Ecotour Leaders Training: English Language Course Book

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Tourism, Handicrafts and Heritage Organization

Ecotour Leaders Training

English Language Course Book


English For Ecotour Leaders

ƒ Extreme tourism
Introduction ƒ Nature Photography
What is Tourism? ƒ Wildlife Photography
Who is a tourist? ƒ Agritourism
Tourist Attractions ƒ River Trekking
ƒ Natural Attraction ƒ Rafting
ƒ Cultural Attractions ƒ Scuba Diving
ƒ Special Type of Attraction ƒ Caving
What is Ecotourism? ƒ Whale Watching
The Roots of Ecotourism Some Interesting Tours
Principles of Ecotourism References
Nature Tour Operator Guidelines
Explanation of an Ecolodge
Most Popular Nature Based Tour Activities
ƒ Adventure Tourism
ƒ Geotourism and Cultural Heritage
ƒ Bird-watching Tours
ƒ Wildlife Tours
ƒ Desert Safari
ƒ Rural Tourism
ƒ Backpacking

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English For Ecotour Leaders

(UNEP, 2002) conserving natural areas, educating visitors about
Travel and tourism are among the world’s fastest growing sustainability, and benefiting local people.
industries and are the major source of foreign exchange
earnings for many developing countries. The World Tourism
Organization (WTO) reports that receipts from international
tourism grew by an average annual rate of 9% between
1988-1997. The number of international tourist arrivals
reached more than 664 million in 1999 (well over 10% of the
world's population), and international arrivals are expected to
reach 1 billion by 2010. The increasing economic importance
of tourism has captured the attention of most countries.
However, the global growth of tourism poses a significant
threat to cultural and biological diversity. Fig. 1-Safari in Kenya

Ecotourism is a growing niche market within the larger Market research shows that ecotourists are particularly
travel industry, with the potential of being an important interested in wilderness settings and pristine areas.
sustainable development tool. With billions of dollars in According to the fifth meeting of the Conference of the
annual sales, ecotourism is a real industry that seeks to take Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity,
advantage of market trends. At the same time, it frequently ecotourism has a unique role to play in educating travelers
operates quite differently than other segments of the tourism about the value of a healthy environment and biological
industry, because ecotourism is defined by its sustainable diversity. However, proper planning and management are
development results:

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English For Ecotour Leaders

critical to ecotourism’s development or it will threaten the Local communities have the most at stake, and therefore
biological diversity upon which it depends. the most to lose, in the emerging international ecotourism
In the last 10 years, travel experiences in fragile natural marketplace.
and cultural areas have benefited form a variety of As globalization makes local economic control
innovative small - scale, low - impact solutions offered by increasingly difficult, ecotourism seeks to reverse this trend
ecotourism - some of which will be documented in this by stressing that local business owners and local
package. These approaches have had an influence on the communities must be vitally involved.
larger tourism market, but ecotourism will never transform Opportunities to involve rural communities in tourism have
the tourism industry, nor can it be a perfect model in every attracted attention and raised many expectations, but the
instance. Like all forms of sustainable tourism, it is a risks are great unless proper preparations are made. Local
dynamic field, with new techniques and approaches people must be informed in advance of all the possible
evolving every year. A wide variety of stakeholders must consequences of tourism development, and they must
be involved in its implementation including business, formally consent to development in their areas.
government, non -governmental organizations and local The underlying concepts and principles behind ecotourism
communities. Responsible businesses must be have helped set new standards for the tourism industry, and
encouraged to manage tourists properly with guidelines, these standards continue to evolve. Many aspects still need
certification and regulation. And local destinations must be to be fully addressed during implementation, and as answers
ready to properly fund ecotourism management, or they to some of these questions arise from the field, the quick
will risk damaging their natural and cultural resources and, global dissemination of results is a priority.
ultimately, their position in a rapidly growing international

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(UNEP, 2002)
Tourism is the act of travel for predominantly
recreational or leisure purposes, and also refers to the
provision of services in support of this act. According to the
World Tourism Organization, tourists are people who
"travel to and stay in places outside their usual
environment for not more than one consecutive year for
leisure, business and other purposes not related to the
exercise of an activity remunerated from within the place
visited". The distance between a place of origin and a
tourism destination is immaterial to this definition.

Fig. 2 - A Swedish birdwatcher in Iran

Photo by: Houman Jowkar
(UNEP, 2002)
ƒ Tourists- Temporary visitor staying at least 24 hours in the
Visitor is “any person visiting a country other than that in
country visited and purpose of whose journey can be
which he has his usual place of residence, for any reason
other than following an occupation remunerated from within
a. leisure
the country visited” (WTO 1981). The term visitor includes two
b. Business
distinct types of travelers:
c. Family

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d. Mission ƒ Climate
e. Meeting A warm, sunny, dry climatic is typically considered
ƒ Excursionists- Temporary visitor staying less than 24 desirable by most tourists, especially those from cold winter
hours in the destination visited and not making overnight areas, and particularly when associated with other
stay. attractions such as beach, marine, and mountain areas that
provide opportunities for recreation activities.
ƒ Scenic Beauty
• Natural Attractions The overall natural scenic beauty of an area may be a
• Cultural Attractions major motivation to visit there, especially if conservation
• Special Types of Attractions measures have been applied to maintain the cleanliness
and natural character of the environment. Associated with
Natural Attraction
areas of scenic beauty are activities such as pleasure
Major categories of natural attractions include the types driving with tops at scenic view points, hiking, picnicking,
described in the following sections. camping and wildlife viewing.
ƒ Climate
ƒ Scenic Beauty
ƒ Beaches and Marine Areas
ƒ Flora and Fauna
ƒ Special Environmental Features
ƒ Parks and Conservation Areas
ƒ Health Tourism

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ƒ Beaches and Marine Areas ƒ Special Environmental Features

