Two Models of Land Overvaluation and Their Implications: October 2010
Two Models of Land Overvaluation and Their Implications: October 2010
Two Models of Land Overvaluation and Their Implications: October 2010
Narayana R. Kocherlakota
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
I thank R. Anton Braun, Doug Clement and Futoshi Narita for their comments. Some of the results and ideas
in this paper are similar to those in a working paper that I wrote in 2009, "Bursting Bubbles: Consequences
and Cures."
1. Introduction
From early 1996 through mid-2006, the price of residential land (henceforth, land)
nearly tripled in the United States. It has since fallen by over 60%. As of the fourth quarter
of 2009, the price of land is not even 10% above its price in 2000.1 These observations
suggest to me, as they have to others, that in the mid-2000s, the price of land was overvalued
(relative to the expected discounted value of future land rents). In this paper, I construct two
distinct models of this overvaluation. In the first, the land overvaluation is due to government
guarantees of bank debt. I examine the implications of this model for the regulation of banks
and other financial institutions. In the second, the land overvaluation is due to an asset price
bubble. I examine the implications of this model for fiscal policy.2
In the remainder of the introduction, I briefly lay out the arguments and conclusions
described with greater detail and more technically in the two parts of the paper that follow.
The first part of the paper constructs a simple model in which bank creditors (depositors and
debtholders) receive implicit and explicit guarantees from the government.3 The key to the
model is that the markets for land, mortgage origination, and bank debt are all competitive.
This assumption implies that the benefits from debt guarantees end up flowing to the owners
of scarce factors in the economy. In the model, the only such scarce factor is land, and so the
government guarantees impact the economy by increasing the value of land. I demonstrate
that these guarantees can lead land to be overvalued. It is generally believed that the benefits
of debt guarantees accrue to bank equityholders. However, they only do so if their bank enjoys
Note that I’m talking about land, not housing. Theoretically, it is hard to motivate the existence of
significant overvaluation in housing structures (they’re readily replaceable). Empirically, there is considerably
less evidence of overvaluation for structures than for land. Here, I refer to data from the Lincoln Institute
of Land Policy that separates the price of housing into the price of structures and the price of land. The
data were originally constructed by Davis and Heathcote (2005, 2007), and are derived from the Case-Shiller
housing price index. These data indicate that the price of housing structures rose by less than 100% in
nominal terms from 1996 to 2006, and has fallen by less than 10% since that date.
The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of others in the Federal Reserve System. Indeed, I
would hesitate to say that the results in this paper represent my own view. There are many possible models
of the behavior of land prices in the 2000s. My goal in this paper is only to describe the implications of
two of them. I also make no claims to originality: I am sure that much of what I say is well-known to most
macroeconomists and financial economists.
I am primarily interested in the ex ante impact of the guarantees. What matters is whether creditors
expect such guarantees, not whether they actually receive them.
market power in the mortgage origination process. The rents from government guarantees
flow to the owners of scarce factors in the economy. In my model, the only scarce factor is
Interestingly, this overvaluation occurs even if bank debtholders are the only people
in the economy who are actually aware of the guarantees. All other actors (including bank
equityholders) simply respond to natural competitive pressures. Thus, landowners may have
no idea why their buyers are willing to pay so much. Indeed, the buyers themselves have no
idea why they are paying so much. All they know is that the banks are offering low mortgage
rates. The banks are willing to offer these low mortgage rates because they are able to borrow
at a low rate from debtors who believe themselves to be insured against loss.
I show that regulations like capital requirements and leverage restrictions can elimi-
nate this overvaluation. However, to be effective, bank regulation must react to shifts in the
probability distribution of future land values. In particular, a given capital requirement or
leverage cap might successfully eliminate all pricing distortions associated with debt guar-
antees for a given probability distribution of future land values. However, suppose that the
distribution changes so that its left tail becomes longer. Then, the debt guarantees will lead
to land being overvalued. Intuitively, the debt guarantees imply that taxpayers make trans-
fers to bank creditors when they suffer losses. To forestall losses to taxpayers, good regulation
should require that bank equityholders or landowners hold as much of land’s risk as possible.
Such regulations must adjust to the underlying distribution of land values, and especially to
changes in its left tail.
