Artículo de Na2S2O3
Artículo de Na2S2O3
Artículo de Na2S2O3
It is known that the production reaction of sodium thiosulfate which consists of the reaction of Na2SO3 with sulfur is considerably
slow. Ultrasound energy was used to increase the conversion fraction of sulfur and to accelerate the production reaction of
Na2S2O3, and the effect of ultrasonic energy on the reaction kinetics was investigated. The particle size, reaction temperature,
concentration of Na2SO3 solution and amplitude of ultrasound power were chosen as parameters. The experiments were
performed in the absence and presence of ultrasound. Considering the results the reaction is chemically controlled first order and
the activation energy is equal to 42 kJ/mol in both cases. The results indicated that the ultrasound energy increased the reaction
speed but it did not vary the activation energy. The effect of ultrasound is on the pre-exponential factor A. Finally, an empirical
relation is given which relates the rate constant to ultrasound power.
150 2004 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim DOI: 10.1002/ceat.200401905 Chem. Eng. Technol. 2004, 27, 1
Full Paper
reaction kinetics. The excess amount of Na2SO3 solution was For a first chemical reaction with respect to A,
used for running out the sulfur in the experiments. Experi-
ments were conducted in both the presence (ultrasound Al + bBs ® productsl (2)
power: 26.15 W) and absence of ultrasound to ascertain the
the shringing core model is expressed as
effect of ultrasound. In all the experiments, a stirring rate of
600 rpm was applied with a magnetic stirrer to avoid particles Rc Rt
-rB drc bk CA dt (3)
settling in the reactor. Conversion time data obtained with R0 0
various concentrations of Na2SO3 solution, particle sizes and
temperatures are given in Tab. 1; it can be clearly seen that where,
ultrasound enhances the reaction rates. !
Diffusion-controlled and kinetically controlled ªshrinking rc bks CA
R0 1 t (4)
coreº models [12] have been applied to the rate data; R0 rB
regression analysis revealed that the kinetically controlled !
NB0 rc 1=3
first-order rate model fits the rate data better than the other CA CA0 1 X and 1 XB (5)
models. VbCA0 B R0
Table 1. Percent dissolved S vs time at various Na2SO3 concentrations, particle sizes, temperatures.
Time (min) ±10+20 ±20+30 ±30+40 ±40+45 ±10+20 ±20+30 ±30+40 ±40+45
Temperature (K)
Time (min) 313 323 333 343 313 323 333 343
Chem. Eng. Technol. 2004, 27, 2 2004 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 151
Full Paper
1=3 bks CA
1 1 XB t (6) 0
rB R0 ultrasound
-1 non-ultrasound
R0 rB 1=3 -2
t 1 1 XB (7)
bks CA -3
ln k
R0 rB
s (8) -5
bkS CA
s-values were estimated by means of linear regression -7
analysis (R2 = 0.969). s-values were calculated for particle size,
concentration of Na2SO3 solution, and temperature1). 2.9 2.95 3 3.05 3.1 3.15 3.2 3.25
The s vs particle size plot is given in Fig. 1; a linear relation is (1/T) x 10- 3 (K)
obtained according to Eq. (8). The ln(s) vs ln(CA) plot in Fig. 2 Figure 3. Arrhenius plot.
has a slope of 0.94, approximately equal to 1. These results
confirm that the rate equation (6) describes the rate data
sufficiently well. factor; for example, the collision of SO3±2 ions with elemental
sulfur, S2O3±2 ions with elemental sulfur in the crystal lattice,
SO3±2 ions with S2O3±2 ions in the aqueous phase, and also the
steric factor.
ultrasound Ea =RT
k Ae (9)
τ (min.)
To investigate the effect of ultrasound power on the reaction
kinetics, controlled setting of power input is required. The
2000 amplitude setting of the generator is used for this purpose. A
linear dependence is obtained between amplitude setting and
power input measured by the calorimetric method [13].
0 The dependence of the reaction kinetics on ultrasound
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 power is usually expressed by the following relation [14]:
R0 (mm)
9 where EW is the ultrasonic enhancement factor, calculated as
7 EW = (11)
knon ultrasound
1:4 5050=T
The activation energy of the reaction is estimated from the k 4785 1 0:125 W e (13)
Arrhenius plot (Fig. 3) as 42 kJ/mol from ultrasound
experiments and 42 kJ/mol from non-ultrasound experiments. Finally, the rate expression can be summarized as follows:
Thus, the ultrasound does not influence the activation energy
of the reaction; its effect is solely focused on the pre- R0 rB
exponential factor A in Eq. (9), which embraces the collision bCA 4785 10:125W e 5050=T
± 1 1 XS (14)
1) List of symbols at the end of the paper.
152 2004 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Chem. Eng. Technol. 2004, 27, 2
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Table 2. Rate constant k and ultrasound enhancement factor EW at various Ultrasound affects the pre-exponential factor A by enhancing
temperatures and ultrasound power.
primarily the collision of SO3±2 ions with elemental sulfur. Our
T (K ) Ultrasound k 10±4 EW opinion is that ultrasound enhances the attack of SO3±2 ions on
power (W) (cm/min) the elemental sulfur, this facilitates the formation of S2O3±2
313 0 4.940 1 ions.
323 0 9.980 1 Received: July 7, 2003 [CET 1905]
333 0 15.30 1
343 0 20.10 1
Symbols used
313 26.15 33.10 6.70
W [W] ultrasound power
0,5 rB [mol/dm3] molar density of solid reactant
0,4 s [min] time for complete conversion of solid
0,3 particle
0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 References
XS (Experimental)
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