p2 , ·) = p2 and

Pr [ Pc (θ ) ≤ Pc,2 ] Q(ℓ( Pc,2 )) − p2 < Pr [ Pc (θ ) ≤ Pc,2 ] Q(ℓ( Pc,2 )) − p2′ (5)

Let the uniform price protocol be the limiting case when ϵ → 0 as follows: ϵp2 + (1 −
ϵ) Pc,2 , then in the limit,

ϵp2 + (1 − ϵ) Pc,2 − (ϵp2′ + (1 − ϵ) Pc,2 ) → 0 (6)

and the government is indifferent between bidding p2 and p2′ .

Note that (5) and (6) contradict p = ( p1 , p2 ) dominating p′ = ( p1 , p2′ ). It follows that bid-
ding marginal prices is a strictly dominant strategy under a discriminatory price protocol
and a weakly dominant strategy under a uniform price protocol.

Appendix C: Two Period Environment, Alternative Specification

Consider the environment described in section 4. Instead of unexpected spending as a

random variable, consider a preference shock in the first period. In particular, preferences
over streams of consumption are as follows:

E [θu(c0 ) + βu(c1 )]

The taste shock, θ, is privately observed by the government. It is drawn from a continuous
distribution with support on [θ L , θ H ] with θ L < θ H and cdf G. We further assume that
g(θ ) = G ′ (θ ) > 0 on [θ L , θ H ].

We use the same parameterization as before with one difference. Suppose that vd =
y(1 − exp(−z)) with z distributed exponentially with cdf F (z) = 1 − exp(−µz) and z =
−ln(1 − vd /y). Then F (vd ) = 1 − exp(µln(1 − vd /y)) = 1 − (1 − vd /y)µ and F ′ (vd ) =
(µ/y)(1 − vd /y)µ−1 . For µ = 1 this collapses into an uniform distribution on the interval
[0, y].

Commitment to a Borrowing Rule

We first tie the hands of the government. Suppose the government could commit to a
borrowing rule, θ is observed ex-post and the government commits to it. In particular, the
government commits to the optimal borrowing rule under UP, regardless of the protocol
being used. That is, b(θ ) = b(θ )UP . By fixing the distribution of b′ across protocols, utility
in the second period is independent of the protocol. Furthermore, we recover revenue
equivalence. With linear utility, welfare is pinned down by

E[θ∆(θ )] = E[θ ]E[∆(θ )] + C(θ, ∆(θ ))

In particular, the difference in welfare across protocols is determined by the covariance

term. This term is the insurance component that stems from the curvature introduced by
the multiplicative taste shock, θ.

In Figure 17 below we can see how the protocols compare. Panel (a) illustrates the com-
mitment to a borrowing rule as a function of θ. Panel (b) shows us that static dilution is
still present, with the bid schedule under DP lower than the one under UP. Panel (c) high-
lights the potential benefits of insurance, higher revenue in bad states at the expense of
relative lower revenue in good states. Panel (d) shows us that welfare tends to be higher
under DP, particularly when there are large financing needs in the first period.

Ex-ante welfare is higher under DP:

E[V (θ )UP ] = 1.754 E[V (θ ) DP ] = 1.761

It follows that the covariance term is larger under DP.

(a) Borrowing Decisions (b) Bid Schedules

(c) Revenue (d) Value functions

Figure 17: Comparing outcomes under commitment to b(θ )UP

To evaluate the cost of not committing to the borrowing rule, we let the government
choose optimally for each realization of θ, given the price schedule. Note that welfare
under UP will be unchanged as the government was already choosing optimally. As
such, the difference in welfare under DP measures the static dilution that arises from the
lack of commitment. This specification of the environment allows us to get a closed form
solution detailed below.

Closed Form Solution

The equilibrium under a uniform price protocol is fairly standard to solve. Under the
specified functional forms, we can also find a closed-form solution for the fixed point
problem described above, between investors’ and government’s strategies, under a dis-
criminatory price protocol.