The second part of the paper models land overvaluation as being due to a rational
bubble. What do I mean by a bubble? I mean that the asset’s price is higher than the
price that a buyer would be willing to pay if he were required to never resell it. I will refer
to this “buy-and-hold-forever” price as the asset’s fundamental. So, with a bubble, assets
are overvalued relative to fundamentals. What do I mean by rational? I mean that the
overvaluation is common knowledge among all people in the model economy, and so risk-
adjusted returns are always equalized across assets.
At this point, the term “rational bubbles” may sound like an oxymoron. The key
to this apparent contradiction is that returns are related to the expected rate of growth of
prices, and not to the level of the price. Two prices might grow at the same rate, but have
consistently different levels. Two prices might have the same expectation, but have different
variances around their means. Hence, even if risk-adjusted returns are equalized across all
assets, some asset prices may be elevated relative to fundamentals, and some asset prices
might fluctuate more than fundamentals.4
Beginning with Samuelson (1958), there have been many years of research into rational
bubbles.5 In this literature, rational bubbles emerge as a response to a particular kind of
friction in loan markets. In private credit markets, the real rate of interest adjusts so as
to equalize the demand for savings by lenders with the supply of savings by borrowers.
However, in many circumstances, borrowers face credit constraints, in that they are unable
to fully capitalize their future income. In those settings, the supply of savings is restricted.
The market for savings can only clear if the interest rate is low enough so as to reduce the
demand for savings correspondingly.
If the credit constraints are sufficiently severe (so that they drive down the market
interest rate sufficiently), equilibrium asset prices may exhibit bubbles. These bubbles have
a benefit, in that they provide savers with a vehicle to store wealth for future consumption
purposes. To understand how this works, suppose a parcel of land has a fundamental value
How can I say that risk-adjusted land returns were equalized to those of other assets in the 2000s, when
land prices were growing so fast? An asset’s price may grow rapidly even if the asset’s risk-adjusted return
is the same as other assets’ returns. However, in the equilibrium of an efficient market, an asset’s price can
only grow rapidly from one year to the next if there is a nontrivial probability that it might fall. In other
words, a strong believer in efficient market theory who watched land appreciate rapidly in the 2000s would
have said that there must be some probability of a big fall in land prices. An even more sophisticated believer
in efficient markets might have speculated that land’s high returns are only possible because land has a large
beta. Such a true believer in efficiency would have predicted that a fall in land prices would take place
simultaneously with a large stock market crash and/or a deep recession.
Along with many others, Diamond (1965), Tirole (1985), Kocherlakota (1992), Santos and Woodford
(1997), and Hellwig and Lorenzoni (2009) provide theoretical treatments of rational bubbles. As I do in this
paper, Caballero (2006), Caballero and Krishnamurthy (2006), Kraay and Ventura (2007), and Farhi and
Tirole (2010) analyze policy interventions in the context of models in which bubbles emerge in response to
financing frictions.
of $200,000. Without a bubble, person A can buy the land, using a down payment of $40,000
and a nonrecourse mortgage from bank B for the remaining $160,000. But suppose the
land has a bubble of $100,000, with the same risk-adjusted return as the fundamental. Now
person A can buy the land using a down payment of $60,000 and a mortgage from bank B
for $240,000. A pays more–but gets the same expected return. The bubble in the land
price does not necessarily give either A or B a higher risk-adjusted return on their portfolios.
However, it does allow A to save an additional $20,000 in the form of land and the owners of
B to save an additional $80,000 in the form of land.
Thus, bubbles enhance the ability of savers to save. At the same time, though, bubbles
are intrinsically unstable because they rely on a fragile chain of mutual understanding. (I’m
willing to pay too much for land today because someone else will pay too much and so on.)
Changes in people’s beliefs in the viability of this chain can have big effects on the size of the
bubble and on asset prices themselves.
I use this framework to discuss useful fiscal policy responses to the emergence of bub-
bles. My basic argument is that, while they have some benefits, bubbles introduce instability
into the economy. It may be possible for the government to avoid this possibility by using
appropriate debt management, but only at some risk and cost. I then discuss optimal policy
responses to the collapse of bubbles. A bubble collapse introduces two distinct problems into
the economy.
• The real interest rate has fallen (below the growth rate of the economy), because the
supply of savings has contracted. This problem is necessarily highly persistent.
• The distribution of wealth has shifted, as those who owned the bubbly asset lose, and
those who did not have the bubbly asset would gain. This problem may be (relatively)
A government can fix the first problem by committing to borrow at a higher fixed real interest
rate that is lower than the growth rate in the economy. Because the real interest rate is lower
than the growth rate of the economy, these loans are essentially a free lunch. The government
raises funds in the first period and then rolls over the debt perpetually. Fixing the second
problem, wealth redistribution, is more challenging. The government needs to be able to
target the proceeds of the debt issue to the right people in the economy. It may well be
difficult to figure out, from an economic standpoint, who should receive a transfer and who
should not.