Beaches and associated marine areas for sunbathing, Special environmental features such as high mountains,
snorkeling and scuba diving, sport fishing, and other water unusual geological formations, caves, geysers, hot springs,
recreation activites are major attractions in many places ih and mild forms of volcanic activity are important attractions
the world. for both general sightseeing and special interest tourists.
ƒ Flora and Fauna (Fig3)

Unusual and interesting flora and fauna can be very

important attractions, especially when combined with scenic
landscapes. Animal and plant life conservation is major issue
in many parts of the world because of various problems,
especially reduction of wildlife habitat by encroachment of
agricultural and urban uses and poaching of protected
Zoos, aquariums, and botanic gardens are specialized
flora and fauna feature and, if well developed and Fig. 3- shahdad desert , kaluts
Photo by: Leyli Nashiba
maintained, can be major international attraction, such as the
San Diego Zoo and Wild Animal Park in California and ƒ Parks and Conservation Areas

botanic garden at Kew near London, Andy in Sri Lanka and As mentioned, important natural areas and their flora and
Boor in Java, Indonesia. fauna should be designated for some type of conservation
status, such as national or regional parks, nature reserves,
and wildlife refuges.

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ƒ Friendliness of Residents
ƒ Health Tourism ƒ Archaeological, Historical, and Cultural Sites

Usually, but not always related to the natural environment Archaeological, historical, and cultural sites, including
are various types of health tourism. As mentioned, spas cultural and national monuments, historic buildings, districts,
based on hot mineral waters were first developed some two and towns, important religious buildings such as churches,
thousand years agony the Romans, and many spa resorts synagogues, temples, mosques, and monasteries, and
were developed during the nineteenth century. Another type places of historic events such as battlefields constitute a
of health tourism developed more recently is the "diet" major type of attractions feature inmost parts of the world.
resort, a place where people go to lose weight and regain Important archaeological
physical vitality. and historic site exist in
virtually all parts of the world.
Cultural Attraction
Archaeological sites are, of
Major types of Cultural attractions, based on man's course, important for viewing
activities, include those described in the following sections. by tourists and, reflecting
ƒ Archaeological, Historical and Cultural Sites (Fig٤) tourism trends in recent
ƒ Distinctive Cultural Patterns years, participation by tourist
ƒ Arts and Handicrafts lament in archaeological
ƒ Interesting Economic Activities excavations, on a supervised
ƒ Interesting Urban Areas basis, has become popular.
ƒ Museums and Cultural Facilities (Fig4) Fig.4-Persepolis-Shiraz
ƒ Cultural Festivals Photo by:Kianoosh Mehrabi

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elephants in tropical forest, traditional fishing and

ƒ Distinctive Cultural Patterns agricultural techniques in Amy areas, and the operations of
Cultural patterns, traditions, and lifestyles that are unusual modern manufacturing plant. Traditional market places are
(different from those of the tourists) and , in some cases, slosh widely popular with tourists.
unique tone place can be of much inte4est to many tourists. ƒ Interesting Urban Areas

These cultural patterns include customs, dress, ceremonies, In contrast to rural and village life, large urban areas with
lifestyles, and religious beliefs and practices and are often their varied architectural styles, historic buildings and
associated with rural and village life but may be prevalent in districts, civic centers, shopping facilities, restaurants, parks,
some urban places. and street life are of interest to many tourists who enjoy
ƒ Arts and Handicrafts general urban sightseeing and absorbing the ambience of a
The performing art forms, including dance, music and city's character, as well as visiting specific attraction
drama, and the fine arts of painting and sculpting can be features such as museums and public buildings.
important attractions, especially if effectively presented . Art ƒ Museums and other Cultural Facilities
from can be those associated with small - scale traditional Related to various aspects of both natural and cultural
cultures or those related tithe major western, Middle Eastern, features of an area are different types of museums on such
or Asian cultures. themes as archaeology, history, ethnology natural history,
ƒ Interesting Economic Activates arts and crafts ,science, technology and industry, and many
An often successful type of specialized cultural attraction specialized subjects. These are usually developed primarily
is observation, description, and sometimes demonstration of for residents to enjoy but, if well done , can also be
interesting economic activates such as operation of tea and important attractions for domestic and international tourists.
rubber plantations and processing plants, use of working

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Special Type of Attraction
Other cultural facilities such as cultural centers, important
commercial art galleries, and antique shops or, in some Special types of attractions not particularly related to
places ,whole districts of galleries, and antique shops either naturalor cultural features, but that are artificially
should be considered as tourist attractions. vereated, are describedin the following sections.
ƒ Cultural Festivals ƒ Theme Parks, Amusement Parks and Circuses (Fig 5)

Various types of cultural festivals related to the local ƒ Shopping

traditions and arts can be major attractions. Large religious ƒ Meetings, Conferences and Conventions
festivals and pageants such as the Carnival in Rio de ƒ Special Events
Janeiro, Media Gras in New Orleans, and the Pera Herain ƒ Gambling Casinos
Kandy, Sri Lanka attract many tourists as well as residents. ƒ Entertainment
ƒ Friendliness of Residents ƒ Recreation and Sport
Although not quantifiable, a very real attraction for many ƒ Cuisine
tourists can be the friendly, hospitable character of local
residents and, more generally, their tolerance and ƒ Theme Parks, Amusement Parks, and Circuses

acceptance of tourists visiting their environment. The honesty Theme parks are oriented to particular themes, such as
and reliability of residents in their dealings with tourists are history, adventure, unusual geographic places, fantasy and
also important factors. futurism, or a combination of these in one park, and offer
simulated experiences, shows, thrill rides, shopping, and a
variety of restaurants and snack bars in a clean and
controlled environment. Best Known of the theme parks and