Consider linear preferences, such that u( x ) = x. Let us first characterize the equilibrium
under a discriminatory price protocol. An equilibrium requires an actuarially fair price
for investors and attaining the maximum in problem (1), respectively:

Z θH
p(b) = Q(b(θ ))dG (θ )
1 − G (θ (b)) θ (b)

θ p(b(θ )) = βF (y − b(θ ))

These two conditions together give us a single optimality condition:

Z θH
F (y − b( x ))dG ( x ) = βRF (y − b(θ ))
1 − G (θ ) θ

Before we solve the equation above, let us just point out that the solution relies on the
fact that for a small enough θ the government does not borrow, b(θ ) = 0, and so the
probability of repayment equals one. As θ → 0 the benefit of borrowing goes to zero as
U only depends on consumption in the second period. Below we show that borrowing is
non-decreasing in θ.

Proposition 2 (Monotonicity of b). If u is strictly increasing and concave, β ∈ (0, 1), and

f (vd ) = F ′ (vd ) > 0 on [v, v], then b(θ; p) is non-decreasing in θ.

Proof: Suppose, for the sake of contradiction that b(θ ) is strictly decreasing in θ.

A government chooses b such that:

θu′ (y + ∆(b) − b0 )∆′ (b) = βF (u(y − b))u′ (y − b) (7)

Let θ2 > θ1 > 0 and b(θ1 ) and b(θ2 ) be the optimal choices associated with θ1 and θ2 , re-
spectively. Note that the marginal benefit of borrowing (left-hand side) is non-increasing
in b. First, u′ (y + ∆(b) − b0 ) is non-increasing in ∆(b) as u is concave by assumption;
∆(b) is a concave function of b as the price schedule is a non-increasing function of b
and so ∆′ (b) is also non-increasing. Further, optimality requires that ∆′ (b) ≥ 0 along the
equilibrium path. As θ2 > θ1 and b(θ1 ) > b(θ2 ), it follows that:

θ2 u′ (y + ∆(b(θ2 )) − b0 )∆′ (b(θ2 )) > θ1 u′ (y + ∆(b(θ1 )) − b0 )∆′ (b(θ1 )) (8)

Pick a value of y (or v) such that F (u(y − b(θ2 ))) = 1, that is, u(y − b(θ2 )) > u(y −
b(θ1 )) ≥ v. Then, for θ ∈ {θ1 , θ2 } the government never defaults and Q(b(·)) = R−1 .

The marginal cost of borrowing, when default is a zero probability event, is non-decreasing
in b, as u is concave and F (·) is constant and equal to 1. As b(θ1 ) > b(θ2 ), it follows
βF (u(y − b(θ2 )))u′ (y − b(θ2 )) ≤ βF (u(y − b(θ1 )))u′ (y − b(θ1 ))

Note that equation (7) then requires:

θ2 u′ (y + ∆(b(θ2 )) − b0 )∆′ (b(θ2 )) ≤ θ1 u′ (y + ∆(b(θ1 )) − b0 )∆′ (b(θ1 ))

which contradicts equation (8).

Under a discriminatory price protocol, we have established that, with linear preferences,

for any θ that has the government borrowing in equilibrium, it must be that:

R −1
Z θH
θ F (vd (b( x ))dG ( x ) = βF (y − b(θ ))
1 − G (θ ) θ

Let n(θ ) ≡ F (y − b(θ )), denote the probability of repayment at θ. Then, the equation
above is
dG ( x )
Z θH
θ n( x ) = βR n(θ )
θ 1 − G (θ )

n( x )dG ( x ) and N ′ (θ ) = −n(θ )dG (θ ). Then,

R θH
Set N (θ ) ≡ θ

1 − G (θ ) ′ N ′ (θ ) θ dG (θ )
θN (θ ) = − βR N (θ ) ⇐⇒ =−
dG (θ ) N (θ ) βR 1 − G (θ )

For an exponentially distributed θ, we have G ( x ) = 1 − exp(−λx ) and dG ( x ) = λexp(−λx ).