My discussion of optimal policy responses to the emergence and collapse of bubbles
is contingent on the validity of the rational bubble framework. I close with some admittedly
speculative suggestions about how to use the policy prescriptions in this paper as a benchmark
for a more general class of models.
There has been a great deal of discussion about how monetary policy should respond
to bubbles. I will have nothing to say on this issue. In the United States, monetary policy
generally takes the form of open market operations. In an open market operation, the Fed-
eral Reserve exchanges some govenment liabilities (reserves) for other government liabilities
(Treasuries or securities issued by govenment-sponsored enteprises) of equal market value.
In this way, the Federal Reserve can influence the composition of outstanding government
liabilities, but not the total value of outstanding government liabilities. (The latter is shaped
by Congress.)
As we will see, in the rational bubble framework, the time path of the total value of
government liabilities matters a great deal for economic outcomes. However, the composi-
tion of those liabilities is, at a minimum, less essential. Hence, I abstract from the latter
consideration entirely–and, in doing so, I abstract from monetary policy.
A. Model and Equilibrium
I begin by describing a simple abstract two-period model. The key feature of the model
is that bank creditors–both depositors and debtholders–have debt guarantees provided by
the government. In equilibrium, these debt guarantees drive up the price of assets that are
in fixed supply.
In the model, there are equal numbers of four types of economic actors: landowners,
land buyers, bank equityholders, and bank debtholders. (Implicitly, there is a fifth type–
taxpayers–but I treat them as being outside the model.) All people are risk-neutral, and
they do not discount between the two periods. The owners each own a unit of land. Land
pays off V units of consumption in period 2. Here, V is random, with cumulative distribution
function Φ and probability density function φ. V has support [Vmin , Vmax ]. All land payoffs
are always equal to one another, because I want to focus on aggregate risk. The owners don’t
desire consumption in period 2, but do desire consumption in period 1, and so are willing to
sell to the buyers.
The buyers buy land from the owners at an endogenous price p. The buyers are
required to put down a down payment of αp, where α is exogenous. They borrow the
remaining (1 − α)p from the banks, using debt with an endogenous face value Fland . The loan
is nonrecourse, except for the underlying land itself, and so the buyers get a random payoff
equal to
max(V − Fland , 0)
The equityholders face limited liability, and so they receive a payoff equal to
The bank’s debtholders are fully guaranteed against any losses from fluctuations in V . Hence,
their payoff in period 2 is simply the loan amount Fbank .
Trade is competitive within the model. The price of land p, the face value of bank
debt Fland , and the face value of land loans Fbank adjust so that debtholders, equityholders,
and land buyers earn zero economic profit in equilibrium. Without debt guarantees, the price
p equals the expected value E(V ). However, with debt guarantees, the price of land may be
larger than E(V ). Define
λ = (1 − α)/(1 + 1/κ).
This is the key regulatory parameter. It ranges between 0 and 1, is decreasing in the down
payment α, and is increasing in the leverage restriction κ. When α is high, landowners hold
much of the land risk. When κ is low, equityholders hold much of the land risk. But when
λ is high, much of the land risk is held by guaranteed bank debtholders–and therefore by
Given a value of λ, the land price is determined as follows.6
If λE(V ) ≤ Vmin , then bank equityholders or land buyers hold all of the land risk. The
probability of taxpayers making transfers to creditors is zero, and land is not overvalued. If
λE(V ) > Vmin , then the bank and land buyers are jointly sufficiently leveraged so that bank
See Appendix 1 for the full mathematical analysis.
debt is risky. There is a positive probability of taxpayers making transfers to creditors, and
land is overvalued. Intuitively, the amount of the overvaluation exactly equals the expected
value of the transfers from taxpayers to bank creditors.
Lesson: Bank leverage restrictions should become tighter when banks are actively competing
with one another by lowering down payment requirements.
Lesson: Insufficiently stringent bank regulation may have relatively little impact on bank prof-
its, but nonetheless lead scarce factors (finance talent, land) to be overvalued.