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their prototypes are Disneyland in Anaheim, California, ƒ Shopping

opened in 1935, and Disney World in Orlando, Florida. (Fig5) Shopping is a significant activity and type of expenditure
Traveling circuses have long been popular, catering of many tourists and must be considered in tourism planning
primarily to residents of the area where the circus stops over, as a possible attraction as well as service.
and are not typically major attractions for tourists. However, Meetings, Conferences, and Conventions
some permanent circuses are famous, such as the Russian Domestic and international conference and convention
circus in Moscow andLeningrad and acrobatic circuses in tourism, including small meetings, training courses,
China and Korea, and attractmany tourists who are visiting seminars, and workshops as well as large conferences and
those places. conventions, is a significant type of tourism throughout the
world and steadily expanding in all countries.
ƒ Special Events

Special events, such as sports contests, fairs, and

expositions, can be major tourist attractions for short time
periods. These are organized for the purpose of attracting
tourists and also for reasons such as national or regional
prestige and gaining new facility complexes for permanent
use, perhaps along with concomitant redevelopment of
urban districts. International sports events, such as the
Fig.5-Disneyland,California-USA Olympic, Commonwealth, and Asian games, Amy draw
global interest while others are of wide spread national

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ƒ Gambling Casinos spectator sports events such as football, soccer, baseball,

Gambling casinos have been developed in certain places basketball, rugby, and bull fights.
as major attractions, but usually in areas that have limited ƒ Cuisine

natural and cultural attraction features and where thee is little The food of and area, in addition to being an important
negative social impact from gambling on the local residents. service for tourists, can be a significant secondary tourist
ƒ Entertainment attractions, especially if the area offers a special type of
Entertainment is broad category and has already been cuisine that is well prepared and presented.
referred to relative to the traditional and contemporary
performing arts and its association with gambling casinos and
their resort environments. Nightclubs, discos, and some
restaurants in tourism areas provide evening entertainment
that is popular with many tourists and considered essential
for successful operation of some hotels and resorts.
ƒ Recreation and Sports

Most recreation facilities are of a local scale catering to

residents of an area. But some types can be important
primary or secondary attractions for tourists, such as
championships golf courses and tennis centers, polo
grounds, horse and other types of race tracks (which may
also include betting on the races), and stadiums for major

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English For Ecotour Leaders


Ecotourism has been defined as a form of nature - based

truism in the marketplace, but it has also been formulated
and studied as a sustainable development tool by NGOs,
development experts and academics since 1990.
The term ecotourism, therefore, refers on one hand to a
concept under a set of principles, and on the other hand to a
specific market segment. The international Ecotourism
Society (TIES) (previously known as The Ecotourism Society
(TES)) in 1991 produced one of the earliest definitions.
Ecotourism is responsible travel to natural areas that Fig. 6-An Ecotour in Keolado National Park , India
photo by Kianoosh Mehrabi
conserves the environment and sustains the well being of
local people.
IUCN (now called the World Conservation Union) states in
1996 that ecotourism:
“is environmentally responsible travel and visitation to
relatively undisturbed natural areas, in order to enjoy and
appreciate nature (and any accompanying cultural features -
both past and present) that promotes conservation, has low
negative visitor impact, and provides for beneficially active
socio - economic involvement of local populations.”
Fig. 7-Birdwatchers in Chile
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Ecotourism aspires in all cases to achieve sustainable ƒ Stresses local participation ownership and business
development results. However, it is important to clarify that all opportunities particularly for rural people. (Fig 6 to 9)
tourism activities be they geared to holidays, business,
conferences, congresses or fairs, health, adventure or
ecotourism - should aim to be sustainable.
This means that the planning and development of tourism
infrastructure, its subsequent operation and also its
marketing should focus on environmental, social, cultural and
economic sustainability criteria.


ƒ Contributes to conservation of biodiversity.

ƒ Sustains the well being of local people.
ƒ Includes an interpretation /learning experience,
ƒ Involves responsible action on the part of tourists and the
tourism industry.
ƒ Is delivered primarily to small groups by small - scale
ƒ Requires lowest possible consumption of non – renewable Fig.8 and 9 -Keolado
resources. National Park , India
photo by Kianoosh Mehrabi

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entrepreneurs created special field visits and studies for
With a history deeply rooted in the conservation adult travelers, students and volunteers.
movement, ecotourism has provided a highly strategic source International nature-based businesses began to thrive in
of revenue to natural areas that need protection. Ecotourism the1980s with the growing interest in outdoor travel and the
began as an untested idea that many hoped could contribute environment, spurred by excellent new outdoor equipment
to the conservation of natural resources worldwide. Research for camping and hiking, and events such as Earth Day.
undertaken in Kenya in the 1970s (Thresher 1981) These companies began to realize that they could take the
demonstrated that the economic benefits of wildlife tourism initiative to conserve the environment by sponsoring local
far surpassed hunting – and activity that was banned in conservation groups in the destinations they visited or by
Kenya in 1977. raising funds for local causes.
In the early 1980s, rainforests and coral reefs become They soon learned that training and hiring local people to
the subject of both innumerable studies by biologists run their businesses was the best way to manage their
interested in biological diversity and of a plethora of nature operations, and an excellent way of creating significant
film documentaries. This interest helped launch a wide benefits for local people. Tour operators selling trips to the
variety of local small businesses specializing n guiding Galapagos Islands, Costa Rica, Kenya and Nepal were
scientists and filmmakers into remote zones. As these small some of the early players in this movement. Some of these
businesses quickly began to prosper in countries such as companies argue that in fact, they had already been using
Costa Rica and Ecuador, a more formal industry soon ecotourism principles for some 20 to 30years.
evolved to meet the needs of small tourism groups that were Many travel and tourism businesses have found it
primarily composed of bird watchers and committed convenient to use the term "ecotourism" in their literature,
naturalists. In many areas of the world, pioneer and governments have used the term extensively to promote