N ′ (θ ) θ 1 − G (θ ) θ2λ θ2λ
=− ⇐⇒ log( N (θ )) = − + C =⇒ N (θ ) = K.exp −
N (θ ) βR dG (θ ) 2βR 2βR

where K = exp(C ). Taking derivatives we get:

′ θ
N (θ ) = −K exp −
βR 2βR

Recalling that N ′ (θ ) = −n(θ )dG (θ ), by definition this is equivalent to:

n(θ ) = K exp λθ −
βR 2βR

This must be true for some K > 0. To determine the value of K, we make some assump-
tions about the nature of the equilibrium. In general, an equilibrium of the kind we posit
always exists. We look for equilibria in which 1) there is a θ̂, such that the government’s
first order condition holds at b′ = 0 (and therefore n(θ̂ ) = 1), and 2) at this θ̂, it is the case
that n′ (θ̂ ) = 0. The second condition selects a specific θ. In particular, it selects the lowest
possible one. We begin solving for θ̂ and K by examining the implications of n′ (θ̂ ) = 0.

The derivative of n(θ ) is:

λθ 2 λθ 2
′ 1 θ λθ
n (θ ) = K exp λθ − +K λ− exp λθ −
βR 2βR βR βR 2βR

Collect terms to rewrite this as:

λθ 2
′ 1 θ
n (θ ) = K 1 + λθ 1 − exp λθ −
βR βR 2βR

Since the collection of terms outside the big parentheses are all positive, we see that this
is a parabola that opens down. Setting it equal to 0 yields:

λθ 2
1 + λθ − =0

We will want the right root of this (so that n′ (θ ) is appropriately negative for θ ≥ θ̂). The
above can be rewritten as:
θ 2 − βRθ − =0
Then θ̂ is given by: q
βR + ( βR)2 + 4 βR
θ̂ =
Finally, having solved for θ̂ in terms of parameters, we can quickly solve for K as the
solution to: !
θ̂ λθ̂ 2
1 = n(θ̂ ) = K exp λθ̂ −
βR 2βR

So: !
βR λθ̂ 2
K= exp − λθ̂
θ̂ 2βR

Then, n(θ ) becomes:

λθ̂ 2 θ2λ
βR θ
n(θ ) = exp − λθ̂ exp λθ −
θ̂ 2βR βR 2βR

which can be simplified to:
θ λ 2 2
n(θ ) = exp λ(θ − θ̂ ) − (θ − θ̂ )
θ̂ 2βR
θ λ θ + θ̂
= exp − (θ − θ̂ ) − βR
θ̂ βR 2

Given a functional form of F (·), this can then be mapped back to choices of b′ using the
n(θ ) = F (y − b′ (θ ))

Suppose that vd = y(1 − exp(−z)) where z is distributed exponentially with cdf F (z) =
1 − exp(−µz) and z = −ln(1 − vd /y). Then F (vd ) = 1 − exp(µln(1 − vd /y)) = 1 −
(1 − vd /y)µ and F ′ (vd ) = (µ/y)(1 − vd /y)µ−1 . When vd = y − b(θ ), the term 1 − vd /y
y − b(θ ) y − y + b(θ ) b(θ )
1− = =
y y y
Using the optimality condition (8) we get:

βF (y − b(θ )) = N (θ ) ⇐⇒
exp(−λθ )
b(θ ) µ θR−1 βR λθ̂ 2 θ2λ
⇐⇒ β 1 − = exp − λθ̂ exp −
y exp(−λθ ) θ̂ 2βR 2βR
b(θ ) θ λ
⇐⇒ 1 − = exp λ(θ − θ̂ ) − (θ 2 − θ̂ 2 )
y θ̂ 2βR
θ λ µ
2 2
⇐⇒ b(θ ) = y 1 − exp λ(θ − θ̂ ) − (θ − θ̂ )
θ̂ 2βR