This simple model shows how ex post debt guarantees for bank creditors can lead to the
overvaluation of land. It indicates how optimal bank regulation needs to respond to changes
in the shape of the probability distribution of future land values. In this discussion, I have
treated the probability distribution of future land values as exogenous. The distribution may
change for demographic, technological, or much less fundamental reasons. Bank regulation
should respond in the same way to these changes, regardless of their source.
Definition 1. In a given equilibrium, an asset’s price has a bubble if the price exceeds the
asset’s buy-and-hold-forever value (which is, again, the price that a buyer would be willing to
pay if he were required to never resell it).
In what follows, I will assume that there are no aggregate fluctuations in the econ-
omy. This assumption means that all assets earn the same constant rate of return r. This
assumption can be relaxed, but only at a nontrivial notational cost.
Suppose an asset’s price has a bubble. By assumption, the asset’s expected return is
constant over time and equal to r. Hence, by the definition of expected return, the asset’s
price and dividend satisfy the restriction
where Et is the conditional expectation, based on information available at date t. I can roll
this first-order difference equation forward to conclude that
(2) Pt = EDVt + ηt .
Here, EDV stands for expected discounted value of future dividends (discounted at rate r)
and is the buy-and-hold-forever value of the asset. The random variable ηt is the bubble; it
is necessarily nonnegative and satisfies the restriction
The asset has a bubble if η t > 0. Note that equation (3) implies that an asset that has
a bubble currently must have had one in the past. However, the size of the bubble may
fluctuate over time.
Equation (3) immediately implies that there is a sample path along which the asset
price grows at rate r. But the asset price cannot grow faster than the economy. Hence, if
the economy grows at g, then r ≤ g. In other words: If the asset has a bubble, the
equilibrium rate of return r cannot exceed the growth rate of the economy g.7
Note that this requirement is a long-run restriction. Over short periods of time, an asset’s
price could grow more rapidly than the economy–but this trend cannot continue forever.
There is an immediate implication from this result: At any point in time, current
This condition applies in deterministic settings. In stochastic settings, the appropriate generalization
is that if a bubble exists, then the expected discounted value of GDP, using the appropriate risk-adjusted
discount rate, is infinite.
investors must face restrictions on their ability to borrow against the future income of the
society. The discount rate r is no larger than g. Hence, the present value of the future income
of the economy is infinite. If people could fully capitalize all of this future wealth, they could
buy an infinite amount of goods. It follows that if some asset’s price has a bubble, then,
at any date, everyone faces borrowing constraints that bind currently or at some
point in the future.
These borrowing constraints can take a number of forms. They could be purely ex-
ogenous limits on people’s debt positions. Or they could be endogenous restrictions, as in
Kehoe and Levine (1993). Or they could represent the inability of parents to borrow against
their children’s incomes (as in an overlapping generations economy).
For similar reasons, no currently traded asset with rate of return r can have an un-
derlying dividend stream that grows at the same rate as the economy. It follows that growth
in a bubbly economy occurs through the addition of assets, not through growth in the payoff
streams of a currently available asset.
More severe borrowing constraints mean that more households will try to smooth their
consumption by saving, and fewer by borrowing. In terms of basic economics, the supply of
savings has fallen relative to the demand, and the market for savings can only be equilibrated
by the interest rate r falling. It is when the supply of savings is so small that r falls below g
that bubbles can occur.
To understand why bubbles occur, it is useful to think through why people save. Savers
defer consumption from the current period to some future date, when it is more valuable to
them. For example, in a model with incomplete markets, a saver gives up current consumption
in order to have more consumption at some later date when his income will be low. In an
overlapping generations economy, the saver gives up consumption today for consumption
when he is older. Borrowing constraints make it hard for savers to accomplish this deferral
of consumption. The saver simply cannot trust borrowers to make repayments when needed.
Bubbles allow savers to defer consumption without the aid of individual borrowers.
The saver buys the bubbly asset at an elevated price today and then sells it when he needs
consumption. The key is that he anticipates (with reasonable confidence) that there will be
a buyer willing to buy the bubbly asset at that critical point in the future. In this sense,
a bubble is a form of collective trust. Savers are unwilling to lend $X to a given borrower,
because the borrower may not repay the loan. However, savers are willing to invest $X in a
bubbly asset, because they feel confident that they can sell the asset for an elevated price in
the future. Bubbles substitute collective trust for individual trust.
