Organic Agriculture

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Organic Agriculture

Prof: Julie Ann Jayne L. Sigua Principles of Fairness

Organic Agriculture - Involves building of relationships that ensures fairness with regard
to the common environment and life opportunities.
According to the IFOAM 2001 (The International Federation of Organic
Agriculture Movements) Principle of Care

- “Organic agriculture” is a production system that sustains the - Should be managed in a precautionary and responsible manner to
health of soils, ecosystems and people. protect the health and well-being of current and future generations
- Relies on ecological processes, biodiversity and cycles adapted to and the environment.
local conditions, rather than the use of inputs with adverse effects.
Organic production system is designed to;
Republic Act No. 10068 (An act for the development and promotions of
organic agriculture in the Philippines and for other purposes.) - Enhance biological diversity within the whole system.
- Increase soil biological activity
According to RA 10068 - Maintain long term soil fertility
- Recycle plant and animal waste
“Organic Agriculture” - Rely on renewable resources in locally organized agricultural
- Includes all agricultural systems that promote the ecologically - Promote the healthy use of soil, water, and air as well as minimize
sounds, socially acceptable, economically viable and technically all forms of pollutions
feasible production of food and fibers. - Handle agricultural products with emphasis on careful processing
- Organic agriculture dramatically reduces external inputs by methods to maintain organic integrity and vital qualities of the
refraining from the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and product.
pharmaceuticals. - Be established in any existing farm through a period of conversion,
the appropriate length of which is determined by site specific
Different Types of Farming
Organic Farming
Organic Certification
- Is an internationally certifiable farm management system. (With
- Importance of Certification
control and traceability.)
- Consumer’s protection
Traditional Farming - An effective MARKETING tool
- Adds value to the product
- Is often subsistence oriented using few or no purchased input.
Type of Organic Certification
Intensive or Conventional Farming
 1st Party Certification
- Utilizes “Green revolution” methods designed to maximize profit - Product is certified by the farmer and is sold with the locality.
often by extracting maximum output using external purchased

Green revolution- great increase in production of food grains  2nd Party Certification
(especially wheat and rice) that resulted in large part from the introduction - Product is certified by the consumers and is sold within the
into developing countries of new, high-yielding varieties, beginning in the locality
mid-20th century.
 3rd Party Certification
- Product is certified by DA accredited private entities and is
being sold outside locality.
The Four Principles of Organic Agriculture
DA- Accredited Certifying Bodies
Principle of Health
Nicert- Negros Island Certification
- Sustains and improve the ecosystem and organisms, i.e. health of
soil, organic matter, air, water, plants, animals, humans and our OCCP- Organic Certification Center of the Philippines
planet and the balance between them.
Certification Fees
Principle of Ecology
- Range from 20k-65k pesos
- Based on living ecological systems and cycles, work with them, - 12 months of validity
emulate them and help sustains a high level of biological - Huge sum but you can avail of the government subsidy
biodiversity, i.e. animal welfare standards are highly respected to
meet the animals. Penalty for mislabelling “Organikuno”
Organic Agriculture
Imprisonment- 1 month to 6 months - Jerome Irving
- Theorized that to preserved and improved our health we must
Fine- P50, 000 restore and protect the health of the soil
- Practical methods of rebuilding natural soil fertility
Benefits of Organic Agriculture - Founded Soil and Health Foundation
- “Healthy soil= Healthy food= Healthy people”
Environmental Protection Perspective
Masanobu Fukuoka (1913-2008)
- Improvement of soil fertility
- Less chemical, less pollution - Japanese farmer
- Addresses climate change concerns - Natural farming or “Do nothing farming”
- Prevents of soil erosion and compaction - No plowing, no fertilizing, no weeding
- Protection of groundwater quality - It is not the human beings but the nature that can grow crops
- Promote biodiversity with crop rotations and sustainable farming
practices Fukuoka’s not to do’s

