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الرحمن الرحيم
ِ ِبسم هللا
والصالة والسالم على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين،الحمد هلل رب العالمين
Sahih Iman is the key for Salvation on the Day of Judgment, therefore it is of primary
concern for all Muslims throughout the world. The Muslim Ummah is divided into 73
major sects and innumerable sub groups in the world and the followers of all these
groups say that they are on the right path and they are the Naji group. How it is
possible? No one is willing to understand these facts and undertakes a soul search to
see if what he believes is the correct faith. Remember, the punishment for rejection of
faith and not trying to understand the facts is the same - the Hell Fire.
Allah ( )ع َّز وج َّلhas provided mind and heart to every human being and it is imperative
that they use them properly, ponder over the facts of this Cosmos and walk on the right
(i) It is in Quran - الرجْس على الَّذِين ل يُؤْ مِ نُون ُ َّ [ كذلِك يجْع ُلSo Allah places
ِّ ِ َّللا
degradation on those who do not believe." (Al-An'aam - 125)
The above Quranic verses clarify that the punishment for rejection and punishment for
'not trying to understand', is the same.
We hope this book will be useful for Muslims to correct their faith and ensure salvation
in Hereafter.
The division of Ahle Sunnah in India started in early 1780s when Wahhabi sect
(founded in Najd, Saudi Arabia by Mohammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab in early 1740s)
infiltrated into the ranks of Shah Waliullah's successors.
When Wahhabism arrived in India, people were influenced by its teachings. Some
converted fully into Wahhabism/Salafism and started calling themselves 'Ahl-e-
Hadith'. Some formed a new Deobandi sect which is very close to Wahhabis/Salafis in
their basic beliefs.
Ismail Dehelwi wrote a book titled Taqwiatul Iman that consists of Wahhabi beliefs as
propagated by the Founder of Wahhabism/Salafism, Ibn Abd al-Wahhab Najdi.
Taqwiatul Iman is a literal translation of the Arabic book 'Kitab at-Tawheed written by
Ibn Abdul Wahhab.
We have provided e;pw a brief account of historical events that culminated in the birth
of this Sect in India.
Deobandi sect is directly related with Shaikh Imdadullah Mohajir Makki, (1814-1896),
who was an Indian Shaikh of Chishti Order. In 1857 during the first war of Indian
independence, Muslims declared war against the British rulers in most parts of India.
In Thana Bhawan (a district in Uttar Pradesh, India), their leader was Shaikh
Imdadullah. The British overpowered the mutiny and started punishing the people
who participated in this revolt. To avoid persecution by the British, Imdadullah
immigrated to Makka al-Mukarrama. He died in Makka al-Mukarrama in 1896 and
was buried in Jannatul Mualla.
After Shaikh Mohajir Makki immigrated to Makka al-Mukarrama, his Khulafa in India
got divided into two groups. One group stayed with the Maslak of their Shaikh, ie.,
Ahle Sunnah Wal Jama'a. The other group deviated from Ahle Sunnah Maslak, and
became founders of a new Deobandi sect in India. Their names are : (i) Qasim Nanotvi,
(ii) Rasheed Ahmed Gangohi, (iii) Ashraf Ali Thanvi, (iv) Muhammed Abid Deobandi,
(v) Mehmud-ul-Hasan Deobandi, (vi) Azizur Rahman Deobandi, (vii) Asghar Husain
Deobandi, (viii) Muhammad Anwar Deobandi, (ix) Syed Husain Ahmed Madani, (x)
Ahmed Hasan Amrohi, (xi) Khalil Ahmed Saharanpuri, etc.
The deviated group was very aggressive in their approach. Since they had revolted
against Ahle Sunnah, they worked like missionaries to prove that what they portray
was real Islam. For this purpose, they established their own madrasas and carried out a
massive proselytizing campaign to bring innocent Muslims into their fold. They
worked with cultist frenzy; changed Islamic literature, convinced people that Shaikh
Mohajir Makki supported their deviated beliefs, re-wrote books of their Silsila,
approached people personally by traveling on foot in 'Jama'ats' into the remote corners
of the land to baptize people into their new sect. Their efforts had the blessings and
patronage of British rulers, who saw it a golden opportunity to divide Muslims in
Shaikh Mohajir Makki was a composed and god-fearing person. He was stationed far
away from the stage where this revolt drama was being enacted; therefore, was unable
to gauge its intensity and foresee its farreaching devastating effects. Also, everyone
knew that the deviated group had the backing of British rulers in India. The Shaikh did
not support their deviation from the right path of Islam but could not take a decisive
action in disowning them publicly. This kind of response from the Shaikh gave rise to
a lot of confusion among Muslims. The Shaikh asked his faithful Khulafa in India (who
stayed with his Ahle Sunnah maslak) to keep cool (for obvious reasons) and be content
with writing some small booklets refuting the claims of the deviated group. This was
the only choice in front of the Shaikh as the entire drama was enacted with the blessings
of the British rulers. The reluctance and passive approach of the Shaikh created
confusion even among his Ahle Sunnah Khulafa. In the absence of a strong refutation,
the deviants thrived. Their growth continued unabated. The results are in front of us
On May 21, 1866, Qasim Nanotvi, Rasheed Ahmed
Gangohi, Ashraf Ali Thanvi and others established the
first Deobandi Seminary, Darul Uloom Deoband in
Saharanpur District, India.