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their destinations, all without trying to implement any of the 3. Guiding and interpretation services, preferably
most basic principles explained in this document. This managed by local inhabitants, that are focused on natural
problem of "green washing" has undermined the legitimacy history and sustainable development issues.
of the term ecotourism. Some green washing though 4. Government policies that earmark fees from tourism to
certainly not all, is the result of a lack of understanding of the generate funds for both conservation of wild lands and
underlying principles of ecotourism. sustainable development of local communities and
International conferences, workshops and publications indigenous people.
have made some advances in educating governments and 5. Focused attention on local peoples, who must be given
business about ecotourism, but the misuse of the term the right of prior informed consent, full participation and, if
remains a problem worldwide. they so decide, given the means and training to take
Many people often ask why ecotourism should be viewed advantage of this sustainable development option.
differently from other forms of sustainable tourism. In
essence, ecotourism must be planned and managed to
successfully offer its key social and environmental
objectives. This requires:
1. Specialized marketing to attract travelers who are
primarily interested in visiting natural areas.
2. Management skills that are particular to handling
visitors in protected natural areas.

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determined by researchers in cooperating with local
Minimize the negative impacts on nature and culture that residents.
can damage a destination. ƒ Rely on infrastructure that has been developed in
ƒ Educate the traveler on the importance of conservation. harmony with the environment, minimizing use of fossil fuels,
ƒ Stress the importance of responsible business, which conserving local plants and wildlife, and blending with the
works cooperatively with local authorities and people to meet natural and cultural environment.
local needs and deliver conservation benefits.
ƒ Direct revenues to the conservation and management of
natural and protected areas.
ƒ Emphasize the need for regional tourism zoning and for
visit or management plans designed for either regions or
natural areas that are slated to become eco - destinations.
ƒ Emphasize use of environmental and social base - line
studies, as well as long - term monitoring programs, to
assess and minimize impacts.
ƒ Strive to maximize economic benefit for the host country,
local business and communities, particularly peoples living in
and adjacent to natural and protected areas.
ƒ Seek to ensure that tourism development does not exceed
the social and environmental limits of acceptable change as

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to communicate with and manage clients in sensitive natural
ƒ Prepare travelers. One reason consumers choose an and cultural settings.
operator rather than travel independently is to receive ƒ Contribute to conservation. Fund conservation programs in

guidance. How can negative impacts be minimized while the regions being visited.
visiting sensitive environments and cultures? How should one ƒ Provide competitive local employment. Employ locals in all

interact with local cultures? What is an appropriate response aspects of business operations.
to begging? Is bartering encouraged? ƒ Offer site- sensitive accommodations. Ensure that facilities
ƒ Minimize visitor impacts. Prevent degradation of the are not destructive to the natural environment and particularly
environment and / or the local culture by offering literature, that they do not waste local resources. Design structures that
briefings, leading by example and taking corrective actions. offer ample opportunity for learning about the environment
To minimize accumulated impacts, use adequate leadership and that encourage sensitive interchanges with local
and maintain small groups to ensure minimum group impacts communities. (The International Ecotourism Society, Ecotourism
on destination. Avoid areas that are under managed and over Guidelines for Nature Tour Operators, 1993)
- visited.
ƒ Minimize nature tour company impacts. Ensure managers,

staff and contract employees know and participate in all

aspects of company policy that prevent impacts on the
environment and local cultures.
ƒ Provide training. Give manager, staff and contract
employees access to programs that will upgrade their ability

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Your Information: Leaders

Nature Tourist Market Profile ƒ Motivations for Taking Next Trip: Experienced nature
ƒ Age: 35-54 years old, although age varies with activity and tourists top two responses were
other factors such as cost. (1) to enjoy scenery/nature, and
ƒ Gender: 50% female and 50% male, although clear (2) New experiences / places.
differences by activity were found. Experienced nature tourists were tourists that had been on at
ƒ Education: 82% were college graduates. least one ecotourism oriented trip. Ecotourism was defined in
ƒ Household composition: No major differences were found this study as nature/adventure/culture - oriented travel - This
between general tourists and experienced nature tourists. research included both domestic and international travel.
ƒ Party composition: A majority (60%) of experienced. nature (HLA and ARA Consulting, 1994. Wight 1996a, 1996b)
tourist respondents stated they prefer to travel as a couple, with
only15% stating they prefer to travel with their families, and
13% preferring to travel alone.
ƒ Trip Duration: The largest group of experienced nature
tourists (50%) preferred trips lasting 8-14 days.
ƒ Expenditure: Experienced nature tourists were willing to
spend more than general tourists, the largest group (26%)
stating they were prepared to spend $1001-$1500 per trip.
ƒ Important Elements of Trip: Experienced nature tourists top
three responses were:
(1) A wilderness setting,
(2) Wildlife viewing, and
(3) Hiking/ trekking.

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Characteristics of a Good Ecotour

ƒ Provides information prior to the trip on the culture and
environments to be visited.
ƒ Offers guidelines on appropriate dress and behavior in
writing before departure and verbally during the tour.
ƒ Offers in-depth briefing upon tourist a arrival of the
destinations geographical, social and political characteristics,
as well as its environmental social and political challenges.
ƒ Offers in-depth guiding throughout the trip with well - trained
local guides.
ƒ Offers the opportunity to meet and interact with local
communities in a setting that is clearly not just a commercial
venue for shopping or sales.
ƒ Develops an understanding of both the local people’s daily
life and traditions, and the types of issues that are appropriate
to discuss, well in advance of community interactions.
ƒ Provides opportunity for contributions to local NGOs.
ƒ Ensures that all par entry fees are paid in full.
ƒ Offers site - sensitive accommodations.