Producer’s Perspective - No plowing or turning of the soil- let the earth cultivate itself.
Plowing the soil alters the natural and environmental promotes the
- Sufficient production for subsistence and income growth of weeds.
- Helps small farmers - No chemical fertilizers or prepared compost- practice cover
- Inexpensive local inputs and low investments cropping.
- Builds on knowledge and traditions - No weeding by tillage or herbicides- encouraged mulching and
- Use of crop diversification to improve income timely seeding.
- No dependence or chemical pesticides- increase biodiversity in
Consumers Perspective
- Ensure supply of healthy, safe, and nutritious food
Mokichi Okada (1882-1955)
- Includes social considerations based on holistic approach
- No “fertilizer farming”
Industry Perspective
- Established “Nature Farming” in 1936
- The organic industry has a guarantee system based on certain
Dr. Terou Higa (1941-present)
norms and standards
- Value is added to organic products through quality improvements - Japanese professor and researcher at the Ryukus University in
and farm processing Japan
- Developed effective microorganisms
Pioneer of Organic Agriculture
- His EM Technology started as soil conditioner, now it expands to
Sir Albert Howard (1873-1947) livestock, environment, health, etc.

- Father of modern organic agriculture Dr. Cho Han Kyu

- Father of “organic composting”
- Promotes Indigenous microorganisms
- Developed the organic concept of soil fertility through composting
- Founded Natural Farming Systems in 1960
Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) - Respect for life –is rearing healthy crops, and livestock, feeding
them what they need not feeding them with hormones and
- Father of biodynamic farming antibiotics
- Agricultural production is in harmony with nature as well as the - Environment friendly farming
natural phenomenon and spiritual dimension
Dr. Cho Han Kyu Natural Farming Methods
Lady Eve Balfour (1899-1990)
No pesticide- because it kills insects instead of aroma (attracts or repels) and
- Launched the “Haughley experiment”, the first long term, side by poisonous plants, etc.
scientific comparison of organic and chemical based farming.
- Published the book “The living soil” in UK No herbicides- instead practice mulching, it suppress grass growth, hold
- First president of the Soil association which she cofounded in moisture, prevent soil erosion, fertilize the soil.
No tillage- let the earthworms, microorganisms and small animals till the

J.I. Rodale (1898-1971)

Organic Agriculture

Fertilizers Common Breed of Pigs in the Philippines

Bokashi- mainly used for agriculture as organic fertilizer Landrace

- Aerobic - White
- 30% to 40% moisture content - Ears are floppy and pointed downward
- Elongated and slim body
Usage - Fast growing
- Good mothering ability
- Soil fertilizer - Wean large litters
- Composting agent - Weak feet
- Treatment of kitchen garbage
- Key ingredient for mud balls for the treatment of pond, lakes, Large White
rivers, sewage systems
- Treatment of manures - White
- Ears pointed downward
Fortified Compost Fertilizer - Wide body
- Fast growing
- Made up from shredded farm waste - Good mothering ability
- Made up from animal dung - Wean large litters
- Excellent milkers
Fortified Organic Fertilizer
- Decomposed animal manure
- Vermicast - Brown
- Ears are pointed upward
Mud Balls - Strong body and feet
- Fast growing
- Mud balls can be used for waste water treatment especially for
- Stress resistant
sludge treatment.
- Superior growth rate and feed conversion
- Made up of soi, bokashi and IMO
Carbonized Rice Hull (CRH)
- Black and white spots
- Carbonized rice hull (CRH) is made from incomplete or partial
- Ears pointed upwards
burning of rice hull.
- Rounded and firm body
- It is porous and bulky with uniform intact black particles.
- Slower growth rate compare to landrace and large white
- It contains phosphorous (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca),
- Good meat quality
magnesium (Mg), and micronutrients vital to growing crops.
- Highly susceptible to stress
- Because it is also sterilized, it is free from disease organisms.
Facts about Hogs
Use of CRH
- 1 year old boar can mate with 50 female pigs
- As substrate to organic fertilizer
- Pigs are smarter that primates and 3-years old human
- As soil conditioner
- Pigs are considered the cleanest animal
- As water purifier
- They use mud to block their skin from sunlight and insect bites
- As base material for making microbial inoculants, Effective Micro
- Generally lives for 10 to 15 years
- Independent animals
- As Pest Control Agent
- Daily average growth rate is >500
- As charcoal for fuel
- Takes 12 liters of water to digest 1 kg of feeds
- As deodorizer / odor suppressant
- Exercise is extremely important to increase metabolism and
Vermiculture or Vermicomposting
Design of the Pigpen
- Derived from the latin term “Vermis” (Worm)
- Is essentially the consumption of organic material by earthworms.
- Convection roof
- African Night Crawler (ANC) (Eudrilus euginae) is referred to as
- Maintain 2sqm. Per head to attain desire weight
the composting worm.
- Is the process of producing organic fertilizer from biodegradable
materials through the action of earthworm.
Organic Agriculture
Good Stock Qualities (Piglet Selection)