Ever since its inception, Darul Uloom Deoband has been instrumental in spreading
Wahhabi beliefs in India and in removing the love of Prophet Mohammad ( صلى هللا عليه و
)آله وسلمfrom the hearts of millions of Muslims.
Sheikh Saleh said it is the policy of Saudi Government to make visits to those
Seminaries that have been engaged in imparting Islamic (Salafi/Wahhabi) teachings.
The Minister said, Darul Uloom Deoband is one of the most important and biggest
(Salafi) Islamic Institution in Asia.
Welcoming the Saudi delegation, Darul Uloom Deoband Chief Mufti Abul Qasim
Nomani sang the praises of the then Saudi King Abdullah for his 'contribution' to the
propagation of (Salafi) Islam. He also praised Maulana Arshad Madni who heads one
of the factions of the Jamiat-e-Ulama Hind, a subgroup of Deobandis in India. Read
The picture shows a Newspaper clip dated
February 26, 2009 reporting that in a Hindu
Conference, Arshad Madani, President of
Jamiatul Ulema-e-Hind has declared that
‘Hindus are not unbelievers’. In the same
Conference he declared that Ahle Sunnah are
In July 2013, a large delegation of Darul Uloom Deoband headed by Mufti Abul Qasim
Nomani paid an official visit to Saudi Arabia on the invitation of Royal Saudi Family.
During the meeting with the Darul Uloom delegation, Sheikh Saleh bin Abdul-Aziz
Al ash-Sheikh said that Darul Uloom Deoband is one of the important and the biggest
Islamic (Wahhabi) Institute of Asia, which is rendering its services to (Wahhabi) Islam.
Sheikh Saleh bin Abdul-Aziz Al ash-Sheikh praised Deobandi Ulema and its
founders and lauded their services in keeping the teachings of (Wahhabi) Islam alive in
the world for the past 150 years. Read more.
Deobandi scholars play camouflage/hypocrisy with innocent Muslims, saying that they
believe in what these Muslims believe and then gradually convert them into Deobandis.
The glaring example of this hypocrisy is Tariq Jameel, the famous Deobandi scholar
from Pakistan who has confessed in a telephonic talk that he does this hypocrisy to hunt
gullible Muslims. He claimed that he has converted this way hundreds of thousands of
Muslims into Deobandism all over the world.
The name of the person in front of whom Tariq Jameel confessed this hypocrisy was
Bilal, a Pakistani national. Bilal was murdered soon after this phone call. No one
knows who murdered him. Watch this video clip available on Internet/you tube.
Deobandis are divided into many subgroups, Prominent among them are as follows.
(1) Deobandis and likeminded groups believe that God can commit sinful acts. They
believe that Allah can lie, and to lie is within His powers. They argue that when
people can lie and it is in their power to lie, then to deny this power for Allah is
apostasy. They claim that there is a difference between saying - ‘Allah lies’ or
Allah can lie - and they believe that Allah can lie. This Deobandi belief is
available in the following books.
(ii) Ismail Dehlavi Deobandi wrote : "Allah can tell lies.(Yak Roza Farsi,
page 17-18)
(iii) Khalil Ahmad Ambethvi Deobandi wrote - 'Allah can tell lies and
that the question of lying (for Allah) has just not been raised now but
there has always been a debate on this issue by previous
Ulema.' (Baraheen-e-Qatia, page 6)
(iv) Mahmood Hasan Deobandi wrote : "Allah has the power to do all
bad things. (Aljahdul Mikl, page - 41)
(v) Sanaullah Amritsari wrote : Allah may tell a lie, to say so is an act of
faith. (Akhbar-e-Ehl-e-Hadith Amritsari, page - 2)
The above belief is Kufr because it sows the seed of suspicion about Allah's ()ع َّز وج َّل
perfection. Allah’s ( )ع َّز وج َّلomnipotence (ت اِلہی
ِ )قدرis relevant to His knowledge. Allah’s
(‘ )ع َّز وج َّلwill’ is the result of His wisdom, which in turn is dependent upon His
knowledge. A thing which is contrary to his ‘Wisdom’ will not appear. To believe Allah
( )ع َّز وج َّلcan perform unwise deeds is equal to not believing Him Wise. Astaghfirullah.
The omnipotence ( )قدرتof insane and mad is not subordinated to knowledge and
wisdom. The omnipotence of sensible, intelligent and wise is subordinated to
'knowledge and wisdom'.
The irrelevance of 'omnipotence' of Allah ( ' )ع َّز وج َّلto baseless things ( ) ُمستحيالتand
forbidden things ( ) ُممتنعاتdoes not indicate Allah’s ( )ع َّز وج َّلpowerlessness. The
powerlessness is indicated when the thing was possible in the first place.