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Ecolodges can be extremely rustic or very luxurious.
The term “ecolodge” was formally launched in the Accommodations in general for the ecotourism industry are
marketplace at the First International Ecolodge Forum and usually mid – range In price, though the range of
Field Seminar held in 1994 at Maho Bay Camps in the U.S. accommodation types is enormous -from luxury tent - camps
Virgin Islands. Formal dialogue at this conference resulted in in Africa, to backpacker tents in Alaska, to rustic lean -tos
the Ecolodge Sourcebook for Planners and Developers and home stays in Belize, to ranches and haciendas in
(Hawkins et al 1995). The first International Ecolodge Guidelines Venezuela, to tea houses in Nepal. Live - apbardboats also
(Mehta et al, in press) are the result of a 1995 international are popular, particularly on the Amazon. High - end small
conference in Costa Rica and five years of research and cruise ships that can travel to idyllic marine environments
international review. such as Baja, Mexico, or Australia's Great Barrier Reef have
This is the first book to offer a definitive international also been extremely successful. (Fig 12 and 13)
definition of an ecolodge. Many lodges offer their own guides and interpretation
It must be stressed that an ecolodge's value is as much in walks, as their visitors are frequently independent travelers
its setting as its structures. Ecolodges need a well - protected that are not traveling with a tour guide. Often local farmers
setting that is not plagued by over - development or resource or indigenous people with in-depth knowledge of the local
destruction issues. The value of an ecotourism property rises flora and fauna are hired to guide for ecolodges.
and falls with its ability to protect substantial biodiversity,
wildlife and pristine landscapes. Many ecolodges have
established their own private reserves, enabling them to
directly manage the natural resources they depend on for
their business.

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The local guide's knowledge of the land goes well are farms, canoes or horses - that would provide interesting
beyond what most urban citizens have ever experienced day and half - day tours for visitors.
in their lives and this gives visitors a genuine respect for
the people and places they are visiting. The interaction
between host and guest can lead to a whole new outlook
for local people on the spcial nature of where they live.
Other recreation opportunities offered by lodges vary
tremendously depending on the site: game drives bird
watching. canoeing, horseback riding, bicycling, beach
trips and educational visits to locally run museums, zoos
butterfly farms, agricultural and livestock farms, craft
production areas and other natural history and cultural
sights. Some hige-end lodges are creating jungle canopy
walkways on their own properties as another guest
amenity, these walkways provide uparalleled
opportunities to explore the life above the rain forest tree -
tops and in the most diverse part of the rain forest.
Coordination of a fulfilling ecotourism itinerary requires
active working relationship with the local community.
Ecolodges need to work with local guides and interact with
Fig. 11 and 12: An ecolodge in Kenya
the owners of different tourism resources - whether these

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Ecolodge Definition (Adapted from Mehta et al, International Ecolodge Guidelines, In

An ecolodge is tourism accommodation facility that meets the Press)
following criteria. Ecolodge Management Characteristics
ƒ It conserves the surrounding environment both natural and ƒ Provides on-the-job the training to community members
cultural. and local guides.
ƒ It has minimal impact on the natural surroundings during ƒ Uses a majority of local staff people, and avoids giving city
construction. -trained or expatriate individuals all of the key
ƒ It fits into its specific physical and cultural contexts through responsibilities.
careful attention to form landscaping and color, as well as the ƒ Sets up after-hours second-language programs (to assist
use of localized architecture. staff in speaking the language of visiting guests) using a local
ƒ It uses alternative sustainable means of water acquisition college graduate with expertise in language training.
and reduces water consumption. ƒ Has guests contribute to staff education and community
ƒ It provides careful handing and disposal of solid waste and development projects involving education or health.
sewage. ƒ Encourages interested community members to
ƒ It meets its energy needs through passive design and communicate their knowledge about the area, while
combines these with their modern counterparts for greater encouraging local guides to mingle with guests during
sustainability. communal hours.
ƒ It endeavors to work together with the local community. ƒ Supports guest learning experiences through visits to local
ƒ It offers interpretative programs to educate both its farms, nurseries, reforestation projects, butterfly farms and
employees and tourists about the surrounding natural and other efforts to promote sustainability in the region.
cultural environments. ƒ Promotes a system for gests to contribute financially to the
ƒ It contributes to sustainable local development through preservation of natural areas in the region.
research programs.

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ƒ Insists on recycling everything from table scraps to
plastics, paper and metal. Local vendors in the ecotourism industry include food
ƒ Uses alternative energy wherever possible. stands, restaurants, guiding services, vehicle rentals, taxis,
ƒ Uses biodegradable detergents and avoids the use of
recreation services (horses, boats and rafts, bikes, etc.)
toxics whenever possible.
and craft producers/vendors. These types of service are
ƒ Does not keep caged or exotic animals on the premises.
most often offered by local community members. These
(Adapted form lewis, International Ecolodge Guidelines, In Press)
vendors play a crucial role in the success of the
ecotourism product and its ability to benefit local
Many times, these businesses are very small and the
owners need encouragement and a small amount of
capital to get started. They can turn to NGOs or to the
ecotourism industry itself to provide assistance with start-
up businesses.

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Your Information: Leaders

Handicrafts and Ecotoursim - A case study from Nepal, (Adapted from shah and Gupta, Tourism, the Poor and Other
Laos and Indonesia stakeholder, 2000 Case Studies from Nepal, Laos, & Indonesia)
The study “Tourism, the Poor and Other Stakeholder”
Experience in Asia, published by Overseas Development
Institute (ODI) notes that the growth of Nepal’s handicraft
industry was rewarded with nearly 15% of all tourism
expenditures in 1990.
In a specific example, tourism gave a boost to craft makers in
Nepal’s Kullu region, who developed a thriving souvenir industry
with shawls and caps are now an important export item. On the
other hand, numerous examples show where ethnic minority
women, such as the Sa Pa in Laos, have seen their embroidery
and designs co-opted by cheap imitators, forcing them to sell
their originals and unfair prices in order to earn the cash they
have come to depend on. In many cases local people have
excellent, marketable crafts but few skills in marketing. They can
be easily undercut by cheap imitators. This problem cans be
counteracted, according to the ODI report, if agencies intervene
to create fair marketplace conditions for all vendors.
For example, in Iran, Java, Indonesia, an annual art auction
was organized to prevent this problem and generate high profits
for local wood carvers on the island.

