Attachment Agri Chapter 10 - Organic Farming Lyst4833
Attachment Agri Chapter 10 - Organic Farming Lyst4833
Attachment Agri Chapter 10 - Organic Farming Lyst4833
Soil Management -
Buffer Zones: an area
nourishing the soil
located between a
naturally by using
certified production
compost, natural mineral
powders and green manure. operation or portion of a
production operation and
Crop rotation, inter-
an adjacent land area
cropping and minimal
that is not maintained
tillage is also used to
under organic management
improve soil fertility.
Organic Certification:
Organic certification system is a quality assurance
initiative, intended to assure quality, prevent fraud and
promote commerce, based on set of standards and ethics.
It is a process certification for producers of organic
food and other organic plant products.
Certificat QUALITY