Can Allah create a 'resemble alike'? This question is meaningless as a look-alike God is
impossible and has no relevance to omnipotence. Can Allah commit suicide the way a
human beings do? This question is also meaningless. Divine non-existence is
impossible. Can Allah ( )ع َّز وج َّلcreate deficiency in Himself? No, never. Can Allah ( ع َّز
)وج َّلlie? No. Never.
The creatures are subordinated to His omnipotence. Allah’s unity (ت الہی ِ )ذا, is not
subjected to His omnipotence. His being is so essential and so exalted that He is beyond
His own omnipotence.
To associate even the possibility of bad deeds, that too a lie, with Allah ( )ع َّز وج َّلis Kufr.
This confirms the fact that even to think of the likelihood of Allah ( )ع َّز وج َّلtelling lies, or
associating the possibility of falsehood with Allah's omnipotence (Qurat) is blasphemy.
When anyone enquires from Deobandis about the above blasphemous beliefs, they try
to fool innocent Muslims by twisting facts. When Rashid Ahmed Gangohi was asked
about it by one of his followers, he replied as follows.
For example, Firáwn is promised to be thrown into Hell, but Allah Taãla
has the power to enter him into Paradise, although He will never give him
paradise. And this is the Mas'ala under discussion at the moment. This is
the belief of all my friends . The enemies must have related it differently.
Referring to this Power and the non-occurrence of it is termed 'Imkaane
Zaati' and 'Mumtana bi Ghayr' - Was salaam - Rashid Ahmad Gangohi.'
Look, how is he is misleading people with mixing issues. The real issue is, he is
claiming the possibility of a shortcoming in Allah's ( )ع َّز وج َّلattributes which is
blasphemy. And he claims that all his friends believe in it. To claim that Allah ()ع َّز وج َّل
can speak lies is indeed a blasphemous belief.
It is in Quran - [ ل ت ْعتذ ُِروا ق ْد كف ْرتُم ب ْعد ِإيما ِن ُك ْمMake no excuse; you have done
Kufr after your Iman.] (At-Tauba - 66).
(2) Salafis and Deobandis believe that Allah has two generous hands that are wide
open. Allah has two 'real' eyes, while Dajjal (Antichrist) has one eye. Allah has a face
and 'hadd' (limitation). Allah is not everywhere, every moment. He knows his
creatures only by His knowledge. Allah Has limbs, and His face is divine (not known to
people). He has physical face and limbs, but they are not like his creatures.
Any person with an average common sense will easily conclude that the above believes
are clear cut idol worship. For Salafis/Deobandis, God is a very big body with two real
eyes, two big hands and face, literally sitting above the skies, his face is towards the
Arsh. They seem to worship that body 5 times a day. We fail to understand what is the
difference between them and Idol worshipers?
They claim that Allah is physically sitting above the throne (Arsh) without ever leaving
it. They believe that Allah is literally (physically) comes into the sky of the world
towards dawn because the Earth is round. They claim it is Kufr to say that Allah is
close to His creation. They believe that Allah is encompassing the world from a surface
outside the borders of His creation. But in the same breath they say that He comes
down to the first sky everyday towards dawn. Meaning, He is mixing up with His
creation every night because the first sky is deep below other 6 skies and Arsh.
When someone tries to explain their misconceptions about Allah ()ع َّز وج َّل, they create a
hue and cry and say this is 'Kalam' (use of mind / philosophy / Biddah). They behave
exactly like Christians who believe in Trinity. When someone questions Christians how
it is possible that there are three distinct Gods, the Father God, the Son of God and the
Holy Ghost; and then all the three are one? They shout back and ask the person not to
mix reasoning in religious beliefs.
They have misunderstood Quranic verses that explain Allah's ( )ع َّز وج َّلattributes. In
their attempt to take textual meanings of these verses, they have committed Shirk by
conceding ‘hands, eyes, face, direction, limitations, dwelling, etc., for Allah ()ع َّز وج َّل.
(3) Ismail Dehelwi wrote : "To believe Allah ( )ع َّز وج َّلto be free from time, place, form
and being is a composite innovation.(Izaahul Haqq - Ismail Dehelwi)
Allah ( )ع َّز وج َّلis free from time, place, form and composition. He does not live in a
place, have an eye or is made up of parts. Salafis, Deobandis, Ahle Hadith and like
minded groups believe in this Kufr. They quote certain metaphorical Quranic verses
(Ayaat-e-Mutashabihaat) to prove their wrong beliefs.
(4) Ibn Taymiyyah, the most revered scholar of Salafis and Deobandis rejected
Allah's ( )ع ََّز َو َج َّلeternal existence.
This issue is one of the ugliest issues in belief by which Ibn Taymiyah dissented from
the explicit tradition and Ijma' of the Muslims. He mentioned this belief in five of his
books: (i) "Minhaj-us-Sunnat-in-Nabawiyyah", (ii) "Muwafaqatu Sarih-il-Maqul li
Sahih-il-Manqul",(iii) "Sharh Hadith-in-Nuzul", (iv) "Sharh Hadith Imran Ibn Husayn",
and (v) "Naqdu Maratib-il-Ijma".