Recall that p(b(θ )) = θ F (y − b(θ )), it then follows that:

b(θ ) µ
p(b(θ )) = 1−
θ y
     1 µ 
− λ(θ − θ̂ ) − 2 2 µ
2βR ( θ − θ̂ )
θ λ
β   y 1 θ̂
exp  
=  1 −   
θ  y  

β θ λ 2 2
= exp λ(θ − θ̂ ) − (θ − θ̂ )
θ θ̂ 2βR
β λ 2 2
= exp λ(θ − θ̂ ) − (θ − θ̂ )
θ̂ 2βR
= p(θ )

Under a uniform price protocol, an equilibrium with positive borrowing requires:

θ∆′ (b(θ )) = βF (y − b(θ )) ⇐⇒

∂Q(b(θ ))
⇐⇒ θ Q(b(θ )) + b(θ ) = βF (y − b(θ ))
db(θ )
h i
⇐⇒ θ R−1 F (y − b(θ )) + R−1 F ′ (y − b(θ ))b(θ ) = βF (y − b(θ ))
F ′ (y − b(θ ))
⇐⇒ θ 1− b(θ ) = βR
F (y − b(θ ))
F ′ (y − b(θ ))
⇐⇒ θ b(θ ) = θ − βR
F (y − b(θ ))
  µ −1
µ b(θ )
y y
⇐⇒ θ  b(θ ) = θ − βR
b(θ ) µ

1− y
µ 1
⇐⇒ θ b(θ )µ = (θ − βR) − (θ − βR)b(θ )µ µ
y µ y
µ 1 1
⇐⇒ b(θ )µ θ µ + θ µ − βR µ = θ − βR
y y y
θ − βR

⇐⇒ b(θ ) = y
θ (1 + µ) − βR

We have established that under a uniform price protocol investors only bid marginal

prices, hence:

p(b(θ )) = R−1 F (y − b(θ ))

θ − βR
=R 1−
θ (1 + µ) − βR
−1 µθ
θ (1 + µ) − βR
= p(θ )

Summing up, for a uniform price auction:

θ − βR

b(θ ) = y
θ (1 + µ) − βR
−1 µθ
p(θ ) = R
θ (1 + µ) − βR

And for a discriminatory price auction:

θ λ µ
2 2
b(θ ) = y 1 − exp λ(θ − θ̂ ) − (θ − θ̂ )
θ̂ 2βR
β λ 2 2
p(θ ) = exp λ(θ − θ̂ ) − (θ − θ̂ )
θ̂ 2βR

Appendix D: Robustness


Let us first see what happens under different utility functions. All other parameters are
the same as before.

Linear Utility : E[V (θ )UP ] = 1.754 > E[V (θ ) DP ] = 1.698

Log Utility : E[V (θ )UP ] = −0.0986 < E[V (θ ) DP ] = −0.0973

CRRA, γ = 2 : E[V (θ )UP ] = −2.0265 < E[V (θ ) DP ] = −2.0259

CRRA, γ = 4 : E[V (θ )UP ] = −0.8065 < E[V (θ ) DP ] = −0.8059

CRRA, γ = 8 : E[V (θ )UP ] = −0.5146 < E[V (θ ) DP ] = −0.5137

Distribution of θ

Let us keep CRRA with γ = 2 and vd uniformly distributed on [v, v].

θ ∼ Exp(1) : E[V (θ )UP ] = −2.0265 < E[V (θ ) DP ] = −2.0259

θ ∼ U (0, 5) : E[V (θ )UP ] = −3.5773 < E[V (θ ) DP ] = −3.5762

θ ∼ U (0, 10) : E[V (θ )UP ] = −5.6877 < E[V (θ ) DP ] = −5.6851

θ ∼ N (3, 2) : E[V (θ )UP ] = −4.1615 < E[V (θ ) DP ] = −4.1599

Distribution of vd

Let us keep CRRA with γ = 2 and θ exponentially distributed with λ = 1.