In this sense, bubbles expand the range of what people can accomplish. The problem
is that arrangements based on mutual trust are intrinsically unstable. In the future, buyers of
the asset may have considerably more doubt in their ability to resell. This doubt can lower the
future price of the asset and potentially eliminate the bubble permanently. Thus, fluctuations
in the mutual trust that underlies the bubble can lead to fluctuations in a bubbly asset’s value
and the ability of people in the society to effectively transfer wealth across periods.
B. Macroeconomics of Bubbles
In this section, I turn to the consideration of optimal fiscal policy in the context of a
The Consequences of a Bursting Bubble
With any bubble, there is some probability that it will fall in size–possibly greatly.
This shrinkage in the size of the bubble can have significant effects on an economy. As I’ve
argued earlier, bubbles emerge in response to significant borrowing frictions. Bubbles insulate
economies against the impact of these frictions by providing savers a vehicle with which to
transfer current resources into the future. A fall in the bubble’s size reduces the ability of
savers to save.
With that in mind, the exact impact of the bubble’s collapse depends on the role
of asset accumulation in the economy. However, a bubble bursting generally has two key
consequences. First, because the bubble contributed to the supply of savings in the economy,
its collapse means that the supply of savings has fallen, and so the real interest rate should
fall. Moreover, a burst bubble has a low or zero value today because people expect its value
to be low or zero in the future. The fall in the real interest rate is therefore likely to be
Second, some agents held bubbly assets and others did not. The fall in the value of
the bubbly asset redistributes wealth from the bubbly asset holders to the nonholders. The
persistence of this effect depends on the law of motion of the distribution of wealth in the
society. In many models with borrowing constraints, the long-run distribution of wealth is
invariant to shocks. In such models, this latter effect will be transitory.
The fall in the real interest rate and the redistribution of wealth can impact the
economy in a number of ways. I’ll focus on the implications for labor supply9 and investment.
Bubbly asset holders are less wealthy after the bubble’s collapse, and so are more willing to
supply labor, while nonholders are less willing to do so. At the same time, the fall in the real
interest rate retards labor supply for everyone. Overall, the impact of the bubble’s collapse on
aggregate labor supply, and on aggregate output, depends critically on the joint distribution
of labor productivities and asset holdings in the economy. If the holders of a bubbly asset
This discussion is reminiscent of the behavior of the equilibrium described in Scheinkman and Weiss
have high labor productivities, then the bubble’s collapse may actually increase output as
asset holders supply more labor.
The fall in the real interest rate after a bubble bursts will increase the demand for
investment goods. Firms and others with nonbubbly sources of resources should engage in
more investment. However, a bubbly economy is an economy with significant credit con-
straints. When the bubble is large, it is likely to be entrepreneurs and firms who anticipate
having good investment projects who are holding the bubbly assets.10 If the bubble bursts,
they lose that source of funds. Given the credit constraints that generated the bubble in the
first place, they will be unable to take advantage of desirable projects.
in an appropriate way. For example, it can target the funds to people with relatively low labor
productivities. Given the usual wealth effects on labor supply, this shift in the distribution
of wealth from highly productive to less productive workers will generate higher output.11
Similarly, the government could generate higher output by targeting funds to entrepreneurs
with highly productive investment projects. It may be hard for the government to identify the
relevant targets in the above scheme. A more feasible option might be to allocate government
funds so as to re-create the distribution of wealth that existed under the bubble. By doing so,
the government can also re-create the higher levels of output that existed under the bubble.
This distribution of funds can work in many ways. Consider a person A who has a
mortgage from bank B with principal $200,000. A’s property was worth $300,000 at the
peak of the bubble and is now worth $150,000. How should the government allocate the
proceeds of its new debt issue between A and B? There are many ways to proceed, but my
favorite is that the government pays B $150,000 to write down the value of the mortgage to
$50,000. I like this approach because A keeps her property and again has $100,000 of equity
in her property. In addition, B has a (presumably viable) debt worth $50,000 from A and
has received $150,000 from the government.
This strategy is reminiscent of many suggested foreclosure mitigation plans. However,
within the context of the model, the government can only recapture the bubbly distribution
of wealth by using the same strategy regardless of when A bought her property or how she
financed it. For example, suppose A bought the property for $100,000 cash in 1995, its value
rose to $300,000 in 2006, and after the bubble burst, the property is now worth $150,000. To
restore the bubbly distribution of wealth, the government should simply give A $50,000 to
replace the lost bubbly wealth.
These same wealth effects imply that the government could also generate higher output by spending its
new resources on public goods. The welfare consequences of such an approach depend on the details of how
those public goods affect private agents.