He replied to Ibn Hazm for reporting the Ijma that Allah existed eternally and nothing
existed with Him, and that the disagreer with this is a kafir. - After these words, Ibn
Taymiyah said : What is stranger than that is his (Ibn Hazm's) reporting the Ijma upon
the kufr of whoever contended with the belief that Allah existed eternally by Himself
and nothing existed with Him.
(5) Hussain Ali Deobandi wrote - Allah does not know in advance what human beings
(His servants) will do. He comes to know about it when humans perform their
actions. (Tafseer Balaghatul Hayyraan, pages 157-158, Himayat-e-Islam Press, Lahore,
written by Hussain Ali Deobandi)
(6) The glory of Allah ( )ع َّز وج َّلis that whenever He wishes, He can know the Unseen
(Ghaib). Allah ( )ع َّز وج َّلhas not bestowed any Wali, Prophet, Jinn or Angel with this
ability. (Taqwiyatul-lman by Ismail Dehlwi).
Taqwiyatul Iman is a literal translation of Arabic book 'Kitab at-Tawheed written by Ibn
Abdul Wahhab.
Allah ( )ع َّز وج َّلhas the Knowledge of the Unseen (Aalimul-Ghaib). His knowledge is His
attribute (quality) and is Sure (Wajib). Saying, "Whenever He wishes, He can know,
means that if Allah ( )ع َّز وج َّلdoesn't wish, He remains ignorant. This kind of belief is
infidelity (kufr). The attributes of Allah ( )ع َّز وج َّلare not choices for Him, but are sure for
It is in Quran - ط مِ ن ُ ُسق ِ ب ََل َي ْعلَ ُمهَا ِإ ََّل ه َُو ۚ َو َي ْعلَ ُم َما فِي ا ْلب ِ َِّر َوا ْلب
ْ ََحْر ۚ َو َما ت ِ َوعِن َد ُه َم َفا ِت ُح ا ْلغَ ْي
ين ٍ ب َو ََل يَا ِب ٍس ِإ ََّل فِي ِكتَا
ٍ ب ُّم ِب ٍ ض َو ََل َر ْط ِ ت ْاْل َ ْر
ِ ظلُ َما ُ [ َو َر َق ٍة ِإ ََّل يَ ْعلَ ُمهَا َو ََل َحبَّ ٍة فِيWith Him are
the keys of the unseen, the treasures that none knows but He. He knows
whatever there is on the earth and in the sea. Not a leaf doth fall but with
His knowledge: there is not a grain in the darkness (or depths) of the
earth, nor anything fresh or dry (green or withered), but is (inscribed) in a
record clear (to those who can read.] (Al-An'aam - 59).
(7) Ismail Dehlwi wrote that even the idol worshipers in the time of the Prophet ( صلى هللا
)عليه و آله وسلمdid not equal there idols to Allah. What they really did was to call out to
the idols in their times of need and they used to make offerings to them expecting to
attain some favor. He then says that it is for this reason that anyone who considers any
servant of Allah, like Prophets, Sahabah, Awliya Allah, as an intercessor or a mediator
between Allah and the servants is equal in shirk of Abu Jahl. (Taqweeyatul Iman, p. 8)
Ismail Dehelvi is equating the prophets, Sahabah and Awliya with the idols worshiped
by Makkan Pagans. He not only condemns the intercession of the Prophet Mohammad
()صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم, but also brands everyone, all the companions, the great
Imams, Awliya Allah and all the Muslims as Mushrikeen like Abu Jahl.
On page 22 of taqweeyatul iman, Ismail Dehlwi says that anyone who’s name is
Mohmmed or Ali has no power or right over anything.
By saying the above, Ismail Dehlwi is denying hundreds of Quranic verses and
Ahadith. Even a normal human being has a right and power to do many things, then
how come Prophet Mohammad ( )صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلمdoes not have it?
(8) Qasim Nanautwi is the founder of Darul Uloom Deoband which was established in
1866. This Institution is the largest Deobandi school in Indian Sub Continent. Most of
the Deoband scholars are trained by this Institution and its affiliated schools all over the
world. They train thousands of missionary Dawa teachers every year to spread
Salafism/Deobandism in the world. Qasim Nanautwi wrote as follows:
"To accept Khaatimun Nabiyeen (the last and final Prophet) to mean that
Mohammad ( )صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلمis the final Apostle and Prophet is wrong.
Rather it means that he is the original and permanent Prophet and all
others are temporary. Thus, if another Prophet appears after the Apostle
()صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم, still there will be no difference in him being the final
Prophet." (Tahzeerun Naas, Pg. 18 and 34 by Qaasim Nanautwi)
"Khaatimun-Nabiyeen" means that Prophet ( )صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلمis the Final Apostle. It is
impossible for a person to become a Prophet either during the time of Prophet
Mohammad ( )صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلمor after it. This is the meaning upon which the entire
Muslim Ummah has agreed upon and is also the meaning explained in the Quran and
various Ahadith. Those who reject this, are Apostates (Murtadeen) (out of Islam).