vd ∼ U (v, v) : E[V (θ )UP ] = −2.0265 < E[V (θ ) DP ] = −2.0259

vd ∼ N (u(0.2) = −5, 1.5) : E[V (θ )UP ] = −2.0254 < E[V (θ ) DP ] = −2.0248

Output Growth

Let us keep CRRA with γ = 2, θ exponentially distributed with λ = 1 and vd uniformly


y1 = y0 : E[V (θ )UP ] = −2.0265 < E[V (θ ) DP ] = −2.0259

y1 = 1.05 × y0 : E[V (θ )UP ] = −1.9677 < E[V (θ ) DP ] = −1.9671

y1 = 0.95 × y0 : E[V (θ )UP ] = −2.0896 < E[V (θ ) DP ] = −2.0891

Budget Deficits

Instead of considering a multiplicative taste shock we now look at what would happen if
instead uncertainty is regarding a budget deficit, θ as follows:

c = y + ∆(b(θ )) − b0 − θ

Let us keep CRRA with γ = 2 and vd uniformly distributed. θ is exponentially distributed

with λ = 1 and truncated to the interval [0, 1].

E[V (θ )UP ] = −2.8976 < E[V (θ ) DP ] = −2.8952

Figure 15 shows a heat map for the equivalent variation, ζ, in percentage terms, for dif-
ferent levels of y0 and B0 .

Appendix E: Computational Details

The set of objects used to solve the model numerically and assess convergence are as

1. The continuation value functions W (s, T, B, B′ ) and W D (s, T, B), given by:

W (s, T, B, B′ ) = E[V (s′ , T ′ , m, B, B′ )|s]

W D (s, T, B) = E[V D (s′ , T ′ , m, B)|s]

2. The price functions Q(s, B′ ) and Q D (s, B) and the expected probability of default
δ(s, B′ ).

In short, these are the continuation value functions, the price functions, and the expected
probability of default. Note that there are other price and value functions (including the
bid function in the discriminatory price protocol), but they can be derived based on the
above set of objects and within-period optimization. We use the above set as the list to
assess convergence.

These objects are defined on grids of their arguments. In particular, we have the following
sets that we will need to define grids for:

1. s ∈ S , that defines GDP and expected public spending.

(a) For the grid of GDP values, y(s), we use 23 points evenly spaced in logs spread
across a space spanning six of the logged variable’s long run standard devia-
tions and centered at its mean:

[E[log(y(s))] − 3σ[log(y(s))], E[log(y(s))] + 3σ[log(y(s))]]

(b) For the grid of expected public spending values, g(s), we use 17 points evenly
spaced in logs spread across a space spanning six of the logged variable’s long

run standard deviations and centered at its mean:

[E[log( g(s))] − 3σ[log( g(s))], E[log( g(s))] + 3σ[log( g(s))]]

2. B ∈ B : for the grid of b we use 241 evenly spaced points on [0, 1.2].

3. T ∈ T , that defines surprise budget spending: for the grid of θ ( T ) we use 31 points
evenly spaced spanning six of the logged variable’s long run standard deviations
and centered at one (the average log is zero).

Given a guess for the set of objects listed above, in order to generate a new guess, the
iteration proceeds as follows:

1. Using the baseline set of objects, and given the restructuring structure upon regain-
ing access to financial markets, generate new guesses for W D (s, T, B) and Q D (s, B).

2. Using the baseline set of objects, and those defined in the previous step, solve the
government’s problem when it enters a period in good standing. Use the solution
to generate new guesses of W (s, T, B, B′ ), Q(s, B′ ) and δ(s, B′ ).

3. Check the sup-norm distance between all objects. If it is less than 10−5 , stop. Other-
wise, update guesses using rules of the form

f next (·) = ξ j f old (·) + (1 − ξ j ) f new (·)

where j ∈ {V, Q}, and return to step 1.

This type of rule updates the old guess by moving fraction (1 − ξ j ) of the distance
towards the new guess. In general, to ensure convergence, updates of the the price
functions tend to require more smoothing than those of the value functions. More-
over, solving the government’s problem in good standing under a discriminatory
price protocol also requires smoothing for the update of bid schedules and auction


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