C. But Is It a Bubble?
I’ve described how a government should use debt management to respond to the emer-
gence of, and the collapse of, a bubble in land prices. I’ve done so in the context of models
in which everyone agrees that there is a bubble in land prices. In reality, we always face
the question: How do we know if a given run-up in land prices is due to a bubble or due to
fundamentals? Answering this question is always hard.
However, the above discussion suggests that it is better to ask a different–perhaps
easier–question. In the models that I consider, the desirable interventions involve the gov-
ernment raising interest rates and then raising revenue through a debt issue. Because r ≤ g in
the bubbly economies, the government can plan on rolling the debt over perpetually. In this
way, the interventions can raise resources today without requiring new taxes in the future.12
Of course, the models in this paper are artificially deterministic. In reality, these
interventions always run the risk of requiring the government to raise taxes in the future if
interest rates move in the wrong direction. For example, the 10-year real yield on indexed
TIPS bonds is currently less than 1%. The government could issue more of these bonds.
However, in 10 years, it will need to pay the principal on these bonds, and it does not know
what the real interest rate (or expected growth rate) will be then.
So, in the models that I use in this paper, the government can construct a costless
intervention that makes everyone better off after a bubble bursts. In alternative models, the
intervention may have costs. Nonetheless, I conjecture that there are many models in which
large falls in asset prices would prompt governments to contemplate fiscal interventions. The
point is that in any model with borrowing constraints, large asset price run-ups–whatever
their source–provide agents with a larger supply of savings. If the asset’s price falls, the
pool of savings shrinks, and the real interest rate will fall. In reaction, just as in the model
Abel, Mankiw, Summers, and Zeckhauser (1989) consider dynamic efficiency in overlapping generations
economies with aggregate shocks. They show that in these models, one cannot reliably evaluate dynamic
efficiency by comparing average risk-free interest rates to average growth rates. This conclusion applies to my
model as well. Their solution is to use the sign of net inflows into firms. This solution is valid in their context,
but does not work in my model with financial constraints. (Kraay and Ventura (2007) make a similar point.)
in this paper, the government can sell more of its own debt and make well-chosen transfers.13
In the models in this paper, this intervention could be done without any costs to anyone. In
a broader class of models without bubbles, the government’s intervention would necessarily
expose some taxpayers–maybe in the future–to some loss of income. These potential losses
mean that the government must face hard distributional questions about the optimality of
4. Conclusions
Many observers have characterized land as having been overvalued in the 2000s relative
to fundamentals. In this paper, I have explored two distinct models of that overvaluation. In
the first, overvaluation emerges as a result of implicit guarantees for bank creditors (depositors
and debtholders). In the second, overvaluation is a consequence of a rational bubble. I’ve
described appropriate regulatory and fiscal responses in these models.
It should go without saying that these analyses are contingent on particular models.
An important topic for future research is the evaluation of the robustness of the results in
this paper to other modeling approaches.
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Appendix 1
I’ll describe a simple abstract two-period model. The key feature of the model is that
bank debtholders have debt guarantees. These debt guarantees drive up the price of an asset
that is in fixed supply.
There are equal numbers of four types of economic actors: owners, buyers, bank
equityholders, and bank debtholders. (Actually, there is a fifth type of actor–taxpayer–
who exists outside the model.) All people are risk-neutral, and they do not discount between
the two periods. The owners each own an asset that pays off V units of consumption in period
2. Here, V is random, with cdf Φ and density φ over support [Vmin , Vmax ]. The assets’ payoffs
are always equal to one another, because I want to focus on aggregate risk. The owners don’t
desire consumption in period 2, but do desire consumption in period 1, and so are willing to
sell to the buyers.
The buyers buy the assets from the owners at an endogenous price p. The buyers
are required to put down a down payment of αp, where α is exogenous. They borrow the
remaining (1 − α)p from the banks using debt with an endogenous face value Fland (to match
up with the notation in the paper). The loan is collateralized only by the asset itself. Hence,
the buyers get a random payoff equal to
max(V − Fland , 0)
The bank’s debtholders are fully guaranteed by the government against any losses from fluc-
tuations in V . Hence, their payoff in period 2 is simply the loan amount Fbank .