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Most Popular Nature Based Tour Activities

Adventure Tourism

Adventure tourism is a type of niche tourism involving

exploration or travel to remote areas, where the traveler
should expect the unexpected. Adventure tourism is rapidly
growing in popularity as tourists seek unusual holidays,
different from the typical beach vacation.
Adventure tourism typically involves traveling into remote,
inaccessible and possibly hostile areas. It may include the
performance of acts that require significant effort and grit and
may also involve some degree of risk.
Bungi Jumping, Rafting (Fig 14) and rock climbing (Fig 13) are
frequently cited as examples of adventure tourism.
ƒ Backpacking Fig 13: ice climbing
ƒ Extreme tourism
ƒ Urban Exploration
ƒ Outdoor education
ƒ River trekking
ƒ Rafting

Fig 14: white water kayaking

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Geotourism and Cultural Heritage
as an entrance to local history. Geology is all around us, and
ƒ Geological adventures nature is still writing its own story. (Fig15 and 16)
Geology is the colour of nature in all its shapes. From
those that prefer hiking over former molten rock, or climb the
highest mountains, to those that are tempted to dive to the
coral reefs or raft down the roaring gorges, or those again
that crawl down the deepest mines or caves, or those that
collect the splendour of minerals and the imaginative fossils:
The unexplored Earth provides a wealth of opportunities to
escape the boring daily routine.
A dramatic and spectacular world tempts one, no matter
what season or day, to explore the extra dimension of the
geology adventure. Be it when admiring the landscape while Fig. 15- Tourists on a volcano, Canary Islands

traveling by train, car or airplane, or while admiring the

wonders of nature when visiting exotic places, or again,
when telling tales to the young ones about monsters, big as
houses, now extinct. Even when exploring the urban
landscape, geology can tell exciting stories of the connection
between the natural heritage and the built heritage.
Churches and monumental buildings are built with materials Fig 16: Shahdad Desert
photo by Payam Sajadian
from quarries nearby, or from far away, and this can be used

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Bird-watching Tours
ƒ Geoparks
If you ask Europeans abut geological heritage, many will Bird watching or birding is the observation and study of
think of places such as Iceland, Mount Etna, the Giant's birds with the naked eye, or usually through a visual
Causeway or the Alps. But there is more to geological enhancement device, most commonly binoculars. Most
heritage than these special, often exceptional outcrops. birders or birdwatchers pursue this activity for recreational or
Across Europe there are examples of landscapes and rocks social reasons, unlike ornithologists, who are engaged in the
that provide key evidence of a particular moment in Earth formal scientific study of birds. Ornithologists can, however,
history. This diversity of sites is also part of our geological study birds using the same methods as birders.(Fig 17 and 18)
heritage. Around Europe, Geoparks are established in order
to let tourists explore these important parts of the puzzle that
together make up Europe’s natural history.

Fig.17- Bird Watchers in Iran Fig. 18- Pleske’s Ground Jay, The only
photo by Houman Jowkar endemic bird in Iran
photo by Houman Jowkar
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Wildlife Tours

Wildlife tourism can be an eco and animal friendly tourism

in both captive and wild environments. It has experienced a
dramatic and rapid growth in recent years world wide. Wildlife
tourism, in its simplest sense, is watching wild animals in
their natural habitat.
Wildlife tourism is also a multi-million dollar industry
Fig. 19: Ranthambore National Park,
offering customized tour packages and safaris.
Animals can be viewed in their native or similar
environments, from vehicles or on foot.
Wildlife tourism ffuelled by media coverage and inclusion
of conservation education in early school curriculum Wildlife Fig. 21: Leopard
photo by Houman Jowkar
tourism & Ecotourism has fast become a popular industry
generating substantial income for poor nations with rich
wildlife specially in Africa. This ever growing and ever Fig. 20: Persian Wild Ass,
becoming more popular form of tourism is providing the photo by Houman Jowkar

much needed incentive for poor nations to conserve their

rich wildlife heritage and it's habitat. (Fig 19,20 and 21)

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Desert Safari

Desert safari, also known as Dune bashing is a form of off-

roading, using an off-road vehicle to explore sand dunes.
Whilst in some parts of the world, such as the fragile coastal
dunes of Australia, it is illegal, in others such as the Middle
East, it is a booming attraction for tourists. (Fig.22)

Rural Tourism

In simple terms, rural tourism is tourism that takes place in

the countryside. Increasingly, the countryside is becoming a
more attractive place in which to holiday or visit for the Fig. 22: Desert Safari in Morocco
following reasons:
It provides remoteness and solitude so often missing from
our hectic lifestyles. It provides a relaxing environment where
peace and quiet can be enjoyed. It provides a wealth of
opportunities to engage in various sporting and adventure
activities. It provides a healthy environment with fresh air. It
provides an opportunity to experience the treasures of the
environment such as wildlife and landscape. It provides and
opportunity to experience the culture and lifestyles of rural
communities. (Fig 23) Fig. 23: Meymand Village, Kerman

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level patches of ground without scrub or underbrush. In very
Backpacking (also tramping or trekking or bushwalking in remote areas, established camps do not exist at all, and
some countries) combines hiking and camping in a single travelers must choose appropriate camps themselves. (Fig
trip. A backpacker hikes into the backcountry to spend one or 24 and 25)

more nights there, and carries supplies and equipment to

satisfy sleeping and eating needs.
ƒ What is backpacking?
A backpacker packs all of his or her gear into a backpack.
This gear must include food, water, and shelter, or the means
to obtain them, but very little else, and often in a more
compact and simpler form than one would use for stationary Fig. 24: Backpacking in
camping. A backpacking trip must include at least one
overnight stay in the wilderness (otherwise it is a day hike).
Many backpacking trips last just a weekend (one or two
nights), but long-distance expeditions may last weeks or
months, sometimes aided by planned food and supply drops.
Backpacking camps are more spartan than ordinary
camps. In areas that experience a regular traffic of Fig.25: River Bank Camps,
backpackers, a hike-in camp might have a fire ring and a Shivpuri, Uttranchal India
photo by Kianoosh Mehrabi
small wooden bulletin board with a map and some warning
or information signs. Many hike-in camps are no more than