- Round body
- Alert and lively
- No abnormalities or deformities
- Bright eyes
- Do not scours or have any disease
- No rancid smell
- Short and shiny hair

Good Breeder Stocks (Sows/Gilt)

- Young female swine should have a minimum of 6 pairs of

welldeveloped and properly spaced function teats.
- Teats that are inverted do not secrete milk.
- Long-bodied sows are desirable because of the more space created
for udder development.
- Well-developed ham, loin and shoulder.
- Well-placed feet and legs. Medium short feet and short upright
pasterns are preferable.
- Select the biggest among the litters.
- Having a litter of 8 or more good-sized piglets with high
survivability is a good female breeder.
- No deformities
- Most Vigourous
- Well-developed ham, loin and shoulder.
- Well-placed feet and legs. Medium short feet and short upright
pasterns are preferable.
- Select the biggest among the litters
- Well-developed vulva
- Vulva slightly pointed downward

Good Breeder Stocks (Boars)

- No deformities
- Most Vigourous
- Well-developed primary sex organs
- Equal-sized testicles.
- well-developed ham, loin and shoulder.
- Biggest among other boars
Organic Agriculture

Poultry Raising Breeds of Chicken (Foreign)

Organic poultry raiser must consider: Sasso

- Technical know-how - Brown to light brown feathers

- Market assurance - Plump and short bodies
- Availability of stocks, feeds and other supplies for continuing an - Rarely flies. Often grounded
operation - Tasty and tender meat
- Broiler and Layer type

Main problems on breeds sourcing and rearing: Chinese Chicken (Ulikba)

- Availability of appropriate breeds - Broiler type

- Transportation cost - Highly expensive (P1000/kl)
- Minimum quantities of birds that large producers will supply - The chinese believe that it’s meat has medicinal properties
- Has white feathers but meat and bones are all black
- Short and puffy bodies
Recommended activities for disease prevention and control:
White Leg Horn
- Maintaining relatively clean flock
- Preventing the entrance of disease agents - Popularly known as the “45-day old” chicken
- Eliminating disease agents - Broiler and Layer type
- Overall disease control
Rhode Island

- Layer type
Breeds of Chickens (Native) - Short but big bodied
- Produces large sized eggs
Paraoakan - Mostly grey, sometimes brown feathers

- From Palawan and MIMAROPA Region

- Broiler type
- Tall and slender body The Incubator
- Feisty. Often used as game fowls
Artificial incubator is preferred over natural incubation
- Has tender and flavorful meat
- Black with brown and red feathers
- Uniformity of sizes of chicks
- Strong immune system
- Many cross-breed chickens do not brood
- Inexpensive
- Chicken egg hatches in 21 days
- From Panay Island and Visayas Region - Temp in the incubator ranges from 37.5-37.8 degree Celsius
- Broiler Type - Eggs need to turn every 4 hours for equal distribution of heat
- Meat is tastier than Paraoakan (claimed as the most delicious
chicken meat in the whole Philippines
- Have red, black, orange feathers
Candling – A method used in the incubation process to determine whether
- Average size (1.5-2kg live weight)
the embryo inside the egg is developing or not. This helps breeder farms to
- Strong immune system
measure the fertility rate of their stocks
Candling Schedule of Chicken eggs
- From CALABARZON Region
- 7 th day
- Bigger in size compared to Paraoakan and Darag
- 12th day
- Broiler type
- 18th day
- Strong immune system

- Is an art and science of rearing baby chicks.