(Qadiyanis, Deobandis, Tablighi Jama’at and the like minded groups).
(9) Khalil Ahmad Ambethawi wrote : "After looking at the condition of Satan and the
Angel of Death, it can be gained that they possess a great depth of knowledge and this
has been proven from the Qur’an and Ahadith. To prove such knowledge for Prophet
Muhammad ( )صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلمwithout proof from the Qur’an and Ahadith, but from
common sense, is a false thought. If, to do so is not a Shirk, then in which category of
faith does it fall?" (Braaheen-e-Qate'a, page 51, Kutub Khana Raheemiya, Saharanpur,
1365 H / 1944 AD).
Bazar, Lahore, Pakistan. In another publication of Hifzul Iman printed in
Mazahirul Uloom, this statement is on page 6.
These deviant sects are indeed the enemies of Allah ( )ع َّز وج َّلand His Apostle ( صلى هللا عليه
)و آله وسلمand all dignitaries of Islam. There cannot be a different opinion in it.
The title of 'Rahmatul lil Aalameen' has been given to Prophet Mohammad ( صلى هللا عليه و
)آله وسلمby Allah ()ع َّز وج َّل.
Thus, this title is exclusive with Prophet Mohammad ()صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم. As far as
others are concerned, they may become a cause of mercy as a sadaqa of Rasulullah ( صلى
)هللا عليه و آله وسلمto a group of people or a region of people (like previous prophets came
for their respective nations), but they cannot be entitled to the title that has been
awarded by Allah ( )ع َّز وج َّلon Prophet Mohammad ()صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم. Prophet
Mohammad ( )صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلمis Rahmatul lil aalameen, meaning he is mercy on all
worlds in this cosmos (which are uncountable).
There is sickness in the hearts of Salafs, Deobandis, Tabhlighees and like minded
groups. They always try to reduce the respect and greatness of Prophet Mohammad
( )صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلمby comparing him with other human beings.
(12) Ismail Dehlawi wrote - If Allah wishes billions of people will be born equal to
Prophet Mohammad ()صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم. (Taqwiatul Iman, page 16 & 30, Faize Aam,
Sadar Bazar Delhi Publication.)
Taqwiatul Iman is literal translation of the book 'Kitaab at-Tawheed' written by Ibn
Abdul Wahhab. Therefore, Deobandis believes are identical with the beliefs of Salafis
and Wahhabis.
(13) Nabi (Prophet) or Rasool (Apostle) or useless, worthless. (Taqviatul Iman, page 29,
Faiz Aam, Sadar Bazar Delhi Publication.)
(14) Ismail Dehlavi wrote : "The prophets and Awliya have authority (in the worldly
affairs) with the blessings (and permission) of Allah – and they are our intercessors and
pleaders in the Court of Allah – all such (beliefs) are Shirk and absolute
nonsense." (Taqviyat-ul-Imaan, page. 13)
(15) Ismail Dehlavi further wrote: 'Despite considering them (the prophets and
Awliya) as the servants of Allah, whoever believes the prophets and Awliya as his / her
helper and intercessor becomes like Abu Jahl in the matters of Shirk.' (Taqviyat-ul-
Imaan, page 14.)
The scholars of deviant sects had gone astray. See how they are spreading lies among
It is in Quran - الزكاة و ُه ْم َّ سولُهُ والَّذِين آمنُوا الَّذِين يُقِي ُمون ال
َّ صالة ويُؤْ تُون ُ َّ إِ َّنما و ِليُّ ُك ُم
ُ َّللا ور
( را ِكعُونYour guardian (or solver of grievances) can be Allah ( )ع َّز وج َّلand
His Apostle ( )صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلمand those who believe, who establish
Salah, and pay Zakat and bow down (in prayer) (Al-Maida - 55).
(16) Ismail Dehlavi also wrote : Prophets and Satan are equal in knowing the Unseen:
and about this subject (of Unseen) there is no difference between the Prophets and
Awliya, Jinn, Shaitaan, ghosts and fairies. (Taqviyatul Iman pagae 14)
(17) Mohammad Ilyas is the founder of Tabhlighee Jamaat. It is written in his book
Malfoozat-e-Ilyas as follows:
"Once Maulvi Ilyas said that the exegeses (Tafseer) of the verse of Quran -
َّ ِاس تأْ ُم ُرون بِ ْالم ْع ُروفِ وت ْنه ْون ع ِن ْال ُمنك ِر وتُؤْ مِ نُون ب
ِاّلل ْ [ ُكنت ُ ْم خيْر أ ُ َّم ٍة أ ُ ْخ ِرجYou are the
ِ َّت لِلن
best nation produced (as an example) for mankind. You enjoin what is
right and forbid what is wrong and believe in Allah.] (Aal-e-Imrah - 110)
was disclosed to him in dream, saying that "You have come to your
people like a Prophet".