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In some places, backpackers have access to lodging that

is more substantial than a tent. In the more remote parts of
Great Britain, places exist to provide simple (free)
accommodation for backpackers. Another example is the
High Sierra Camps in Yosemite National Park. Mountain
huts provide similar accommodation in other countries, so
being a member of a mountain hut organization is
advantageous (perhaps required) to make use of their
facilities. On another trails (e.g. the Appalachian Trail) there
are somewhat more established shelters of a sort that offer
a place for weary hikers to spend the night without needing
to set up a tent.
Most backpackers purposely try to avoid impacting on the
land through which they travel. This includes following
established trails as much as possible, not removing
anything, and not leaving residue in the backcountry. The
Leave No Trace movement offers a set of guidelines for low-
impact backpacking ("Leave nothing but footprints. Take
nothing but photos.").

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Extreme tourism

Extreme tourism or shock tourism is a type of niche

tourism involving travel to dangerous places (mountains,
jungles, deserts, caves, etc.) or participation in dangerous
events. Extreme tourism overlaps with extreme sport. The
two share the main attraction, "adrenaline rush" caused by an
element of risk, and differing mostly in the degree of
engagement and professionalism.
Extreme tourism is a growing business in the countries of
the former Soviet Union (Russia, Ukraine, Armenia, etc.) and
in South American countries like Peru, Chile and Argentina.
The mountainous and rugged terrain of Northern Pakistan
has also developed into a popular extreme tourism location.
While traditional tourism requires significant investments in
hotels, roads, etc., extreme tourism requires much less to
jump-start a business. In addition to traditional travel-based
tourism destinations, various exotic attractions are
suggested, such as flyovers in MIGs at 2.5 Mach, ice diving
in the White Sea, or traveling across the Chernobyl zone.

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Nature Photography

Nature photography refers to a wide range of photography

taken outdoors and devoted to displaying natural elements
such as landscapes, wildlife, plants, and close-ups of natural
scenes and textures. Nature photography tends to put a
stronger emphasis on the aesthetic value of the photo than
other photography genres, such as photojournalism and
documentary photography.
Nature photographs are published in scientific, travel and
cultural magazines such as National Geographic Magazine
and Audubon Magazine or other more specific magazines
such as Outdoor Photographer and Nature's Best
Photography, as well as a growing hobby as photography is Fig. 27

getting more popular in general. (Fig. 27)

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Wildlife Photography

Wildlife photography is devoted to capturing interesting

animals in action, such as eating, fighting, or in flight.
Although usually shot in the wild, game farms are also a
frequent location for wildlife photography.
The techniques of wildlife photography differ greatly from
those used in landscape photography. For example, in
wildlife photography wide apertures are used to achieve a
fast shutter speed, freeze the subject's motion, and blur the
backgrounds, while landscape photographers prefer small
apertures. Wildlife is also usually shot with long telephoto lenses
from a great distance; the use of such telephoto lenses
Fig. 28
frequently necessitates the use of a tripod (since the longer
the lens, the harder it is to handhold). Many wildlife
photographers use blinds or camouflage.(Fig. 28)

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river and valleys, knotting, dealing with sudden bad weather
Agritourism is a style of vacation in which hospitality is and find out possible exits from the river.
offered on farms. This may include the opportunity to assist
with farming tasks during the visit. Agritourism is often
practiced in wine growing regions, as in Italy, France and Rafting is a recreational activity utilizing a raft to navigate
Spain. In America, Agritourism is wide-spread and includes a river or other bodies of water. This is usually done on
any farm open to the public at least part of the year. Tourists whitewater or different degrees of rough water, in order to
can pick fruits and vegetables, ride horses, taste honey, learn thrill and excite the raft passengers. The development of this
about wine, shop in gift shops and farm stands for local and activity as a leisure sport has become popular since the mid
regional produce or hand-crafted gifts, and much more. Each 1980's. .(Fig. 29 , 30)
farm generally offers a unique and memorable experience
suitable for the entire family.

River Trekking

River trekking or river tracing is a form of hiking or

outdoor adventure activity, particularly popular in Hong
Kong and Taiwan, and, in some ways, similar to canyoning Fig.29: Rafting in Brazil
or canyoneering. River trekking is a combination of trekking
and climbing and sometimes swimming along the river. It
involves particular techniques like rock climbing, climbing on
wet surface, understanding the geographical features of
Fig. 30: Rafting in Ganges River, India
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English For Ecotour Leaders

The type of raft used nowadays for recreational rafting is around with the assistance of a DPV (Diver Propulsion
almost exclusively an inflatable boat. It consists of very Vehicle), commonly referred to as a "scooter", or by using
durable, multi-layered rubberized fabrics with several surface-tethered devices called sleds, which are pulled by a
independent air chambers. Its length varies between 3.5 m boat.
(11 ft) and 6 m (20 ft), the width between 1.8 m (6 ft) and The word 'SCUBA' is an acronym for "Self Contained
2.5 m (8 ft). Underwater Breathing Apparatus", but it has become
Rafts come in a few different forms. In Europe the most acceptable to refer to 'scuba equipment' or 'scuba apparatus'.
common is the symmetrical raft steered with a paddle at the The term SCUBA in common usage usually means open-
stern. Other types are the asymmetrical, rudder-controlled circuit equipment in which gas (usually air) is breathed from a
raft and the symmetrical raft with central helm (oars). Rafts tank of compressed gas and then exhaled into the water,
are usually propelled with ordinary paddles and typically usually in the line of kit development started by Emile
hold 4 to 12 persons. Gagnan and Jacques-Yves Cousteau.
However, rebreathers (both semi-closed circuit and closed
Scuba Diving
circuit) are also self-contained systems (as opposed to
Scuba diving is using self-contained breathing equipment surface-supplied systems) and could be classed as SCUBA.
to stay underwater for periods of time greater than human The term SCUBA arose during World War II and originally
breath-holding ability allows. The diver carries all equipment referred to USA combat frogmen's oxygen rebreathers,
necessary for diving and is not reliant upon equipment developed by Dr. Christian Lambertsen for underwater
elsewhere (e.g. on the surface) to supply breathing gas or warfare.
other support during the dive. The diver swims underwater
using fins attached to the feet. Some divers also move