- Consists mainly of the process of providing chicks with natural
and artificial heat to help maintain their body temperature.
Organic Agriculture
Caring of chicks; Day 1 to 21 Concoctions
1 watt per chick for heating bulb - Replacement of chemical based fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides,
repellents chemical based growth enhancers and other synthetic
Brooding house space = 1sq. m per 50 chicks food ingredients for animals and plants

- Done through fermentation where the potency is enhanced by the

Types of Brooding beneficial micro-organisms

Natural Brooding
Different Concoctions use in Organic Farming
- This is the brooding of chicks by the mother hen or trained capon.
The most common types of brooding practiced in the rural areas. Indigenous Microorganisms (IMO)

- IMO is a mysterious mixture of known and unknown life forms

that exercise enormous power
Artificial Brooding - Decomposer and convert complex or organic compounds
- Use as a soil conditioner
- It is the process of providing the chicks with the required - Recycling waste and turning to valuable organic material
temperature to make them warm and comfortable. - Improve soil structure
- Increase productivity and suppress disease
- Decomposer and convert complex or organic compounds
Ranging, Day 22 until Slaughter (80 days)
- Use as a soil conditioner
- Space requirement: 3 heads per 1 sq. m
- Let the chicks freely range in open air, eating fresh grass, insect,
earthworms. - 1kg. cooked rice
- Maintain mixing IMO. LABS, FAA, FFJ, FPJ in their drinking - 2kgs molasses
water everyday

- Plants – stronger immune systems

- Animals - stronger immune systems. Removes foul odor. mix with
drinking water

LABS- (Lactic Acid Bacteria Serum) - Natural Enzymes

- LABS thrive and feed on the ammonia released in the

decomposition normally associated with the foul odor
- They suppress harmful micro-organism and encourage quick
breakdown of organic substances
- Improve digestive system on animals
- Prevent disease development
- Help foster a healthy gut flora,
- Enhance their immune systems;
- LABS are differentiated by their powerful sterilizing properties



- 100g powdered rice

- 1L milk
- Water 1L+10L
- 1L Molasses+1.5L
- 1 bottle of beer



- 900ML Milk
- 100ml clear liquid from fermented rice
- 1L Molasses
Organic Agriculture

- Plants – immune system of plants. Materials:

- Animals – improve immune system of animals. Remove foul
odor. mix with feeds, drinking water OHN 1


- 1kg ginger
- It increases plant nutrition through leaves and roots with potassium - 400 g muscovado sugar
factor - 2.4 L of coco vinegar
- Natural Taste Enhancer
- Act as nutritious drink
- It can used as electrolyte for weak animals
- 200 g chili
- 100 g makabuhay
Materials- (1:1)
- 1 kg Banana fruit
- 1 kg Papaya
- Plants – Pest repellant.
- 1 kg Squash/pumpkin/watermelon
- Animals – Immune booster. mix with drinking water and feeds
- 3 kg molasses
- 1kgs. Bones (ruminants)/ shells (chicken, ducks, ostrich, sea
- Plants – Potassium fertilizer
- Animals – Taste enhancer. mix with drinking water
- 9L of coco vinegar
- Enhances plant growth
- Chloropyll enchancer - Plants – Calcium and phosphorous source
- Phyllosphere microbes fortifier - Animals – Calcium source for bones. Mix with drinking water
- Soil microorganism accelerator
Vermi Tea
Materials - (1:2)
- 1 kg Kangkong
- 3kg Vermicast
- 1 kg Kamote tops/leguminous plants
- 2kg Molasses
- 1 kg Banana stalks
- 250ml each IMO,LABS, FAA, FPJ, FFJ
- 1.5 kg molasses
- 60L drum
Usage - 50L water
- 1 aerator
- Plants – Natural growth enhancer. Nitrogen fertilizer.
- Animals - Natural growth enhancer . mix with drinking water USAGE

Plants – Plants – Complete foliar fertilizer


- Protein supplement. Good source of nitrogen

- Source of nitrate from fish
- It has various types of amino acid
- Root hormone” makes plant greener
- It gives additional capacity to the plant to flower
- Food for the microorganisms
- Juice is used as foliar fertilizer to induce vegetative growth

Materials – (1:1)

- 1 kg fresh fish, fish scraps, gills, innerts

- 1 kg molasses


- Plants – Nitrogen fertilizer.

- Animals – Protein supplement . mix with drinking water

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