(18) Mohammad Ilyas wrote : “No one understood my aim. People think that this
Tableeghi Jama'at is a movement for 'namaz' (Salah). I swear that this is not the
movement for 'Namaz' (Salah). I want to create a new nation (Ummah)”. (Deeni Dawa,
Page 234, written by Mohammad Ilyas)
(19) Ashraf Ali Thanvi is reported to have told his follower as follows:
'It is ok and consoling' to say ' La Ilaha Illallah - Ashraf Ali Rasulullah' and
'Allahumma Salle Ala Sayyedina Wa Nabi'eena Ashraf Ali', and there is
nothing wrong in saying this.' (Ashraf Ali Thanvi, Risaala Al-Imdad, page
34-35, 1136 H (month of Safar), Imdad Al-Mutabe, Thana Bhawan
(20) Qasim Nanotvi wrote - The distinctive feature of Prophet Mohammad ( صلى هللا عليه و
)آله وسلمis the same as that of Dajjal (Anti Christ). (Qasim Nanotvi, Aab-e-Hayat, page
169, 1936 AD (1355 H) publication, Kutub Khana Khadeemi, Delhi.)
(21) Hussain Ali Deobandi wrote - It is permissible to call a Prophet (as) 'Satan'
(Taghoot). (Hussain Ali Deobandi, Book 'Tafseer Balagatul Hairaan, page 43, Himayat
Islam Press, Lahore Publication.)
(22) Ismail Dehelwi wrote - The status of a Prophet in his Ummah (nation) is equal to
the status of a Landlord in a village. (Taqviatul Iman, page 61)
(23) Qasim Nanotvi wrote - "Prophets are superior to their followers only in
knowledge, but in good deeds, followers sometimes seem equal and occasionally even
become superior to them." (Qasim Nanotvi, Book 'Tahzeerannas, page 5, published in
Maktaba Fayz Nazd Jami Masjid, Deoband and also published from Kutub Khana
Qasimi, Deoband publication.)
(25) Ismail Dahlwi wrote - Obey Allah and do not obey anyone else. (Taqviatual
(27) Ismail Dehlwi wrote - To call Awliya Allah as Servants of Allah is also Shirk.
(Ismail Dahalwi, Taqviatul Iman, page 7, Faize Aam, Sadar Bazar, Delhi publication.)
(28) Khalil Ahmad Ambethvi wrote: "A Deobandi met the Holy Prophet ( صلى هللا عليه و آله
)وسلمin his dream. He noted that the Prophet is talking in Urdu language. So he asked
him, ‘How did you learn this language while you are an Arab?’ The Holy Prophet ( صلى
)هللا عليه و آله وسلمreplied : ‘Since I have been involved with Madarsa Darul Uloom
Deoband, I have learnt this language.’ Subhanallah, this clearly indicates the integrity of
this Darul Uloom." (Baraheen-e-Qati’a)
(29) Ibn-e-Taymiyya wrote : "Angels don’t help anybody in Shirk, not in life or in
death, nor do they like to do so. However, Satan sometimes does help and comes in the
form of a human being and makes himself visible to them so that they see him with
their eyes and sometimes Satan says to them, "I am Abraham, I am Jesus, I am
Muhammad, I am Khizr, I am Abu Bakr, I am Umar, Usman, Ali or such and such
Sheikh etc." (Kitabul Wasilah, page - 41)
It is strange how these deviant scholars misguide people.
(ii) It is in Sahih Muslim, vol. 4, Abu Huraira ( )رضئ هللا تعالی عنہnarrates :
The Prophet ( )صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلمsaid: "Whoever has seen me in a dream,
has in fact seen me, for Satan does not appear in my form".
(30) Ismail Dehlavi wrote : In Salah the thought of the intercourse with your wife or
evil temptation of adultery is better than to think about a Shaikh or a pious person or
Prophet ()صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم. It is much worse than thinking of your own donkey or
Reference No. (1), Ismail Dahlawi, Book Sirat-e-Mustaqeem, (persian language) page
86, Delhi 1308 H publication.
Reference No. (2) Ismail Dahelwi, Book Sirat-e-Mustaqeem, (Urdu language) page 150,
November 1956 publication, Lahore.