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Scuba diving is still evolving, but general classifications extensively different training equipment and knowledge
have grown up to describe various diving activities. These needed for technical dives.
classifications include, but are not limited to: Public safety diving and military diving might likewise be
ƒ recreational diving classified as commercial diving because public safety divers
ƒ public safety diving and military divers make a living from their pursuit of diving.
ƒ Technical diving (also called Tech Divers) However, public safety divers (police or rescue) and military
o Cave diving divers have a different mission from the typical commercial
o Deep diving diver.
o Ice diving Scientific diving is used by marine scientists (including
o Wreck diving diving marine biologists and underwater archaeologists), as a
ƒ Military diving: this includes combat divers and armed tool for collecting their research data. .(Fig. 31)
forces work divers.
ƒ Commercial diving.
ƒ Scientific diving.
Within recreational diving there are those who are
considered professional divers, because they maintain a
professional standard of training and skills (and must, in
theory, according to the laws of the area, carry professional
liability insurance).
Some consider technical diving to be a subset of
recreational diving, but others separate it out due to the Fig. 31: Deep See Diving

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availability of modern protective wear and equipment. It has
Caving is the recreational hobby of exploring caves. recently come to be known as an "extreme sport" by some
Speleology is the scientific study of caves and the cave (though not commonly considered as such by its
environment. practitioners, who may dislike the term for its perceived
The challenges of the hobby depend on the cave being connotation of disregard for safety.)
visited, but often include the negotiation of pitches, squeezes, Many of the skills of caving can also be used in the nature
and water. Climbing or crawling is often necessary, and activities of mine exploration and urban exploration. (Fig. 32)
ropes are used extensively.
Caving is often undertaken for the enjoyment of the activity
or for physical exercise, but original exploration or physical or
biological science is an important goal for many cavers.
Virgin cave systems comprise some of the last unexplored
regions on Earth and much effort is put into trying to locate
and enter them. In well-explored regions (such as most first-
world countries), the most accessible caves have already
been explored, and gaining access to new caves often
requires digging or diving.
Caves have been explored out of necessity for thousands
of years, but only in the last century or two has the activity Fig. 32: Gol-e-Zard Cave, Mazandaran
photo by Payam Sajadian
developed into a sophisticated, athletic pastime. In recent
decades caving has changed considerably due to the

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Whale Watching

Whale watching is the practice of observing whales and

other cetaceans in their natural habitat. Whales are watched
most commonly for recreation (cf. bird watching) but the
activity can also be for scientific or educational reasons.
Whilst individuals do organize private trips, whale watching is
primarily a commercial activity, estimated to be worth up to
$1billion per annum worldwide to whale watching operations
and their local communities. The size and rapid growth of the
whale watching industry has led to complex and unconcluded
debates with the whaling industry about the best use of
whales as a natural resource. (Fig. 33)

Fig. 33: Whale watching

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Other Popular Nature Based Tour Activities are, as follow:

ƒ Botanic Tours. (Fig.34)

ƒ Mountain Climbing
ƒ Rock Climbing
ƒ Ice Climbing (Fig.13)

ƒ Mountain Skiing (Fig.35)

ƒ Snowboarding

Fig. 34 Fig. 35: Mountain Skiing

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ƒ Nomad Tours (Fig.36)

ƒ Butterfly Tours

ƒ Mountain Biking (Fig.37)

ƒ Hunting (Fig.38)

Fig.37: Mountain Biking

Fig.38: Hunting Fig.36

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ƒ Sport Fishing

ƒ Cruises and Boating

ƒ Other Water Sports :

Water Skiing
Fig. 40: Zip Line Tours

ƒ Horse Riding
ƒ Camel Riding

ƒ Waterfall Rappelling (Fig.39)

ƒ Tree Climbing
ƒ Zip Line Tours (Fig.40) Fig. 39: Waterfall Rappelling

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ƒ Turtle Release (Fig.41)

ƒ Astronomical Trips (Fig.42)

ƒ Balloon Safari (Fig.43)

ƒ Paragliding

Fig. 42

Fig. 41

Fig. 43

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ƒ Body Guard Tours

ƒ Mountain Flight
ƒ Ultra Craft
ƒ Golf Tours
ƒ Bungy Jumping
ƒ Pony Trekking
ƒ Bookstore Tourism
ƒ Creative Tourism
ƒ Dark tourism
ƒ Drug Tourism
ƒ Eco-region Tourism
ƒ Garden Tourism
ƒ Medical Tourism
ƒ Gambling Tourism
ƒ Spa Tourism
ƒ Pop-cultural Tourism
ƒ Space Tourism
ƒ Wine Tourism

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English For Ecotour Leaders


1. Mehrabi Kianoosh (2003) “English for Ecotour Leaders’

Training Course”, Tehran, Iran.
2. Mike Inskit (1993), “Tourism Planning”
3. UNEP, Epler Wood M. (2002) “Ecotourism: Principles,
Practice & Policies for Sustainability”, United Nations Publications,
Paris, France.
4. Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia: < >
5. TIES Website: < >

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