Trade is competitive within the model.14 It follows that the buyers’ down payment
must equal the period 1 expected value of their period 2 payoff:
Z Vmax
αp = max(V − Fland , 0)φ(V )dV
As well, the bank owners’ payment to the buyers must equal the expected value of their
period 2 payoffs:
Z Vmax
(1 − α)p = Fbank + {max(min(V, Fland ) − Fbank , 0)}φ(V )dV
Z Vmax
κ {max(min(V, Fland ) − Fbank , 0)}φ(V )dV = Fbank
so that the debt/equity ratio equals κ. (I’m requiring the bank to issue as much debt as
possible. However, given the existence of the bailouts, the bank will find this behavior at
least weakly optimal.) We can find the endogenous asset price p, asset loan face value Fland ,
and bank loan face value Fbank by solving the above three equations (given the down payment
α and the leverage cap κ).
Without debt guarantees, the risk neutrality of the people in the model implies that
the asset price p = E(V ). However, the presence of the debt guarantees can make the asset
price higher than E(V ).
Vmin , then p > E(V ), and p is the unique solution to the equation
Z (1−α)p/(1+1/κ)
p= [(1 − α)p/(1 + 1/κ) − V ]φ(V )dV + E(V ).
Z Vmax
αp = max(V − Fland , 0)φ(V )dV.
Z Vmax
p = E(V ) + (Fbank − min(min(Fland, V ), Fbank )φ(V )dV.
Z Vmax
κ {max(min(V, Fland ) − Fbank , 0)}φ(V )dV = Fbank .
If Fland ≤ Fbank , then Fbank = Fland = 0. Hence Fbank < Fland . It follows that
Z Vmax
p = E(V ) + [Fbank − min(Fbank , V )]φ(V )dV.
and so
Z Vmax
p = E(V ) + [(1 − α)p/(1 + κ−1 ) − min((1 − α)p/(1 + κ−1 ), V )]φ(V )dV
Z (1−α)p/(1+κ−1 )
(4) = E(V ) + [(1 − α)p/(1 + κ−1 ) − V ]φ(V )dV.
If I set p = E(V ), the LHS is no larger than the RHS. If I set p = Vmax (1 + κ−1 )/(1 − α),
then the LHS is larger than the RHS. Hence, there exists a solution. The derivative of the
LHS of the equation (4) with respect to p is 1. The derivative of the RHS is
If the down payment requirement α is sufficiently small or the leverage cap κ is suf-
ficiently large, then debt guarantees lead the asset’s price to be larger than its fundamental
value E(V ). The degree of “mispricing” is decreasing in α and increasing in κ.
Here, I’ve treated the down payment requirement α as exogenous. It is worth noting
that if E(V )/(1 + 1/κ) ≤ Vmin , the banks are indifferent across the choice of down payment
requirement, because p = E(V ) regardless of the down payment requirement. However, if
E(V )/(1 + 1/κ) > Vmin , the price of the asset is a strictly decreasing function of α. Under
this condition, if banks are allowed to choose their own α and Fb , they will compete the down
payment requirement down to whatever minimum regulators might allow.
In the same vein, if banks can choose their debt/equity ratio, they will compete κ up
to infinity. If α = 0 and κ = ∞, then p = Vmax . The bank is fully debt-financed. Its debt
has a face value of Vmax , and the loan to the asset-buyer also has a face value of Vmax . The
asset-buyer defaults almost always, and the bank defaults almost always on its obligation to
its debtor. As a result, the government is forced to pay the debtor Vmax − V when the value
of the asset is V.
Appendix 2
Consider an economy with equal measures of infinitely lived odd and even agents. Odd
agents are productive in odd periods; they produce nt units of consumption by exerting nt
units of effort in those periods. They are unproductive in even periods. Even agents are
productive in even periods; they produce nt units of consumption by exerting nt units of
effort in those periods. They are unproductive in odd periods.
Agents have a momentary utility function
ln(ct ) − nt
bt+1 ≥ −B.
ct + bt+1 ≤ wt nt + bt (1 + Rt )
where wt = 1 when the agent is productive and 0 when the agent is unproductive.
The equilibrium consumptions, effort, and interest rate satisfy
cprod + B = n − B(1 + R)
cunprod − B = B(1 + R)
βcprod (1 + R)/cunprod = 1
1/cprod = 1.
(5) (1 + R) = (B −1 β − 1)−1
cunprod = B(2 + R)
cprod = 1
n = 1 + B(2 + R).
B. Bubbles
The equilibrium interest rate is less than 0 iff
B < β/2.