It is in Hadith - Anas bin Malik ( )رضئ هللا تعالی عنہnarrated that while Abu Bakr
( )رضئ هللا تعالی عنہwas leading the people in the morning prayer on a Monday, the
Prophet ( )صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلمcame towards them suddenly having lifted the
curtain of Ummul Momineen Aisha's ( )صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلمhouse, and looked at
them as they were standing in rows and smiled. Abu Bakr ( )رضئ هللا تعالی عنہtried
to come back thinking that Allah's Apostle ( )صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلمwanted to come
out for the prayer. The attention of the Muslims was diverted from the prayer
because they were delighted to see the Prophet ()صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم. The Prophet
( )صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلمwaved his hand to them to complete their prayer, then he
went back into the room and let down the curtain. The Prophet ( صلى هللا عليه و آله
)وسلمdied on that very day (a few hours later). (Bukhari, Book 21, Hadith # 9)
(i) It is in Hadith - A blind man came to the Prophet ()صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم
and said: "Invoke Allah ( )ع َّز وج َّلfor me that he help me." He replied: "If
you wish I will delay this, and it would be better for you, and if you wish I
will invoke Allah( )ع َّز وج َّلthe Exalted (for you)." He said: "Then invoke
him." The Prophet ( )صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلمsaid to him : idhhab fa tawadda',
wa salli rak`atayn thumma qul -- "Go and make an ablution, pray two
rak`at, then say: "O Allah ()ع َّز وج َّل, I am asking you (as'aluka) and turning
to you (atawajjahu ilayka) with your Prophet Muhammad ( صلى هللا عليه و آله
( )وسلمbi nabiyyika Muhammad- ))صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم, the Prophet( صلى هللا
)عليه و آله وسلمof mercy; O Muhammad (( )صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلمya
Muhammad), I am turning with you to my Lord regarding my present
need / I am asking my Lord with your intercession concerning the return
of my sight (inni atawajjahu bika ila rabbi fi hajati hadhih -- another
version has: inni astashfi`u bika `ala rabbi fi raddi basari) so that He will
fulfill my need; O Allah ( )ع َّز وج َّلallow him to intercede (with you) for me
(allahumma shaffi`hu fiyya)."
The above Ahadith confirm that (i) Calling Prophet Mohammad ( صلى هللا
)عليه و آله وسلمas 'Ya Rasulullah ( ')صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلمis a must. It is
important because the great Imams of Fiqh and Ahadith (Imam Ahmad,
Ibn Abi al-Dunya, Abu Nu'aym, Bayhaqi, Ibn Asakir, etc.) have
mentioned this in their books and all their books were written after the
death of Prophet Mohammad ()صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم. (ii) Calling Prophet
( )صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلمas 'Ya Rasulullah, Ya Habeeballah, Ya Mohammad,
Ya Habeebana, Ya Mustafa (( )صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلمafter his death) is also
confirmed by Tirmizi, Nasa'i, Ibn Huzeema, Hakim and Baihaqi.
(39) Deobandi scholar Husain Ahmad Madani writes about the Wahabis and their
beliefs saying "Wahabis classify a pilgrimage to Madina Munawarah with the intention
to visit the Holy Prophet’s sacred shrine as an adultery."
(40) Deobandi scholar Husain Ahmad Madani has reported that the Saudi Wahabis
have written : "A stick in our hands is more profitable to us than the Holy Prophet( صلى
)هللا عليه و آله وسلمat least we can get rid of dogs with it, we can’t even do that with the
Holy Prophet ()صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم."
(41) Deobandi scholar Nawab Siddique Hasan Bhopali wrote : "Whatever that has
been made in the form of a grave and which is of course against Shariat is forbidden
and to demolish them down to earth’s level is Wajib for all Muslims without any
concession, whether it is a Prophet’s ( )صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلمgrave or of any other person".
(42) Ilyas Khandalvi, states in his own book, "Deeni Dawat", that while speaking to his
friend, Maulvi Zahirul Hussien (M.A. Aligarh) he stated: "Zahirul Hassan ! We need to
form a new sect."
Look, the founder of the Deobandi / Wahabi /Tablighi leader himself admits to
forming a new Sect openly in his book.
(43) Mohammad Ilyas, the founder of Tabhligee Jama'at stated: "Hazrat Maulana
Ashraf Ali Thanvi has done a great job. I am pleased that the religious teachings are his
and the method for the tabligh is mine, whereby the teachings of Ashraf Ali will spread
far and wide."
(44) Ashraf Ali Thanvi wrote about Prophet Mohammad ( )صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلمas
"Worthless little than nothing".
(45) Ashraf Ali Thanvi wrote ' : "I keep on stating that in these times any person who
does a good deed, gets the reward of 50 Abu Bakr Siddiqs ()رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ."
(46) Wahabi and Deobandi Maulvi, Nazeer Hussain Delvi wrote: "There is no proof
for recitation (wazifa) of the whole Kalima, 'La Ilaha Illallaaho Muhammadur
Rasoolallah,' for Wazifa purposes, there is proof for just 'La Ilaha Illallah'."
Look at his grudge and enimity with Prophet Mohammad ()صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم
(47) Abu'l Ala Maududi (1903-1979) was probably the most well known leader of
Deobandis of his time. He founded a political party known as Jama'at al-Islami in 1941.
Look at what he said about the Well known prophets
(i) There was a carnal desire in the act of Dawood ( )عليه السالمand he
misused his authority. It was an act which did not suit any acquiescent
person in the Government.
(ii) Nooh ( )عليه السالمwas overcome by his human deficiency and he became
prey to the emotions of ignorance.
(iv) The example of Musa ( )عليه السالمis that of a hasty conqueror who
continues marching without reinforcing his authority. Behind him in the
captured land a revolt spreads like fire in a jungle.
Can anyone dare to talk about the great prophets in this manner? The entire Ahadith
books and Quran is full of their praise. But Moududi is abusing them in harshest terms.
(48) Look at What Maududi writes about Prophet Mohammad ()صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم.
Allah Most High ordered the Prophet ( )صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلمin Surat al-Nasr
to seek forgiveness from his Lord for what he committed during the
accomplishment of his duties (as Prophet) such as short comings and
defects. (Astaghfirullahal Azeem)
The Apostle of Allah ( )صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلمthought that the Dajjal would
come out in his time or very near it and yet 1350 long years have passed
and the Dajjal did not come out. So it is established that what he ( صلى هللا
)عليه و آله وسلمbelieved was untrue.
Look, what he is saying. Prophet Mohammad (( )صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلمnauzubillahi) has
shortcomings and defects and what Prophet Mohammad ( )صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلمsaid was
untrue. This way he is denying the entire Quran and Ahadith literature. Quran says,
Prophet Mohammad ( )صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلمdoes not say anything from his self, whatever
he says is the revelation from Allah. Let Allah's curse be upon Maududi and all
Deobandi Ulema who have such derogatory beliefs about Prophet Mohammad ( صلى هللا
)عليه و آله وسلم.
(49) Ibn Taymiyyah claimed that Allah has limitations (Hadd).
Ibn Taymiyah confirmed attributing the hadd to Allah in his book "al-Muwafaqah",
Volume 2, page 33.
He said: The Muslims and non-Muslims agreed that Allah is in the sky and they limited
Him to this.
To emphasize the above, on page 29, he said: He (Allah) does not have a hadd we
know, but He has a hadd that He knows.
What kind of a belief is this? He is claiming that both Muslims and non-Muslims agreed
and have consensus that Allah has a hadd (limitations).
(50) In "al-Muwafaqah", page 29, Ibn Taymiyah said: "Allah, ta'ala, has a hadd no one
but He knows it. His place also has a hadd, which is on His Arsh above His skies. These
are two limits for Allah".
(QUOTE) If Allah willed he would sit on a mosquito, which would carry Him by His
power; how about on a large Arsh! (UNQUOTE)
(51) Ibn Batutah, who visited Damascus, while Ibn Taymiyyah was in jail, testified in
his book that "he witnessed Ibn Taymiyyah on the pulpit saying, 'every night Allah
descends to the lower heaven (first sky) like my descent', and he descended one step
down the pulpit".
The above action and physical display of Allah's ( )ع َّز وج َّلdescent shows the belief of Ibn
Taymiyyah that Allah ( )ع َّز وج َّلhas a body.
Read the above beliefs carefully, you will easily understand that Salafis, Deobandis and
their like minded groups have made an Idol of Allah ( )ع َّز وج َّلin their minds, but they
do not want to say it openly and prefer to confuse people with their strange
interpretations and logic. Their God has hands, eyes, face and various limitations. What
kind of a Tawheed is this?
Their logic is similar to Christian logic who believe in Trinity, (The Father God, the son
of God and the Holy Ghost God) but claim that they believe in one God.
(52) Ibn Baţuţah, the famous historian who met Ibn Taymiyyah has written in his
memoirs - “There was something wrong with his (Ibn Taymiyyah's) mind.”
(53) Ibn Taymiyyah says (i) Allah needs, (ii) He is divisible into quantities and areas,
(iii) settles in a place, (iv) has six limits, (v) has a size, and (vi) He has to continue
creating things (though He can choose what to create - but not whether to create or not).
The above faith is nothing but idol worship. Ibn Taymiyyah seems to have a large body
of Allah in his mind. These belief about Allah of the followers of Salafi and other
Groups is similar to Hindus and other idol worshipers.
(54) Ibn Abdul Wahhab claimed that visiting Madina Al-Munawwara to recite Durood
and Salam on Prophet Mohammad ( )صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلمis Shirk.
Ibn 'Abdul-Wahhab took Quranic verses revealed for the mushrikeen of Makka and
applied them to Muslim Ulema, Awliya Allah, Sufi Shaikhs and others and said "Those
who perform tawassul are similar to those Mushrikeen who claimed they did not
worship the idols except to achieve a higher status from Allah." He said: "The
Mushrikeen did not believe that idols create anything; they believed Allah is the
He branded all Muslim Ulema / Awliya and Shaikhs of 1000 years before him as
Mushrikeen by misinterpreting Quranic verses.
Question were raised by Ahle Sunnah Ulema about Deobandi beliefs. In early
nineteenth century, thirty three (33) Ulema of Makka and Madina headed by Mufti
Shaikh Umar bin Hamadan al-Maharassee, studied their beliefs gave Fatwa-e-Kufr on
them, by naming the individual leaders of Wahhabi/Deobandi sects including Ashraf
Ali Thanvi, Khalil Ahmed Ambetwi, Rashid Ahmed Gangohi Qassim Nanotvi,
etc. This fatwa bears the signatures and seals of Ulama of Makka and Madina, and
other Muftis and Islamic judges. Three reasons have been given for calling them kafir :
(a) they deny the finality of prophethood; (b) they insult the Holy Prophet; and (c) they
believe that God can tell a lie. The Ulema also wrote, "He who doubts that they
are kafirs, is himself a kafir.'' (Hisam al-Haramain, pp. 100 and 113)