I claim that, for any such B, I can construct an equilibrium with a bubble. In particular,
endow each of the even agents with a unit of land that pays no dividend. Suppose that
agents can trade land and one-period debt in each period. They cannot short-sell land, and
I’m assuming that B is sufficiently low that
so that the unproductive agents have binding borrowing constraints. This is true for an interval of B that is
bounded from above by β/(1 + β).
they cannot borrow more than B in each period. Then, their budget sets are defined by the
ct + bt+1 + Lt+1 pt = wt nt + bt (1 + R) + Lt pt
Lt ≥ 0
bt ≥ −B
where Lt is the agent’s landholdings at the beginning of period t and pt is the price of land
in period t.
There is an equilibrium (as defined above) in which R < 0 and land has no value. But
there is also an equilibrium in which R is constant at 0 and land has constant value p
cprod = 1
cunprod = β
p = β − 2B.
The bubble in land allows agents to engage in more effective intertemporal trades. Out-
put is higher with the bubble, the unproductive agents consume more, and the
productive agents consume the same.
commitment to keeping the real interest rate at R = 0 forever. (I assume that this offer was
unanticipated in earlier periods.) The government uses the proceeds of the sale to buy goods
from the productive agent. It repays the debt by rolling it over in perpetuity.
There are many equilibria in this economy. The government’s interest rate offer is
no different from that in the private market. Hence, agents may simply ignore the govern-
ment’s debt offer in every period. In this case, the bubbly equilibrium is unaffected by the
government’s policy.
However, there is also an equilibrium in which the price of land immediately falls to
zero in period t. In that period, the productive agents produce 1 + β units of consumption.
The government gets β −2B of that production, though, and the unproductive agents get only
2B units of consumption. In period (t + 1), the economy returns to the bubbly equilibrium.
The government may be able to substitute a perpetual rollover in its own
debt for a land bubble. However, the substitution may not work. If it does work,
then owners of the private sector bubble will be made worse off.
three distinct policies. I will only consider their ex post consequences.
In all three policies, the government commits to sell an arbitrary amount of one-
period debt with real return 0. This part of the policy fixes the problem that the real
interest rate is too low. The government commits to collecting no new taxes. Hence, the
government plans to repay the debt issue by rolling over the debt in each period.
Any debt rollover plan of this kind allows the government to generate extra resources
in the first period after the bubble collapses. They differ in how the government spends those
extra resources.
E. Public Investment
Consider a policy in which the government uses the resources from its debt issue to
fund public projects that are additively separable from the private economy. Then, in the
first period after the bubble collapses, the productive agents produce 1 + β, and there is
no recession at all. Nonetheless, unproductive agents do suffer a loss relative to the bubbly
equilibrium, because they only consume 2B, rather than β. The government gets the other
resources (β − 2B) from its debt issue.
In the second period after the bubble’s collapse, the economy reverts to the bubbly
outcome (because R = 0). This longer-run effect is a consequence of any of the three policies.
F. Uniform Transfer
Suppose next that the government spreads the proceeds of the debt issue evenly across
all agents. (Somewhat unrealistically, I think about this redistribution as happening in the
first period after the bubble collapses. Thus, the government is redistributing the results of
the debt issue simultaneously with actually doing the debt issue.)
Then, in the first period after the bubble collapses, the productive agents produce
1 + β/2 + B. They spend β − 2B on the government’s debt issue, receive (β − 2B)/2 back as
a transfer, repay their debt of B units of consumption to the unproductive agents, and lend
B units of consumption to the unproductive agents. Unproductive agents consume β/2 + B.
There is a one-period recession. In this sense, the fiscal multiplier associated with transfers
is lower than that associated with public goods expenditures. The lower fiscal multiplier is
generated by a wealth effect: Giving resources to productive agents leads them to work less
G. Directed Transfer
Finally, suppose the government gives out the proceeds of the debt issue only to
unproductive agents (again as the debt issue is taking place). Now, the distribution of wealth
is the same as in the bubbly economy and the equilibrium interest rates are the same. The
equilibrium from this policy exactly mimics the bubbly equilibrium outcome.
H. Intuition
Intuitively, there are two effects from a bubble collapse. First, the real interest rate
falls permanently because there are fewer vehicles for saving. Second, there is a redistribution
of wealth from bubble owners to nonowners. The impact of the first effect is a permanent
one, while the impact of the second effect is transient. It is relatively easy to solve the first
problem, using appropriate fiscal policy. It is harder to fix the second, because it requires
targeted transfers.